Do suksham pranayam before practising tratak because this sadhana requires mental peace. If your mind is not peaceful or comfortable, you cannot be successful. With suksham pranayama you can control your mind. Rules of suksham pranayama: Sit in sukhasan without any body movement and take in and release long deep breaths slowly. This has to be done for 21 days regularly for 15 minutes a day. It will be better to start trarak sadhana after this. For tratak sadhana: 1. Sit on a blanket in sukhasna or sidhasna and keep back, neck and spine straight. 2. Keep negative thoughts and lust away from your mind. 3. Do tratak with dedication, patience and concentration. 4. Always practise in a closed room and be by yourself. 5. It is effective if practised at a fixed place and time. 6. Out of the three ways of practising tratak, choose the one with which you feel comfortable. 7. Try to spend more or equal time in this sadhana as you spend on the first day. 8. Leave all addictions. 9. Those suffering from tuberculosis, heart diseases, leprosy and eye diseases should not practise tratak. 10. While practising, do not move your body. Sit like a statue. 11. Practice after taking bath and wear loose clothes, preferably white. 12. Choose any one of three kriyas and practice it continuously for three months.