Thesis Sample
Thesis Sample
Thesis Sample
A Re se a r ch P a p e r P re se n t e d t o P ro f . Ma . Ca rm e n B . Ca m a ch o Ri za l T e ch n o lo g ic a l Un i ve r si t y
I n P a r t ia l Fu lf i llm e n t o f t h e Re qu i re m e n t s in E n g li sh 2
S u b m it t e d By
B e rn a rd A lla n A . C a ca wa Ma y 2 0 1 1
T h is ch a p t e r d e a l s wi t h t h e I n t ro d u ct i o n o f t h e co n d u ct e d re se a r ch , T h e I m p o rt a n ce o f t h e p ro b l e m a n d t h e S t a t e m e n t o f t h e p r o b le m .
I nt ro duc ti on
A cc id e n t s t h e se d a ys ca n b e se ve re l y d a n ge ro u s t o p e o p le . T h e re a re m a n y t yp e s o f a cc id e n t s wh ich o ccu r in o u r co u n t r y. A n a c c id e n t is a sp e cif ic , u n p re d i ct a b le , u n u su a l a n d u n in t e n d e d e xt e r n a l a ct io n wh i ch o ccu rs in a p a rt ic u la r t im e a n d p la c e , wit h n o a p p a re n t a n d d e lib e ra t e ca u se b u t wit h m a rke d e f f e ct s. I t im p lie s a ge n e ra l l y n e ga t i ve o u t co m e wh i ch m a y h a ve b e e n a vo id e d o r p r e ve n t e d h a d ci rcu m st a n ce s l e a d in g up to the a ccid e n t been re co gn i ze d , acted upon, p rio r to it s
A s t h e m a in f o cu s o f t h is re se a rc h p a p e r a n d a s o n e o f t h e le a d in g ca u se s o f d e a t h in t h e P h il ip p in e s, I ch o o se t h e ca u se s o f ro a d a cc id e n t s wi t h in Me t ro Ma n i la . I a lso in c lu d e d t h e re a so n s o f ro a d a cc id e n t s a n d t h e p re ve n t i ve m e a su r e t o a vo id ro a d a c cid e n t s.
I mp or ta nc e o f the S t ud y
S ta te me nt o f the P rob l e m
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals with the review of the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings about the conducted research.
ACCIDENTS An accident is a specific, unpredictable, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent and deliberate cause but with marked effects. It implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence. Experts in the field of injury prevention avoid use of the term 'accident' to describe events that cause injury in an attempt to highlight the predictable and preventable nature of most injuries. Such incidents are viewed from the perspective of epidemiology - predictable and preventable. Preferred words are more descriptive of the event itself, rather than of its unintended nature (e.g., collision, drowning, fall, etc.) Accidents of particularly common types (auto, fire, etc.) are investigated to identify how to avoid them in the future. This is sometimes called root cause analysis, but does not generally apply to accidents that cannot be deterministically predicted. A root cause of an uncommon and purelyrandom accident may never be identified, and thus future similar accidents remain "accidental." Types Physical and non-physical Physical examples include, e.g., unintended collisions or falls, being injured by touching something sharp, hot, or electrical, or ingesting poison. Non-physical examples are, e.g., unintentionally revealing a secret or otherwise saying something incorrectly, forgetting an appointment, etc.
By activity
Accidents during the execution of work or arising out of it are called work accidents. In contrast, leisure-related accidents are mainly sports injuries.
By vehicle
Road accidents now 4th leading cause of death -- DOH Posted at 11/07/2008 12:54 AM | Updated as of 11/07/2008 12:54 AM Road accidents are now the fourth leading cause of death in the Philippines according to the Department of Health (DOH) as proved by the string of highway mishaps during the past weeks. In a road safety seminar at the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Dr. Cecile Magturo of the DOH said fatigue due to long driving hours contribute greatly to drivers losing control of their vehicles. Drivers are bent on trying to reach their quota, that is where we have problems, accompanied by fatigue, she said in the vernacular. While road accidents caused by human error accounted only for a small two percent of the total rate, Magturo said she still blames operators and concerned agencies for their insufficient safety policies. It the trend continues, health officials said they fear that road accidents could become the leading cause of deaths in the country by the year 2020. All about attitude According to Vip Isada of the Automobile Association of the Philippines, road accidents can be prevented if drivers correct their driving behavior. "Driving is behavioral, says Isada. When you say behavioral that means its what you believe yourself, that is how you would drive. Its only necessary that you believe that when its red it means stop, not stop when you see its green.
However, the long driving hours remains an issue among drivers of public utility vehicles. Driver Gerry Arcilla said he usually starts his daily grind at 4 a.m. He drives for 18 straight hours until 12 midnight. Sometimes its being sleepy, said Arcilla in the vernacular. Thats the main problem of drivers sleepiness. When fatigue sets in, it is not unusual for driver to become irritable. This, according to health experts lead to driving errors and accidents. This is why the Land Transportation Office (LTO) plans to issue a circular that will limit the working hours of bus and jeepney drivers. There should be a limit on the number of hours that they can drive, said LTO chief Asec. Alberto Suansing also in the vernacular. With a report from Alex Santos, ABSCBN News 2,500 caught speeding along 'killer highway' Posted at 03/30/2011 10:17 PM | Updated as of 03/31/2011 11:02 AM MANILA, Philippines About 2,500 motorists have already been caught violating the speed limit in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) said. The speed limit was implemented early this year. The 12.4-kilometer stretch of road has been known as a killer highway for the high number of accidents that occur in the area. This prompted MMDA to implement a 60-kph speed limit to regulate the speed of the vehicles. MMDA said around 80% of offenders were private vehicles, while 20% were public vehicles, which includes government vehicles. MMDA is planning to enforce similar speed limit regulations along Roxas Blvd., Osmea Blvd and C-5 Road.
Leading Causes of Road Accidents in the Philippines June 29th, 2010 On my way to work this morning, we were slowed down by traffic caused by yet another car accident. This time it involved a car and a pick-up truck. I am glad nobody was hurt, but I felt sad because the car was brand new and the pick-up had nice truck accessories. And more importantly, the accident could have been prevented had either one been more patient and more cognizant of traffic rules. Which made me think about the leading causes of road accidents here in the country. I got the figures from Yahoo Answers: Cause - Number / Frequency (%) 1. Driver Error - 4,222 / 25.72 2. Speeding - 2,908 / 17.71 3. Mechanical Defects - 2,003 / 12.20 4. Overtaking - 2,042 / 12.44 5. Turning - 1,543 / 9.40 6. Overloading - 1,174 / 7.15 7. Self Accidents - 806 / 4.91 8. Road Defects - 783 / 4.77 9. Hit and Run - 673 / 4.10 10. Others - 123 / 0.75 11. Drunk Driving - 94 / 0.57 12. Using Cellular Phones - 47 / 0.29
CHAPTER III PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the results of the conducted survey and its interpretation Profile of the students A. Gender Gender Male Female TOTAL Frequency 3 11 14 Percentage 21% 79% 100%
Table A shows that the number of female respondents is dominant than the number of male respondents. The female respondents are composed of 11 students which are 79% of the total number of respondents while the male respondents are composed of 3 students which are 21%. B. Age Range Age 16 17 19, 20, 22 TOTAL FREQUENCY 2 9 3 14 Percentage 14% 65% 21% 100%
Table B shows that respondents are ranging from 16 to 22 years of age. 14% from the 16 years olds, 65% from the 17 year olds, 7% from the 19 years olds same with the 20 years olds and 22 years olds.
INCIDENTS Driver Error Road Defects Mechanical Defects Drunk Driving Using Cellular phone while driving Overloading Overspeeding Turning/Swerving
1 6
3 2
4 2 1 2
5 1 3 1 2
7 2
8 1 1 3
4 1 7 1 3 3 2 1
2 2 1 2 4 3
2 1
1 4 3
2 1 3
2 1 2 1
1 2 3 6 1 4
4 3
In Table 2, Drunk Driving got the highest rating being the highest occurring incidents of road accidents within Metro Manila as rated by the respondents. Secondly, it follows by Road defects. Then, Overloading got on the third place. After overloading, Ove rspeeding takes place on fourth. Then, Road defects take place on fifth. Next is Turning/Swerving on sixth place and seventh place. Then, Mechanical defects also on the seventh place. Lastly, Using cellular phone while driving is on the eight and final place of the occurring incidents of road accidents within Metro Manila as rated by the respondents.
REASONS Lack of Discipline Violation of Traffic Rules Lack/Limited in Driving Knowledge Inattentiveness Lack in Traffic Equipment Lack of Vehicle Maintenance Sudden change in weather Eeriness
1 7 3 2 1
2 2 5 1
4 3
5 1 1 2 1
6 1
4 2 5
1 4 2 1 1
1 2 6 2 2 4 2 3
2 1 1 2 3 5
2 2
3 4 2
2 2 1
1 1 1 1
In Table 3, Lack of Discipline got the highest rating being the Most Reasons of road accidents within Metro Manila as rated by the
respondents. Secondly, it follows by Violation of traffic rules. Then, Inattentiveness got on the third place. After that, La ck/Limited on driving knowledge takes place on fourth. Then, Sudden change on weather takes place on fifth. Next is Lack in traffic equipment on sixth place. Then, Lack in Vehicle Maintenance on the seventh place. Lastly, Eeriness (dark long road tunnels, balete drives, etc.) is on the eight and final place of the reasons of road accidents within Metro Manila as rated by the
Preventive Measures Seminar about Proper driving Implement a speed limit Training programs for drivers Always check the vehicles BLOWBAG The Government should allot budget for roads Always have discipline while driving Avoid Long trips during night Avoid Overloading
1 4 1 2 2 1 1
2 2 2 3 4
3 3 1 2 2 1
5 1
6 2 2 1
7 1 2 2 1
8 1
4 1 2 2 3 1
2 2 3 3 1 1 1
1 2 4 2
4 1 3 1
2 1 4 5
1 1
In Table 4, Seminar about Proper Driving got the highest rating being the Most Preventive measures to avoid road accidents as rated by the respondents. Secondly, it follows by Always check the vehicles BLOW BAG got on second place and on fifth place. Then, Always have Discipline while driving got on third place. After that, Implement a speed limit got on fourth place. Then, The Government should allot budget for road defect got on seventh place and also got on fifth place. Lastly, Avoid Long trips at night are on the eight and final place of the Preventive measures to avoid road accidents as rated by the respondents.
CHAPTER IV Conclusion and Recommendations This chapter deals with the conclusions or the final results of the conducted research and the recommendation for the problem
1. Majority of the respondents are female between 16 to 20 years of age. 2. Drunk driving is the most causing incident of road accidents within Metro Manila while using cellular phone while driving is the least causing incident of road accident within Metro Manila as identified by the respondents. 3. Lack of Discipline is the most identified reason of road accidents within Metro Manila while using Eeriness is the least identified reason of road accidents within Metro Manila as identified by the respondents. 4. Proper driving is the most suggested preventive measure to avoid road accidents while Avoid Overloading is the least suggested preventive measure to avoid road accidents as identified by the respondents.
1. The Land Transportation Office should conduct seminars about proper driving in avoidance of road accidents. 2. All drivers should always check the condition of their vehicle and always obey traffic rules to avoid road accidents. 3. The Government sh ould allot budget for the construction of new roads and repairing defect roads. 4. A driver must avoid long trips during at night and always follow speed limits implemented by the government. 5. A driver must always have discipline while or before driving to avo id road accidents
NAME (OPTIONAL): _____________________GENDER:____________________ AGE: ___________ DIRECTION: Please rate the following choice from 1 (Highest) to 8 (Lowest) 1. Incidents of Road Accidents within Metro Manila Driver Error Road Defects Mechanical Defects Drunk Driving Using Cellular phone while driving Overloading Over speeding Turning/Swerving 2. Reasons of Road Accidents within Metro Manila Lack of Discipline Violation of Traffic Rules Lack/Limited in Driving Knowledge In attentiveness Lack in Traffic Equipment Lack of Vehicle Maintenance Sudden change in weather Eerie (dark long road tunnel, balete drives, etc.) 3. Preventive measure to avoid Road Accidents Seminar about Proper Driving Implement a speed limit Training programs for Drivers
Always check the vehicles BLOWBAG (Brake, Lights, Oil, Water, Battery, Air, and Gasoline)
The Government should allot budget for road defects Always have disciple while driving Avoid long trips during night Avoid Overloading
ABS-CBN NEW S OFFICIAL W EBSITE: -manila/03/30/11/2500 -caught-speeding-alongkiller-highway -manila/11/06/08/road accidents-now-4th-leading-cause-death-doh -causes-of-road-accidentsin-the-philippines/ Department of health official website: