This document contains questions for a Computer Science and Engineering exam on system software. It includes questions on text editors, assemblers, loaders, macro processors, compilers, and lexical analysis. Specifically, it asks about the differences between line editors and graphic editors, editor operation modes, scrolling algorithms, assembler directives, two-pass assembly, absolute loading algorithms, macro tables, dynamic linking, syntax vs semantics, recursive descent parsing, code generation for assignments and arrays, and lexical analysis of arithmetic expressions.
This document contains questions for a Computer Science and Engineering exam on system software. It includes questions on text editors, assemblers, loaders, macro processors, compilers, and lexical analysis. Specifically, it asks about the differences between line editors and graphic editors, editor operation modes, scrolling algorithms, assembler directives, two-pass assembly, absolute loading algorithms, macro tables, dynamic linking, syntax vs semantics, recursive descent parsing, code generation for assignments and arrays, and lexical analysis of arithmetic expressions.
This document contains questions for a Computer Science and Engineering exam on system software. It includes questions on text editors, assemblers, loaders, macro processors, compilers, and lexical analysis. Specifically, it asks about the differences between line editors and graphic editors, editor operation modes, scrolling algorithms, assembler directives, two-pass assembly, absolute loading algorithms, macro tables, dynamic linking, syntax vs semantics, recursive descent parsing, code generation for assignments and arrays, and lexical analysis of arithmetic expressions.
This document contains questions for a Computer Science and Engineering exam on system software. It includes questions on text editors, assemblers, loaders, macro processors, compilers, and lexical analysis. Specifically, it asks about the differences between line editors and graphic editors, editor operation modes, scrolling algorithms, assembler directives, two-pass assembly, absolute loading algorithms, macro tables, dynamic linking, syntax vs semantics, recursive descent parsing, code generation for assignments and arrays, and lexical analysis of arithmetic expressions.
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Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, January /February 2005
Computer Scienre and Engineering {Old Scheme) System Software 'T'hne; :I hrs.J (Max. Marks J 00 Note: Answer any FNE run questions. 1. (a) What are the differences between line editor and graphic -d1tor' 1 (' Moru) (b) Explain the different editor operation modes. (7 Mar lui) (c) Give an a.lgoriUun for scrolling in editor dcsi.g11. Mnrlul) 2. (a) List all lhe instruction.s that n.Jfeci conditional flags iu a SIC < Murk) (b) Explain supervutor call (SVC interrupt) on SIC/XE machiue. (ti (c) Write a progrrun for SfC(XE m/c lo evaluate tbe expression 2A i 6B=Z. Assume whatever ia lllld tneAt.ion ii clearly. Give conu.tcob. (T Morb) 3. (a) Lisl all the assembler used in SIC/XE. Explain each one with eJC.ample. (J O Marks) (I.} Write the first pan for a two assembler laking literal operands.(10 Mo.rb) 4. (a) L; morl' than two passes required for an Give extlmpl<" and your statement. {Limitations should not be considered). (JO MIU'ko) (b) Write an absolute load(lr nlgorithm. (c) How does the object p.rogram specify iustrudion to relocn.tion loades? ( Marko) G. (1\} Write a one-pass macro processor algoritllm. (10 Moub) (b) List the different tables used for a macro processor. Explain t h .. ir !unctions. (0 Maks) (c) Explain dynamic linking loader function briefly. (4 Mo.rlul) 6. (a) Give an example to differentiate between syntax and semantics. (6 Mo.rk.<) (h) Write a recursive parsing aJgorit11m !or au n$sigmucut statement. ( 10 Marks) For More Question Papers Visit -
7. (a) code-genernl ion process for assignment statement VARIANCE:=SUMSQ DH' 100 - MEANMEAN (h) How does a. compiler search (or the identifier in nested block? (c) Write the code generation (or two dimensiounl array. 8. ( 11.) Explain how lbe lelricaJ annlyzer recognize the IF statement. IF(X > n) { ) (10 Mrlr.) (t Mark) ( \ioru) ( 10 Maru) (h) Write a YtU:c program to recognize a valid aritbmc:tic that uses I . I. . The tokens are p;u;sed fr<>m a lex program. (to Mart.) For More Question Papers Visit -