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Course 5. Surveying (Web Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof. J. K.

Ghosh Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667 Uttranchal Email : gjkumfce@iitr.ernet.in Telephone : (91-1332) Off : 285429 285456

Res :

Detailed Syllabus: INTRODUCTION: (4) L1: Basic definitions, objectives, divisions and Importance of Surveying to Engineers; L2: Classification and Principles of Surveying, Overview of Land Surveying; L3, L4: Surveying measurements and errors. BASIC SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS: (6) L5: Tape and Compass, Principle of reversal, EDM & accessories- Basic Principle, Errors, Precausions and Problems; L6, L7: Level Different types (Dumpy, IOP & Digital) and their salient parts, Working Principle, Temporary and Parmanent adjustments, Sensitivity of level Tube, Errors and mistakes, Leveling Staff; L8, L9: Theodolite- Different types (Transit and Digital) and their salient parts Basic terms, Fundamental lines, Temporary and Parmanent adjustments, Errors and mistakes in theodolite; L10: Tacheometer; Total Station; GPS receiver; MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCE: (3) L11: Basic definitions, Methods, Ranging; L12: Errors-types, Corrections and Precausions; L13: Field problems and their solutions; DETERMINATION OF ELEVATION: (7) L14: Basic Definitions, Curvature & Refraction, Methods; L 15: Differential leveling and field book note , L 16: Reciprocal Leveling; L 17: Profile leveling; L 18: Trigonometric leveling, Errors & Mistakes in leveling, Error propagation; L 19, 20: Contouring- definition, characteristics, methods and applications. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND DIRECTION: (3) L 21: Basic Definitions- meridians, declination-variations, local attraction, Methods; L 22: Methods of repeatition and reiteration; L 23: Errors and mistakes, Corrections and Accuracy ; TACHOMETRY: (3) L 24: Introduction, Basic definitions, Methods, fundamental principles;

L 25: Stadia System- fundamentals, Anallactic lens; L 26: Subtence bar method , Errors, CONTROL ESTABLISHMENT: (8) L 27: Introduction- Class, Accuracy; L 28, 29, 30, 31: Traversing - Introduction, types, Procedure; Traverse computation- balancing, Omitted measurements, Sources of Errors, Checking and adjustment of traverse, Level nets, Coordinate computation; (4) L 32, 33: Triangulation- Principle and classification, general specification, Errors, accuracy, satellite station;(2) L 34: Trilateration- Principle, Methods, Errors, accuracy; (1) MAPPING CONCEPTS (3): L 35: Fundamentals, Scales, Sheet numbering; L 36: Conventional symbols, Plotting accuracy, Generalisation; L 37: Map Projection and Coordinate system. PLANE TABLE SURVEYING: (6) L 38: Instruments, Telescopic alidade L 39: Basic definitions, Advantages & dis-advantages; L 40: Setting of instruments, methods, L 41: Two and Three- point problem, L 42: Strength of fix/figure, Errors, Precausions, L 43: Plotting of details including contours. CURVES: (5) L 44: Basic definitions, Different types and their characteristics, L 45, 46, 47, 48 : Geometry, Setting out, Field problem of Circular curve, Transition curve, Combined Curve and Vertical curve; ENGINEERING SURVEY(4) L 49, 50: General requirements and specifications for Engineering project surveys, Reconnaissance, Preliminary and Locations surveys for highway, railway and canals; L 51: Layout of culverts, canals, bridges and buildings; L 52: Tunnels survey- correlation of underground and surface surveys, shafts.

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