Monday: Teacher: Week Of: Students: Friday Assessment: Book Title: DRA Level: Take Home Book Title
Monday: Teacher: Week Of: Students: Friday Assessment: Book Title: DRA Level: Take Home Book Title
Monday: Teacher: Week Of: Students: Friday Assessment: Book Title: DRA Level: Take Home Book Title
1. Activate/Build Background Knowledge by discussing the topic of the book and making connections. 2. Orientation to new book: Title ~ What does the title tell you about the book?, front cover ~ What do you think book is about? 3. Build schema ~ What do you know about (topic of book) ? students share 4. Picture walk through the book. 5. Is this a fiction/nonfiction book? Explain why. 6. Model Teaching Point: One-to-one correspondence Using picture clues (meaning) Monitoring unknown words Rereading at difficulty Crosschecking picture and first letter
1. Discuss the reading strategies used during the reading. Eagle Eye Lips the Fish Stretchy Snake Chunky Monkey Skippy Frog Tryin Lion EX: What did you do when you come to a word you could not read? How did the pictures help you read the words?
2. Discuss the reading strategies that can be used during reading. Eagle Eye Lips the Fish Stretchy Snake Chunky Monkey Skippy Frog
Tryin Lion
1. Students choral read in individual books while the teacher: Listens to individual students, offering support as needed. Monitors for fluency. Provides strategy cue support. Gathers information for re-teaching on notes page.
2. Teacher and students choral read book. 3. Choral read take home book.
1. Comprehending the Text What was the book about? Retell the story if appropriate. * Refer to Guided Reading Questions for examples. Before Reading (5 mins) 1. Conduct a mini-lesson that introduces or reviews a reading comprehension skill that students need practice with. *Refer to Comprehension Skills List for ideas 2. Conduct a mini-lesson that introduces or reviews a reading skill that students need practice with. *Refer to Reading Skills List for ideas
1. As a group retell the story. *Refer to retelling checklist 2. Review key vocabulary. Locate the words in the story.
1. Students whisper read in individual books while the teacher: Listens and observes. Monitors for fluency. Provides strategy cue support. Gathers information for re-teaching on notes page.
1. Comprehending the Text Have students retell the story to a partner or teacher. Teacher can use retelling checklist.
Reads the text softly or uses choral/echo reading. Begins to control word by word matching across two lines of text, pointing with one finger. Tracks print with eyes, using finger only at points of difficulty. Understands main concepts in the story and illustrations. Talks about ideas in the text. Remembers and uses language patterns in the text. Pays close attention to the print. Uses sound/letter relationships and pictures to figure out words. Recognizes many words quickly and automatically. Solves new words independently. Rereads to figure out words, self correct or improve expression. Reads fluently, paying attention to punctuation. Rereads to search for meaning and accuracy. Other
Comprehension Skills
Tapping Prior Knowledge Teaching students to tap into their prior knowledge on a topic before reading a story helps
students make connections between what they already know and what they are about to learn. It also provides a purpose for reading which keeps students actively engaged while reading.
Predicting Predicting what the story may be about, prior to reading, gives students a purpose for reading (to find out if their
predictions are correct). Encourage students to modify their predictions as they read through the story if they find clues that suggest that their initial predictions are incorrect.
Cause and Effect The reason something happens is the cause. What happens as a result is the effect. Looking for causes
and effects can help students better understand what they read.
Context Clues When students are reading, they may come across a word that they do not know. Sometimes the context,
or other words in the sentence, may help give them clues to the meaning.
Story Elements Identify the story elements (setting, characters, problem, events, and solution) in a fictional story. Skim & Scan Teach students to skim & scan a story when they are looking for an answer to a question, reviewing the story,
or trying to find key information. To skim & scam, students look for key words or concepts without actually reading every word on the page.
Reading Skills
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
match/say the first sound delete a syllable from a word orally blend phonemes into words
completes phrases and/or sentences with rhyming words separates words into syllables and/or sounds isolates beginning, middle, and final sounds
Retelling Checklist
Student Name ________________________________________ Book Title _____________________________________________ Date _____/______/_______ DRA Level ________
SETTING: Told when story happened. Told where the story happened. CHARACTERS: Told about the main character. Told about the other characters. PROBLEM: Told about the problem in the story. HAPPENINGS: (events between problem and solution): Told about ____ happenings in the story. SOLUTION: Told the solution to the problem in the story. COMMENTS:
My connection
This is me!
My connection