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Gpon Tutorials

at 8:56 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

ODN of Fiber Access Network Network elements Gpon PON - Passive Optical Network Basic concepts of Passive Optical Networks T-CONT Bandwidth Terms GPON Framing Optical Power Attenuation GPON Protocols GPON Technology What is a PON ? Optical networking and network topology GPON fundamentals ISAM 7342 GPON 7342 ISAM FTTU based solutions Gigabit Passive Optical Network Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network Tutorial PON properties Splitter Gpon Basics Advantages of fiber Fiber Optic Tutorial

1. ODN of Fiber Access Network

at 6:01 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments













Feeder Optical Cable, Distribution Point, Distribution Optical Cable, Access Point and Drop Cable.

+ Drop Cable is the most difficult part in the 5 parts of ODN deployment, u sually be separated as Home pass and Home entry. + FMS (Fiber Management System) is used for maintenance and trouble location. + FMP(Fibre Management point ) is easy for trouble location and link loss detection.

+ The ODN construction cost accounts for 72% of total FTTH network construction cost. ODN deployment mode impacts network construction cost and deeply relates to city planning, so ODN must deployed in one- stop.

2. Network elements Gpon

at 9:02 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

ONT Alcatel

A PON takes advantage of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), using one wavelength for downstream traffic and another for upstream traffic on a single Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber (ITU-T G.652). BPON, EPON, GEPON, and GPON have the same basic wavelength plan and use the 1,490 nanometer (nm) wavelength for downstream traffic and 1310 nm wavelength for upstream traffic. 1550 nm is reserved for optional overlay services, typically RF (analog) video.

As with bit rate, the standards describe several optical budgets, most common is 28 dB of loss budget for both BPON and GPON, but products have been announced using less expensive optics as well. 28 dB corresponds to about 20 km with a 32-way split. Forward error correction (FEC) may provide another 23 dB of loss budget on GPON systems. As optics improve, the 28 dB budget will likely increase. Although both the GPON and EPON protocols permit large split ratios (up to 128 subscribers for GPON, up to 32,768 for EPON), in practice most PONs are deployed with a split ratio of 1x32 or smaller.

A PON consists of a central office node, called an optical line terminal (OLT), one or more user nodes, called optical network units (ONUs) or optical network terminals (ONTs), and the fibers and splitters between them, called the optical distribution network (ODN). ONT is an ITU-T term to describe a special, single-user case of an ONU. In

Multiple Tenant Units, the ONU may be bridged to a customer premises device within the individual dwelling unit using technologies such as Ethernet over twisted pair, G.hn (a high-speed ITU-T standard that can operate over any existing home wiring - power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables) or DSL. An ONU is a device that terminates the PON and presents customer service interfaces to the user. Some ONUs implement a separate subscriber unit to provide services such as telephony, Ethernet data, or video.

OLT Alcatel

The OLT provides the interface between the PON and the service providers network services. These typically include: Internet Protocol (IP) traffic over gigabit/s, 10 Gbit/s, or 100 Mbit/s Ethernet..

standard time division multiplexed (TDM) interfaces such as SONET or Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Usernetwork interface (UNI) at 155622 Mbit/s The ONT or ONU terminates the PON and presents the native service interfaces to the user. These services can include voice (plain old telephone service (POTS) or voice over IP (VoIP)), data (typically Ethernet or V.35), video, and/or telemetry (TTL, ECL, RS530, etc.). Often, the ONU functions are separated into two parts:

The ONU, which terminates the PON and presents a converged interface such as xDSL, coax, or multiservice Ethernet toward the user, and network termination equipment (NTE), which provides the separate, native service interfaces directly to the user

Splitter 1:16

A PON is a shared network, in that the OLT sends a single stream of downstream traffic that is seen by all ONUs. Each ONU only reads the content of those packets that are addressed to it. Encryption is used to prevent eavesdropping on downstream traffic.

Source : Alcatel And Wikipedia

3. PON - Passive Optical Network

at 1:53 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

The PON, is a concept in it's infancy. If they can ever get the Genie out of the bottle, and get it to work as envisioned (in the network core). . . PON promises to be the most revolutionary idea since the development of car engines that run on hydrogen and water.

With PONs, one access line can be shared among multiple buildings--and it can be done at a minimal cost. That's because PONs use low-cost components that don't require a lot of care and upkeep. As a result, PONs cost a fraction of what it takes to run new fiber or rework existing Sonet (synchronous optical network) rings.

Right now PON is last-mile - and they have come a long way, and several flavors are already available - APON (ATM PON), BPON (Broadband PON), EPON (Ethernet PON), and GPON (Gigabit PON). Standards are in place for PON networks; the two most important are the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standards G983.1, Broadband Optical Access Systems Based on Passive Optical Networks (PON), and G983.2, ONT Management and Control Interface Specification for B-PON.

Currently, the most promising application for PONs is as an optical feeder for telcos, cable TV companies and wireless providers. PONs complement emerging broadband access technologies such as xDSL (copper), HFC (coax) and LMDS (wireless), rather than competing against them, by allowing for shorter access drops and higher

bandwidth. Because it provides a low cost, high bandwidth, fault-tolerant solution for carriers interested in delivering lucrative revenue generating broadband services, PON is the best solution for the next generation broadband local loop.

CO to User - PONs allow offer multiple data paths by bundling together multiple light wavelengths (up to 32 at present) so they can be carried over a single access line from the carrier's central office (CO) to a manhole or controlled environmental vault close to a cluster of customer sites. At that point, the wavelengths are broken out and each one is steered into a different short length of fiber to an individual site.

User to CO - a different scheme is used for collecting traffic traveling in the opposite direction - from user sites to the CO. In this case, each site is given a specific time slot to transmit, using a polling scheme similar to the one used in old IBM networks.

Real-World PON

+ OLT (Optical Line Terminal) - located at the CO, the OLT interfaces with the metropolitan network. It must be high power because it sends optical signals out, which are immediately broken into several streams. The main functionality of the OLT is to adapt the incoming traffic (Voice and Data) from the metropolitan rings into the PON transport layer. + ONT (Optical Network Termination) and ONU (Optical Network Unit) - ONT and ONU are basically the same device - however, the ONT is located at the customer premise, and the ONU isd located outside the home. These devices are the interface between the customer equipment and the PON. They talk to the OLT via the PON.

+ PON Splitters - With a single PON splitter, 32 subscribers can be served with two-way ATM. This way, it is not necessary to include a lot of add/ drop multiplexers and install the dreaded OSP cabinet. The PON splitters can be arranged in star, ring, or tree configurations to increase reliability.

Optical Network Unit (ONU) or an Optical Network Termination (ONT) receives the optical signal and converts it into an electrical signal for use in the customer premises. (ONTs are used when the fiber extends into the customer premise, whereas ONUs are used when fiber is terminated outside of the home.) DSL then brings the signal to the customer premises.

Although PON has a long way to go, there have been some very exciting advances made in the field. A PON system typically consists of:

an optical terminal at the customer site that terminates the optical signal and delivers voice and data

an optical switch or other device that sits at the central office to send the PON protocol to the terminal at the customer premises

the passive couplers and splitters that actually sit on the fiber loop

The PON equipment in the loop is placed at a fiber junction to act as a T-connector would on a garden hose, splitting two fibers into eight fibers, for example, to enable multiple customers to share fibers. PON networks can be designed using three different topologies:

Those PON devices on the loop, which can be as small as a pen, typically cost only a couple hundred dollars vs. the hundred of thousand dollars it would cost to install a SONET add/drop multiplexer and the environmentallycontrolled housing and power that would have to go with it. And because PON couplers and splitters are passive, meaning they don't require power, the carrier doesn't have to do as much ongoing maintenance of the equipment because there's no need for backup power or batteries in the outside plant.

PON can decrease the spectral interference created by copper-fed applications like ADSL and DS1, which clash if put in the same cable bundles, and instead roll the DS1 onto a passive fiber. PON is also less expensive to maintain because there are no active loop devices and fiber is less expensive to maintain in the long run than is copper in any case.

PON lets carriers go into new markets and share fibers among residential and small business customers like gas stations, strip malls and smaller establishments with automatic teller machines fed by 56kbps lines. It can also enable carriers to reach buildings that are just out of reach of fiber in a metropolitan network or even in-building networks that want to bring fiber to additional customers.

Types of PON's

APON (ATM PON) - ATM-based PONs (APONs) work just like standard ATM networks. Customers establish Virtual Circuits (VCs) across the APON to a destination, such as another office or the ISP's premises. These VCs are bundled into what's known as Virtual Paths (VPaths) for faster switching in the carrier's network.

The speed of operation depends on whether the APON is symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical APONs operate at OC-3 speeds (155.52Mbit/sec). For Asymmetrical APONs, the downstream transmission from the OLT in the CO to the customer premises ranges from 155.52 to 622.08Mbit/sec. Upstream transmission from the customer premises to the CO occurs at 155.52Mbit/sec. All network topologies support both configurations, unless the fiber extends to the home, in which case asymmetrical operation isn't supported.

The upstream and downstream transmissions occur over two channels, which can be different wavelengths on the same cable or two different cables. The original APON specification called for downstream transmission on a single fiber occuring between 1,480 and 1,580 nanometers (nm); on dual fibers, between 1,260nm and 1,360nm. Upstream transmissions always occur between 1,260nm and 1,360nm.

BPON (Broadband PON) - BPON is an ITU-based standard, based on APON, but uses WDM. It defines how ATM data is encapsulated into frames in groups of 54 cells. AN important group called FSAN (Full Services Access Networks) work with one goal - to find the best way to achieve early and cost-effective deployment of broadband optical access systems. The group is composed of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, BellSouth, France Telecom, British Telecommunications plc, and SBC. They have developed a set of common technical specifications (CTS) for a B-PON system based on ITU-T Recommendations G.983.1, G.983.2 and G.983.3.

EPON (Ethernet PON) - a standard for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON) is being developed in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3ah Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) Task Force. Ethernet PONs are point-to-multipoint fiber optic networks suitable for Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and Fiber to the Building (FTTB) applications. EPON is the newest member of the PON family and is described in detail in the EPON section.

The key difference between Ethernet and ATM PONs is that in Ethernet PONs data is transmitted in variable-length packets of up to 1,518 bytes according to the IEEE 802.3 protocol for Ethernet, whereas in ATM PONs data is transmitted in fixed-length 53 byte cells (with 48 byte payload and 5 byte overhead). The Internet protocol calls

for data to be segmented into variable-length packets of up to 65,535 bytes. For an ATM PON to carry IP traffic the packets must be broken into 48 byte segments with a 5-byte header attached to each one. This process is time consuming and complicated and adds additional cost to the OLT and ONUs. Moreover, 5 bytes of bandwidth are wasted for every 48-byte segment creating an onerous overhead that is commonly referred to as the ATM cell tax. By contrast, Ethernet was tailor made for carrying IP traffic and dramatically reduces the overhead relative to ATM. GPON (Gigabit ethernet PON) - EPON is Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) PON, while GPON is GigE (10 Gbps) PON. Ethernet PONs build on the ITU standard G.983 for ATM PONs and seek to bring to life the dream of a full services access network that delivers converged data, video and voice over a single optical access system.

Video PON's

PON is initially being considered for business office applications; however, it is a perfect technology for disseminating video.

Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) (1.5 Mbps downstream) can support one video channel (actually, hundreds of channels can be accessed, but only one can be watched at a time within a household).

Very High Speed DSL (VDSL) (50 Mbps downstream) can support 7 channels including High-Definition Television (HDTV) which is fine, being the average U.S. household has 2-3 TVs, and PON can provide speeds downstream in the Gigabit range supporting 1000s of TV channels, including HDTV. This is even better than Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) with 35 Mbps downstream, which supports hundreds of TV channels, including HDTV.

AON (Active Optical Network)

To understand PON you must first understand AON, which is used in 99% of today's networks. The biggest hurdle to realization of the infinite bandwidth capabilities of fiber, is the electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical conversions that are required. Telecom companies have built huge SONET networks, comprised of long-haul rings. These rings are like high-speed freeways . . . the problem, is that just as with freeways and cars, the rings needed entrance and exit ramps for data. But instead of ramps - the rings have complex devices called ADM's (Add-Drop Multiplexors). They also need Regenerators (repeaters), since the fibers do have loss, and light will not travel forever is a lossy environment.

AON Equipment

This is the real reason why a "true PON" has yet to be developed - the equipment required is electrical !!

Since fiber rings allow bi-directional data flow, two fibers are required (and another two for backup). The ADM allows removal and insertion of data streams to/from the ring. For example, on an OC-48 ring (a total of 18, OC3's), an ADM may pull out one OC3 and also insert one OC3, while passing all the other traffic straight through. However, since the entire OC-48 is in one stream, it cannot intercept just a single OC3. Instead, it must intercept the entire OC-48, strip out one of the OC-3's, and then mux the incoming customer's OC3 data stream back in with the other 17 OC3's (i.e. reassemble the entire OC-48) and re-transmit. Therefore, an ADM does three things simultaneously:

passes most of the data, along the ring, transparently on the receive fiber - takes incoming optical signals from the ring, converts them to electrical signals, demuxes them and pulls out a portion, and transmits that portion to the end customers on the send fiber - takes electrical signals from customers (quite often these are optical signals that have been converted to electrical), muxes them together with other existing signals received from the ring, converts them to optical signals, and transmits them onto the fiber ring. The regenerators so not strip out data - nor do they insert data. However, they must reshape the signal and amplify it. This requires electrical circuitry, and therefore requires:

conversion from light to electric signal processing - regeneration and amplification conversion from electric to light

The Expense, or In-expense of PON

Whether to use PON or traditional AON (Active Optical Networks) is debatable, due to the high cost of PON. A reasonable goal for PON access to the first telco POP, would be for the subscriber links to support 3.6km at a minimum and 7.2km max. If we further assume every man is born with entitlement to 100Mb/s or 155Mb/s bandwidth, at least until he is an adult, we have many commercially available technologies to choose from. Here is an economically feasible, traditional fiber access system - and the reasons why PON can compete with it:

AON System - 850nm VCSEL lasers over Corning Infinicor SX+ - this system will do GigE (GbE) at 10 Gbps over 3km, and 155Mb/s at 8 km. (verified). Today you can buy 155Mb/s transceivers at $25, and they are projected to drop even more. So the cost of these optics on both ends of the subscribers link is now cheaper than the passive splitters and combiners in the PON ODN, and you have 155Mb/s secure, symmetrical, simple. No $500 optics at the home. No need for complex electronics at the home to assure network fairness and security. PON System - PON devices typically cost only a couple hundred dollars vs. the hundred of thousand dollars it would cost to install a SONET add/drop multiplexer and the environmentally-controlled housing and power that would have to go with it. And because PON couplers and splitters are passive, meaning they don't require power, the carrier doesn't have to do as much ongoing maintenance of the equipment because there's no need for backup power or batteries in the outside plant.

Source : infocellar.com

4. Basic concepts of Passive Optical Networks

at 5:43 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

What is Optical Network? It is a network containing both active and passive elements. Active elements are in Central Office, at customer, in repeaters, switches and etc. All that equipment add cost and complexity to the network. What can be done instead? Passive Optical Network (PON) which had no active components between CO and customer. Passive

equipment has no electrical power needs, it guides the traffic signals contained within specific optical wavelengths. Voice, video and data traffic flows (triple play) can be easily implemented using different wavelengths.

In PON there is no active optical elements at any intermediate points along the network path.

Typical PON, where central office equipment is connected with multiple subscribers using fiber optic network is shown in Figure 1. Central office could contain multiple equipment, such as public switched telephone network switches (PSTN), Ethernet switches, asynchronous transfer mode switches (ATM), IP routers, video-on-demand servers, backup storage systems (high capacity disk arrays and tape-drive libraries).

Passive optical power splitter is allocated near a building (housing complex, apartment or office building, a business park or other campus environment), and is connected to central office using one single-mode optical fiber wire.For the use of subscribers, signal is divided into N paths using splitting device. The power level for each subscriber can be easily calculated, dividing the optical power entering the splitter(P) by number of paths(N). Multiple splitters could be implemented in the specific path (possibly having different splitting ratios). Path can be splitted up to 64 paths, each of them would have individual single-mode fiber, running to each building or serving equipment. In PON, distance from central office to the customer could be up to 20 km, while having active devices only in central office and end terminal.

Active modules in the network can be divided in two main groups: OLT (Optical Line Terminal) located in central office and ONT (Optical Network Terminal) or ONU (Optical Network Unit) at the far end of the network. ONT is just connected directly to customer premises. ONU is allocated somewhere near cluster of homes or business (usually in telecommunication cabinet). ONU is connected to the premises by any twisted-pair wire, such as telephone lines or digital subscriber links or coaxial cable.

ometimes it is more convenient and cheaper to put a single-fiber line from main splitter to distant localized cluster of homes or small business or within a centralized location in the neighborhood. In figure, a small optical splitter is located near the users houses, having one single-fiber line as input and multiple lines as output. Comparing to the long fiber link to each user form the main splitter, this type of network costs much less. ODN (Optical Distribution Network) is a collection of fibers, passive equipment and couplers that are allocated between the OLT and ONTs and ONUs.

Feeder cable is a link connecting central office and the optical splitter, which can split signal up to 32 subscribers. Optical splitter is allocated in 10 km from central office and 1 km from the subscribers. Multiple distribution cables are connected directly to users or to the access terminal (local splice box). Access terminal is connected to users using individual drop cables.

5. T-CONT Bandwidth Terms

at 6:19 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Transmission containers (T-CONTs): Dynamically receives the authorization delivered by the OLT to manage the upstream bandwidth allocation of the PON system TC layer. This improves the upstream bandwidth of the PON system. T-CONT bandwidth types: FB, AB, NAB, and BE Five T-CONT types: Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, and Type5

Relations Between T-CONT Types and Bandwidth Types

Based on the service priority, the system sets an SLA for each ONU to limit the bandwidth of the service. The maximum and minimum bandwidth restricts the bandwidth of each ONU to ensure that the bandwidth varies according to the priority. In general, the voice service is of the highest priority, and the data service is of the lowest priority. The OLT allocates bandwidth according to the service, SLA, and actual ONU conditions. The service with a high priority can be allocated high bandwidth to meet the requirements.

DBA Implementation

T-CONT Type 1 is characterized by the fixed bandwidth only. The assured bandwidth equals the maximum bandwidth and has the highest priority. T-CONT Type 2 is characterized by Assured bandwidth only. The assured bandwidth is the provisioned maximum bandwidth. DBA Type 1 and DBA Type 2 do not participate in the bandwidth competition. If the assured bandwidth exceeds the maximum bandwidth, the extra will be discarded. DBA Type 2 has Assured bandwidth and Non-assured bandwidth. DBA Type 3 will be allocated bandwidth equivalent to its Assured bandwidth, only when it has cells at a rate equivalent to Assured bandwidth or more than Assured bandwidth. Non-assured bandwidth shall be allocated across all T-CONTs with Assured bandwidth that are requesting additional bandwidth in proportion to the Assured bandwidth of the individual T-CONTs on the PON, e.g. Weighted Round Robin method. T-CONT Type 4 has Best-effort bandwidth only. T-CONT Type 4 shall only use bandwidth that has not been allocated as Fixed bandwidth, Assured bandwidth or Non-assured bandwidth to T-CONTs in the PON. Best-effort

bandwidth is allocated to each T-CONT Type 4 equally, e.g. based on the Round Robin method, up to the Maximum bandwidth. T-CONT Type 5 is the super set of all of DBA types. Fixed bandwidth is assigned first. If Fixed bandwidth is insufficient, check whether the assured bandwidth meets the requirement. If yes, the assured bandwidth is assigned. If not, the request for the additional bandwidth is tagged and competes with the DBA 3 tagged bandwidth, eg. based on the Round Robin method. If additional bandwidth is still requested, Best-effort bandwidth is assigned up to the Maximum bandwidth.

AES Encryption of a GPON System

GPON supports the AES128 encryption of downstream broadcast data. Only the payload in the GEM frames can be encrypted. The GPON system periodically changes and updates the AES key to improve the reliability of line data. The OLT initiates the request for changing the AES key, The ONU responds to the request and generates a new key, and sends the new key to the OLT. The AES key is divided into two parts for transmission and is transmitted three times. The OLT switches to the new key after receiving the key, After that, the OLT uses the account of the new key to notify the ONU three times by a corresponding command, and the ONU switches the check key on the corresponding data frames.

Activation Procedure in the ONU

The activation process is performed under the control of the OLT. The ONU responds to messages, which are initiated by the OLT. The ONU adjusts the transmission optical power level based on OLT requirement. The OLT discovers the serial number of a new connected ONU in the broadcast and the random delay way. The OLT assigns an ONU-ID to the ONU. The OLT measures the arrival phase (RTD) of the upstream transmission from the ONU. The OLT notifies the ONU of the EqD. The ONU calculate the upstream data transmit window based on the notified EqD and the BW Map. According to the ONUID query/configuration table, a password request is sent if password authentication is required. No password request is sent if password authentication is not required.

Source : Huawei Technologies CO..

6. GPON Framing
at 6:36 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Downstream GPON Framing

Upstream GPON Framing

Mapping Mode of Ethernet Service in GPON

The GPON system resolves the Ethernet frames and maps the data part to the GEM payload for transmission.

The GEM frame can automatically encapsulate the header information. Clear mapping mode, easy implementation, good compatibility

Mapping Mode of TDM Service in GPON

The TDM service is first imported to the buffer to wait in a queue and is multiplexed to the GEM frame for transmission. In this mode, the specific TDM service cannot be sensed, and the service packets are transparently transmitted.

Source : Huawei Technologies CO..

7. Optical Power Attenuation

at 6:40 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Calculating optical splitter attenuation : Insertion loss of the optical splitter (<1dB): (Power_input) - (Power_output of all branches)

10 log(0.5) = - 3.01 Attenuation of a 1:2 optical splitter: 3.01 dB Attenuation of a 1:16 optical splitter: 12.04 dB Attenuation of a 1:64 optical splitter: 18.06 dB

Optical Fiber Attenuation and Optical Power The optical fiber attenuation varies according to the lengths of optical fibers.

The attenuation of the optical fiber splicing point is less than 0.2 dB generally. Other points such as optical fiber bending may also cause attenuation. About 0.35 dB per km for 1310, 1490nm

Technical Specifications of the GPON port (Class B+)

Source : Huawei Technologies CO..

8. GPON Protocols
at 7:50 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

ITU-T G.984.1 Description of GPON network parameters Requirements on protection switching network

ITU-T G.984.2 Specifications of the PMD layer Specifications of the 2.488 Gbps downstream optical port Specifications of the 1.244 Gbps upstream optical port Allocation of physical layer cost

ITU-T G.984.3 Specifications of the GPON TC layer

Introduction to the GTC multiplexing structure and protocol stack Introduction to the GTC frame structure ONU registration and activation process DBA specifications Alarm and performance

ITU-T G.984.4 Introduction to the OMCI message structure Framework of the OMCI device management Overview of OMCI implementation principles

Protection Mode of a GPON Network

The OLT is not protected in any mode. If the active optical fiber fails, you can manually switch the data to the backup optical fiber. During switching, the service must be interrupted. The interruption time depends on the line recover time. If the line to a subscriber fails, the service for the subscriber is interrupted and cannot recover automatically.

There are two GPON ports on the OLT. If the active optical fiber fails, the system automatically switches to the standby system to protect the active optical fiber. Only the OLT board, and the optical fiber between the OLT and the POS are protected. Therefore, this mode may lead to security hazards and cannot meet the requirements of customers.

Both the OLT and ONT provide two GPON ports and the two GPON ports of the OLT work in the 1:1 mode. This mode is a full backup mode for protecting optical fibers. In this mode, there are two channels between the OLT and the ONU and all faults can be located. When the active PON port or the subscriber line of the ONU fails, the ONU automatically switches the service to the standby PON pot. Then the service is transmitted in the upstream direction through the standby line and the standby PON port of the OLT. In this mode, the service is not interrupted. Difficult implementation and high cost One port of them is always in the idle state, which causes low bandwidth usage.

The OLT provides two GPON ports, which work in the 11 backup mode. This mode is a full backup mode for protecting optical fibers. In this mode, there are two channels between the OLT and the ONU and all faults, including the faults on passive optical splitters and links can automatically recover.

In a network of this mode, different types of ONUs supported. That is, the ONUs that provide one PON port and the ONUs providing two ports can be selected according to the requirements of customers. Difficult implementation and high cost Source : Huawei Technologies CO..

9. GPON Technology
at 8:15 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Data Multiplexing The GPON system uses the WDM technology to implement the bi-directional transmission over a single fiber (a forced transmission mode).

Over a single optical fiber, to separate the Tx and Rx signals of multiple subscribers, the GPON system uses the following two multiplexing technologies: + The downstream data streams use the broadcast technology. + The upstream data streams use the TDMA technology.

Downstream Data

Broadcast mode: The length of any downstream GPON frame is fixed to 125 us and the frames are broad cast to all the ONUs. In this way, all the ONUs can receive the same data. The ONUs differentiate the frames by Gemport ID and filters the frames to receive its own data.

Upstream Data

TDMA mode: The upstream GPON data is transmitted in the TDMA mode. The uplink is divided into different time slots, which are allocated to each ONU according to the upstream bandwidth map field in the downstream frames. Hence, all ONUs can transmit their own data based on a specific sequence and no conflict for competing timeslots occurs.

Basic Performance Parameters of a GPON Network GPON supports the following asynchronous transmission rates: 0.15552 Gbit/s up, 1.24416 Gbit/s down 0.62208 Gbit/s up, 1.24416 Gbit/s down 1.24416 Gbit/s up, 1.24416 Gbit/s down 0.15552 Gbit/s up, 2.48832 Gbit/s down 0.62208 Gbit/s up, 2.48832 Gbit/s down 1.24416 Gbit/s up, 2.48832 Gbit/s down (mainstream rates supported currently) 2.48832 Gbit/s up, 2.48832 Gbit/s down Maximum logical reach: 60 km Maximum physical reach: 20 km Maximum differential between the farthest and nearest ONUs from the OLT: 20 km Optical split ratio: 164. It can be upgraded to 1: 128. Source :Huawei Technologies CO

10. What is a PON ?

at 6:08 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

A PON network is a point to multiple points (P2MP) passive optical network. A PON network consists of the Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Optical Network Unit (ONU), and Passive Optical Splitter (POS) .

Model of a GPON Network


Optical Network Unit Optical Network Terminal Optical Distribution Network Optical Line Terminal Wavelength Division Multiplex Module Network Element Service Node Interface User Network Interface

PON Standards

APON: ATM Passive Optical Networks EPON: Ethernet Passive Optical Networks GE-PON: Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Networks GPON: Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks

Why GPON is Preferred?

GPON (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks) Three advantages: 1. Longer transmission distance: Transmission over optical fibers reaches the maximum of 20 km transmission distance. 2. Higher bandwidth: downstream 2.5 Gbit/s and upstream 1.25 Gbit/s (the PMD layer) for each subscriber

3. Optical split feature: The single optical fiber from the CO is split to multiple drop optical fibers to save the resources. GPON supports the triple play service. It provides full-service solution to solve the bandwidth bottleneck of twisted pair access, and to meet the requirement for high-bandwidth services, such as high definition TV and live show. GPON is the best choice for the triple play service. Complete GPON standards and high technology requirements Preferred by global big carriers

Source : Huawei Technologies CO

11. Optical networking and network topology

at 9:27 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Point to Point + Hi capacity - High fiber plant cost because of point to point configuration of fiber pairs

Active Star + High capacity High operations and maintenance cost High cost of outside plant electronics

Passive Star + High capacity + Standardized + Passive and flexible cable plant + Low operations cost + All services over one fiber + Low fiber plant cost PON fiber sections

Centralised splitters centralised splitter scenario splitters in primary fexibility point only distributed splitter scenario

splitters in both primary and secondary flexibility point

PON benefits purely passive fiber plant low maintenance costs and high reliability shares feeder fiber over multiple users less fibers needed, less ports needed at CO fiber is virtually not limiting the bandwidth much higher bandwidth x distance than copper networks fibers bandwidth can be further exploited by WDM or equipment upgrade installed fiber infrastructure is future-proof PON offers bundled services over a single fiber triple play voice / data / video

Author : Alcatel - Lucent

12. GPON fundamentals

at 7:35 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Although the chapter is named GPON fundamentals, most of the topics described in here also are applicable to APON and BPON. PON properties PON Passive Optical Network passive components splitters + WDM-device star topology p2mp point to multipoint lambdas 1490nm downstream data 1310nm upstream data

1550nm downstream (optional) ranging distance 60 km logical reach 20 km physical reach differential distance split-ratio 64 subscribers (or even more)

According to the GSR, a GPON must be a full-service network, which means that it should be able to carry all service types. > These include 10- and 100-Mbps Ethernet, legacy analog telephone, digital T1/E1 traffic (I.e., 1.544 and 2.028 Mbps), 155-Mbps asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) packets, and higher-speed leased-line traffic. > The nominal line rates are specified as 1.25 Gbps (1244.160 Mbps) and 2.5 Gbps (2488.320 Mbps) in the downstream direction, and 155 Mbps, 622 Mbps, 1.25 Gbps, and 2.5 Gbps in the upstream direction. > The data rates can be either symmetrical (the same rate in both directions) or asymmetrical, with higher rates being sent downstream from the OLT to the ONTs. > A service provider can offer a lower upstream rate to those GPONs in which the downstream traffic is much larger than in the upstream direction, as is the case when subscribers use the IP data service mainly for applications such as lower-rate upstream Internet surfing or e-mail and higher-rate downstream downloads of large files. > The wavelengths are specified to be in the range 1480 to 1500 nm for downstream voice and data traffic and 1260 to 1360 nm for its corresponding upstream traffic. Thus, the median values are the standard 1490- and 1310-nm wavelengths as used in BPON and EPON systems. In addition, the wavelength range 1550 to 1560 nm can be used for downstream video distribution. Depending on the capabilities of the optical transmitters and receivers, the GPON recommendation specifies maximum transmission distances of 10 or 20 km. For a GPON the maximum number of splitting paths is 64. > --> The 60 km max. distance is also referred to as a logical distance: this is related to the ranging procedure, where an ONT will add some equalisation delay depending on the distance the ONT is away from the OLT. This leads to all ONTs being virtually away 60 km

from the OLT. > About the split: the standards already took care of having a split of up to 128 subscribers, which is sometimes referred to as a logical split.

Optical power budget loss in splitters cascaded splitter can be used e.g. 1:4 splitter followed by 1:8 splitter or vice versa so a one-step 1:32 splitter can be used loss in WDM coupler loss per km fiber loss in connectors loss in splices

distance = f(loss), splitters WDM coupler fiber ( x dBm/km) splices application (data or video)

The loss budget requirement for the PON, based on ITU Recommendation G.983.4, is 22 dB total loss budget for Class B PON and 27 dB for Class C PON. What differentiates Class B and Class C PON is the power of the laser used and, marginally, the quality of the optical components. This loss budget is really tight, especially when high-port-count splitters are used in the design. The splitters in a PON cause an inherent loss because the input power is divided between several outputs. Splitter loss depends on the split ratio and is about 3 dB for a 1 x 2 splitter, increasing by 3 dB each time the number of outputs is doubled. A 1 x 32 splitter has a splitter loss of at least 15 dB. This loss is seen for both downstream and upstream signals. Combine the losses of the WDM coupler, splices, connectors and fiber itself, and it is easy to understand why a precise bidirectional measurement of end-to-end optical loss at the installation is a must. > In addition to the optical loss, the end-to-end link optical return loss (ORL) is very

important to measure. Undesirable effects of ORL include: Interference with light-source signals Higher bit error rate in digital systems Lower system optical-signal-to-noise ratio Strong fluctuations in the laser output power Permanent damage to the laser

example: budget: 28,0 dBm 16 way splitter loss: 13,8 dBm (theor. 12dBm) connector+splicing loss: 3 dBm (24*0,1 dBm + 2*0,3 dBm) aging: 1 dBm attenuation: 0,30 dBm/km downstream 0,42 dBm/km upstream distance: (28,0 13,8 3 1) / 0,42 = 10,2 / 0,42 = 24,28 km interpretation: for a 1:16 split, the max distance of an ONT is 24 km

13. ISAM 7342 GPON

at 8:30 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

Objectives At the end of the course, you will be able to explain why the 7342 is needed list and explain several solutions based on the 7342 product range describe the architecture of the P-OLT explain the functions present in different types of ONTs describe some functions and features of the 7342 explain the solutions for managing the 7342

Why optical access? Market for residential broadband is booming Technology continues to evolve which makes FTTU more viable and cost effective Copper - Litespan, ASAM Wireless - LMDS Market segments for optical access Greenfield Refurbishment

Overbuild Network drivers Single network supports multiple applications Flexibility to support new services Reduced operations and maintenance costs

Triple play + In existing areas (overbuild), FTTH can be justified in specific situations especially in aerial plant or in existing duct structures in areas where otherwise the copper plant must be rehabilitated + In greenfield areas FTTUser is the preferred approach Although slightly more expensive, is the end-game Fiber in new trench is lower cost and is absorbed by 100% of POTs subs

Is fiber in access needed?

14. 7342 ISAM FTTU based solutions

at 8:41 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

+ voice and data over a single fiber two wavelengths in opposite directions + video + one wavelength in downstream direction - Although the slide gives rates, mileage and split-ratio for alcatels GPON implementation, the general concept of having a passive optical network between the OLT and the ONT also applies to APON/BPON. + However, this document only describes the implementation of GPON => the 7342 FTTU product (range) + The 7342 ISAM FTTU provides a GPON-based access network using three main functional

components: the packet OLT (P-OLT), the ONT-series, and the element management station (EMS) + The P-OLT provides the central switching, processing, and control functions for the 7342 ISAM FTTU.

+ The ONTs provide the connectivity between the subscriber equipment and the P-OLT. Different types of ONTs do exist: indoor, outdoor, business and modular ONTs.

+The EMS provides the element management functions, including operation, administration and maintenance. The main manager for the 7342 ISAM FTTU is the 5520 AMS (Access Management System).

The application of PON technology for providing broadband connectivity in the access network to homes, multiple-occupancy units, and small businesses commonly is called fiber-to-the-x. This application is given the designation FTTx. Here x is a letter indicating how close the fiber endpoint comes to the actual user. This is illustrated in the drawing above. Among the acronyms used in the technical and commercial literature are the following:

FTTB fiber-to-the-business, refers to the deployment of optical fiber from a central office switch directly into an enterprise. FTTC fiber-to-the-curb, describes running optical fiber cables from central office equipment to a communication switch located within 1000 ft (about 300m) of a home or enterprise. Coaxial cable, twisted pair copper wires (e.g. for DSL), or some other transmission medium is used to connect the curbside equipment to customers in a building. FTTH fiber-to-the-home, refers to the deployment of optical fiber from a central office environment directly into a home. The difference between FTTB and FTTH is that typically, business demand larger bandwidths over greater part of the day than do home users. As a result, a network service provider can collect more revenues from FTTB networks and thus recover the installation costs sooner than for FTTH networks.

FTTO fiber-to-the-office, is analogous to FTTB in that an optical path is provided al the way to the premises of a business subscriber. FTTP fiber-to-the-premises, has become the prevailing term that encompasses the various FTTx concepts. Thus FTTP architectures include FTTB and FTTH implementations. An FTTP network can use BPON, EPON or GPON technology. FTTU fiber-to-the-user, is the term used by Alcatel-Lucent to describe their products for FTTB and FTTH applications.

15. Gigabit Passive Optical Network

at 10:17 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

By : Alcatel Introduction and Market Overview: The Need for Fiber

The way people use the Internet today creates a great demand for very high bandwidth: More and more workers are telecommuting. Consumers watch multiple HDTV channels, often on several TVs in the same household at the same time. They upload and download multimedia files and use bandwidth-hungry peer-to-peer services. They play online games that demand high speeds and immediate reactivity. Web 2.0-based communities and hosted services such as social networking sites and wikis are pervasive, fostering interactivity, collaboration and data-sharing while generating a need for capacity. Bringing optical fiber to every home is the definitive response to such demands for greater bandwidth.

Bringing Fiber to the Home: Benefits of GPON

One way of providing fiber to the home is through a Gigabit Passive Optical Network, or GPON (pronounced 'djeepon'). GPON is a point-to-multipoint access mechanism. Its main characteristic is the use of passive splitters in the fiber distribution network, enabling one single feeding fiber from the provider's central office to serve multiple homes and small businesses. GPON has a downstream capacity of 2.488 Gb/s and an upstream capacity of 1.244 Gbp/s that is shared among users. Encryption is used to keep each user's data secured and private from other users. Although there are other technologies that could provide fiber to the home, passive optical networks (PONs) like GPON are generally considered the strongest candidate for widespread deployments.

Why choose GPON?

When planning a fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) evolution for their access networks, service providers can choose between three generic FTTH architectures: point-to-point; active Ethernet; and passive optical networking (PON) such as GPON.

"Point-to-point" is an Ethernet FTTH architecture similar in structure to a twisted-pair cable phone network; a separate, dedicated fiber for each home exists in the service provider's hub location. The point-to-point architecture has merits for small-scale deployments such as citynets, but is not suitable for large-scale deployments due to its poor scalability in terms of hub location space or the number of required hub locations, power consumption and feeder fibers.

An "active Ethernet" architecture is based on the same deployment model as fiber to the node (FTTN) with active street cabinets; it is therefore feasible as a complement or migration path towards FTTH for larger deployments in very high-speed digital subscriber line (VDSL)-dominated environments.

GPON is a fully optical architecture option that offers the best of all worlds. A GPON system consists of an optical line terminal (OLT) that connects several optical network terminals (ONTs) together using a passive optical distribution network (ODN). Like active Ethernet, it aggregates users in what is called the "outside plant" or OSP, which means no mess of fibers in a central office somewhere; like point-to-point, it avoids the need for active electronics in the field by employing a passive OSP device (the optical splitter). Being a passive device, the GPON splitter requires no cooling or powering and is therefore extremely stable; in fact, it virtually never fails.

How does GPON work?

GPON has been called "elegant" for its ability to share bandwidth dynamically on a single optical fiber. Like any shared medium, GPON provides burst mode transmission with statistical usage capabilities. This enables dynamic control and sharing of upstream and downstream bandwidth using committed and excess information rate (CIR and EIR) parameters. Users can be assured of receiving their committed bandwidth under peak demand conditions, and of receiving superior service when network utilization is low. While subscribers rarely require sustained rates of 100 Mb/s each, bursting beyond this to the full line rate of a PON system (about 1.25 Gb/s upstream or 2.5 Gb/s downstream in the case of GPON) is easily enabled using the right subscriber interface. This allows a GPON to be used for many years even if subscribers have a regular need to transmit beyond an engineered guaranteed limit of 100 Mb/s.

GPON was developed with the support of the FSAN (Full Service Access Network) Group and the ITU (International Telecommunication Union). These organizations bring the major stakeholders in the telecoms industry together to define common specifications, ensuring full interworking between OLTs and ONTs. The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has also defined a PON standard, called Ethernet PON or EPON. The EPON standard was launched earlier than GPON and has been deployed successfully. IEEE specs are however restricted to the lower optical and media access layers of networks, and full interoperability for EPON must therefore be managed in a specific case-by-case way at every implementation. Additionally, EPON runs at only 1 Gb/s, upstream as well as downstream, providing a lower bandwidth than GPON. These factors make EPON a less attractive technology choice for providers making FTTH investment decisions today.

Implementing GPON

One of Alcatel-Lucent's first GPON implementations is Jnkping Energi.

Jnkping is a mid-sized city in Sweden where about 98 percent of households enjoy high-speed broadband access. This is to a very large extent due to the activities of one company, Jnkping Energi. It is a utility provider that, in addition to its traditional electricity offering, delivers optical connectivity to residential and business users throughout the Jnkping area.

Jnkping Energi deployed one of the first GPON architectures in the region. Their customers are enthusiastic: once installed, their "box" works almost effortlessly, delivering voice, video and Internet without any upkeep after the initial setup.

Jnkping Energi have found that their Alcatel-Lucent GPON solution delivers smooth, maintenance-free, highly reliable performance which can be run with a limited operational staff. Revenues have been considerably augmented, as the company is now able to provide triple play services to consumers throughout the city in a scalable, cost-effective way. Perhaps most importantly, Jnkping Energi feels they have a system that will easily accommodate new or evolving systems, as they become available.

16. Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network Tutorial (GEPON)

at 2:41 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

A Passive Optical Network (PON) is a single, shared optical fiber that uses inexpensive optical splitters to divide the single fiber into separate strands feeding individual subscribers. PONS are called "passive" because, other than at the CO and subscriber endpoints, there are no active electronics within the access network. Using these techniques to create a passive optical infrastructure, Ethernet in the First Mile PON (EFMP) builds a point-to-multi-point fiber topology that supports a speed of 1 Gbps for up to 20 km. While subscribers are connected via dedicated distribution fibers to the site, they share the Optical Distribution Network (ODN) trunk fiber back to the Central Office. Eliminating the need for electrical equipment in the first mile network is a key facet of the EFMP topology. Another advantage is that much less fiber is required than in pointto-point topologies. To visualize the lower fiber requirements, it is useful to look at the topologies of point to point Ethernet and curb switched Ethernet a long with EPON. Figure 1 illustrates all of these options. EPON is based on the Ethernet standard, unlike other PON

technologies, which are based on the ATM standard. This lets you utilize the economies-of-scale of Ethernet, and provides simple, easy-to-manage connectivity to Ethernet-based, IP equipment, both at the customer premises and at the central office. As with other Gigabit Ethernet media, it is well-suited to carry packetized traffic, which is dominant at the access layer, as well as

time-sensitive voice and video traffic.

Point-to-point Ethernet might use either N or 2N fibers, and thus has 2N optical transceivers. Curb-switched Ethernet uses one trunk fiber and thus saves fiber and space in the Central Office (CO). But it uses 2N+2 optical transceivers and needs electrical power in the field. EPON also uses only one trunk fiber and thus minimizes fibers and space in the CO, and also only uses N+1 optical transceivers. It requires no electrical power in the field. The drop throughput can be up to the line rate on the trunk link. EPON can support downstream broadcast such as video. The IEEE 802.3ah EPON specification defines Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP), Point-to-Point Emulation (P2PE), and two 1490/1310 nm PMDs for 10 and 20 km,

required to build an EPON system. Typical EPON-based systems may include extra features above the IEEE 802.3ah standard, including security, authentication and dynamic bandwidth allocation.

EPON Topologies As Figure 2 shows, EPON is typically deployed as a tree or tree-and-branch topology, using passive 1:N optical splitters.

EPON Network An EPON network includes an optical line terminal (OLT) and an optical network unit (ONU). The OLT resides in the CO (POP or local exchange). This would typically be an Ethernet switch or Media Converter platform. The ONU resides at or near the customer premise. It can be located at the subscriber residence, in a building, or on the curb outside. The ONU typically has an 802.3ah WAN interface, and an 802.3 subscriber interface. In Figure 3, the OLT is on the left and several ONUs are shown on the right

EPON Systems EPON is configured in full duplex mode (no CSMA/CD) in a single fiber point-tomultipoint (P2MP) topology. Subscribers, or ONUs, see traffic only from the headend; each subscriber cannot see traffic transmitted by other subscribers, and peer-to-peer communication is done through the headend, or OLT.. As Figure 4 shows, the headend allows only one subscriber at a time to transmit using a Time Division Multiplex Access

(TDMA) protocol.

Figure 4: EPON Configuration EPON systems use an optical splitter architecture, multiplexing signals with different wavelengths for downstream and upstream as such: + 1490 nm downstream + 1310 nm upstream Though configured as point to multipoint, Ethernet PON can be deployed in an Ethernet access platform, with both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint access cards, as shown in Figure 5.

EPON Protocol To control the P2MP fiber network, EPON uses the Multi-Point Control Protocol (MPCP). MPCP performs bandwidth assignment, bandwidth polling, auto-discovery, and ranging. It is implemented in the MAC Layer, introducing new 64-byte control messages: GATE and REPORT are used to assign and request bandwidth REGISTER is used to control the auto-discovery process MPCP provides hooks for network resource optimization. Ranging is performed to reduce slack, and bandwidth reporting satisfies requirements by ONUs for DBA. Optical parameters are negotiated to optimize performance.

ONU and OLT Operation

The ONU performs an auto-discovery process which includes ranging and the assignment of both Logical Link IDs and bandwidth. Using timestamps on the downstream GATE MAC Control Message, the ONU synchronizes to the OLT timing. It receives the GATE message and transmits within the permitted time period. The OLT generates time stamped messages to be used as global time reference. It generates discovery windows for new ONUs, and controls the registration process. The OLT also assigns bandwidth and performs ranging operations.

Author: Exfiber Optical Technologies Co.,Ltd

17. PON properties

at 8:45 AM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

PON Passive Optical Network passive components star topology lambdas 1490nm downstream data 1310nm upstream data 1550nm downstream (optional)

ranging distance 60 km max distance 20 km differential distance split-ratio 64 subscribers (or even more)

Optical power budget distance depends on loss in different components: loss in splitters cascaded splitter can be used e.g. 1:4 splitter followed by 1:8 splitter or vice versa so a one-step 1:32 splitter can be used loss in WDM coupler loss per km fiber loss in connectors

Optical power budget Data power budget has its impact on reach split ratio trade-off example no split ----1 user @ 52,5 km 1:2 -----2 users @ 45 km 1:4 -----4 users @ 37.5 km 1:32----- 32 users @ 15 km 1:64------64 users @ 7.5 km high quality fiber with lower attenuation gives better distances

Optical power budget Analog video maximum practical level ~16 dBm (long spans) minimum receive level for 48 dB C/N ~-5 dBm at 1550 nm, fiber exhibits loss of about 0.25 dB/km, so maximum distance without amp. is ~80 km each two-way split results in a loss of nominally ~3.5 dB of level, assume 4 dB worst case. Notes: based on nominal fiber and splitter loss, not worst case. Practical distances are less. Includes 2 dB for connectorization loss, 1550 nm externally modulated transmitter

PON lambdas voice and data over a single fiber two wavelengths in opposite directions video

one wavelength in downstream direction

Author : Alcatel


Splitter Gpon Basics


at 10:28 PM Posted by Share Online

Passive Optical Network (PON) splitters play an important role in Fiber to the Home (FTTH) networks by allowing a single PON network interface to be shared among many subscribers. Splitters contain no electronics and use no power. They are the network elements that put the passive in Passive Optical Network and are available in a variety of split ratios, including 1:8, 1:16, and 1:32.

PLC Splitters are installed in each optical network between the PON Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and the Optical Network Terminals (ONTs) that the OLT serves. Networks implementing BPON, GPON, EPON, 10G EPON, and 10G GPON technologies all use these simple optical splitters. In place of an optical splitter, a WDM PONnetwork will use an Arrayed WaveGuide (AWG).

A PON network may be designed with a single optical splitter, or it can have two or more splitters cascaded together. Since each optical connection adds attenuation, a single splitter is superior to multiple cascaded splitters. One net additional coupling (and source of attenuation) is introduced in connecting two splitters together.

A single splitter is shown in the GPON network diagram below. Note that the splitter can be deployed in the Central Office (CO) alongside the OLT, or it may be deployed in an OutSide Plant (OSP) cabinet closer to the subscribers. A splitter can also be deployed in the basement of a building for a Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) installation (not shown).

An interesting (and strange) fact is that attenuation of light through an optical splitter is symmetrical. It is identical in both directions. Whether a splitter is combining light in the upstream direction or dividing light in the downstream direction, it still introduces the same attenuation to an optical input signal (a little more than 3 dB for each 1:2 split).

There are two basic technologies for building passive optical network splitters: Fused Biconical Taper (FBT) and Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC). Fused Biconical Taper is the older technology and generally introduces more loss than the newer PLC splitters, though both PLC splitter and FBT splitters are used in PON networks.

A Fused Biconical Taper 1:2 optical splitter is diagrammed below. A Fused Biconical Taper (FBT) splitter is made by wrapping two fiber cores together, putting tension on the optical fibers, and then heating the junction until the two fibers are tapered from the tension and fused together. FBT attenuation tends to be a bit higher than attenuation from PLC splitters.

Fused Biconical Taper Optical Splitter

A 1:8 Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitter is diagrammed in the figure below. A PLC splitter is made with techniques much like those to manufacture semiconductors, and these optical splitters are very compact, efficient, and reliable. A single 1:32 PLC splitter may be no larger than 1cm x 2 cm.

Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Optical Splitter

The loss to be expected from a 1:8 splitter like the one diagrammed above is less than one dB greater than what would be expected from a perfect splitter, which has exactly 9 dB of loss (3dB for each 1:2 split). A good 1:32 PLC

splitter has an attenuation in both directions of less than 17 dB or even 16 dB (a perfect 1:32 splitter would introduce 15 dB of loss).

By : exfiber

19. Advantages of fiber

at 8:42 PM Posted by Share Online 0 comments

+ Extremely high bandwidth + Smaller-diameter, lighter-weight cables + Lack of crosstalk between parallel fibers + Immunity to inductive interference + High-quality transmission + Low installation and operating costs

+ Extremely high bandwidth Fiber today has bandwidth capability theoretically in excess of 10Ghz and attenuations

less than 0.3 db for a kilometer of fiber. The limits on transmission speed and distance today lies largely with the laser, receiver and multiplexing electronics. With the future advent of stable narrow line single-mode lasers and coherent optics, 10 to 100 Gb/s transmission is possible. + Smaller diameter lighter weight cables Even when fibers are covered with protective coatings, they still are much smaller and lighter than equivalent copper cables. + Negligible crosstalk In conventional circuits, signals often stray from one circuit to another, resulting in other calls being heard in the background. This crosstalk is negligible with fiber optics even when numerous fibers are cabled together. + Immunity to inductive interference Fiber optic cables are immune to interference caused by lightning, nearby ele ctric motors, relays, and dozens of other electrical noise generators that induce problems on copper cables unless shielded and filtered. + High quality transmission Fiber routinely provides communications quality orders of magnitude better than copper or microwave, this as a result of the noise immunity of the fiber transmission path. (BER: 10-9 10-11 for fiber, 10-5 10-7 for copper or microwave) + Low installation and operating costs Low loss increases repeater spacing, therefore reducing the cost of capital in the outside plant. The elimination (or reduction) of repeaters reduces maintenance, power and operating expenses.

Optical fiber types

G.651 MMF Multi-mode fiber large(r) core: 50-62.5 microns in diameter transmit infrared light (wavelength = 850 to 1,300 nm) light-emitting diodes G.652 SMF Single mode fiber small core: 8-10 microns in diameter transmit laser light (wavelength = 1,200 to 1,600 nm) laser diodes

The glass used in a fiber-optic cable is ultra-pure, ultra-transparent, silicon dioxide, or fused quartz. During the glass fiber-optic cable fabrication process, impurities are purposely added to the pure glass to obtain the desired indices of refraction needed to guide light. + Germanium, titanium, or phosphorous is added to increase the index of refraction. + Boron or fluorine is added to decrease the index of refraction. + Other impurities might somehow remain in the glass cable after fabrication. These residual impurities can increase the attenuation by either scattering or absorbing light. + For data center premise cables, the jacket color depends on the fiber type in the cable. For cables containing SMFs, the jacket color is typically yellow, whereas for cables containing MMFs, the jacket color is typically orange. For outside plant cables, the standard jacket color is typically black. + Single mode fibers are the most prominently used type in telecommunication applications. Author : Alcatel - Lucent


Fiber Optic Tutorial


at 2:23 AM Posted by Share Online

Return Loss

When a high-speed signal enters or exits a component, such as a fiber optic connector, discontinuities and impedance mismatches will cause a reflection, or echo, which is know as return loss.

While insertion loss is measured as the resultant signal after it encounters a loss, return loss is seen as data enters the connector or is leaving the other end of the connector, and is a measurement of the signal that is reflected back. Ideally, a fiber connector in a system wants to have a very clean passage of a signal so return loss is desired to be minimal. Return Loss values are expressed as dB. A typical specification could range from -15 to -60 dB, Most designers target 10dB as the critical value of connector performance and try to keep return loss lower than -10dB at the desired signal speeds. In most cases, -60 is more desirable.

The graph shows that via architecture has a large affect on the return loss of a connector. Therefore, designers can minimize via effects to optimize connector performance. The thru via has a worse effect on the signal reflection, or return loss, than the blind via.

In an optical fiber system, insertion loss is introduced by things such as Fibre Optic Pach Leads, Fibre Pigtails, fibre optic connectors, splices, and couplers. According to industry standard, Ultra PC polished fiber optic connectors return loss should be more than 50dB,Angled polished generally return loss is more than 60dB. PC type should be more than 40dB.

During the fiber optic products manufacturing procedure, Exfiber have professional equipment to test the fiber optic products insertion loss and return loss, our products are 100% tested on each single piece before shipment, and they are fully compliant or exceed the industry standard.

Insertion Loss Insertion loss and return loss are two important data to evaluate the quality of many passive fiber optic components, such as fiber optic patch cord and fiber optic connectors, etc.

In telecommunications, insertion loss is the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of a device in a transmission line or optical fiber and is usually expressed in dBs. Insertion loss (IL) is a measure of attenuation, but is a more precisely defined term. For instance, attenuation can include loss due to the source and load impedances not matching, but is not included in insertion loss since this is a loss that was already present before the "insertion" was made.

If the power transmitted to the load before insertion is PT and the power received by the load after insertion is PR, then the insertion loss in dB is given by,

10 \log_{10} {P_\mathrm T \over P_\mathrm R}

In metallic conductor systems, radiation losses, resistive losses in the conductor as well as losses in the surrounding dielectric all reduce the power. Line terminations play an important part in insertion loss because they reflect some of the power. All of these effects can be conceptually modelled as various elements which make up the equivalent circuit of the line.

In an optical fiber system, insertion loss is introduced by things such as Fiber Optic Pach Cables, Fibre Optic Pigtails, fiber optic connectors, splices, and couplers.

According to industry standard, Ultra PC polished fiber optic connectors return loss should be more than 50dB,Angled polished generally return loss is more than 60dB. PC type should be more than 40dB.

During the fiber optic products manufacturing procedure, Exfiber have professional equipment to test the fiber optic products insertion loss and return loss, our products are 100% tested on each single piece before shipment, and they are fully compliant or exceed the industry standard.

How Do Fiber Optic Connectors Work? The history of fiber optic telecommunication deserves a book by itself since it took several generations to get the industry today.

Optical fiber is a long thin cylindrical fiber made from glass or plastic, as tiny as one tenth of a human hair. A standard telecom optical fiber is composed of three cylindrical layers, counted inside out: fiber core (diameter 8~10um), cladding (diameter 125um) and buffer coating (diameter 900um).

Fiber core and cladding is made from glass or silica. Fiber Core and cladding layers work together to confine the light inside the core without leaking. Fiber buffer coating is made from acrylic or plastic and provides handling flexibility and physical protection for the fiber.

Optical fibers utilize an optical phenomenon called total internal reflection. When light is injected into the fiber from end face, it is confined inside the core without leaking outside and losing its energy.

Then light is digitally modulated to represent 1 and 0 just like a computer, so information can be carried from one site to another site which may be from San Francisco all the way to New York.

What are fiber optic connectors and how do they work?

Now you know how optical fibers work. So what is a fiber optic connector and what's its function in a fiber optic telecommunication network?

Put it simple, a fiber optic connector's function is just like an electric power plug, it connects light from one section

of optical fiber to another section of optical fiber.

Since optical fibers are so tiny, fiber optic connectors have to be made with high precision, at the scale of 0.1um which is one hundredth of a human hair.

Fiber optic connectors align two fibers end to end so precisely that light can travel from one fiber into another without bouncing off the interface and loss its signal.

Besides, fiber optic connectors provide cross connect flexibility for the telecommunication network. So a complicated computer network could be made modular and easy to manage.

Just like any other connectors used in electric industry, electronic industry and computer industry, many different kinds of fiber optic connectors were invented along the development of fiber optic communication industry. Some of them once were very popular in the industry and now have served their purposes and are fading away.

The most popular fiber optic connectors used nowadays are SC, ST, LC, FC, MTRJ, SMA and a few of other less popular ones. Sure you will see new connectors invented with the progress of this industry.

Fiber Optic Comminication Fiber optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information. First developed in the 1970s, fiber-optic communication systems have revolutionized the telecommunications industry and have played a major role in the advent of the Information Age. Because of its advantages over electrical transmission, optical fibers have largely replaced copper wire communications in core networks in the developed world.

The process of communicating using fiber-optics involves the following basic steps: Creating the optical signal involving the use of a transmitter, relaying the signal along the fiber, ensuring that the signal does not become too distorted or weak, receiving the optical signal, and converting it into an electrical signal.

Source: Wikipedia and Exfiber Optical Technologies

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