End Insomnia
End Insomnia
End Insomnia
With love, to Vanessa, for always believing in me. Special thanks to Robert Bruce, for giving me the outlook on life which started this journey, Tony Robbins, for giving me the tools to shape my life into pure magic, and most of all, Toby Wong, whos pure energy, determination, and passion made this project come together.
Unlimited Free Distribution Rights Included This free ebook has been specifically written to help you to end your insomnia, get better sleep, and re-gain control over your life. Feel free to pass this ebook on to your friends, subscribers, or anyone you think could benefit from it. Include it as a bonus, post it on your website, or give it away as a gift.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Table of Contents
Disclaimer: Page 3 From Sleeplessness, to Beautiful Dreams, Health, Energy and Restfulness .......... 3 A Typical Insomnia Horror Story ................................................................................4 Section 1: Behind the Sleepless Curtain, Insomnia Revealed & Why You Can't Sleep The mechanics of Insomnia ...................................................................................... 5 Three Types of Insomnia .......................................................................................... 5 The Insomnia Cycle - How Chronic Insomnia Evolves ............................................. 7 Why Does Short Term Insomnia Turn Into Chronic Insomnia? ................................ 8 The Insomnia Switch.............................................................................................. 10 Section 2: What Drug Companies Don't Want you to Know The 4 Sleep Stages - Why you feel horrible and Un-rested .................................... 11 High Wakefulness in Insomniacs ............................................................................ 13 The Natural Sleep System - A Quick Crash Course ............................................... 13 The 8 Mistakes Most Insomniacs Make .................................................................. 13 Section 3: The LIES and MYTHS of the SLEEPING PILL How Sleeping Pills Erase the Natural Sleep Response ....................................... 15 The Truth and Nothing but the Truth Why Sleeping Pills Make Insomnia Worse! .......................................................... 15 Why So Many Insomniacs Are Driven to Take Pills ............................................. 18 Section 4: Curing Insomnia Without Drugs or Expensive Therapy The #1 Key To Curing Insomnia You MUST Know ................................................. 19 Your Anti-Insomnia Action Plan ............................................................................... 20 Sweet Dreams! ........................................................................................................ 24
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
The author of this book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. Consult your physician or health care professional before making any changes to the medicine you are taking. Particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, if you are elderly, or if you have any chronic or recurring conditions other than Insomnia. If you have any other medical conditions, it is highly recommended you contact your physician before making any changes to the prescription medicine you're taking. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions here are at the reader's sole discretion and risk. The author and the publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects arising from following this advice.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Behind the Sleepless Curtain Insomnia Revealed & Why You Can't Sleep
Whether the above story is similar to yours or not, what you'll find in this small eBook will be the information, that, if you put into use, will make your Insomnia a dream of the past, possibly changing your life in many ways - from your self esteem to your sense of control over your entire life. Whether the above story appeals to you or not, it's only a small rendering of what Insomnia sufferers deal with every day (or every night, I should say). In reality, Insomnia can have many devastating effects on your life, your emotions, your relationships, your finances, and most importantly your health! Often times Insomnia lasts for months and years at a time, and most of the times sufferers don't even seek treatment for it, simply because they don't know how, or are afraid of taking addictive prescription medicine. The causes of Insomnia are many, but what you'll find here is that the mechanics of how it works, how it turns into a never ending night-time horror process, in your body, and in your mind, are always the same, because you will learn these mechanics here, you might realize that: YOU have the power to end Insomnia forever! My goal for this small book is very simple: 1. For you to clearly understand what Insomnia is, what the real cause of it is. 2. For you to start seeing how it came into your life, and what you can start doing Today, to begin to change it, forever.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
can't go back to sleep, or it takes a long time for you to go back to sleep. Type 3) Sleep Disturbance Insomnia You go to sleep normally, you sleep for a normal amount of time(7-8 hours for adults, 5-6 hours for the elderly), but you wake up Un-rested, with a headache, aching, feeling drowsy, dizzy, etc. Most Insomniacs suffer from a combination of type 1 and 2, if you suffer from type 3, you are most likely suffering from Sleep Apnea, or PLM (period limb movement), or other causes (which I will go through clearly, in a later section) Also, if you are pregnant it is very common to experience type 3 Insomnia, especially in the last tri-semester of pregnancy.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
For others, that period never ends, short term Insomnia becomes a part of their daily lives, perpetuated by the Insomnia Cycle Effect, which turns short term insomnia into :
Chronic Insomnia
If you have regular sleeping problems, or NIGHTLY sleeping problems, then you have chronic Insomnia., regular drowsiness, headaches, depression, and low energy is now a daily part of your life, falling asleep is pure torture. Don't worry, I've been there, and I know how it feels. But
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
into chronic insomnia, in your case, you went over what I call the insomnia switch. Understanding this is very important, so pay attention: There is a study in NLP called anchoring and the rule of anchoring is this: Whenever You Experience a Strong Negative or Positive Emotional State in a Certain Location, to a Certain Sound, Touch, or Feeling - Your Mind Will Associate that Experience With That Emotional State. To demonstrate to you how anchoring works, I'd like you to remember a certain song that maybe makes you feel REALLY happy or ecstatic that you may have in your life.... Or maybe, think of a song that makes you feel extremely sad... Or a song that reminds you of a time you fell in love. That's right, as you think about that song, or if you were to play it right now, I can almost guarantee you some of those emotions will come back to you. The reason you are capable of experiencing those emotions is because at some point you were having them when you heard that song, and they became anchored to it, inside your mind. TV advertisers are very aware of how this works, and most modern commercials use this all the time, they try to get you to associate incredible feelings with their products or services, by showing you wonderful scenes. Cigarette companies THRIVE on this concept, as they get you to associate feelings of being in control, sexy, healthy, good looking and fun with smoking, all things which we know very well are not the results of long term smoking.
This is in big letters because its the MAIN focus of my discovery with NLP, and what will lead you to curing your Insomnia forever. You see, initially you had a case of Short Term Insomnia, like everyone does at some point their lives, except what probably happened, after 2 or 3 days of Insomnia, instead of not worrying about it and letting your mind re-load your old sleeping conditioning with the natural sleep response, instead you focused on a deep feeling of ANXIETY and PANIC. You probably asked yourself questions like Why can't I fall asleep? What's wrong with me? How is this going to affect my health? Why is everyone else sleeping normally but I can't? Do I have Mental Problems? These questions most likely produced even more ANXIETY, FEAR, and PANIC in you, which are all
Copyright 2004 WonderfulSleep.com All Rights Reserved
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
very primal, strong feelings of PAIN. Additionally: If you took sleeping pills at this initial stage to try to fight Insomnia off, you increased your chance of acquiring chronic insomnia by about 3000%. (This will be explained in detail in a further section.)
What happened at that moment, is you went over the Insomnia Switch - You have now conditioned your subconscious mind to believe that the process of falling asleep = PAIN. By the way, please notice I say the process of going to sleep NOT sleep. This is very important, as you are conscious of trying to go to sleep, unconscious when you are in sleeping; this is why the negative anchor takes place. What you have now is chronic insomnia, or as I like to call it instead, seeing how Chronic is such an over-used and scary word, is Learned Insomnia. When you go to bed, you most likely immediately feel a sense of loss of control, anxiety, panic, and frustration about sleep. You have taught your mind to feel PAIN every time you try to fall asleep, whether you know it or not, you have erased the natural sleep response. Even if you don't experience anxiety and fear later on in your Insomnia, your mind will take an un-natural time to cause your body to fall asleep - and when you wake up during the night, falling asleep will also be very difficult.
Kacper I can't believe this, why would your mind work against you? This sounds a bit too far fetched for me...
I know it can, in fact it's perfectly reasonable, if you haven't been exposed to any material like this before, it's very easy to fall into the belief that Insomnia is caused by some other external factors, but I'm writing this to shatter that belief inside and make you realize that the only true cause of Insomnia is WITHIN YOU, and the only cure for it is WITHIN YOU as well. First of all, why would your mind work against you? Well, what you'll realize is that your mind isn't actually working AGAINST YOU, your mind is actually working to PROTECT YOU. Another discovery that NLP has made is that there is a natural response in your mind that controls nearly all our behavior. And that response is to : Avoid Pain, and Gain Pleasure. Think about it, ... every decision you made in your life, whether you were conscious of it or not, was to Avoid Pain, and to Gain Pleasure. Think about the things you do in your waking life, the decisions you make, the way you interact with people. Maybe some recent decisions in your life which have changed the direction it was going?
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Let me give you an example: Pretend you have $10,000, and you've got two choices. 1) Go on a LUXURIOUS 5 day trip To Hawaii that will cost you exactly $10,000? 2) Remove a Tumor from Your lung that may potentially kill you? (The operation will cost you $10,000) My hallucination is you would chose #2 You see, most of our decisions are there to avoid pain, and to gain pleasure. This is an instinct within our minds to protect us from danger and to keep us from harm, to keep us alive.
Note: There are many other powerful negative emotions that could have triggered your Insomnia, pain and anxiety are just general examples.
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How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
We enter this state regularly in our daytime, while driving, while doing things that are boring, while trying to be creative. This is an altered state of imagination and creativity, in which we make use of every day. After letting this state go on for a few minutes, we move on to : Stage 2: Theta Brain Waves Drowsy relaxed state between waking and sleeping. Your body begins to relax, your muscles ease away, your breathing slows down and your body temperature slightly decreases. In this state your thoughts tend to wander on their own without any focus, you may start hearing sounds and music as if already dreaming. In both these stages you are still very wake-able, whenever you wake out of these states it feels like a sudden jerk back to reality, you may feel slightly disoriented. This is where the term I was only drifting off. or Why did you wake me? I was just falling asleep. comes from. Feelings of vertigo, weird body sensations and dizziness are also associated with this stage. Stage 3: K-Complexes A brief period where your mind bounces from turning off to staying awake. This sometimes feels like being half way in the real world, half way in your sleep/dream world. Stage 4: Delta Brain Waves (Deep Sleep, REM sleep, Paradoxical Sleep, Dream Sleep) In this state, you are now officially ASLEEP. This is the state in which your conscious mind appears to be completely turned off. In this state your body relaxes, your muscles ease, your heart rate and breathing rate slow down to their lowest point during the day. The blood in your body, which is usually concentrated in your organs, flows into your muscles, and our immune system turns on to fight diseases. Our body is re-energized in many ways. Stage 4 sleep lasts between 60-90 minutes, afterwards the brain returns to Stage 2 Sleep, spends some time there, and returns to Stage 4 sleep several times during the night. This cycle is different with every individual, especially with Insomniacs. If you wake up with a headache, aching muscles and a feeling of un-restfulness, it is most likely because you haven't spent enough time in Stage 4, Deep Sleep. Now that you know the sleep stages and how they affect you. You can probably guess why you can't fall asleep, or have difficulty falling asleep when you wake up during the night. That's right, it's very hard for you to enter the initial Stage 1, of sleep. In fact, what most likely happens is you try to force sleep to come, instead of letting it come naturally. This produces even additional anxiety, holding you back from sleep. Because you spend a good portion of your sleep in Stage 2 sleep, your wakefulness at these
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How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
points is increased. In fact, studies show that people wake up during the night many times, usually for a brief number of minutes, although they don't remember these moments when they wake up. For Insomniacs, this is not the case, these brief moments of wakefulness usually turn to hours of wakefulness, again, due to the natural sleep response being replaced with anxiety, frustration, and pain about going to sleep. Most of the effects you experience from Insomnia, such as drowsiness, inability to concentrate or make decisions, headaches, depression, and aching muscles are the result of Deep Sleep (Stage 4) Deprivation. Studies show that chronic Insomniacs experience far less deep sleep, although this usually is the effect of taking medication, as you will learn in the next section.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Here are some of these actions, you'll probably notice what you're doing right now falls somewhere on to this list. Being aware of these actions and their effects will give you a better perspective on your Insomnia 1. Taking Sleeping Pills As you will soon see in the next section, this is the death rattle, which in most cases turns Insomnia into a life long condition. We'll explore all the effects of pills on Insomnia in the next section. 2. Going to bed early, and sleeping late on weekends to Make up Sleep This makes Insomnia even more likely to happen as you are putting your body temperature levels out of wack. Creating the same effect that jet lag produces. This weakens your body's natural sleep system. You will also limit your exposure to sunlight, which plays a key role in your melatonin hormone levels. 3. Trying to make up sleep with long naps during the day. This also weakens your body's natural sleep response, as you will be less likely to fall asleep later. Naps are Okay, and actually part of a way to cure Insomnia, only if you take them properly, as I'll show you later on. 4. Eating large amounts of food, sugar, or candy before going to sleep to try to make yourself sleepy or tired. Doing this does not solve the cause of insomnia, which is a weakened sleep system and a non-responsive natural sleep response. You may feel sleepy, but you will still wake up Unrested. Nearly all the sugar you eat is turned into fat by your body, will in turn can create risk of Sleep Apnea. 5. Drinking alcohol before going to bed to induce sleep. Many people think that drinking a glass of wine before bed is a good idea. It might make you feel sleepy but the disadvantages are many. Alcohol dehydrates your body, making it more likely you will wake up during the night thirsty for water. You will also most likely feel Un-rested, drowsy, and dis-oriented the next day(hang-over). Drinking Alcohol before bed will also increase fat gain drastically. CAUTION: Alcohol should NEVER be combined with sleeping pills, it is extremely dangerous, and it has and can cause death. 6. Not exercising, and using your lack of sleep as an excuse not to exercise. Lack of exercise plays a key-role in chronic Insomnia. Not exercising due to Insomnia only makes the Insomnia Cycle stronger; not exercising weakens the natural sleep response, as well as the sleep system. Not exercising weakens your metabolism, weakening your heart, creating respiratory problems, making you more likely to wake up during the night, or suffer from sleep apnea. 7. Trying to force sleep This will only increase your anxiety and frustration, weakening the natural sleep response, and making the SLEEP = PAIN anchor stronger and more apparent for your mind. 8. Reading a Book or Watching TV in Bed to Induce Sleepiness
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How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Not only does watching TV or reading keep your conscious racing mind active, it also diminishes the natural sleep response. As this supports the negative anchor in your mind that the process of falling asleep is something you have to AVOID. The more awake time you spend in your bed, the more your mind associates that the BED = AWAKE. SLEEP = PAIN.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Taking sleeping pills eliminates the natural sleep response completely, because you are now also relying on sleeping pills as a safety sleeping cue, much like a child will rely on their parents on tucking them in, or for the night lamp being on before they can safely enter Stage 1 sleep. In your mind, you have now traded in the equation of BED = SLEEP, for: BED + PILLS = SLEEP. BED without PILLS = PAIN, ANXIETY. This association makes the cause of Insomnia, the negative anchoring, even stronger, minimizing your chances of going to sleep naturally. It also pushes you to becoming completely dependant on pills to sleep. Never-mind that most pills are physiologically addictive, you are now psychologically addicted to them as well.
The Truth, and Nothing But the Truth Why Sleeping Pills Make Insomnia Worse
As I've said before, the fact that sleeping pills cure Insomnia is a myth. Research shows that most chronic Insomniacs, after treatment with sleeping pills, still had trouble falling asleep. Sleeping pills are as effective to curing Insomnia as a glass of water is to a flesh wound in a battle field, here's why:
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Halcion, Ambien, Dalmane Most BZs were actually developed as anti-anxiety drugs, they simply have a side effect of making someone feel drowsy, and this is why doctors prescribe them. It's a great way for the drug companies to save money on developing new products. Most BZs lose their effectiveness after 4 to 6 weeks, because your brain becomes habituated to their effects, unless you increase the dose you are taking. The National Institute of Health recommends they only be prescribed for a maximum of 6 weeks as a temporary sleeping solution, however, most doctors prescribe them for months or even years, not following up with patients, who frequently take much more than the recommended dose! The effects of BZs are WORSE than Insomnia Itself! Most BZs stay in your body for several days after you take them, it takes an average of 2 days for most BZs to be completely removed from your body, hence, taking sleeping pills for one night will usually cause days of the after effects. Studies show that BZs impair condition and alertness during the daytime. They cause drowsiness, nausea, blurred vision, weakness, loss of appetite, and in some cases very frequent urination. It's not uncommon for Insomniacs who take BZs to wake up several times during the night to urinate. BZs also cause high blood pressure, and should not be taken by anyone with heart problems. Most people who try to stop taking BZs abruptly experience anxiety, nausea, headaches, nervousness, and even seizures, because your body does become dependant on them! Therefore, you should always gradually decrease your dose of BZs when you plan to stop taking them (details explained later) Anti-Depressants Commonly used: Elavil, SInequan, Desyrel, Prozac The other common type of sleeping pills prescribed are anti-depressants, at low doses antidepressants cause drowsiness causing you to lower your brain waves and enter Stage 1 and 2 sleep. Again this is great for putting you to sleep, but anti-depressants also lower the amount of deep sleep you get, and even low doses of anti-depressants produce day-time hangover, headaches, and psychological dependency. The other side effects of anti-depressants are dry-mouth, constipation, blurred vision, and urinary problems. Both anti-depressants and BZs should not be taken by pregnant women, as they are harmful to the fetus. And again, NEVER combine anti-depressants or BZs with Alcohol; doing so puts your life at risk Over the Counter Drugs Commonly used: Tylenol PM, Anacin PM, Excedrin PM Most people head right to the over the counter drugs(OTCs), mainly because they are scared of the many side effects of the sleeping pills above. However, not only are OTCs less effective at putting you to sleep, they cause the same side effects as BZs and anti-depressants.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
OTCs lower the amount of Stage 4, Deep Sleep you get, causing you to get worse quality sleep than you would if you simply endured your Insomnia. Daytime sedation, drowsiness, tolerance and psychological dependence are common after effects. Melatonin Pills Synthetic Melatonin Another miracle drug that is new on the block is melatonin. To remind you briefly, melatonin is a natural hormone your body releases when going to sleep. Melatonin increases when there is no light coming into your eyes. However, studies show that synthetic melatonin is completely useless in putting insomniacs to sleep. It has only been successful at putting normal sleepers to sleep. Studies on melatonin have been inconsistent. The reason why many doctors are suggesting melatonin is because it is seen as a natural drug. Make your own destinction. Melatonin may also constrict blood vessels and therefore should not be used by anyone with heart problems or high blood pressure. IT would go far beyond the scope of this eBook to talk about all the negative effects of pills, both physiologically and psychologically. However, my opinion on sleeping pills stand the same: sleeping pills do not in any way cure Insomnia, they perpetuate it's existence, and make living even harder for chronic Insomniacs. The reason for this is simple: Sleeping pills do not fight the cause of Insomnia, only the SYMPTOMS. While they may be successful at putting you to sleep for a while, they rob you of deep sleep, and create a multitude of negative effects, all of which are worse than the affects of normal sleep loss.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
chronic Learned Insomniacs who attempt to stop taking sleeping pills after years of using them suffer from experience extreme anxiety and nervousness when trying to go to sleep without them. In conclusion, sleeping pills are only a temporary solution to sleep loss, in most cases they lead to a life with after effects that make you more miserable than Insomnia did in the first place. If you begin to believe that you can't sleep without sleeping pills, this usually leads to years of taking pills, gradually increasing the dosage as you develop tolerance to the drugs, which leads to even stronger after effects, and a life of complete dependency and psychological addiction, lowered self esteem, a feeling of no control over life, and over all very little room for a healthy life style. All in all, this seems like a very good way for the drug companies to make millions of dollars off this confused market of people! Up until now, of course...
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
insomnia, but this belief still in some way supports that there's something WRONG with them, which creates anxiety and stress while trying to fall asleep. You know that this is the critical factor that pushes short-term insomnia into chronic Learned insomnia #2) 80% of chronic Learned insomniacs don't even seek help. This is because of the common stigma that Insomnia makes you a person with serious mental problems. Most people will go great lengths to cover up their inner problems/challenges from society, and pretend they're not there! Insomnia is commonly looked at as a psycho problem, if everything else wasn't bad enough; this creates even more anxiety and stress. So if you picked up this eBook you're one of the few people who have the courage to DO step up and change their lives! For that, I congratulate you! I hope by now, after reading all this powerful information, you realize that points #1 and #2 are simply NOT TRUE. Although, the drug companies would like you to believe those points. Those beliefs are what make the insomnia market a Billion Dollar annual industry! It's my hallucination that you're already beginning to feel a sense of control over your insomnia, as you think about all this information, how it may help you, and you imagine a time in the future when you're sleeping comfortably and waking up rested and energized everyday, looking back at this moment as being the start of it. The idea you might want to adopt is that Insomnia is simply a small glitch in your mind you have the power to easily correct. When trying to cure a nose-bleed by slamming your head against a concrete wall.(A situation in which you get an un-desired effect, by not understanding the nature of the problem :o) ) Trying to cure insomnia without understanding the nature of how it works is the equivalent! Knowing this information will supply you with the power to create better beliefs about insomnia, which will in turn decrease your anxiety, frustration, and dependency on sleeping pills (if that may be the case), and put you onto the path of re-establishing your natural sleep response, as well as many other sleep promoting habits!
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
We're also developing a whole Step by Step package with audio to guide you through the whole process of curing chronic insomnia, make sure to check our web-site for that periodically! Fundamentally, there are two things you must start doing to cure Chronic Learned Insomnia 1) Re-Establish your Natural Sleep Response (N.S.R) - If you are currently taking sleeping pills, getting off of them is the first step 2) Increase the strength of your biological sleep system
Three Steps to Re-Creating your Natural Sleep Response 1. Get off Pills
If you are currently taking sleeping pills, prescription pills, or over the counter drugs, your
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How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
first step is to stop taking them! However, if you have been taking pills for a while you cannot simply stop taking pills cold turkey. If you've been taking pills, especially Benzodiazepines, you could suffer from a rapid increase in blood pressure, anxiety, and even seizures if you attempt to stop taking pills all at once in one day. Building up the mental strength to stop relying on pills is also quite difficult, this is why I wrote a whole article dedicated to helping you quit pills.(Aren't I great :o) ? ) To get the article go here: www.WonderfulSleep.com/endingpills.htm
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
1. Watching TV in bed before you got to sleep. 2. Reading a book in bed before you go to sleep. Even though those actions may seem like they help sleeping, they make it worse! 3. Talking on the phone while on your bed. 4. Having heated arguments with your spouse/significant other in the bedroom or while sitting on the bed. 5. Using your bedroom as an office, or using your bed as a place to store paper work and other junk during the day. In conclusion, try to spend as little time as possible on your bed, or in the presence of your bed while you are awake or feeling negative, stressed emotions Use your bed ONLY for sleeping, resting, or sexual activity.
How to End Your Insomnia and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
by Kacper M. Postawski, WonderfulSleep.com
Sweet Dreams!
It has been a pleasure sharing this information with you, I really sincerely hope that you will begin applying it right away. I realize this last section has been very short and simple, but guess what? It works! People usually tend to make things more complicated than they are. Simple is Beautiful - Bruce Lee PS. My team and I at WonderfulSleep.com are here to help you sleep, and live a healthier life, if you've got any questions regarding Insomnia we'll be glad to answer them, just e-mail them to us here: Questions@WonderfulSleep.com PPS. Make sure to check our web-site periodically for updates, we're developing something truly incredible to help you sleep even better, a whole audio system designed to lead you completely by the hand to help you sleep better and re-energize your life, you don't want to miss this! And if you haven't already, sign up for our Insomnia Challenge newsletter Sincerely, Kacper M. Postawski, the insomnia terminator Kacper & Toby www.WonderfulSleep.com End Your Insomnia Forever, and Enjoy Wonderful Sleep Without Expensive Drugs or Greedy Therapists
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