Lost at Sea 1.WKB
Lost at Sea 1.WKB
Lost at Sea 1.WKB
"Lost at Sea" Objective To develop an understanding of the requirements for effective group decision making. Procedures 1. Read the instructions on the Worksheet on the next page very carefully, and then rank the fifteen items on the Worksheet according to which you think are most important. Take your time. Give the ranking problem some thought. Make sure the final ranking reflects your best thinking. Think in terms of what your goals are in this problem. Do this work individually without letting anyone else see how you rank the items. Raise your hand when you are finished. Do not go to the next page yet. I will then divide you into groups. As a group you are now to do the exercise again, ranking the importance of the items. However, there must be agreement and consensus within the group as to the ranks given. Place your ranks in Column Two (Group Ranking) of the Scoring Sheet. Place your individual rankings in Column One (Individ. Rankings) of the Scoring Sheet. I will then give you the correct rankings and you write them in Column Three (Correct Ranking). Now, on the Scoring Sheet, add up the Total Individual Error Scores in Column Four (Individual Error Score) and add up the Total Group Error Scores in Column Five (Group Error Score). Then appoint someone in the group to calculate an Average Individual Error Score.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
HOW DID YOU DO? Group 1 Lowest Individual Error Score Average Individual Error Score Group Error Score Difference Score _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
What Were Your Goals? What Should Your Goals Have Been? Who Was Your Group Leader? Who Should Have Been the Group Leader? What Roles Were Played in the Discussion? What Roles Should Have Been Played?
Following: Going along with decisions of the group, thoughtfully accepting ideas of others, serving as audience during group discussion.
BOTH GROUP TASK AND MAINTENANCE ROLES A. Evaluating: Submitting group decisions or accomplishments to comparison with group standards, measuring accomplishments against goals. B. Diagnosing: Determining sources of difficulties, appropriate steps to take next and analyzing the main blocks to progress. C. Testing for consensus: Tentatively asking for group opinions in order to find out whether the group is nearing consensus on a decision, sending up trial balloons to test group opinions. D. Mediating: Harmonizing, conciliating differences in points of view, making compromise solutions. E. Relieving tension: Draining off negative feeling by jesting or pouring oil on troubled waters, putting a tense situation in a wider context. TYPES OF NONFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR F. Being aggressive: Working for status by criticizing or blaming others, showing hostility against the group or some individual, deflating the ego or status of others. G. Blocking: Interfering with the progress of the group by going off on a tangent, citing personal experiences unrelated to the problem, arguing too much on a point, rejecting ideas without consideration. H. Self-Confessing: Using the group as a sounding board, expressing personal, non-group-oriented feelings or points of view. I. Competing: Vying with others to produce the best idea, to talk the most, to play the most roles, to gain favor with a leader. J. Seeking sympathy: Trying to induce other group members to be sympathetic to one's problems or misfortunes, deploring one's own situation, or disparaging one's own ideas to gain compliments or support. K. Special pleading: Introducing or supporting suggestions related to one's own pet concerns or philosophies, lobbying. L. Horsing around: Clowning continually, joking, mimicking, and otherwise disrupting the work and progress of the group. M. Seeking recognition: Attempting to call attention to one's self by loud or excessive talking, extreme ideas, or unusual behavior. N. Withdrawing: Acting indifferent or passive, not participating, daydreaming, whispering to others. V. IMPROVING GROUP PERFORMANCE A. Limit the group to between five and nine members--five is ideal. B. Seek members with diverse personality traits and backgrounds to gain the benefits of diverse opinions and perspectives. C. Don't be afraid of conflict--"from heat comes light." Spirited exchange of opinions is desirable; infighting and personal attacks are counterproductive. PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING: * Sponsoring other members. * Giving encouragement and approval.
* Formulating and citing examples. * Asking questions. VI. LIST OF CRITERIA FOR EFFECTIVE GROUPS A. Action orientation--they get things done. B. Prevalence of a non-threatening group climate. C. Learning is accepted as the raison d'etre of the group. D. Everyone participates and interacts. E. The material is adequately and efficiently covered. F. Evaluation is accepted as an integral part of the group operation (i.e., no one gets defensive). G. Members attend regularly and come prepared. BIGGEST PROBLEMS HINDERING GROUP EFFECTIVENESS A. Groupthink: Everyone suppresses their real views to maintain group harmony and indicates that the group and all of its ideas are wonderful, and that competitors are stupid. B. Lack of clear goals: No one knows what they're there for. C. Star complexes: Vying for the spotlight. D. Wallflowers: Non-contributors. RULES FOR MAKING MEETINGS EFFECTIVE I. AGENDA INTEGRITY: All items on a meeting agenda should be discussed, and items not on the agenda should not be discussed. If agenda integrity is maintained, people will read and respect a meeting's agenda. TIME INTEGRITY: Begin on time and end on time--absolutely no exceptions. By waiting to start a meeting until everyone is present, you reward people for being late--forget being polite. Start on time even if it means starting alone. End precisely on time, and always state in the agenda what time frames are so everyone knows. Also, time integrity means sticking to the time allotted to discuss items. If you can't get closure, table the item and go to the next item on the agenda. THE FRACTION RULES: A. The Rule of Halves: No item can be entered on the agenda unless is has been given to the person who schedules the agenda items one-half of the time between meetings. This gives everyone enough time to plan and arrange agenda items and get them distributed in time for review, which is one of the most important ways to get intelligent participation in a meeting--making sure everyone has time to and is prepared for the meeting. B. The Rule of Three Quarters: Agenda items should be distributed at the three-quarters point between meetings. The agenda should be distributed with any material required for effective preparation (including minutes of previous meetings, if minutes are involved). C. The Rule of Thirds: Break meetings up into three parts. In the first one-third, handle minutes, make announcements and get one or two moderately easy items out of the way to get the group in a pattern of successful accomplishment. Schedule a moderately difficult item and the single most difficult and lengthy item in the middle third of the meeting (in this third of the meeting psychological focus,
alertness, attention and attendance are all at their peaks). If the meeting is to run longer than one-and-a-half hours, give participants a brief break at the two-thirds point. In the final third of the meeting schedule For-Discussion-Only (FDO) items and schedule the easiest item as the very last item on the agenda in order to end on a positive, successful note. FDO items help release tensions and provide the opportunity for the ventilation of feelings and discussion of political orientations and ramifications. Two techniques to use during these discussions are the straw vote (an unofficial testing of the waters) and the inprinciple notion (an agreement on a general orientation).
RULES FOR A MEETING HEAD A. Plan the meeting properly (remember the Rule of Fractions). B. Insure agenda and temporal integrity. C. Facilitate and clarify discussion. D. Remain objective and impartial. E. Move the discussion along. F. Get closure on items whenever possible. G. Bring the discussion to a close. RULES ABOUT FOOD A. Allow coffee. B. Provide refreshments at break time. C. The less food, the more work that gets done. D. Use food as a reward, available only after, never during a meeting. RULES FOR BETTER PARTICIPATION A. Emphasize the agenda. B. Focus on decisions to be reached or items to be clarified. C. Target discussion. D. Orchestrate comments. E. Keep an open mind. F. Draw out silent members. G. Temper overbearing members' output.