Module 9: Installing Backward-Compatible Document Libraries
Module 9: Installing Backward-Compatible Document Libraries
Module 9: Installing Backward-Compatible Document Libraries
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Instructor Notes
Presentation: 60 minutes Lab: 00 minutes Required materials After completing this module, students will:
Be able to install and configure backward-compatible document libraries for Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies.
Important It is recommended that you use PowerPoint 2002 or later to display the slides for this course. If you use PowerPoint Viewer or an earlier version of PowerPoint, all the features of the slides may not be displayed correctly. Preparation tasks To prepare for this module:
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Read all of the materials for this module. Complete the practices and labs.
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies include a backwardcompatible document library component that can be installed independently of SharePoint Portal Server. This library component enables you to store documents using the SharePoint Portal Server 2001 formatting and authorization process. After completing this module, you will be able to:
Install and configure backward-compatible document libraries for SharePoint Products and Technologies.
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** What is the Document Management Server? The backward-compatible document libraries store content in the same fashion as SharePoint Portal Server 2001. It is included with SharePoint Portal Products and Technologies to maintain backward compatibility and to facilitate upgrading from previous versions. Installing backward-compatible document libraries is only recommended if you have content that was developed for SharePoint Portal Server 2001 or need to continue supporting the SharePoint Portal Server 2001 documents approval process. In this lesson you will learn how to:
Install the document management component of SharePoint Products and Technologies. Create a document library. Configure a backward-compatible document library. Configure the document approval process.
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*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Installing the document management component You can install the document management component of SharePoint Products and Technologies on a computer with or without having SharePoint Products and Technologies installed. The best practice in a server farm is to install document management component on a server that is not running SharePoint Products and Technologies. This allows you to migrate documents to SharePoint Portal Server, and then remove the document management component without disrupting operations. Note The best practice in a server farm is to install document management component on a server that is not running SharePoint Products and Technologies. For this instructor-led practice, we are limited in the number of virtual computers that we can run.
! Ensure that the proxy server settings for Internet access are specified
correctly 1. Log on to the computer running Windows Server as a local or domain administrator. 2. From the Control Panel, Internet Properties dialog box, Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box, in the Automatic configuration section, ensure that both check boxes are cleared.
3. If you use a proxy server, in the Proxy server section, do the following: a. Select the Use a proxy server for users LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections) check box. b. Select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box. c. In the Address box, type a valid proxy server address. d. In the Port box, type the port number for the proxy server. e. Click Advanced. f. In the Proxy Settings dialog box, select the Use the same proxy server for all protocols check box, then click OK. 4. Click OK to close the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box. 5. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
5. On the License Agreement page, click I agree, then click Next. 6. If necessary, on the Product Identification page, type the product key in the spaces provided, then click Next. 7. On the Document library component of Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Setup page, specify the location on the server disk where you want to install the data files for the document library component. The default location will suffice. However, you can change the installation location for these files by clicking Change Folder. (Refer to the following screen shot)
SharePoint Products and Technologies also installs additional required files on the operating system drive. Click Disk Information for information about the amount of disk space required and the amount remaining. If there are existing files in the installation paths, setup removes these files. Note The path must meet the following restrictions: The path name can have a maximum length of 100 characters. The path name can contain only characters in the lower ASCII range. The path cannot point to a root directory. For example, E:\ is not allowed, but E:\Installation is allowed 8. Click Next. 9. Click OK if the following dialog displays: Setup will stop the following services to install Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. 10. The Component Progress page displays.
11. On the Completing the Document Library Setup Wizard page, click Finish. 12. Click Yes to restart your system now. Adding the Document Library Server to the Topology Assignments
5. In the Job server box, select CARDIFF. 6. In the Document library server box, type cardiff. 7. Click OK.
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Introduction When you open the Document Library you are presented with the Management folder, the default Documents folder and 5 WSS system folders (_TEMP_, LOCKS, SHADOW, and system) The multiple pages icon on the Documents folder designates that folder as Enhanced. Enhanced folders support document versions, check-in and check out, and document publishing. To determine whether a folder is enhanced, right click on the folder and choose properties. On the general tab you may select on unselect the Enable enhanced folders option. If you right click on an enhanced folder and select properties you will find four tabs that control the properties of the folder. General Tab The General tab shows information about the folder such as the number of files, size, address etc. You can also choose whether the folder should be enhanced or normal. The security tab controls who has access to the files/folders contained within. From here you can assign users into three pre-configured rolls:
Enhanced Folders
ReaderReaders have permission to read documents that are published in the folder. AuthorAuthors can create new documents and edit documents in the folder. CoordinatorsCoordinators can add users, select profiles and has author permissions to the folder.
Profiles and properties are the mechanisms that collect metadata from authors; profiles define what properties are collected, and properties define what metadata values are entered. Every document has an associated profile, whether stored in a standard or enhanced folder. If no other profile is specified, it uses the Base Document profile.
In backward-compatible document libraries, you can use an approval process as a method of reviewing and approving documents in enhanced folders before publishing them on the portal site. After you approve a document, a public version is automatically created. Users who are assigned as readers on the folder containing the document can then search for and view the document on the portal site.
When you create a subfolder, an approval process is inherited from the parent folder along with role assignments. However, any subsequent changes to the approval process on the parent folder are not inherited. You must manage the approval process for each folder individually. Alternatively, you can establish different approval process configurations for individual folders and subfolders by clicking the Approval tab on the Properties page of the specific folder. Note You can make changes to an approval process, but these changes affect only documents submitted for approval after the changes have been made. Changes to the approval process for a folder do not affect documents already pending approval.
If you choose not to configure an approval process, SharePoint Products and Technologies will publish documents automatically upon submission, without review or approval.
Approval routing
Serial approval (one after another). When the author submits the document by using the Publish command, the first member of the Approvers list receives a request for approval by e-mail. After the first person on the list approves the document, the next person on the list is asked to approve it, and so on. SharePoint Products and Technologies publishes the document only after all approvers on the list have approved the document. If any person on the list rejects the document, SharePoint Products and Technologies cancels the approval process and returns the document to the document library in a checked-in state.
Parallel approval (all at once). This approval model is based on the number of approvals required to publish the document. The coordinator can choose one of two strategies: one approval publishes the document or all approvers must approve the document for publication to take place. When the author submits the document by using the Publish command, SharePoint Products and Technologies sends a request for approval to all approvers. The approval email informs approvers of the location of the document. If the required number of approvers approves the document, SharePoint Products and Technologies publishes it. If the document does not receive the required number of approvals, SharePoint Products and Technologies cancels the approval process and returns the document to the document library in a checked-in state. As a coordinator, you have the ability to stop an approval process, either by using the Bypass Approval command or the Cancel Publish command. This is useful if a document is under approval and one or more of the approvers are not available. The Bypass Approval command skips all remaining approvers and publishes the document to the portal site. The Cancel Publish command cancels the approval process and returns the document to a checked-in, unpublished state in the document library.
Warning If you are both a coordinator on a folder and an approver for that folder, when you receive an approval request, the Approve, Bypass Approval, Reject, and Cancel Publish options are all available to you on the same menu. Be careful that you do not accidentally choose Bypass Approval or Cancel Publish when you want to approve or reject a document.
Course Evaluation
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE****************************** Your evaluation of this course will help Microsoft understand the quality of your learning experience. To complete a course evaluation, go to Microsoft will keep your evaluation strictly confidential and will use your responses to improve your future learning experience.