Leadership Notes
Leadership Notes
Leadership Notes
Drucker) Wikipedia defines leadership as follows: The process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task Here the common task depends upon the circumstance. In corporate or in business it can be sales, company targets, revenues or human resource management etc. In simple way, the leadership is a skill to contribute and make others to contribute towards a common goal. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Attributes Attributes establish what leaders are, and every leader needs at least three of them: 1. Standard Bearers: Establish the ethical framework within an organization. This demand a commitment to live and defend the climate and culture that you want to permeate your organization. What you set as an example will soon become the rule as unlike knowledge, ethical behavior is learned more by observing than by listening. Being a standard bearer creates trust and openness in your employees, who in turn, fulfill your visions. 2. Developers: Help others learn through teaching, training, and coaching. This creates an exciting place to work and learn. Employees who work for developers know that they can take risks, learn by making mistakes, and winning in the end. 3. Integrators: Orchestrate the many activities that take place throughout an organization by providing a view of the future and the ability to obtain it. Success can only be achieved when there is a unity of effort. Integrators have a sixth sense about where problems will occur and make their presence felt during critical times. Beliefs are what we hold dear to us and are rooted deeply within us. They could be assumptions or convictions that you hold true regarding people, concepts, or things. They could be the beliefs about life, death, religion, what is good, what is bad, what is human nature, etc. Values are attitudes about the worth of people, concepts, or things. Values help to determine how we will act as they help us to weigh the importance of various alternatives. For example, you might value a good car, home, friendship, personal comfort, or relatives. For example, you might value friends more than privacy, while others might be the opposite. Thus, they tell us how much worth to place on a family heirloom, such as our grandfather's watch, how much time to devote to the up-keeping of a car, our food and exercising choices, and how much time we will devote to helping a friend. An organization's values tend to take the shape of its leader's values. In turn, they hope that through such techniques as storytelling, rituals, social learning, recognition,
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and work relationships, that their values will also become a part of the employee's values. Skills are the knowledge and abilities that a person gains throughout life. The ability to learn a new skill varies with each individual. Some skills come almost naturally, while others come only by complete devotion to study and practice. Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits. FEATURES 1. The process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in desired manner. 2. Directing & coordinating the work of group members 3. Interpersonal relations in which others comply because they want to, not because they have to. 4. The process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals. 5. Actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities 6. The leaders job is to create conditions for the team to be effective. 7. The ends of leadership involve getting results through others, & the means of leadership involve the ability to build cohesive, goal oriented teams. Good leaders are those who build teams to get results across a variety of situations. 8. Leadership represents a complex form of social problem solving. NATURE 1. Leadership is both a science & an art. Being an expert on leadership research is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for being a good leader. Some managers may be effective leaders without ever having taken a course or training program in leadership & some scholars in the field of leadership may be relatively poor leaders themselves. Skill in analyzing & responding to situations varies greatly across leaders; leadership will always remain partly an art as well as a science. 2. It is both rational & emotional Leadership includes actions & influences based on reason & logic as well as those based on inspiration & passion. Because people differ in their thoughts & feelings, hopes & dreams, needs & fears, goals & ambitions & strength & weakness, leadership situations can be very complex. Good leadership is more than just calculation & planning. Emotions can be aroused either positively or negatively, constructively or destructively. e.g, of emotional influence- Adolf Hitler, present day angry mobs attest. E.g, of rational influence- In cockpit crews, there are clear line of authority from the captain down to the first officer & so on. 3. Leadership & management Leadership management Associated with - Risk taking, Associated with- Efficiency, planning, dynamic, creativity, change & vision. paperwork, procedures, regulations, control & consistency. Value-choosing & thus, value-laden It is not activity. LEADERS MANAGERS
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Innovate Develop Inspire Long-term view Ask what & why Originate Challenge the status quo Do the 1977) right things
Administer Maintain Control Short-term view Ask how & when Initiate Accept the status quo (Zaleznik, Do things right
4. Leadership & followership- Mobius strip. When top executives were asked to list qualities they most look fro & admire in leaders & followers, the list were similar but not identical. Ideal leaders were characterized as honest, competent, and forward locking, & inspiring; ideal followers were described as honest, competent independent, & cooperative. The difference could become critical in certain situations, as where a forward looking & inspiring subordinate perceive s a significant conflict between his own goals or ethics & those of his superiors. 5. LEADERS ARE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL These entire personas represent the faces & responsibilities of an effective leader & constitute an agenda that any aspiring leader must adopt.
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MYTHS ABOUT LEADERSHIP 1. Good leadership is all common sense One of the challenges of understanding leadership may well be to know when common sense applies & when it does not. Do leaders need to act confidently? Of course, but they also need to be humble enough to recognize that others views are useful, too. Leadership must be something more than just common sense. It implies a common body of practical knowledge about life that virtually any reasonable person with moderate experience has acquired. Old folk wisdom Absence makes the heart grow fonder & Out of sight, out of mind. These are contradictory statements. 2. Having a charismatic personality is not a prerequisite for leadership . A charismatic leader is one who has profound and unusual effects on followers (Yukl, 1994, p. 318). Charismatic leaders are often described as visionaries who have a strong desire for power; leaders have been called impression managers who have a keen ability to motivate others and set an example for others to follow (Yukl). However, many effective and accomplished leaders are not described as charismatic. For every positive example of a charismatic leader, we can find a negative charismatic. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. is described positively as a charismatic leader who organized a nation to fight for civil rights for all its citizens, whereas Adolph Hitler is viewed negatively as an example of charismatic leader who influenced a nation to senselessly and unmercifully kill millions of people because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. 3. Leaders are born, not made All potential leaders are born with certain qualities. But they develop into leaders only by forging their craft in the fire of challenge & competition. Leaders are made, not born. Many people have the capacity to lead an organization, community, family, profession, and, most important, themselves. Some individuals will not describe themselves as leaders based on traditional notions of formal leadership when, in fact, they do make a difference in their organization through their commitment, values, and action toward change. Leaders are not born with innate characteristics or skills predisposing them to be leaders (Gardner, 1990). A persons environment can influence the development of leadership skills and interests (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 1993; Komives, Owen, Longerbeam, Mainella, & Osteen, 2005). If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership is based on the courage of your convictions and youthful rebelliousness, not a learned skill set. Only influencing skills can be developed, not the drive to lead.
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4. The only school you learn leadership from is the school of hard knocks. Or Leadership is a discipline that is teachable (Gardner, 1990; Parks, 2005). Any participant with a desire to lead or to assume leadership responsibilities can be taught certain skills and processes. Leadership is not just common sense. Catherine the Great, John F. Kennedy, Sitting Bull, and Harriet Tubman did not rise to greatness serendipitously. They had a mission or purpose and they all experienced life events that shaped their values and sharpened their skills. Learning about leadership and developing as a leader is a lifelong process involving preparation, experience, trial and error, selfexamination, and a willingness to learn from mistakes and successes. Your own leadership development might start early in elementary school as the lead in your sixthgrade play, or it may begin later in your career when you become an elected official or community activist at the age of fifty. 5. In todays fluid organizations, leadership occurs at all levels . Progressive organizations are striving to flatten their hierarchies to empower people throughout the organization to participate in the leadership process. Manz and Sims (1989) self-managing teams concept is an example of people at the worker-level being responsible for high-level decision making and behavioral control over an organizations process and outcomes. People find meaning in their organizational life and work through shared experiences and a feeling of being empowered to make a contribution or difference. 10 ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 1. They appreciate who they are One of the mistakes a leader can make is try to act like someone else. A leader understands that he or she is a unique and original individual and cannot imitate another person. A leader has to learn from other leaders before him but never should he think he is a Malcolm X, Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill etc. 2. They possess a positive attitude. Attitude can be defined as the way you habitually think and react to life's situations or circumstances. Attitude is everything and can do wonders in your life. Attitude is what makes one person succeed and another fails. The difference between successful people and people that are less successful is because the successful ones have a lot of attitude and the other minimal or nonexistent. Effective Leaders have a great deal of positive attitude. They are not shaken by circumstances or mishaps as they do not dwell on negatives. They always look on the bright side of life and they see something good in any misfortune. They are in control of their lives. "When you control your attitude you control your life." 3. They believe in themselves. They have a firm belief in themselves and they value and regard themselves highly. They believe that they can conquer anything. If you are a leader and do not believe in yourself, how do you convince another person to believe in you? 4. Change is their way of life In order to grow and develop, effective leaders put themselves in situations that are going to make them change and mature and keep on growing. They are not scared or intimidated by change and in many circumstances, they initiate change. They act rather than react.
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5. They plan ahead Effective Leaders know where they are going. They have their goals and destiny in defined long before they motivate others to follow. They have a plan for their lives and are not free styling. They have the future in perspective and are clear where they are going before they lead others. E.g, Barac Obama, Abraham Lincon. 6. They build relationships with quality people. A leader influences people and is influenced by others. It is in this view, therefore, that a leader ought to network with people who are going to nurture and motivate him. These are people who will tell him what he has to hear not what he wants to hear. These people often put him in the hot seat and he will learn from their counsel. 7. They are optimists Optimism is one of the qualities of an effective leader. He needs to have a positive outlook towards life. To an Optimistic Leader white is black and bad is good. He always has something to learn from every bad situation. 8. They do not take issues personally. When disciplining a subordinate, a leader does not get personal or do it in front of others but rather finds an appropriate time and place to have a friendly chat with them. 9. They build the people they lead. The greatness of a leader is not determined by the power he possesses but his ability to empower others. Many leaders want to be feared and revered but a leader who will win the peoples' heart is one who is keen on empowering them. He wants to build his people to become better employees, citizens and colleagues. 10. They love and respect the people they lead. Without love and respect, a leader cannot be effective and all efforts to control or influence the followers may be in vain. Love and respect when given out are the exactly what you receive in return. You do not receive disrespect when that you give out respect. So what you give is what you get. Principles of Leadership 1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement - In order to know yourself, you have to understand your b e , k n o w , and d o , attributes. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes. This can be accomplished through self-study, formal classes, reflection, and interacting with others. 2. 3. Be technically proficient - As a leader, you must know your job and have a solid familiarity with your employees' tasks. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions - Search for ways to guide your organization to new heights. And when things go wrong, they always do sooner or later -- do not blame others. Analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge. 4. Make sound and timely decisions - Use good problem solving, decision making, and planning tools.
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Set the example - Be a good role model for your employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see. W e m u s t b e c o m e t h e c h a n g e w e w a n t t o s e e - Mahatma Gandhi
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Know your people and look out for their well-being - Know human nature and the importance of sincerely caring for your workers. Keep your workers informed - Know how to communicate with not only them, but also seniors and other key people. Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers - Help to develop good character traits that will help them carry out their professional responsibilities. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished Communication is the key to this responsibility. Train as a team - Although many so called leaders call their organization, department, section, etc. a team; they are not really teams...they are just a group of people doing their jobs.
you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, etc. to its fullest capabilities. TOP 7 LEADERSHIP MISTAKES Leadership and management skills are something that rarely comes naturally for most people. But if you follow some basic rules and are willing to learn how to work with people you will have things running much more smoothly in the workplace in no time. Here's a list of some the things you should NOT be doing. 1. Neglecting workers your workers ARE your business and they have to be treated that way. Failing to send this message to workers can be a financial and productivity drag for any business. Our workers are people with feelings and emotions and have to be told in many ways how important they are to the company. 2. Not being able to handle criticism Just because you're in a leadership position does not mean that you suddenly become immune to making the wrong decisions. As a leader you have to listen to constructive criticism and make the changes necessary. If a worker cares enough to share criticism, the least you can do is listen. 3. Unable to delegate responsibilities this is often a problem for small business owner / managers. We have to trust that our workers can do the things we have done for so long. If they really can't do the job because a particular skill is needed, then get them the training required or hire someone that can. A big part of leadership and management is about making sure that things run smoothly and efficiently, and that does not mean running from job to job doing
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4. Knowing everything Many of the world's greatest leaders are people of average intelligence that don't know all there is to know in their industry. They understand that they can't possibly know everything and they hire people that do know everything! The success of any business is in the hands of its workers and the leading managers and entrepreneurs of the world all strive to hire the best in their field. 5. Procrastination Putting something off till tomorrow that should be done today! Often procrastination is a result of having no plan or list of priorities. In this time management and goal setting are the important elements. 6. Lack of focus Obviously there will be things come up during the day that require immediate action that will distract us from our work, but we have to have a clear set of priorities to follow. Doing a little bit of everything gets nothing finished, causing stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. 7.Afraid to change The ability to change in business is essential. Changes in technology, the way we deal with people, the way we present the business, and in every other aspect of running and operating the company. Holding on to old ways of doing things just because they've always been done that way is a sure way to lose business. If any aspect of the business can be improved then there has to be change, even if this means getting rid of a poor performing worker or product range that is no longer profitable. As a manager or leader you have to treat your business like a garden. Continue to water, fertilize and weed your garden and it will continue to reap a quality harvest year after year. Top 10 Leadership Lessons 1. Leadership is everyones business. 2. Credibility is the foundation. 3: Personal values drive commitment. 4. You either lead by example, or you dont lead at all. 5. Looking forward is a leadership prerequisite. 6. Its not just the leaders vision. 7. Challenge provides the opportunity for greatness. 8. Leaders are team players. 9. Leadership is a relationship. 10. Caring is at the heart of leadership.
Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson
We keep finding leaders everywhere we look. They come from every type of organization, public and private, government and NGO, high-tech and low-tech, small and large, schools and professional services. Leadership, in other words, is not the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women who are genetically endowed with some special power. Similarly, leadership is not about organizational power or authority. Its also not about celebrity or wealth, the family you are born into, being a CEO, president, general, or prime minister. And its definitely not about being a hero. Leadership is a set of skills and abilities that are accessible and learnable by anyone who has the motivation and desire to learn it. Lesson 2. Credibility is the foundation. Quite simply, people need to believe in their leaders. Because the findings have been so pervasive and consistent, The First Law of Leadership: If you dont believe in the messenger, you wont believe the message. Credible leaders walk the talk, practice what they preach, are consistent in word and deed, put their money where their mouth is, and follow through on promises. This has led us to the Second Law of Leadership: To become a credible leader you must Do What You Say You Will Do, or DWYSYWD for short. Lesson 3: Personal values drive commitment. DWYSYWD has to fundamental parts to itthe say part and the do part. People expect their leaders to stand up for their beliefs. But to stand up for your beliefs, you have to know what you stand for. To walk the talk, you have to have a talk to walk. To do what you say, you have to know what you want to say. To earn and sustain personal credibility, you must first be able to clearly articulate deeply held beliefs. And we know from our research that those leaders who are the clearest about their own values, and who see the fit between their own values and the values of the organizations they serve, are the most committed leaders. Personal values clarity is essential to commitment and to integrity and authenticity. e.g., James Burke, former chairman of Johnson & Johnson, the diversified health care corporation. Lesson 4. You either lead by example, or you dont lead at all. The second part of earning credibilityor, DWYSYWDis the do part. The only way people know we value something is when they see it in action. When leaders practice what they preach they become role models for their constituents, and leaders who are seen as exemplary role models have higher performing units. In fact, in our most recent analysis of over 950,000 responses to our Leadership Practices Inventory, we found that Model the Way is the leadership practice that has more impact on constituents performance than any of the other Five Practices in our model. If you could only do one thing as a leader to energize the performance of others, it would be, based on our data, to be set an example based on a set of shared values. Lesson 5. Looking forward is a leadership prerequisite. Among the most senior executives, the percentage expecting this quality is 88 percent. People expect leaders to have a sense of direction and a concern for the future of the organization. Exemplary leaders are able to envision the future, to gaze across the horizon of time and imagine the greater opportunities to come. They are able to develop
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a unique image of the future. This ability, more than any of the other leadership skills, differentiates leaders from individual contributors. Lesson 6. Its not just the leaders vision. Exemplary leadership is not about uttering divinely inspired revelations. What people really want to hear is not just the leaders vision. They want to hear about their own aspirations. They want to hear how their dreams will come true and their hopes will be fulfilled. The very best leaders understand that they are supposed to Inspire a Shared Vision, not sell their idiosyncratic view of the world. e.g. Microsoft, led by chairman Bill Gates, Intl, formerly led by chairman Andrew Grove & Amazon.com founded by CEO Jeff Bezos. Lesson 7. Challenge provides the opportunity for greatness. the study of how men and women guide people through adversity, uncertainty, hardship, disruption, transformation, transition, recovery, new beginnings, and other significant challenges. Its also the study of how men and women, in times of constancy and complacency, actively seek to disturb the status quo and awaken new possibilities. Leadership and challenge are simply inseparable. Lesson 8. Leaders are team players. When it comes to superior performance collaboration out produces both competition and individualistic efforts. And, at the heart of collaboration is trust. Without trust you cannot lead. As one leader put it to us: I have a strong willingness to be a part of what is going on, rather than apart from. E.g. Wal-Mart founded by Sam Walton, Southwest Airlines formally led by CEO Herb Kelleher. Lesson 9. Leadership is a relationship. Leadership is a relationship between those who choose to lead and those who choose to follow. Any discussion of leadership must attend to the dynamics of this relationship. Exemplary leaders are devoted to building relationships based on mutual respect and caring, because they know that the quality of the relationship will determine the quality of the results. One leader said, I may not be the most knowledgeable personbut I know how to get other people to think well about themselves. What an awesome ability to have. The very best leaders know that their job is to make others feel powerful and capable, not to acquire power for themselves. Lesson 10. Caring is at the heart of leadership. Its not personal, its just business research indicates just the opposite. The highest performing managers and leaders are the most open and caring. The best demonstrate more affection toward others and want others to be more open with them. Exemplary leaders excel at improving performance through more attention to the human heart. The climb to the top of the summit is arduous and steep. The challenges are immense and often frightening. Against these odds leaders must sustain hope and offer encouragement. And the research is very clear. High hope leads to high performance. e.g. Andes. COMPONENTS OF LEADERSHIP
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Organizations consist of three components: 1. The s t r u c t u r e gives the organization its form and dictates the way it will interact. 2. 3. The f o l l o w e r s respond to the structure and the leaders. The l e a d e r s determine the ultimate effectiveness of the organization as the character and skills that they bring determine the way problems are solved and tasks are accomplished.
AN INTERACTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSING LEADERSHIP (LEADER MEMBER EXCHANGE THEORY) I.Follower Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. You must know your people! The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation. FOLLOWERSHIP STYLES: Robert Kelley followers as collaborators TWO broad dimensions I. II. Independent, critical thinking ---- Dependent, Uncritical thinking Active followers ------- Passive followers
1. Alienated followers: point out all the negative aspects of the organization to others. These types of followers may see themselves as mavericks that have a healthy skepticism of the organization; leaders see them as cynical, negative & adversarial. 2. Conformist followers: yes people of organization. They are very active in doing organizations work but can be dangerous if their orders contradict societal
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standards of behavior or organizational policy. This style is result of demanding & authoritarian style of leadership. Or overly rigid organizational structure. 3. Pragmatist followers:rarely committed towards their groups goals, they tend to be mediocre performers who can clog the arteries of the organizations. They present an ambiguous image with both positive & negative characteristics. 4. Passive followers: they rely on the leaders to do all the thinking. Their work lacks enthusiasm. Lacking initiative & sense of responsibility, they require constant direction. Leaders may see them as lazy, incompetent, or even stupid. They adopt this style to help them cope with a leader who expects followers to behave the way. 5. Exemplary followers: present a consistent picture to both leaders & coworkers of being independent, innovative, & willing to stand up to superiors. They apply their talent for the benefit of the organization even when confronted with bureaucratic stumbling blocks or passive or pragmatist coworkers. Effective leaders appreciate the value of these followers. They are high on both critical dimensions of followership- are essential to organizational success. Leaders would be well advised to select people who have these characteristics & perhaps even, more even create the conditions that encourage these behaviors. II.Leader You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who determines if a leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. LEADERSHIP SKILLS Interpersonal Skills The first leadership characteristic we're going to discuss is interpersonal skills. Leaders that have earned the trust and respect of their followers can use this trust to move the organization towards the achievements of its goal. These leaders are able to use their interpersonal skills to work through difficult relationships and keep the peace in their departments. They are good at listening and providing constructive feedback. Communication Skills Leaders demonstrating communication skills are both good speakers and listeners. Through their words they can help keep the workforce motivated and committed. They also listen to their followers and ask questions when they want to make sure they have a good understanding of what is being expressed. Values Leaders must also value the diversity of a workforce and understand that a diverse group of employees will bring a larger perspective to the organization. They need to treat followers with the respect they deserve and do not display favoritism. They operate with a high level of ethics that sets an example for others to follow.
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Organizational Consciousness Leadership characteristics sometimes go beyond the personal traits and hit on areas such as organizational consciousness or knowledge. These are leaders that understand what the organization wants to achieve and know how it can be accomplished. They create networks within the organization to help their groups get things done and are just as adept at breaking down organizational barriers to progress. Confidence Leaders need to carry themselves with confidence and not be afraid to take ownership for both popular and unpopular decisions. They must be able to learn from criticisms and are often acutely aware of their own shortcomings. Confident leaders are able to maintain a calm demeanor even during emergencies and this can be contagious when it needs to be. Flexibility Another important characteristic of leaders are their ability to remain flexible and adapt their leadership style to meet the demands of the current work environment. They must be able to work with others to meet organizational goals and shift focus as necessary. Creativity Skills Leaders demonstrating creativity skills are able to develop innovative solutions to old problems. The diversity they build in their organizations helps them to develop more comprehensive answers to routine questions. Creative leaders are able to translate technical information into solutions that are understood by everyone. Achieving Results The last leadership characteristic we're going to discuss is achieving results. Leaders just don't set the example for others to follow; they also play a big role in achieving the goals of the organization. Through their leadership skills, they maintain a high level of performance in their organizations and are able to help keep their workforce motivated even when faced with a seemingly impossible situation. And since they have a deep understanding of what an organization needs to accomplish they are able to quickly identify and solve the important objectives of an organization. III.Situation All are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, you may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective. Various forces will affect these factors. Examples of forces are your relationship with your seniors, the skill of your people, the informal leaders within your organization, and how your company is organized. ASSESSING LEADERSHIP & MEASURING ITS EFFECTS MANAGERIAL INCOMPETENCE- Dr. Gordy test Count the total no. of people u have been led by in the past. This include past bosses, athletic coaches, team captains, choir leaders, camp directors.,etc. then count the no.
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with whom u would like to work again as a follower, if given a chance. Now calculate thee %age of competent leaders out of the total group of leaders. Research finding: %age of people who are willing y want to work again with their leader was between 25-40%. I.e., most of the people would not work for majority of leaders they have been exposed to. COMPETENT MANAGERS: are good at building teams & getting results through others. Although they are the types of leaders most people aspire toward, most people in positions of authority fall into one of these other three categories. RESULT ONLY MANAGERS:are good at achieving results, such as financial targets or win-loss records, but they tend to treat followers as poorly that these results tend to be short lived. They are also promoted easily before the consequences of their poor team building skills became evident. They also have impressive track records, which make them very likely to be hired away by other organizations. CHEERLEADERS:very people centered & make it a point of getting along with everyone. Focus on making the working place warm & fun. Problem: they forget to do their actual job of leadership. Still there are dutiful, highly complementary of superiors, never make waves, & are well liked by followers, often get promoted into senior positions in organization. IN NAME ONLY MANAGERS: have difficulties with both building teams & getting results. They do just enough to stay out of trouble & avoid the spotlight, they only want attention, as this might raise superiors expectations for their performance. Thus highperforming followers can get very frustrated & leave organizations when they find out they are working for such leaders. MEASURING THE EFFECTS OF LEADERSHIP 1. Superiors effectiveness & performance ratings 2. Subordinates rating of satisfaction, Organizational climate, Morale, Motivation, & Leadership Effectiveness. 3. Unit Performance Indices.
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