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23:10. Jer 2:13, LK 6:38. Tithing Is A Challenge in The Area of Faith For Some of Us

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TITHING Introduction Salvation has a life changing impact on every area of our lives, including the way we handle

our finances. Gods Word has quite a lot to say about money and how we should use it as good stewards. 1Cor 9:1-14, Mat 6:19-24, 2Cor 9:1-15, Lk 6:38, Lk 16:11, Pro 11:24,25. The Bible warns us about the love of money, 1Tim 6:10, but does not condemn money as evil. Money can be used wisely, and for doing good, or for unrighteous purposes. Money, in itself, is not evil. It is amoral. One of the principles of the scriptures regarding money is the teaching on tithing. Stewardship Christians are directed by Gods Word to use their time, money, possessions and talents, wisely for the service of God and the blessing of others. (See Pastors Notes No 135.) The Bible says, It is required in stewards that one be found faithful, 1Cor 4:2, Mat 24:45, 25:21. Tithing is a part of being a faithful steward with our finances. The Meaning of Tithing The word tithing means the giving of one tenth of our money, produce or possessions. And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lords. It is holy to the Lord.. And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth shall be holy to the Lord, Lev 27:30,32. We are to honour the Lord with our substance and with the first fruits of all our increase, Pro 3:9KJV. The Origins of Tithing The Bible records that Abraham gave tithes of all to Melchizedec, King of Salem, Gen 14:20KJV. Also Jacob promised God that, Of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You, Gen 28:22. So we see that the principle of tithing to God was established long before the Law of Moses, given on Mount Sinai. Why do we Tithe? a. To learn to fear God, Deut 14:22,23, and obey Him, Ps 112:1. To honour the Lord with our substance and with the firstfruits of all our increase, Pro 3:9. This is an act of worship, Lev 23:10. b. To declare that we are trusting God as our total source of our supply. Phil 4:19, Mal 3:10, Jer 2:13, Lk 6:38. Tithing is a challenge in the area of faith for some of us. c. To provide support for those called by God into Christian service in such a way that they are unable to work to support themselves, Num 18:24, 1Cor 9:7,9,11,14. d. To provide for the work of the church in missions, care of the poor, administration, maintenance. Ac 6:1-3, 1Tim 5:9, 2Cor 9:5, Phil 4:15,16, Deut 14:28,29. Jesus Comment on Tithing. In Mat 23:23 Jesus confirmed the principle of tithing. You pay the tithe of mint., and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. Abraham Tithed to Melchizedec, Gen 14:20. The Scriptures call Abraham the father of all who believe, Rom 4:11, and say that all who believe in Jesus Christ are the children of Abraham, Gal 3:7. Melchizedec is a type of Jesus Christ. He is called, King of Peace, without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually, Heb

2 7:2,3. Christ is referred to as a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedec, Heb 7:17. Since our father Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedec, who is a strong type of Christ, He set us an example to follow. Gods Warning Against Failure to Tithe. The Bible says that if we withhold the tithe we are robbing God and come under a curse, Mal 3:8,9. The tithe belongs to God. It is His. Some may fail to tithe because of not knowing what Gods Word teaches, Mal 3:10, or a failure to surrender the area of finances to the Lordship of Christ, Mat 6:19,21, or fear and unbelief and a lack of faith to trust God to supply every need, Phil 4:19, Mat 6:33. Blessings That Come to Those Who Tithe in Faith to God. a. As we bring all the tithes into the storehouse, God says, Try Me now in this,..if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it, and I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, Mal 3:10,11. b. Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase, so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine, Pro 3:9,10. c. He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully, 2Cor 9:6. d. Give, and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down,, Lk 6:38. e. The generous soul shall be made rich, Pro 11:25. Bring Your Tithes to the Storehouse, Mal 3:10. The Storehouse is the assembly where we are spiritually fed and cared for. It is our own local fellowship. In the main our tithes are to be given to the church we attend. Freewill offerings are above the minimum tithe responsibility and are to be given as the Holy Spirit directs us. Aspects of Tithing. a. Tithe on gross income. If you are self-employed, tithe on the net gain. b. Tithe before you pay your bills, in faith, believing Gods promises to bless you, and the 90% you have left will go a lot further than the 100%. Furthermore God will bless you with unexpected provision. c. Tithe when you, cannot afford to do so, and believe God to abundantly bless you financially. He will! Not that our motive for tithing is to get rich. This is a wrong motive and needs to be repented of. Give in faith and obedience to God. d. If you have not tithed previously, then start now. Forget the past, Phil 3:13, receive forgiveness and press on in God. e. Give the tithe cheerfully, 2Cor 9:7, in faith. Say, This is my tithe, this is good seed, I am sowing it in good soil, and I am reaping an abundant harvest, Lk 6:38, Ru 2:12. If this is a struggle, then tell God, and trust Him to change your heart, Phil 2:13GNB. f. Record your tithes in a notebook. Be responsible. g. Set aside your tithe as soon as you get paid. Do not use it on anything else. Give it to God. h. If your husband/wife is not a believer, tithe on the money you personally receive. Explain what you are doing and why. Finally When you have established the principle of tithing in your life and family, expect the promised blessing of God, and as a result increase your level of giving to far beyond the tithe level. God will prosper you and you will be able to give many times the tithe in an ever increasing way.

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