Honey Bunny
Honey Bunny
Honey Bunny
Materials: Knitting worsted Bunny: 1 50g ball color of choice Dress: 1 ounce color of choice Panties and dress trim 1/2 ounce white Scrap of black for nose 2 black shank type buttons Size 3/8 (9mm) 2 bunny colored buttons Size 9/16 (14mm) 1 spool heavy thread Needles US size 3 (3.25mm) and US size 6 (4 mm) Polyester fiberfill Abbreviations: K = knit P = purl Inc = increase Dec = decrease Tog = together YO = yarn over (yarn forward) Sts= stitches Gauge: About 26 inches 4 inches (10 cm) on smaller needles Designer Notes: Unless other wise noted, all seams are done with mattress stitch, sometimes called ladder stitch. When casting on or binding off leave a long tail. This will be used later to sew pieces together. Leg: *With face color cast on 15 sts. Purl one row. Next row: Increase in every st (30 sts) Starting with a P row, stockinet 7 rows.** Next row: K 6, K 2 tog 4 times, K to end of row. Next row: Purl Next row: K 6, K 2 tog 2 times, K to end of row. Starting with a P row, stockinet 19 rows. Put sts on spare needle.
Second leg: Repeat instructions from * to **. Next row: K 16, K 2 tog 4 times, K 6. Next row: Purl Next row: K 16, K 2 tog 2 times, K 6. Starting with a P row, stockinet 19 rows. Body: K across sts on needle. K across sts on spare needle. You should now have both legs on the same needle for a total of 48 sts. Mark each end of this row with a piece of yarn. Starting with a P row stockinet 25 rows. Next row: K 2 tog across row. (24 sts) Neck: Starting with a P row, stockinet 3 rows. Increase for head: Inc in every st. (48 sts) Head: Starting with a P row, stockinet 23 rows. Shape top of head: (K 4, K 2 tog). Repeat across row. Next row: Purl (K 3, K 2 tog). Repeat across row. Next row: Purl (K 2, K 2 tog). Repeat across row. Next row: Purl. (K 1, K 2 tog). Repeat across row. Next row: Purl. Knit 2 together across row. Finishing: Cut yarn laving a long tail. Thread tail through sts remaining on needle. Pull up tight and secure. Match yarn markers and sew back seam to markers leaving a gap for stuffing. Sew inside leg seams.. Fold foot so toes points forward and overcast cast on sts together. Stuff firmly. Finish back seam. Shape neck: Cut a piece of face color yarn about 20 inches long. Starting at back weave in and out through sts of second row of neck. Pull up tightly to shape neck. Wrap one end of yarn around neck to cover gathers and again, pull tight. Tie in secure knot and bury ends in body. Eyes: Sew on black buttons for eyes. Shape face: Thread darning needle with a long strand of bunny colored yarn. Put needle through neck and come out on one side of eye. Go over to other side of eye and put needle through digging deep into stuffing and coming out at neck. Pull yarn ends to create plump cheek. Tie ends in knot and bury in body. Repeat for other side.. When sculpturing is done further shape face by inserting the tip of your needle and pulling stuffing into those area that need it. Remember, a bunnies head is wider at the bottom than at the top. Shape the top of head by pressing gently with your hands to make it a little narrower.. With black embroider V shape for nose Ears: Make 2. Ears are done in garter stitch, knit every row. With bunny color and smaller needles, cast on 6 stitches. Knit the first row. Next row: K 1, inc in next st, K to last 2 sts, inc in next st, K1
Next row: Knit Repeat these 2 rows until you have 14 stitches on needle. Garter stitch 25 rows. Row 1: K 1, K 2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K 2 tog, K 1 Row 2: Knit Row 3: Knit Row 4: Knit Repeat these 4 rows until you have 10 stitches on needle. Next row: Repeat row 1. Garter stitch 2 rows and bind off. Sew to top of bunnys head. Repeat for other ear. Panties: With white, cast on 26 stitches. Starting with a purl row, stockinet 11 rows. Next row: Bind off 11 stitches and knit to end of row. Next row: Bind off 11 stitches purlwise and purl remaining 4 stitches. Stockinet 4 rows. Next row: Cast on 11 stitches. Knit to end of row. Next row: Cast on 11 stitches. Purl to end of row. Stockinet 11 rows and bind off. Overcast row ends at each side. Put on doll and pull up to waist. Stitch panty waist to dolls body. Tail: Wrap bunny colored yarn 45 times around a 3 inch piece of cardboard. Slip wraps from cardboard and tie securely around the middle. Cut loops and trim to make a fuzzy ball. Sew to center back of bunny right over the panties. Sew securely through panties and body. Arms: Make 2. With bunny color cast on 9 stitches. Purl first row. Next row: Inc in every st. (18 sts) Starting with a purl row, stockinet 25 rows. Next row K 2 tog across row. (9 sts) Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail through stitches remaining on needle. Do not pull tight at this time. Starting at hand, gather cast on stitches. Pull tight. Use remainder of tail to sew arm seam. Stuff firmly as you go. When seam is finished pull yarn at top of arm to gather stitches and finish off securely. Bury yarn ends in arm. Repeat for other arm. Joint: To joint arms, Use a heavy thread, quilting thread or button and carpet thread. Thread needle with double strand. Go through body on one side, then through arm, then through bunny colored button and back through arm, then through body and then through second arm, through button and arm.. Pull thread very tight, pulling arms tightly against body. They should stay in whatever position they are put without flopping around. When satisfied, tie thread in secure knot and trim ends. Knot will be between arm and body. Note: If bunny is for an adult one pass through body is enough. If it is for a child repeat the process a second time before pulling thread tight. This will insure the bunny will stand up to hard play.
Dress: With White cast on 96 stitches. Stockinet 4 rows. Next row: K2, (YO, K 2 tog ) Repeat across row. End K 2 Next row: Starting with a purl row, stockinet 3 rows. Cut white and attach main color. Garter stitch (knit every row) 6 rows. Stockinet 10 rows. Next row: Knit 2 tog across row. (48 sts) Purl Next row: Bind off 18. Knit to end of row. Next row: Bind off 18 purlwise. Purl across remainder of stitches. Bib: Row 1: Knit Next row: K 3, purl to last 3 stitches, K 3 Repeat these 2 rows 2 times for a total of 6 rows counting from row 1.. Garter stitch 5 rows. Bind off. Fold in half wrong side out. Overcast row ends together. Turn up hem along picot edge and slipstitch in place. Weave in yarn ends on wrong side. Tie: With dress color cast on 40 stitches. Bind off. Sew one corner of tie to top corner of bib. Put dress on doll. Bring tie around neck and sew remaining end to bib. Bow: With dress color cast on 6 stitches. Garter stitch for 10 rows. Bind off. Take a strand of dress color yarn and wrap several time around center of piece. Pull tight to make a bow shape. Tie in knot Use remaining ends to tie bow to bunnys head.