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Immediate Actions: (Salmon Book)

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ENG Tailpipe Fire Evacuation NAV IR FAULT (-300 only) Red ATT Flag on PFD (-300 only) Smoke/Avionics Vent Smoke/Fumes or SMOKE AVNCS VENT SMOKE - if required, OXY MASKS -VERIFY ON/100%/EMERG Unable To Maintain Altitude - Loss of engine thrust Unreliable Speed Indication/ADR Check


AIR BLEED LO TEMP (Wing Anti-Ice OFF) ENG ALL ENG FLAME OUT F/CTL PRIM 1 FAULT (on ground) FUEL (L or R) WING TK LO LVL NAV ADR (1+2, 2+3, 1+3,1+2+3) FAULT (-300 only) SMOKE (FWD or AFT/BULK) CARGO SMOKE (With Cargo Door Open)

3. ECAM then 4. ECAM Follow-up (QRH yellow pages) then 5. ECAM supplement (salmon book)
Contact OCC for any temporary revisions. ALTITUDES Max 41,000' Max Flapand/or Slat extension 20,000' Max gear extension 21,000' APU (25,000' with Jet B or JP4) 41,000' APU bleed operation 22,500' A/P on (T/O) & G/A 100' AGL (with SRS) on (Enroute) 500' off (APPR) DA/DDA/MDA (non-prec.) off (APPR) 160' AGL (CAT I ILS 80' with Cat 2, Cat 3 Single, or Cat 3 Dual on FMA) Takeoff & Landing -2,000' to 12,500' RVSM (>FL290) PFD 1&2 + 200' (+20' ground), +75' ISIS +60' with either PFD WIND Crosswind 29/G32 K (Guidance) Braking fair/medium 15 K poor 10 K Autoland (Headwind 35 K) 20 K CAT II/IIIa/IIIb 15 K Tailwind 10 K (Guidance) Braking less than good 5K WEIGHTS Taxi T/O Landing ZFW Minimum (autoland) -200 515,656 513,600 401,200 374,782 255,733 (271,200) -300 515,656 513,600 412,200 385,805 266,757

AB 330 FACT SHEET Italic print denotes Chapter 2 memory item 2/2/2013 Do not reset tripped fuel boost pump/indicating C/B ENGINES PW4168A RR TRENT 772B (-200) Thrust 68,000# 72,000# No E&E compartment w/o dispatch/Mx direction TO/GA 5min(10-1ENG) 620oC 900oC(920o20sec) No electrical outlet use during T/O and landing MCT continuous 600oC 850oC Battery OFF and <25.5V, 20 min. charge Starting (air) 535o C(620o) 700oC (850o) Battery test off, on, <60amps in <10 seconds Max cont. start 5 min. After 3 5 min. cycles wait 30 If both main AC buses lose electrical power, the min. between subsequent 5 min cycles. emergency generator is automatically connected Do not engage starter >35% N2 (-300 only) HYDRAULICS N1/N2 / N3 100/100/NA 99/103.3/100% Green - Two pumps (one on each engine). Electric pump, Takeoff/GA Oil temp T/O min 50oC max 163oC (177oC 20 min.) manual or automatic, and RAT. -200 T/O min 20oC max 190 oC RAT auto with 2 engine failure, G&B or G&Y low level Electric pump for 25 sec after gear lever up & 1 engine Oil pressure 70 psi (-200 25 psi) Oil quantity minimum 18 quarts (16 quarts -200) Blue - Engine 1 pump or electric pump (manual). Reverse thrust is for ground use only. Electric pump on -ENG 1 fail & PRIM 1 or 3 off (-200) No max rev<70k, idle rev OK to stop Yellow - engine 2 pump or electric pump (manual or Power-back prohibited automatic). A hand pump is provided for operation of Flex thrust not authorized on contaminated runway the cargo doors when electrical power is not available. Warm up 5 min (<90min on ground, then 3 min), Electric pump on with engine 2 fail & flap lever not 0 Not >1.15 EPR with parking brake ON & G electric not in use. Y on ground for cargo doors 4 TL detents TOGA, FLX MCT, CL, IDLE Electric pump overheat resets on ground only THR LK move thrust levers out of CLor MCT detent Max takeoff brake temp 300o C. TOGA LK (alpha floor) disconnect autothrust After gear extension verify no pressure on triple (PM) N1 mode (rated & unrated) overboosted possible Write-up if same strut brakes differ >150o and any brake N1 amber > N1max, red > 100% is >600o or <60 o; or mean temp with other strut differs -200 Derate ClimbD2,D1.500 FPM minimum, phases out >200o; or temp >900 o 31,000-36,000 Alternate Brakes - no antiskid if on accumulators only
Auto Brakes with normal brakes only. On when wet/slippery, rollout limited, higher approach speeds, crosswind>10k, CAT II/III. DECEL at 80% rate B Alternate Brake Accumulators provide 7 full Applications or parking for 12 hours. Landing Gear red arrow- gear not locked down for landing (flaps 3 or full) FLIGHT CONTROLS Normal protections load factor, attitude- pitch (30,-15), high bank (33/67), high AOA, high speed, yaw damper/coordination. Depart normal with multiple failures of redundant systems. 3 modes Ground, a direct relationship to control surfaces; Flight, commanding roll and pitch rates; and Flare, out of trim condition Alternate Law (ALT1 & ALT2) only load factor protection; can be stalled Direct Law amber use man pitch trim, no protections Mechanical backup red man pitch trim only 3 PRIMs calculate laws, s/b spoiler operations, protection Speeds. Loose PRIM, loose dedicated spoiler Side stick malfunction, hold opposite takeover pb>40 sec After flap retract, 1+F not available until <100k, unless CONFIG 2, 3, or FULL selected 1st Outboard aileron 0o at high speed (config 0) (190, 300kts) OAT>38oC/100oF Flaps 1on ground FUEL -200 -300 Total 244,000 172,000 Inners148,400Outers 12,800 Trim 10,800 Center72,000 Trim tank fuel +300 of fuel slip quantity Trim tank forward transfer pump fail no trim tank forward when pitch >3o Empty center then wing. Transfer from center to wing with JP4 up to 20,000' (-200) Contact Dispatch if not Jet A or A1 Transfers (x11 factor) Inner to Engines always first Center to Inner when Inner full minus 4400 # (-200) Trim aft > FL255 Trim fwd: CG at aft target, Inner 8800# (until 11000), < FL245, < 35min to destination, emer elect (-200) Outer to Inner at 7700# X Feed auto open in electrical emergence configuration Dispatch with any main fuel pump inop prohibited CONFIGURATION Range Width /Length/Height -200 20/238=258 6,700nm 60.3m/ 58.37m /17.3m -300 28/263=291 4,900nm 60.3m/63.69m /16.83m APU 3 Starter cycles then 60 minutes before 3 more ECAM LOW OIL LEVEL still allows 15 hours ops. APU bleed valve auto closes >25,000', opens<23,000' Fire (on ground) auto shutdown and extinguisher Master switch off then on resets ECB Master off, 2 min cool down if pneumatics in use PRESSURIZATION/AIR CONDITIONING Max operating differential -1(-.73 -200) to 9.25 psi Safety Relief Valve -.26/8.85 No external condition air with packs Ram air inlet only with differential pressure < 1 psi MISCELLANEOUS T/O Uplink only if GWCG (on lower ECAM SD) +.5 of MAC on Final Weight & Balance Crew Oxygen <1,000 psi see chart PH 1.15.3 LAHSO minimum runway length 7,000', with dry, tailwind<3kts, 1500 & 3 (1000 & 3 with VASI/PAPI) Pilots are authorized to deviate from their current ATC clearance to the extent necessary to comply with the TCAS resolution advisory 1st flight in FDML current day, local time item Full alignment, Fire test, Batteries (<60a <10sec), Alternate Brakes (2400), Flight deck door Slides must be armed & checked with ECAM or door indicators before taxi, takeoff, and landing with PAX < 28.00 Hg, flight operations not recommended Pitch > 7.5o and Bank > 7o Do not pushback unless NW STRG DISC is displayed Xwind>20K, full FWD sidestick until 80K, neutral by 100K, 1.1 EPR, stabilize, 1.3 EPR, then TOGA or FLX by 40K ground speed Confirmed QRH Items (6) thrust levers, engine masters, ENG Fire PBS, Cargo Smoke DISCH PBS, IR PBS/selectors, IDGs Thunderstorms T/O <1000' AGL, 3nm SAT> 0o 10nm/20nm downwind SAT< 0o 5nm clouds/20nm Radar on Capt <2500 PBE good for 15 minutes Rain repellant inhibited on GND with engines stopped Modify Vapp for non-normal, ice accretion, or windshear Vapp>VLS+5 unless CONFIG 3 with ice accretion, then Vapp>VLS+10 180o turn - 200pavement width minimum Rest Audio - Level Adjust/Room(456 Enter)/-db (-200)

SPEEDS - Max (VMO/ MMO) 330 / .86 Gear (Gravity Ext. 200) 250 / .55 Shutoff Hydraulics 280 Flaps (Max VFE) 1 240 1+F 215 2 196 ( PFD no amber =) 3 186 Full 180 Turbulence > 20,000' 260/.78 (.8 -200) < 20,000' 240 Holding < 6,000' 200 >6-14,000' 230(210 if published) >14,000' 265 [PANS table IV-1-2 Holding 210/220/240] Taxi straight 30K, 90o turn 10K Tire 204K Window/ Wiper Max 230 Max angle green dot. Max Rate 250/.78 Alternate descent 290/.76 high speed 320/.82 ELECTRICAL- GEN 90 KVA EMER GEN 5KVA

LIGHTS Loss of normal electrics Capt instrument panel, Center instrument panel flood, Lighting,standby compass light, and right dome light, (provided the respective control switch activated). Logo on with main gear struts compressed or flaps 3/full Strobe on when shock absorber not compressed Cabin Emergency Lights on DC Ess Bus. On if normal electrics fail (AC Bus 1 fails) Cabin lights on >11,300 cabin altitude INSTRUMENTS/NAVIGATION OPEN DES prohibited inside FAF or < 1,000' AGL NAV (Magnetic) 82o N to 60o S (73oN from 90-120o W) RMP only to tune VHF3 1 FD off, other must be off. Both off FPV recommended Auto Callouts 1000(or PM), 500( or PM), 100,50,30,10 IRS tolerance preflight <5 K, post flight <15 K, < 5 NM within 2 minutes of stopping (else PH 2h.7.3) 3 A/THR disconnects match & mash, idle, FCU pb (causes thrust lock). Disengaged for flight if disconnects held for 15 sec. ECAM & WARNINGS ECAM underline-independent, box-primary, * secondary RCL for 3 sec. shows previous cleared or cancelled If ECAM control panel fails, still have EMER CANC, ALL, CLR, STS, RCL, and all pbs. GPWS TERR is based on position on a database map, no radar or radio alt. TCAS RA - promptly A/P off, F/Ds off (PM), notify ATC, adjust V/S to stay in green area. Respect stall, GPWS, W/S. On approach, with CLIMB or INCREASE CLIMB, G/A

OCEANIC Preflight reminders - FMS POS INIT Checks, Clear TROP (after uplinks), Fuel Slip, Security Form, Check winds, ETP (1/2), Clear Data Indexs Equitime Point Clipboards #1 Flt plan & Folder #2 Plot chart & Track Message SATCOM test On MCDU/CMS/System Report Test/Page 2/SATCOM/TEST (not during alignment) Gross Error 10 minute (2o) SEC F-PLN/1L/LL xing/INCR/NO (e.g. w22/10/4 westbound or w48/10/5) GPWS ESCAPE PF, PM CALLOUTS Monitor 121.5 > FL 180 GPWS pull up or terrain at night or IMC - do escape Complete Flt folder positions and highlight track THRUST TOGA CPDLC ATC COMM/Connect Status/Notification, ROLL- A/P disc, roll wings level CZQX (Gander), EGGX (Shanwick), LPPO (Santa PITCH Rotate to full back sidestick Maria), KZWY (NY), EDYY (Masstrict), BIRD CONFIGURATION Verify speed brakes in; do not (Iceland), LFEE (Reims), EGTT (London) alter until terrain clearance assured, climb to safe alt. Data connect problems reset ATSU 1 PM verify actions, CALL OUT FLIGHT PATH, MSA IS __, DCL stations CDG, FRA, LGW, LHR, MUN Advise ATC Santa Maria 13207, 8825, 6628, 11307, 127.9 (LPLA) NY & Santa Maria require When Able Higher (WAH) WINDSHEAR Reminders - Offset, Pilot # 1 2000, Pilot #2 Rerelease Reactive warning, windshear, windshear, windshear Remove Offset below 1,300' RA only Israeli Identification 124.3, 118.3, 118.8 Unacceptable +15kts, +500 FPM, +5o pitch, +1 dot Predictive caution, monitor radar display or warnings DUAL ENGINE FAILURE QRH windshear ahead (twice on t/o) and go around No fuel: RAT MAN-ON, THR LEVERS-IDLE, windshear ahead (on approach); reject <V1, TOGA if 230kts/Green Dot >V1, or normal G/A on approach Fuel: RAT-MAN ON, ENG START Selector-IGN, Predictive based on radar moisture movement <2300' THR LEVERS-IDLE, 300kts/.82 with alerts <1500' and caution/warnings <1200'. LOSS OF BRAKING If Autobrake is selected: 1. Brake Pedals - Press If no braking available: 1. REV MAX 2. Brake Pedals Release 3. A/SKID & N/W STRG OFF 4. Brake Pedals Press 5. MAX BRK PR 1000 psi If still no braking: 1. Parking Brake - Short & Successive Application

CAT II/III APPROACH PF, PM CALLOUTS Initially Waypoints sequenced, Activate & confirm approach phase, Flaps 1, FLAPS 1, Flaps 2, nd FLAPS 2, cleared approach, select approach and 2 A/P, CAT 3 Dual or CAT 3 Single or CAT 2, COURSE ALIVE, verify LOC *, GLIDESLOPE ALIVE, 1 dots Gear Down, GEAR DOWN, dot Flaps 3, Landing Checklist, FLAPS 3, G/S capture, Flaps Full, FLAPS FULL, verify G/S green, Set Missed ENGINE FAILURE (T/O) PF, PM CALLOUTS Approach Altitude, auto 1,000, Stable, auto 500, Engine Failure, TOGA (if desired), TOGA SET, STABLE, TARGET( + ___), SINK ___, 400' RA LAND ROTATE, rotate to commanded, POSITIVE RATE, Gear GREEN/NO LAND GREEN, 100 ABOVE, Continuing, up, GEAR UP, trim, 100' RA Autopilot 1(2), auto MINIMUMS, Go-Around, TOGA, NAV or HEADING or NAV(EO SID), 1000' RA or OCA, Landing, 10' RA levers idle, PITCH (>7.5o), BANK Altitude Hold, Flaps 1, FLAPS 1, Flaps-Up, (>7o), touchdown reversers, SPOILERS/NO SPOILERS, FLAPS UP, disarm spoilers, Green dot speed, select 2/1/NO REVERSE, NO ROLLOUT, NO AUTO-BRAKES, 80, Open Climb, Speed ___(green dot), MCT, MCT idle rev, disc A/P>60 (at touchdown if no rollout) SET. G/A if no LAND GREEN <350' or red autoland warning light on approach (200') or no FLARE at 40'. If ICING Engine anti-ice on if ice exists or anticipated, except autoland degraded >1000' OK if by 500', PERF APPR climb and cruise below 40o C SAT. Ice exists <10oC updated & captain aware. Prior to approach, disengage & engage other A/P 1st. (OAT/TAT) and visible moisture (including fog <1 Cat I initially displayed if >5000' mile) or surface contamination may be ingested OAT<3oC with Engine anti-ice required, 50%N1 no more CAT I callout minimums (auto) NO CONTACT or frequently than 15 min intervals and prior to takeoff <visual cues> INSIGHT RVR falls below minimums.after passing OM/FAF. CAT III DUAL can land, SINGLE only to DH RVR CAT III DUAL AH 200' (75m) 300/300/300 * (1 rvr may be temp inop) If a single BSCU channel has failed, TDZ and MID RVRs must be at least 400. CAT III SINGLE DH 50' (175 m) 600/600/300 * (either MID or RO may be temp inop) CAT II 1200/Advisory/Required Advisory (Mid) (500m) 1600/Advisory/Advisory Canada CAT III DUAL AH 200',SINGLE DH 50' 2" dry snow, 1/4" (1/2" if favorable conditions) slush (175m) 600/600/Required Advisory * No wing anti-ice on ground, or with APU bleed air CAT II 1200/700 Wing on at 1st power reduction; off at FAF, but can be * If four RVR systems are installed, the fourth is the used to landing if severe icing conditions, 4 outboard advisory (A) far-end sensor and can be substituted for slats an inoperative rollout sensor (RO). Lose electrics ENG valves fail open, wing close Probe/window heat auto on low on ground with 1st engine Engine-out CAT IIIA(50' DH), CONF 3, procedures done >1,000', idle reverse OK if Xwind<15k (no TAT), high with MLG not compressed. Anti ice FAULT is disagreement (wing also low press) GO AROUND PF, PM CALLOUTS Go-Around, TOGA, NAV, TOGA SET, NAV, Go Around Flaps,, FLAPS___, verify MAN TOGA-SRS, POSITIVE RATE, Gear Up, GEAR UP, Advise ATC, 100'AFE Autopilot 1(2), 400'AFE Heading __(if appropriate), LVR CLB flashing, Climb, CLIMB SET, F speed Flaps 1, FLAPS 1, S speed Flaps Up, After Takeoff Checklist, FLAPS UP, disarm spoilers, accomplish after takeoff flow and checklist

REJECTED TAKEOFF PF, PM CALLOUTS (>72K, spoilers auto extend, therefore autobraking) Capt. - Reject, My Aircraft, thrust levers to idle, max braking and max reverse until assured aircraft can stop on runway, slight forward sidestick, This is the Captain, remain seated. F/O YOUR AIRCRAFT, NO AUTOBRAKES, monitor deceleration, notify tower, 80

OTHER APPROACHES Category D, E > 166kts Adjust altitudes if SAT < -30 oC (also CAT II RA/NA) Non-precision approach prohibited in Direct Law G/A if > +5o VOR raw data or if RNAV, when both GPS prim lost, or both NAV accuracy downgrade (if only 1, use other autopilot) or lateral>.3 or (vertical>3/4 dot after FAF). Callout lateral >.2nm or (vertical > dot after FAF) RNAV/VOR A/P & F/D must be used. If both A/P fail, manual F/D RNAV/VOR authorized only if no ILS available. RNP .25. ND 10 mile scale. WINDSHEAR RECOVERY RNAV & VOR use DA or DDA (MDA+50') WINDSHEAR TOGA, set TOGA Authorized Operator VNAV (DA) use DA. (LPV N/A) ROLL-Wings level, unless terrain is a factor ASR If radar page not available, give controller PITCH- Rotate to (on T/O roll, no later than 2000' category, request visibility minimum and recommended remaining) SRS (if SRS n/a - 17.5o) with full back altitudes on final. Published MDA should be rounded sidestick. Use a/p if engaged (no a/p if >prot) up to the nearest 100' and set in FCU as adjusted MDA CONFIGURATION- verify speed brakes retracted, do LDA with G/S coded as LOC. Use ILS procedures, G/S not alter until terrain clearance assured must be operative PM verify actions, CALL OUT FLIGHT PATH, PIREP to ATC Landing call when cleared to land, in position to land safely, runway environment will remain in sight TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Note - Italic print denotes Chapter 2 memory Item

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