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Another Boardgame Player Aid By: Universal Head Design That Works

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Another boardgame player aid by

Download a huge range of popular boardgame rules summaries, reference sheets and player aids at www.headlesshollow.com Universal Head Design That Works www.universalhead.com
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

Game: WITCH OF SALEM Pub: MAYFAIR GAMES (2009) Page 1: Rules summary Page 2: Player reference sheet

Nov 2009

For best results, print on card, laminate and trim to size.

Shuffle the 6 Great Old One (GOO) cards, place 5 face down next to the 5 numbered edges around Rlyeh, and flip the card on the first edge face up. Place the 6th card face down on the Rlyeh space and the GOO overview card next to the board. Choose a starting player. Shuffle the 26 creature cards and place them next to this player along with the starting player card with the side corresponding to the number of players face up. In a 3 player game, place the side with the creature pictured face up. Shuffle the 12 event cards, remove 4 and place them face down off the board. Place the remaining stack of 8 cards face down next to the player to the right of the starting player. Each player takes a player figure, 8 location cards, a player aid card and a player board of a single color. Place a sanity marker on your player board on space 6 and your figure on Miskatonic University, along with the Witch of Salem figure. Place the Necron marker at the start of the Necron track (lower right of the board). Shuffle a set of 8 portal tiles (4 walls, 4 portals) face down, then place 1 tile on each numbered location (1 to 6). Return the remaining 2 tiles unseen to the box. Place the 34 item markers in the bag. Each player draws 1 item and places it on his player board. Artifacts go on the artifact space, and any other item goes on one of the 3 minor item spaces. For each location on the board, draw 3 items and place them left to right on the locations item spaces.

3. Draw an Event Card

The last player draws and reveals the top event card. Move the Witch of Salem figure along the locations a number of spots as shown on the card (from location 6, move to location 0), then follow the instructions on the card. The Witchs special abilities help players at the same location. move it an additional 2 spaces. Then shuffle the card and all discarded creature cards (including Robert Craven) back into the creature deck. Robert Craven: Place the Witch of Salem figure and all player figures on Miskatonic University. All players retrieve all of their played location cards. If a GOO is at Miskatonic University, you do not suffer any losses. Then discard the card and draw a new creature card. If the deck is exhausted, shuffle all 12 event cards together, remove 4, and give the remaining 8 to the last player for the next round. The starting player begins the next round by drawing creature card(s). The starting player never changes.

Shadows of the Great Old One

The 5 Great Old Ones placed around Rlyeh can appear at Miskatonic University as shadows through event cards. A shadow at Miskatonic University is treated in the same way as a creature if you visit that location. In addition, the text on its card is always in effect while it is there. If a new shadow is placed, return the old one to the box. If there are no GOOs around Rlyeh, nothing happens.

2. Player Actions
Starting with the starting player and going clockwise, each player performs these actions in order: a. Play a location card and move Play a location card from your hand faceup and move your player figure to that location. Playing your secret passage card allows you to move to any location except the one you are currently in, and you must lose 1 sanity. At Miskatonic University, retrieve your previously played location cards. b. Trade with another player If there is another player at the same location, you may give him one non-artifact item, and/or he may give you one non-artifact item. If there are multiple players at the location, you may trade with only one player. c. Encounter a creature or shadow If there is a creature at your location (or a shadow at the University), you must roll the die (see the reference sheet) unless the Witch of Salem is in the same location. After suffering any losses, you may attempt to defeat the creature (even if you did not have to roll the die because the Witch of Salem was present). You must have the 2 (or 3 for a shadow) items listed at the top of the creature card. You do not need to discard the items. Defeated creatures are placed in the creature discard pile and defeated shadows are returned to the box. d. Use one item You may use one item then discard it near the edge of the board (see the reference sheet). e. Pay for and receive one item at your location You may take one of the items at your location and add it to your player board (if you already have 3 nonartifact items you may discard one to make space). After taking the item, pay the price (if any) for that item, as shown on the symbol(s) above the space. A taken item may not be used until your next turn. If the last item from a location is taken, draw 3 more items from the bag and place them from left to right on the item spaces. If the bag is empty, return the discarded items to the bag.

As long as the 6th Great Old One (in Rlyeh) is faceup and not banned, its text is in effect. To ban the GOO, a player must travel to Rlyeh by playing his secret passage card, move to the banning space, and possess the items listed on the GOO card. This nullifies the GOOs power (card text). For Cthulhu 3 identical items are required; for Dagon any 3 items. The banning player no longer takes a player action, and is not affected by creature activations or event cards; however he loses one sanity on his player turn. If reduced to 0 sanity he is out of the game and another player must travel to Rlyeh. Until the GOO is banned, the portal at Miskatonic University cannot be closed, and therefore the game cannot be won.

Sequence of Play
1. Flip New Creature(s)
The starting player turns over 1 or 2 creature cards. In a 2 player game, turn 1 card; in a 4 player game, turn 2 cards; in a 3 player game, alternate between 1 and 2 cards (starting with 1 card). If the creature is NOT already on the board, place it on the first empty location clockwise from the Witch of Salem. Necron or Robert Craven are never placed on the board, and creatures are never placed on Miskatonic University. If the creature IS already on the board, the creature activates: suffer the effects on the drawn card and then discard it (the matching creature stays on the board). If players must discard items, you must decide how many each player will give up. Discarded items are placed next to the board. If a red arrow is shown above items to be discarded, and if all players cannot meet the card requirements, discard all available items of the required type and move the Necron marker towards the dimensional rift to the next spot depicting Necron. Special Creature Cards Necron: move the Necron marker towards the dimensional rift one space for each creature on the board. If a Great Old One is at Miskatonic University,

Ending the Game

The game is lost if the Necron marker reaches the demon space on the track before the GOO in Rlyeh is revealed; Necron reaches the dimension rift at the end of the track; or when all but one player has been eliminated by being reduced to 0 sanity. If any players sanity drops to 0, he is out of the game and his equipment is discarded. The game is won as soon as the GOO in Rlyeh is banned at all portals (including the one at Miskatonic University) are closed. Verify that every portal has been closed with the correct artifact and no artifacts were placed where there was not a portal (ie a wall). You may score the game by counting the number of spaces remaining on the Necron track and adding the total number of items (artifact and non-artifact) and the anity each player possesses.

Sequence of Play
1. Flip New Creature(s)
The starting player turns over 1 or 2 creature cards. 2 players: turn 1 card 4 players: turn 2 cards 3 players: alternate 1 and 2 cards (start with 1). If the creature is NOT already on the board, place it on the first empty location clockwise from the Witch. Necron or Robert Craven are never placed. Creatures are never placed on Miskatonic University. If the creature IS already on the board, suffer the drawn cards effects and then discard it. If a red arrow is shown, if all players cannot meet the cards requirements, discard all available items of the required type and move the Necron marker to the next Necron space. Special Creature Cards Necron: move the Necron marker 1 space for each creature on the board (plus an additional 2 spaces if a GOO is at Miskatonic University). Shuffle it and all discarded creature cards back into the deck. Robert Craven: Place the Witch of Salem and all player figures on Miskatonic University. All players retrieve all of their played location cards. If a GOO is at Miskatonic University, do not suffer any losses. Discard the card and draw a new creature card. d. Use one item Magical Glasses You may look at the facedown portal tile at your location (you may not tell other players what is there). Necronomicon You may reveal the next GOO card, until the card on Rlyeh is finally revealed. Elixir of Nus You may recover 1 sanity (2 sanity if the Witch of Salem is in your location). Dagger of the Ngaa You may defeat a creature at your location (or a shadow at the University) if the Witch of Salem is also there. Artifacts if you have the artifact pictured next to the portal tile, you may place it on the tile to close it. e. Pay for and receive one item at your location Items may not be used until your next turn. Draw 3 more items if the last one was taken. Move the Necron marker 1 or 2 spaces. Reduce your sanity by 1 or 2. Reveal and resolve the top creature card. Reveal and resolve the top event card.

2. Player Actions
Starting with the starting player and going clockwise, each player performs these actions in order: a. Play a location card and move Playing your secret passage card allows you to move to any location except the one you are currently in, and you must lose one sanity. b. Trade with another player You may trade one non-artifact item with one player at the same location. c. Encounter a creature or shadow If there is a creature (or shadow) at your location, you must roll the die for losses unless the Witch of Salem is in the same location. Lose the 1 non-artifact item depicted. Lose a sanity. Move Necron 1 space. You may defeat the creature (even if you did not have to roll the die) if you have the items listed (you do not need to discard them) at the top of its card.

3. Draw an Event Card

The last player draws and reveals the top event card. Move the Witch of Salem figure as indicated, then follow the instructions.

Banning the Great Old One

To ban the GOO, a player must travel to Rlyeh by playing his secret passage card (pay 1 sanity), move to the banning space, and possess the items listed on the GOO card. This nullifies the GOOs card text. The banning player no longer takes a player action, and loses 1 sanity on his player turn. Until the GOO is banned, the portal at Miskatonic University cannot be closed, and therefore the game cannot be won.


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