Trade Binary Options
Trade Binary Options
Trade Binary Options
This book covers basics of binary options trading and how to trade profitably. Moreover the book also includes basics of different trading concepts including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, money management and much more.
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CFTC RULE 4.41 - HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. All information on the website or any e-book purchased from the website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statement about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold, BinaryOptionsGain and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The use of this system constitutes acceptance of our user agreement.
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1. Introduction To Binary Options i. What Are Binary Options ii. Binary Options Trade Example iii. Advantages of binary options 2. Trading Binary Options I. Introduction II. The Underlying Asset III. Forecast IV. Expiration V. Determine Your Investment 3. Fundamental Analysis I. Introduction II. Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy III. Balance of Payment IV. Economic Releases 4. Technical Analysis I. Introduction II. Japanese Candlestick III. Support And Resistance IV. Trend Lines V. Channel VI. Common Chart Indicators VII. Multiple Timeframe Analysis 5. Money Management I. Introduction II. Learn To Protect Capital First III. Position Sizing IV. Common Mistakes
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6. Putting It All Together I. Create a Business Plan
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Introduction To Binary Options
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The trades have two possible outcomes. Outcome 1 Option Expires Above Strike Price 89.299 (In-The-Money) Payout $170 Outcome 2 Option Expires Below Strike Price 89.299 (Out-Of-The-Money) Payout $15
Page 8 Put Trade Example Say the EURUSD is trading at 1.30125 on 18:25 15-April-2013, now the investor believes the price will fall. In order to take advantage if the price decline the trader will place Put trade, set the option expiry to 1 hour (19:00) and finally set the amount he wants to invest in this case say $100.
The trades have two possible outcomes. Outcome 1 Option Expires Below Strike Price 1.30962 (In-The-Money) Payout $170 Outcome 2 Option Expires Above Strike Price 1.30962 (Out-Of-The-Money) Payout $15
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Trading Binary Options
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2.1 Introduction
Binary trades have 4 key features, i.e. Underlying Asset Forecast Expiry Risk It is important that traders understand these four key elements as they are vital for trading successfully. Each aspect is explained in the upcoming sections.
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2.3 Forecast
Another major element of binary options trade is Forecasting either the price will end above or below. Your forecast will determine the trade type you should enter. Needless to say, if you analyze the price will end above the strike price, you will enter call trade, whereas if you analyze the price will below at option expiry, you will enter put trade. Unlike other markets when trading binary options you only have to predict either the price will move above or below certain price (Strike Price). Usually in other markets apart from predicting the direction you also have to identify the degree (or the measure in points) by which the price would move. This makes binary options trading really simple. Each asset has different peculiarity, your research or analysis method might vary from asset to asset or from one asset group to another. Economic condition, Trends, Technical analysis and news releases are just a few methods could be use to form a trading bias.
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2.4 Expiry
Binary options have different expiration times, ranging from 1minutes to a month. Expiration times facilitate all type of trading style either short-term (day trading), medium term or long term. Day traders wants to quickly get in and out of the market with small profit or loss from individual trades, these high frequency trades could accumulate large profits. Medium term or longer term traders might set the expiry to 1 hour to couple of weeks.
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Fundamental Analysis
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3.1 Introduction
Fundament analysis is a form of analysis in which general economy, and factors that affect supply and demand are analyzed to make trading decisions. In simple terms it means that we study the health of the economy and if the economy seems to be in good state then its currency value will appreciate. The chief reason for this is that other counties and investors will have more trust in that country and additional capital will flow to the economy.
A fundament analyst can focus on everything such as overall health of the economy, economic releases, IR (interest rates), earnings, and production.
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(image source: Fiscal policy is an effective tool at government disposal in regulating the business cycle. Government spending and taxation must be approved by both congress and the president. Page 20 Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the process by which Federal Reserve in case of United States or monetary authority, central bank, or government of a country controls the following: 1) Supply of money 2) Availability of money 3) Cost of borrowing money (Interest Rate) These policies are set in order to achieve set of goals which are oriented towards stability and grown of the countrys economy. Interest rate and total supply of money have great impact on economy. Monetary policy is said to be contractionary if it reduces money supply or raises IR (Interest Rate). Whereas, expansionary policy is used to tackle unemployment, this is usually done by lowering the interest rate in inflation.
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Trade Flows Flow of money in and out of a country due to global trade or commerce is called trade flows. In simple terms it means that money flow from the importing country to exporters country for the goods and services being delivered. When a state imports goods this add money of the importing country to the market and generate demand for the currency of the exporting nation. This is due to the fact that goods are usually purchased in the currency of the country where they are manufactured or produced, so the country importing the goods must exchange their currency.
Capital Flows Flow of capital (money) as a result of investment into and out of countries is called capital flow. As in previous topic we discussed flow of capital as a result of international trade however capital flow results due to money flow due to investments such as stock and bond market, real estate and cross boarder acquisitions and mergers.
Page 22 Current Account The formula for calculating the current account for a country is as following
When describing imports and exports you will often hear about current account surplus or a current account deficit. When a value of country exports are more than they are importing is known as current account surplus. Current account deficit is opposite of current account surplus. A country with current account deficit will generally have a weaker currency, this means that the country is importing more than it is exporting and the money flow out of the country.
Capital Account The general formula for calculating the capital account is as following:
Ownership of foreign or domestic assets refers to things such as real estate, foreign and domestic companies investment and cross border mergers and acquisitions. Portfolio investment refers to investment in stocks and bonds. Whereas, other investments includes investment in loans and bank accounts. As we discussed in our lesson on capital flows, when a market in a country is outperforming the markets in other areas of the world, money will flow into the country from foreigners seeking to participate in those out sized returns. These capital flows are reflected in the country's capital account. This is the case Page 23 whether we are talking about a country's stock market, bond market, real estate market etc. Countries with aggressive inflows or outflows of funds have straight influence on its currency. If other things are kept constant then a country with major inflows create demand for the currency resulting into the appreciation in the value of the currency.
Balance of Payment In simple terms balance of payment refers to sum of all the transaction by a country with rest of the world. By using balance of payment as an indicator Forex traders can achieve immense imminent into the potential future price action of a countrys currency.
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Non Farm Payrolls Non Farm Payrolls (NFP), economic release is public each month on first Friday at 8:30. NFP is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in United States which is meant to show the number of jobs added or vanished in the economy over the period of one month. As the name implies NFP does not include jobs concerning to farming industry. When business are hiring people this means they are optimist about the future health of the economy. This is expressed in form of NFP.
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Technical Analysis
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4.1 Introduction
Study of price movement by analyzing historic price action usually in the form of charts is called technical analysis. Trader usually looks at price action usually in chart form and anticipate future price of the instrument. A technical indicator is a form of chart plotted using mathematical formula which is derived from the price and/or the traded volume of the financial security. The graphs are usually above or below the instrument price and are helpful in forecasting future price movement of the instrument. Technical indicators can be classified into two broad categories that is lagging and leading indicators. Leading indicators are calculated in an effort to anticipate the future movement of price. As leading indicators try to measure price movement from recent data, these indicator are prone to errant signals and it is usually recommended to use such indicators when there is no clear trend in the market. Lagging indicator pay emphasis on where the market has been and therefore what will be the future price. Lagging indicator produce least errant signal but at a cost of delayed entry. Lagging indicators are believe to work better in trending markets.
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A very basic strategy that traders use to trade using support and resistance is they buy at support and sell just before the resistance level.
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4.5 Channels
Channels are created by drawing a parallel line at the same angle of the trend line. To create an ascending channel (when prices are moving upward), we have to simply draw a parallel line above the price at the same angle of the upward trend line. To create a descending channel (when prices are moving downward), we have to simply draw a parallel line below the price at the same angle of the downward trend line. The channel also shows the range at which the price fluctuate when in an uptrend or down trend. Following chart shows how channel are created in an uptrend, downtrend and sideways (when there is no clear trend and the prices are range bounded.
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Page 34 MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) is an indicator which is used to indicate a new trend, either upward (bullish) or downward (bearish). MACD chart usually have three sub-indicators which include the following The first is the faster moving average. The second is the slower moving average of the first one. And the third is the number of bars which is used to calculate the MA of the difference between the faster and slower MA (moving average).
Page 35 RSI (Relative Strength Index) RSI (Relative Strength Index) is an indicator which is used to identify overbought or oversold conditions of the financial instrument. RSI chart has value from 0 to 100. Normally, if the indicator line is below 20, this indicates oversold, while the value above 80 means overbought.
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Bollinger Bands Bollinger bands are indicator which is plotted on price chart and is used to measure market volatility. When the market is not trending and volatility is declining the band contracts. When there is high volatility in the market the bands expand.
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Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reversal) Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reversal) is very basic indicator. It simply plots dots below the price if it is trending up or above to indicate potential reversals in price movement and vice versa. It generally believed that Parabolic SAR works better in a trending market.
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After analyzing these charts we see the pair is in a down trend in 5 minute and the hourly chart however when we move to daily chart it shows not only strong but also an extended uptrend. Therefore it is generally accepted by trader not to trade against large timeframe trend.
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Money Management
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5.1 Introduction
Money management is one of the most important aspects of trading and is also the most overlooked aspect trading. Money Management rules help us protecting out equity and also make us profitable in long run. Trading without sensible money management rules is merely playing Russian roulette.
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Fixed Investment Size Many traders make the mistake of choosing an arbitrary number such as $10, $20, $50 per trade or so on when they take first step toward trading. Using fixed investment sizing has many disadvantages, among is fixed lot sizing does not allow a trader to trade large amount on trades with high chances of winning and lower the trade investment on lower probability of success. % Risk Model The next level of sophistication in determining your position size is by using percentage risk method. In % risk based model investment amount is determined by the risk on each trade in provisions of a percentage of your capital. As we looked in our previous topic that traders who risk more than 2% of their capital on any one trade are usually not successful overlong run. For instance if a trader has $100,000 in his trading capital and identify from his historic analysis of the strategy that 2% or $2000 of his trading capital is an appropriate amount to risk per trade.
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Lets assume you begin trading with $10,000 and loss 50% of your capital which in dollar terms is $5000. So in order to breakeven and overcome the losses you now need 100% gain of on your remaining equity. The best way to avoid this is to have proper risk management and to avoid large losses. For this reason the 2% rule hold utmost importance in trading. If you limit 2% loss per trade this means that you can sustain 10 consecutive losing streaks in a row with a total draw down of 20% of you account equity.
Trader blew up their account more by trading impulsively than by any other mistake. If you ask a beginner trader the reason for taking a long position on a currency pair, you might hear the answer, Because it has gone down enough so Page 46 now its bound to go positive. This is an example of impulsive trading and wishful thinking; the trade decision is not based on a logical reason. Trading impulsively is merely playing the game of Russian roulette. Logical trading is extra precise than impulsive trading. Trading impulsively is simply gambling. It can be a huge rush when the trader is on a winning streak, but just one bad loss can make the trader give all of the profits and trading capital back to the market. Logical trader will know price dynamics and reversals, whereas impulsive traders are only one trade away from bankruptcy.
Adding To A Loser
Most of the time trader increase their risk and keep on adding to them if trade goes against them. This is a martingale technique in which traders desperately hope that a reversal will occur and their losses will convert to profit. However doing so increases the exposure while the trade goes in loss. In such scenarios a smart trader will typically close the option or let it expire and head toward next trade.
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Putting It All Together
Page 48 After identifying that one of the pieces of your strategy has stopped working what will you do to address it? What trading software and equipment you will use to trade and how much is it? What Broker/Brokers will you use? Do you plan to add money to your account and if so where is that money going to come from? If you are profitable do you plan to reinvest profits or withdraw some or all of them? If you plan to trade full time how you will support yourself if you arent profitable right away. How much money do you plan to start to trade with? Does the math work out when considering taxes, all costs, living expenses and your initial trading balance? Those who take time to think about and write down the business plan under these heading generally have a higher chance of success.
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