Duct Heat Loss
Duct Heat Loss
Duct Heat Loss
Part 1. A new standard test method to determine the thermal performance of insulated flexible air duct
This economic and simple test method researched by the author attempted to simulate applications where heated air blows through a flexible air duct resting on ceiling rafters.
axial fan and electrical resistive heating element. The axial fan has the same diameter as the inside diameter of the flexible air duct. Use standard metal connectors and PVC duct tape, and tape both the inner and outer sleeves per normal installation practice. Fit substantial insulation around the casing of the axial fan so its outward heat loss does not affect test results. Connect the resistive heater to a variable transformer, and monitor the total electrical input power (fan plus heater). Fit a calibrated hot wire anemometer through holes in the inner and outer duct sleeves, and seal both penetrations with sealant or duct tape.
Connect four x 3m lengths (or one 12m length) of 200mm or 300mm diameter sample insulated flexible air duct into a horizontal circular loop (i.e., a toroid or donut), and support on wooden blocks roughly 0.6m apart (simulating duct laying on ceiling rafters). Within the duct loop, have installed an
Start the axial fan and adjust the total power input to approximately 300 Watts and wait for two hours for
Fan Thermometer
Figure 1
E co l i b r i u m M A RC H 2 0 0 9
D t = ti - to
USE: Heat Loss (Watts) = HLC Duct length Air-to-air temperature difference
temperatures to stabilise, while adjusting the power to obtain a steady state internal air temperature of 40 to 50C. Once steady state conditions are achieved, do not adjust the transformer and log the total electrical power input, in-duct air speed, and in-duct and room air temperatures. Using the results of steady state conditions, do calculations according to the example in Table 1: This method derives a heat loss coefficient (HLC) for easy thermal calculations. HLC is based upon the duct length as this is simpler (and more accurate) to use than an overall thermal conductivity (k) and insulation thickness. HLC is independent of installed insulation thickness, which cannot be measured with accuracy. The HLC is here defined as the heat lost (Watts) per installed duct length (metres) per temperature difference (Kelvin) between the air inside and outside of the duct. As duct is flexible and tends to relax to approximately 5% less than its nominal stretched length, HLC uses installed length.
nominal diameters. E.g. for 400mm duct, the loss would be 2 x 675 = 1,350 Watts.
The principal source of error in the test method is the thermometer uncertainty, hence having a large temperature difference between ambient air and in-duct air maximises accuracy. For the thermometers used and a 20K temperature difference, the estimated uncertainty of resistance and HLC measurements is 2%.
Q.Can one simply use insulation conductivity or thermal resistance determined from flat hot plate tests?
Measurement of the glasswool insulation removed from a few popular Australian insulated flexible air ducts revealed similar insulation properties:
20mm 15 kg/m
Actual refers to the insulation of fully extended duct, which is still slightly compressed between the outer and inner duct sleeves. From the AIRAH Handbook, the insulation thermal
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conductivity can be deduced from this as approximately ki=0.040 W/mK. Use of the AIRAH Handbook data is appropriate for heat transfer through a flat sheet. However, with flexible insulated air duct, there is: Convective heat transfer from the moving air to the inner duct surface (dependent upon air velocity); Conductive heat transfer through the insulation and sleeve materials; and Convective and radiative heat transfer from the outer sleeve to ambient conditions. Using the nominal insulation thickness, the duct-tested overall thermal conductivity for the above example was determined as 0.043 W/mK, which is 8% higher than the AIRAH Handbook conductivity value alone. This confirms that the use of the value for a flat sheet (even at the higher density) is not accurate for use in flexible ducts, possibly because the compression is not uniform. Comparison tests have confirmed that air leaking through the inner sleeve acoustic treatment perforations and moving through the glasswool in the direction of the pressure gradient also reduces insulation performance. Other tests have indicated that using the raw published insulation thermal conductivity for determining flexible duct heat loss usually gives inaccurate results.
Note: R was determined by its iterative adjustment to obtain tested heat loss.
Part 2. A Heat Transfer Model for Flexible Air Duct Performance
A computer model was developed by Dr Peter Johnson to predict the thermal behaviour of insulated flexible air ducts at flow rates and temperature conditions different to tested conditions. The theoretical model is based on the use of standard steady conduction, radiation and convection theory, modified by the Reynolds Analogy. This model has been used to successfully predict the performance of sample ducts for different conditions. Firstly, the fairly arbitrary test condition was modelled by the software, with iterative adjustment of the insulation rating until the predicted heat loss matched the test result, for the same conditions. Refer cases A and A1 below.
Once the insulation rating (R) was established, the influence of other factors, e.g. emittance of outer sleeve and insulation thickness, were investigated. Refer cases A2 and A3 below.
Note: R is from model case A1. In this run, the emitttance was changed to 0.05. Thus a reflective oiuter sleeve enhances performance of 25mm (1) insulation by 31%
E co l i b r i u m M A RC H 2 0 0 9
Air flow rate Duct friction factor Inner duct mean air temperature Inner duct surface temperature Outer duct surface temperature Ambient air temperature outside duct Air heat delivered Total heat loss expected Heat Loss Coefficient, HLC Overall thermal resistance Rt
283 L/s 0.07 50.0C 48.2C 16.0C 5.0C 15 kW 1139 W, = 7.6% 2.109 W/mK 0.483 m2K/W
Note: This is case A2 with insulation thickness doubled. A reflective outer sleeve with 50mm (2) insulation achieves ~ R1.0m2K/W
With only 1.0m/s in-duct air velocity, internal convective heat transfer is reduced and the heat loss is approximately 11% less than for 4m/s. (However, in applications with lower air flow rates, useful heat transfer to room registers is reduced.)
When the duct inner surface is very smooth, there is less in-duct convective heat transfer. A typical flexible duct friction factor of 0.064 was used in the preceding model results. If the duct surface was smooth (zero friction factor), heat loss was determined to be typically 6% less. Conversely, if the flexible duct was poorly installed with excessive bends, heat loss per metre could be increased by 4%.
The preceding base result was for a typical duct with polythene outer sleeve and perforated foil inner sleeve. For fire-rated duct, the outer sleeve is also a foil laminate. (This reduces susceptibility to fire radiant heat.) The outer sleeve thus has lower emittance, and hence lower radiative heat transfer.
E co l i b r i u m M A RC H 2 0 0 9
Model trials indicate heat loss is typically reduced by 11% for flexible duct having a reflective foil outer sleeve.
If insulation wrap overlap or compression varies with duct diameter, the heat loss coefficient should be tested for the different diameter by the above described test method.
A test method has been developed and proven to be suitable for determining the total heat loss from insulated flexible air duct. A computer model of the thermal behaviour of insulated flexible air duct has proven to be useful in predicting performance for conditions different to those in the test, for example, for standard temperatures for heating and cooling applications. Once the standard HLC is determined, the heat loss/gain from an insulated flexible air duct may be estimated by: Heat Loss (Watts) = HLC x Duct length x Air to air temperature difference The main factors in reducing heat loss from insulated flexible air duct are: improving the insulation, optimised duct sizing, using unperforated inner lining, using a reflective outer sleeve, and minimising the length of ducting.
Standards Australia, AS 4254-2002 Ductwork for air-handling systems in buildings Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) Handbook, 4th Edition (2007).
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