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ApplPhysLett 87 172502

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Epitaxial growth and properties of Zn1−xVxO diluted magnetic

semiconductor thin films
S. Ramachandran,a兲 A. Tiwari, and J. Narayan
NSF Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, Department of Materials Science & Engineering,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7916
J. T. Prater
Materials Science Division, Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-2211
共Received 28 January 2005; accepted 27 August 2005; published online 17 October 2005兲
Here we report systematic studies on the epitaxial growth and properties of Zn1−xVxO关x⫽0.001-0.2兴
thin films deposited onto sapphire c-plane single crystals. The thin films were deposited using
pulsed laser deposition technique and were found to be epitaxial in nature. X-ray diffraction and
high resolution transmission electron microscopy were employed to study the epitaxial relations of
Zn1−xVxO with the sapphire substrate and electron energy loss spectroscopy was used to establish
the bonding characteristics and oxidation states of vanadium inside the ZnO host. The main
emphasis is on the magnetic properties of this system taking into consideration the phase purity and
microstructural characteristics of these films. Our results show that the Zn1−xVxO system, with V in
zinc substitutional sites, does not exhibit any signature of ferromagnetism, both at room temperature
as well as at lower temperatures down to 10 K. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2112185兴

Recent interest in spintronic devices, which utilize the were due to dopants in substitutional sites or precipitates/
spin degree of freedom of the electron, has attracted wide- clusters of a second phase. Hence, we have performed a sys-
spread attention. There are various novel device concepts, tematic study of the vanadium doped ZnO thin films for
which have been proposed that are based on this technology, concentrations of 1% to 20%, prepared using pulsed laser
and a few 共e.g., read heads for magnetic recorders and non- deposition technique. Special emphasis has been placed on
volatile memory components兲 that have already found prac- the correlation of microstructural and optical characteristics
tical applications.1 Diluted magnetic semiconductors 共DMS兲, of the films with their magnetic properties. We have probed
obtained by incorporating magnetic impurities into host this aspect to conclusively provide evidence for the absence
semiconductors, have been shown to be promising candidate of ferromagnetism in this system using various techniques
materials for such applications. But owing to the low Tc of including high resolution transmission electron microscopy
the early DMS 共e.g., Mn-doped GaAs has a Tc below 180 K兲 共HRTEM兲 and electron energy loss spectroscopy 共EELS兲.
the initial demonstrations were only possible at low Zn1−xVxO 共x = 0.01– 0.2, nominal composition of the tar-
temperatures.2 Practical applications will require ferromag- get兲 thin films were grown on the c-plane of sapphire single
netism in these systems to extend above room temperature. crystal substrates, by pulsed-laser deposition. The targets
Following the theoretical works of Dietl et al.,3 and Kazunori were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction tech-
et al.4, there have been experimental reports confirming the nique. A pulsed KrF excimer laser with a wavelength of 248
presence of room temperature ferromagnetism 共RTFM兲 in nm was used for the deposition. The energy density and the
III-V and II-VI semiconductors. Both GaN and ZnO have repetition rate of the laser beam were 2 – 4 J / cm2 and 10 Hz,
been studied as potential systems and a variety of dopants respectively. Thin film growth was carried out over a tem-
have been studied with mixed results. For example, several perature range of 400–600 °C and at a pressure of 10−6 Torr,
works on Co doped ZnO5 and Mn doped GaN have reported for 15–20 min yielding films about 0.2–0.4 microns in thick-
RTFM in these systems. Ueda et al. studied various transi- ness. X-ray diffraction measurements on the grown films
tion metal doped ZnO systems and found that particular were performed using a Rigaku x-ray Diffractomer with
compositions of Co in ZnO resulted in RTFM.6 Also, there Cu-K␣ radiation and a Ni filter. Magnetic measurements
are contradicting reports on Mn doped ZnO where a few were carried out using a quantum design 共SQUID兲 magneto-
have ruled out the possibility of RTFM at higher meter over a temperature range of 10–300 K. Microstructural
concentrations7 but a more recent report has found RTFM in and epitaxial characterization including atomic structure and
Mn doped ZnO at relatively low concentrations.8 It appears chemistry investigations were conducted using high resolu-
that the presence or absence of ferromagnetism is fundamen- tion TEM and EELS in a JEOL-2010 field emission trans-
tally tied to the exact microstructure of these materials9 and mission electron microscope equipped with a GIF 共Gatan
that careful microstructural characterization of the systems is Image Filter兲 tuning attachment. It should be pointed out that
required to understand their magnetic properties. x-ray diffraction 共␪ – 2␪兲 investigations reveal axial align-
In the sparsely studied V-doped ZnO system, ferromag- ment only in the direction perpendicular to the film / sub-
netism was observed by Saeki et al.,10 and Venkatesan strate interface, whereas, cross section TEM provides infor-
et al.11 but there has been no microstructural characterization mation on the alignment in all of the three axes, thus
done in this system so far, to confirm whether the properties confirming epitaxial growth or single crystal growth of thin
films. Optical measurements 共absorption/transmission兲 were
Electronic mail: sramach@unity.ncsu.edu made using a Hitachi Spectrophotometer.

0003-6951/2005/87共17兲/172502/3/$22.50 87, 172502-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics

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172502-2 Ramachandran et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 172502 共2005兲

FIG. 1. X-ray diffraction of Zn1−xVxO 共x = 0.05兲. Inset shows an increase in

the lattice parameter with vanadium concentration.

Figure 1 shows x-ray diffraction measurements 共Inten-

sity vs 2␪兲 on the doped ZnO films. The inset shows an
increase in the c-axis parameter with increasing V concen- FIG. 2. High resolution TEM image of Zn0.95V0.05O 共grown at 500 °C兲
tration in the ZnO. Samples used for this study were grown showing highly epitaxial film on sapphire, with a clean interface. Inset
at 400 °C but for a particular composition, the temperature of shows the fast fourier transform of the interface depicting a high degree of
growth does not seem to affect the lattice parameter signifi-
cantly. The films are highly textured up to a concentration of
5%. At a concentration of 10% the films grown at the lower +2 or +3.13 The inset shows a high-resolution scan at the
temperature of 400 °C do not show any second phase, O-K peaks. The slope change at the onset of the oxygen
whereas films grown at 500 °C show signatures of a segre- peak, matches very closely to a mixture of +2 or +3 oxida-
gating second phase 共possibly a spinel of ␤-Zn3共VO4兲2 or tion states for the dopant V ions. This is possible if vanadium
ZnV2O6 as deduced from x-ray diffraction兲. This may be due is stable in various oxidation states, and would be facilitated
to enhanced diffusion and chemical reactions that become by the presence of point defects in the system. Thus, both the
activated at higher temperatures. The systematic increase in high resolution TEM and EELS measurements suggest that
the c-axis parameter with V concentration implies that a uni- most of the V atoms have substituted into the ZnO lattice
form substitution of V is occurring in the lattice of ZnO at points.
least up to 10% vanadium. Optical absorption measurements were done on the V
Low-magnification diffraction contrast bright field/dark doped ZnO samples. Observations on samples doped with
field images did not show any evidence of clustering in the 1%, 5%, and 10% are shown in Fig. 4, where the transmitted
form of nano-sized particles. The precipitates or clusters in intensity is plotted as a function of wavelength. All the
the nanosize range would show up as black-white contrasted samples for the optical measurements were grown at 450 °C.
images with the black-white vector always perpendicular to The spectra clearly illustrate the bandgap absorption edge for
the diffraction 共g兲 vector in the case of specified three- all these films in the range of 330 to 375 nm 共corresponding
dimensional precipitates, or making a certain angle in the ZnO bandgap wavelength at ⬃380 nm兲 with the bandgap
case of two-dimensional precipitates.12 To confirm these ob- increasing for increasing V concentration. This systematic
servations, a detailed high-resolution TEM analysis was done change of bandgap with composition suggests a uniform sub-
to analyze the microstructure. Low magnification images in- stitution of the V for Zn ions in the lattice.
dicated the thickness of the films to be around 400 nm for the Magnetic measurements on Zn1−xVxO films were per-
Zn0.95V0.05O sample. Figure 2 shows a HRTEM micrograph formed in the temperature range 10–300K using a SQUID
of the interface between the Zn0.95V0.05O film and the sap- magnetometer. To preclude the existence of even a minute
phire substrate, showing the highly epitaxial nature of the coercive field, measurements were taken in 25 gauss steps up
film. The inset shows nearly perfect epitaxy of the film with to a magnetic field of 1.5 T. All the measurements were
the substrate, with the following orientation relationships:
共0001兲s 储 共0001兲 f , 共011̄0兲s 储 共2̄110兲 f , 关21̄1̄0兴s 储 关011̄0兴 f 共this
represents an in-plane rotation of 30° or 90°, of the film
relative to the substrate about the c-axes兲. Also, the interface
is compositionally sharp with no evidence of any interfacial
reaction. In addition, below concentrations of 5% V in ZnO
there are no signs of any additional phases separating from
the parent material.
The bonding characteristics and the oxidation states of
vanadium in the films were investigated with EELS at vari-
ous points in the cross sectioned samples. Figure 3 shows the
background reduced characteristic EELS spectrum of vana-
dium showing the L2 and L3 peaks in addition to the O-K
peak. A detailed high-resolution scan of the peaks indicates
the nature of the bonding of oxygen atoms to the vanadium FIG. 3. Electron energy loss spectrum from the Zn0.95V0.05O film grown at
atoms in the film. The results clearly show characteristic va- 500 °C showing L3 / L2 peaks of vanadium along with O-K peak. Inset
nadium peaks of L2 / L3 corresponding to an oxidation state of shows resolved O-K edge.
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172502-3 Ramachandran et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 172502 共2005兲

FIG. 4. Optical transmission spectrum of ZnxV1−xO 共x = 0.99, 0.95, 0.1兲

films grown at 450 °C, showing the change in the absorption edge.

corrected for substrate effects. In Fig. 5 we have shown mag-

FIG. 6. Magnetization as a function of temperature of Zn0.95V0.05O at a field
netization as a function of applied magnetic field 共M versus of 500 Gauss showing a linear drop in magnetization with temperature. Inset
H兲 data for Zn0.95V0.05O film recorded at 10 K; the M versus shows 1 / ␹ as a function of temperature.
H curve at 300 K shows similar behavior. The plot clearly
indicates that the film does not exhibit any ferromagnetic
x-ray diffraction and TEM, with an epitaxial relationship on
character either at room temperature 共300 K兲 or at 10 K, even
sapphire having a 30° or 90° rotation relative to the sapphire
up to fields of 5 T. Similar measurements were done on
substrate. Atomic scale structural characterization, including
samples with 1% to 20% vanadium, and again no evidence
HRTEM and EELS, suggests that these films are devoid of
of ferromagnetic behavior was observed. All the samples in-
any nano-sized clusters or second phases. Optical measure-
vestigated in this study had electrical conductivities around
ments also indicate a systematic rise in bandgap with in-
2共⍀ cm兲−1, which according to Ref. 10 should have resulted
crease in concentration of the dopant. These results clearly
in ferromagnetism. Finally, magnetization vs temperature suggest that vanadium was substituting for the Zn2+ in the
measurements were performed on Zn1−xVxO films under zero ZnO lattice in both +2 and +3 oxidation states. Magnetic
field 共ZFC兲 as well as field cooled 共FC兲 conditions at a field measurements showed the dc susceptibility of these films to
of 500 G. In both cases very similar behavior was observed, follow a Curie–Weiss type of behavior. However, the possi-
indicating that the films are not superparamagnetic and again bility of any kind of magnetic ordering at lower temperatures
ruling out the possibility of any kind of nanoclustering/ 共⬍10 K兲 cannot be ruled out at this point.
precipitation in the system. In Fig. 6 we have shown a typical
This work was funded by Army Research Office Grant
M versus T graph for Zn0.95V0.05O taken at a field of 500
No. W911NF-04-D-0003. The authors want to thank S. Sala-
Gauss. The inset of this figure shows a plot of inverse dc
mon for help with the SQUID measurements and Dr. Gerd
magnetic susceptibility 共1 / ␹ = H / M兲 as a function of tem-
Duscher, Dr. J. Haverkamp at NCSU and Dr. Arunava Gupta
perature. As is clear from this figure, 1 / ␹ versus T follows a at Alabama University for discussions throughout the course
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