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The Awakening, by Kate Chopin; Diary of an Adulterous Woman, by Curt Leviant; Damage, by Josephine Hart; Justine, by Lawrence Durrell;

Double Indemnity, by James M. Cain; The End of the Affair, by Graham Greene; The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera; Enemies, A Love Story, by Isaac Bashevis Singer; The English Patient, by Michael Ondaatje. Dangerous Liaisons Pierre Choderlos De Laclos
DARKNESS AT NOON by Arthur Koestler UNDER THE VOLCANO by Malcolm Lowry The Consul staggers from bar to bar hoping

to find salvation. The dissolute life suits him until his former wife Yvonne returns with Hugh, the Consul's half-brother. As the trio enjoys a local Mexican festival, they discover the dead body of a peasant, thus beginning a series of events that will decide the Consul's fate. In the course of one day an entire life is chronicled.

Centering on the infamous firebombing of Dresden, Billy Pilgrim's odyssey through time reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we are afraid to know
NATIVE SON by Richard Wright INVISIBLE MAN by Ralph EllisonAn African-American man's search for success and the

American dream leads him out of college to Harlem and a growing sense of personal rejection and social invisibility.
A HANDFUL OF DUST by Evelyn Waugh AS I LAY DYING by William FaulknerThe harrowing, darkly comic tale of the Bundren family's

trek across Mississippi to bury Addie, their wife and mother, as told by each of the family members--including Addie herself.
PALE FIRE by Vladimir Nabokov OF HUMAN BONDAGE by W. Somerset Maugham Philip Carey, a handicapped orphan, is

brought up by a clergyman, but Philip sheds his religious faith and begins to study art in Paris
A BEND IN THE RIVER by V.S. Naipaul TOBACCO ROAD by Erskine Caldwell ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Beloved by Toni Morrison.

Set in rural Ohio several years after the Civil War, this profoundly affecting chronicle of slavery and its aftermath is Toni Morrison's greatest novel, a dazzling achievement, and the most spellbinding reading experience of the decade James Joyce. Ulysses Leopold Bloom wanders through Dublin, talking, observing, musing -- and always remembering Molly, his passionate, wayward wife. Set in the shadow of Homer's Odyssey, internal thoughts give physical reality extra color and perspective.

William Faulkner. The Sound And The Fury

By turns lyrical and dramatic, hilarious and heartbreaking, The Sound and the Fury is the tragic story of beautiful Caddy Comapson and the dissolution of her family.

Sinclair Lewis. Arrowsmith Lewis portrays the medical career of Martin Arrowsmith, a physician who finds his commitment to the ideals of his profession tested by the cynicism and opportunism he encounters in private practice, public health work, and scientific research. The novel reaches its climax as its hero faces his greatest challenges amid a deadly outbreak of plague on a Caribbean island.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera Atonement by Ian McEwan

Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): "Possession"
The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame Journey to the End of the Night Louis-Ferdinand Celine The Thirty-Nine Steps John Buchan USA John Dos Passos The Pursuit Of Love Nancy Mitford Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Waiting for the Barbarians J.M. Coetzee The New York Trilogy Paul Auster The Book of Laughter and Forgetting Milan Kundera

Povestea fara sfirsit - Michel Ende

Consider util s v prezint lista celor mai bune romane ale secolului XX, n viziunea lui Mario Vargas Llosa: 1. "Inima ntunerecului" de Joseph Conrad 2. "Moartea la Veneia" de Thomas Mann 3. "Oameni din Dublin" de James Joyce 4. "Manhattan transfer" de John Dos Passos 5. "Doamna Dalloway" de Virginia Woolf 6. "Marele Gatsby" de Francis Scott Fitzgerald 7. "Lupul de step" de Hermann Hesse 8. "Nadia" de Andr Breton 9. "Sanctuar" de William Faulkner 10. "Minunata lume nou " de Aldous Huxley 11. "Condiia uman" de Andr Malraux 12. "Tropicul cancerului" de Henry Miller 13. "apte povestiri Gotice" de Isak Dinisen 14. "Autodafe" de Elias Canetti 15. "ntuneric la amiaz" de Arthur Koestler 16. "Puterea i gloria" de Graham Greene 17." Sfritul unei iubiri "de de Graham Greene 18. "Strinul" de Albert Camus

19. "Ferma animalelor" de George Orwell 20. "Frumoasa roman" de Alberto Moravia 21. "mprirea lumii acesteia" de Alejo Carpentier 22. "Btrnul i marea" de Ernest Hemingway 23." Srbtoarea de neuitat" de Ernest Hemingway 24. "La rsrit de Eden" de John Steinbek 25. "Eu nu sunt Stiller" de Max Frisch 26. "Lolita " de Vladimir Nabokov 27. "Ghepardul" de Giuseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa 28. "Doctor Jivago" de Boris Pasternak 29. "Toba de tinichea" de Gnter Grass 30. "Casa frumoaselor adormite" de Yasunari Kawabata 31. "Caietul auriu" de Doris Lessing 32. "O zi din viaa lui Ivan Denisovici" de Alexandr Soljenin 33. "Opiniile unui Clovn "de Heinrich Bll 34. "Herzog" de Saul Bellow 35. "Susine Pereira" de Antonio Tabucchi 1. Hermann Hesse Gertrud (***) 2. Gabriel Chifu Relatare despre moartea mea (*****) 3. D.B.C. Pierre ap ispititor (**) 4. Tim Lott White City Blue (***) 5. Franz Kafka America (***) 6. Ilinca Bernea Semnul lunii (*****) 7. Douglas Coupland Toate familiile sunt psihotice (**) 8. Franz Kafka Castelul (****) 9. Arnon Grunberg Istoria calviiei mele(***) 10. Hal Urban Cele mai importante lecii de via(*) 11. Joey Goebel Torturai-l pe artist(****) 12. Jon McGregor Attea nceputuri (****) 13. M. Agheev Romanul cocainei(*****) 14. Carson McCullers Balada tristei cafenele(**) 15. Octavian Paler Viaa pe un peron(*) 16. Luis Seplveda Jurnalul unui killer sentimental. Yakar(**) 17. Amy Tan Fiica tmduitorului de oase(*****) 18. George Orwell 1984(***) 19. Jeni Acterian Jurnalul unei fete greu de mulumit(****) 20. Andre Makine Recviem pentru Est (**) 21. Patrick Sskind Parfumul(****) 22. Mihai Eminescu Srmanul Dionis (****) 23. Alexandr Soljenin Arhipelagul Gulag(***) 24. Haruki Murakami Kafka pe malul mrii(*****) 25. Banana Yoshimoto Kitchen(****) 26. John OBrien Leaving Las Vegas(*) 27. Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (Why it can matter more than IQ) (****) 28. Haruki Murakami Iubita mea, Sputnik (****)

29. Ry Murakami Ecstasy (*) 30. Doris Lessing O coborre n Infern(*****) 31. Camil Petrescu Patul lui Procust (**) 32. Haruki Murakami Cronica psrii-arc (***) 33. Giovanni Papini - Un om sfrit(***) 34. Baruu Arghezi Povestiri din Mrior(*****) 35. Vladimir Nabokov Ochiul(***) 36. Ernesto Che Guevara Jurnal pe motociclet(****) 37. Mike Ormsby Grand Bazar Romnia(***) 38. Jos Saramago Eseu despre orbire(*****) 39. Cella Serghi Pnza de pianjen(*****) 40. Haruki Murakami Dup cutremur (***) 41. Ali Smith Fata ntlnete biatul (***) 42. Ry Murakami Albastru nemrginit, aproape transparent(**) 43. Jean Paul Sartre Cuvintele. Greaa (***) 44. Vladimir Nabokov Camera obscur (****) 45. George Clinescu Enigma Otiliei (****) 46. Bogdan Hrib, Rzvan Dolea Blestemul manuscrisului (**) 47. John Fowles Colecionarul (*****) 48. John Fowles Magicianul (*****) 49. Michel Houellebecq Particulele elementare (***) 50. Ilinca Bernea Poeme n si bemol major (****) 51. Jos Saramago Anul morii lui Ricardo Reis (****) 52. Vladimir Nabokov Aprarea Lujin (*****) 53. Cella Serghi Cartea Mironei (*****) 54. Dai Sijie Balzac i Micua Croitoreas chinez (*****) 55. Jorge Luis Borges Cartea de nisip (Aleph Furitorul Relatarea lui Brodie Cartea de nisip Memoria lui Shakespeare) (***) 56. Jos Saramago Eseu despre luciditate (*****) 57. Dai Sijie Complexul lui Di (*****) 58. Matthew Gregory Lewis Clugrul (****) 59. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Suferinele tnrului Werther (****) 60. Mircea Nedelciu, Adriana Babei, Mircea Mihie Femeia n rou (****) 61. Hubert Selby Jr. Recviem pentru un vis (*****) 62. Ion Bieu Pompierul i opera (Schie umoristice) (****) 63. Thomas Keneally Lista lui Schindler (*****) 64. Costache Negruzzi Alexandru Lpuneanul (***)

65. Mircea Eliade La ignci (*****) 66. J.M.G. Le Clzio Urania (****) 67. Liviu Rebreanu Ion (***) 68. Camil Petrescu Ultima noapte de dragoste, ntia noapte de rzboi (****) 69. Henri Charrire Papillon (****) 70. Tadeusz Doga-Mostowicz Vraciul, profesorul Wilczur (*****) 71. Eugen Barbu Ianus (****) 72. Dieter Schlesak Capesius, farmacistul de la Auschwitz (*****) 73. Emily Bront La rscruce de vnturi (*****) 74. Mircea Eliade Romanul adolescentului miop (***) 75. Ioan Petru Culianu Pcatul mpotriva spiritului (****) 76. Marin Preda Cel mai iubit dintre pmnteni (***) 77. John Fowles Copacul (***) 78. Thomas Hardy Tess dUrberville (*****) 79. Ileana Vulpescu Arta conversaiei (****) 80. Sven Hassel Gestapo (****) 81. William Golding mpratul mutelor (*****) 82. Tudor Arghezi Lina (*****) 83. Teodor Dun de-a viul (*****) 84. Ionel Teodoreanu Lorelei (*****) 85. John Steinbeck oareci i oameni (*****) 86. Ernst Jnger Cartea ceasului de nisip (***) 87. Hermann Hesse Lupul de step (*****) 88. Kurt Vonnegut Pianul mecanic (***) 89. Jay Parini Ultima gar (*****) 90. Jos Saramago Petera (****) 91. Jos Saramago Memorialul mnstirii (***) 92. Jos Saramago Intermitenele morii (*****) 93. George Orwell Ferma Animalelor (****) 94. John Steinbeck La rsrit de Eden (*****) 95. A. J. Cronin Castelul plrierului (*****) 96. Metoda uoar a lui Allen Carr (*****) 97. Irving Stone Agonie i extaz (***) 98. Italo Calvino Dac ntr-o noapte de iarn un cltor (****) 99. Ernesto Sbato Despre eroi i morminte (****) 100. L-am cunoscut pe Tudor Arghezi (antologie) (****) 101. Aleksandar Stoicovici Vineri (*****) 102. Jean Carper Cum s oprim mbtrnirea (***) 103. Amy Tan Cele o sut de simuri secrete (****) 104. Jos Saramago Istoria asediului Lisabonei (***) 105. Dai Sijie ntr-o noapte fr lun (****) 106. Mircea Eliade Pe strada Mntuleasa (****) 107. Hermann Hesse Jocul cu mrgele de sticl (***) 108. Ken Kesey Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (*****) 109. Jos Saramago Toate numele (****) 110. Mario Vargas Llosa Scrisori ctre un tnr romancier (***)

111. Mihail Bulgakov Maestrul i Margareta (*****) 112. Ernst Jnger Heliopolis (***) 113. John Steinbeck Iarna vrajbei noastre (*****) 114. Mihail Bulgakov Inim de cine (nsemnri pe manete. Diavoliada. Oule fatale. Inim de cine) (*****) 115. Mario Vargas Llosa Oraul i cinii (****) 116. Ernest Hemingway Pentru cine bat clopotele (***) 117. Mihail Bulgakov Roman teatral (****) 118. Liviu Rebreanu Adam i Eva (**) 119. Cristopher Priest Magicienii (*****) 120. Mihail Bulgakov Garda alb (***) 121. Mihai Stoian ngerul morii. Dr. Mengele (*****) 122. Gnter Grass Decojind ceapa (****) 123. Viaa i Opera lui Salvador Dali (colecia Pictori de Geniu /adevrul) (*****) 124. Salvador Dali Chipuri ascunse (*****) 125. Franz Kafka Procesul (****) 126. Salvador Dali Jurnalul unui geniu (*****) 127. Edgar Allan Poe Selected Tales (*****) 128. Jos Saramago Evanghelia dup Isus Cristos (*****) 129. Ilinca Bernea Iubiri n cma de for (*****) 130. Aleksandar Stoicovici Aleksandar doarme (*****) 131. Friedrich Nietzsche Antichristul (****) 132. Fnu Neagu Frumoii nebuni ai marilor orae (*****) 133. Andrei Velea Hotel n Atlantida (***) 134. Tudor Arghezi Poarta neagr (*****) 135. Cuvinte noi pe Domneasc (*) 136. Simona Popescu Exuvii (****) 137. Jos Saramago Cltoria elefantului (***) 138. Doris Lessing Al cincilea copil (*****) 139. Jos Saramago Cain (*****) 140. Stan Lauryssens Eu i Dali. Poveste suprarealist (****) 141. Fernando Pessoa Od maritim (***) 142. Terry Pratchett Magie de ambe sexe (*) 143. Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club (*****) 144. Chuck Palahniuk Sufocare (*****) 145. Jos Saramago Ultimul caiet. Texte scrise pentru blog: martie 2009 noiembrie 2009 (***) 146. Doris Lessing Carnetul auriu (****) 147. Fragmente din nstrunica istorie a lumii de gabriel chifu trit i tot de el povestit (*****) 148. Chuck Palahniuk - Supravieuitor (*****) 149. John Steinbeck Nehotrii sori ai btliei (***) 150. Chuck Palahniuk Pygmy (****) 151. Chuck Palahniuk Rant (*****) 152. Gnter Grass Toba de tinichea (***)

153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160.

Ian McEwan Inocentul (**) Kurt Vonnegut Abatorul cinci (**) Italo Calvino Cavalerul inexistent (****) H. P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu (***) Irvine Welsh Jeg (*****) Chuck Palahniuk Montri invizibili (****) Anthony Burgess A clockwork orange (*****) John Fowles Iubita locotenentului francez (****)

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