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ESCAP environment statistics course


There is a great need for common classifications and methodology to organise existing data and to direct future efforts. In 1991, a first world map on the status of human-induced soil degradation was published by ISRIC, in co-operation with FAO and UNEP (Oldeman et al, 1991). In preparation of the map, a general classification was developed, referred to as the GLASOD ( Gl obal Assessment of So il Deterioration) classification. In the Annex, the classification of type, severity and cause has been reproduced. Methodology for storing and processing data into maps is provided by SOTER (Global so ils and terrain digital database) (Van Engelen et al, 1993).


Table A. Type of soil degradation TYPE W Wt Wd Wo Water erosion Loss of topsoil Terrain deformation/mass movement Off-site effects Wor Reservoir sedimentation Wof flooding Woc Coral reef and seaweed destruction Wind erosion Loss of topsoil Terrain deformation Over-blowing Chemical deterioration Loss of nutrients or organic matter Salinisation Acidification Pollution Acid sulphate soils Eutrification Physical deterioration Compaction, sealing and crusting Water-logging Lowering of water table Subsidence of organic soils Other physical activities such as mining and urbanisation Degradation of biological activity

E Et Ed Eo C Cn Cs Ca Cp Ct Ce P Pc Pw Pa Ps Po B

Table B. Degree of degradation DEGREE OF DEGRADATION Light Moderate Strong Extreme Note Somewhat reduced agricultural productivity Greatly reduced agricultural productivity Unreclaimable at the farm level Unreclaimable and impossible to restore

: Generalised degree of degradation as used for the World map. ISRIC (1988) gives separate classifications for water erosion, wind erosion, salinisation, and nutrient decline.

Chapter Biodiversity & Land degradation

draft February 2000


ESCAP environment statistics course

Table C. Causative factors in soil degradation CAUSATIVE FACTORS f g a e i Deforestation and removal of natural vegetation Overgrazing Agricultural activities Overexploitation of vegetation fore domestic use (Bio)industrial activities

Chapter Biodiversity & Land degradation

draft February 2000


ESCAP environment statistics course

DEFINITIONS OF GLASOD CLASSIFICATIONS Types of soil degradation are represented in the database by a two-letter code, the first capital letter giving the major degradation type, the second lower case letter giving the subtype. In some cases a third lower case letter can be used for further specification (see examples below). Most of the following codes are the same as the ones used on the GLASOD map, but some extra ones have been added, and for others the definition has been changed slightly. Wt Definition: loss of topsoil by sheet erosion/surface wash Description: a decrease in depth of the topsoil layer (A horizon) due to more or less uniform removal of soil material by run-off water Possible causes: inappropriate land management especially in agriculture (insufficient soil cover, unobstructed flow of run-off water, deteriorating soil structure) leading to excessive surface run-off and sediment transport 6 Assessment of soil degradation in South and Southeast Asia Although erosion of upstream areas may lead to pollution (with pesticides etc.), this is considered as an 3 off- site effect of erosion rather than a type of pollution. Definition: "terrain deformation" by gully and/or rill erosion or mass movements Description: an irregular displacement of soil material (by linear erosion or mass movements) causing clearly visible scars in the terrain Possible causes: inappropriate land management in agriculture forestry or construction activities, allowing excessive amounts of run-off water to concentrate and flow unobstructed Definition: off-site effects of water erosion in up-stream areas Description: Three subtypes may be distinguished: sedimentation of reservoirs and waterways (Wos), flooding (Wof), and pollution of water bodies with eroded sediments (Wop) Possible causes: see Wt and Wd Definition: loss of topsoil by wind action Description: a decrease in depth of the topsoil layer (A horizon) due to more or less uniform removal of soil material by the wind Possible causes: insufficient protection by vegetation (or otherwise) of the soil against the wind; insufficient soil moisture; destruction of soil structure Definition: "terrain deformation" Description: an irregular displacement of soil material by wind action, causing deflation hollows, hummocks and dunes Possible causes: as with Et Definition: off site effects of wind erosion Description: covering of the terrain with wind borne soil particles from distant sources ("overblowing") Possible causes: see Et and Ed






Chapter Biodiversity & Land degradation

draft February 2000


ESCAP environment statistics course


Definition: Fertility decline and reduced organic matter content Description: a net decrease of available nutrients and organic matter in the soil Possible causes: a negative balance between output (through harvesting, burning, leaching, etc.) and input (through manure/fertilizers, returned crop residues, flooding) of nutrients and organic matter Definition: pollution Description: a distinction is made between "contamination", indicating the mere presence of an alien substance in the soil without significant negative effects, and "pollution", signifying soil degradation as a consequence of location, concentration and adverse biological or toxic effects of a substance. In this context only the latter is relevant. Both local source pollution (waste dumps, spills, factory sites, etc. (Cpl)) and diffuse or airborne pollution (atmospheric deposition of acidifying compounds and/or heavy metals (Cpa)) are considered under this category. Assessment of soil degradation in South and Southeast Asia 7 Possible causes: draining of soils containing pyrite which will produce very acid sulphate soils ("cat-clays" (Cta)). Planting of acidifying vegetation (e.g. fir) may also lower the soil pH (Ctf). NB acidification by airborne components is considered as pollution! Definition: Eutrophication Description: An excess of certain soil nutrients, impairing plant growth Possible causes: Imbalanced application of organic and chemical fertilizer resulting in excess Nitrogen, Phosphorus; liming. Definition: compaction Description: deterioration of soil structure by trampling by cattle or the weight and/or frequent use of machinery Possible causes: repeated use of heavy machinery, having a cumulative effect. Heavy grazing and overstocking may lead to compaction as well. Factors that influence compaction are ground pressure (by axle/wheel loads of the machinery used); frequency of the passage of heavy machinery; soil texture; soil moisture; climate. Definition: sealing and crusting Description: clogging of pores with fine soil material and development of a thin impervious layer at the soil surface obstructing the infiltration of rainwater Possible causes: poor soil cover, allowing a maximum "splash" effect of raindrops; destruction of soil structure and low organic matter. Definition: waterlogging Description: effects of human induced hydromorphism (i.e. excluding paddy fields) Possible causes: rising water table (e.g. due to construction of reservoirs/irrigation) and/or increased flooding caused by higher peakflows. Definition: lowering of the soil surface Description: subsidence of organic soils, settling of soil Possible causes: oxidation of peat and settling of soils in general due to lowering of the water table (see also Pa); solution of gypsum in the sub-soil (human- induced?) or lowering of soil surface due to extraction of gas or water







Chapter Biodiversity & Land degradation

draft February 2000


ESCAP environment statistics course


Definition: loss of productive function Description: soil (land) being taken out of production for non-bio-productive activities, but not the eventual "secondary" degrading effects of these activities. Possible causes: urbanization and industrial activities; infrastructure; mining; quarrying,etc. Definition: aridification Description: decrease of average soil moisture content Possible causes: lowering of groundwater tables for agricultural purposes or drinking water extraction; decreased soil cover and reduced organic matter content Stable under natural conditions; i.e. (near) absence of human influence on soil stability, and largely undisturbed vegetation. NB: some of these areas may be very vulnerable to even small changes in conditions which may disturb the natural equilibrium. Stable under human influence; this influence may be passive, i.e. no special measures had or have to be taken to maintain stability, or active: measures have been taken to prevent or reverse degradation. Wasteland: land without vegetation and with (near) absence of human influence on soil stability, e.g. deserts, high mountain zones. Natural soil degradation processes may occur! Possible causes: bio-industrial sources, dumping, spillage 3 Definition: salinisation/alkalinization Description: a net increase of the salt content of the (top)soil leading to a productivity decline. Possible causes: a distinction can be made between salinity problems due to intrusion of seawater (which may occur under all climate conditions: Css) and inland salinisation, caused by improper irrigation methods and/or evaporation of saline groundwater (Csi). Definition: Dystrification Description: the lowering of soil pH through the process of mobilizing or increasing acidic compounds in the soil.






Chapter Biodiversity & Land degradation

draft February 2000


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