Gian-Carlo Wick made many fundamental contributions to nuclear and particle physics from the 1930s, when he was a close associate of Enrico Fermi in Rome, to the 1970s, when he worked with Tsung Dao Lee at Columbia. His landmark paper, entitled "Evaluation of the collision matrix" (1950), shows how to conduct explicit practical calculations starting from the formal relations of relativistic quantum field theory through expression of the chronological product of quantum fields in terms ofa sum of normal products.
An average of a product
A product of averages
A trouble term
constant For c=-1 (+1), contraction becomes an anticommutator (commutator) It is also convenient to introduce the self-contraction: or Why is contraction useful?
From: Asymptotic Realms of Physics (ed. by Guth, Huang, Jaffe, MIT Press, 1983)
First Law: The conservation of Information (You will get nowhere by churning equations) Second Law: Do not trust arguments based on the lowest order of perturbation theory Third Law: You may use any degrees of freedom you like to describe a physical system, but if you use the wrong ones, youll be sorry!
It is important to recall that the operation of contraction explicitly ^) depends on the state (as it involves A If all contractions are numbers, the average value becomes:
i.e., the average of a product of operators is expressed in terms of products of averages involving less operators. The condition that all contractions are numbers is only fulfilled for certain classes of states Such states are called product states.
Many-body product states are such states in which all contractions of creation and annihilation operators are numbers.
By applying the above recurrence relation, one can formulate the Wicks theorem: If all the contractions of operators appearing in the product are numbers, then the average of the product becomes a linear combination of products of all possible contractions and self-contractions. The coefficients appearing in this linear combination are various powers of c.
Let us introduce
Using this definition, the expression for the average value of a product, becomes
The coefficient ck is given by a number of permutations needed to bring the two operators next to each other. In order to calculate the average value of a product, we need to calculate all possible pairwise contractions. Note that for the product states;
That is
Deviation of a product average from the product of averages In practice, we do not need the annihilating part A-
c c c