Programming Language of Parker 6400 Compumotor
Programming Language of Parker 6400 Compumotor
Programming Language of Parker 6400 Compumotor
User Information
Because software controls machinery, test any software control for safety under all potential operating conditions. Failure to do so can result in damage to equipment and/or serious injury to personnel.
6000 Series products and the information in this user guide are the proprietary property of Parker Hannifin Corporation or its licensers, and may not be copied, disclosed, or used for any purpose not expressly authorized by the owner thereof. Since Parker Hannifin constantly strives to improve all of its products, we reserve the right to change this user guide and software and hardware mentioned therein at any time without notice. In no event will the provider of the equipment be liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with the use of the equipment or this user guide.
Technical Assistance
North America and Asia:
Compumotor Division of Parker Hannifin 5500 Business Park Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Telephone: (800) 358-9070 or (707) 584-7558 Fax: (707) 584-3793 FaxBack: (800) 936-6939 or (707) 586-8586 BBS: (707) 584-4059 e-mail: Internet:
Change Summary
6000 Series Software Reference
Revision K
March 1997
Revision K Changes:
Back cover: Corrections to page number references. FOLEN: Corrections regarding Restrictions on using FOLEN. FOLK: Description has been corrected and clarified. FOLSND: Correctionwhen you connect the step & direction device, connect Direction+
shift value is set to zero each time a new FOLEN1 command or a FOLMAS command (with a value other than zero) is issued.
Revision J Changes:
Topic Description This manual revision covers the features for these 6000 Series products with revision 4.5 Bus-Based Stand-Alone OEM Level firmware:
AT6200 AT6400 AT6250 AT6450 610n Series 615n Series 6200 6201 6250 6270 OEM-AT6200 OEM-AT6400 OEM6200 OEM6250
General Information
Content/Organization Changes: The Programming Guide portion of previous revisions has been removed. This information is found in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide (p/n 88-014540-01). Overview information about command syntax, command value substitutions, programmable I/O bit patterns, and error messages is still provided in this document (see pages 1-9). Appendix C (Command Value Substitutions) from previous revisions has been removed; follow the guidelines outlined in the Command Value Substitutions section on page 5. Appendix D (ASCII Table) from previous revisions has been renamed as Appendix C. The presentation of programming examples was modified so that you can copy them from the Help system (in Motion Architect) or from the PDF file (on our web site) and paste them directly into your program (e.g., using Motion Architect's Editor). Commanded Direction Reversal (CMDDIR) Enhancement: The commanded direction polarity reversal command (CMDDIR) is available for the 615n series, the 6270, and all stepper products (610n, AT6n00, 620n). The CMDDIR command allows you to reverse the direction that the controller considers to be the positive direction; this also reverses the polarity of the counts from the feedback devices. Thus, using the CMDDIR command, you can reverse the referenced direction of motion without the need to (a) change the connections to the drive or motor and the feedback device, or (b) change the sign of motion-related commands in your program.
Description New Feature: (see 6000 Series Programmer's Guide for detailed description) Related commands (new): FOLRNF .... Numerator of Final Slave-to-Master Ratio, Preset Moves GOBUF ...... Store a Motion Segment in Compiled Memory PLN ........... Loop End, compiled motion PLOOP ...... Loop Start, compiled motion POUTA ...... Output on Axis 1, compiled motion POUTB ...... Output on Axis 2, compiled motion POUTC ...... Output on Axis 3, compiled motion POUTD ...... Output on Axis 4, compiled motion [ SEG ] .... Number of Segments Available In Compiled Memory TSEG ......... Transfer Number of Segments Available, Compiled Memory VF ............. Final Velocity Existing commands, modified to support compiled motion: GOWHEN .....Conditional GOs allowed in compiled motion PCOMP .......Pre-Compile a Program PRUN ..........Run a Pre-Compiled Program PUCOMP .....Un-Compile a Program [ SS ]........Bit #29 set if compiled memory 75% full, bit #30 set if 100% full ...................Bit #31 is set if a compile (PCOMP) failed; cleared on power-up, ...................reset, or after a successful compile. (See Status Reporting, ...................Additions below for a list of typical causes.) TRGFN .......Execute GOWHENs or start new master cycle in compiled motion TSS ............(see [ SS ] description above)
Enhancement: As of Rev 4.1, the Contouring feature is now available for all multi-axis products, steppers and servos. (see Path Contouring command group on inside back cover) Enhancement: On-The-Fly changes (pre-emptive motion). In addition to velocity (V), acceleration (A & AA), and deceleration (AD & ADA), you may now change the positioning mode (MC & MA), the distance (D), and the Following ratios (FOLRN & FOLRD). These changes will affect the subsequent GO command executed while moving; thus, this new enhancement is referred to as pre-emptive GOs. When pre-processing subsequent moves, the subsequent move may now be executed as soon as the next GO command is executed. Previous to revision 4.0, the subsequent move could not be executed until all moves on all axes were completed.
Enhancements: New commands added to set up the drive component of the 610n: DACTDP .... Enable/disable active damping for speeds greater than 3 rps. .................. (configuration procedure: see the ZETA6104 Installation Guide) DAREN ...... Enable/disable anti-resonance. Anti-resonance is inhibited at or .................. below 3 rps, and if active damping is enabled. DELVIS .... Enable/disable electronic viscosity for speeds at or below 3 rps. .................. (configuration procedure: see the ZETA6104 Installation Guide) DAUTOS .... Enable/disable automatic current standby mode in which current .................. to the motor (& torque) is reduced by 50% if no pulses are sent .................. for 1 second. Full current is restored upon the next pulse. DMTIND .... Motor inductance (used only for active dampingDACTDP). DMTSTT .... Motor static torque (used only for active dampingDACTDP). DWAVEF .... Motor waveform (required for matching the motor to the drive). 615n only: As of Rev 4.1, you may use the new DRESET command to reset the internal drive independent of the internal controller. The purpose of the DRESET command is to clear fault conditions with the internal drive.
Enhancement: The encoder polarity reversal command (ENCPOL) is now available to all 6000 stepper products (AT6n00, 620n, & 610n). Previous to 4.0 the ENCPOL command was only applicable to the 6270. The ENCPOL command is used to reverse the polarity (counting direction) of the encoder feedback counts. This is an alternative to reversing the A+ and A- connections to the encoder.
Description Enhancements: 610n: The drive fault error (reported with error status bit #4 and axis status bit #14) can be caused by any one or combination of the factors list below. To ascertain the exact cause, use the extended axis status (see TASX, TASXF, or ASX): - Motor fault (disconnected/faulty motor cable or short in motor) bit #1 - Low-voltage (power) bit #2 - Maximum drive temperature (131F, 55C) exceeded bit #3 Error status enhancements (see [ ER ], TER, TERF, ERROR, and ERRORP): - Error bit #8 is set if a stop input (assigned with INFNCi-D) is activated. - Error bit #10 is set if the target position specified for a pre-emptive GO or a registration move is not achievable at the time the pre-emptive GO command is executed or the registration input is activated. This condition also sets bit #30 in the axis status register (reported with TAS & AS). To clear error bit #10 and axis bit #30, execute another GO command. Related commands: [ ER ] ....... Error Status (assignment or comparison) ERROR....... Error-Checking Enable ERRORP .... Error Program Assignment TER ........... Transfer Error Status (see also TERF) Correction: The bit assignments for the Limits status in block 5 are not the same as those for the TLIM report. A new table of Limit Bit Assignments has been added to the FASTAT command description. Clarification: The input buffer is 256 bytes. Enhancements: The new Following Kill (FOLK) command allows you to limit what will kill the Following profile. That is, it allows the slave to remain in synchronization with the master even after the occurrence of a drive fault, user fault input, excess position error, or enable or pulse-cut input. The new Numerator of Final Slave-to-Master Ratio, Preset Moves (FOLRNF) command designates that the motor will move the load the distance assigned in the preset GOBUF segment, completing the move at a final ratio of zero. FOLRNF applies only to the first subsequent GOBUF, which marks an inter-mediate end of move within a Following profile. The FOLRNF command is only useful for compiled Following moves. The new Following Step and Direction (FOLSND) command allows you to Follow the step & direction input connected to the encoder connector (this is an alternative to the standard quadrature encoder input). Clarification: Avoid using pause and resume functions during the homing operation (HOM). A pause command (PS or !PS) or pause input (input configured with the INFNCi-E command) will pause the homing motion. However, when the subsequent resume command (C or !C) or resume input (INFNCi-E input) occurs, motion will resume at the beginning of the homing motion sequence. Enhancements: Compiled Memory status commands: - System status (TSS, TSSF, & SS) bit #29 is set if compiled memory is 75% full, bit #30 is set if compiled memory is 100% full - TSEG & SEG report the number of available segments in compiled memory All stand-alone products are shipped with 150,000 bytes of memory. The -M option has thus been eliminated for these products. The second field in the MEMORY command is re-defined to be for compiled memory (i.e., anything compiled with the PCOMP command). These commands are automatically saved in non-volatile memory: CMDDIR .... Commanded Direction Polarity (610n, 615n, 620n, 6270 only) DMTIND .... Motor Inductance (610n only) DMTSTT .... Motor Static Torque (610n only) DRPCHK .... RP240 check (610n, 615n, 620n, & 625n only) ENCPOL .... Encoder Polarity (610n, 620n, & 6270 only)
Memory Management
Change Summary
Description Enhancements: (see GO command description) The two basic ways of creating a complex profile are with compiled buffered motion, or with pre-emptive GOs. With compiled buffered motion, portions of a profile are built piece by piece, and stored for later execution. Compiled buffered motion is appropriate for motion profiles with motion segments of pre-determined velocity, acceleration and distance. With pre-emptive GOs, the motion profile underway is pre-empted with a new profile when a new GO is issued. The new GO both constructs and launches the preempting profile. Pre-emptive GOs are appropriate when the desired motion parameters are not known until motion is already underway. Affected Commands: COMEXC .... COMEXC1 mode allows pre-emptive motion with buffered commands GO ............. Allows pre-emptive D, MC, MA, FOLRN, & FOLRD changes TAS & AS ... Bit #30 is set if the load has already passed the target position .................. (D) specified in a pre-emptive GO. (also sets error status bit #10) TER & ER ... Error status bit #10 is set if axis status bit #30 is set. Enhancements: New Commands: REGLOD .... Registration Lock-Out Distance. Establishes a lock-out distance (measured .................. from the start of motion to the current actual position) to be traveled before .................. a registration move is allowed. REGSS ...... Registration Single-Shot. Allows only one registration move on the .................. specified axis. Prevents other triggers from interrupting the registration .................. move in progress. Axis status bit #28, reported by the TAS, TASF and AS commands, is set to 1 when a registration move has been initiated by any registration input (trigger). Bit #28 is cleared (set to 0) upon the next GO command for that axis. If, when the registration input is activated, the registration move profile cannot be performed with the specified parameters, the 6000 controller will kill the move in progress and set axis status bit #30 (see TAS & AS). If error-checking bit #10 is enabled with the ERROR command, the controller will also set error status bit #10 (see TER, TERF & ER) and branch to the assigned ERRORP error-handling program. Axis status bit #30 and error status bit #10 are cleared (set to 0) upon the next GO command for that axis. As of revision 4.1, Registration is now available all 6000 products (previous to 4.1, Registration was available only for stepper products).
Serial Communication
Enhancements: BOT command was created to control the beginning-of-transmission characters for all responses from the 6000 product. XONOFF command (new) enables/disables XON/XOFF ASCII handshaking. Additional features to control multiple serial ports on stand-alone products: [ .................Send response from the subsequent command to both ports. ] .................Send response from the subsequent command to the alternate ...................port from the one selected with the most recent PORT command. DRPCHK .....Configures the serial port (specified with the last PORT command) be used with an RP240, or 6000 commands, or both. PORT ..........Determines which serial port is affected by the subsequent DRPCHK, ...................E, ECHO, BOT, EOT, EOL, ERRORK, ERRBAD, ERRDEF, ERRLVL, and ...................XONOFF commands.
Description As of 4.0, the ECHO command was enhanced with options 2 and 3. The purpose is to accommodate an RS-485 multi-drop configuration in which a host computer communicates to the master 6000 controller over RS-232 (COM1 port) and the master 6000 controller communicates over RS-485 (COM2 port) to the rest of the units on the multi-drop. For this configuration, the echo setup should be configured by sending to the master the following commands executed in the order shown. In this example, it is assumed that the master's device address is set to 1. Hence, each command is prefixed with 1_ to address only the master unit. 1_PORT2 .. Subsequent command affects COM2, the RS-485 port 1_ECHO2 .. Echo characters back through the other port, COM1 1_PORT1 .. Subsequent command affects COM1, the RS-232 port 1_ECHO3 .. Echo characters back through both ports, COM1 and COM2 Enhancement: Use the OUTANA command to control the analog output voltage on the AT6n50's ANA output terminal. (see SSFR command description for full explanation of table contents)
# of Axes (INDAX) SSFR Setting Servo Sampling Update Frequency Period (samples/sec.) (sec) Motion Trajectory Update Frequency Period (samples/sec.) (sec) System Update Frequency (samples/sec.) Period (sec)
1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 1 2 4
3030 5405 6250 6667 2353 3571 3571 3571 1667 2222 2353 1250 1667 2000
330 185 160 150 425 280 280 280 600 450 425 800 600 500
3030 2703 1563 833 2352 1786 893 446 1667 1111 588 1250 833 500
330 370 640 1200 425 560 1120 2240 600 900 1700 800 1200 2000
757 675 520 417 588 446 446 446 555 555 588 417 417 500
1320 1480 1920 2400 1700 2400 2400 2400 1800 1800 1700 2400 2400 2000
Status Reporting
Enhancements: New transfer (display status) commands: TASX ......... Transfer extended axis status (see also TASXF). Bit assignments: ................... Bit #1: Motor fault (610n only) ................... Bit #2: Drive low voltage fault (610n only) ................... Bit #3: Drive over-temperature fault (610n only) ................... Bit #4: Drive fault input is active TSEG ......... Transfer number of segments available in compiled memory New assignment/comparison operators: SEG ............ Number of segments available in compiled memory ASX ............ Extended axis status information Pre-emptive Motion and Registration status: TAS & AS .... Axis status bit #28 is set if a registration move occurs. ..................... Bit #30 is set if the profile specified for a pre-emptive GO or registration ..................... move is not possible at the time of the GO or the registration input ..................... (also sets error status bit #10). TER & ER...... Error status bit #8 is set if a stop input (INFNCi-D) is activated. ..................... Bit #10 is set if axis status bit #30 is set. ..................... Bit #16 is set if a bad command is detected; cleared with TCMDER.
Change Summary
Description Compiled profile status: TSS & SS ..... System status bit #29 is set if compiled memory is 75% full. ..................... Bit #30 is set if compiled memory is 100% full. ..................... Bit #31 is set if a compile (PCOMP) failed, cleared on power-up, ..................... reset, or after a successful compile. Possible causes include: ..................... - Errors in profile design (e.g., change direction while at non..................... zero velocity, distance & velocity equate to < 1 count/system ..................... update, preset move profile ends in non-zero velocity) ..................... - Profile will cause a Following error (see TFS & FS status) ..................... - Out of memory (see system status bit #30) ..................... - Axis already in motion at the time of the PCOMP command ..................... - Loop programming errors (e.g., no matching PLOOP or PLN, ..................... more than 4 embedded PLOOP/END loops) TSEG & SEG. Report number of available segments in compiled memory. Drive Fault Input Status: As of revision 4.1, extended axis status (TASX & ASX) bit #4 is now available to check the drive fault input status whether or not the drive is enabled (DRIVE1) or disabled (DRIVE). Previous to revision 4.1, the status of the drive fault input could only be checked while the drive was enabled (DRIVE1) and was reported only with axis status (TAS & AS) bit #14 and error status (TER & ER) bit #4. The branch to the error program has not been changedthe error program is called only if the drive fault occurs while the drive is enabled. The INDUST command (which allows you to create your own custom status word based on other status registers) now allows you to use the status bits from the extended axis status (see TASX description above). In the syntax INDUSTi-ic, the options for c (the status register source) now include L, M, N and O, representing the extended axis status registers for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. For additional details on creating a custom user status word, refer to the INDUST command description. As of Rev 4.1, the TVELA command is now applicable to all stepper controllers using encoder feedback (previously only for servos). For steppers, the TVELA command reports the current velocity (in revs/sec) as derived from the encoder. The reported value is not affected by scaling. The VELA assignment/comparison operator for TVELA is now available as of rev 4.0. Clarification: Some status commands also have a full-text version that takes the guesswork out of identifying the function of each status bit in a binary report. TASF ......... Axis Status TASXF ...... Axis Status, Extended TERF ......... Error Status TFSF ......... Following Status TINOF ...... Other Inputs Status (joystick inputs, and the P-CUT or ENBL input) TSSF ......... System Status
Target Zone
Enhancement: The Target Zone mode allows you to define what the controller considers a completed move, based on specified end-of-move distance, velocity, and settling time parameters. As of revision 4.0, the Target Zone mode is now applicable to all 6000 products (previous to 4.0, the Target Zone mode was available only for servo products). NOTE: Steppers require encoder feedback (and ENC1 mode) for this feature. Target Zone Commands: STRGTE .... Target Zone Mode Enable/Disable STRGTD .... Target Distance Zone STRGTT .... Target Settling Timeout Period STRGTV .... Target Velocity Zone Enhancement: You can clear all numeric (VAR), binary (VARB) and string (VARS) variables at one time by using the VARCLR command (sets all variables to factory default values). Enhancement: Using the new [ VELA ] operator, you can assign/compare (e.g., for a conditional expression) the current velocity as measured from the feedback device. Use [ VEL ] for commanded velocity, and [ V ] for programmed velocity.
Variables, Clearing
Purpose of this Document
This document is designed as a reference for all the 6000 Series commands. To gain a full understanding of how the 6000 Series commands are used together to implement specific features, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide (p/n 88-014540-01). For hardware-related information (e.g., electrical wiring connections, specifications, tuning, etc.), refer to your product's Installation Guide.
Table of Contents
Pages 1-10 Introduction: Command Description Format Syntax -- Letters and Symbols Syntax -- General Guidelines Syntax -- Command Value Substitutions Programmable I/O Bit Patterns Programming Error Messages Command Descriptions: Operator symbols are described first, followed by the rest of the 6000 Series commands in alphabetical order. Appendix A: 6000 Series Command Compatibility: Alphabetical list of all 6000 Series commands and the products with which they are compatible. Appendix B: X Series vs. 6000 Series Compatibility: Alphabetical list of X series commands and the 6000 Series commands with which they are compatible. Appendix C: ASCII Table Index
Pages 11-326 Pages 327-334 Pages 335-340 Pages 341-342 Pages 343-351
Description of Format
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Input Enable
Inputs or Program Debug Tools <!>INEN<d><d><d>...<d> d = 0, 1, E, or X 0 = off, 1 = on, E = enable, X = don't care E INEN: *INENEEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE [IN], INFEN, INFNC, INLVL, INPLC, INSTW, TIN Description Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Item Number
Mnemonic Code: This field contains the command's mnemonic code. If the command is in brackets (e.g., [ IN ]), it is an operator that must be used within the syntax of another command (e.g., IN may be used in a conditional expression like IF(IN.12=b1)). Full Name: This field contains the command's full name. Valid Product & Revision: This field lists the 6000 Series products and the revision of each product when this command was incorporated or modified per the description. If the command does not apply to that particular product, the Rev is specified as n/a. All commands applicable to the standard product versions are applicable to the OEM versions unless otherwise noted (e.g., 6250 commands are applicable to the OEM6250 controller). An n in the product name refers to all products in that particular series (e.g., 620n commands are applicable to the 6200 and 6201 products), and the commands are applicable to all members of the series unless otherwise noted. You can use the TREV command to determine which product revision you are using. For example, if the TREV response is *TREV92-012222-01-4.1, the product revision is 4.1.
2. 3.
Type: This field contains the command's type. Inside the back cover you will find a list of all 6000 Series commands organized by command type. Syntax: The proper syntax for the command is shown here. The specific parameters associated with the command are also shown. Definitions of the parameters are described in the Syntax sections below. Units: This field describes what unit of measurement the parameter (b, d, i, r, or t) in the command syntax represents. Range: This is the range of valid values that you can specify for an argument (or any other parameter specified). Default: The default setting for the command is shown in this field. A command will perform its function with the default setting if you do not provide a value. Response: Some commands allow you to check the status of the command. In the example above, entering the INEN command by itself, you will receive the response *INENEEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE (response indicates all inputs are enabled). The example responses provided are based on the default error level, Error Level 4, established with the ERRLVL4 command. See Also: Commands related or similar to the command described are listed here.
For more detailed information on 6000 command syntax, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Input Enable
Inputs or Program Debug Tools <!>INEN<d><d><d>...<d> d = 0, 1, E, or X 0 = off, 1 = on, E = enable, X = don't care E INEN: *INENEEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE [IN], INFEN, INFNC, INLVL, INPLC, INSTW, TIN Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Letter/Symbol a b* c d i r t !
Description Represents an axis specifier, numeric value from 1 to 4 (used only to elicit a response from the indexer) Represents the values 1,0, X or x; does not require field separator between values. Represents a character (A to Z, or a to z) Represents the values 1,0, X or x, E or e ; does not require field separator between values. E or e enables a specific command field. X or x leaves the specific command field unchanged or ignored. Represents a numeric value that cannot contain a decimal point (integer values only). The numeric range varies by command. Field separator required. Represents a numeric value that may contain a decimal point, but is not required to have a decimal point. The numeric range varies by command. Field separator required. Represents a string of alpha numeric characters from 1 to 6 characters in length. The string must start with a alpha character. Represents an immediate command. Changes a buffered command to an immediate command. Immediate commands are processed immediately, even before previously entered buffered commands. Represents a field separator. Commands with the symbol r or i in their Syntax description require field separators. Commands with the symbol b or d in their Syntax description do not require field separators (but they may be included). See General Guidelines table below. Represents a global specifier, where only one field need be entered. Applicable to all commands with multiple command fields. (e.g., @V1 sets velocity on all axes to 1 rps) Indicates that the item contained within the < > is optional, not required by that command. NOTE: Do not confuse with <cr>, <sp>, and <lf>, which refer to the ASCII characters corresponding to a carriage return, space, and line feed, respectively. Indicates that the command between the [ ] must be used in conjunction with another command, and cannot be used by itself.
@ < >
[ ]
* The ASCII character b can also be used within a command to precede a binary number. When the b is used in this context, it is not to be replaced with a 0, 1, X, or x. Examples are assignments such as VARB1=b10001, and comparisons such as IF(IN=b1001X1).
All text between a comment delimiter and a command delimiter is considered program comments. Commands with the symbol r or i in their Syntax description require field separators. Commands with the symbol b or d in their Syntax description do not require field separators (but they may be included).
Set velocity on axes 1 - 4 to 10 rps, 25 rps, 5 rps and 10 rps, respectively: V10,25,5,10<cr> Initiate motion on axes 1, 3 and 4: GO1011<cr> GO1,0,1,1<cr>
Axes not participating in the command need Set velocity on axis 2 to 5 rps: V,5,,<cr> not be specified; however, field separators that are normally required must be specified. Global Command Identifier (@) When you wish to set the command value equal on all axes, add the @ symbol at the beginning of the command (enter only the value for one command field). The bit select operator allows you to affect one binary bit without having to enter all the preceding bits in the command. Syntax for setup commands:
[command name].[bit #]-[binary value]
Enable error-checking bit #9: ERROR.9-1<cr> IF statement based on value of axis status bit #12: IF(1AS.12=b1)<cr>
Left-to-right Math
Rule of Thumb
Not all of the commands allow command field substitutions. In general, commands with a binary command field (<b> in the syntax) will accept the VARB substitution. Commands with a real or integer command field (<r> or <i> in the syntax) will accept VAR, READ, DREAD, DREADF, TW or DAT.
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A & TRG-B) 28
24 general-purpose outputs
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A - TRG-D) 27
24 general-purpose outputs
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A - TRG-C) 28
24 general-purpose outputs
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A - TRG-D) 18
24 general-purpose outputs auxiliary outputs (OUT-A - OUT-D)
16 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A & TRG-B) 26
8 general-purpose outputs auxiliary output (OUT-A) 1 26
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A & TRG-B) 27
24 general-purpose outputs 1 auxiliary outputs (OUT-A & OUT-B) 26
625n Series
24 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A - TRG-C) 18
24 general-purpose outputs
16 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A & TRG-B) 18
8 general-purpose outputs
16 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A & TRG-B)
8 general-purpose outputs auxiliary outputs (OUT-A & OUT-B)
6 general-purpose inputs triggers (TRG-A - TRG-D)
4 general-purpose outputs
ERROR: MOTION ENDS IN NON-ZERO Compiled Motion: The last GOBUF segment within a PLOOP/PLN loop does not VELOCITY - AXIS N end at zero velocity, or there is no final GOBUF segment placed outside the loop. EXCESSIVE PATH RADIUS DIFFERENCE FOLMAS NOT SPECIFIED Contouring path compilation error No FOLMAS for the axis is currently specified. It will occur if FMCNEW, FSHFC, or FSHFD commands are executed and no FOLMAS command was executed, or FOLMAS0 was executed. Axis specified is incorrect Incorrect command syntax. Following: Velocity (V), acceleration (A) or deceleration (AD) command is zero (used by FSHFC & FSHFD). INSUFFICIENT MEMORY Not enough memory for the user program or compiled profile segments. This may be remedied by reallocating memory (see MEMORY command description). Command is invalid because of existing conditions System not ready for command (e.g., LN command issued before the L command). Following (these conditions can cause an error during Following): The FOLMD value is too small to achieve the preset distance and still remain within the FOLRN/FOLRD ratio. A phase shift cannot be performed: FSHFD .... Error if already shifting or performing other time based move. FSHFC .... Error if currently executing a FSHFD move, or if currently executing another FSHFC move in the opposite direction. The FOLEN1 command was given while a profile was suspended by a GOHWHEN. INVALID CONDITIONS FOR S_CURVE ACCELERATIONFIELD n Average (Aavg) acceleration or deceleration command (e.g., AA, ADA, HOMAA, HOMADA, etc.) with a range that violates the equation Amax Aavg Amax (Amax is the max. accel or decel commande.g., A, AD, HOMA, HOMAD, etc.)
2. Using Motion Architect's terminal emulator, download the program to the 6000 Series product. Notice that an error response identifies the bad command as an INCORRECT DATA item and displays it:
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Immediate Command Identifier (!) changes a buffered command into an immediate command. All immediate commands are processed immediately, even before previously entered buffered commands. All 6000 Series commands are buffered. The commands that use the ! identifier are identified in the Syntax portion of the command description.
NOTE A command with the ! prefix cannot be stored in a program.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Global Command Identifier (@) is used to set the value of all fields to the value entered only in the first field. For example, @A1 assigns the value 1 to all axes. All commands with multiple fields are able to use the Global Command Identifier. If you have any doubts about which commands can use the @ symbol, refer to the Syntax portion of the command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Begin Comment
Operator (Other) ;<this is a comment> n/a n/a n/a n/a None Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Begin Comment (;) command is used to comment application programs. The comment begins with a semicolon (;) and is terminated by a command delimiter. The comment is not stored in a program. An example of using the comment delimiter is as follows:
DEF pick ; Begin definition of program pick<cr>
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Label Declaration
Operator (Other) <!>$<t> t = text name Text name of 6 characters or less n/a n/a DEF, DEL, END, GOSUB, GOTO, JUMP, RUN, TLABEL Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Label Declaration ($) command defines the current location as the label specified. A label consists of 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters and must start with an alpha-character, not a number. Labels can only be defined within a program or subroutine. The GOTO, GOSUB or JUMP commands can be used to branch to a label. The RUN command can also be used to start executing statements at a label. The label cannot be deleted by a DEL command. However, when the program that contains the label is deleted, all labels contained within the program will be deleted. Maximum number of labels possible: All stand-alone products ........ 600 AT6n00 .................................. 250 AT6n00-M ............................. 6000 AT6n50 .................................. 100 AT6n50-M ............................. 600
A label declaration cannot consist of any of the following characters: !, _, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), +, -, {, }, \, |, ", :, ;, ', <, >, ,, ., ?, /, =
NOTE: A label cannot have the same name as a 6000 Series command. For example, $A and $A123 are
illegal labels.
DEF pick GO1100 IF(VAR1=5) GOTO pick1 ELSE GOTO pick2 NIF $pick1 GO0011 BREAK $pick2 GO1001 END RUN pick
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program called pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 If variable 1 = 5 then do commands between IF and ELSE, otherwise commands between ELSE and NIF Goto label pick1 Else part of IF command Goto label pick2 End IF command Label declaration for pick1 Initiate motion on axes 3 and 4 Break out of current subroutine or program Label declaration for pick2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 4 End program definition Execute program named pick
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command controls the execution of a program or sequence when the single step mode is enabled (STEP1). Each time you enter the !#<i> command followed by a delimiter, i commands in the sequence buffer will be executed. A !# followed by a delimiter will cause one command to be executed. Single step mode can be advantageous when trying to debug a program.
DEF tst @V1 @A10 D1,2,3,4 GO1101 OUT11X1 END STEP1 RUN tst
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named tst Set velocity to 1 unit/sec on all axes Set acceleration to 10 units/sec/sec on all axes Set distance to 1 unit on axis 1, 2 units on axis 2, 3 units on axis 3, and 4 units on axis 4 Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 4 Turn on programmable outputs 1, 2, and 4, leave 3 unchanged End program definition Enable single step mode Execute program named tst
NOTE: After entering the command RUN no action will occur because single step mode has been enabled.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
To enter data interactively, two operations must occur. First, numeric information must be requested. Requesting the numeric information is accomplished with the VARx=READy command. The x specifies the numeric variable to place the data into, and the y specifies the string variable to transmit before the data is entered. Numeric information can also be requested by placing the READ command in place of a command argument (e.g., A(READ1),12.52,(READ2),5.62). After the data has been requested, a numeric response must be provided. The numeric response must be preceded by the interactive data specifier (!') and followed by a delimiter (<cr> or <lf>). Command processing will pause while waiting for data.
VARS1="Enter the count > " ; Set string variable 1 equal to the message VAR5=READ1 ; Transmit string variable 1, and wait for numeric data in the ; form of !'<data>. Once numeric data has been received, place ; it in numeric variable 5 !'65.12 ; Variable 5 will receive the value 65.12
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Bit Select
Operator (Other) <command>.i i = bit number Command-dependent None n/a [ AS ], [ ER ], ERROR, [ IN ], INEN, INLVL, [ INO ], INTHW, LHLVL, [ LIM ], [ MOV ], ONIN, ONUS, OUT,OUTEN, OUTLVL, POUT, [ SS ], TAS, TER, TIN, TINO, TINT, TLIM,TOUT, TSS, TUS, [ US ] Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Bit Select (.) command specifies which bit of an assignment command or a transfer command to select. The primary purpose of this command is to let the user specify a specific bit, instead of a bit string. When using the bit operator in a comparison, the bit operator must always come to the left of the comparison. For example, the command IF(1AS.12=b1) is legal, but IF(b1=1AS.12) is illegal.
; ; ; ;
Error status bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 Response (if bit 12 is set to 1): *VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Turn output bit #5 on
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
There are three commands that deal with string variables, or messages. The first of these commands is the VARS command. This command sets a string variable equal to a specific message (e.g., VARS1="Enter part count"). The message must be placed in quotes for it to be recognized. The same can be said for the WRITE and DWRITE commands. Their messages must also be placed in quotes (e.g., WRITE"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"). Syntax possibilities: VARSn="<message>" where n equals the string variable number
WRITE"<message>" DWRITE"<message>"
There are three ASCII characters that cannot be used within the quotes (:, ", and ;). These characters can be specified in the string by using the backslash character (\) in combination with the ASCII decimal value for the character. For example, if you wanted to display the message "WHY ASK WHY" in quotes, you would use the following syntax: WRITE"\34WHY ASK WHY\34". An ASCII table is provided in Appendix C. Common characters and their ASCII equivalent value:
Character <lf> <cr> " : ; \ Description Line Feed Carriage Return Quote Colon Semi-colon Backslash ASCII Decimal Value 10 13 34 58 59 92 (cannot be used with DWRITE)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The ASCII Character Designator (\) operator is used to place a character in a string that is normally not represented by a keyboard character. The (\) operator can be used within the VARS or the WRITE commands. The syntax for the (\) operator is as follows:
WRITE"\<i>" Where <i> is the ASCII decimal equivalent of the character to be placed in the string. VARS1="\<i>" Where <i> is the ASCII decimal equivalent of the character to be placed in the string.
There are three ASCII characters that cannot be used within the quotes (:, ;, and "). These characters must be specified in the string by using the backslash character (\) in combination with the ASCII decimal value for the character. An ASCII table is provided in Appendix C. Common characters and their ASCII equivalent value:
Character <lf> <cr> " : ; \ Example: Description Line Feed Carriage Return Quote Colon Semi-colon Backslash ASCII Decimal Value 10 13 34 58 59 92
;Displays: cd\AT6400<cr><lf>
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Assignment or Equivalence
Operator (Mathematical or Relational) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ > ], [ >= ], [ < ], [ <= ], [ <> ], [ AND ], IF, [ OR ], UNTIL, VAR, VARB, VARS, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The assignment or equivalence operator (=) is used to either assign a value to a variable, or compare two values and/or variables. The (=) operator is limited to 1 assignment operation per line. It is acceptable to state VAR1=25, but it is unacceptable to state VAR1=25=VAR2. More than 1 equivalence operator can be used in a command; however, the total number of relational operators used in a line is limited by the command length limitation (80 characters), not the number of relational operators (e.g., the command IF(VAR1=1 AND VAR2=4 AND VAR3=4) is a legal command). When (=) is used as an assignment operator, it can be used with these commands: VAR, VARB, VARS. When (=) is used as an equivalence operator, it can be used with these commands: IF, WHILE, UNTIL, WAIT.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Greater Than
Operator (Relational) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ >= ], [ < ], [ <= ], [ <> ], [ AND ], IF, [ OR ], UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The greater than (>) operator is used to compare two values. If the value on the left of the operator is greater than the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is TRUE. If the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is FALSE. The greater than operator (>) can only be used to compare two values. More than one (>) operator can be used within a single command; however, the total command length is limited to 80 characters. The (>) operator can be used in conjunction with the IF, WHILE, UNTIL, and WAIT commands. Examples of valid commands are IF(VAR1>1) and WHILE(VAR1>1 AND VAR2>3). An example of an invalid command is IF(5>VAR1>1).
[ >= ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The greater than or equal (>=) operator is used to compare two values. If the value on the left of the operator is greater than or equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is TRUE. If the value on the left is less than the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is FALSE. The greater than or equal operator (>=) can only be used to compare two values. More than one (>=) operator can be used within a single command; however, the total command length is limited to 80 characters. The (>=) operator can be used in conjunction with the IF, WHILE, UNTIL, and WAIT commands. Examples of valid commands are IF(VAR1>=1) and WHILE(VAR1>=1 AND VAR2>=3). An example of an invalid command is IF(5>VAR1>=1).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Less Than
Operator (Relational) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ > ], [ >= ], [ <= ], [ <> ], [ AND ], IF, [ OR ], UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The less than (<) operator is used to compare two values. If the value on the left of the operator is less than the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is TRUE. If the value on the left is greater than or
equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is FALSE. The less than operator (<) can only be used to compare two values. More than one (<) operator can be used within a single command; however, the total command length is limited to 80 characters. The (<) operator can be used in conjunction with the IF, WHILE, UNTIL, and WAIT commands. Examples of valid commands are IF(VAR1<1) and WHILE(VAR1<1 AND VAR2<3). An example of an invalid command is IF(1<VAR1<54).
[ <= ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The less than or equal (<=) operator is used to compare two values. If the value on the left of the operator is less than or equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is TRUE. If the value on the left is greater than the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is FALSE. The less than or equal operator (<=) can only be used to compare two values. More than one (<=) operator can be used within a single command; however, the total command length is limited to 80 characters. The (<=) operator can be used in conjunction with the IF, WHILE, UNTIL, and WAIT commands. Examples of valid commands are IF(VAR1<=1) and WHILE(VAR1<=1 AND VAR2<=3). An example of an invalid command is IF(1<VAR1<=54).
[ <> ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Not Equal
Operator (Relational) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ >= ], [ < ], [ <= ], [ AND ], IF, [ OR ], UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The not equal (<>) operator is used to compare two values. If the value on the left of the operator is not equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is TRUE. If the value on the left is equal to the value on the right of the operator, then the expression is FALSE. The not equal operator (<>) can only be used to compare two values. More than one (<>) operator can be used within a single command; however, the total command length is limited to 80 characters. The (<>) operator can be used in conjunction with the IF, WHILE, UNTIL, and WAIT commands. Examples of valid commands are IF(VAR1<>1) and WHILE(VAR1<>1 AND VAR2<=3). An example of an invalid command is IF(1<VAR1<>54).
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Operation Priority Level operators determines which operation to do first in a mathematical expression. For example, if you want to add 5 to 6 times 3, you can specify VAR1=6*3+5 or VAR1=5 + (6*3). More than one set of parentheses can be used in a mathematical expression; however, they cannot be nested (e.g. VAR1=(VAR2 * 3) * (3 + VAR4) ).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Mathematical) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ () ], [ - ], [ * ], [ / ], [ SQRT ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The addition (+) operator adds the value to the left of the operator with the value to the right of the operator. The addition operator can only be used in conjunction with the VAR and VARB commands. The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested. Examples of valid commands: VAR1=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
VAR2=VAR1+1+(5*3) VARB1=b1101 + b11001
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Mathematical) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ () ], [ + ], [ * ], [ / ], [ SQRT ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The subtraction (-) operator subtracts the value to the right of the operator from the value to the left of the operator. The subtraction operator can only be used in conjunction with the VAR and VARB commands. The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested. Examples of valid command s: VAR1=1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
VAR2=VAR1-1+(5*3) VARB1=b111101 - b11001
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Mathematical) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ () ], [ + ], [ - ], [ / ], [ SQRT ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The multiplication (*) operator multiplies the value to the right of the operator with the value to the left of the operator. The multiplication operator can only be used in conjunction with the VAR and VARB commands. The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested. Examples of valid commands: VAR1=1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9
VAR2=VAR1-1+(5*3) VARB1=b111101 * b11001
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Mathematical) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ () ], [ + ], [ - ], [ * ], [ SQRT ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The division (/) operator divides the value to the left of the operator by the value on the right of the operator. The result of the division is specified to five decimal places. The division operator can only be used in conjunction with the VAR and VARB commands. The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested. Examples of valid commands: VAR1=1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
VAR2=VAR1-1/(5*3) VARB1=b111101 / b11001
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Boolean And
Operator (Bitwise) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ | ], [ ~ ], [ ^ ], [ << ],[ >> ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Boolean And (&) operator performs a logical AND on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VAR command. The Boolean And (&) performs a bitwise AND on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VARB command. For a logical AND (using VAR), the possible combinations are as follows: positive number & positive number positive number & zero or a negative number zero or negative number & positive number zero or negative number & zero or negative number Example: Result:
VAR1=5 & -1 VAR1=0
= = = =
1 0 0 0
For a bitwise AND (using VARB), the value on the left side of the & operator has each of its bits ANDed with the corresponding bit of the value on the right side of the operator. Each bit comparison will be composed of 9 possible combinations:
1&1=1 1&0=0 0&1=0 0&0=0 X&X=X 1&X=X X&1=X 0&X=0 X&0=0
Example: VARB1=b0000 1000 & b1000 1011 1 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_1000_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1=h32FD & h23 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0100_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 Example: VARB1=h23 & b1101 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0100_XX00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Boolean Inclusive Or
Operator (Bitwise) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ & ], [ ~ ], [ ^ ], [ << ], [ >> ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Boolean Inclusive Or (|) operator performs a logical OR on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VAR command. The Boolean Inclusive Or (|) performs a bitwise OR on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VARB command. For a logical OR (using VAR), the possible combinations are as follows:
positive number | positive number positive number | zero or a negative number zero or negative number | positive number zero or negative number | zero or negative number Example: Result:
VAR1=5 | -1 VAR1=1
= = = =
1 1 1 0
For a bitwise OR (using VARB), the value on the left side of the | operator has each of its bits ORed with the corresponding bit of the value on the right side of the operator. Each bit comparison will be composed of 9 possible combinations:
1|1=1 1|0=1 0|1=1 0|0=0 X|X=X 1|X=1 X|1=1 0|X=X X|0=X
Example: VARB1=b1001 01X1 XX11 | b1000 1011 10 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=1001_1111_1X11_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1=h1234 | hFAD31 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=1111_0101_1111_1110_1000_0000_0000_0000 Example: VARB1=h23 | b1101 001X 001X 1X11 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=1101_111X_001X_1X11_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Boolean Exclusive Or
Operator (Bitwise) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ & ], [ ~ ], [ | ], [ << ], [ >> ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Boolean Exclusive Or (^) operator performs a logical exclusive OR on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VAR command. The Boolean Exclusive Or (^) performs a bitwise exclusive OR on the two values to the left and right of the operator when used with the VARB command. For a logical exclusive OR (using VAR), the possible combinations are as follows: positive number ^ positive number positive number ^ zero or a negative number zero or negative number ^ positive number zero or negative number ^ zero or negative number Example: Result:
VAR1=5 ^ -1 VAR1=1
= = = =
0 1 1 0
Command Descriptions
For a bitwise exclusive OR (using VARB), the value on the left side of the ^ operator has each of its bits exclusive ORed with the corresponding bit of the value on the right side of the operator. Each bit comparison will be composed of 9 possible combinations:
1^1=0 1^0=1 0^1=1 0^0=0 X^X=X 1^X=X X^1=X 0^X=X X^0=X
Example: VARB1=b0000 1111 XXX1 ^ b10XX 10XX 10XX Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=10XX_01XX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1=h32FD ^ h6A Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=1010_0001_1111_1011_0000_0000_0000_0000 Example: VARB1=h7FFF ^ b1101 1111 0000 1101 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0011_0000_1111_0010_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Operation Priority Level ( () ) operators can be used; however, they cannot be nested.
[ ~() ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Boolean Not
Operator (Bitwise) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ & ], [ ^ ], [ | ], [ << ], [ >> ], VAR, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0s 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Boolean Not (~) operator performs a logical NOT on the value immediately to its right when used with the VAR command. The Boolean NOT (~) performs a bitwise NOT on the value immediately to its right when used with the VARB command. Parentheses ( () ) are required. For a logical NOT (using VAR), the possible combinations are as follows:
~ (positive number) = ~ (zero or a negative number) = 0 1
Example: Example:
VAR1=~(5) VAR1=~(-1)
For a bitwise NOT (using VARB), each bit is NOTed. Example: VARB1=~(b0000 1000 1XX1) Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=1111_0111_0XX0_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1=~(h32FD) Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0011_1011_0000_0100_1111_1111_1111_1111 The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right. The Boolean Not (~) operator also has one additional use. It can be used to change the sign of the distance (D) command. (e.g., if the distance has the values *D+25000,+25000,+12000,-123000). By issuing D~,~,~,~ the new values for distance would be *D-25000,-25000,-12000,+123000.
[ << ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Shift R to L (<<) operator shifts a binary value from right to left (reducing its value) the number of bits specified. Zeros are shifted into the most significant bit locations. The number of bits to shift by is specified with the value immediately to the right of the (<<) operator, 32 maximum. The number of places to shift must be specified in either binary or hexadecimal format. (The bits in the binary variable are displayed from 1 to 32, left to right, and shifting from right to left causes bits to be shifted from 32 to 1.) Example: VARB1=b0000 1000 1XX1 << b01 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0010_001X_X1XX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXX_XX00 Example: VARB1=b1111 0000 1111 << b001 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_1111_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_0000 Example: VARB1= h0000 E3 << hA Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_0001_1111_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right.
[ >> ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Shift L to R (>>) operator shifts a binary value from left to right (increasing its value) the number of bits specified. Zeros are shifted into the least significant bit locations. The number of bits to shift by is specified with the value immediately to the right of the (>>) operator, 32 maximum. The number of places to shift must be specified in either binary or hexadecimal format. (The bits in the binary variable are displayed from 1 to 32, left to right, and shifting from left to right causes bits to be shifted from 1 to 32.) Example: VARB1=b0000 1000 1XX1 >> b01 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_0010_001X_X1XX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1=b1111 0000 1111 >> b001 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_1111_0000_1111_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX Example: VARB1= h45FA2 >> h4 Response to VARB1 is *VARB1=0000_0010_1010_1111_0101_0100_0000_0000 The total command length must be less than 80 characters. The order of precedence is left to right.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Send Response to All Ports ( [ ) command is used to send the response from the command which follows it to all serial ports. If a syntax error occurs an error message will be sent to both COM ports. NOTE: If COM1 and COM2 are not clearly labeled on your product, COM1 is the RS-232 connector (or Rx, Tx, GND terminals on the AUX connector); COM2 is the RP240 connector.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Send Response to Alternate Port ( ] ) command is used to send the response from the command which follows it to the alternate port from the one selected. If a report back is requested from port COM1, the response will be sent out port COM2, and vice-versa. If a command is in a stored program, the report will be sent out the alternate port from the one selected by the PORT command. If a syntax error occurs an error message will be sent to the alternate port from the one selected. NOTE: If COM1 and COM2 are not clearly labeled on your product, COM1 is the RS-232 connector (or Rx, Tx, GND terminals on the AUX connector); COM2 is the RP240 connector.
; Select COM1 ; Transfer TER Status to port COM1 ; Transfer TAS Status to port COM2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion <!><@><a>A<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 A: *A10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1A: *A10.0000 [ A ], AA, AD, ADA, DRES, ERES, GO, MC, SCALE, SCLA, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Acceleration (A) command specifies the acceleration rate to be used upon executing the next go (GO) command. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The acceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent acceleration command. Accelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid acceleration is entered the previous acceleration value is retained. If the Deceleration (AD) command has not been entered, the acceleration (A) command will set the deceleration rate. Once the deceleration (AD) command has been entered, the acceleration (A) command no longer affects deceleration. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES: You can change acceleration on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate acceleration command (!A) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered acceleration command (A) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
MA0000 MC0000 SCALE1 SCLA25000,25000,1,1 SCLV25000,25000,1,1 @SCLD1 A10,12,1,2 V1,1,1,2 D100000,1000,10,100 GO1100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Incremental index mode for all axes Preset index mode for all axes Enable scaling Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 & 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 & 4 to 1 step/unit Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 & 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 & 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor for all axes to 1 step/unit Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, & 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, & 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4, respectively Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, & 100 units for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Acceleration Assignment
Assignment or Comparison See below units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) n/a n/a A, AA, AD, ADA, DRES, ERES, GO, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The acceleration assignment command is used to compare the programmed acceleration value to another value or variable, or to assign the current programmed acceleration to a variable. Syntax:
VARn=aA, where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [A] can be used in an expression such as IF(1A<25). When assigning the acceleration value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the assignment (A) command or it defaults to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1A). When making a comparison to the programmed acceleration, an axis specifier must also be used (e.g., IF(1A<2)). The (A) value used in any comparison, or in any assignment statement is the programmed (A) value.
Steppers: The acceleration value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value represents motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
; ; ; ; ; If the acceleration on axis 2 is less than 25000 units/sec/sec, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Variable 1 = acceleration of axis 2 times 2 Set the acceleration on axis 2 to the value of variable 1 End the IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Average Acceleration
Motion (S-Curve) <!><@><a>AA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24999999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.00 (trapezoidal profiling is default, where AA tracks A) AA: *AA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1AA: *1AA10.0000 A, AD, ADA, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 1.0
The Average Acceleration (AA) command allows you to specify the average acceleration for an S-curve motion profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum accel (A) and average accel (AA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the acceleration ramp, you must enter an AA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 A AA < A. The following conditions are possible:
Acceleration Setting AA > 1/2 A, but AA < A AA = 1/2 A AA = A AA < 1/2 A; or AA > A AA = zero Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant acceleration
While programming S-curves, if you never change the maximum or average deceleration (AD or ADA) commands, ADA will track AA. However, once you change AD, ADA will no longer track changes in AA.
NOTE Once you enter an AA value that is zero and A, S-curve profiling is enabled only for standard moves (e.g., not for contouring, which requires the PADA and/or PAA commands). All subsequent standard moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 A AA < A.
Increasing the AA value above the pure S-curve level (AA > 1/2 A), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing AA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
Scaling affects the average acceleration (AA) the same as it does for the maximum acceleration (A).
Command Descriptions
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES: You can change acceleration on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate acceleration command (!AA) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered acceleration command (AA) followed by a buffered go command (GO). In the example below, axis 1 executes a pure S-curve and takes 1 second to reach a velocity of 5 rps; axis 2 executes a trapezoidal profile and takes 0.5 seconds to reach a velocity of 5 rps.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Disable scaling Select incremental positioning mode Set distances to 40,000 positive-direction steps Set max. accel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set avg. accel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set max. decel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set avg. decel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set velocity to 5 rps on axes 1 and 2 Execute motion on axes 1 and 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion <!><@><a>AD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 (AD tracks A) AD: *AD10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1AD: *AD10.0000 [ A ], A, AA, ADA, DRES, ERES, GO, MC, SCALE, SCLA, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Deceleration(AD) command specifies the deceleration rate to be used upon executing the next go (GO) command. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec . Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained. If the deceleration (AD) command has not been entered, the acceleration (A) command will set the deceleration rate. Once the deceleration (AD) command has been entered, the acceleration (A) command no longer affects deceleration. If the AD command is set to zero (AD), then the deceleration will once again track whatever the A command is set to. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES: You can change deceleration on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate deceleration command (!AD) followed by an immediate go
command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered deceleration command (AD) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
MA0000 MC0000 SCALE1 SCLA25000,25000,1,1 SCLV25000,25000,1,1 @SCLD1 A10,12,1,2 AD1,1,1,2 V1,1,1,2 D100000,1000,10,100 GO1100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Incremental index mode for all axes Preset index mode for all axes Enable scaling Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor for all axes to 1 step/unit Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively Set the deceleration to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move
[ AD ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Deceleration Assignment
Assignment or Comparison See below units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) n/a n/a [A], A, AA, AD, ADA, DRES, ERES, GO, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The deceleration assignment command is used to compare the programmed deceleration value to another value or variable, or to assign the current programmed deceleration to a variable. Syntax:
VARn=aAD where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [AD] can be used in an expression such as IF(1AD<25). When assigning the deceleration value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the assignment (AD)command or it defaults to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1AD). When making a comparison to the programmed deceleration, an axis specifier must also be used (e.g., IF(1AD<2)). The (AD) value used in any comparison, or in any assignment statement is the programmed (AD) value.
Steppers: The value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value represents motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
; ; ; ; ; If the deceleration on axis 2 is less than 25000 units/sec/sec, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Variable 1 = deceleration of axis 2 times 2 Set the deceleration on axis 2 to the value of variable 1 End the IF statement
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Average Deceleration
Motion (S-Curve) <!><@><a>ADA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24999999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.00 (ADA tracks AA) ADA: *ADA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1ADA: *1ADA10.0000 A, AA, AD, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 1.0
The Average Deceleration (ADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve motion profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum decel (AD) and average decel (ADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter an ADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 AD ADA < AD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting ADA > 1/2 AD, but ADA < AD ADA = 1/2 AD ADA = AD ADA < 1/2 AD; or ADA > AD Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
ADA = zero AD = zero S-curve profiling with AA, and no ADA or AD ever entered
NOTE Once you enter an ADA value that is zero or AD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for standard move decelerations (e.g., not for contouring decelerations, which require the PADA command). All subsequent standard moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 AD ADA < AD.
Increasing the ADA value above the pure S-curve level (ADA > 1/2 AD), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing ADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
Scaling affects the average deceleration (ADA) the same as it does for the maximum deceleration (AD).
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES: You can change deceleration on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate deceleration command (!ADA) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered deceleration command (ADA) followed by a buffered go command (GO). In the example below, axis 1 executes a pure S-curve and takes 1 second to return to zero velocity; axis 2 executes a trapezoidal profile and takes 0.5 seconds to return to zero velocity.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Disable scaling Select incremental positioning mode Set distances to 40,000 positive-direction steps Set max. accel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set avg. accel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set max. decel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set avg. decel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set velocity to 5 rps on axes 1 and 2 Execute motion on axes 1 and 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The ADDR command automatically configures unit addresses for a daisy-chain or multi-drop by disregarding the DIP switch setting. This command allows up to 99 units on a chain to be uniquely addressed. The ADDR value is stored in non-volatile memory. Setting ADDR to re-enables the unit's address configured on its internal DIP switch. RS-232C Daisy Chain: Sending ADDRi to the first unit in the chain sets its address to be (i). The first unit in turn transmits ADDR(i + 1) to the next unit to set its address to (i + 1). This continues down the daisy chain until the last unit of (n) daisy-chained units has its address set to (i + n). RS-485 multi-drop: To use the ADDR command, you must address each unit individually before it is connected on the multi drop. For example, given that each product is shipped configured with address zero, you could set up a 4-unit multi-drop with the commands below, and then connect them in a multi drop: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the unit that is to be unit #1 and transmit the _ADDR1 command to it. Connect the unit that is to be unit #2 and transmit the _ADDR2 command to it. Connect the unit that is to be unit #3 and transmit the _ADDR3 command to it. Connect the unit that is to be unit #4 and transmit the _ADDR4 command to it. If you need to replace a unit in the multi drop, send the _ADDRi command to it, where "i" is the address you wish the new unit to have. To send a 6000 command from the master unit to a specific unit in the multi-drop, prefix the command with the unit address and an underscore (e.g., 3_OUT turns off output #1 on unit #3). The master unit (if it is not a 6000 product) may receive data from a multi-drop unit.
Command Descriptions
For more information on controlling multiple 6000 Series controllers in an RS-232 daisy-chain or RS-485 multi-drop, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
[ AND ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (logical) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a IF, [ NOT ], [ OR ], REPEAT, UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The AND command is used in conjunction with the program flow control commands (IF, REPEAT, UNTIL, WHILE, WAIT). The AND command logically links two events. If each of the two events are true, and are linked with an AND command, then the whole statement is true. This fact is best illustrated by example. Example 1: IF(VAR1> AND VAR2<3) : TPM : NIF If variable 1 = 1 and variable 2 = 1, then the expression within the IF statement is true, and the commands between the IF and the NIF will be executed. Example 2: WHILE(VAR1=1 AND VAR2=2) : TPM : NWHILE If variable 1 = 1 and variable 2 = 1, then the expression within the WHILE statement is false, and the commands between the WHILE and the NWHILE will not be executed. To evaluate an expression (Expression 1 AND Expression 2 = Result) to determine if the whole expression is true, use the following rules: TRUE AND TRUE = TRUE TRUE AND FALSE = FALSE FALSE AND TRUE = FALSE FALSE AND FALSE = FALSE
[ ANI ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Analog Input Value for the -ANI option (ANI) command is used to assign the voltage level present at one of the ANI analog inputs to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The ANI value is measured in volts and does not reflect the effects of distance scaling ( SCLD), position offset (PSET), feedback polarity (ANIPOL), or commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). To assign/compare the ANI input value, as affected by SCLD, PSET, ANIPOL, and CMDDIR, use the PANI command or the FB command. The ANI value is derived from the voltage applied to the corresponding analog input and ground. The analog value is determined from a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter. The minimum voltage response is -10.000VDC, the maximum voltage response is +10.000VDC. Syntax: VARn=aANI where n is the variable number, and a is analog input number 1-4, or ANI can be used in an expression such as IF(1ANI=2.3). An analog input number specifier must precede the ANI command, or else it will default to input 1 (e.g., 1ANI, 2ANI, etc.).
; ; ; ; ; ;
Voltage value at 6250-ANI's analog input 2 is assigned to variable 2 If voltage value at 6250-ANI's analog input 1 < 8.2V, do the commands between the IF statement and the NIF statement. Transfer revision level End if statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo stability requires a direct correlation between the commanded direction and the direction of the ANI analog input counts (i.e., a positive commanded direction from the controller must result in positive counts from the ANI input). If the ANI input is counting in the wrong direction, you may reverse the polarity with the ANIPOL command (see programming example below). This allows you to reverse the counting direction without having to change the actual mounting of the ANI input. For example, if the ANI on axis 2 counted in the wrong direction, you could issue the ANIPOLx1 command to correct the polarity. Immediately after issuing the ANIPOL command, the sign of the ANI counts or voltage values (including all ANI position/voltage registers) is reversed. The polarity is immediately changed whether or not ANI feedback is currently selected with the SFB command. The polarity reversal affects the values of TPANI, PANI, TPCA, PCA, TFB, FB, TPER, and PER; it does not affect the values of TANI, ANI, TCA, or CA.
NOTE Changing the feedback polarity effectively invalidates any existing offset position (PSET) setting; therefore, you will have to re-establish the PSET position.
The ANIPOL command is automatically saved in non-volatile RAM (stand-alone products only). If you wish to reverse the commanded direction of motion, first make sure there is a direct correlation between commanded direction and ANI direction, then issue the appropriate CMDDIR command to reverse both the commanded direction and the ANI direction (see CMDDIR command description for full details).
; ; ; ;
Select encoder feedback *2TPANI+1.254 (response Reverse ANI polarity on *2TPANI-1.254 (response
for axis 1 and ANI feedback for axis 2 indicates ANI #2 at position +1.254) axis 2 indicates ANI #2 at position -1.254)
[ ANV ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Analog Input Value (ANV) command is used to assign an analog input value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. When using ANV, an analog input channel specifier must always precede
Command Descriptions
the ANV command or else it will default to channel 1. The analog channel specifier can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1ANV, 2ANV, 3ANV, or 4ANV), for analog input channels 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The number of analog input channels available varies by product. Syntax: VARn=aANV where n is the variable number, and a is the analog channel, or [ANV] can be used in an expression such as IF(1ANV=2.3). The ANV command will provide a voltage value from the analog channel queried. The value is derived from the voltage between the corresponding analog channel and ground. The minimum voltage response will be VDC, while the maximum voltage response will be 2.5 VDC. Joystick connector pin outs are provided below.
Pin # on Joystick Connector 1 2 3 4 8 14 Example: Pin # on Joystick Connector 15 16 17 18 19 23
Function Analog Channel 1 Analog Channel 2 Analog Channel 3 Analog Channel 4 (product dependent) Shield Ground
Function Axes Select Velocity Select Joystick Release Joystick Trigger Joystick Auxiliary +5VDC (out)
; ; ; ; ;
Voltage value for analog channel 4 is assigned to variable 2 If voltage value for analog channel 1 is less than 2.4 volts, do the commands between the IF statement and the NIF statement Transfer revision level End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
After enabling the Analog Input Voltage Override function with the ANVOEN1 command, you can use the Analog Input Voltage Override (ANVO) command to override the existing voltage on the analog input channels (on the JOYSTICK connector). The ANVO values are used in any command or function that references the analog input channel, but only those channels for which the override function has been enabled with the ANVOEN command (see example below). Overriding the analog input channels allows you to simulate input values for program debugging purposes. Another use for the ANVO command may be to use it in an ERRORP program to override the analog input voltage in response to a fault.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set analog input override values to 0.96V, 1.85V, 1.05V & 2.35V for analog input channels 1-4 Enable analog input voltage override on channels 1 and 4 only Transfer the values of the analog input channels. Response should be: *TANV.96,1.244,1.244,2.35 (Note that only channels 1 and 4 reflect the values specified with the ANVO command. Channels 2 and 3 are not overridden.)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Input or Joystick or Program Debug Tool <!><@><a>ANVOEN<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable) or X (don't change) 0 ANVOEN: *ANVOEN0000 1ANVOEN: *ANVOEN0 [ ANV ], ANVO, TANV
The Analog Input Voltage Override Enable (ANVOEN) command determines whether the analog input voltages are the actual hardware values, or are overridden by the ANVO values. If the ANVOEN value is , then the actual hardware value is used for that analog input channel. If the ANVOEN value is 1, then the ANVO value is used. The number of analog input channels available varies by product. The joystick release input (pin #17 on the JOYSTICK connector) is not monitored when ANVOEN is enabled for any analog input channel. Thus, you can enter the joystick mode and simulate joystick operations.
Example: (see ANVO example)
[ AS ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Axis Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ ASX ], GOWHEN, INDUST, LDTUPD, SMPER, TAS, TASF, TRGFN, TSTAT, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.4 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
The Axis Status (AS) command is used to assign the axis status bits for a specific axis to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value that the axis status is being compared against. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value that the axis status is being compared against. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, and the numbers through 9. When using AS, an axis specifier must always proceed it, or else it will default to axis 1. Valid axis specifiers are 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1AS, 2AS, 3AS, or 4AS). The function of each axis status bit is shown below. An "x" identifies products to which the function is applicable.
Bit # (left to right) Function (1/) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Moving/Not Moving Negative/positive-direction Accelerating/Not Accelerating At Velocity/Not at Velocity Home Successful (HOM) YES/NO Absolute/Incremental (MA) Continuous/Preset (MC) Jog Mode/Not Jog Mode (JOG) OEMAT6n00 AT6n00 AT6250 AT6450 610n x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x n/a 615n x x x x x x x n/a 620n x x x x x x x x 625n x x x x x x x x 6270 x x x x x x x x
Command Descriptions
Bit # (left to right) Function (1/) 9 10 11 12 Joystick Mode/Not Joystick Mode (JOY) Encoder Step Mode/Motor Step Mode (ENC) Position Maintenance (EPM) ON/OFF Stall Detected (ESTALL) YES/NO Drive Shut Down occurred YES/NO Drive Fault occurred YES/NO Positive-direction Hardware Limit Hit YES/NO Negative-direction Hardware Limit Hit YES/NO Positive-direction Software Limit Hit YES/NO Negative-direction Software Limit Hit YES/NO Within Deadband (EPMDB) YES/NO In Position (COMEXP) YES/NO Distance Streaming Mode (STREAM1) YES/NO Velocity Streaming Mode (STREAM2) YES/NO Position Error Exceeded (SMPER) YES/NO In Target Zone (STRGTD & STRGTV) YES/NO Target Zone Timeout occurred (STRGTT) YES/NO Motion suspended pending GOWHEN YES/NO LDT Position Read Error YES/NO
OEMAT6n00 AT6n00 AT6250 AT6450 610n x x x x n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a n/a n/a x n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x
620n x x x x
13 14 * 15 16
x x x x
n/a n/a x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 **
x x x x x x n/a x
25 26 *** 27
x x n/a x
n/a x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x x x
28 **** Registration move initiated by trigger since last GO command 29 30 31 32 RESERVED Pre-emptive (OTF) GO or Registration profile not possible RESERVED RESERVED
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
* The input functions must be enabled (INFEN1) before a drive fault will be recognized. 610n only: ASX bits 1-3 provide specific causes for the fault. ** This bit is set only after the successful completion of a move. *** This bit is cleared if GOWHEN condition is true, or if STOP (!S) or KILL (!K or ^K) is executed. **** This bit is cleared with the next GO command.
Syntax: VARBn=aAS where n is the binary variable number and a is the axis identifier, or [AS] can be used in an expression such as IF(1AS=b111), or IF(1AS=h7F). If it is desired to assign only one bit of the axis status value to a binary variable, instead of all 32, the bit select (.) operator can be used. The bit select, in conjunction with the bit number, is used to specify a specific axis status bit (e.g., VARB1=1AS.12 assigns axis 1 status bit 12 to binary variable 1).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Axis status for axis 1 assigned to binary variable 1 Axis 1 status bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 Response, if bit 12 is set to 1, is "*VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX" If the axis status for axis 4 contains 1's for inputs 1,2,3,5,6,8,and 9, and a 0 for bit location 4, do the IF statement Transfer revision level End if statement If the axis status for axis 2 contains 1's for inputs 1,2,3,5,6,7,and 8, and 0's for every other bit location, do the IF statement Transfer revision level End if statement
[ ASX ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Extended Axis Status (ASX) command is used to assign the axis status bits for a specific axis to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value that the axis status is being compared against. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value that the axis status is being compared against. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, and the numbers through 9. An "x" identifies products to which the function is applicable.
Bit Assignment (left to right) Function (1 = yes, = no) 1 2 3 4 5-32 Motor Fault (610n only) Low Voltage (610n only) Over Temperature Fault (610n only) Drive Fault Input Active * RESERVED OEMAT6n00 AT6n00 AT6n50 ------x --------x --------x --610n x x x x --615n ------x --620n ------x --625n ------x --6270 ------x ---
* Bit #4 indicates the current hardware state of the drive fault input, whether or not the drive is enabled.
Syntax: VARBn=ASX where n is the binary variable number, or [ASX] can be used in an expression such as IF(ASX=b11), or IF(ASX=h7). If it is desired to assign only one bit of the axis status value to a binary variable, instead of all 32, the bit select (.) operator can be used. The bit select, in conjunction with the bit number, is used to specify a specific axis status bit (e.g., VARB1=ASX.3 assigns axis 1 status bit 3 to binary variable 1).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Extended Axis status for axis 1 assigned to binary variable 1 Extended Axis 1 status bit 3 assigned to binary variable 2 Response if bit 3 is set to 1: "*VARB2=XX1X_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX" If the extended axis status for axis 1 contains 1's for bits 1 and 3, and a 0 for bit location 2, do the IF statement Transfer revision level End if statement
Command Descriptions
[ ATAN() ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Arc Tangent
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Operator (Trigonometric) VARi=ATAN(r) r = real number 0.00000 to 999,999,999 none n/a [=], [COS], [PI], RADIAN, [SIN], [TAN], VAR
This Arc Tangent (ATAN) operator is used to calculate the inverse tangent of a real number. If a and b are coordinates of a point on a circle of radius r, then the angle of measure can be defined by the equation:
= arctan a . b
sin = a r
a x
cos = b r tan = a b
The result of the ATAN command will either be in degrees or radians, depending on the RADIAN command. To convert radians to degrees, use the formula: 360 = 2 radians.
Syntax: VARi=ATAN(r) where i is the variable number and r is a real number value. Parentheses ( () ) must be used with the ATAN command. The result will be specified to 2 decimal places in either radians or degrees.
; Enable radian mode ; Set variable 1 equal to the inverse tangent of 0.75 radians
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Binary Identifier
Operator (Other) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ AS ], [ ER ], [ h ], [ IN ], [ INO ], [ LIM ], [ MOV ], [ OUT ], [ SS ], [ US ], VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This identifier allows you to specify binary values (bit patterns). The letter b must precede the binary value. All other bits not specified are set to zero.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Beginning of Transmission Characters (BOT) command designates the characters to be placed at the beginning of every response. Up to 3 characters can be placed before the first line of a multi-line response, or before all single-line responses. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent. For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, a Ctrl-Z is ASCII 26, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. Note that ASCII 256 means is transmitted. For a more complete list of ASCII Equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C.
; Place a carriage return, line feed, and Ctrl-Z before ; the first line of a multi-line response, and before ; all single line responses
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Break Point (BP) command allows the programmer to set a place in the program where command processing will halt and a message will be transmitted to the PC. There are 32 break points available, BP1 to BP32, all transmitting the message *BREAKPOINT NUMBER x<cr> where x is the break point number. After halting at a break point, command processing can be resumed by issuing a continue (!C) command.
Command Descriptions
The break point command is useful for stopping a program at specific locations in order to test status for debugging or other purposes.
DEF prog1 D50000,1000 MA1100 GO1100 IF(1PM>40000) BP1 NIF D80000,2000 GO1100 BP2 END RUN prog1
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named prog1 Set distance to 50000 units on axis 1, and 1000 units on axis 2 Absolute mode for axes 1 and 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Compare axis 1 motor position to 40000 If the motor position is > 40000 units, set break point #1 End IF statement Set distance to 80000 units on axis 1, and 2000 units on axis 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Set break point #2 End program definition Execute program prog1
If the IF statement evaluates true, the message *BREAKPOINT NUMBER 1 will be transferred out. A !C command must be issued before processing will continue. Once processing has continued, the second break point command will be encountered, again the message *BREAKPOINT NUMBER 2 will be transferred out, and processing of commands will pause until a second !C command is received.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The BREAK command terminates program execution when processed. This command allows the user to terminate a program based upon a condition, or at any other particular point in the program where it is necessary to end the program. If the program terminated was called from another program, control will be passed to the calling program. This command is useful when debugging a program. To terminate all program processing, use the HALT command.
DEF prog1 GO1000 GOSUB prog2 GO0100 END DEF prog2 GO1110 IF(IN=b1X0) BREAK ELSE TPE
NIF END RUN prog1 ; ; Upon completion of motion on axis 1, subroutine prog2 is called. If inputs 1 ; and 3 are in the correct state when the subroutine is entered, the subroutine ; will be terminated and returned to prog1, where motion on axis 2 will be ; initiated.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define a program called prog1 Initiate motion on axis 1 Gosub to subroutine named prog2 Initiate motion on axis 2 End program definition Define a program called prog2 Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 3 Specify if condition to be input 1 = 1, input 3 = 0 If condition is true break out of program Else part of if condition If condition does not come true, transfer position of all encoders End If statement End program definition Execute program prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Continue (!C) command ends a pause state (PS), a break point (BP) condition, or a stopped (S) condition. When the controller is in a paused state or at a break point, no commands from the command buffer are executed. All immediate commands, however, are still processed. By sending a !C command, command processing will resume, starting with the first command after the PS command or the BP command. If a stop (S) command has been issued, motion and command processing can be resumed by issuing a !C command, only if COMEXS has been enabled.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Stop execution of command buffer until !C command Incremental mode for axis 1 Set distance to 10000 units on axis 1 Initiate motion on axis 1 Set distance to 20000 units on axis 2 Initiate motion on axis 2
No buffered commands after the PS command will be executed until a !C command is received.
!C DEF prog1 D50000,1000 MA00 GO11 IF(VAR1>6) BP1 NIF GO11 BP2 END RUN prog1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Restart execution of command buffer Begin definition of program named prog1 Set distance to 50000 units on axis 1, & 1000 units on axis 2 Set axes 1 and 2 to the incremental mode Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Compare VAR1>6 If the motor position is > 50000 units, set break point #1 End IF statement Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Set break point #2 End program definition Execute program prog1
If the IF statement evaluates true, the message BREAKPOINT NUMBER 1 will be transferred out. A !C command must be issued before processing will continue. Once processing has continued, the second break point command will be encountered, again the message BREAKPOINT NUMBER 2 will be transferred out, and processing of commands will pause until a second !C command is received.
COMEXS1 D50000,1000 GO1100 !S ; ; ; ; Enable command processing on stop Set distance to 50000 units on axis 1, & 1000 units on axis 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Stop motion on all axes
When the 6000 Series product processes the !S command, motion on all axes will be stopped. If the desired distance has not been reached, motion can be resumed by issuing the !C command. If motion and command processing are to stop, a Kill (!K) command can be issued.
Command Descriptions
[ CA ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the CA command to assign one of the captured ANI analog input register values (captured when trigger A, B, C or D is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured ANI register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective voltage capture status (reported with bits 25 - 28 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the voltage information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent voltage capture from the trigger input. The CA value is referenced in volts and does not reflect the affects of scaling (SCLD), position offset (PSET), ANI feedback polarity (ANIPOL), or commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). To assign/compare the ANI input value as affected by SCLD, PSET, ANIPOL, or CMDDIR, use the PCA command. Syntax: VARn=aCAc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A, B, C or D; or the CA command can be used in an expression such as IF(1CAB>5). The CA command must be used with an analog input specifier or it will default to analog input 1 (e.g., 1CAA, 2CAB, etc.). The ANI input value can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the number of trigger input (A-D), usually represented by numbers 25-28, respectively. Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will capture the ANI values on all axes. The ANI voltage information is stored in registers and is available at the next system update through the use of the CA and TCA commands.
CAPTURE ACCURACY If ANI feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured ANI value is interpolated from the last sampled ANI input value and rate of change of the ANI input value, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The sample rate is determined by the SSFR and 50 s x velocity. INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the capture is If ANI feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled ANI value is simply stored as the captured ANI value. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Enable input functions for trigger interrupts If trigger A (input #25) becomes active, execute the commands between IF and NIF Assign captured ANI value on analog input 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured ANI value on analog input 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 40, do the IF statement Add 10 to the captured ANI value on analog input 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Controller Configuration <@><a>CMDDIR<b><b><b><b> b = polarity bit 0 (normal polarity), 1 (reverse polarity) or X (don't change) 0 CMDDIR *CMDDIR0000 1CMDDIR *1CMDDIR0 ANIPOL, [ AS ], DRIVE, ENCPOL, [ FB ], [ LDT ], LDTPOL, [ PANI ], [ PCE ], [ PE ], [ PER ], PSET, SFB, TAS, TFB, TLDT, TPANI, TPCE, TPE, TPER
The CMDDIR command allows you to reverse the direction that the controller considers to be the positive direction; this also reverses the polarity of the counts from the feedback devices. Thus, using the CMDDIR command, you can reverse the referenced direction of motion without the need to (a) change the connections to the drive/valve and the feedback device, or (b) change the sign of all the motion-related commands in your program.
NOTES Before changing the commanded direction polarity, make sure there is a direct correlation between the commanded direction and the direction of the feedback source counts (i.e., a positive commanded direction from the controller must result in positive counts from the feedback device). Refer to the ANIPOL, ENCPOL, or LDTPOL command descriptions for further information. Once you change the commanded direction polarity, you should swap the end-oftravel limit connections to maintain a positive correlation with the commanded direction.
The CMDDIR command is automatically saved in non-volatile memory (stand-alone products only). The CMDDIR command cannot be executed while motion is in progress or while the drive/valve is enabled. For example, you could wait for motion to be complete (indicated when AS bit #1 is a zero) and then use the DRIVE command to disable the appropriate axis before executing the CMDDIR command.
[ CNT ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Counter Value
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a CNTE, CNTINT, CNTR, TCNT Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Counter Value (CNT) command is used to assign a hardware counter value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Syntax: VARn=aCNT where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [CNT] can be used in an expression such as IF(1CNT<13) All encoder inputs can be converted to hardware counters through the use of the CNTE command. Each hardware counter can count up or count down. The direction of count is specified by the signal on the encoder channel B+ and B- connections. A positive differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a negative count direction. A negative differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a positive count direction. The count itself is determined from the signal on A+ and A-. Each count is registered on the positive edge of a transition for a signal measured between A+ and A-. To reset the counter, apply a positive differential signal to Z+ and Z-, or issue the CNTR command. If an encoder input has not been defined as a counter input, the CNT command will provide a counter value of zero.
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define encoder input 1 as a counter Reset encoder input 1 Wait 5 seconds Variable 1 equals the count from encoder channel 1 If the count is less than 15, do the commands between IF & NIF Write out variable 1 End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The CNTE command is used to specify if the encoder input is to be used as a counter input. Each encoder input can be used as a counter. The hardware counter can either count up or down. The direction of the count is specified by the signal on the encoder channel B+ and B- connections. A positive differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a negative count direction. A negative differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a positive count direction. The count itself is determined from the signal on A+ and A-. Each count is registered on the positive edge of a transition for a signal measured between A+ and A-. To reset the counter, apply a positive differential signal to Z+ and Z-, or issue the CNTR command. If you are going to use the encoder ports for an encoder instead of using it as a counter input, specify CNTE0000 (the default state). The value of the counter can be accessed at any time through the hardware registers (bus-based products only) or by doing a software transfer (TCNT). The hardware registers in the fast status area provide information on encoder position, but when an encoder input is defined as a counter, the information in the register is a count value. NOTE: The CNTE1 feature may not be used while the Following Step & Direction feature is enabled (FOLSND1).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command sets the high and low values upon which the 6000 controller will interrupt the PC-AT. Only one of the possible four hardware counters can be defined to interrupt the PC-AT. If multiple CNTINT commands are entered, only the last one entered is used.
CNTINT syntax: first <i> determines which encoder (counter) channel to use; second <i> determines the low value to interrupt the PC-AT; third <i> determines the high value to interrupt the PC-AT.
; If the count for encoder channel 4 ever exceeds 25000, or ; falls below 0, interrupt the PC-AT (count < 0 or count > 25000)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Reset Hardware Up/Down Counter (CNTR) command is used to clear the value of any encoder registers that were specified as hardware counters with the CNTE command. The hardware counter can either count up or down. The direction of the count is specified by the signal on the encoder channel B+ and B- connections. The count itself is determined from the signal on A+ and A-. To reset the counter, apply a positive differential signal to Z+ and Z-, or issue the CNTR command. To specify if an encoder input is to be used as a hardware counter, refer to the CNTE command.
; Configure encoder inputs 1, 3, and 4 as hardware counters ; Reset all the hardware counters ; Reset hardware counter 4
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!>COMEXC<b> b = 0, 1 or X 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, X = don't change 0 COMEXC: *COMEXC0 [ ! ], A, AA, AD, ADA, COMEXK, COMEXL, COMEXP, COMEXS, D, ERRORP, FOLRD, FOLRN, GO, GOWHEN, MA, MC, V
This command enables (COMEXC1) or disables (COMEXC) Continuous Command Execution Mode. Normally, when a motion command is received, command processing is temporarily paused until the motion is complete. In continuous command execution mode, however, command processing continues while motion is taking place. Command processing will be slower and some motion parameters cannot be changed while motion is in progress. For a complete list of motion parameters that cannot be changed while motion is in progress, refer to the Restricted Commands During Motion section in Chapter 1 of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
This mode is useful in the following situations: When trying to check the status of inputs while the 6000 Series product is commanding motion. Performing calculations ahead of time, possibly decreasing cycle time. Executing buffered on-the-fly acceleration (A, AA), and deceleration (AD, ADA), distance (D), positioning mode (MA & MC), Following ratio (FOLRD & FOLRN), and velocity (V) changes. (The buffered A, AA, AD, ADA, D, FOLRD, FOLRN, MA, MC, or V change can be executed only with a buffered Go (GO) command.) For more information about on-the-fly motion changes, refer to the Programmer's Guide. Pre-processing the next move while the current move is in progress (see CAUTION note below). This reduces the processing time for the subsequent move to only a few microseconds.
Command Descriptions
VAR1=2000 ; Set variable 1 = 2000 VAR2=0 ; Set variable 2 = 0 COMEXC1 ; Enable continuous command execution mode L50 ; Loop 50 times D50000,(VAR1) ; Set distance to 50000 units for axis 1, VAR1 value for axis 2 GO1100 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 ; Normally at this point, the 6000 Series Product would wait for the motion on ; axes 1 and 2 to complete before processing the next command. However, with ; continuous command mode enabled, processing will continue with the statements ; that follow. REPEAT ; Beginning of REPEAT..UNTIL() expression IF(IN.1=b1) ; Check for input #1 becoming active VAR1=VAR1+10 ; If it does, increase variable 1 by 10 VAR2=1 ; Variable 2 is used as a flag NIF ; End IF statement UNTIL(MOV=b0 OR VAR2=5) ; Exit REPEAT loop if variable 2 equals 5 or if ; motion is complete on axis 1 VAR2=0 ; Reset flag value, variable 2 = 0 LN ; End loop COMEXC0 ; Disable continuous command mode On-the-fly Velocity, Acceleration and Deceleration Change Example: DEF vsteps ; Begin definition of program vsteps COMEXC1 ; Enable continuous command execution mode MC1 ; Set axis 1 mode to continuous A10 ; Set axis 1 acceleration to 10 rev/sec/sec V1 ; Set axis 1 velocity to 1 rps GO1 ; Initiate axis 1 move (Go) WAIT(1VEL=1) ; Wait for motor to reach continuous velocity T3 ; Time delay of 3 seconds A50 ; Set axis 1 acceleration to 50 rev/sec/sec V10 ; Set axis 1 velocity to 10 rps GO1 ; Initiate axis 1 move (Go) T5 ; Time delay of 5 seconds S1 ; Initiate stop of axis 1 move WAIT(MOV=b0) ; Wait for motion to completely stop on axis 1 COMEXC0 ; Disable continuous command execution mode END ; End definition of program vsteps
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!>COMEXK<b> b = 0, 1 or X 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, X = don't change 0 COMEXK: *COMEXK0 COMEXC, COMEXL, COMEXP, COMEXS, ERROR, INFNC, K, <ctrl>K
This command determines whether the commands following a Kill (K) command in a block write will be saved after the (K) command is processed. Upon receiving a (K) command, or an external kill input (INFNCiC), all commands in the command buffer are eliminated. If there are any other commands contained within the data block during the Kill (K) command, these commands will also be eliminated from the command buffer, unless Continue Execution on Kill (COMEXK) is enabled. This also holds true when a Kill input is received.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!><@><a>COMEXL<b><b><b><b> b = 0, 1 or X 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, X = don't change 0 COMEXL: *COMEXL0000 1COMEXL: *1COMEXL0 COMEXC, COMEXK, COMEXP, COMEXS, ERROR, LH, LHLVL, LS
This command determines whether the command buffer will be saved upon hitting an end-of-travel limit (LH), or a soft limit LS). If save command buffer on limit is enabled (COMEXL1111), then all commands following the command currently being executed will remain in the command buffer when a limit is hit. If save command buffer on limit is disabled (COMEXL), then every command in the buffer will be discarded, and program execution will be terminated.
; Save the command buffer only if the limit on axis 3 is hit. ; Hitting a limit on any other axis will dump the command buffer.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!><@><a>COMEXP<b><b><b><b> b = 0, 1 or X 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, X = don't change 0 COMEXP: *COMEXP0000 1COMEXP: *1COMEXP0 [ AS ], COMEXC, COMEXK, COMEXL, COMEXS, INFNC, S, TAS
This command determines whether the command processing will pause until the in position signal is received (via the motor/drive connector). When enabled (COMEXP1), command processing is paused until the in position input is active. Once active, command processing continues. If disabled (COMEXP), command processing will continue as soon as the 6000 Series product finishes commanding the desired position, even if the motor/drive combination is not in position. To be in position, the motor/drive must be within its maximum deadband for a fixed period of time, and activate its own in position output after this period of time. Bit 20 of the axis status register ([AS] and TAS) reports the in position status.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!>COMEXR<b> b = 0, 1 or X 0 = disable, 1 = enable, X = don't change 0 COMEXR: *COMEXR0 C, COMEXS, INFNC
The Continue Motion on Pause/Continue (COMEXR) command determines the functionality of programmable inputs defined as pause/continue inputs with the INFNCi-E command. In both cases, when the input is activated (exception: an axis-specific step input will not dump the buffer), the current command being processed will be allowed to finish executing.
COMEXR: Upon receiving a pause input, only program execution is paused; any motion in progress will continue to its predetermined destination. Releasing the pause input or issuing a !C command
stop function is used to halt motion. After motion stops, you can release the pause input or issue a !C command to resume motion and program execution.
; ; ; ;
Allow both motion and program execution to be paused upon receiving a pause input Define programmable input #1 as a pause/continue input Enable input functions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Command Buffer Control <!>COMEXS<i> i = function identifier 0, 1, or 2 0 COMEXS: *COMEXS0 COMEXC, COMEXK, COMEXL, COMEXP, COMEXR, INFNC, S
The Continue Execution on Stop (COMEXS) command determines whether the command buffer will be saved upon receiving a Stop command (!S or !S1111) or an external stop input (INFNCi-D).
COMEXS: Upon receiving a stop input or Stop command, motion will decelerate at the preset AD/ADA value,
every command in the buffer will be discarded (exception: an axis-specific stop input will not dump the buffer), and program execution will be terminated.
COMEXS1: Upon receiving a stop input or Stop (!S or !S1111) command, motion will decelerate at the preset AD/ADA value, command execution will be paused, and all commands following the
command currently being executed will remain in the command buffer. Resuming program execution (only after motion is stopped): Whether stopping as a result of a stop input or Stop (!S or !S1111) command, you can resume program execution by issuing an immediate Continue (!C) command or by activating a pause/resume input (a general-purpose input configured with the INFNCi-E command). If you are resuming after a stop input or !S1111 command, the move in progress will not be saved. If you are resuming after a !S command, you will resume the move in progress at the point in which the !S command was received by the processor.
COMEXS2: Upon receiving a stop input or Stop command, motion will decelerate at the preset AD/ADA
value, every command in the buffer will be discarded, and program execution will be terminated, but the INSELP value is retained. This allows external program selection, via inputs defined with the INFNCi-B or INFNCi-iP commands, to continue.
[ COS() ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Operator (Trigonometric) COS(r) (see below) r = radians or degrees (depending on RADIAN command) r = 0.00000 - 17500 n/a n/a [ ATAN ], [ PI ], RADIAN, [ SIN ], [ TAN ], VAR
Use this operator to calculate the cosine of a number given in radians or degrees (see RADIAN command). If a and b are coordinates of a point on a circle of radius r, then the angle of measure can be defined by the equation:
cos = b r
sin = a r
a x
cos = b r tan = a b
If a value is given in radians and a conversion is needed to degrees, or vice-versa, use the formula:
360 = 2 radians.
y = Cos x The graph to the right shows the amplitude of y on the unit circle for different values of x.
Amplitud e (y a xis ) 1
0.70 7
3 4
5 4
3 2
7 4
2 Ra dians (x a xis)
-0.7 07
2 Radi an s = 360 Degr ees
VARi=COS(r) where i is the variable number and r is a value in either radians or degrees depending on the RADIAN command. Parentheses ( () ) must be placed around the COS
VAR1=5 * COS(PI/4)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion <!><@><a>D<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = distance units (scalable) 0.00000 - 999,999,999. Steppers: Max. distance depends on PULSE setting 25000 (AT6n00, 620n, & 610n); 4000 (AT6n50 & 625n); 1000 (6270); 4096 (615n) D: *D+25000,+25000,+25000,+25000 1D: *1D+25000 [ D ], GO, MA, MC, PSET, PULSE, SCLD, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Distance (D) command defines either the number of units the motor will move or the absolute position it will seek after a GO command. In the incremental mode (MA), the distance value represents the total number of units you wish the motor to move. In the absolute mode (MA1) the distance value represents the absolute position the motor will end up at; the actual distance traveled will vary depending on the absolute position of the motor before the move is initiated. In the incremental mode (MA), you can specify a negative distance by placing a dash or hyphen (-) in front of the distance value (e.g., D-10000). Otherwise, the direction is considered positive. You can change direction without changing the distance value by using the +, -, or ~ operators (e.g. D+,+,+, or D-,-,-, or D~,~,~); the tilde (~) is a means of toggling the direction. The distance remains set until you change it with a subsequent distance command. Distances outside the valid range are flagged as an error, returning the message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES (as of revision 4.0): You can change distance on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate distance command ( !D) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered distance command (D) followed by a buffered go command (GO). In stepper systems with scaling disabled (SCALE), all distance values entered are in either motor steps or encoder steps, depending on the state of the Encoder/Motor Step Mode ( ENC) command. In servo systems with scaling disabled (SCALE), all distance values are in encoder, resolver, LDT or ANI counts. The maximum distance in stepper systems is determined by the PULSE command setting.
Pulse Width (PULSE) Setting DEFAULT 0.3 s 0.5 s Use for Compumotor's Z and DB Drives 1.0 s 2.0 s 5.0 s 10.0 s 16.0 s 20.0 s Maximum Distance Per Move 419,430,000 262,140,000 131,070,000 65,535,000 26,214,000 13,107,000 8,191,000 6,553,000 Maximum Velocity 1.6 MHz 1.0 MHz 500 KHz 250 KHz 100 KHz 50 KHz 35 KHz 25 KHz
Scaling: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the distance (D) value is internally multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD) to obtain a distance value in motor steps or feedback device (encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI) steps for the motion trajectory calculations. As the distance scaling factor (SCLD) changes, the resolution of the distance (D) command and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table below). A distance value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to SCLD25, the D1.99999 command would be truncated to D1.9999.
SCLD (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999
Distance Range (units) 0 - 999,999,999 0.0 - 99,999,999.9 0.00 - 9,999,999.99 0.000 - 999,999.999 0.0000 - 99,999.9999 0.00000 - 9999.99999
Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
The distance scaling factor should always be enabled and specified prior to entering any distance values, because the SCLD command modifies the current distance value to accommodate the new scaling factor.
NOTE FRACTIONAL STEP TRUNCATION NOTE There is one consideration that must be taken into account when using the distance scale factor (SCLD), but only while operating in the preset positioning mode (MC). When the distance scaling factor and the distance value are multiplied, a fraction of one step may possibly be left over. This fraction is truncated when the distance value is used in the move algorithm. This truncation error can accumulate over a period of time, when performing incremental moves continuously in the same direction. To eliminate this truncation problem set the distance scale factor (SCLD) to 1, or a multiple of 10.
MA0000 ; Incremental index mode for all axes MC0000 ; Preset index mode for all axes SCALE1 ; Enable scaling SCLA25000,25000,1,1 ; Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and ; 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit SCLV25000,25000,1,1 ; Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and ; 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit @SCLD1 ; Set the distance scaling factor for all axes to 1 step/unit A10,12,1,2 ; Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for ; axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively AD1,1,1,2 ; Set the deceleration to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for ; axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively V1,1,1,2 ; Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for ; axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively D100000,1000,10,100 ; Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units ; for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively GO1100 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Distance Assignment
Assignment or Comparison See below distance units (scalable) 0.00000 - 999,999,999 n/a n/a D, GO, MA, MC, PSET, SCLD Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The distance assignment (D) command is used to compare the programmed distance value to another value or variable, or to assign the current programmed distance to a variable. Syntax: VARn=aD where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [D] can be used in an expression such as IF(1D<25). When assigning the distance value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the D command (e.g., VAR1=1D) or it will default to axis 1. When making a comparison to the programmed distance, an axis specifier must also be used (e.g., IF(1D<2)). The D value used in any comparison, or in any assignment statement is the programmed D value. If the actual position information is required, refer to the PM command for steppers, or the ANI, LDT, or PE commands for servos. If scaling is enabled, the distance value is scaled by the SCLD command. If you are using a servo controller with ANI feedback, the distance value is scaled by the SCLANI value.
; ; ; ; ;
If the programmed distance on axis 2 is less than 25000 units, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Variable 1 = programmed distance of axis 2 times 2 Set the distance on axis 2 to the value of variable 1 End the IF statement
[ DAC ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the DAC command to compare the value of the DAC (commanded analog control signal output) to another value or variable, or to assign the value of the DAC to a variable. Syntax:
VARn=aDAC where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [DAC] can be used in an expression such as IF(1DAC<6). An axis specifier must precede the DAC command, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1DAC, IF(1DAC<2), etc.). ; ; ; ; Set variable #6 equal to the DAC voltage output to axis #2 If the DAC voltage to axis #2 is > 5V, do the IF statement. Transfer the current DAC values End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Active Damping
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DACTDP<i> see table below 0-15 (see inertia table below) 0 disables active damping 0 DACTDP *DACTDP0 1DACTDP *1DACTDP0 DAUTOS, DAREN, DELVIS, DMTIND, DMTSTT, DWAVEF
The Active Damping (DACTDP) command is used with the 610n to configure active damping for a specific motor and load. If the rotor rings or vibrates, the active damping circuit in the 610n will detect the corresponding error in rotor position. It will then modify the motor current command to damp the ringing. Active damping works at speeds greater than three revolutions per second. To be fully effective, the active damping circuit requires the proper system parameters to be set (motor inductance, motor static torque, and system inertia). To do this, first calculate your maximum system inertia (including rotor). Then consult the table of inertia ranges below. Find the value for <i> that corresponds to your maximum system inertia (not to exceed). Refer to the ZETA610n Installation Guide for the full procedure for configuring active damping. (Table is for reference only.) NOTE: Motor Inductance (DMTIND) and Motor Static Torque (DMTSTT) must be set properly for the values in this table to apply. If active damping is enabled above 3 rps, anti-resonance ( DAREN) is automatically overridden. Once active damping is disabled, anti-resonance will automatically resume.
<i> 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Total Inertia kg-cm2 0.088 0.205 0.205 0.572 0.572 1.069 1.069 1.754 1.754 2.727 2.727 3.715 3.715 5.020 5.020 6.275 6.275 8.045 8.045 9.595 9.595 11.76 11.76 14.25 14.25 15.90 15.90 17.77 17.77 20.57 Active Damping Disabled Total Inertia kg-m2x 10-6 8.8 20.5 20.5 57.2 57.2 106.9 106.9 175.4 175.4 272.7 272.7 371.5 371.5 502.0 502.0 627.5 627.5 804.5 804.5 959.5 959.5 1176 1176 1425 1425 1590 1590 1777 1777 2057 Total Inertia oz-in2 0.481 1.121 1.121 3.144 3.127 5.845 5.845 9.590 9.590 14.910 14.910 20.312 20.312 27.447 27.447 34.308 34.308 43.986 43.986 52.460 52.460 64.297 64.297 77.884 77.884 86.905 86.905 97.129 97.129 112.465
The following example shows a sample start-up program to set active damping (> 3 rps) and electronic viscosity (< 3 rps), where the optimal system inertia and electronic viscosity settings are already known.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of start1 Turn off Anti-Resonance Set Motor Inductance to the range for a 57-51P ZETA Motor (5.03 - 10.30 mH) Set Motor Static Torque to the range for a 57-51 ZETA Motor (0.26 - 0.72 N-m) Set Active Damping for system inertia of 6.275 - 8.045 kg-cm2 (optimal setting previously determined) Set Electronic Viscosity (optimal setting previously determined) End program definition
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>DACLIM<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = volts 0.000 to 10.000 10.000 DACLIM: *DACLIM10.00,10.00,10.00,10.00 1DACLIM: *1DACLIM10.00 [ DAC ], DACMIN, SOFFS, SOFFSN, TDAC
This command sets the maximum absolute value the commanded analog control signal output can achieve. For example, setting the DAC limit to 8.000V (DACLIM8.) will clamp the DAC output range from -8.000 to +8.000. Use the TDAC command to verify the voltage being command at the servo controller's analog output.
; Axis #1 DAC output is limited to -7.000 to +7.000 volts; ; Axis #2 DAC output is limited to -9.000 to +9.000 volts
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>DACMIN<r>,<r> r = volts -10.000 to +10.000 -10.000 DACMIN *DACMIN-10.000,-10.000 1DACMIN *1DACMIN-10.000 [ DAC ], DACLIM, SOFFS, SOFFSN, TDAC
In addition to the defining the maximum DAC voltage limit with the DACLIM command, you may also define a minimum DAC voltage limit with the DACMIN command. In so doing, you limit the DAC output to the range between DACMIN and DACLIM. You may not set the DACMIN value greater than the DACLIM value (default DACLIM value is +10.000 volts). For example (2-axis controller), if on both axes you wish to prevent motion in the negative direction and limit the maximum voltage to 8.5V, use the DACMIN, and DACLIM8.5,8.5 commands. The DACMIN, command sets the minimum DAC output to zero volts, which effectively prevents the controller from commanding motion in the negative direction. The DACLIM8.5,8.5 command sets the maximum DAC output to 8.5V. By default the DACMIN value tracks (but with a reverse sign) the value of DACLIM, until a DACMIN command is executed. After the DACMIN command is executed, DACMIN and DACLIM values must be entered separately. To re-establish the default mode where DACMIN tracks DACLIM, issue the DACMIN command with only a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., DACMIN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode).
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable continuous command execution mode Select LDT feedback Select continuous positioning mode Set acceleration to 5 units/sec/sec Set velocity to 5 units/sec Begin moving While ANI voltage is less than 5V, continue moving
; Stop motion (occurs when ANI voltage is no longer < 5V) ; Do not allow reverse movement (and hold ANI voltage to >= 5V)
4-20mA Control Example (6270 only): If are using a 4-20mA control loop, set the analog output jumpers to operate at 20mA (instructions provided in the 6270 installation/user guide). Then issue these setup commands listed below. (Note that
when using 20mA output, you need to use the 2mA/volt equation to ascertain the proper voltage value to enter in the DACLIM, DACMIN, and SOFFS commands).
; Set DAC maximum limit to +20mA (20mA 2mA/V = 10V) ; Set DAC minimum limit to +4mA (4mA 2mA/V = 2V) ; Set offset analog output to the mid-range value of +12mA (12mA 2mA/V = 6V)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DAREN<b> n/a 0 (disable), 1 (enable), x (dont change) 1 DAREN *DAREN1 1DAREN *1DAREN1 DAUTOS, DACTDP, DELVIS, DMTIND, DMTSTT, DWAVEF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The Anti-Resonance (DAREN) command is used with the 610n to provide aggressive and effective damping. When enabled with the DAREN1 command, the anti-resonance circuitry in the 610n minimizes rotor position error, without knowledge about the system whether the motor is large or small, or the system inertia is high or low. Anti-resonance works at speeds greater than three revolutions per second. NOTE: If active damping is enabled, anti-resonance is automatically overridden. Once active damping is disabled, anti-resonance will automatically resume.
[ DAT ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Assignment
Data Storage DATi i = data program # 1 - 50 n/a n/a DATA, [ DATP ], DATPTR, DATRST, DATTCH Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Data Assignment (DAT) command recalls data from the data program (DATP). The data is loaded into a command field, or into a variable (VAR). As the data is loaded, the internal data pointer to the DATP data increments and points to the next datum for the next DAT command. Syntax: VARn=DATi where n is the variable number, and i is the data program number, or [DATx] can be used as a command argument such as A(DAT1),5,4,1 If the data is to be loaded into a command field, the DAT command must be placed within parentheses (e.g., AD(DAT2),3,4,5 ). If the data is loaded into a variable, parentheses are not required. (e.g., VAR1=DAT2). Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the DAT substitution (e.g., HOMV2,1,(DAT1)). The DAT command cannot be used in an expression, such as IF(DAT2 < 5) or VAR1=1 + DAT3.
Example: Refer to the Reset Data Pointer (DATRST) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Statement
Data Storage <!>DATA=<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = data value 999,999,999.99999999 n/a n/a [ DAT ], [ DATP ], DATPTR, DATRST, DATTCH, MEMORY Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Data Statement (DATA) command is used only in the data programs (DATP) to identify the data statements. The DATA command is followed by an equal sign (=), and a maximum of four data values. The maximum number of data statements is limited only by the amount of memory available.
Example: Refer to the Reset Data Pointer (DATRST) command example.
[ DATP ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Program
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Data Storage DATPi i = data program # 1 - 50 n/a n/a [ DAT ], DATA, DATPTR, DATRST, DATSIZ, DATTCH, MEMORY
DATP is not a command, but is the name of the program that is the default for storing data. Fifty such data programs can be created, DATP1 - DATP5. The program is defined with the DEF command, just as any other program would be, but only the DATA and END commands are allowed within the program definition. DATPi will contain the array of data to be recalled by the DATi command. Upon completion of the definition, the internal data pointer is pointing to the first datum in the data program.
DEF DATP5 ; Define data program 5 DATA=1,2,3,4 ; Enter data DATA=5.62,6.52,7.12,8.47 ; Enter data END ; End program definition A(DAT5) ; Load data from data program ; Axis 1 acceleration = 1 V(DAT5) ; Load data from data program ; Axis 1 velocity = 2 D(DAT5) ; Load data from data program ; Axis 1 distance = 3 A,(DAT5) ; Load data from data program ; Axis 2 acceleration = 4 A,,(DAT5) ; Load data from data program ; Axis 3 acceleration = 5.62
5 and store in axis 1 acceleration. 5 and store in axis 1 velocity. 5 and store in axis 1 distance. 5 and store in axis 2 acceleration. 5 and store in axis 3 acceleration.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Storage <!>DATPTRi,i,i n/a 1st i = program # 1 to 50 2nd i = data element # 1 to 6500 3rd i = increment setting of 1 to 100 1,1,1 n/a [ DAT ], DATA, [ DATP ], DATSIZ, DATTCH, [ DPTR ], TDPTR
The Set Data Pointer (DATPTR) command moves the internal data pointer to a specific data element in the specified data program (DATPi). This command also establishes the number of data elements by which the pointer increments after writing each data element from a DATTCH command, or after recalling a data element with the DAT command. The data program selected with the first integer in the DATPTR command becomes the active data program. Subsequent DATTCH, TDPTR, and DPTR commands will reference the active data program. You can use the TDPTR command to ascertain the current active data program, as well as the current location of the data pointer and the increment setting (see TDPTR command description for details). The DPTR command can be used to compare the current pointer location (the number of the data element to which the data pointer is pointing) against another value or variable, or to assign the pointer location number to a variable. As an example, suppose data program #1 (DATP1) is configured to hold 15 data elements (DATSIZ1,15), the data pointer is configured to start at the first data element and increment 1 data element after every DATTCH value is stored (DATPTR1,1,1), and the values of numeric variables #1 through #4 are already assigned (VAR1=2, VAR2=4, VAR3=8, VAR4=64). If you then enter the DATTCH1,2,3,4 command, the values of VAR1 through VAR4 will be assigned respectively to the first four data elements in the data program and the pointer will stop at data element #5. The response to the TPROG DATP1 command would be as depicted below (the text is highlighted to illustrate the location of the data pointer after the DATTCH1,2,3,4 command is executed). The response to the TDPTR command would be *TDPTR1,5,1.
*DATA=2.0,4.0,8.0,64.0 *DATA=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 *DATA=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 *DATA=0.0,0.0,0.0
Once you have stored (taught) the variables to the data program, you can use the DATPTR command to point to the data elements and then use the DAT data assignment command to read the stored variables to your motion program. During the process of writing data (DATTCH) or recalling data (DAT), if the pointer reaches the last data element in the program, it automatically wraps around to the first datum in the program and a warning message is displayed (*WARNING: POINTER HAS WRAPPED AROUND TO DATA POINT 1). This warning will not interrupt command execution.
Example: (See Also: DATSIZ command)
DEL DATP5 ; Delete data program #5 (DATP5) DEF DATP5 ; Define data program #5 (DATP5) DATA=1,2,3,4 ; Enter data DATA=5.62,6.52,7.12,8.47 ; Enter data END ; End program definition A(DAT5) ; Load data from DATP5 and store in axis 1 acceleration. ; Axis 1 acceleration = 1 V(DAT5) ; Load data from DATP5 and store in axis 1 velocity. ; Axis 1 velocity = 2 D(DAT5) ; Load data from DATP5 and store in axis 1 distance. ; Axis 1 distance = 3 DATPTR5,1,1 ; Set the data pointer to datum 1 in DATP5; increment the ; pointer by one after each DAT command A,(DAT5) ; Load data from DATP5 and store in axis 2 acceleration. ; Axis 2 acceleration = 1 A,,(DAT5) ; Load data from DATP5 and store in axis 3 acceleration. ; Axis 3 acceleration = 2
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Storage <!>DATRST<i>,<i> n/a 1st i = program # 1 to 50, 2nd i = data element # 1 to 6500 n/a n/a [ DAT ], DATA, [ DATP ]
The Reset Data Pointer (DATRST) command sets the internal data pointer to a specific data element in a data program (DATP<i>). As data is recalled from a data program with the DAT command, the pointer automatically increments to the next data element. If the pointer reaches the end of the program, it automatically wraps around to the first data element in the program. DATRST allows the pointer to be set to any location within the data program (DATP).
DEF DATP5 ; Define data program 5 DATA=1,2,3,4 ; Enter data DATA=5.62,6.52,7.12,8.47 ; Enter data END ; End program definition A(DAT5) ; Load data from data program 5 ; Axis 1 acceleration = 1 V(DAT5) ; Load data from data program 5 ; Axis 1 velocity = 2 D(DAT5) ; Load data from data program 5 ; Axis 1 distance = 3 DATRST5,1 ; Set the data pointer to datum A,(DAT5) ; Load data from data program 5 ; Axis 2 acceleration = 1 A,,(DAT5) ; Load data from data program 5 ; Axis 3 acceleration = 2
and store in axis 1 acceleration. and store in axis 1 velocity. and store in axis 1 distance. 1 in data program 5 and store in axis 2 acceleration. and store in axis 3 acceleration.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Data Program Size (DATSIZ) command creates a new data program (DATP) and establishes the number of data elements the data program contains. The DATSIZ command syntax is DATSIZi<,i>. The first integer (i) represents the number of the data program (1 - 50). You can create up to 50 separate data programs. The data program is automatically given a specific program name (DATPi). If the program number is selected, then the DATTCH command is disabled. Before creating a new data program, be sure to delete the existing data program that has the same name. For example, if you wish to create data program #5 with the DATSIZ5,1,144 command and DATP5 already exists, first delete DATP5 with the DEL DATP5 command and then issue the DATSIZ5,1,144 command. The second integer represents the total number of data elements (up to 6,500) you want in the data program. Upon issuing the DATSIZ command, the data program is created with all the data elements initialized with a value of zero. (The DATSIZ command is equivalent to creating a DATP program and filling it with DATA=.,.,.,. commands up to the size indicated in the second integer.) Each data statement, which contains four data elements, uses 39 bytes of memory. This amount of memory is subtracted from the memory allocated for user programs (see MEMORY command). Use the TDIR command to determine the amount of remaining memory for user program storage.
The data program has a tabular structure, where the data elements are stored 4 to a line. Each line of data elements is called a data statement. Each element is numbered in sequential order from left to right (1 - 4) and top to bottom (1 - 4, 5 - 8, 9 - 12, etc.). You can use the TPROG DATPi command ("i" represents the number of the data program) to display all the data elements of the data program. For example, if you issue the DATSIZ1,13 command, data program #1 (called DATP1) is created with 13 data elements initialized to zero. The response to the TPROG DATP1 command is depicted below. Each line (data statement) begins with DATA=, and each data element is separated with a comma.
*DATA=.,.,.,. *DATA=.,.,.,. *DATA=.,.,.,. *DATA=.
The DATSIZ, DATTCH, and DAT commands will typically be used as a teach mode in this manner: 1. Issue the DATSIZ command to create (or recall) the data program. 2. Store variable data (e.g., position, acceleration, velocity, etc.) to numeric variables (VAR). 3. Use DATTCH commands to store the data from the numeric variables into the data program. You can use the data pointer (DATPTR) command to select any data element in the data program, and to determine the number by which the pointer increments after each value from the DATTCH command is stored. NOTE: If the DATTCH command is issued without having issued the DATSIZ command, an error will result. 4. Use the DAT commands to read the stored data from the data program into the variable parameters of your motion program. You can use the DATPTR command to select any data element in the data program, and to determine the number by which the pointer increments after each DAT command. Any use of the DATTCH and DAT commands will reference the current active data program (DATP) specified by the first integer of the last DATSIZ or DATPTR command. If you want to use the DATSIZ command to recall a data program, and not create one, specify only the first integer and not the second integer. For example, DATSIZ7 recalls data program #7 (DATP7) as the active data program.
; Delete existing data program #5 (DATP5) ; Create data program #5 (DATP5) with 200 data elements ; Begin definition of program called TEACH ; Disable continuous command execution mode ; Enable the absolute positioning mode for all axes ; Home all axes (absolute position counter set to zero after homing) ; Set data pointer to data element #1 in DATP5, and increment the ; pointer by one element after every DATTCH value or DAT command REPEAT ; Set up a loop for teaching the positions JOY1111 ; Enable joystick mode on all axes so that you can start moving the ; axes into position with the joystick. Command processing stops ; here until you activate the joystick release input to disable the ; joystick mode and execute the rest of the commands in the ; repeat/until loop (assign the motor positions to the variables and ; then store the positions from the variables to the data program). VAR1=1PM ; Store the current position of axis #1 in variable #1 VAR2=2PM ; Store the current position of axis #2 in variable #2 VAR3=3PM ; Store the current position of axis #3 in variable #3 VAR4=4PM ; Store the current position of axis #4 in variable #4 DATTCH1,2,3,4 ; Store variables #1 - #4 into consecutive data elements WAIT(INO.5=b1) ; Wait for the joystick release input to be de-activated UNTIL(DPTR=1) ; Repeat loop until the data pointer wraps around to data element #1 HOM1111 ; Home all axes (absolute position counter set to zero after homing) DATPTR5,1,1 ; Set data pointer to data element #1, read one data element at a time REPEAT ; Set up a repeat/until loop to read all data elements D(DAT5),(DAT5),(DAT5),(DAT5) ; Read position data from the data program to the ; distance command GO1111 ; Make the move to the positions that were taught T.2 ; Wait 0.2 seconds UNTIL(DPTR=1) ; Repeat loop until the data pointer wraps around to data element #1 END ; End definition of program called TEACH
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Teach
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 2.2 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.4 3.0 1.0
Data Storage <!>DATTCHi<,i,i,i> i = number of a numeric variable i = 1 - maximum number of numeric variables n/a n/a [ DAT ], [ DATP ],DATPTR, DATSIZ, DATTCH, VAR
The Data Teach (DATTCH) command stores the values from the specified numeric variables (VAR) into the currently active data program (i.e., the data program specified with the last DATSIZ or DATPTR command). The value that is in the specified variable at the time the DATTCH command is executed is the value that is stored in the data program. If the DATTCH command is issued without having first issued the DATSIZ command, an error will result. If a zero is entered in the first integer of the DATSIZ command (e.g., DATSIZ), the DATTCH command is disabled. As indicated by the number of integers in the syntax, the maximum number of variables that can be stored in the data program per DATTCH command is 4. The variables are stored in the data program, starting at the current location of the data pointer. The data pointer's position can be moved to any data element in any data program by use of the DATPTR command. After each successive DATTCH value is stored, the data pointer will increment by the number specified in the third integer of the DATPTR command. Any data element in the data program can be edited by setting the data pointer to that element and then issuing the DATTCH command. As an example, suppose data program #1 (DATP1) is configured to hold 15 data elements (DATSIZ1,15), the data pointer is configured to start at the first data element and increment 1 data element after every DATTCH value is stored (DATPTR1,1,1), and the values of numeric variables #1 through #4 are already assigned (VAR1=2, VAR2=4, VAR3=8, VAR4=64). If you then enter the DATTCH1,2,3,4 command, the values of VAR1 through VAR4 will be assigned respectively to the first four data elements in the data program and the pointer will stop at data element #5. The response to the TPROG DATP1 command would be as follows (the text is highlighted to illustrate the location of the data pointer after the DATTCH1,2,3,4 command is executed).
*DATA=2.,4.,8.,64. *DATA=.,.,.,. *DATA=.,.,.,. *DATA=.,.,. Example: Refer to the DATSIZ command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DAUTOS<b> n/a 0 (disable), 1 (enable), x (dont change) 0 DAUTOS *DAUTOS0 1DAUTOS *1DAUTOS0 DAREN, DACTDP, DELVIS, DMTIND, DMTSTT, DWAVEF
The Auto Current Standby (DAUTOS) command is used to allow the motor to cool when it is not moving. When the automatic current standby function is enabled (DAUTOS1), the 610n reduces motor current by 50% if a step pulse is not issued from the controller to the drive (within the 610n) for one second. Full current is restored upon the first step pulse that the drive receives. WARNING: Motor torque is reduced when motor current is reduced.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Clear Display
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Display (RP240) Interface <!>DCLEARi n/a i = 0 (clear all lines), 1 (clear line 1), or 2 (clear line 2) n/a n/a DLED, DPASS, DPCUR, DVAR, DWRITE
The Clear Display (DCLEAR) command clears lines (as specified with i) of the RP240 display. After clearing a line, the cursor will be reset to the beginning of that line (or to the beginning of line 1 if all lines are cleared).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Define a Program/Subroutine (DEF) command is the beginning of a program, path contour, or subroutine definition. The syntax for the command is DEF followed by 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. The first character may not be a number. Refer to the MEMORY command description for information on program size restriction and total number of programs possible per product. All programs are stored in a binary fashion within the 6000 Series products. A program transferred back out (TPROG) after it has been defined (DEF), may not look identical to the program defined. However, the program is functionally identical.
NOTE When defining a program and the memory limitation is exceeded, an error message will be generated, and bit 11 of the system status register will be set (SS or TSS). The program will be stored up to the point where the memory limitation was exceeded.
There is no actual difference in the definition of, or execution of a program versus the definition, or execution of a subroutine. Both a program and a subroutine are defined as the set of commands between a DEF<t> and an END command. If an invalid program/subroutine name is entered, an error message will be generated. An invalid program/subroutine name is any name that is also a current command (An example of an invalid name would be DEFhomx, because it is impossible for the operating system to distinguish the homx subroutine call from the HOMx111 go home command.). A subroutine/program definition cannot be assigned the name CLR and cannot contain any of the following characters: !, , #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), +, -, _, =, {, }, \, |, ", :, ;, ', <, >, ,, ., ?, /. The RUN command can be used to start executing a program/subroutine. The program name by itself can also be used to start executing a program/subroutine. A compiled profile (contour or compiled motion profile) must first be compiled with the PCOMP command and is executed with the PRUN command. The GOTO and GOSUB commands can be used within a program/subroutine to go to another program/subroutine. Program, compiled profile, or subroutine names must be deleted (DEL) before they can be redefined.
; ; ; ; ;
Delete program named pick Begin definition of program named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, not on axes 3 and 4 End program definition Execute program pick
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Delete a Program/Subroutine/Path
Program or Subroutine Definition <!>DEL<t> t = alpha text string (name of a program) text string of 6 characters or less n/a n/a $, DEF, END, ERASE, GOSUB, GOTO, RUN Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Delete a Program/Subroutine (DEL) command removes a program, path contour, or subroutine definition. The syntax for the command is DEL followed by 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. To delete all programs refer to the ERASE command. To edit an existing program, you must first delete it. The DEL command will not delete a label ($).
; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 End program definition Execute program pick Deletes program named pick
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Electronic Viscosity
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DELVIS<i> n/a 0-7 0 disables Electronic Viscosity 0 DELVIS *DELVIS0 1DELVIS *1DELVIS0 DAREN, DACTDP, DAUTOS, DMTIND, DMTSTT, DWAVEF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The Electronic Viscosity (DELVIS) command is used to activate circuitry in the 610n that provides damping from rest at speeds up to three revolutions per second, and to set the amount of required viscosity. The effect on the motor is as if there were a viscous drag on the rotor. At the end of a move, oscillations are damped, and the rotor quickly settles at the commanded velocity. During moves below 3 rps, DELVIS significantly reduces low speed velocity ripple. The circuitry controlled by the DELVIS command imposes viscosity on the system, but has no feedback loop to monitor the effect of the viscosity. DELVIS keeps the amount of viscosity the same, regardless of the response of the system. Refer to the ZETA610n Installation Guide for the full procedure for configuring electronic viscosity. Also see the example for the DACTDP command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The DJOG command allows you to branch into the RP240 front panel jog mode from within your userdefined program, adjust the position of the axes, and then return to program execution. The DJOG1 command enables the RP240 jog mode on all axes. Once the RP240 jog mode is enabled, you can use the RP240 arrow keys to jog individual axes. Unlike the JOG command, command processing is suspended after the DJOG1 command is issued. Jogging acceleration and deceleration are performed with the parameters set with the Jog Acceleration (JOGA) and Jog Deceleration (JOGAD) commands. Jogging velocities are set with the Jog Velocity High (JOGVH) and the Jog Velocity Low (JOGVL) commands. Once in the RP240 Jog Mode, you can switch between low and high jog velocities for any axis, and you can also modify the two jog velocities using the RP240's EDIT key. To disable the RP240 jog mode, press the MENU RECALL key or issue the immediate !DJOG command. Upon exiting the RP240 jog mode, the RP240's display is cleared. To have the jog mode continually enabled during program execution, you must use jog inputs and the JOG command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The DLED command controls the state of the 8 programmable LEDs on the RP240. It is legal to substitute a binary variable (VARB) for the DLED command.
; ; VARB1=b10101010 ; DLED(VARB1) ;
Turn on LEDs 1, 2, and 8; turn off LED 7; leave LEDs 3,4,5, and 6 unchanged Set bits 1, 3, 5 & 7 low, and bits 2, 4, 6, & 8 high Turn on LEDs 1, 3, 5 & 7; turn off LEDs 2, 4, 6, & 8
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motor Inductance
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The Motor Inductance (DMTIND) command is used to indicate motor inductance for the active damping circuit in the 610n. This command should be set according to your motors large-signal inductance. The table below shows the large-signal inductance range that corresponds to each of the four settings.
<i> 1 2 3 4 Inductance Range (mH) 20.08 & Greater 10.31 20.07 5.03 10.30 less than 5.02 ZETA Motor 57-51S, 57-83S, 57-102S 83-62S, 83-93S, 83-135S 57-51P, 57-83P, 57-102P 83-62P, 83-93P, 83-135P
Small signal inductance is the value read on an ordinary inductance bridge or meter. Large signal inductance is found by measuring the actual generator AC flux leakage and generator short circuit current under dynamic conditions. If you only have the small-signal inductance available, use this formula to approximate large-signal inductance: small-signal inductance * 1.5 large signal inductance NOTE: If active damping (DACTDP) is disabled, DMTIND is ignored by the drive and the command is inactive. Refer to the ZETA610n Installation Guide for additional information about how the DMTIND and DACTDP commands work together. Also see the example for the DACTDP command. The DMTIND command value is automatically saved in battery-backed RAM.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Motor Static Torque (DMTSTT) command is used to indicate the motors static torque for the active damping circuit in the 610n. The table shows the range of static torque that corresponds to each of the four settings.
<i> 1 2 3 4 Static Torque (N-m) 0.26 0.72 0.73 1.41 1.42 2.33 2.34 3.48 Static Torque (oz-in) 36 100 101 200 201 330 331 492 ZETA Motor 57-51, 57-83 57-102, 83-62 83-93, 83-135P 83-135S
NOTE: If active damping (DACTDP) is disabled, DMTSTT is ignored by the drive and the command is inactive. Refer to the ZETA610n Installation Guide for additional information about how the DMTSTT and DACTDP commands work together. Also see the example for the DACTDP command. The DMTSTT command value is automatically saved in battery-backed RAM.
Type Syntax Units Range Default
The DPASS command changes the RP240 password. If the default password is not changed by the user then there will be no password protection.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position Cursor
Display (RP240) Interface <!>DPCURi,i 1st i = line number, 2nd i = column line number = 1 or 2, column = 0 - 39 n/a n/a DCLEAR, DLED, DPASS, DREADI, DVAR, DWRITE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Position Cursor (DPCUR) command changes the location of the cursor on the RP240 display. The RP240 lines are numbered from top to bottom, 1 to 2. The columns are numbered left to right, 0 to 39.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 2324 2526 2728 2930 3132 3334 3536 3738 39 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 2324 2526 2728 2930 3132 3334 3536 3738 39
Command Descriptions
[ DPTR ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Data Storage; Assignment or Comparison see below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ DAT ], DATA, [ DATP ], DATPTR, DATSIZ, TDPTR
The DPTR command can be used to compare the current pointer location (the number of the data element to which the data pointer is pointing) against another value or numeric variable, or to assign the pointer location number to a variable. The current data pointer location is referenced to the current active data program specified in the first integer of the last DATSIZ or DATPTR command. Syntax: VARn=DPTR where n is the variable number, or [DPTR] can be used in an expression such as IF(DPTR=1)
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Create data program called DATP4 with 200 data elements Set the data pointer to data element #20 in DATP4 and set the increment to 2 (DATP4 becomes the current active data program) Assign the number of the pointer location in DATP4 to numeric variable #1 Response is *VAR1=20. Indicates that the data pointer is pointing to data element #20.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Display (RP240) Interface See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ DREADF ], DREADI, DVAR, DWRITE, [ SS ], TSS, VAR
The Read RP240 Data (DREAD) command allows you to store numeric data entered in from the RP240's keypad into a variable. As the user presses RP240 numeric keys, the data will be displayed on the RP240 starting at the location equal to the current cursor location + 1 (for a sign bit):
Wait for RP240 numeric entry (terminated with the ENTER key), then set VAR1 equal to that value.
Additionally the DREAD command can be used as a variable assignment within another command that is expecting numeric data (Rule of Thumb: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the DREAD substitution.):
Wait for RP240 numeric entry (terminated with the ENTER key), then set axis #1 acceleration to that value and set axis #2 acceleration to 5.0.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Display (RP240) Interface See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ DREAD ], DREADI, DVAR, DWRITE, [ SS ], TSS, VAR
The Read RP240 Function Key (DREADF) command allows you to store numeric data entered in from a RP240 function key into a variable. Function key 1 (F1) = 1, F2 = 2, etc., and MENU RECALL (F0) = 0. Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the DREADF substitution (e.g., V2,(DREADF)).
; ; ; ; ;
Wait for RP240 function key entry, then set VAR1 equal to that value If function key 5 was hit then ... Start motion on axis #2 End if statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The DREADI1 command allows continual numeric or function key data entry from the RP240 (when used in conjunction with the DREAD and/or DREADF commands). In this immediate mode, program execution is not paused (waiting for data entry) when a DREAD or DREADF command is encountered.
While in the Data Read Immediate Mode (DREADI1), data is read into numeric
variables only (e.g., A(DREAD) or V(DREAD) will not be valid).
This feature is not designed to be used in conjunction with the RP240's standard
menus (see 6000 Series Programmer's Guide for menu structure); the RUN, JOG, and DJOG menus will disable the DREADI mode.
Do not assign the same variable to read numeric data and function key datapick
only one.
Command Descriptions
Simple Numeric Data Entry (example): VAR1=25000 ; Initialize variable #1 DCLEAR0 ; Clear entire RP240 display DWRITE"ENTER VALUE > " ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 1,0 DREADI1 ; Enable RP240 data read immediate mode VAR1=DREAD ; Set variable #1 (VAR1) to receive data entered on the RP240. ; Current VAR1 data will be displayed at cursor location 1,30 ; (fixed). New data will be displayed at current cursor location ; as defined by the previous DCLEAR, DWRITE and DPCUR commands ; this is the home cursor location for subsequent data entries. L77 ; Start loop of 77 repetitions D(VAR1) ; Set distance equal to the current (last entered) RP240 data GO1 ; Initiate move on axis one LN ; End loop DREADI0 ; Exit RP240 data read immediate mode ; As the loop is running, the user may enter in a new distance value ; (which must be terminated with the ENTER key) via the RP240 numeric keypad. ; The numeric keystrokes cause the digits to be displayed on the RP240 ; starting at the home cursor location (see VAR1=DREAD description in the ; example above). When the ENTER key is pressed, the variable is updated; ; the most significant 10 digits (total, including sign & decimal point ; if appropriate) of this variable are displayed at cursor location 1,30; ; and then the data entry field (starting at home) is cleared. ; The 6000 controller is ready to accept new data. Numeric Data & Function Key Entry (example): VAR1=25000 ; Initialize variable #1 VAR2=1 ; Initialize variable #2 DCLEAR0 ; Clear the RP240 display DPCUR2,0 ; Place RP240 cursor on line 2, column 0 (bottom left corner of ; display) DWRITE" SLOW FAST" ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 2,0 DPCUR1,0 ; Place RP240 cursor on line 1, column 0 (top left corner of ; display) DWRITE"ENTER VALUE > " ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 1,0 DREADI1 ; Enable RP240 data read immediate mode VAR1=DREAD ; Set variable #1 (VAR1) to receive numeric data entered on the ; RP240's keypad VAR2=DREADF ; Set VAR2 to receive RP240 function key input L ; Begin loop IF(VAR2=1) ; If function key 1 was last pressed, do the IF statement ; (slow velocity) V3.6 ; Set velocity to 3.6 units per second NIF ; End IF statement IF(VAR2=2) ; If function key 2 was last pressed, do the IF statement ; (fast velocity) V6.4 ; Set velocity to 6.4 units per second NIF ; End IF statement D(VAR1) ; Set distance equal to the current (last entered) RP240 numeric ; data GO1 ; Initiate the move on axis one LN ; End loop ; As the loop is running, the user may enter in a new distance value and/or ; choose between two different preset velocities. The display does not change ; when a function key is pressed. Multiple Numeric Data Entry (example): VAR2=0 ; Initialize variable #2 (VAR2) VAR3=99 ; Initialize variable #3 (VAR3) VAR4=10 ; Initialize variable #4 (VAR4) VAR5=25000 ; Initialize variable #5 (VAR5) DCLEAR0 ; Clear the entire RP240 display DPCUR2,0 ; Place RP240 cursor on line 2, column 0 (bottom left corner of ; display) DWRITE" ACCEL VEL DIST" ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 2,0 DREADI1 ; Enable RP240 data read immediate mode VAR2=DREADF ; VAR2 will capture function key entries (0 - 6) L ; Begin loop IF(VAR2<>0) ; If a new function key is pressed, do the following code: DCLEAR1 ; Clear line one of the RP240 display (top line)
; If function key 1 is pressed, do the IF statement ; (input acceleration) DWRITE"ENTER ACCEL VALUE> " ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 1,0 VAR3=DREAD ; Set VAR3 equal to the numeric data entered on the RP240's keypad NIF ; End IF statement IF(VAR2=2) ; If function key 2 is pressed, do the IF statement (input velocity) DWRITE"ENTER VEL VALUE> " ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 1,0 VAR4=DREAD ; Set VAR4 equal to the numeric data entered on the RP240's keypad NIF ; End IF statement IF(VAR2=3) ; If function key 3 is pressed, do the IF statement (input distance) DWRITE"ENTER DIST VALUE> " ; Send message to RP240 display starting at location 1,0 VAR5=DREAD ; Set VAR5 equal to the numeric data entered on the RP240's keypad NIF ; End IF statement VAR2=0 ; Prohibit repeated execution of this code VAR2=DREADF ; Re-enable VAR2 to capture new function key entry NIF ; End IF statement A(VAR3) ; Set acceleration equal to the numeric value of VAR3 V(VAR4) ; Set velocity equal to the numeric value of VAR4 D(VAR5) ; Set distance equal to the numeric value of VAR5 GO1 ; Initiate the move on axis one LN ; End loop ; As the loop is running, the user may select among the three variables he wants ; to enter data into. These three variables correspond with acceleration, ; velocity, and distance. Each time the function key variable changes from 0 ; (to 1, 2 or 3), then a new message is displayed and the VARi=DREAD command ; will put the current value of that variable in location 1,30 (upper right hand ; corner of the display). For example, the user can choose VEL (F2) and then ; repeatedly change VAR4 by entering a value on the RP240 numeric keypad and ; pressing the ENTER key. Each time through the loop, the VAR4 data is loaded ; into the V command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Resolution
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DRES<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = steps/rev 200 - 1024000 25000 DRES: *DRES25000,25000,25000,25000 1DRES: *1DRES25000 DRFLVL, DRIVE, ENC, ERES, PCOMP, PULSE, SCALE, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Drive Resolution (DRES) command is used to match the indexer resolution to that of the motor/drive to which it is attached. This command is necessary in order to accurately calculate motor drive accelerations and velocities whether scaling is disabled (SCALE), or enabled. This command, in combination with the ERES command, provide the information required for encoder based moves. Contouring Applications: All axes involved in contouring (those specified with the PAXES command) must have the same DRES setting.
DRES200,10000,25000,25000 ; Set drive res. for axis 1 to 200 steps/rev, axis 2 ; to 10000 steps/rev, and axes 3 & 4 to 25000 steps/rev
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Reset
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a n/a 4.1 n/a n/a n/a
DRESET is applicable to the 6151 with 4.1 (or greater) software, and to the 6152/6154 with 4.2 (or greater) software.
The DRESET command returns the internal motor drive to its power-on state and clears internal motor drive faults (see table below). The internal controller is not affected except that the command requires 2 seconds to complete. The DRESET command is an alternative to cycling AC power to the drive/controller electronics (Control L1 and Control L2 terminals) or activating the 615n's Reset input. Refer to the 615n Installation Guide for further details on fault conditions and how to recover from them. Note that you should rectify the cause of the fault before resetting the fault condition as noted in the table below; otherwise, the fault is likely to reoccur.
LED Bridge Fault * Description Power stage over-temperature. Power stage over-current. Motor short circuit. Drive Fault * Control board over-temperature. Under-voltage (brownout). Motor Fault * Resolver not connected. Motor over-temperature. Motor thermostat not connected. Over Voltage Fault * Bus voltage exceeded 420VDC. Regen Fault * Excessive regeneration (external regeneration resistor may be required). How to reset the fault Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1
* When these faults occur, the 615n's output current is latched off.
Note 1
Activate the drive RESET input on the DRIVE AUXILIARY connector (hold the input to less than 1.0V for at least 20 milliseconds; reset begins upon release of the low voltage), issue the DRESET command, or cycle power to the Control L1 and Control L2 terminals. When the bus voltage drops below 85VAC 120VDC the Drive Fault LED will latch, indicating a under-voltage condition. The controller will then disable the drive. When the bus voltage has recovered there are 3 ways to clear the drive fault: (1) issue a reset via the drive reset input, (2) enter the DRESET command, or (3) enable the drive with the DRIVE1 command.
Note 2
Reset Input or DRESET Command vs. RESET Command There are two ways to reset the 615n:
Reset the internal drive (2 options): - Issue the DRESET command. - Activate the RESET input, a hardware reset, to reset the drive functions within the 615n. (To reset the drive, hold the reset input at a low voltage, less than 1.0V, for at least 20 milliseconds. Reset will begin upon release of the low voltage.) Reset the internal controller functions with the RESET command. RESET is a software resetit resets only the internal controller functions within the 615n.
The two reset functions (drive vs. controller) are independent, and do not directly affect each other. This means that if you use the RESET input or the DRESET command to reset the drive, the controller will remain up and running. Similarly, if you issue a RESET command to return the controller to powerup conditions, the drive functions will not automatically be reset.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DRFLVL<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (active low), 1 (active high), or X (don't change) 0 (1 for 6201 only) DRFLVL *DRFLVL0000 1DRFLVL *1DRFLVL0 [ AS ], [ ASX ], DRIVE, DRES, [ ER ], INFEN, TAS, TASX, TER
The Drive Fault Level (DRFLVL) command is used to individually set the fault input level for each axis. To enable the drive fault input, the INFEN command must be enabled. Use the following table for setting the drive fault level for Compumotor drives.
Compumotor Product BLH, L, LE, PDS, PK130, PS7, UD2, UD5, UD12 APEX, C+, Dynaserv, LN, OEM Series, S, SD (in SC rack), CD (in CN rack), TQ, Z, ZETA Drive Fault Level Active Low (DRFLVL) Active High (DRFLVL1)
The drive fault input schematic is shown in the 6000 Series product Installation Guide. Drive Fault Input Status: Use bit #14 in the TAS, TASF, or AS commands to check the status of the drive fault input (if the drive is enabled). Bit #4 of the TASX, TASXF, and ASX commands reports the status even if the drive is disabled.
Drive Fault Level (DRFLVL) DRFLVL1 (active high) DRFLVL (active low) Status of device driving the Fault input OFF or not connected (not sinking current) ON (sinking current) OFF or not connected (not sinking current) ON (sinking current) AS bit #14 and ASX bit #4 1 (drive fault has occurred) 1 (drive fault has occurred)
When a drive fault occurs, motion will be stopped on all axes and program execution will be terminated. In servo systems (6250, etc.), motion is stopped at the rate set with the LHAD command (default is 100 units/sec/sec).
STEPPER SYSTEMS A drive fault condition will stop motion instantaneously, without a controlled deceleration rampthis allows the load to free wheel, possibly damaging equipment. Compumotor recommends using a brake on your motor drive system to brake the load in the event of a drive fault.
; Set drive fault level to be active low on axes 1 & 3, ; active high on axes 2 & 4
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Drive Enable
Drive Configuration <!><@><a>DRIVE<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (shutdown), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 1 (AT6n00, 610n & 620n); 0 (6250, AT6250 & 615n) DRIVE *DRIVE1111 1DRIVE *1DRIVE1 [ AS ], DRFLVL, DRES, KDRIVE, TER Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Drive Enable command energizes (DRIVE1) or de-energizes (DRIVE) a Compumotor motor/drive combination. The internal shutdown output circuit is illustrated in the 6000 Series product's Installation Guide. Steppers: DRIVE1 energizes the motor drive (Shutdown+ sinks current and Shutdown- sources current). DRIVE de-energizes the motor drive (Shutdown+ sources current and Shutdown- sinks current). Servos:
DRIVE1 energizes the motor drive (the SHTNO relay output is connected to COM, and the SHTNC relay output is disconnected from COM). DRIVE de-energizes the motor drive (the SHTNO relay output is disconnected from COM, and the SHTNC relay output is connected to COM). DRIVE1 also sets the commanded position (TPC) equal to the actual position (TPE). NOTE: If the Disable Drive on Kill (KDRIVE) mode is enabled, the drive will be de-energized in the event of
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
RP240 Check
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
Communication Interface; Display (RP240) Interface <!>DRPCHK<i> n/a 0-3 0 for port COM1, 3 for port COM2 (PORT command setting determines which COM ports DRPCHK setting is checked) DRPCHK *DRPCHK3 PORT, XONXOFF
The Remote COM Port Check (DRPCHK) command is used to indicate whether a port is to be used with an RP240 or with 6000 language commands. The DRPCHK command affects the COM port selected with the last PORT command. The DRPCHK command value is automatically saved in battery-backed RAM. NOTE: Depending on your product, COM1 is the RS-232 connector (or Rx, Tx, GND terminals on the AUX connector) or the COM1 connector; COM2 is the RP240 connector or the COM2 connector.
DRPCHK ......... The serial port will be used for 6000 language commands. This is the default setting for
COM1, and if using RS-485 half duplex on COM2. Power-up messages appear on all ports set to DRPCHK.
DRPCHK1 ......... A check for the presence of an RP240 will be performed at power-up/reset. If an RP240 is
present, the 6000 product will initialize the RP240. If an RP240 is not present, the port may be used for 6000 language commands. Note that RP240 commands will be sent at power-up and reset.
DRPCHK2 ......... A status check for the presence of an RP240 will be periodically performed (every 5-6
seconds). If an RP240 is plugged in, the 6000 product will initialize the RP240. Press F6 on the RP240 periodically until the 6000 product recognizes the RP240. (The RP240 indicates that it has been recognized by beeping when F6 is pressed.)
DRPCHK3......... A status check for the presence of an RP240 will be performed at power-up/reset. If an
RP240 is present, the 6000 product will initialize the RP240. If an RP240 is not present, no commands except DWRITE will have any effect for that port and the COM port will ignore received characters. This is the default setting for COM2, unless you are using RS-485 multi-drop communication (in which case the default changes to DRPCHK). Each port has its own DRPCHK value, but only one may be set to DRPCHK2 or DRPCHK3 at any time.
RS-485 compatible products: If you are using RS-485 communication in a multi-drop (requires you to change an internal jumper to select half duplex), the default setting for COM2 is DRPCHK. If the internal jumper setting is left at full duplex, the default setting for COM2 is DRPCHK3. Default values are used until DRPCHK is set for the first time. DRPCHK values are automatically saved in nonvolatile memory. They do not change until you set new values. It may be advisable to include the DRPCHK command in your start-up program to ensure that it powers up in the correct setting for your current application.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Display Variable on RP240 (DVAR) command is used to display a numeric variable on the RP240's LCD at the current cursor location: 1st i 2nd i 3rd i 4th i = = = = Variable number [Range 1 - 150] Number of whole digits displayed (left of decimal point) [Range 0 - 9] Number of fractional digits displayed (right of decimal point) [Range 0 - 8] Sign bit: 0 = no sign displayed, 1 = display + or ; ; ; ; Assign the value Display variable Display variable Display variable 542.14 to variable #2 #2 as +000542.140 #2 as 542.1 #2 as +542
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The Waveform (DWAVEF) command designates the waveform for the current from the 610n to the motor. The table below shows the amount of negative 3rd harmonic injection that corresponds to each of the four settings. In most application using Compumotor-supplied motors, the default setting provides the best performance.
Command Descriptions
<i> 3rd Harmonic Injection 1 -4% 2 -10% 3 -6% 4 Pure sine Waveform Command Settings
NOTE: If you choose the pure sine waveform when the motor resolution is set for 200 steps/rev, the Automatic Test mode of the 610n will be initiated. Refer to the ZETA610n Installation Guide for additional information about selecting a waveform.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Display (RP240) Interface <!>DWRITE"message" n/a Message can be 70 characters (may not use characters ", \, * or :) See below n/a DCLEAR, DLED, DPASS, DPCUR, DVAR, PORT
The Write Text on RP240 (DWRITE) command displays a message on the RP240's LCD starting at the current cursor location. A message is a character string of up to 70 characters in length. The characters within the string may be any characters except quote ("), backslash (\), asterisk (*), and colon (:). Strings that have lower-case letters will be converted to upper case prior to display (see example). The following graphic shows the location of the RP240's two-line, 40-character display. It also shows the characters in relation to the function keys.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 2324 2526 2728 2930 3132 3334 3536 3738 39 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 2324 2526 2728 2930 3132 3334 3536 3738 39
HINT: If you do not have an RP240 and wish to send (only) characters out the serial port to another serial
device, you may use this command. Place a backslash (\) before non-alphanumeric characters. Example: DWRITE"HOMING SUCCESSFUL\13" = send message plus <CR>
Clear RP240 display Move cursor to line 1, column 12 RP240 will display: ENTER NUMBER OF PARTS RP240 waiting for data entry
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Enable Communication
Communication Interface <i_><!>E<b> i = unit number set by DIP switch or by ADDR command i = 0 - 7 (if using DIP switch setting) or i = 0 - 99 (if unit # is set with the ADDR command); b = 0 (serial communication off) or 1 (serial communication on) b=1 0_E: *E1 ADDR, DRPCHK, ECHO, PORT, XONOFF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The E command allows you to enable and disable serial ports on your stand-alone 6000 controller. To enable all units in the daisy-chain at one time, you can use the E1 command. The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the E command.
PORT1 0_E1
; Next command affects the COM1 serial port on the 6000 product ; Enable serial port for unit with device address 0
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Communication Echo Enable (ECHO) command enables command echo. Lower-case letters are converted to upper case and then echoed. When echo is enabled, commands are echoed character by character. In a terminal emulator mode, you may not see the echoed characters on your display when issuing commands that have a response, because the echoed characters may be overwritten by the response. The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the ERRBAD command. 4.0 Enhancements: The ECHO command was enhanced with options 2 and 3. The purpose is to accommodate an RS-485 multi-drop configuration in which a host computer communicates to the master 6000 controller over RS-232 (COM1 port) and the master 6000 controller communicates over RS-485 (COM2 port) to the rest of the units on the multi-drop. For this configuration, the echo setup should be configured by sending to the master the following commands executed in the order shown. In this example, it is assumed that the master's device address is set to 1. Hence, each command is prefixed with 1_ to address only the master unit.
1_PORT2 .......Subsequent command affects COM2, the RS-485 port 1_ECHO2 .......Echo characters back through the other port, COM1 1_PORT1 .......Subsequent command affects COM1, the RS-232 port 1_ECHO3 .......Echo characters back through both ports, COM1 and COM2
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command is used in conjunction with the IF and NIF commands to provide conditional branching. If the expression contained within the parentheses of the IF command evaluates true, then the commands between the IF and the ELSE are executed. The commands after the ELSE until the NIF are ignored. If the expression evaluates false, the commands between the ELSE and the NIF are executed. The commands between IF and ELSE are ignored. The ELSE command is optional and does not have to be included in the IF statement. IF( )...ELSE...NIF commands can be nested up to 16 levels deep. Programming order:
IF(expression) ...commands... ELSE ...commands... NIF ; ; ; ; ; ; Specify if condition to be input 1 = 1, input 3 = 0 If condition evaluates true wait 5 seconds Else part of IF condition If condition does not evaluate true transfer position of all encoders End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Encoder Configuration <!><@><a>EMOVDB<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 0 EMOVDB: *EMOVDB0000 1EMOVDB: *1EMOVDB0 ENC, EPM, EPMDB, EPMG, EPMV, ERES, ESDB, ESK, ESTALL
When this command is enabled on any axis, the next command in the command buffer will not be executed until the encoder on the enabled axis is within the position maintenance deadband ( EPMDB).
NOTE If EMOVDB is not enabled and position maintenance (EPM) is enabled, a move that requires end position adjustment (i.e. falls outside the EPMDB) will not correct its position if another move command is encountered. However, subsequent moves will not suffer from cumulative errors. This is due to the fact that the controller will command the motor to make the next move relative to where it should be and not where it actually is at the start of the move. Upon reaching its final destination, position maintenance will assure proper positioning of the motor.
Bit 19 of the axis status register reflects whether motion is within the deadband. The TAS command can be used to get the axis status response.
; Position maintenance deadband set to 10 encoder steps on all axes ; Enable encoder move deadband on all axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Encoder/Motor Step Mode (ENC) command determines whether move distances are based on motor steps (ENC) or encoder steps (ENC1). In motor step mode (ENC), the distance value (D) and the corresponding scaler (SCLD) are the only parameters used to determine actual step output values. In encoder step mode (ENC1), the distance value (D) and the scaler (SCLD) are used to determine the number of encoder steps. This encoder step value is achieved by outputting as many motor steps as necessary to perform the required encoder steps.
NOTE The acceleration, deceleration, and velocity parameters are always referenced in motor steps.
Enabling encoder step mode does not guarantee that a move will be positioned to the exact encoder step value commanded. Position maintenance (EPM) must be enabled to activate closed loop control. Stalls can be detected by enabling Stall Detect (ESTALL), with an appropriate Stall Backlash Deadband (ESDB).
DRES25000,25000 ; Motor/drive resolution set to 25000 steps/rev on axes 1 and 2. ERES4000,4000 ; Encoder resolution set to 4000 post-quadrature counts/rev ; on axes 1 & 2 SCALE1 ; Enable scaling SCLA25000,25000 ; Set the acceleration scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit ; on axes 1 & 2 SCLV25000,25000 ; Set the velocity scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit ; on axes 1 & 2 SCLD1,1 ; Set the distance scaling factor to 1 step/unit on axes 1 & 2 ENC11XX ; Encoder step mode for axes 1 & 2 MA00XX ; Incremental index mode for axes 1 & 2 MC00XX ; Preset index mode for axes 1 and 2 A10,12 ; Set the acceleration to 10 & 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 & 2 V1,1 ; Set the velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 & 2 D100000,1000 ; Set the distance to 100000 & 1000 units for axes 1 & 2 GO11 ; Initiate motion (axis 1 moves 100000 encoder steps, ; axis 2 moves 1000 encoder steps)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Encoder Polarity
Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 4.0 n/a n/a 4.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 3.0
Encoder; Controller Configuration <!><@><a>ENCPOL<b><b><b><b> b = polarity bit 0 (normal polarity), 1 (reverse polarity) or X (don't change) 0 ENCPOL *ENCPOL0000 1ENCPOL *1ENCPOL0 CMDDIR, [ FB ], FOLMAS, [ PCE ], [ PE ], [ PER ], PSET, SFB, TFB, TPE, TPCE, TPER
Servo stability requires a direct correlation between the commanded direction and the direction of the encoder counts (i.e., a positive commanded direction from the controller must result in positive counts from the encoder). If the encoder input is counting in the wrong direction, you may reverse the polarity with the ENCPOL command (see programming example below). This allows you to reverse the counting direction without having to change the actual wiring to the encoder input. For example, if the encoder on axis 2 counted in the wrong direction, you could issue the ENCPOLx1 command to correct the polarity. Immediately after issuing the ENCPOL command, the encoder will start counting in the opposite direction (including all encoder position registers). For servos, the polarity is immediately changed whether or not encoder feedback is currently selected with the SFB command (servos); for steppers, the polarity is immediately changed whether the controller in encoder step mode ( ENC1) or motor step mode (ENC).
NOTE Changing the feedback polarity effectively invalidates any existing offset position (PSET) setting; therefore, you will have to re-establish the PSET position.
The ENCPOL command is automatically saved in non-volatile RAM (stand-alone products only). If you wish to reverse the commanded direction of motion, first make sure there is a direct correlation between commanded direction and encoder direction, then issue the appropriate CMDDIR command to reverse both the commanded direction and the encoder direction (see CMDDIR command description for full details).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Select encoder feedback for axis 1 Set maximum position error to 100 units on axis 1 Define current position of axis 1 as position zero *1TPE+0 (response indicates encoder #1 is at position zero) Select incremental positioning mode Set distance to 8,000 units in the positive direction Move axis 1. If the encoder polarity is incorrect, the axis will be unstable and will stop (drive disabled) as soon as the maximum position error of 100 units is reached. *1TPE-100 (response should show that encoder #1 is approximately at position -100; the minus sign indicates that the encoder is counting in the wrong direction) Reverse encoder polarity on axis 1 Define current position of axis 1 as position zero Enable the drive (drive was disabled when the SMPER value was exceeded) Set distance to 8,000 units in the positive direction Move axis 1 *1TPE+8000 (response shows encoder #1 has moved 8,000 units in the positive direction, indicating that the encoder is now counting in the correct direction)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The END command marks the ending point of a program/subroutine/path contour definition. All commands between the DEF and the END statement will be considered in a program, subroutine, or path contour.
; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 End program definition Execute program named pick
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The End of Line Terminating Characters (EOL) command designates the characters to be placed at the end of each line, but not the last line, in a multi-line response. The last line of a multi-line response has the EOT characters. Up to 3 characters can be placed at the end of each line. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent (no character that has a value of zero [] will be output). For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the EOL command.
NOTE: Although you may issue a single command, like TSTAT, each line of the response will have the EOL characters. The last line in the response will have the EOT characters. If the response is only one line long, the EOT characters will be placed after the response, not the EOL characters.
Character Line Feed Carriage Return Ctrl-Z ASCII Equivalent 10 13 26
For a more complete list of ASCII Equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The End of Transmission Terminating Characters (EOT) command designates the characters to be placed at the end of every response. Up to 3 characters can be placed after the last line of a multi-line response, or after all single-line responses. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent (no character that has a value of zero [] will be output). For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, a Ctrl-Z is ASCII 26, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the EOT command.
NOTE: Although you may issue a single command, like TSTAT, each line of the response will have the EOL characters. The last line in the response will have the EOT characters. If the response is only one line long, the EOT characters will be placed after the response, not the EOL characters.
Character Line Feed Carriage Return Ctrl-Z ASCII Equivalent 10 13 26
For a more complete list of ASCII Equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C.
; Place a carriage return, line feed, and Ctrl-Z after the last line ; of a multi-line response, and after all single line responses
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command enables position maintenance mode. This mode is only active while in encoder step mode (ENC1). When position maintenance mode is enabled, the actual end of move position is compared to the desired move position. If there is a difference between actual and desired position that is greater than the position maintenance deadband (EPMDB), a correction move will be generated to adjust for the discrepancy. The position error can be observed with the TPER command. Do not mistake position maintenance for true servoing. Position maintenance is only invoked at the end of a move, where it continually monitors the position and corrects for position errors. Servoing takes place throughout the entire move, making adjustments on-the-fly. If position maintenance is enabled and the motor drifts, check that the encoder is connected properly.
DRES25000,25000 ERES4000,4000
; Motor/drive resolution set to 25000 steps/rev on axes 1 and 2 ; Encoder resolution set to 4000 post-quadrature counts/rev on ; axes 1 and 2 SCALE1 ; Enable scaling SCLA25000,25000 ; Set accel scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit on axes 1 & 2 SCLV25000,25000 ; Set velocity scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit on axes 1 & 2 SCLD1,1 ; Set the distance scaling factor to 1 step/unit on axes 1 & 2 EPMDB5,5 ; Position maintenance deadband set to 5 units on axes 1 & 2 ENC11XX ; Encoder step mode for axes 1 and 2 EMOVDB11XX ; Enable encoder move deadband EPMG500,500 ; Set position maintenance gain factor to 500 Hz on axes 1 and 2 EPMV1,1 ; Set position maintenance correction velocity to 1 unit/sec or ; 25000 steps/sec on axes 1 and 2 EPM11XX ; Enable position maintenance on axes 1 and 2 MA00XX ; Incremental index mode for axes 1 and 2 MC00XX ; Preset index mode for axes 1 and 2 A10,12 ; Set the acceleration to 10 and 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 & 2 V1,1 ; Set the velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 and 2. D100000,1000 ; Set the distance to 100000 and 1000 units for axes 1 and 2 GO11 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2: axis 1 will move 100000 ; encoder steps and axis 2 will move 1000 encoder steps. ; ; (If, at the end of all the above moves, the actual encoder count is greater ; than 5 encoder steps away from the desired positions, a correction move will ; be made for each axis that exceeds the position maintenance deadband. The ; correction will be made at a maximum of 25000 steps/sec.)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The position maintenance deadband (EPMDB) command establishes the maximum encoder step error that is allowed at the end of a move. All EPMDB values entered are in encoder steps. At the end of a move, if position maintenance is enabled (EPM1), the difference between the actual encoder count and the desired encoder step move distance is continually monitored. Should the difference be greater than the position maintenance deadband, a correction move will occur. This value also determines when the indexer considers itself in position. The status bit that reflects in position on a specific axis will not be set until the actual encoder count falls within the deadband. Bit 19 of the axis status register reflects whether the axis is within the deadband. The TAS command can be used to get the axis status response.
Example: Refer to the enable position maintenance mode (EPM) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position Maintenance Gain Factor (EPMG) command establishes the error correction velocity for the position maintenance error correction move. The correction velocity is determined by the EPMG value and the encoder error at the end of the move. The correction velocity = EPMG error. The correction velocity will not exceed the maximum correction velocity value (EPMV).
Example: Refer to the enable position maintenance mode (EPM) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position Maintenance Maximum Velocity (EPMV) command establishes the maximum velocity for any position maintenance correction move. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. If scaling (SCALE) is not enabled, the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for motion calculations. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the EPMV command value is entered in user units/sec and is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. The velocity value may be truncated if the value entered exceeds the velocity resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on velocity scaling, refer to the SCLV command description.
Example: Refer to the enable position maintenance mode (EPM) command example.
[ ER ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Error Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ ASX ], DRFLVL, ERROR, ERRORP, ESTALL, GOWHEN, INFNC, K, LDTUPD, LH, LS, S, SMPER, STRGTT, TASX, TER, TERF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Error Status (ER) command is used to assign the error status bits to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. Syntax: VARBn=ER where n is the binary variable number, or [ER] can be used in an expression such as IF(ER=b111), or IF(ER=h7F). The bit select operator (.), in conjunction with the bit number, can be used to specify a specific error bit. Examples: VARB1=ER.2 assigns error bit 2 to binary variable 1; IF(ER.2=b1) is a conditional statement that is true if error bit 2 is set to 1. The specific error-checking bits must be enabled by the Error-Checking Enable (ERROR) command before the ER command will provide an error response (see programming example below). The function of each axis status bit is shown below.
Bit # 1* 2 3 4 Function (1 = Yes; = No) Stall Detected: Functions when stall detection has been enabled (ESTALL). (n/a for OEM-AT6n00) Hard Limit Hit: Functions when hard limits are enabled (LH). Soft Limit Hit: Functions when soft limits are enabled ( LS). Drive Fault: Detected only of the drive is enabled (DRIVE) and the drive fault level is set correctly (DRFLVL and INFEN). (Drive Fault monitoring is n/a for OEM-AT6n00.) 610n: use ASX, TASX or TASXF to determine exact cause (ASX status is checked even if the drive is disabled). RESERVED (refer to the ERROR command) Kill Input: When an input is defined as a Kill input (INFNCi-C), and that input becomes active. User Fault Input: When an input is defined as a User Fault input (INFNCi-F), and that input becomes active. Stop Input: When an input is defined as a Stop input ( INFNCi-D), and that input becomes active. Stepper productsPulse Cutoff (P-CUT): When the pulse cutoff input is activated (not grounded). Servo productsEnable input (ENBL): When the enable input is activated (not grounded). (n/a for OEM-AT6n00) Pre-emptive (on-the-fly) GO or registration move profile not possible. Target Zone Settling Timeout Period (set with the STRGTT command) is exceeded. Maximum Position Error (set with the SMPER command) is exceeded. RESERVED Position relationship in GOWHEN already true when GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD was executed. LDT Position Read Error: Can be caused by LDT not connected, mechanical failure of LDT or LDTUPD command value too low. RESERVED
5 6 7 8 9
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable error-checking bits 1-4, 6, 7, and 9 Error status assigned to binary variable 1 Error status bit 4 assigned to binary variable 2 Response if bit 4 is set to 1: *VARB2=XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX If the error status contains 1's for bit locations 6, 7, and 9, and a 0 for bit location 4, do the IF Transfer revision level End if statement If the error status contains 1's for bit locations 4, 6, and 7, and 0's for every other bit location, IF statement Transfer revision level End if statement
1, 2, 3, statement 1, 2, 3, do the
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Erase All Programs (ERASE) command deletes all programs created with the DEF command, including all data programs (DATP). If you do not want to erase all the programs, you can use the DEL command to selectively delete programs. The RESET command will erase all programs (only in bus-based controllers) and reset all values to factory defaults.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Encoder Resolution
Encoder Configuration <!><@><a>ERES<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = counts/rev 1 - 65535 (steppers); 200 - 1024000 (servos) 4000 (4096 for 615n only) ERES: *ERES4000,4000,4000,4000 1ERES: *1ERES4000 DRES, ENC, EPM, ESTALL, LDTRES, TSTAT Product AT6400 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Steppers: The ERES command establishes the number of encoder counts received for a move equal to the distance set in the drive resolution (DRES) command. If the motor/drive resolution equals 25000 steps/rev, and a 1 revolution move is performed (with scaling (SCALE) disabled), the number of encoder counts received back would be the encoder resolution value (ERES). A standard 1000line per revolution encoder gives 4000 counts post-quadrature. If the encoder is coupled to the back of a motor, the ERES value will be 4000. This value, along with the drive resolution value (DRES) are important for the motion algorithm to correctly interpret move distances, move velocities, and move accelerations. Servos: The servo system's resolution is determined by the resolution of the encoder used with the servo drive/motor system. The ERES command establishes the number of steps, or counts (post quadrature), per unit of travel. For example, Compumotor E Series encoders are 1,000-line encoders, and therefore have a 4,000 count/rev post-quadrature resolution (requires ERES4). If the encoder is mounted directly to the motor, then to ensure that the motor will move according to the programmed distance and velocity, the controller's resolution (ERES value) must match the encoder's resolution. The 615n uses an internal 4096 count/rev resolver. Remember that the 6270 can accept encoder feedback only on axis 1.
NOTE: When using the contouring feature, be sure that all axes involved are set at the same ERES value.
DRES25000,25000 ; ; ERES4000,4000 ; ; SCALE1 ; SCLA25000,25000 ; ; SCLV25000,25000 ; SCLD1,1 ; ENC11XX ; MA00XX ; MC00XX ; A10,12 ; V1,1 ; D100000,1000 ; GO11 ; ; ;
Motor/drive resolution set to 25000 steps/rev on axes 1 & 2 (for steppers only) Encoder resolution set to 4000 post-quadrature counts/rev on axes 1 & 2 Enable scaling Set acceleration scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit on axes 1 & 2 Set velocity scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit on axes 1 & 2 Set the distance scaling factor to 1 step/unit on axes 1 & 2 Encoder step mode for axes 1 and 2 (for steppers only) Incremental mode for axes 1 and 2 Preset mode for axes 1 and 2 Set the acceleration to 10 and 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 & 2 Set the velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 and 2 Set the distance to 100000 and 1000 units for axes 1 and 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2: Axis 1 will move 100000 encoder steps. Axis 2 will move 1000 encoder steps
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Error Prompt
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Communication Interface <!><@>ERRBAD<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> n/a i = 0 - 256 13,10,63,32 ERRBAD: *ERRBAD13,10,63,32 BOT, EOT, ERRDEF, ERRLVL, ERROK, PORT, TCMDER
The Error Prompt (ERRBAD) command designates the characters to be placed into the output buffer after an erroneous command has been entered. Up to 4 characters can be placed in the output buffer. These characters serve as a prompt for the next command. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent. For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, a question mark is ASCII 63, a space is ASCII 32, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the ERRBAD command. For a more complete list of ASCII equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C.
; Place a carriage return only in the output buffer after ; processing an erroneous command
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Communication Interface <!><@>ERRDEF<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> n/a i = 0 - 256 13,10,45,32 ERRDEF: *ERRDEF13,10,45,32 ERRBAD, ERRLVL, ERROK, PORT, XONOFF
The Program Definition Prompt (ERRDEF) command designates the characters to be placed into the output buffer after a DEF command has been entered. These characters will continue to be placed into the output buffer after each command until the END command is processed. Up to 4 characters can be placed in the output buffer. These characters serve as a prompt while defining a program. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent. For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, a hyphen is ASCII 45, a space is ASCII 32, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. For a more complete list of ASCII equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the ERRDEF command.
; Place a carriage return only in the output buffer after each ; command in the program definition
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Error Handling <!>ERRLVL<i> i - error level settings i = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 4 if COM port is set up for RS-232C; 0 if COM port is set up for RS-485 ERRLVL: *ERRLVL4 EOT, ERRBAD, ERRDEF, ERROK, PORT
The Error Detection Level (ERRLVL) command specifies the format for all Response feedback and error messages (error messages are listed on page 7 of this manual, and in the Troubleshooting chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide). Error level 4 is the default error detection level. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the ERRLVL command.
Error Level Description All responses are returned as shown in the Response field of the corresponding command, followed by the EOT characters and the ERROK characters. Error conditions return an error message corresponding to the error condition followed by the EOT characters and the ERRBAD characters. Program definitions beginning with the DEF command and ending with the END command place the ERRDEF characters in the output buffer after each command is processed. All responses are returned as shown in the Response field of the corresponding command, followed by the EOT characters and the ERROK characters. Error conditions return only the ERRBAD characters. Program definitions beginning with the DEF command and ending with the END command place the ERRDEF characters in the output buffer after each command is processed. All responses are returned as shown in the Response field of the corresponding command, followed by the EOT characters. There are no ERROK characters and no error responses. Program definitions beginning with the DEF command and ending with the END command place the ERRDEF characters in the output buffer after each command is processed. All responses are returned as shown in the Response field of the corresponding command, minus the command itself, followed by the EOT characters. There is no error response. All responses are returned as shown in the Response field of the corresponding command, minus the command itself and the asterisk, followed by the EOT characters. There is no error response.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Good Prompt
Communication Interface <!><@>ERROK<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> n/a i = 0 - 256 13,10,62,32 ERROK: *ERROK13,10,62,32 ERRBAD, ERRDEF, ERRLVL, PORT, XONOFF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Good Prompt (ERROK) command designates the characters to be placed into the output buffer after a command has been entered correctly. Up to 4 characters can be placed in the output buffer. These characters serve as a prompt for the next command. The characters are designated with their ASCII equivalent. For example, a carriage return is ASCII 13, a line feed is ASCII 10, a greater than symbol is ASCII 62, a space is ASCII 32, and no terminating character is designated with a zero. For a more complete list of ASCII equivalents, refer to the ASCII Table in Appendix C. Stand-alone products: The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the ERROK command.
; Place a carriage return only in the output buffer after ; processing a valid command
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Error-Checking Enable
Error Handling <!>ERROR<b><b>...<b><b> (32 bits) n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 0 ERROR: *ERROR0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 [ ASX ], DRFLVL, [ ER ], ERRORP, ESTALL, GOWHEN, INFEN, INFNC, K, LDTUPD, LH, LS, S, TASX, TER, TRGFN Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
When an error-checking bit is enabled (ERROR11...11), the operating system will respond to a specific execution error by doing a GOSUB or a GOTO to the error program defined with the ERRORP command (see table below). Each bit corresponds to a different error condition. To enable or disable a specific bit, the syntax is ERROR.n-b, where n is the error bit number and b is either 1 to enable or to disable. The definition of each bit is as follows: *ERRORbbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #32
Bit # 1* 2 3 4 5
Function (Error bits #8, #10, and #13 - #32 are reserved.) Stall Detected: Functions when stall detection has been enabled (ESTALL). ESK must be enabled. (n/a to OEM-AT6n00) Hard Limit Hit: Functions when hard limits are enabled (LH). Soft Limit Hit: Functions when soft limits are enabled (LS). Drive Fault: The drive fault level must be set correctly (DRFLVL). (n/a to OEM-AT6n00) 610n: see ASX/TASXF for exact cause of fault. Commanded Kill or Commanded Stop: Whenever a !K, <ctrl>K, or !S is sent. NOTE If you want the program to stop, you must issue the !HALT command.
Input Kill: When an input is defined as a KILL input (INFNCi-C), and that input becomes active.
Command Descriptions
Bit # 7
Function (Error bits #8, #10, and #13 - #32 are reserved.) User Fault Input: When an input is defined as a user fault input (INFNCi-F), and that input becomes active. Stop Input: When an input is defined as a user fault input (INFNCi-D), and that input becomes active.
GOTO Stepper productsPulse Cutoff (P-CUT): When pulse cutoff input is activated (not grounded). (n/a to OEM-AT6n00) Servo productsEnable input (ENBL): When enable input is activated (not grounded). Pre-emptive (on-the-fly) GO or registration move profile not possible at the time of attempted execution. Target Zone Settling Timeout Period (set with the STRGTT command) is exceeded. Maximum Position Error (set with the SMPER command) is exceeded. GOWHEN condition already true when a subsequent GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD command is executed. 6270 Only LDT Position Read Error GOSUB
11** 12** 14
* Stepper products only; ** Servo products only NOTE: Error bits 13 and 16-32 are reserved.
When error bit 5 (Commanded Kill or Stop) is enabled, a Stop (!S) or a Kill (!K or <ctrl>K) command will cause the controller to GOSUB or GOTO to the error program (ERRORP). The ERRORP program must be defined, and within the error program the cause of the error will need to be determined. The error status (ER) command can be used to determine the cause of the error. If none of the error status bits are set, the cause of the error is a commanded kill or a commanded stop. The reason for not setting a bit on this error condition is that there is no way to clear the error condition upon leaving the error program.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Error Handling <!>ERRORP<t> t = text (name of error program) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a ERROROP: *ERRORPerr1 [ ER ], ERRLVL, ERROR, TER
Using the ERRORP command, you can assign any previously defined program as the error program. For example, to assign a previously defined program named CRASH as the error program, enter the ERRORP CRASH command. If you later decide not to have an error program, issue the ERRORP CLR command; after the ERRORP CLR command, no error program will be called until you assign a new one. The purpose of the error program is to provide a programmed response to certain error conditions (see table below) that may occur during the operation of your system. Programmed responses typically include actions such as shutting down the drive(s), activating or de-activating outputs, etc. To detect and respond to the error conditions, the corresponding error-checking bit(s) must be enabled with the ERROR command (refer to the ERROR Bit # column in the table below). It is the programmer's responsibility to determine the cause of the error, and take action based on the error. The error condition can be determined using the ER evaluation in an IF statement (e.g., IF(ER=b1X)). An error program set-up example is provided in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. When an error condition occurs and the associated error-checking bit has been enabled with the ERROR command, the 6000 controller will branch to the error program. Depending on the error condition, the branch be either a GOTO or GOSUB. If the error condition calls for a GOSUB, then after the ERRORP
program is executed, program control returns to the point at which the error occurred. If you do not want to return to the point at which the error occurred, you can use the HALT command to end program execution or you can use the GOTO command to go to a different program. If the error condition calls for a GOTO, there is no way to return to the point at which the error occurred. Stand-alone products: The ERRORP assignment is not saved in battery-backed RAM. To ensure that the ERRORP assignment is retained when you cycle power or issue a RESET, put the ERRORP command in the startup program assigned with the STARTP command.
WHEN TO BRANCH If you wish the branch to the error program to occur at the time the error condition is detected, use the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1). Otherwise, the branch will not occur until motion on all axes has stopped.
Canceling the Branch to the Error Program: The error program will be continuously called/repeated until you cancel the branch to the error program. (This is true for all cases except error condition #9, P-CUT or ENBL input activated, in which case the error program is called only once.) There are three ways to cancel the branch:
Disable the error-checking bit with the ERROR.n-0 command, where "n" is the number of the errorchecking bit you wish to disable. For example, to disable error checking for the kill input activation (bit #6), issue the ERROR.6-0 command. To re-enable the error-checking bit, issue the ERROR.n-1 command. Delete the program assigned as the ERRORP program (DEL <name of program>). Satisfy the How to Remedy the Error requirement identified in the table below.
NOTE In addition to canceling the branch to the error program, you must also remedy the cause of the error; otherwise, the error program will be called again when you resume operation. Refer to the How to Remedy the Error column in the table below for details.
ERROR Cause of the Error Bit # 1 Steppers Only: Stall detected (Stall Detection and Kill On Stall must be enabled firstsee ESTALL and ESK, respectively) n/a to OEM-AT6n00 Hard Limit Hit (hard limits must be enabled firstsee LH) Soft Limit Hit (soft limits must be enabled firstsee LS) Drive Fault (Input Functions must be enabledINFEN1; and Drive Fault Level must be correctDRFLVL) n/a to OEM-AT6n00 Commanded Stop or Kill (whenever a !K, <ctrl>K, or !S command is sent)
2 3 4
If COMEXL, then Goto; If COMEXL1, then Gosub If COMEXL, then Goto; If COMEXL1, then Gosub Goto
Change direction & issue GO command on the axis that hit the limit; or issue LH. Change direction & issue GO command on the axis that hit the limit; or issue LS. Clear the fault condition at the drive, & issue a DRIVE1 command for the faulted axis.
If !K, then Goto; If !S & COMEXS, then Goto; If !S & COMEXS1, then Gosub, but need !C Goto
No fault condition is presentthere is no error to clear. If you want the program to stop, you must issue the !HALT command. Deactivate the kill input.
Command Descriptions
ERROR Cause of the Error Bit # 7 8 9 User Fault Input Activated (see INFNCi-F) Stop Input Activated (see INFNCi-D) Steppers: P-CUT input not grounded n/a to OEM-AT6n00 Servos: ENBL input not grounded Pre-emptive (on-the-fly) GO or registration move profile not possible at the time of attempted execution. Servos Only: Target Zone Timeout (STRGTT value has been exceeded) Servos Only: Exceeded Max. Allowable Position Error (set with the SMPER command). GOWHEN condition already true when GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD executed. Hydraulic Servos Only: LDT position read error due to bad connection, LDT failure, or LDTUPD value too small.
How to Remedy the Error Deactivate the user fault input, or disable it by assigning it a different function (INFNC). Deactivate the stop input, or disable it by assigning it a different function (INFNC). Re-ground the P-CUT input (steppers) or the ENBL input (servos), and issue a DRIVE1111 command.
Issue a DRIVE1 command to the axis that exceeded the allowable position error. Verify that feedback device is working properly. Issue another GOWHEN command.
Depending on cause, connect LDT, replace faulty LDT, or increase the LDTUPD value. Then issue DRIVE1 to the affected axis. To enable an axis without an LDT connected, connect GATE+ to GND.
Reserved Bits: Bits 13 & 14, and 16 - 32 are reserved. Branching Types: If the error condition calls for a GOSUB, then after the ERRORP program is executed, program control returns to the point at which the error occurred. If you do not want to return to the point at which the error occurred, you can use the HALT command to end program execution or you can use the GOTO command to go to a different program. If the error condition calls for a GOTO, there is no way to return to the point at which the error occurred. Example:
; Define error program err1 ; If the error is a hard limit, send a message & stop program ; execution WRITE"Hard Limit Hit" ; Write Hard Limit Hit message HALT ; Terminate program execution NIF ; End IF statement IF(ER=b0X1) ; If the error is a soft limit, back off the soft limit, ; reset position, & continue D~,~,~,~ ; Change direction in preparation to back off the soft limit D1,1,1,1 ; Set distance to 1 step (just far enough to back off the soft ; limit) GO1111 ; Initiate the 1-step move to back off the soft limit PSET0,0,0,0 ; Reset the position to zero NIF ; End IF statement END ; End definition of error program err1 ERRORP err1 ; Set error program to err1. Branch to err1 upon receiving a hard ; or soft limit ERROR01100000 ; Set error condition bits to look for hard limit or a soft limit
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Stall Backlash Deadband (ESDB) command establishes the maximum number of encoder steps that a move can fall behind after a change in direction before stall detection is initiated. If there is no change in direction, the stall backlash deadband value will not be used to determine if there is a stall condition. A stall can be detected in either encoder step mode (ENC1) or motor step mode (ENC). To use the stall backlash deadband, stall detection (ESTALL) must be enabled. A stall condition will be recorded by bit 12 of the axis status register. The TAS command can be used to get the axis status response.
Example: Refer to the enable stall detect (ESTALL) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Kill on Stall
Encoder Configuration <!><@><a>ESK<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 0 ESK: *ESK0000 1ESK: *1ESK0 DRES, ENC, ERES, ESDB, ESTALL Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Kill on Stall (ESK) command will immediately stop pulses from being sent to an axis when a stall has been detected. Stall detect (ESTALL) must also be enabled before the ESK command will have any affect.
Example: Refer to the enable stall detect (ESTALL) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Encoder Configuration <!><@><a>ESTALL<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 0 ESTALL: *ESTALL0000 1ESTALL: *1ESTALL0 [ AS ], DRES, ENC, [ ER ], ERES, ESDB, ESK, TAS, TER
The Enable Stall Detect (ESTALL) command determines if stall conditions will be checked. A stall condition will occur if the actual number of encoder counts received is less than expected for each motor step output segment. The number of encoder counts expected is determined by dividing the encoder resolution (ERES) by 100. The motor step output segment is determined by dividing the drive resolution (DRES) by 50. (Previous to revision 1.4 of the AT6n00 and revision 1.5 of the 6200, the stall detect algorithm would divide ERES by 50 and subtract 10, instead of dividing by 100.)
Command Descriptions
For example, given an encoder resolution (ERES) of 4000 and a drive resolution (DRES) of 25000, the number of encoder counts expected for each motor step output segment = 4000 = 40. The motor step
output segment =
25000 50
= 500. Therefore, during a move, after every 500 motor steps are sent out, the
controller checks to see if it received 40 encoder counts. If it did, then everything is O.K. If not, then a stall condition exists. When a stall condition occurs, it is reported in bit 12 in the AS and TAS axis status commands. Stalls can be detected in either encoder step mode (ENC1) or motor step mode (ENC). To accurately detect a stall, the drive resolution (DRES) and the encoder resolution (ERES) must be properly set.
DRES25000,25000 ; Motor/drive resolution set to 25000 steps/rev on axes 1 and 2 ERES4000,4000 ; Encoder resolution set to 4000 post-quadrature counts/rev on ; axes 1 & 2 SCALE1 ; Enable scaling SCLA25000,25000 ; Set the acceleration scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit on ; axes 1 and 2 SCLV25000,25000 ; Set velocity scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit on axes 1 and 2 SCLD1,1 ; Set the distance scaling factor to 1 step/unit on axes 1 and 2 ESDB10,10 ; Stall backlash set to 10 motor steps on axes 1 and 2 ENC11XX ; Encoder step mode for axes 1 and 2 ESTALL11XX ; Enable stall detection on axes 1 and 2 ESK11XX ; Enable kill on stall for axes 1 and 2 MA00XX ; Incremental index mode for axes 1 and 2 MC00XX ; Preset index mode for axes 1 and 2 A10,12 ; Set the acceleration to 10 and 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 and 2 V1,1 ; Set the velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 and 2 D100000,1000 ; Set the distance to 100000 and 1000 units for axes 1 and 2 GO11 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2: ; Axis 1 will move 100000 encoder steps ; Axis 2 will move 1000 encoder steps ; (If, at any time during the above moves, any of the actual ; encoder counts fall behind a stall condition will be flagged, ; and motion will stop on the appropriate axis.)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Controller Configuration FASTAT<i>,<i> First integer (i) is the block number Second (i) is the configuration option number (1-23) First i = 3-8 for AT6n50, or 7-8 for AT6n00 Second i = 1-23 n/a (no customization (see description below) INDAX, SSFR, TANI, TANV, TAS, TDAC, TFB, TFS, [ TIM ], TIMST, TIN, TINO, TINT, TLIM, TNMCY, TOUT, TPANI, TPC, TPCA, TPCC, TPCE, TPER, TPMAS, TPSHF, TSS, TUS, TVEL, TVELA
Bus-based controllers have eight status area blocks of 8 words each. The default contents of each block are listed in the tables below (one table for servo products, one table for stepper products). You can use the FASTAT command to configure fast status area blocks to report other status information (you may customize blocks 3-8 on servo products, and blocks 7 & 8 on stepper products).
A fast status register is available to read various controller status data. The register occupies two bytes and is addressed two locations above the base address. For example, if the base address is at 300 Hex (768 decimal), the fast status register is at 302 Hex & 303 Hex (770 & 771 decimal). Once a particular block is pointed to (by writing to Base+2), sequential reads from Base+2 and Base+3 will increment the pointer within the block. For instance, after reading the commanded position of axis 2, the next item read is the commanded position for axis 3. After reading the last item of a block, the pointer wraps around to the beginning of the block (i.e., axis 1 commanded/motor position).
TIP: The DOS support disk that ships with your product contains sample programs (see SAMPLES sub-directory) that access the data in the fast status registers.
Block 3
Box indicates customizable area of the fast status register. (Blocks 38)
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 8
Limits Bit Assignments (from block 5): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 = = = = = = = = = = = = Axis 1 positive hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 1 negative hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 2 positive hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 2 negative hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 3 positive hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 3 negative hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 4 positive hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 4 negative hardware end-of-travel limit Axis 1 home limit Axis 2 home limit Axis 3 home limit Axis 4 home limit
NOTE: These bits report the current state of the input, not necessarily whether a limit has been encountered.
Command Descriptions
Block 2
Block 3
Velocity (steps/sec)
Block 4
Block 5
Input Status for 28 inputs (bits 0-27) see TIN Output Status for 24 outputs (bits 0-23) see TOUT Limits see Limits Bit Assignments table above Other Input Status see TINO Analog Voltage, channel 4,3,2,1 see TANV Interrupt Status see TINT System Status see TSS User Status see TUS Time Frame Mark (2ms timer) Programmable Timer Value see TIMST Motor position captured with trigger A, axis 1 see TPCMA Motor position captured with trigger A, axis 2 Motor position captured with trigger A, axis 3 Motor position captured with trigger A, axis 4 Motor position captured with trigger B, axis 1 see TPCMB Motor position captured with trigger B, axis 2 Motor position captured with trigger B, axis 3 Motor position captured with trigger B, axis 4
Block 6
Block 7
Block 8
Customizing the Fast Status Register The number of customizable blocks differs between servo (AT6n50) and a stepper (AT6n00) products: AT6n50: You can customize status blocks 3-8 (blocks 1 & 2 may not be changed). AT6n00: You can customize status blocks 7 & 8 (blocks 1-6 may not be changed). The FASTAT command syntax is FASTAT<i>,<i>. In the first data field (<i>), enter the number of the block you wish to change. In the second data field, enter the number of the content option (see table below). For example, the FASTAT5,6 command configures block #5 to report the position error (content option #6). To check the current configuration of all blocks in the status area, type FASTAT followed by a carriage return; the controller will respond with the current option number selected for each block. To check the configuration of one block, type FASTATi (i = number of block in question) followed by a carriage return. It takes one system update period to process the FASTAT command and re-configure the fast status blocks. If using the AT6n50 refer to the table in the SSFR command description to determine the system update period (affected by the SSFR and INDAX command settings). For the AT6n00, one system update period is 2ms.
Option # 1 2 3
Information Provided * Commanded velocity (counts/sec) Axis status Programmable input status (including triggers) Programmable output status (including aux. outputs) Limit status (hardware end-of-travel and home) Other input status (joystick and enable) A/D analog input voltage (joystick connector) Interrupt status System status User status Time frame-mark (system update units see SSFR) Time value (milliseconds) ANI input counts (ANI option only) (819 ADC counts/volt) Commanded DAC counts (2048 DAC counts/10 volts) Position error (counts) Following status Actual velocity (feedback device counts/sec) Captured commanded/motor position via trigger A (counts) Captured commanded/motor position via trigger B (counts) Captured commanded/motor position via trigger C (counts) Captured commanded/motor position via trigger D (counts) Captured actual position via trigger A (counts) Captured actual position via trigger B (counts) Captured actual position via trigger C (counts) Captured actual position via trigger D (counts) Captured ANI value via trigger A (ADC counts) Captured ANI value via trigger B (ADC counts) Captured ANI value via trigger C (ADC counts) Captured ANI value via trigger D (ADC counts) Following master cycle position Following master cycle number Following net shift
Equivalent to Size (words) TVEL TAS TIN TOUT ** TINO TANV TINT TSS TUS n/a TIM TANI TDAC TPER TFS TVELA TPCCA/TPCMA TPCCB/TPCMB TPCCC/TPCMC TPCCD/TPCMD TPCEA TPCEB TPCEC TPCED TPCAA TPCAB TPCAC TPCAD TPMAS TNMCY TPSHF 2x4 2x1 2x1 2x1 1x1 1x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 1x1 1x1 2x1 1x4 1x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 *
Motion data in the fast status area is never scaled. Any data that is not applicable (e.g., 3rd and 4th axis information for AT6250 & AT6200) will be zeros. ** Refer to the Limits Bit Assignments table above. *** Available for stepper product revisions 3.0 and higher. Example:
[ FB ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the FB command to assign the value of one of the current feedback devices to a variable or to make a comparison. Depending on the configuration of the SFB command, the feedback device could be an encoder or an ANI analog input (-ANI option only), or an LDT if using the 6270, or an internal resolver if using the 615n. The 6270 cannot accept encoder feedback on axis 2. If you issue a PSET command, the feedback device position value will be offset by the PSET command value.
Command Descriptions
If scaling is not enabled, the position values returned will be encoder, LDT, resolver or ANI counts. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the encoder, LDT, resolver and ANI values will be scaled by the SCLD value. Syntax: VARn=aFB where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [FB] can be used in an expression such as IF(1FB<6). An axis specifier must precede the FB command, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1FB, IF(1FB<2, etc.).
; ; ; ; ; ;
Feedback for axis is encoder #1; feedback for axis two is LDT #2 Assign position (scalable) of LDT #2 (axis 2) to variable #6 If position (scalable) of encoder #1 (axis 1) is less than 500, do the commands following the IF statement until the NIF command Set variable #4 equal to current position of encoder plus 1,000 End of IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following Filter
Following <!><@><a>FFILT<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = filtering level i = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 0 FFILT *FFILT0,0,0,0 1FFILT *1FFILT0 FMAXA, FMAXV, FPPEN Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
The FFILT command specifies the bandwidth of the low pass filter applied to the measurements of master position. This command is to be used in these situations:
Measurement of master position is contaminated by either electrical noise (when analog input is the master) or mechanical vibration. Measurement noise is minimal, but the motion that occurs on the master input is oscillatory. In this case, using the filter can prevent the oscillatory signal from propagating into the slave axis (i.e., ensuring smoother motion on the slave axis).
The table below shows how the value of the FFILT command specifies the low pass filter's bandwidth:
FFILT Setting Low pass Filter Bandwidth
0 1 2 3 4
120 Hz 80 Hz 50 Hz 20 Hz
Increasing the FFILT command value increases the filtering effect (lowers the bandwidth), but also increases the phase tracking error of the slave axis, resulting in a phase lag. Therefore, if an application requires high slave tracking accuracy, do not use heavy filtering. However, if slave tracking error is not critical, then you can increase master filtering to help alleviate sensor noise or master vibration problems.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FMAXA command sets the maximum acceleration for slave axes. The FMAXA command is scaled by the SCLA parameter. As part of a ramp to new ratio, or simply following an accelerating master at constant ratio, a slave may be required to accelerate. If the required acceleration is larger than FMAXA, the slave will begin falling behind its commanded position. The 6000 controller will attempt to make up this position error as soon as the commanded accel falls below FMAXA. In stepper controllers, an error correction velocity is added to that implied by the commanded ratio. The velocity used to make up the error is limited to that specified with EPMV. As with FMAXV, FMAXA should be determined and defined early in the development stage of an application to prevent any damage to the load on the slave axis when unexpectedly high accelerations are commanded. The torque available from the slave motor will also be a determining factor in this parameter in order to prevent motor stalls.
FMAXA75,100 ;Set axis 1 maximum slave acceleration to 75 user units and axis 2 ; maximum acceleration to 100 user units.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FMAXV command sets the maximum velocity at which slave axes may travel. The FMAXV command accepts numeric variables (VAR) as an argument and is scaled by the SCLV parameter. Normally in a Following application, the slave velocities will be known based on the normal speed of the master and the commanded Following ratios (FOLRN and FOLRD). In some cases, however, the master speed may be higher than normal, the slave may be commanded to perform a shift move, or some other event may occur which will cause the slave to travel at a velocity higher than expected. In these cases, the 6000 controller will increase the speed of the slave as necessary to perform the required move, but only up to the FMAXV value. If the commanded speed is higher than FMAXV, the slave axis will start falling behind its commanded position. The 6000 controller will attempt to make up this position error as soon as the commanded speed falls below FMAXV. In stepper controllers, an error correction velocity is automatically added to that implied by the commanded ratio. The velocity used to overcome the error is limited to that specified with EPMV. The FMAXV value should be determined and defined early in the development stage of an application to prevent any damage to the load on the slave axis when unexpectedly high velocities are commanded.
;Set the axis 1 slave maximum velocity to 15 user units and ; axis 2 slave maximum velocity to 20 user units.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following <!><@><a>FMCLEN<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = master distance units (scalable) r = 0 - 999,999,999 (scalable with SCLMAS) 0 FMCLEN *FMCLEN0,0,0,0 1FMCLEN *1FMCLEN0 FMCNEW, FMCP, FOLEN, [ FS ], GOWHEN, [ PMAS ], SCLMAS, TFS, TPMAS, WAIT
The FMCLEN command defines the length of the master cycle in user units. This value is scaled by the SCLMAS parameter. Numeric variables (VAR) can be used with this command. The initial value for FMCLEN is zero (FMCLEN), which means that the default master cycle length is the maximum internal size (4,294,967,296). The concept of a master cycle may be useful when moves or other events must be initiated at certain master positions in a repetitive cycle. By specifying a master cycle length, periodic actions may be programmed in a loop or with subroutines which refer to cycle positions, even if the master runs continuously. It is possible to program the 6000 controller to suspend program operation or delay moves until specified master cycle positions. The master cycle length, FMCLEN, should be defined before the functions which wait for periodic master cycle positions are used. An axis need not be in Following mode (FOLEN1) to utilize the concept of a master cycle. However, master positions will not be measured until a master has been assigned with the FOLMAS command.
Example (refer also to FOLEN example #2):
SCLMAS4000,16000 ; Set the master scale factors: axis 1 = 4000; axis 2 = 16000 FMCLEN3,(VAR2) ; Set axis 1 master cycle length to 3 user units, and axis 2 ; to the value of variable 2 times the SCLMAS value
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following <!><@><a>FMCNEW<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (do not restart), 1 (restart immediately), or X (don't change) n/a n/a FMCLEN, FMCP, GOWHEN, [ NMCY ], [ PMAS ], TPMAS, TRGFN, WAIT
The FMCNEW1 command restarts master cycle counting. This sets the master cycle position (PMAS) to the value most recently specified with FMCP, and sets the master cycle number (NMCY) to zero. The master cycle position and the master cycle number are set immediately, and program flow continues normally. The function of the FMCNEW1 command can be initiated with a trigger input by specifying a TRGFNcx1 command. If the FMCNEW1 command is used, master cycle counting is restarted immediately, if TRGFNcx1 is used, the 6000 controller will record the instruction to set the master cycle position when the specified trigger occurs. In this case, the master cycle counting is restarted when the specified trigger is activated, even though commands continue to execute and the master cycle counting continues.
FMCNEW or FMCNEW1 will remove the status of master cycle restart pending a trigger input (TRGFNcx1). In the case of FMCNEW, no restart will occur, and the specified trigger will not cause a new cycle restart. Furthermore, if there is a trigger-based restart pending on axis X, and on axis Y a GOWHEN condition is specified based on PMAS of axis X, then issuing an FMCNEW on axis X will clear the pending trigger on axis X and will also clear the pending GOWHEN on axis Y.
A new cycle automatically occurs (i.e., the master cycle position is set to zero, not the FMCP value), when the master cycle length (FMCLEN) is reached, even if no FMCNEW command has been executed.
; Display master position: response is *TPMAS12.2,0.5 ; Start new master cycle for axes 1 and 2 ; Display master position: response is *0,0
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FMCP command defines the initial master cycle position in user units. The initial master cycle position is assigned as the current master cycle position each time master cycle counting is restarted with the FMCNEW or TRGFNcx1 command. This value is scaled by the SCLMAS parameter. Numeric variables (VAR) can be used with this command. The default value for FMCP is zero (FMCP), which means that the master cycle position will be zero when master cycle counting is restarted (see FMCNEW). The concept of an initial master cycle position may be useful if a new master cycle position counting must be restarted at a master position which is different from what needs to be considered the zero position of a periodic cycle. The initial position defined with FMCP applies to the first cycle only. When a master cycle is complete, the master cycle position rolls over to zero. A negative value would be used if some master travel were desired before master cycle position was zero. A positive value would be used if it was necessary to enter the first master cycle at a position greater than zero. For example, suppose FMCLEN was set to 20 and FMCP was set to 7. When master cycle position counting is restarted, either via FMCNEW1 or the specified trigger (TRGFNcx1), the initial master cycle position will be 7. Rollover will occur after the master travels 13 more units, and the master cycle position would go to zero.
; Set the initial master cycle position to -2 for axis 1 ; and to 7 for axis 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FOLEN command indicates whether subsequent moves on the specified axes will be following a master (FOLEN1) or normal time-based moves (FOLEN0). The term Following mode means that FOLEN1 has been given, and that the motion of the slave is dependent on the motion of the master at all times. If FOLEN0 is given, the motion of the master is still monitored, but the motion of the slave is independent of the master. To move in the Following mode, the master must be previously specified with the FOLMAS command. Enabling the Following mode (FOLEN1) will set the net position shift value (reported by TPSHF and PSHF) to zero. This is true even if the slave is already in Following mode. Servo Users: S-Curve profiling is not operational during Following moves.
RESTRICTIONS ON USING FOLEN The FOLEN command may not be executed during certain conditions (results in the error message NOT VALID DURING RAMP). You may not enable Following (FOLEN1) on an axis that is in motion, waiting for a GOWHEN condition, or operating in the Joystick mode (JOY1) or Jog mode (JOG1). You may not disable Following (FOLEN0) on an axis that is in motion (unless moving at ratio in continuous mode, MC1, and not shifting) or waiting for a GOWHEN condition.
Command Descriptions
FOLEN Examples
Example #1: The 6000 product is controlling a rotary drive, the master is a 1000-line incremental encoder mounted on the back of an externally controlled motor, and programming units are to be revs/second (rps).
Stepper Products:
The slave will start ramping to a ratio of 1:1 when trigger #1 goes active. This means the actual step ratio of slave to master is 25000 to 4000, or 6.25 slave steps for every master. After 25 master revolutions, the slave will decelerate to a 0.5:1 ratio (3.125 slave steps for every master). After a total of 75 master revolutions, the slave will ramp to zero ratio (i.e., stop) and repeat the cycle when trigger #1 is activated. All ramps to new ratios, including zero ratio, take place over one master revolution.
Scaling Set Up: (prior to defining program)
SCALE1 SCLD25000 SCLMAS4000 ; ; ; ; Enable scaling Set slave distance scale factor to 25,000 steps/rev (assumes a motor/drive res of 25,000 steps/rev) Set master scale factor to 4000 steps/rev
Servo Products:
The slave will start ramping to a ratio of 1:1 when trigger #1 goes active. This means the actual step ratio of slave to master is 4000 to 4000, or 1 slave steps for every master. After 25 master revolutions, the slave will decelerate to a 0.5:1 ratio (0.5 slave steps for every master). After a total of 75 master revolutions, the slave will ramp to zero ratio (i.e., stop) and repeat the cycle when trigger #1 is activated. All ramps to new ratios, including zero ratio, take place over one master revolution.
Scaling Set Up: (prior to defining program)
SCALE1 SCLD4000 SCLMAS4000 ; ; ; ; Enable scaling Set slave distance scale factor to 4,000 steps/rev (assumes an encoder resolution of 4,000 steps/rev) Set master scale factor to 4000 steps/rev
Example #2:
Stepper Products:
The master is an encoder mounted to gearing on a conveyor line. The gearing results in 16,000 encoder steps per conveyor inch. The slave on axis one is a 25,000 step/rev microstepper on a 36" long, 4-pitch leadscrew. The slave waits for the product to be sensed on the conveyor, accelerates to a 1-to-1 ratio, waits for a safe location to actuate the stamping equipment, then applies an inked stamp to the product at the correct location. After the stamp is placed, the slave quickly moves back to the starting position and waits for the next product. Note that this example illustrates how the WAIT command can be used to wait for master cycle positions in order to coordinate motion. Scaling Set Up: (prior to defining program)
SCALE1 SCLA100000 SCLV100000 SCLD100000 SCLMAS1600 ; ; ; ; ; Enable scaling Set accel scaling: 100,000 steps/inch Set velocity scaling: 100,000 steps/inch Set slave distance scaling: 100,000 steps/inch Set master scale factor to 16000 steps/inch to program in inches
Servo Products:
The master is an encoder mounted to gearing on a conveyor line. The gearing results in 16,000 encoder steps per conveyor inch. The slave on axis one is a 4,000 step/rev servo on a 36" long, 4pitch leadscrew. The slave waits for the product to be sensed on the conveyor, accelerates to a 1to-1 ratio, waits for a safe location to actuate the stamping equipment, then applies an inked stamp to the product at the correct location. After the stamp is placed, the slave quickly moves back to the starting position and waits for the next product. Note that this example illustrates how the WAIT command can be used to wait for master cycle positions in order to coordinate motion. Scaling Set Up: (prior to defining program)
SCALE1 SCLA16000 SCLV16000 SCLD16000 SCLMAS16000 ; ; ; ; ; Enable scaling Set accel scaling: 16,000 steps/inch Set velocity scaling: 16,000 steps/inch Set slave distance scaling: 16,000 steps/inch Set master scale factor to 16,000 steps/inch to program in inches
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following Kill
Following <!>FOLK<b><b><b><b> n/a b= 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 FOLK *FOLK0000 DRIVE, [ ER ], ERROR, FOLEN, FOLRD, FOLRN, FOLMAS, FOLMD, FSHFC, FSHFD, INFNC, K, [ PSHF ], SMPER, TER Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a 4.5 n/a 4.5 n/a 4.5 4.5
Under default operation (FOLK0), certain error conditions (i.e., drive fault input active, or max. position error limit exceeded) will cause the 6000 controller to disable the drive (i.e., remove torque) and to kill the Following profile (slaves commanded position loses synchronization with the master). If you enable Following Kill (FOLK1), these error conditions will still disable the drive (DRIVE0), but will not kill the Following profile. Because the Following profile is still running, the controller keeps track of what the slaves position should be in the Following trajectory. To resume Following operation, resolve the error condition (drive fault, excessive position error), enable the drive (DRIVE1), and command the controller to impose a shift to compensate for the lapse/shift that occurred while the drive was disabled and the slave was not moving. To impose the shift, assign the negative of the internally monitored shift value (PSHF) to a variable (e.g., VAR1 = -1 * PSHF) and command the shift using a variable substitution in the FSHFD command (e.g., FSHFD(VAR1)). The FOLK command only preserves Following profiles; normal velocity-based profiles will be killed regardless of the FOLK command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following <!><@><a>FOLMAS<ii>,<ii>,<ii>,<ii> 1st i = master axis #; 2nd i = master count source; sets direction of master counts relative to direction of actual master count source 1st i = 1-4 (axis); 2nd i = 1 (encoder), 2 (ANI input), 3 (LDT), or 4 (commanded position) +0 (disable from being a Following slave) FOLMAS *FOLMAS+0,+0,+0,+0 1FOLMAS *1FOLMAS+0 ENC, FOLEN, FOLK, FOLMD, FOLRD, FOLRN, FOLRNF, [ FS ], TFS
Each data field (ii) configures that axis as a slave following the specified master count source. In the syntax for each slave axis (ii), the sign bit sets the direction of master counting relative to the actual direction of the counts as received from the master count source. The first i selects the axis number of the master you are assigning to the slave, and the second i selects the count source of that master axis. If a zero () is placed in the data field (ii), that axis becomes a normal non-Following axis. The availability of master count sources differs by product, as indicated in the table below.
Product AT6n00, 620n, & OEM6200 AT6n50, 625n & OEM6250 610n 615n 6270 Options for Second i 1Encoder 4Commanded (motor) position 1Encoder 2ANI input (ANI option only) 4Commanded position 1Encoder 1Encoder 2ANI input (ANI option only) 1Encoder (axis 1 only) 2ANI input (6270-ANI only) 3LDT 4Commanded position Measurement * Encoder counts Motor counts Encoder counts ADC counts Feedback device counts Encoder counts Encoder counts ADC counts Encoder counts ADC counts LDT counts Feedback device counts
* If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the measurement of the master is scaled by the SCLMAS value.
A slave axis cannot use its own feedback device or commanded position as the
master input.
Multiple axes may be slaved to the same count source (e.g., encoder) from the same
master. However, multiple axes may not be slaved to different count sources (e.g., encoder and commanded position) from the same master.
As an example, the FOLMAS+31,-12,, command sets up these parameters: Slave axis #1 is set up as follows (+31): Encoder #3 is assigned as the master to slave axis #1. The positive sign bit indicates that master counts will count in the same direction as encoder #3. Slave axis #2 is set up as follows (-12): ANI input #1 is assigned as the master to slave axis #2. The negative sign bit indicates that the master counts will count in the opposite direction of the sign of the voltage change on ANI input #1. Axes 3 and 4 are not affected.
NOTE The FOLMAS command configures an axis to be a slave, but does not automatically enable Following. To enable Following use the FOLEN1 command. To enable slave motion, enable Following (FOLEN1), issue a ratio (FOLRN and FOLRD), and issue the GO command.
As soon as the master is specified with the FOLMAS command, a continuously updated relationship is maintained between the slave's position and the master's position. Also, master velocity is continuously measured. For steppers only, the configuration of the slave axis is used in the implementation of the step output, so several commands need to be executed before FOLMAS; they are ENC, DRES, ERES, and PULSE. Notice that the master axis number does not need to be the same as the slave axis number. (For example, given FOLMAS21,44,,31, axis 1 is slave to the encoder input on axis #2, axis #2 is slave to the commanded output of axis #4, axis #3 is not configured as a slave, and axis 4 is slave to the encoder input of axis #3.) There are several applications in which a minus sign in the FOLMAS command is used. A minus sign should be used whenever the master is moving in the desired positive direction and yet the 6000 controller actually perceives the master to be moving in the negative direction. For example, this can occur when the master input device is mounted on the opposite side of a conveyor. Putting a minus sign in front of the master parameter specification in the FOLMAS command causes the incoming master signal to be negated before it is used by the slave. The term master count refers to the count after negation, if any. For preset slave moves, the direction the slave travels depends on the mode of operation (absolute or incremental) and the commanded position. However, once a preset slave move is commanded, it will only start moving if the master is moving in the positive direction. This is true no matter the commanded direction of the slave move. For continuous slave moves, the master count direction has a different effect. If the commanded move is positive in direction and the master is counting up, the actual slave travel direction will be positive. If the commanded move is positive in direction and the master is counting down, the actual slave travel direction will be negative. Similar cases exist for slave moves commanded in the negative direction.
Example: (refer also to the FOLEN examples) FOLMAS31,31 : Define axis 1 and 2 to be slaves to the encoder signal received ; on axis 3. Axis 3 encoder is the master for axis 1 and 2.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Master Distance
Following <!><@><a>FOLMD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> i = distance in steps i = 999,999,999 (scalable by SCLMAS) 0 FOLMD *FOLMD0,0,0,0 1FOLMD *FOLMD0 FOLEN, FOLK, FOLRN, FOLRNF, FOLRD, MC, [ PMAS ], SCLMAS, TPMAS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
If a slave is in continuous positioning mode (MC1), FOLMD is the master distance over which acceleration or deceleration from the current ratio to the new ratio takes place. Or, if a slave is in preset positioning mode (MC), the FOLMD command indicates the master distance over which the next preset move will take place. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the FOLMD value is specified in user units and is scaled by the SCLMAS parameter. Numeric variables (VAR) can be used with this command (e.g., FOLMD12,(VAR6),3,6). By carefully specifying accurate master distances for each ramp of a slave's move profile, a precise position relationship between master and slave will be maintained during all phases of the profile. The Master and Slave Distance Calculation section in the Following chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide discusses the relationship between ratio changes and the corresponding master and slave distances.
HINT: If a slave is in continuous mode (MC1) and the master is starting from rest, setting FOLMD to will ensure precise tracking of the master's acceleration ramp. This is how the trackball application example is written in the Following chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Examples: (refer also to FOLEN example #2)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable parameter scaling Master scale factor is 4000 steps/rev Slave scale factor is 4000 steps/rev Axis 3 encoder is the master for axis 1 Assign Following acceleration distance to 0 master revs (i.e., instantaneous) Set slave-to-master Following ratio numerator to 1 Set slave-to-master Following ratio denominator to 1 Ratio set to 1:1 Enable Following on axis #1 Set direction to opposite direction of the master Begin following master. If the master is not moving, slave will remain at rest until master moves, at which time the slave will track the master precisely, but in the opposite direction as the master.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FOLRD command establishes the denominator of a ratio between slave and master travel. (Ratios are always specified as positive, similar to velocity.) For a preset move (MC), it is the maximum allowed ratio, and for a continuous move (MC1), it is the final ratio reached by the slave. The actual slave direction will depend on commanded moves (D+ or D-) and master direction. If no FOLRD parameter is specified, it is assumed to be 1. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the FOLRD value is scaled by the SCLMAS value. Numeric variables (VAR) can be used with this command for master parameters (e.g., FOLRD(VAR5),5).
Each time FOLRN or FOLRD are given, the 6000 controller divides the scaled numerator and denominator to calculate the ratio, but roundoff errors are eliminated by measuring both master and slave over a large distance. After scaling, the maximum magnitude of the ratio is 127 slave steps for every master step. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES (as of revision 4.0): You can change Following ratio on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate command (!FOLRD) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered command (FOLRD) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
Example: (refer also to the FOLEN examples)
; ; ; ; ; ;
Set slave scaling factor to 25,000 Set master scaling factor to 4,000 Enable scaling Set ratio numerator to 5 (5 * 25,000 = 125,000) Set ratio denominator to 3 (3 * 4,000 = 12,000) (Resulting ratio is 125 slave steps to every 12 master steps.)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FOLRN command establishes the numerator of a ratio between slave and master travel. (Ratios are always specified as positive, similar to velocity.) For a preset move (MC), it is the maximum allowed ratio, and for a continuous move (MC1), it is the final ratio reached by the slave. The actual slave direction will depend on commanded moves (D+ or D-) and master direction. If no FOLRN parameter is specified, it is assumed to be 1. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the FOLRN value is scaled by the SCLD value. Numeric variables (VAR) can be used with this command for slave parameters (e.g., FOLRN(VAR2),5). Each time FOLRN or FOLRD are given, the 6000 controller divides the scaled numerator and denominator to calculate the ratio, but roundoff errors are eliminated by measuring both master and slave over a large distance. After scaling, the maximum magnitude of the ratio is 127 slave steps for every master step. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES (as of revision 4.0): You can change Following ratio on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate command (!FOLRN) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered command (FOLRN) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
Example: refer to the FOLRD and FOLEN examples
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following; Compiled Motion <!><@><a>FOLRNF<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = slave distance in steps 0.00000 0 FOLRNF *FOLRNF1,1,1,1 1FOLRNF *1FOLRNF1 FOLEN, FOLRD, FOLRN, FOLMD, SCLD,
The Numerator of Final Slave-to-Master Ratio, Preset Moves (FOLRNF) command establishes the numerator of the final ratio between slave and master travel. (Ratios are always specified as positive, similar to velocity.) The FOLRNF command designates that the motor will move the load the distance designated in a preset GOBUF
Command Descriptions
segment, completing the move at a final ratio of zero. FOLRNF applies only to the first subsequent GOBUF, which marks an intermediate end of move within a following profile. FOLRNF is used only in conjunction with the GOBUF command. Normal preset GO moves always finish with zero FOLRNF. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the FOLRNF value is scaled by the SCLD value. For the Revision 4.0 release of the 6000 series, the only allowable value for FOLRNF is , and it may only be used with compiled preset Following moves (a non-zero FOLRNF value will result in an immediate error message). FOLRNF is allowed for a segment only if the starting ratio is also zero, i.e., it must be the first segment, or the previous segment must have ended in zero ratio. With compiled preset Following moves where FOLRNF has not been given, the final ratio is given with FOLRN, and the shape of the intermediate profile will be constrained to be within the starting and ending ratios. For more information on using the FOLRNF command, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following <!><@><a>FOLSND<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (quadrature signal), 1 (step & direction) or X (don't care) 0 FOLSND: *FOLSND0000 1FOLSND: *1FOLSND0 CNTE, FOLEN
Use the FOLSND command to specify the functionality of the encoder input.
FOLSND0......(default setting) accept a quadrature signal from an encoder FOLSND1......Accept step and direction signals. The count is registered on a positive edge of a
transition for a signal measured on encoder channel A+ and A- connections. The direction of the count is specified by the signal on encoder channel B+ and Bconnections. Therefore, you should connect your step and direction input device as follows: Connect Step+ to A+, Step- to A-, Direction+ to B-, and Direction- to B+. NOTE: The FOLSND1 feature may not be used while the Hardware Counter Input feature is enabled with CNTE1. 615n: This feature is applicable only to the external encoder input.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The FPPEN command enables or disables Master Position Prediction in the 6000 controller Following algorithm. Master Position Prediction is enabled by default, but can be disabled as desired with the FPPEN command. The 6000 controller measures master position once per position sample period and calculates a corresponding slave commanded position. This calculation, and achieving the subsequent slave commanded
position, requires 2 sample periods. (Steppers: position sample period is 2 ms. Servos: position sample period is determined by the current SSFR and INDAX values see table in SSFR command description.) Enabling Master Position Prediction (FPPEN1) eliminates any lag in slave position which would be dependent on master speed. It may be desirable to disable Master Position Prediction (FPPEN) when maximum slave smoothness is important and minor phase delays can be accommodated. A detailed discussion of Master Position Prediction is given in the Following chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Feedrate Override Enable (FR) command enables feedrate override on all axes. The feedrate override percentage can be determined either through hardware (except OEM-AT6n00) or through software (FRPER command). To use the analog inputs to control the feedrate override percentage, use the FR1 command. With the FR1 command, the channel number specified is used in the FRH command or the FRL command, depending on the level of the channel select input, to determine which analog channel will scale the motion velocity. The analog input can go from VDC to 2.5VDC. The motion velocity will be scaled by the percentage of analog input voltage, VDC equaling %, 2.5VDC equaling 100%. The JOYEDB command will set the end deadband for feedrate override.
Timer Functions Scaled: All timer functions will be scaled when feedrate override is enabled. For example, a T5 command at a 50% feedrate (FRPER5) will dwell for 10 seconds. Feedrate Override While Contouring: If you change the FR command setting, you will have to recompile (PCOMP) any previously compiled contouring paths.
When using feedrate override on a four-axis 6000 controller, axis 4 is used to perform the feedrate override and can no longer be used for motion. If the shutdown output is not used, you must disconnect axis 4; otherwise, motion will occur on that axis.
; When the channel select input is low, use analog input #3 ; When the channel select input is high, use analog input #4 ; Enable scaling ; Set accel scaling factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit on axes ; 1 and 2 FRA1000 ; Set the feedrate override acceleration to ; 1000 percent/sec/sec FR1 ; Enable analog feedrate override V20,20 ; Set the velocity to 20 units/sec on axes 1 and 2 MC1100 ; Mode continuous on axis 1 and axis 2 GO1100 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 ; If Channel Select input is low, and voltage on analog input 3 is ; 2.0VDC, then velocity for axes 1 & 2 will be: ; 20 units/sec x 2.0VDC/2.5VDC = 16 units/sec.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Feedrate Override Acceleration (FRA) command specifies the acceleration and deceleration to use when the velocity is changing due to a change in voltage on one of the analog inputs (FR1), or when the software feedrate override percentage (FRPER) is changing (FR2). Since the maximum value for the feedrate is 100% per second and the update is 2 ms, the maximum value for feedrate acceleration is 50000 %/sec/sec.
Example: Refer to the feedrate override enable (FR) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Feedrate Override High Channel (FRH) command specifies which analog input channel will be used when the axis select input (pin 15 of joystick connector) is high. The 6000 Series product will not use any channel if FRH is set to zero, instead it will operate at the current velocity (V value). When feedrate override is enabled for analog control (FR1), the channel number specified in the FRH command or the FRL command (depending on the level of the axis select input) is used to determine which analog channel will scale the motion velocity. The analog input can go from VDC to 2.5VDC. The motion velocity will be scaled by the percentage of analog input voltage, VDC equaling %, 2.5VDC equaling the value specified in the V command.
Example: Refer to the feedrate override enable (FR) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Feedrate Override Low Channel (FRL) command specifies which analog input channel will be used when the axis select input (pin 15 of joystick connector) is low. The 6000 Series product will not use any channel if FRL is set to zero, instead it will operate at the current velocity (V value).
When feedrate override is enabled for analog control (FR1), the channel number specified in the FRH command or the FRL command (depending on the level of the axis select input) is used to determine which analog channel will scale the motion velocity. The analog input can go from VDC to 2.5VDC. The motion velocity will be scaled by the percentage of analog input voltage, VDC equaling %, 2.5VDC equaling the value specified in the V command.
Example: Refer to the feedrate override enable (FR) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Feedrate Override Percentage (FRPER) command specifies the percentage by which motion velocity will be scaled when feedrate override is enabled (FR2). The percentage range available to scale the feedrate override by is % to 1%, or in other words % of the current velocity to 1 times the current velocity (V).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set the feedrate override acceleration to 1000 percent/sec/sec Set the feedrate override percentage at 90% Enable feedrate override Set the velocity to 20 units/sec on axes 1 and 2 Mode continuous on axis 1 and axis 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2. The velocity for axes 1 and 2 will be: 20 units/sec x .90 = 18 units/sec
[ FS ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following Status
Following; Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a Product Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n FMCLEN, FMCP, FOLEN, FOLMAS, FPPEN, FSHFC, FSHFD, MC, [ NMCY ], 625n 6270 [ PMAS ], TFS, TFSF, VARB
The Following Status (FS) command is used to assign the Following status bits for a specific axis to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. The function of each status bit is shown below. Syntax: VARBn=aFS where n is the binary variable number and a is the axis identifier, or FS can be used in an expression such as IF(1FS=b111), or IF(1FS=h7F). The FS command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1. To make a comparison against a binary value, place the letter b (b or B) in front of the value that the Following status is being compared against. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value that the Following status is being compared against. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, and the numbers through 9. If you wish to assign only one bit of the Following status to a binary variable, instead of all 32, the bit select (.) operator can be used. The bit select, in conjunction with the bit number, is used to specify a specific Following status bit (e.g., VARB1=1FS.12 assigns axis 1 status bit 12 to binary variable 1).
Command Descriptions
Function (YES = 1; NO = ) Slave in Ratio Move Ratio is Negative Slave Ratio Changing Slave At Ratio FOLMAS Active FOLEN Active Master is Moving Master Dir Neg A Following move is in progress. The current ratio is negative (i.e., the slave counts are counting in the opposite direction from the master counts). The slave is ramping from one ratio to another (including a ramp to or from zero ratio). The slave is at constant non-zero ratio. A master is specified with the FOLMAS command. Following has been enabled with the FOLEN command. The specified master is currently in motion. The current master direction is negative. (bit must be cleared to allow Following move in preset modeMC). Conditions are valid to issue shift commands ( FSHFD or FSHFC). A shift move is in progress. An FSHFC-based shift move is in progress. The direction of the shift move in progress is negative. A master cycle restart is pending the occurrence of the specified trigger. A non-zero master cycle length has been specified with the FMCLEN command. The current master cycle position (PMAS) is negative. This could be by caused by a negative initial master cycle position (FMCP), or if the master is moving in the negative direction. The master position ( PMAS) has exceeded the master cycle length (FMCLEN) at least once, causing the master cycle number (NMCY) to increment.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
OK to Shift Shifting now Shift is Continuous Shift Dir is Neg Master Cyc Trig Pend Mas Cyc Len Given Master Cyc Pos Neg
17 18
Mas Pos Prediction On Master position prediction has been enabled (FPPEN). Mas Filtering On A non-zero value for master position filtering (FFILT) is in effect.
* All these conditions must be true before Following motion will occur.
; Following status for axis 1 assigned to binary variable 1 ; Axis 1 Following status bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 ; Response if bit 12 is set to 1 should be: ; *VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX IF(4FS=b111011X11) ; If the Following status for axis 4 contains 1's for ; inputs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9, and a 0 for bit location 4, ; do the IF statement TREV ; Transfer revision level NIF ; End if statement IF(2FS=h7F00) ; If the Following status for axis 2 contains 1's for inputs 1, ; 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and 0's for every other bit location, ; do the IF statement TREV ; Transfer revision level NIF ; End if statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Continuous Shift
Following <!><@><a>FSHFC<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = shift feature to implement i = 0 (stop), 1 (positive-direction), 2 (negative-direction), or 3 (kill) n/a n/a Product Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n FOLEN, FOLK, FOLRN, FOLRNF, FOLRD, [ FS ], FSHFD, MC, [ PSHF ], 6270 TFS, TPSHF
The FSHFC command allows time-based slave moves to be superimposed on continuous Following moves. This results in a shift (change in phase) between the master position and the slave position. Continuous shift moves in the positive- or negative-direction may be commanded only while the slave is in the Following mode (FOLEN1).
Steppers only:
An FSHFC move may be performed only when the slave is in the continuous positioning mode (MC1) and performing a Following move at a constant ratio.
The most recently commanded velocity (V) and acceleration (A) for the slave axis will determine the speed at which the FSHFC move takes place. The velocity and direction of the FSHFC shift is independently superimposed on whatever velocity and direction results from the ratio and motion of the master. The FSHFC shift is not a change in ratio; rather, it is a velocity added to a ratio. The velocity commanded is added to the present speed at which the slave is moving, up to the velocity limit of the product (steppers: velocity limit may be defined with the FMAXV command). For example, assume a slave is traveling at 1 rps in the positive direction while following a master. If a FSHFC move is commanded in the positive direction at 2 rps, the slave's actual velocity (after acceleration) will be 3 rps. The FSHFC parameters stop () and kill (3) can be used to halt a continuous FSHFC move (positivedirection or negative-direction). The example below shows how to stop a FSHFC continuous move. An FSHFC move may be needed to adjust the relative slave position on the fly during the continuous Following move. For example, suppose an operator is visually inspecting the slave's motion with respect to the master. If he notices that the master and slave are out of synchronization, it may be desirable to have an interrupt programmed (e.g., activated with a push-button switch) that will allow the operator to advance or retard the slave at a super-imposed correction speed until the operator chooses to have the slave start tracking the master again. The example below shows this.
FSHFC Example:
Assume all scale factors and set-up parameters have been entered for the master and slave. In this example, the slave (axis #1) is continually following the master at a 1:1 ratio. If the operator notices some misalignment between master and slave, he can press 1 of 2 pushbuttons (connected to programmable inputs #1 and #2) to shift the slave in the positive- or negative-direction at 0.1 user scaled units until the button is released. After the adjustment, the program continues on as before.
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program called SHIFT Add or subtract 0.1 user scaled units from the slave velocity when shifting Enable input functions Continue command execution after stop Continue command execution during motion Axis 3 encoder input is the master for axis 1 Set slave-to-master Following ratio numerator to 1 Set slave-to-master Following ratio denominator to 1 (ratio set to 1:1) Enable Following mode on axis #1 Set to positive-direction Select continuous positioning mode Start following master continuously Define input pattern #1 and assign to VARB1 Define input pattern #2 and assign to VARB2 Define label called TESTIN IF statement (if input #1 is activated, do the jump) Jump to shift slave in the positive-direction when pattern 1 active End of IF statement IF statement (if input #2 is activated, do the jump) Jump to shift slave in the negative-direction when pattern 2 active End of IF statement Return to main program loop Define label called SHIFTP (subroutine to shift in the positive- direction) Start continuous slave shift move in positive-direction Continue shift until input bit #1 is deactivated Stop shift move Return to main program loop Define label called SHIFTN (subroutine to shift in the negative-direction) Start continuous slave shift move in the negative-direction Continue shift until bit #2 is deactivated Stop shift move Return to main program loop End definition of program called SHIFT
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Preset Shift
Following <!><@><a>FSHFD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = shift distance r = 0.00000 - 999,999,999 (scalable with SCLD) n/a n/a FOLEN, FOLK, FOLRN, FOLRNF, FOLRD, [ FS ], FSHFC, MC, ONCOND, [ PSHF ], SCLD, TFS, TPSHF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
The FSHFD command allows time-based slave moves to be superimposed on continuous Following moves. This results in a shift (change in phase, or registration) between the master position and the slave position. Preset shift moves of defined or variable distances, may be commanded only while the slave is in the Following mode (FOLEN1). The FSHFD distance is scaled by the SCLD value of scaling is enabled (SCALE1).
Steppers Only: An FSHFD move may be performed only when the slave is in the continuous positioning mode (MC1) and performing a Following move at a constant ratio.
The most recently commanded velocity (V) and acceleration (A) for the slave axis will determine the speed at which the FSHFD move takes place. The velocity and direction of the FSHFD shift is independently superimposed on whatever velocity and direction results from the ratio and motion of the master. The FSHFC parameters stop () and kill (3) can be used to halt an FSHFD.
It should be noted that FSHFD is similar in execution to GO. The entire preset distance shift, or ramp-to-shift velocity, must finish before the 6000 controller proceeds to the next command. The FSHFD shift is not a change in ratio; rather, it is a velocity added to a ratio. The velocity commanded will be added to the present speed at which the slave is moving, up to the velocity limit of the product (steppers: velocity limit may be defined with the FMAXV command). For example, assume a slave is traveling at 1 rps in the positive direction while following a master. If a FSHFD move is commanded in the positive direction at 2 rps, the slave's actual velocity (after acceleration) will be 3 rps. An FSHFD move may be needed to adjust the slave position on the fly because of a load condition which changes during the continuous Following move. For example, suppose an operator is visually inspecting the slave's motion with respect to the master. If the operator notices that the master and slave are out of synchronization, it may be desirable to have an input programmed (e.g., activated with a push-button switch) that will allow the operator to advance or retard the slave a fixed distance, and then let the slave resume tracking the master. The example below illustrates this.
FSHFD Example:
Assume all scale factors and set-up parameters have been entered for the master and slave. In this example, the slave (axis #1) is continually following the master at a 1:1 ratio. If the operator notices some misalignment between master and slave, he can press 1 of 2 pushbuttons (connected to programmable inputs #1 and #2) to advance or retard the slave a fixed distance of 200 steps. After the adjustment, the slave resumes tracking the master as before.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program called PSHIFT Enable input functions Continue command execution after stop Continue command execution during motion Axis 3 encoder input is the master for axis 1 Set slave-to-master Following ratio numerator to 1 Set slave-to-master Following ratio denominator to 1 (ratio set to 1:1) Enable Following mode on axis #1 Set direction to positive Select continuous positioning mode Start following master continuously Define input pattern #1 and assign to VARB Define input pattern #2 and assign to VARB Define label called TESTIN IF statement (if input #1 is activated, do the jump) Jump to shift slave in the positive-direction when pattern 1 active End of IF statement IF statement (if input #2 is activated, do the jump) Jump to shift slave in the negative-direction when pattern 2 active End of IF statement Return to main program loop Define label called SHIFTP (subroutine to shift in the positive direction) Start preset slave shift move of 200 steps in the positive direction Wait for shift to finish Return to main program loop Define label called SHIFTN (subroutine to shift in the negative direction) Start preset slave shift move of 200 steps in the negative direction Wait for shift to finish Return to main program loop End definition of program called PSHIFT
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Initiate Motion
Motion <!><@>GO<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (don't go), 1 (go), or X (don't change) 1 GO: No response, instead motion is initiated on all axes A, AA, AD, ADA, COMEXC, D, DRFLVL, GOBUF, GOWHEN, K, LH, LS, MA, MC, PSET, S, SCLA, SCLD, SCLV, SSV, TEST, V Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Initiate Motion (GO) command instructs the motor to make a move using motion parameters that have been previously entered. Several commands affect the motion that will occur when a GO is received: SCLA, SCLD, SCLV, A, AA, AD, ADA, D, V, LH, LS, MA, MC, and SSV. The GO command starts motion on any or all of the four axes. If the GO command is issued without any arguments, motion will be started on all axes. If motion does not occur after a GO command has been issued, verify the drive fault level (DRFLVL) and the limits (LH and LS). On-The-Fly (Pre-emptive GO) Motion Profiling
While motion is in progress (regardless of the positioning mode), you can change these motion parameters to affect a new profile:
Acceleration and S-curve Acceleration (A and AA) Deceleration and S-curve Deceleration (AD and ADA) Velocity (V) Distance (D) Preset or Continuous Positioning Mode Selection (MC) Incremental or Absolute Positioning Mode Selection (MA) Following Ratio Numerator and Denominator (FOLRN and FOLRD, respectively)
The motion parameters can be changed by sending the respective command (e.g., A, V, D, MC, etc.) followed by the GO command. If the continuous command execution mode is enabled (COMEXC1), you can execute buffered commands; otherwise, you must prefix each command with an immediate command identifier (e.g., !A, !V, !D, !MC, etc., followed by !GO). The new GO command pre-empts the motion profile in progress with a new profile based on the new motion parameter(s). For more information, refer to the Custom Profiling section in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
MA0000 MC0000 SCALE1 SCLA25000,25000,1,1 SCLV25000,25000,1,1 SCLD1,1,1,1 A10,12,1,2 V1,1,1,2 D100000,1000,10,100 GO1100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Incremental positioning mode on all axes Preset positioning mode on all axes Enable scaling Set the accel. scale factor on axes 1 & 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 & 4 to 1 step/unit Set the velocity scale factor on axes 1 & 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 & 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor on axes 1, 2, 3, & 4 to 1 step/unit Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, & 2 units/sec/sec on axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, & 2 units/sec on axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, & 100 units on axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 & 4 do not move
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Store a Motion Segment in Compiled Memory ( GOBUF) command creates a motion segment as part of a profile and places it in a segment of compiled memory, to be executed after all previous GOBUF motion segments have been executed. When a GOBUF command is executed, the distance from the new D command is added to the profiles current goal position as soon as the GOBUF command is executed, thus extending the overall move distance of the profile under construction.
GOBUF is not a stand-alone command; it can only be executed within compiled programs, using the PCOMP and PRUN commands.
Each GOBUF motion segment may have its own distance to travel, velocity, acceleration and deceleration. The end of a preset segment (MC) is determined by the distance or position specified; a compiled MC GOBUF motion segment is finished when the "D" goal is reached. The end of a continuous segment (MC1) is determined by the ratio or velocity specified; a compiled MC1 GOBUF motion segment is finished when the velocity or ratio goal is reached. If either a preset segment or continuous segment is followed by a compiled GOWHEN command, motion will continue at the last velocity until the GOWHEN condition becomes true, and the next segment begins. The GOBUF command is not allowed during absolute positioning mode (MA1). Starting velocity of a GOBUF segment Every GOBUF motion segment will start at a velocity equal to the previous segments end velocity. If the previous GOBUF segment uses the VF command, then it will end at zero velocity; otherwise, the end velocity will equal to the goal velocity (V) of the previous segment. Ending velocity of a GOBUF segment Preset Positioning Mode (MC) A preset motion segment starts at the previous motion segments end velocity, attempts to reach the goal velocity (V) with the programmed acceleration and deceleration (A and AD) values, and is considered completed when the distance (D) goal is reached. In non-Following motion (FOLEN), the last preset GOBUF segment always ends at zero velocity, but if you wish the velocity between intermediate GOBUF segments to end at zero velocity, use the VF command. In Following mode (FOLEN1), the last preset GOBUF segment will end with the lastspecified goal velocity, but if you wish the velocity between intermediate GOBUF segments to end at zero velocity, use the FOLRNF command. Each GOBUF will build a motion segment that, by default, becomes known as the last segment in the profile. The last motion segment in a profile must end at zero velocity. If using pre-compiled loops (PLOOP) and the loop is closed after the last GOBUF segment (PLN occurs after the last GOBUF), then the unit will not consider the last GOBUF as a final motion segment since it can link to either the first segment of the loop or the next segment after the loop. If the conditions are such that the last motion segment is within a loop and does not end at zero velocity, then an error is generated (TSS/SS bit #31 is set) at compile time (PCOMP), and the profile remains un-compiled. Continuous Positioning Mode (MC1) A continuous segment starts at the previous motion segments end velocity, and is considered complete when it reaches the goal velocity (V) at the programmed accel (A) or decel (AD) values. You may use a mode continuous (MC1) non-zero velocity segment as the last motion segment in a profile (no error will result). The axis will just continue traveling at the goal velocity. NOTE: Each GOBUF motion segment can consume from 2-8 memory segments of compiled memory. If
Command Descriptions
there is no more space left in compiled memory, a compilation error will result.
DEF simple MC0 MA0 D50000 A10 AD10 V5 GOBUF1 D30000 V2 GOBUF1 D40000 V4 GOBUF1 END
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program Preset positioning mode Preset incremental positioning mode Distance is 50000 Acceleration is 10 Deceleration is 10 Velocity is 5 1st motion segment, axis 1 Distance is 30000 Velocity is 2 2nd motion segment, axis 1 Distance is 40000 Velocity is 4 3rd motion segment, axis 1 End program definition
5 4 3 2
1 0
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Initiate Linear Interpolated Motion (GOL) command instructs the motor to make a move using motion parameters that have been previously entered. Several commands affect the motion that will occur when a GOL is received: PSCLA, PSCLV, PA, PAA, PAD, PADA, D, PV, and SCLD. The GOL command starts motion on any or all axes. If the GOL command is issued without any arguments, motion will be started on all axes. When moves are made using the GOL command, the endpoint of the linear interpolated move is determined by the D command. The accelerations, decelerations, and velocities for the individual axes are calculated internally by the 6000 Series product, so that the load is moved in a straight line at the path acceleration (PA and PAD) and velocity entered (PV). In other words, the path acceleration (PA), path average acceleration (PAA), the path deceleration (PAD), path average deceleration (PADA), and the path velocity (PV) all correspond to the rate of travel required to go to the point in space specified by the D command. All axes are to arrive at the same time; therefore, if each axis' distance is different, each axis must travel at a different rate to have each axis arrive at the same time. The 6000 Series product takes care of the calculations for each axis, you just enter the overall rate of travel. If motion does not occur after a GOL command has been issued, verify the drive fault level (DRFLVL) and the limits (LH and LS).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable scaling Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set distance scale factor to 10000 steps/unit on all axes Set the path acceleration to 25 units/sec/sec Set the path deceleration to 20 units/sec/sec Set the path velocity to 2 units/sec Set the distance to 10, 5, 2, and 11 units on axes 1-4 Initiate linear interpolated motion on all axes. A GOL command could have been issued instead of a GOL1111 command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Call a Subroutine
Program or Subroutine Definition or Program Flow Control <!>GOSUB<t> t = text (name of program/subroutine) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a n/a $, BREAK, DEF, DEL, END, ERASE, GOTO, JUMP, RUN Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Call a Subroutine (GOSUB) command branches to the corresponding program/subroutine name when executed. A subroutine name consists of 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. The subroutine that the GOSUB initiates will return control to the line after the GOSUB, when the subroutine completes operation. If an invalid subroutine name is entered, no branch will occur, and processing will continue with the line after the GOSUB. If you do not want to use the GOSUB command before the subroutine name (GOSUBsubname), you can simply use the subroutine name without the GOSUB attached to it (subname). If a subroutine is executed, and a BREAK command is received, the subroutine will return control to the calling program or subroutine immediately. Up to 16 levels of subroutine calls can be made without receiving an error.
DEF pick GO1100 END DEF place GOSUB pick GO1000 END place
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of subroutine named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 End subroutine definition Begin definition of subroutine named place Gosub to subroutine named pick Initiate motion on axis 1 End subroutine definition Execute program named place
After program place is initiated, the first thing to occur will be a gosub to program pick. Within pick, the GO command will be executed, and then control will be passed back to program place. The GO command in place will then be executed, and program execution will then terminate.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The GOTO command branches to the corresponding program name or label when executed. A program or label name consists of 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. The program or label that the GOTO initiates will not return control to the line after the GOTO when the program completes operationinstead, the program will end. This holds true unless the subroutine in which the GOTO resides was called by another program; in this case, the END in the GOTO program will initiate a return to the calling program. If an invalid program or label name is entered, the GOTO will be ignored, and processing will continue with the line after the GOTO.
Use caution when performing a GOTO between IF & NIF, or L & LN, or REPEAT & UNTIL, or WHILE & NWHILE. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next IF, L, REPEAT or WHILE statement to be nested within the previous IF, L, REPEAT or WHILE statement unless a NIF, LN, UNTIL or NWHILE command has already been encountered. If you wish to avoid this nesting situation, use the JUMP command instead of the GOTO command.
Command Descriptions
DEF pick ; Begin definition of subroutine named pick GO1100 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 END ; End subroutine definition DEF place ; Begin definition of subroutine named place GOTO pick ; Goto to subroutine named pick GO1000 ; Initiate motion on axis 1 END ; End subroutine definition place ; Execute program named place ; After the GOTO command, the GO1000 command will not be executed because a GOTO ; was issued. If a GOSUB was used instead of the GOTO statement, control would ; have been returned to the line after the GOSUB.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Conditional Go
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Motion; Following <!><@><a>GOWHEN(expression,expression,expression,expression) n/a Up to 80 characters (including parentheses) n/a n/a [ AS ], COMEXC, [ ER ], ERROR, ERRORP, [ FB ], FSHFC, FSHFD, GO, GOL, [ IN ], [ NMCY ], [ PC ], [ PE ], [ PM ], [ PMAS ], [ PSHF ], [ PSLV ], T, TAS, TER, TRGFN, WAIT
Use the GOWHEN command is used to synchronize a motion profile of an axis with a specified position count (commanded, feedback device, motor, master, slave, Following shift), input status, dwell (time delay), or master cycle number on that axis or other axes. Command processing does not wait for the GOWHEN conditions (relational expressions) to become true during the GOWHEN command. Rather, the motion from the subsequent start-motion command (GO, GOL, FSHFC, and FSHFD) will be suspended until the condition becomes true. Start-motion type commands that cannot be synchronized using the GOWHEN command are: HOM, JOG, JOY, and PRUN. A preset GO command that is already in motion can start a new profile using the GOWHEN and GO sequence of commands. Continuous moves (MC1) already in progress can change to a new velocity based upon the GOWHEN and GO sequence. Both preset and continuous moves can be started from rest with the GOWHEN and GO sequence.
GOWHEN Syntax:
Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3
GOWHEN (expression),(expression),(expression),
Relational Expression Syntax:
. . .
P o s s ib le O p e ra to rs: FB....... Feedback device position NMCY... Master cycle num ber PC....... Com manded position PE....... Encoder position PM....... Motor position PMAS... Master position PSLC... S lave position PSHF... Follow ing shift IN....... Input state T......... Dw ell (in m illiseco nds)
P o s s ib le O p e ra to rs:
>= <= = > <
P o s s ib le O p e ra to rs: N um e ric variable (VAR) Decim al constant B in ary value ( b___) for IN opera tor on ly
GOWHEN(1PE>4) GOWHEN(IN.6=b1) GOWHEN(2PMAS>255) ; ; ; ; suspend the next GO suspend the next GO suspend the next GO traveled 255 master until axis 1 encoder position > 4 until input #6 is activated (b1) until the master for axis 2 has distance units
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the right-hand operand is multiplied by SCLD if the left-hand operand is FB, PC, PE, PM, PSLV, or PSHF. The right-hand operand is multiplied by the SCLMAS value if the left-hand operand is PMAS. The SCLD or SCLMAS values used correlate to the axis specified with the variable (e.g., a GOWHEN expression with 3PE scales the encoder position by the SCLD value specified for axis 3).
GOWHEN status:
Axis Status Bit #26: Bit #26 is set when motion has been commanded by a GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD command, but is suspended due to a pending GOWHEN condition. This status bit is cleared when the GOWHEN condition is true or when a stop (!S) or kill (!K or ^K) command is executed. An individual axis' GOWHEN command can be cleared using an axis-specific S or K command (e.g., !S11X or !KXX1).
AS.26 .....Assignment & comparison operator use in a conditional expression (see AS). TASF .......Full text description of each status bit. (see Gowhen is Pending line item) TAS ..........Binary report of each status bit (bits 1-32 from left to right). See bit #26.
Error Status Bit #14: Bit #14 is set if the position relationship specified in the GOWHEN command is already true when the GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD command is issued. The error status is monitored and reported only if you enable error-checking bit #14 with the ERROR command (e.g., ERROR.14-1). NOTE: When the error occurs, the controller with branch to the error program (assigned with the ERRORP command).
ER.14 .....Assignment & comparison operator use in a conditional expression (see AS). TERF .......Full text description of each status bit. (see Gowhen condition true line item) TER ..........Binary report of each status bit (bits 1-32 from left to right). See bit #14.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Hexadecimal Identifier
Operator (Other) See Below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ AS ], [ b ], [ ER ], [ IN ], [ INO ], [ LIM ], [ MOV ], [ OUT ], [ SS ], [ US ], VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This identifier allows you to specify hexadecimal values. A capital h (H) is valid as well. All other bits not specified are set to zero.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Terminate Program Execution (HALT) command terminates program execution when processed. This command allows the user to terminate command processing at any point in a program. The programmer may want processing to stop because of an error condition, an input, a variable, or just after a specific motion has been accomplished. This command is useful when debugging a program.
DEF prog1 GO1000 GOSUB prog2 GO0100 END DEF prog2 GO1110 IF(IN=b1X0) HALT ELSE TPE
NIF END RUN prog1 ; ; Upon completion of motion on axis 1, subroutine prog2 is called. ; If inputs 1 and 3 are in the correct state after the motion is complete, ; program processing will be terminated. In other words, all commands waiting ; to be parsed in the program buffer will be eliminated. ; **** Note: There will not be a return to prog1.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define a program called prog1 Initiate motion on axis 1 Gosub to subroutine named prog2 Initiate motion on axis 2 End program definition Define a program called prog2 Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 3 Specify if condition to be input 1 = 1, input 3 = If condition is true break out of program Else part of if condition If condition does not come true transfer position of all encoders to PC End If statement End program definition Execute program prog2
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Technical Support
Program Debug Tool <!>HELP n/a n/a n/a See description below None Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The (HELP) command provides the telephone numbers for technical support.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Go Home
Homing <!><@>HOM<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (home in positive direction), 1 (home in negative direction), or X (do not home) X n/a [ AS ], HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, HOMADA, HOMBAC, HOMDF, HOMEDG, HOMLVL, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ, PSET, TAS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Go Home (HOM) command instructs the controller to search for the home position in the direction, and on the axes, specified by the command. If an end-of-travel limit is activated while searching for the home limit, the controller will reverse direction and search for home in the opposite direction. However, if a second end-of-travel limit is encountered, after the change of direction, the homing operation will be aborted. The status of the homing operation is provided by bit 5 of each axis status register (refer to the TAS or AS command). When the homing operation is successfully completed, the absolute position register is set to zero (equivalent to PSET).
NOTE Pause and resume functions are not recommended during the homing operation. A Pause command or input will pause the homing motion; however, when the subsequent Resume command or input occurs, motion will resume at the beginning of the homing motion sequence.
The homing operation has several parameters that determine the homing algorithm: Home acceleration (HOMA and HOMAA) Home deceleration (HOMAD and HOMADA) Home velocity (HOMV) Final home velocity (HOMVF) Home reference edge (HOMEDG) Backup to home (HOMBAC) Final home direction (HOMDF) Active state of home input (HOMLVL) Home to encoder Z-channel (HOMZ) n/a to OEM-AT6n00 Steppers: All homing parameters are valid in either motor step mode (ENC) or encoder step mode (ENC1). For more information on homing refer to Homing section of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
@MA0 ; Incremental index mode for all axes @MC0 ; Preset index mode for all axes SCALE1 ; Enable scaling SCLA25000,25000,1,1 ; Set accel. scaling: axes 1 & 2 = 25000 steps/unit/unit; ; axes 3 & 4 = 1 step/unit/unit SCLV25000,25000,1,1 ; Set vel. scaling: axes 1 & 2 = 25000 steps/unit; ; axes 3 & 4 = 1 step/unit @SCLD1 ; Set distance scaling factor for all axes to 1 step/unit HOMA10,12,1,2 ; Set home acceleration to 10, 12, 1, & 2 units/sec/sec for ; axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 @HOMAD20 ; Set home deceleration to 20 units/sec/sec for all axes HOMBAC1100 ; Enable backup to home switch on axes 1 and 2 only HOMEDG0011 ; Axes 1 & 2 stop on the positive-direction edge of the home ; switch, axes 3 and 4 are to stop on negative-direction side @HOMDF0 ; Set final home direction to positive on all axes. @HOMZ0 ; Disable homing to encoder Z-channel on all axes @HOMLVL0 ; Set home active level to low on all axes HOMV1,1,1,2 ; Set home velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for ; axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 @HOMVF.1 ; Sets home final velocity to 0.1 units/sec for all axes HOM01XX ; Execute go home in positive-direction on axis 1, ; negative-direction on axis 2. Do not home on axes 3 and 4.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Home Acceleration
Homing <!><@><a>HOMA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 HOMA: *HOMA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1HOMA: *1HOMA10.0000 HOM, HOMAD, HOMBAC, HOMDF, HOMEDG, HOMLVL, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Home Acceleration (HOMA) command specifies the acceleration rate to be used upon executing the next go home (HOM) command. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The homing acceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent homing acceleration command. Homing accelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATAFIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid homing acceleration is entered the previous homing acceleration value is retained. If the home deceleration (HOMAD) command has not been entered, the home acceleration (HOMA) command will set the home deceleration rate. Once the home deceleration ( HOMAD) command has been entered, the home acceleration (HOMA) command no longer affects home deceleration.
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Homing Average Acceleration (HOMAA) command allows you to specify the average acceleration for an S-curve homing profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum homing accel (HOMA) and average homing accel (HOMAA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the acceleration ramp, you must enter a HOMAA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 HOMA HOMAA < HOMA. The following conditions are possible:
Acceleration Setting HOMAA > 1/2 HOMA, but HOMAA < HOMA HOMAA = 1/2 HOMA HOMAA = HOMA HOMAA < 1/2 HOMA; or HOMAA > HOMA HOMAA = zero Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant acceleration
While programming S-curves, if you never change the maximum or average homing deceleration ( HOMAD or HOMADA) commands, HOMADA will track HOMAA. However, once you change HOMAD, HOMADA will no longer track changes in HOMAA.
NOTE Once you enter a HOMAA value that is zero or HOMA, S-curve profiling is enabled only for homing moves (e.g., not for contouring, which requires the PADA and/or PAA commands). All subsequent homing moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 HOMA HOMAA < HOMA.
Increasing the AA value above the pure S-curve level (HOMAA > 1/2 HOMA), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing HOMAA also increases jerk.
The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
Scaling (SCLA) affects HOMAA the same as it does for HOMA. *** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Disable scaling Select incremental positioning mode Set homing max. accel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set homing avg. accel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set homing max. decel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set homing avg. decel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Execute negative-direction homing moves on axes 1 and 2 a pure S-curve; axis 2 executes a trapezoidal profile.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Home Deceleration
Homing <!><@><a>HOMAD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 (HOMAD tracks HOMA) HOMAD: *HOMAD10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1HOMAD: *1HOMAD10.0000 HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMADA, HOMBAC, HOMEDG, HOMDF, HOMLVL, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Home Deceleration (HOMAD) command specifies the deceleration rate to be used upon executing the next go home (HOM) command. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The home deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent home deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained. If the home deceleration (HOMAD) command has not been entered, the home acceleration (HOMA) command will set the deceleration rate. Once the home deceleration (HOMAD) command has been entered, the home acceleration (HOMA) command no longer affects home deceleration. If the HOMAD command is set to zero (HOMAD), then the homing deceleration will once again track whatever the HOMA command is set to.
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion (S-Curve) <!><@><a>HOMADA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24999999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.00 (HOMADA tracks HOMAA) HOMADA: *HOMADA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1HOMADA: *1HOMADA10.0000 A, AD, HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, SCALE, SCLA
The Homing Average Deceleration (HOMADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve homing profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum homing decel (HOMAD) and average homing decel (HOMADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter a HOMADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 HOMAD HOMADA < HOMAD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting HOMADA > 1/2 HOMAD, but HOMADA < HOMAD HOMADA = 1/2 HOMAD HOMADA = HOMAD HOMADA < 1/2 HOMAD; or HOMADA > HOMAD HOMADA = zero S-curve profiling with HOMAA, and no HOMADA or HOMAD ever entered Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
NOTE Once you enter a HOMADA value that is zero or HOMAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for homing move decelerations (e.g., not for contouring decelerations, which require the PADA command). All subsequent homing moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 HOMAD HOMADA < HOMAD.
Increasing the HOMADA value above the pure S-curve level (HOMADA > 1/2 HOMAD), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing HOMADA also increases jerk.
The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
Scaling (SCLA) affects HOMADA the same as it does for HOMAD. *** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Disable scaling Select incremental positioning mode Set homing max. accel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set homing avg. accel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Set homing max. decel to 10 rev/sec/sec (axes 1 and 2) Set homing avg. decel to 5 rev/sec/sec on axis 1, and 10 rev/sec/sec on axis 2 Execute negative-direction homing moves on axes 1 and 2. Axis 1 executes a pure S-curve. Axis 2 executes a trapezoidal profile.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Homing <!><@><a>HOMBAC<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) 0 HOMBAC: *HOMBAC0000 1HOMBAC: *1HOMBAC0 HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, HOMADA, HOMDF, HOMEDG, HOMLVL, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ
The Home Backup Enable (HOMBAC) command enables or disables the backup to home switch function. When this function is enabled, the motor will decelerate to a stop after encountering the active edge of the home region, and then move the motor in the opposite direction at the home final velocity (HOMVF) until the active edge of the home region is encountered. This motion will occur regardless of whether or not the home input is active at the end of the deceleration of the initial go home move.
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Home Final Direction (HOMDF) command specifies the direction the 6000 Series product is to be traveling when the home algorithm does its final approach. This command is operational when backup to home (HOMBAC) is enabled, or when homing to an encoder Z channel (HOMZ).
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Homing <!><@><a>HOMEDG<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (positive-direction edge), 1 (negative-direction edge), or X (don't change) 0 HOMEDG: *HOMEDG0000 1HOMEDG: *1HOMEDG0 HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, HOMADA, HOMBAC, HOMDF, HOMLVL, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ
The Home Reference Edge (HOMEDG) command specifies which edge of the home switch the homing operation will consider as its final destination. As illustrated below, the positive-direction edge of the home switch is defined as the first switch transition seen by the controller when traveling off of the positive-direction end-of-travel limit in the negative direction. The negative-direction edge of the home switch is defined as the first switch transition seen by the indexer when traveling off of the negative-direction end-of-travel limit in the positive-direction. This command is operational when backup to home (HOMBAC) is enabled.
Negative Direction Edge of Home Positive Direction Edge of Home
Home Switch Active Region Negative Direction End-of-Travel Limit Positive Direction End-of-Travel Limit
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Homing <!><@><a>HOMLVL<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (active low), 1 (active high), or X (don't change) 0 HOMLVL: *HOMLVL0000 1HOMLVL: *1HOMLVL0 HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, HOMADA, HOMBAC, HOMDF, HOMEDG, HOMV, HOMVF, HOMZ, TLIM
The Home Active Level (HOMLVL) command defines the active state of the home input. If a normally-open switch is used, the active level should be set to active low (HOMLVL). If a normallyclosed switch is used, the active level should be set to active high (HOMLVL1). If the device driving the Home input is off (not sinking current), the input will show (using the TLIM command) a zero (0) if the input has been defined as active low, and a one (1) if the input has been defined as active high. If the device driving the Home input is on (sinking current), the input will show a one (1) if the input has been defined as active low, and a zero () if the input has been defined as active high. The home input schematic is provided in the 6000 Series product's Installation Guide.
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Home Velocity
Homing <!><@><a>HOMV<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec (scalable with SCLV) 0.00000 - 1,600,000 (depends on scaling factor & PULSE) 1.0000 HOMV: *HOMV1.0000,1.0000,1.0000,1.0000 1HOMV: *1HOMV1.0000 HOM, HOMA, HOMAA, HOMAD, HOMADA, HOMBAC, HOMDF, HOMEDG, HOMLVL, HOMVF, HOMZ, PULSE, SCALE, SCLV Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Home Velocity (HOMV) command specifies the velocity to use when the home algorithm begins its initial go home (HOM) move. The velocity remains set until you change it with a subsequent home velocity command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Home Final Velocity (HOMVF) command specifies the velocity to use when the home algorithm does its final approach. This command is only operational when backup to home (HOMBAC) is enabled, or when homing to an encoder Z channel (HOMZ). The velocity remains set until you change it with a subsequent home final velocity command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered, the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec.
Command Descriptions
If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command enables homing to an encoder z-channel after the initial home input has gone active. In stepper products, this function works in either motor step mode (ENC) or encoder step mode (ENC1). NOTE: The home limit input is required to go active prior to homing to the Z channel.
Example: Refer to the go home (HOM) command example.
IF( )
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
IF Statement
Program Flow Control or Conditional Branching <!>IF(expression) n/a Up to 80 characters (including parentheses) n/a n/a ELSE, NIF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This command is used in conjunction with the ELSE and NIF commands to provide conditional branching. If the expression contained within the parenthesis of the IF command evaluates true, then the commands between the IF and the NIF are executed. If the expression evaluates false, the commands between the IF and the NIF are ignored, and command processing continues with the first command following the NIF. When the ELSE command is used in conjunction with the IF command, true IF evaluations cause the commands between the IF and ELSE commands to be executed, the commands after the ELSE until the NIF are ignored. False IF evaluations cause commands between the ELSE and the NIF to be executed, with commands between the IF and the ELSE ignored. The ELSE command is optional and does not have to be included in the IF statement. The IF( ).. ELSE .. NIF structure can be nested up to 16 levels deep.
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between IF and NIF. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next IF statement encountered to be nested within the previous IF statement, unless an NIF command has already been encountered. IF statement programming order: IF(expression)...commands...NIF
All logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and all relational operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>) can be used within the IF expression. There is no limit on the number of logical operators, or on the number of relational operators allowed within a single IF expression. The limiting factor for the IF expression is the command length. The total character count for the IF command and expression cannot exceed 80 characters. (e.g., If you add up the letters in the IF command and the letters within the ( ) expression, including the parenthesis and excluding each space, this count must be less than or equal to 80.) All assignment operators (A, AD, ANV, AS, ASX, CNT, D, ER, IN, INO, LIM, MOV, OUT, PC, PCE, PCM, PE, PER, PM, PMAS, SEG, SS, TIM, US, V, VEL, VELA, etc.) can be used within the IF expression. Multiple parentheses may not be used within the IF command.
; If input 1 is ON, input 3 is OFF, and variable 1 ; equals 1, then the IF statement evaluates true, so ; commands between this statement and NIF are executed TREV ; Transfer revision level NIF ; End IF statement IF(1A<5000 AND 2PM>50000) ; If the acceleration of axis 1 is less than 5000, and ; the motor position of axis 2 is greater than 50000, ; then do the IF statement. Note: The acceleration ; value used is programmed acceleration, not actual. ; The motor position used is actual, not programmed. VAR1=VAR1+1 ; Increment variable 1 NIF ; End if statement IF(4VEL<123 OR 4VEL>156) ; If the current velocity of axis 4 is less than 123 ; or if it is greater than 156, then do the commands ; following the IF statement WRITE"Something's Wrong\13" ; Put message Something's Wrong<cr> in output buffer NIF ; End if statement IF(OUT=b110X1 AND VAR1<=13) ; If outputs 1, 2 and 5 are ON, output 3 is off and ; variable 1 is less than or equal to 13, then set ; variable 1 equal to variable 1 plus 1, else set ; variable 1 equal to variable 1 minus 1 VAR1=VAR1+1 ELSE VAR1=VAR1-1 NIF ; End IF statement
[ IN ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Input Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a GOWHEN, INFEN, INFNC, ONIN, TIN, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Input Status (IN) command is used to assign the input value to a binary variable (3), or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. Syntax: VARBn=IN where n is the binary variable number, or [IN ] can be used in an expression such as IF(IN=b111), or IF(IN=h7F)
Command Descriptions
The number of inputs available for assignment or comparison varies from one 6000 Series product to another; to ascertain the input bit assignments for your 6000 Series product refer to page 6. The function of the inputs is established with the INFNC command (although the [ IN ] command looks at all inputs regardless of their assigned function from the INFNC command). If it is desired to assign only one input value to a binary variable, instead of all the inputs, the bit select (.) operator can be used. For example, VARB1=IN.12 assigns input 12 to binary variable 1.
Input status assigned to binary variable 1 Input bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 Response if bit 12 is set to 1: *VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX If the input status contains 1's for inputs 1,2,3,5,6,8,& 9, and 0 for input 4, do the commands following the IF statement Transfer revision level End IF statement If the input status contains 1's for inputs 1,2,3,5,6,7,& 8, and 0's for every other input, do the commands following the IF statement Transfer revision level End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Participating Axes
Controller Configuration <!>INDAX<i> i = number axes to be controlled 0 - 4 (Product dependent) Maximum number INDAX: *INDAX4 INDUST, LDTUPD, SSFR Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Participating Axes (INDAX) command defines the number of axes that will be controlled by the 6000 Series product. The default value includes all axes. This implies that all response commands will show a response for each axis. If fewer axes are to be used, change the INDAX value. No report-backs or command parameters are accepted for axes excluded as a result of the INDAX command. For example, if you specify INDAX2 (use axes 1 and 2), the A command would show a response of *A1.,1,, and 4A command would show the response *INCORRECT AXIS. By setting the number of participating axes less than the default, other items such as limits and stalls are not checked on the non-participating axes. Servos: Changing the INDAX setting also changes the servo sampling frequency (refer to the SSFR command description for details).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
Using the Input Debounce Time (INDEB) command, you can change the input debounce time for all general-purpose inputs (one debounce time for all), or you can assign a unique debounce time to each of the trigger inputs. (Refer to page 6 for input bit assignments for your product.) General-Purpose Input Debounce: The input debounce time for the general-purpose inputs is the period of time that the input must be held in a certain state before the 6000 Series controller recognizes it. This directly affects the rate at which the inputs can change state and be recognized. The default debounce for general-purpose inputs is 4 milliseconds. Trigger Input Debounce: For trigger inputs, the debounce time is the time required between a trigger's initial active transition and its secondary active transition. This allows rapid recognition of a trigger, but prevents subsequent bouncing of the input from causing a false position capture or registration move. The default debounce for trigger inputs on stepper products is 50 milliseconds, and for servo products it is 24 milliseconds. NOTE: When using the trigger input status as the condition for IF, ON, and WAIT statements, it is the non-debounced state that is recognized; therefore, rapid transitions, as short as one system update (steppers: 2 ms for steppers; servos: depends on INDAX and SSFR settings), will be noticed by these statements. The INDEB command syntax is INDEB<i>,<i>. The first <i> is the input number and the second <i> is the debounce time in even increments of milliseconds (ms). The debounce time range is 2 - 250 ms. Input bit patterns vary by product to ascertain the pattern for your product, refer to page 6 of this document.
Example (for the AT6400, and other products with 24 general-purpose inputs and at least 2 trigger inputs):
; ; ; ;
Assign inputs 1 through 24 (all general-purpose inputs) a debounce time of 6 ms Assign Trigger A (input 25) a debounce time of 10 ms Assign Trigger B (input 26) a debounce time of 12 ms
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Enable/Disable User Status (INDUSE) command enables the INDUST command updates. When this command is not enabled, the user status bits (INDUST) can be defined; however, they will not be updated in the US or the TUS commands until INDUSE is enabled.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
The User Status Definition (INDUST) command establishes the user status bit function. Each bit can correspond to an axis status bit, a system status bit, an input, an interrupt bit, or an extended axis status bit. The default for each user status bit is as follows: AT6400: 1-4 correspond to the first 4 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 1 5-8 correspond to the first 4 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 2 9-12 correspond to the first 4 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 3 13-16 correspond to the first 4 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 4 AT6200, AT6n50, 620n, 625n, and 6270: 1-8 correspond to the first 8 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 1 9-16 correspond to the first 8 bits of the axis status (AS) for axis 2 610n and 615n: 1-16 correspond to the first 16 bits of the axis status (AS) The purpose of this command is to allow the user to create his or her own meaningful status word. It allows the user to place certain status information in the order they prefer. The syntax for INDUST<i><-<i><c>> is described as follows: First <i> corresponds to the user status bit being defined (16 maximum). Second <i> corresponds to the bit of the system status (SS), the axis status (AS), the input status (IN), the interrupt status (TINT), or the extended axis status (ASX). The <c> defines what status to use:
<c> values A B C D E, F, G, H I J K L M N O Example Function Use axis status (AS) for axis 1 Use axis status (AS) for axis 2 Use axis status (AS) for axis 3 (AT6400 and AT6450) Use axis status (AS) for axis 4 (AT6400 and AT6450) Reserved Use system status (SS) Use input status (IN) Use interrupt status (TINT) AT6400 & AT6n50 Use extended axis status (ASX) for axis 1 Use extended axis status (ASX) for axis 2 Use extended axis status (ASX) for axis 3 Use extended axis status (ASX) for axis 4
; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable user User status User status User status User status User status
status bit 1 defined as axis 1 status bit 5 bit 2 defined as axis 4 status bit 3 bit 3 defined as input 5 bit 4 defined as interrupt status bit 1 bit 16 defined as system status bit 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Input Enable
Input or Program Debug Tool <!>INEN<d><d>...<d> (one <d> for each input) n/a d = 0 (disable, leave off), 1 (disable, leave on), E (enable), or X (don't change) E INEN: *INENEEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE [ IN ], INFEN, INFNC, INLVL, INPLC, INSTW, TIN, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Input Enable (INEN) command enables or disables specific inputs. The default state for each input is the enabled condition. When an input is enabled, the function programmed for that input (INFNC), will be active. The INEN command has no effect on trigger inputs when they are configured as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command. The inputs can be disabled and set to a specific level (ON or OFF) through the use of the INEN command. For instance, INEN1 disables input 1 but leaves it in the ON state (the TIN command will show input 1 as active). INEN disables input 1 but leaves it in the OFF (inactive) state. To re-enable input 1, issue the INENE command. Input bit assignments for the INEN command vary by product. The input bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided page 6 of this document. The inputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. By disabling the inputs and setting them to a specific level, input simulation can be accomplished without wiring the inputs. You cannot simulate an encoder capture or registration input with the INEN command.
DEF tester ; Begin definition of program tester WHILE(IN=b11X10) ; While inputs 1,2, and 4 are active, and input 5 is not ; active, execute the statements between the WHILE and NWHILE GO1100 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 NWHILE ; End WHILE statement END ; End definition of program tester INEN11X10 ; Disable inputs 1,2,4, and 5, and set inputs 1, 2 and 4 in ; the active state, and input 5 in the inactive state RUNtester ; Initiate program tester !INEN00000 ; Disable inputs 1,2,3,4, and 5, and leave them in the ; inactive state INENeeeee ; Re-enable inputs 1 through 5
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Input Function Enable/Disable (INFEN) command enables the drive fault input and input functions (INFNC). If this command is not enabled, the drive fault input will not indicate a drive fault in the TAS command (OEM-AT6400: the drive fault input is not available). Input functions defined with the INFNC command will have no effect unless INFEN is enabled.
NOTE Before you enable this command, verify that the drive fault level (DRFLVL) is set correctly for each axis.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
Input Function
Input <!>INFNC<i>-<<a>c> i = input #, a = axis #, c = function identifier letter i = 1 - 28 (product dependent); a = 1 - 4 (product dependent); c = A - P A INFNC: *INFNC1-A NO FUNCTION INPUT - STATUS OFF (...repeated for all inputs...) *INFNC28-A NO FUNCTION INPUT - STATUS OFF INFNC1: *INFNC1-A NO FUNCTION INPUT - STATUS OFF COMEXR, COMEXS, [ ER ], ERROR, [ IN ], INDAX, INDEB, INEN, INFEN, INLVL, INPLC, INSELP, INSTW, K, KDRIVE, PSET, [ SS ], SSFR, TER, TIN, TRGFN, TSS, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.4 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
See Also
The Input Function (INFNC) command defines the function of each individual input, where i is the input bit number, a is an axis number if required, or the program number for the case of input function P, and c is the function. The number of inputs and axes differ from one 6000 Series product to another. All function definitions given below will specify whether an axis number is required.
ENABLE THE INPUT FUNCTIONS The INFEN1 command must be issued before you can use the input functions defined with the INFNC command, except INFNCi-A.
Using the Input Debounce Time (INDEB) command, you can change the input debounce time for all general-purpose inputs (one debounce time for all), or you can assign a unique debounce time to each of the trigger inputs. Refer to the INDEB command description for details. Input bit assignments vary by product. The input bit patterns for all 6000 products is provided on page 6. Input Scan Rate: The programmable inputs are scanned once per system update (steppers: 2 milliseconds; servos: depends on current INDAX and SSFR settings see table in SSFR command description).
Identifier Function Description
No special function - Normal input, used with the IN assignment BCD Program Select - BCD input assignment to programs, lowest numbered input is least significant bit (LSB). BCD values for inputs are as follows:
BCD Value
1 2 4 8 10 20 40 80 100
Note: If fewer inputs than shown above are defined to be Program Select Inputs, then the highest input number defined as a Program Select Input is the most significant bit. An input defined as a BCD Program Select Input will not function until the INSELP command has been enabled. The trigger inputs (TRG-A through TRG-Dtypically assigned to inputs 25 through 28, but varies by product) cannot be used for this function. C Kill - Kills motion on all axes and halts all command processing (refer to K and KDRIVE command descriptions for further details on the kill function). This is an edge detection function and is not intended to inhibit motion. To inhibit motion, use the Pause/Resume function (INFNCi-E). When enabled with the ERROR command, bit #6 of the TER and ER commands will report the kill status.
Function Description
Stop - Stops motion. Axis number is optional; if no axis number is specified, motion is stopped on all axes. If COMEXS is set to zero (COMEXS), program execution will be terminated. If COMEXS is set to 1 (COMEXS1), command processing will continue. With COMEXS set to 2 (COMEXS2), program execution is terminated, but the INSELP value is retained. Motion deceleration during the stop is controlled by the AD & ADA commands. If error bit #8 is enabled (e.g., ERROR.8-1), activating a Stop input will set the error bit and cause a branch to the ERRORP program. Pause/Continue - If COMEXR is disabled (COMEXR), then only command execution pauses, not motion. With COMEXR enabled (COMEXR1), both command and motion execution are paused. After motion stops, you can release the input or issue a continue (!C) command to resume command processing. User Fault - Refer to the ERROR command. If error bit #7 is enabled (e.g., ERROR.7-1), activating a User Fault input will set the error bit and cause a branch to the ERRORP program. CAUTION: Activating the user fault input sends an !K command to the controller, killing motion on all axes (refer to the K command description for ramifications). Reserved Trigger Interrupt (Position Capture and Registration) - Only the trigger inputs (TRG-A through TRG-D input numbers vary by product) can be used as interrupt inputs. The axis number is not required; if an axis number is specified, it will be ignored. You can change the debounce time of each trigger input with the INDEB command (see INDEB command description for details). If you issue a PSET command, the captured positions will be offset by the specified PSET command value. The INFNCi-H command also enables the specified trigger to be used for TRGFN functions. Steppers: Activating any trigger input defined as a trigger interrupt input will capture the position of all the encoders and motors on all axes (within 50s of input activation). If registration is enabled (with the RE command), defined registration move(s) will occur based on the captured positions and which trigger input is activated. Use the TPCE and TPCM commands to read the captured encoder and motor positions. You can also use the PCE and PCM commands to assign or compare the captured encoder and motor positions. (The OEMAT6n00 does not support the use of encoders and, therefore, cannot use the TPCE and PCE commands.) Servos: When a trigger interrupt input is activated, the commanded position and the positions of all feedback devices on all axes are captured at one time. The position information is stored in registers and is available through the use of transfer and assignment/comparison commands (see table below).
Captured Information Transfer Assignment/Comparison
Commanded position LDT position Encoder or resolver position ANI value (-ANI option)
If you are capturing the position/value of an encoder, resolver, LDT or ANI when it is selected as the feedback source with the SFB command, the captured position is interpolated from the last sampled position and velocity of the feedback device, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (see System Update column in SSFR table). The accuracy of the position 50 s x velocity. capture is If you are capturing the position of the encoder, resolver, LDT or ANI when it is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled position is simply stored as the captured position. Therefore, the accuracy is one system update period (determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands).
Command Descriptions
Function Description
H (cont.)
Regardless of the SFB selection, one encoder position is latched in hardware within 1 encoder count (at max. encoder frequency) when its dedicated trigger input is activated (see table below).
Encoder ENCODER 1 ENCODER 2 ENCODER 3 ENCODER 4 AT6250 TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C n/a AT6450 TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C TRG-D 615n* TRG-A TRG-B n/a n/a 625n TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C n/a 6270 TRG-A n/a n/a n/a OEM625n TRG-A TRG-B n/a n/a
* 615n: TRG-A captures the internal resolver and TRG-B captures the external encoder.
The captured commanded position is always interpolated from the last sampled position (of the feedback device selected with the SFB command) and position error, and the time elapsed since the last sample.
M, N, O P
; Enable input functions ; Input #1 defined to be a stop input for all axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Input Active Level (INLVL) command defines the active state of all programmable inputs. To determine the input bit assignments for your 6000 Series product, refer to page 6 of this document. If the device driving the input is off (not sinking current), the input will show (using the TIN command) a zero (0) if the input has been defined as active low, and a one (1) if the input has been defined as active high. If the device driving the input is on (sinking current), the input will show a one (1) if the input has been defined as active low, and zero (0) if the input has been defined as active high. The default state is active low (INLVL0). The input schematics are provided in each 6000 Series product's Installation Guide.
; Set active level: inputs 1 & 3 active low, 2 & 4 active high
[ INO ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Other Input Status (INO) command is used to assign an other input value to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. Syntax: VARBn=INO where n is the binary variable number or [INO ] can be used in an expression such as IF(INO=b111), or IF(INO=h2) There are 8 other inputs available for assignment or comparison. If it is desired to assign only one bit (one specific input) value to a binary variable, instead of all 8, use the bit select ( .) operator . For example, VARB1=INO.2 assigns other input 2 to binary variable 1. Format for binary assignment:
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #8
Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6
Function (1 = yes, 0 = no) Joystick Auxiliary Input Active Joystick Trigger Input Active Joystick Axes Select Input Active Joystick Velocity Select Input High Joystick Release Input Active Pulse Cutoff Input (steppers only) Enable input (servos only) (1 = OK for motion) Not used, always 0 Not used, always 0
Location Joystick Connector Pin 19 Joystick Connector Pin 18 Joystick Connector Pin 15 Joystick Connector Pin 16 Joystick Connector Pin 17 P-CUT terminal on AUX connector ENBL terminal on the AUX connector ---------------------------------------
7 8
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Other input status assigned to binary variable 1 Other input bit 4 assigned to binary variable 2 Response if bit 4 is set to 1: *VARB2=XXX1_XXXX If the other input status contains 1's for inputs 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, and a 0 for input 4, do the commands following the IF statement until the NIF statement Transfer revision level End if statement If the other input status contains 1's for inputs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, and 0 for input 4 and 8, do the commands following the IF statement until the NIF statement Transfer revision level End if statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Establish PLC Data Inputs (INPLC) command, in combination with the OUTPLC command, configure the inputs and outputs to read data from a parallel I/O device such as a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), or a passive thumbwheel module. The actual data transfer occurs with the TW command. Refer to the TW command for a description of the data transfer process. The INPLC command has four fields (<i>,<i-i>,<i>,<i>):
Data Field Description
Field 1: <i>
Set #: There are 4 possible INPLC sets (1-4). This field identifies which set to use.
Field 2: <i-i> Input #s: Data is read into the 6000 Series product through the programmable inputs. This field identifies the indexer inputs to be used with the TW command. The first number is the first input, and the second number is the last input. The inputs must be consecutive. The number of inputs should be 8, because two BCD digits are read per data strobe. Field 3: <i> Sign Input #: This field identifies which input is designated to provide sign information. A zero specified in the command field specifies no sign information. An active signal on the input designated as the sign input indicates a negative data entry. Data Valid Input #: This field identifies which input is designated to be the data valid handshake input. A zero in this field indicates that there will be no data valid handshake input used. When an input is specified as a data valid, the input must be active in order for data to be read. If the input is not active, data will not be read until the signal becomes active.
Field 4: <i>
To disable a specific PLC set, enter INPLCn,-,, where n is the PLC set (1-4).
; ; OUTPLC2,1-4,5,50 ; ; ; A(TW6) ; ;
Set INPLC set 2 as BCD digits on inputs 1 - 8, with input 9 as the sign bit, and input 10 as the data valid Set OUTPLC set 2 as output strobes on outputs 1 - 4, with output 5 as the output enable bit, and strobe time of 50 milliseconds Read data into axis 1 acceleration using INPLC set 2 and OUTPLC set 2 as the data configuration
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Select Program Enable (INSELP) command enables program selection by inputs. In addition, the command establishes the strobe time for the inputs, and if programs are selected on a one-to-one basis (INFNCi-iP) or on a BCD basis (INFNCi-B). When programs are selected on a one-to-one basis, each input defined with the INFNCi-iP command will run a specific program upon activation. When programs are selected by BCD values, each input defined by the INFNCi-B command will contribute to the BCD value, which corresponds to the program number. The program number is derived from the order in which the programs were defined (DEF). The first program defined is program #1, the second defined is program #2, etc. To verify which program number corresponds to each program, use the TDIR command. The number in front of the program name is the program number. First i = Enable or disable function ( = Disable, 1 and 2 = Enable). Use INFNCi-B inputs if i = 1, or INFNCi-iP inputs if i = 2, to select program..
Second i = Strobe Time in milliseconds for inputs used to select program. The input must be active at the end of the strobe time for it to be recognized as a valid selection. The inputs are scanned once per system update (steppers: 2 milliseconds; servos: depends on current INDAX and SSFR settings see table in SSFR command description). The Kill (!K) command releases this mode, in addition to INSELP. The Stop (!S) command or an input defined as a stop input will also release this mode, as long as COMEXS has been disabled.
; ; ; ;
Input #1 defined to select program #1 Input #2 defined to select program #2 Input #3 defined to select program #7 Enable continuous scan of inputs to select a program to run
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Establish Thumbwheel Data Inputs (INSTW) command, in combination with the OUTTW command, configure the inputs and outputs to read data from an active thumbwheel device such as Compumotor's TM8 Thumbwheel Module. The actual data transfer occurs with the TW command. Refer to the TW command for a description of the data transfer process. The INSTW command has three fields (<i>,<i-i>,<i>):
Data Field Description Set #: There are 4 possible INSTW sets (1-4). This field identifies which set to use. Input #s: Data is read into the 6000 Series product through the programmable inputs. This field identifies the indexer inputs to be used with the TW command. The first number is the first input, and the second number is the last input. The inputs must be consecutive. The number of inputs should be compatible to the thumbwheel device (4 for the TM8 module).
Command Descriptions
Field 3: <i>
Sign Input #: This field identifies which input is designated to provide sign information. A zero specified in the command field specifies no sign information. An active signal on the input designated as the sign input indicates a negative data entry.
To disable a specific thumbwheel set, enter INSTWn,-, where n is the thumbwheel set (1-4).
; ; OUTTW2,1-3,4,50 ; ; A(TW2) ; ;
Set INSTW set 2 as BCD digits on inputs 1 - 4, the sign bit Set OUTTW set 2 as output strobes on outputs 1 4 as the output enable bit, and strobe time of Read data into axis 1 acceleration using INSTW and OUTTW set 2 as the data configuration
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command clears the interrupt status registers and the TINT status command of any interrupt condition flags that may have occurred. When using the fast status registers, this command is required to clear the interrupt status, because that read does not automatically clear the active interrupt status bits. If only one interrupt is to be cleared, use the bit select (.) and the corresponding bit number. For example, to clear interrupt bit number 13, type in INTCLR.13.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Hardware Interrupt Enable (INTHW) command determines which interrupt conditions will cause an interrupt to the PC-AT hardware. There are 30 interrupt conditions that can cause an interrupt. There is no limit to the number of interrupt conditions that may be enabled, all 30 if desired. The order of the interrupt conditions is given below. The bits are defined from left to right, 1 to 32. Format for binary assignment:
^ Bit #1 Location ^ Bit #32 Location
To enable a specific interrupt, place a 1 in the corresponding bit location (b) in the INTHWbb....bbb command. To disable a specific interrupt bit, place a in the corresponding bit location.
NOTE: A specific interrupt bit can also be enabled by specifying the bit and the state of the bit (=Disable, 1 = Enable). For example, the command INTHW.29-1 enables bit 29, whereas INTHW.29- disables bit 29.
Bit # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Function Software Interrupt #1 (See INTSW) Software Interrupt #2 Software Interrupt #3 Software Interrupt #4 Software Interrupt #5 Software Interrupt #6 Software Interrupt #7 Software Interrupt #8 Software Interrupt #9 Software Interrupt #10 Software Interrupt #11 Software Interrupt #12 Software Interrupt #13 Software Interrupt #14 Software Interrupt #15 Software Interrupt #16
Function Command Buffer Full Pulse Cutoff (steppers) or Enable (servos) Activated Program Complete Drive Fault on any Axis Reserved Reserved Limit Hit - hard or soft limit, on any axis Stall Detected (steppers) or Position Error (servos) on any axis Timer (TIMINT) Counter (CNTINT) steppers only Input - any of the inputs defined by INFNCi-I Command Error Motion Complete on Axis 1 Motion Complete on Axis 2 Motion Complete on Axis 3 (AT6400 & AT6450) Motion Complete on Axis 4 (AT6400 & AT6450)
The interrupt that is generated will interrupt the PC-AT on one of eight separate interrupt request lines, IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, IRQ7, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, or IRQ15. The interrupt request line (IRQ) to be interrupted is determined by a bank of 8 DIP switches on the bus-based 6000 Series controller card. DIP switch #1 on selects IRQ3, DIP switch #2 on selects IRQ4, etc.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command forces a specific software interrupt. Sixteen different software interrupts are available. By forcing an interrupt condition, the user can customize the program to generate specific software interrupts at predefined places in his or her program. In order for the software interrupt to interrupt the PC, that specific software interrupt must also be enabled. The interrupt is enabled with the INTHW command. The PC software must determine the cause of the interrupt. This is accomplished by polling the controller's interrupt status register (interrupt status registers are in fast status register block) for the interrupt information. Once the interrupt status register has been read, the interrupt conditions must be cleared with the INTCLR command. For more information on the fast status registers, refer to the Fast Status Register section in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. The interrupt information can also be obtained from the TINT command. Once the TINT command is entered, the interrupt status bits are cleared.
; Enable software interrupt #1 ; Set acceleration to 20 units/sec/sec on axes 1 and 2 ; Set velocity to 2 units/sec on axes 1 and 2 ; Set move distance to 25000 units on axes 1 and 2 ; Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 ; Force software interrupt 1 as soon as the moves on axes 1 and ; 2 are finished. ************************************************************************** * Note: After the interrupt occurs, it is the application program's * * responsibility to examine the 6000 products interrupt status register * * in the fast status area, or issue the TINT command to determine the * * cause of the interrupt. * **************************************************************************
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command enables jog mode on the appropriate axis. Once jog mode has been enabled, the jog inputs can be used to produce motion on the specific axis. The inputs that will be used as jog inputs are determined by the INFNC command. Once the jog inputs have been enabled, they will remain enabled, and able to jog at any time while the motor is in position. Or in other words, as long as the motor is not moving the jog inputs will be active. After processing the JOG1 command, command processing does not stop and wait for the jog mode to be disabled (JOG). Instead, the jog inputs are enabled and command processing continues with the first command after the JOG1 command.
WARNING If a jog input is active when jog mode is enabled, motion will occur.
To disable jog mode, issue the JOG command (to the appropriate axis) at any point in the program.
NOTE: If you are using an RP240 operator panel, you can enable the RP240 Jog Mode with the DJOG1
command and use the RP240's arrow keys to jog individual axes. To disable the RP240 Jog Mode, use the !DJOG command or press the RP240's MENU RECALL button.
SCLA25000,25000 SCLV25000,25000 SCALE1 INFEN1 INFNC1-L INFNC2-1J INFNC3-1K INFNC4-2J INFNC5-2K JOGA100,100 JOGAD200,200 JOGVH10,8
Set accel scaling factor on axes 1 & 2 to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set velocity scaling factor on axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling Enable Input Functions Input #1 defined as jog velocity select input Input #2 defined as jog positive-direction input for axis #1 Input #3 defined as jog negative-direction input for axis #1 Input #4 defined as jog positive-direction input for axis #2 Input #5 defined as jog negative-direction input for axis #2 Jog acceleration set to 100 units/sec/sec on both axes Jog deceleration set to 200 units/sec/sec on both axes The velocity when the jog velocity select input is high is 10 units/sec on axis #1 and 8 units/sec on axis 2 The velocity when the jog velocity select input is low is 1 units/sec on axis #1 and 0.8 units/sec on axis 2 Enable jog mode on axes 1 and 2. When an input occurs on input 2, input 3, input 4, or input 5, the motor will move at the appropriate jog velocity until the input is released Wait for input #6 to become active. Input #6 is being used as a signal to disable jog mode. Disable jog mode on all axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Jog Acceleration
Jog <!><@><a>JOGA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 JOGA: *JOGA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1JOGA: *1JOGA10.0000 DJOG, JOG, JOGAA, JOGAD, JOGADA, JOGVH, JOGVL, INFNC, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Jog Acceleration (JOGA) command specifies the acceleration to be used upon receiving a jog input. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The jog acceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent jog acceleration command. Accelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid acceleration is entered the previous acceleration value is retained. If the jog deceleration (JOGAD) command has not been entered, the jog acceleration (JOGA) command will also set the jog deceleration rate. Once the jog deceleration (JOGAD) command has been entered, the jog acceleration (JOGA) command no longer affects jog deceleration.
Example: Refer to the jog mode enable (JOG) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Jogging Average Acceleration (JOGAA) command allows you to specify the average acceleration for an S-curve jogging profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Command Descriptions
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum jogging accel (JOGA) and average jogging accel (JOGAA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the acceleration ramp, you must enter a JOGAA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 JOGA JOGAA < JOGA. The following conditions are possible:
Acceleration Setting JOGAA > 1/2 JOGA, but JOGAA < JOGA JOGAA = 1/2 JOGA JOGAA = JOGA JOGAA < 1/2 JOGA; or JOGAA > JOGA JOGAA = zero Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant acceleration
While programming S-curves, if you never change the maximum or average jogging deceleration ( JOGAD or JOGADA) commands, JOGADA will track JOGAA. However, once you change JOGAD, JOGADA will no longer track changes in JOGAA.
NOTE Once you enter a JOGAA value that is zero or JOGA, S-curve profiling is enabled only for jogging moves (e.g., not for contouring, which requires the PADA and/or PAA commands). All subsequent jogging moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 JOGA JOGAA < JOGA.
Increasing the AA value above the pure S-curve level (JOGAA > 1/2 JOGA), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing JOGAA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Scaling (SCLA) affects JOGAA the same as it does for JOGA.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
JOGA10,10,10,10 JOGAA5,5,7.5,10
; Sets the maximum jogging acceleration of all axes ; Sets the average jogging acceleration of all axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Jog Deceleration
Jog <!><@><a>JOGAD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 (JOGAD tracks JOGA) JOGAD: *JOGAD10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1JOGAD: *1JOGAD10.0000 DJOG, JOG, JOGA, JOGAA, JOGADA, JOGVH, JOGVL, INFNC, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Jog Deceleration (JOGAD) command specifies the deceleration to be used when a jog input is released. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The jog deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent jog deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained. If the jog deceleration (JOGAD) command has not been entered, the jog acceleration (JOGA) command will also set the jog deceleration rate. Once the jog deceleration (JOGAD) command has been entered, the jog acceleration (JOGA) command no longer affects jog deceleration. If JOGAD is set to zero (JOGAD), then the jog deceleration will once again track whatever the JOGA command is set to.
Example: Refer to the jog mode enable (JOG) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion (S-Curve) <!><@><a>JOGADA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24999999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.00 (JOGADA tracks JOGAA) JOGADA: *JOGADA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1JOGADA: *1JOGADA10.0000 A, AD, JOG, JOGA, JOGAA, JOGAD, SCALE, SCLA
The Jogging Average Deceleration (JOGADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve jogging profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Command Descriptions
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum jogging decel (JOGAD) and average jogging decel (JOGADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter a JOGADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 JOGAD JOGADA < JOGAD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting JOGADA > 1/2 JOGAD, but JOGADA < JOGAD JOGADA = 1/2 JOGAD JOGADA = JOGAD JOGADA < 1/2 JOGAD; or JOGADA > JOGAD JOGADA = zero S-curve profiling with JOGAA, and no JOGADA or JOGAD ever entered Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
NOTE Once you enter a JOGADA value that is zero or JOGAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for jogging move decelerations (e.g., not for contouring decelerations, which require the PADA command). All subsequent jogging moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 JOGAD JOGADA < JOGAD.
Increasing the JOGADA value above the pure S-curve level (JOGADA > 1/2 JOGAD), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing JOGADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Scaling (SCLA) affects JOGADA the same as it does for JOGAD.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
JOGAD10,10,10,10 JOGADA5,5,7.5,10
; Sets the maximum jog deceleration of all four axes ; Sets the average jog deceleration of all four axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Jog Velocity High (JOGVH) command specifies the velocity to be used upon receiving a jog input with the jog velocity select input active (ON). The jog high velocity remains set until you change it with a subsequent jog high velocity command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Jog Velocity Low (JOGVL) command specifies the velocity to be used upon receiving a jog input with the jog velocity select input low, or OFF. The velocity remains set until you change it with a subsequent jog velocity low command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec.
Command Descriptions
If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command enables joystick mode on the appropriate axes. Once joystick mode has been enabled, the analog inputs can be used to produce motion on a specific axis. Motion will be directly proportional to the voltage on the analog inputs, which is linearly related to the joystick positioning. All command processing will stop (assuming COMEXC) until the joystick release input becomes active, or an immediate joystick disable (!JOY) command is issued. Enabling joystick mode for a specific axis places that axis in a moving condition; no further motion commands (GO) can be executed for that axis while in joystick mode, unless the continuous command execution mode is enabled (COMEXC1). There are several other inputs available on the joystick 25-pin "D" connector, in addition to the analog channels. The connections are shown below, along with a description of the function for each input.
Pin # on the 25-pin Joystick Connector 1 2 3 4 8 14 Function Analog Channel 1 Analog Channel 2 Analog Channel 3 Analog Channel 4 (AT6400 and AT6n50) Shield Ground Pin # on the 25-pin Joystick Connector 15 16 17 18 19 23 Function Axes Select Velocity Select Joystick Release Joystick Trigger Joystick Auxiliary +5VDC (out)
The axes select input determines the axes that the joystick will control. The axes that correspond to the input when it is active are determined by the JOYAXH command. The axes that correspond to the input when it is inactive are determined by the JOYAXL command. The velocity select input determines the maximum velocity when the joystick is at full deflection. The velocity that corresponds to the input when it is active is determined by the JOYVH command. The velocity that corresponds to the input when it is inactive is determined by the JOYVL command. The joystick release input disables joystick mode on all axes (same as issuing !JOY). The joystick release input requires a normally-closed switch that disables the joystick mode when the switch is opened. The auxiliary input and the joystick trigger input can be used as additional inputs. Use the TINO and INO commands to read the level of these inputs.
The valid voltage range for the analog inputs is 0 - 2.5 VDC, as applied between an analog input and ground. For positive-direction motion, a 1.26 to 2.5 VDC signal is required. For negative-direction motion, a 0 to 1.24 VDC signal is required. For best results, a 5K single-turn joystick potentiometer with a 1K pull-up resistor is recommended; since most joysticks allow only 60 of travel (20% of the potentiometer's range), adjust the potentiometer so that full deflection of the joystick moves the potentiometer from 0K to 1K. The 6000 Series product's internal analog input circuit is provided in the products Installation Guide.
Example (refer also to the illustration below):
When axis select input is high (active), analog channel 1 controls axis 1, analog channel 2 controls axis 2, and analog channels 3 & 4 do not control any axis When axis select input is low (inactive), analog channel 1 controls axis 3, analog channel 2 controls axis 4, and analog channels 3 & 4 do not control any axis Set joystick acceleration to 100 units/sec/sec on all axes Set joystick deceleration to 200 units/sec/sec on all axes Set center deadband to +/-0.25V for all analog channels Set end deadband to 0.5V for all analog channels (limits usable voltage range to 0.5 - 2.0V) Set joystick center at 1.25 volts for all analog channels Set velocity to 10 units/sec on all axes (applies when the joystick velocity select input is high) Set velocity to 1 unit/sec on axes 1 and 2, 2 unit/sec on axes 3 and 4 (applies when the joystick velocity select input is low) Enable joystick mode on all axes. Toggling the axis select input on the joystick connector will cause analog inputs 1 and 2 to control axes 1 and 2 in one state, and axes 3 and 4 in the other.
(positive direction)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick Acceleration
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYA<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.07500 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 JOYA: *JOYA10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1JOYA: *1JOYA10.0000 JOY, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Joystick Acceleration (JOYA) command specifies the acceleration to be used during joystick mode. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec.
Command Descriptions
If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The joystick acceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent joystick acceleration command. Accelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid acceleration is entered the previous acceleration value is retained. If the joystick deceleration (JOYAD) command has not been entered, the joystick acceleration (JOYA) command will also set the joystick deceleration rate. Once the joystick deceleration (JOYAD) command has been entered, the joystick acceleration (JOYA) command no longer affects joystick deceleration.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Joystick Average Acceleration (JOYAA) command allows you to specify the average acceleration for an S-curve joystick profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum joystick accel (JOYA) and average joystick accel (JOYAA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the acceleration ramp, you must enter a JOYAA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 JOYA JOYAA < JOYA. The following conditions are possible:
Acceleration Setting JOYAA > 1/2 JOYA, but JOYAA < JOYA JOYAA = 1/2 JOYA JOYAA = JOYA JOYAA < 1/2 JOYA; or JOYAA > JOYA JOYAA = zero
While programming S-curves, if you never change the maximum or average joystick deceleration (JOYAD or JOYADA) commands, JOYADA will track JOYAA. However, once you change JOYAD, JOYADA will no longer track changes in JOYAA.
NOTE Once you enter a JOYAA value that is zero or JOYA, S-curve profiling is enabled only for joystick moves (e.g., not for contouring, which requires the PADA and/or PAA commands). All subsequent joystick moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 JOYA JOYAA < JOYA.
Increasing the AA value above the pure S-curve level (JOYAA > 1/2 JOYA), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing JOYAA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Accelerating Scaling (SCLA) affects JOYAA the same as it does for JOYA.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
JOYA10,10,10,10 JOYAA5,5,7.5,10
; Set the maximum joystick acceleration of all four axes ; Set the average joystick acceleration of all four axes
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick Deceleration
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYAD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.07500 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 (JOYAD tracks JOYA) JOYAD: *JOYAD10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 1JOYAD: *1JOYAD10.0000 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ, SCALE, SCLA Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Joystick Deceleration (JOYAD) command specifies the deceleration to be used during the joystick mode. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The joystick deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent joystick deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained. If the joystick deceleration (JOYAD) command has not been entered, the joystick acceleration (JOYA) command will also set the joystick deceleration rate. Once the joystick deceleration (JOYAD) command has been entered, the joystick acceleration (JOYA) command no longer affects joystick deceleration. If JOYAD is set to zero (JOYAD), then the joystick deceleration will once again track whatever the JOYA command is set to.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion (S-Curve) <!><@><a>JOYADA<r>,<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24999999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.00 (JOYADA tracks JOYAA) JOYADA: *JOYADA10.0000,10.0000 1JOYADA: *1JOYADA10.0000 A, AD, JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, SCALE, SCLA
The Joystick Average Deceleration (JOYADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve joystick profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum joystick decel (JOYAD) and average joystick decel (JOYADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter a JOYADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 JOYAD JOYADA < JOYAD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting JOYADA > 1/2 JOYAD, but JOYADA < JOYAD JOYADA = 1/2 JOYAD JOYADA = JOYAD JOYADA < 1/2 JOYAD; or JOYADA > JOYAD JOYADA = zero S-curve profiling with JOYAA, and no JOYADA or JOYAD ever entered Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
NOTE Once you enter a JOYADA value that is zero or JOYAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for joystick move decelerations (e.g., not for contouring decelerations, which require the PADA command). All subsequent joystick moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 JOYAD JOYADA < JOYAD.
Increasing the JOYADA value above the pure S-curve level (JOYADA > 1/2 JOYAD), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing JOYADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
Acceleration Scaling (SCLA) affects JOYADA the same as it does for JOYAD. *** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
JOYAD10,10,10,10 JOYADA5,5,7.5,10
; Sets the maximum joystick deceleration of all four axes ; Sets the average joystick deceleration of all four axes
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYAXH<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = analog channel # 0 - 4 (AT6n00 & AT6n50); 0 - 3 (620n, 625n & 6270) 1,2,3,4 (AT6n00 & AT6450); 1,2 (AT6250, 620n, 625n & 6270) JOYAXH: *JOYAXH1,2,3,4 1JOYAXH: *1JOYAXH1 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ
The Joystick Analog Channel High (JOYAXH) command specifies the analog channel that will control each axis during joystick mode, while the joystick axes select input is high (sinking current) and the corresponding axis is in joystick mode. A single analog input channel can control more than one axis (e.g., JOYAXH1,1,,). The value entered in the command field is an analog channel number. If zero is specified, no analog channel will control the corresponding axis when the axes select input is high.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYAXL<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = analog channel # 0 - 4 (AT6n00 & AT6n50); 0 - 3 (620n, 625n & 6270) 1,2,3,4 (AT6n00 & AT6450); 1,2 (AT6250, 620n, 625n & 6270) JOYAXL: *JOYAXL1,2,3,4 1JOYAXL: *1JOYAXL1 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ
The Joystick Analog Channel Low (JOYAXL) command specifies the analog channel that will control each axis during joystick mode, while the joystick axes select input is low (not sinking current) and the corresponding axis is in joystick mode. A single analog input channel can control more than one axis (e.g., JOYAXL1,1,,). If zero is specified, no analog channel will control the corresponding axis when the axes select input is low.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYCDB<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = volts 0.00 - 1.24 0.1000 JOYCDB: *JOYCDB0.1000,0.1000,0.10000,0.1000 1JOYCDB: *1JOYCDB0.1000 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ
The Joystick Center Deadband (JOYCDB) command sets the range of voltage about the joystick center (JOYCTR) which will command no motion. Each analog channel can have a JOYCDB value between 0.00V and 1.24V, with the resolution being 2 decimal places. NOTE: The data fields represent the analog channels, not the axes.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick Center
Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYCDB<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = volts 0.15 - 2.40 1.2500 JOYCTR: *JOYCTR1.2500,1.2500,1.2500,1.2500 1JOYCTR: *1JOYCTR1.25 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ
The Joystick Center (JOYCTR) command defines the voltage level for the analog input that commands no motion for the analog input. The fields <r> after the JOYCTR command correspond to analog inputs. The resolution of the JOYCTR command is 2 decimal places. NOTE: The data fields represent the analog channels, not the axes.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick <!><@><a>JOYEDB<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = volts 0.00 - 1.24 0.1000 JOYEDB: *JOYCEB0.1000,0.1000,0.10000,0.1000 1JOYEDB: *1JOYEDB0.1000 JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYVH, JOYVL, JOYZ
The Joystick End Deadband (JOYEDB) command defines the voltage that is used to determine the full voltage range of the analog inputs. By specifying an end deadband, you are effectively decreasing the voltage range over which the analog input will function. This command is useful if your joystick does not reach either limit of the voltage range (0.00V to 2.50V). This statement reduces the range to fit the voltage range for that joystick. The resolution of the JOYEDB command is 2 decimal places. NOTE: The data fields represent the analog channels, not the axes.
Example: Refer to the joystick mode enable (JOY) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Joystick Velocity High (JOYVH) command specifies the maximum velocity that can be obtained at full deflection during joystick mode, with the joystick velocity select input high (sinking current). NOTE: The data fields (<r>,<r>,<r>,<r>) represent the axes, not the analog channels. The joystick velocity must be entered prior to entering joystick mode (JOY). The joystick velocity high remains set until you change it with a subsequent JOYVH command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained.
Command Descriptions
Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Joystick Velocity Low (JOYVL) command specifies the maximum velocity that can be obtained at full deflection during joystick mode, with the joystick velocity select input low (not sinking current). NOTE: The data fields (<r>,<r>,<r>,<r>) represent the axes, not the analog channels. The joystick velocity must be entered prior to entering joystick mode (JOY). The joystick velocity low remains set until you change it with a subsequent JOYVL command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor ( SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Joystick Zero
Joystick <!><@>JOYZ<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (don't zero), 1 (zero), or X (don't change) n/a n/a JOY, JOYA, JOYAA, JOYAD, JOYADA, JOYAXH, JOYAXL, JOYCDB, JOYCTR, JOYEDB, JOYVH, JOYVL Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Joystick Zero (JOYZ) command defines the current analog input voltage on the enabled axes as center. If the command JOYZ11 was issued, the current voltage on analog channels 1 and 2 would be read in and considered the joystick center, where no motion will occur. This command will automatically determine center voltages, thus eliminating the need for the JOYCTR command.
NOTE: The data fields (bbbb) represent the corresponding analog channels, not the axes.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set the analog input channel each axis is to use when the joystick axis select input is high (axis 1 uses analog channel 4, axes 2 & 3 use analog channel 2, and axis 4 uses analog channel 3) All axes use analog input channel 1 when the joystick axis select input is low Set joystick acceleration to 100 units/sec/sec on axes 1 & 2 Set joystick deceleration to 200 units/sec/sec on axes 1 & 2 Set center deadband to 0.25 volts on axes 1 & 2 Set end deadband to 0.5 volts on axes 1 & 2 (allows for a voltage of 0.5 to 2.0 volts for the analog input) Automatically set the center voltage for analog chnls 1 & 2 Set velocity to 10 on axes 1 & 2 when the joystick velocity select input is high Set velocity to 1 on axes 1 & 2 when the joystick velocity select input is low Enable joystick mode on axes 1 & 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The JUMP command branches to the corresponding program name or label when executed. A program or label name consists of 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. All nested IFs, WHILEs, and REPEATs, loops, and subroutines are cleared; thus, the program or label that the JUMP initiates will not return control to the line after the JUMP, when the program completes operation. Instead, the program will end. If an invalid program or label name is entered, the JUMP will be ignored, and processing will continue with the line after the JUMP.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
*********************************************************************** * In this example, the program place is executed and calls the pick * * subroutine. The pick subroutine then initiates motion on axes 1 & 2 * * (GO1100) and jumps to the program called load to initiate motion on * * axis 3 (GO001). Then, because the JUMP command cleared the pick * * subroutine, program execution is terminated instead of returning to * * the place program. * ***********************************************************************
Command Descriptions
DEF pick GO1100 JUMP load END DEF load GO001 END DEF place GOSUB pick GO1000 END RUN place
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of subroutine named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Jump to the program named load End subroutine definition Begin definition of program named load Initiate motion on axis 3 End program definition Begin definition of subroutine named place Gosub to subroutine named pick Initiate motion on axis 1 End subroutine definition Execute program named place
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Kill Motion
Motion <!><@>K<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (don't kill), 1 (kill), or X (don't change) n/a !K No response, instead motion is killed on all axes COMEXK, DRFLVL, FOLK, GO, <CTRL>K, KDRIVE, LHAD, LHADA, S, TAS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Kill Motion (K) command instructs the motor to instantaneously stop motion on the specified axes. If the Kill (K) command is used without any arguments (K or !K), motion will be stopped on all axes, and program execution will be terminated. When the Kill (K) command is used with ones in the command fields (e.g., K11), motion will be stopped on the axes specified with ones (1), and program execution will continue with the next command. The Kill command will be used most frequently with the immediate command delimiter in front of the command (!K). By using the immediate Kill (!K) command, motion will be stopped at the time the command is received.
STEPPER SYSTEMS This command should be used with caution. Since motion is stopped instantaneously, without a controlled deceleration ramp, high inertial loads may cause a drive to fault. A drive fault condition will allow the load to free wheel, possibly damaging equipment. Compumotor recommends using a brake on your motor drive system to brake the load in the event of a drive fault.
Servos: Motion is stopped at the rate set with the LHADA and LHAD commands. If you want the drive to be disabled upon executing a K or !K command, enable the Disable Dive on Kill mode with the KDRIVE command. (CAUTION: In the KDRIVE mode, a K or !K command immediately shuts down the drive, allowing the load to free wheel to a stop.)
Set acceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set deceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively Set distance on all axes to 10 units Initiate motion on all axes -- motion begins. After a short period the Kill command is sent. Kill motion on all axes (steppers stop instantaneously, servos stop at the LHADA/LHAD decel)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Kill Motion
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Motion <CTRL>K n/a n/a n/a <CTRL>K: No response, instead motion is killed on all axes GO, K, KDRIVE, LHAD, LHADA, S
The Kill Motion (<ctrl>K) command instructs the controller to instantaneously stop motion on all axes, and terminate program execution. In essence, the <ctrl>K command is an immediate kill (!K) command.
STEPPER SYSTEMS This command should be used with caution. Since motion is stopped instantaneously, without a controlled deceleration ramp, high inertial loads may cause a drive to fault. A drive fault condition will allow the load to free wheel, possibly damaging equipment. Compumotor recommends using a brake on your motor drive system to brake the load in the event of a drive fault.
Servos: Motion is stopped at the rate set with the LHADA and LHAD commands. If the Disable Dive on Kill mode is enabled with the KDRIVE command, a <ctrl>K command immediately shuts down the drive, allowing the load to free wheel to a stop.
Sets acceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sets deceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sets velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4, respectively Set distance on all axes to 10 units Initiate motion on all axes -- motion begins. After a short period the Kill command is sent. Kill motion on all axes (steppers stop instantaneously, servos stop at the LHADA/LHAD deceleration)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
If you enable the Disable Drive on Kill function (KDRIVE1), then when a kill command (K, !K, or <ctrl>K) is processed or a kill input (INFNCi-C) is activated, the drive will be disabled immediately; this cuts all control to the motor and allows the load to freewheel to a stop. When the drive is disabled (shutdown/de-energized) the SHTNO relay output is disconnected from COM, and the SHTNC relay output is connected to COM. To re-enable the drive, issue the DRIVE11 command. If you leave the KDRIVE command in its default state (, disabled), the kill function behaves in its normal manner, leaving the drive enabled.
; Set axes 1 & 2 to de-energize the drive during a kill ; Kill is performed and drives are de-energized
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Loops or Program Flow Control <!>L<i> i = number of times to loop 0 - 999,999,999 0 L: No response, instead this does the same thing as L0 LN, LX, PLN, PLOOP Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
When you combine the Loop (L) command with the end of loop (LN) command, all of the commands between L and LN will be repeated the number of times indicated by n. If <i> = , or if no argument is specified, all the commands between L and LN will be repeated indefinitely. The loop can be stopped by issuing a Terminate Loop (!LX) command, an immediate Kill (!K) command, or an immediate Halt (!HALT) command. The loop can be paused by issuing an immediate Pause (!PS) command or a Stop (!S) command with COMEXS enabled. The loop can then be resumed with the immediate Continue (!C) command. You may nest loops up to 16 levels deep.
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between the L and LN commands. Branching to a different
location within the same program will cause the next loop encountered to be nested within the previous loop, unless an LN command has already been encountered.
L5 GO1110 LN
; Repeat the commands between L and LN five times ; Start motion on axes 1, 2, and 3, axis 4 will remain motionless ; End loop
[ LDT ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position of LDT
Assignment or Comparison See below See below See below n/a n/a [ AS ], CMDDIR, ERROR, [ FB ], LDTPOL, PSET, SCALE, SCLD, SFB, TAS, TER, TFB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.0
Use the LDT command to assign the current value of the specified LDT to a variable or to make a comparison. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the value will represent actual LDT counts. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value will be scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If you issue a PSET command, the LDT position value will be offset by the PSET command value. Syntax: VARn=aLDT where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [LDT] can be used in an expression such as IF(1LDT<6). An axis specifier must precede the LDT command, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1LDT, IF(1LDT<2, etc.). An LDT position read error can be caused by a bad LDT connection, an LDT failure, or an LDTUPD command value being too small. If this error occurs, axis status bit #27 (reported with the TAS and AS commands) will be set. In addition, if ERROR bit #15 is enabled (ERROR.15-1), error status bit #15 (reported with the TER and ER commands) will also be set.
; ; ; ;
Assign position of LDT #2 to variable #6 If position of LDT #1 is less than 500, do IF commands Set variable #4 equal to current position of LDT #1 plus 1,000 End of IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
LDT Gradient
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.0
LDT Configuration <!><@><a>LDTGRD<r>,<r> r = gradient in s/inch r = 3.0000 - 20.0000 9.0000 LDTGRD *LDTGRD9.0000,9.0000 1LDTGRD *1LDTGRD9.0000 DRIVE, [ LDT ], LDTRES, LDTUPD, SCLA, SCLD, SCLV, TLDT
Use the LDTGRD command to set the linear displacement transducer (LDT) gradient to calibrate the LDT feedback. The gradient is a measure of how quickly the LDT can respond to feedback requests. It is unique to each LDT and should be printed on the unit. The gradient is used to correct for positional differences created by different LDTs; this allows programs to be easily transported between 6270s or used with a new LDT. The LDTGRD value may be changed only if the drive/value is disabled with the DRIVE command. The LDTGRD setting is saved in non-volatile memory. If the manufacturer of your LDT expresses the gradient in units other than s/inch, convert the units to s/inch so that you can enter an accurate gradient with the LDTGRD command. The 9.000 s/inch gradient provides a scale of 432 steps per inch. If the LDT gradient is other than 9 s/inch it will be scaled internally to provide uniformity. The LDT's position can be monitored with the TLDT and [ LDT ] commands.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
LDT Polarity
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.0
LDT; Controller Configuration <!><@><a>LDTPOL<b><b> b = polarity bit 0 (normal polarity), 1 (reverse polarity) or X (don't change) 0 LDTPOL *LDTPOL00 1AINPOL *1LDTPOL0 CMDDIR, [ FB ], FOLMAS, [ LDT ], [ PCL ], [ PE ], PSET, SFB, TFB, TLDT, TPCL, TPER
Servo stability requires a direct correlation between the commanded direction and the direction of the LDT counts (i.e., a positive commanded direction from the controller must result in positive counts from the LDT). If the LDT input is counting in the wrong direction, you may reverse the polarity with the LDTPOL command (see programming example below). This allows you to reverse the counting direction without having to change the actual mounting of the LDT device. For example, if the LDT on axis 2 counted in the wrong direction, you could issue the LDTPOLx1 command to correct the polarity. Immediately after issuing the LDTPOL command, the sign of the LDT counts (including all LDT position registers) is reversed. The polarity is immediately changed whether or not LDT feedback is currently selected with the SFB command.
NOTE Changing the feedback polarity effectively invalidates any existing offset position (PSET) setting; therefore, you will have to re-establish the PSET position.
Command Descriptions
The LDTPOL command is automatically saved in non-volatile RAM (stand-alone products only). If you wish to reverse the commanded direction of motion, first make sure there is a direct correlation between commanded direction and LDT direction, then issue the appropriate CMDDIR command to reverse both the commanded direction and the LDT direction (see CMDDIR command description for full details).
; ; ; ; ; ;
Select encoder feedback for axis 1 and LDT feedback for axis 2 Example response is *2TLDT+1.294 (response indicates LDT #2 is at position +1.294) Reverse LDT polarity on axis 2 Example response is *2TLDT-1.294 (response indicates LDT #2 is at position -1.294)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
LDT Resolution
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.0
LDT Configuration <!><@><a>LDTRES<i>,<i> i = counts per inch i = 200 - 65535 432 LDTRES *LDTRES432,432 1LDTRES *1LDTRES432 [ AS ], [ ER ], ERROR, ERES, LDTGRD, LDTUPD, SCALE, SCLD, SCLV, TAS, TER
Use the LDTRES command to establish the LDT counts-per-inch resolution for programming the 6270. The 6270 counter frequency of 48 MHz provides a resolution of 432 counts/inch (assuming an LDT gradient of 9 s/inch). You can use the SCLA, SCLD, and SCLV commands to convert distance units from LDT counts to other, more convenient, units. To program in inches, use a scale factor of 432 (see example below). To program in millimeters use a scale factor of 17. If recirculation is used, multiply 432 by the number of recirculations. (A recirculation is a single request for position information from the LDT. Multiple recirculations provide greater resolutionbut reduced accuracy by increasing the length of the feedback pulse. The number of recirculations is determined by the LDT and not the 6270. LDTs must be ordered from the manufacturer or be configured by the user for multiple recirculations.) For example, if you are using LDTs with 4 recirculations and you want to program in inches, you should set the resolution of each LDT to 1728 (4 432 = 1728) with the LDTRES1728,1728 command. If using recirculation, the time required to obtain a position reading is increased. If the LDT response time is too long, the 6270 will report a read error. If a read error occurs, axis status bit #27 (reported with the TAS and AS commands) will be set. In addition, if ERROR bit #15 is enabled (ERROR.15-1), error status bit #15 (reported with the TER and ER commands) will also be set. For more information, refer to the LDTUPD command.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Configure axes 1 & 2 for 2 recirculations Program acceleration values in inches/sec/sec Program velocity values in inches/sec Program distance values in inches Enable scaling Set move distance to 5 inches Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
LDT Configuration <!><@><a>LDTUPD<i>,<i> i = multiples of the system update rate i = 1 - 1000 1 LDTUPD *LDTUPD1,1 1LDTUPD *1LDTUPD1 [ AS ], [ ER ], ERROR, INDAX, LDTRES, LDTGRD, SSFR, TAS, TER
The LDTUPD command value is multiplied by the system update rate to establish the LDT position sample rate. The system update rate is determined by the current SSFR and INDAX command settings (see table in SSFR command description). As the LDTUPD value is increased (update rate is decreased), the quality of the dynamic response degrades. However, if the update rate is too fast, the LDT will not have enough time to read the position and LDT read errors will occur. If a read error occurs, axis status bit #27 (reported with the TAS and AS commands) will be set. In addition, if ERROR bit #15 is enabled (ERROR.15-1), error status bit #15 (reported with the TER and ER commands) will also be set. To determine the minimum allowable LDTUPD update rate, use this formula:
((max. length of travel in inches LDT gradient) number of recirculations) + 140s < LDTUPD value system update rate
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Hard Limit Enable (LH) command determines the status of the hard wired limits. With limits disabled, motion will not be restricted. When a specific limit is enabled (positive- or negative-direction), and the limit wiring for the enabled limit is a physical open circuit, motion will be restricted (assuming LHLVL). The active level of the limit inputs can be changed with the LHLVL command.
Disable negative- and positive-direction limits: Enable negative-direction, disable positive-direction limit: Enable positive-direction, disable negative-direction limit: Enable negative- and positive-direction limits: NOTE
If a hard limit is encountered while limits are enabled, motion must occur in the opposite direction after correcting the limit condition (resetting the switch); then you can make a move in the original direction. If limits are disabled, you are free to make a move in either direction. Example:
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable limits on axes 1 and 2 Set hard limit decel to 100 units/sec/sec on axes 1 and 2 Active low hard limit Set acceleration to 10 and 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 and 2 Set velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 and 2 Set distance to 100000 and 1000 units for axes 1 and 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Hard Limit Deceleration (LHAD) command determines the value at which to decelerate after an end-oftravel limit has been hit. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec. When a drive fault, a Kill command (K, !K, or ^K), or a Kill input (INFNCi-C) occurs, motion is stopped at the rate set with the LHAD and LHADA commands. If the Disable Drive on Kill mode is enabled (KDRIVE1), the drive is immediately shut down upon a Kill command or input and allows the motor/load to freewheel to a stop without a controlled deceleration. The hard limit deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent hard limit deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATAFIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained.
Example: Refer to the hard limit enable (LH) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Hard Limit Average Deceleration (LHADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve deceleration profile when a limit is hit. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in deceleration; this decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum hard limit decel (LHAD) and average hard limit decel (LHADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter a LHADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 LHAD LHADA < LHAD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting LHADA > 1/2 LHAD, but LHADA < LHAD LHADA = 1/2 LHAD LHADA = LHAD LHADA < 1/2 LHAD; or LHADA > LHAD AA = zero; or if no LHADA value is ever entered Profiling Condition S-curve deceleration profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
NOTE Once you enter an LHADA value that is zero or LHAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for hard limit move decelerations (e.g., not for contouring decelerations, which require the PADA command).
Increasing the LHADA value above the pure S-curve level (LHADA > 1/2 LHAD), the time required to reach zero velocity decreases. However, increasing LHADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average deceleration move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average deceleration value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Acceleration scaling (SCLA) affects LHADA the same as it does for LHAD.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
LHAD10,10,10,10 LHADA5,5,7.5,10
; Set the maximum deceleration of all four axes ; Set the average deceleration of all four axes
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Hard Limit Active Level (LHLVL) command defines the active state of all end-of-travel hard limit inputs. The default state is active low. Command Format:
LHLVL b b b b . . .
axis 1 positive-direction limit axis 1 negative-direction limit axis 2 positive-direction limit axis 2 negative-direction limit
The end-of-travel limit switch can be either normally-open or normally-closed. If a normally-open switch is used, the hard limit active level should be set to active high (LHLVL1). If a normally-closed switch is used, the hard limit active level should be set to active low (LHLVL). Compumotor recommends that all end-of-travel limit switches be normally-closed, because with normally-closed limit switches, the limit function (i.e., inhibiting motion) is considered active when the switch contact is opened or if the wiring to the switch is broken. The end-of-travel limit input schematic is shown in the 6000 Series product's Installation Guide. The state of the limit inputs can be displayed with the TLIM command. The state of the limit function (i.e., inhibiting motion) can be displayed with the TAS command.
Example: Refer to the hard limit enable (LH) command example.
[ LIM ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Limit Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a LH, TLIM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Limit Status (LIM) command is used to assign the limit status bits to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. Syntax: VARBn=LIM where n is the binary variable number, or [LIM] can be used in an expression such as IF(LIM=b1XX1), or IF(LIM=h7) There are 3 limit inputs per axis, home limit, positive-direction, and negative-direction end-of-travel limits. Each is available for assignment or comparison. If it is desired to assign only one limit input value to a binary variable, instead of the status of all the limit inputs, the bit select (.) operator can be used. The bit
select, in conjunction with the limit input number, is used to specify a specific limit input. For example, VARB1=LIM.4 assigns limit input 4 to binary variable 1. Format for binary assignment:
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #12
Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Example:
Function Axis 1 - positive-direction Limit Axis 1 - negative-direction Limit Axis 1 - Home Limit Axis 2 - positive-direction Limit Axis 2 - negative-direction Limit Axis 2 - Home Limit Axis 3 - Positive-direction Limit Axis 3 - Negative-direction Limit Axis 3 - Home Limit Axis 4 - Positive-direction Limit Axis 4 - Negative-direction Limit Axis 4 - Home Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) (AT6400 and AT6450) (AT6400 and AT6450) (AT6400 and AT6450) (AT6400 and AT6450) (AT6400 and AT6450)
; ; ; ; ;
If both limit inputs on axis 1 and the positive-direction limit input on axis 2 are active, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Transfer limit status End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
End of Loop
Loops or Program Flow Control <!>LN n/a n/a n/a No response; used in conjunction with the L command L, LX Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The End of Loop (LN) command marks the end of a loop. You must use this command in conjunction with the Loop (L) command. All buffered commands that you enter between the L and LN commands are executed as many times as the number that you enter following the L command. You may nest loops up to 16 levels deep. NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between the L and LN commands. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next loop encountered to be nested within the previous loop, unless an LN command has already been encountered.
L5 GO1110 LN
; Repeat the commands between L and LN five times ; Start motion on axes 1, 2, and 3, axis 4 will remain motionless ; End loop
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Soft Limit Enable (LS) command determines the status of the programmable soft move distance limits. With soft limits disabled, motion will not be restricted. After a soft limit absolute position has been programmed (LSPOS and LSNEG), and the soft limit is enabled (LS), a move will be restricted upon reaching the programmed soft limit absolute position. The rate at which motion is decelerated to a stop upon reaching a soft limit is determined by the LSAD and LSADA commands. Disable negative- and positive-direction soft limits Enable negative-direction, disable positive-direction soft limit Enable positive-direction, disable negative-direction soft limit Enable negative- and positive-direction soft limits
i=0 i=1 i=2 i=3
NOTE: The controller maintains an absolute count, even though you may be programming in the incremental mode (MA). The soft limits will also function in incremental mode (MA) or continuous mode (MC1). The soft limit position references the commanded position, not the
SCALE0 LSPOS500000,50000
Disable scaling. Set soft limit positive-direction absolute positions to be 500000 units for axis 1, 50000 units for axis 2 (Soft limits are always absolute) Set soft limit negative-direction absolute positions to be -500000 units for axis 1, -50000 units for axis 2 (Soft limits are always absolute) Soft limits are enabled on axes 1 and 2 Soft limit decel set to 100 units/sec/sec on axes 1 and 2 Set absolute position on all axes to 0 Set accel to 10 and 12 units/sec/sec for axes 1 and 2 Set velocity to 1 unit/sec for axes 1 and 2 Set distance to 100000 and 1000 units for axes 1 and 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Soft Limit Deceleration (LSAD) command determines the value at which to decelerate after a programmed soft limit (LSPOS or LSNEG) has been hit.
6000 Series Software Reference
Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The soft limit deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent soft limit deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATAFIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained.
Example: Refer to the soft limit enable (LS) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Soft Limit Average Deceleration (LSADA) command allows you to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve deceleration profile when a soft limit is hit. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in deceleration; this decel rate of change is known as jerk.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum soft limit decel (LSAD) and average soft limit decel (LSADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter a LSADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 LSAD LSADA < LSAD. The following conditions are possible:
Command Descriptions
Deceleration Setting LSADA > 1/2 LSAD, but LSADA < LSAD LSADA = 1/2 LSAD LSADA = LSAD LSADA < 1/2 LSAD; or LSADA > LSAD AA = zero; or if no LSADA value is ever entered
Profiling Condition S-curve deceleration profile with a variable period of constant deceleration
NOTE Once you enter an LSADA value that is zero or LSAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for the soft limit move deceleration (e.g., not for the hard limit deceleration, which requires the LHADA command).
Increasing the LSADA value above the pure S-curve level (LSADA > 1/2 LSAD), the time required to reach zero velocity decreases. However, increasing LSADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average deceleration move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average deceleration value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Acceleration scaling (SCLA) affects LSADA the same as it does for LSAD.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
LSAD10,10,10,10 LSADA5,5,7.5,10
; Sets the maximum deceleration of all four axes ; Sets the average deceleration of all four axes
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The LSNEG command specifies the distance in absolute units where motion will be restricted when traveling in a negative-travel direction. The reference position used to determine absolute position is set to zero upon power-up, and can be reset using the PSET command. Be sure to set the LSPOS value greater than the LSNEG value. The LSNEG value remains set until you change it with a subsequent LSNEG command. All soft limit values entered are in absolute steps. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), LSNEG is internally multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD). The soft limit position references the commanded position, not the position as measured by the feedback device (e.g., encoder).
Example: Refer to the soft limit enable (LS) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The LSPOS command specifies the distance in absolute units where motion will be restricted when traveling in a positive-travel direction. The reference position used to determine absolute position is set to zero upon power-up, and can be reset using the PSET command. Be sure to set the LSPOS value greater than the LSNEG value. The LSPOS value remains set until you change it with a subsequent LSPOS command. All soft limit values entered are in absolute steps. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), LSPOS is internally multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD). The soft limit position references the commanded position, not the position as measured by the feedback device (e.g., encoder).
Example: Refer to the soft limit enable (LS) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Terminate Loop
Loops or Program Flow Control <!>LX n/a n/a n/a n/a L, LN, PLN, PLOOP Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Terminate Loop (LX) command terminates the current loop in progress. This command does not halt processing of the commands in the loop until the last command in the current loop iteration is executed. At this point, the loop is terminated. If there are nested loops, only the inner most loop is terminated. This command can be used externally to terminate the loop only if it is preceded by the immediate command specifier (!LX). If the immediate command specifier is not used, the command will have no effect on a loop in progress. An example of where the buffered Terminate Loop command ( LX) might be used is provided below.
; ******************************************************************* ; This program will make the move specified by the GO1110 command ; indefinitely until input 2 goes high, at which point, an LX will ; be issued, terminating the loop. ; ******************************************************************* L0 ; Repeat the commands between L and LN infinitely, or until ; a Terminate Loop (LX) command is received GO1110 ; Start motion on axes 1, 2, and 3, ; axis 4 will remain motionless IF(IN=bX1) ; If input 2 goes high execute all statements between IF and NIF LX ; Terminate loop NIF ; End IF statement LN ; End loop
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Absolute/Incremental Mode Enable (MA) command specifies whether the moves to follow are made with respect to current position (incremental) or with respect to an absolute zero position. In incremental mode (MA), all moves are made with respect to the position at the beginning of the move. This mode is useful for repeating moves of the same distance. In absolute mode (MA1), all moves are made with respect to the absolute zero position. The absolute zero position is equal to zero upon power up, and can be redefined with the PSET command. An internal counter keeps track of absolute position. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES (as of revision 4.0): You can change positioning modes on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate command (!MA) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered command (MA) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
Set absolute position on axes 1, 2, and 3 to zero, and axis 4 to 1000 units Enable absolute mode on axes 1 through 4 Set acceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set deceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively Set distance on all axes to 10 units Initiate motion on all axes (axes 1, 2, and 3 will move 10 units in the positive direction, axis 4 will move 990 units in the negative direction)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Preset/Continuous Mode Enable (MC) command causes subsequent moves to go a specified distance (MC), or a specified velocity (MC1). In the Preset Mode (MC), all moves will go a specific distance. The actual distance traveled is specified by the D, SCLD, and MA commands. In the Continuous Mode (MC1), all moves will go to a specific velocity with the Distance (D) command establishing the direction (D+ or D-). The actual velocity will be determined by the V and SCLV commands, or the V and DRES commands. Motion will stop with an immediate Stop (!S) command, an immediate Kill (!K) command, or by specifying a velocity of zero followed by a GO command. Motion can also be stopped with a buffered Stop (S) or Kill (K) command if the continuous command processing mode (COMEXC) is enabled. ON-THE-FLY CHANGES (as of revision 4.0): You can change positioning modes on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate command (!MC) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered command (MC) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
; ; ; ; AD2,2,25000,25000 ; ; V1,1,1,2 ; ; D10,10,10,10 ; GO1111 ; ; COMEXC1 ; MC1111 ; A8,8,2000,2000 ; ; AD8,8,2000,2000 ; ; V5,5,5,9 ; GO1111 ; ; ; T15 ; @V5 ; GO1111 ; T8 ; @V0 ; GO1111 ; WAIT(MOV=b0000) ; COMEXC0 ;
Enable incremental mode on all axes Enable preset mode on all axes Set acceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set deceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 respectively Set distance on all axes to 10 units Initiate motion on all axes (axes 1,2, 3, & 4 will all move 10 units positive-direction) Enable continuous command processing mode Enable continuous mode on all axes Set acceleration to 8, 8, 2000, and 2000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set deceleration to 8, 8, 2000, and 2000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set velocity to 5, 5, 5, and 9 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Initiate motion on all axes (axes 1,2, and 3 will each travel at a velocity of 1 unit/sec, axis 4 will travel at a velocity of 2 units/sec) Wait 15 seconds Set velocity to 5 units/sec (axis 4 only affected axis) Initiate motion with new velocity of 5 units/sec (all axes) Wait 8 seconds Set velocity to zero Initiate motion with new velocity of 5 units/sec (all axes) Wait for motion to come to a halt on all axes Disable continuous command processing mode
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Controller Configuration <!>MEMORY<i>,<i> i = bytes of memory (use even number only) 1st <i> = partition for Programs 2nd <i> = partition for Compiled Profiles (see table below) (see table below) MEMORY: *MEMORY33000,31000 [ DATP ], DEF, GOBUF, PCOMP, [ SEG ], [ SS ], TDIR, TMEM, TSEG, TSS
Your controller's memory has two partitions: one for storing programs and one for storing compiled profiles. The allocation of memory to these two areas is controlled with the MEMORY command.
Programs vs. Compiled Profiles Programs are defined with the DEF and END commands, as demonstrated in the Program Development Scenario in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Compiled Profiles are defined like programs (using the DEF and END commands), but are compiled with the PCOMP command and executed with the PRUN command. A compiled profile could be a multi-axis contour (a series of arcs and lines), an individual axis profile (a series of GOBUF commands), or a compound profile (combination of multi-axis contours and individual axis profiles). Programs intended to be compiled are stored in program memory. After they are compiled with the PCOMP command, they remain in program memory and the segments (see diagram below) from the compiled profile are stored in compiled memory. The TDIR command reports which programs are compiled as a compiled profile (referred to here as a path ). For more information on multi-axis contours, refer to Contouring in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. For more information on compiled profiles for individual axes, refer to Compiled Motion Profiling in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
MEMORY Syntax:
M em ory allocation for Com piled P rofiles (bytes). S torage requirem ents depend on the num ber of segments in the com piled profile (1 segm ent consum es 72 bytes). A segm ent could be one of these com m ands: C ontouring: Com piled M otion:
M em ory allocation for P rogram s (bytes). S torage requirem ents depend on the num ber of A S CII characters in the program .
33000,31000 63000,1000 63000,1000 1000,63000 150 250 100 875 100 100 100
1499000,1000 39000,1000 149000,1000 149000,1000 1000,1499000 1000,39000 1000,149000 1000,149000 4000 6000 800 20819 200 100 100 100 100 100 541 150 25 25 400 600 300 2069 150 25 25 400 600 300 2069 150 25 25
When teaching variable data to a data program (DATP), be aware that the memory required for each data statement of four data points (43 bytes) is taken from the memory allocation for program storage.
CAUTION Issuing a memory allocation command (e.g., MEMORY30000,10000) will erase all existing programs and compiled profile segments. However, issuing the MEMORY command by itself (e.g., type MEMORY <cr> by itself to request the status of how the memory is allocated) will not affect existing programs or compiled segments.
Two system status bits (reported with the TSS, TSSF and SS commands) are available to check when compiled profile segment storage is 75% full or 100% full. System status bit #29 is set when segment storage reaches 75% of capacity; bit #30 indicates when segment storage is 100% full.
MEMORY56000,8000 ; Set aside 56000 bytes for program storage, ; 8000 bytes for compiled profile segments
Command Descriptions
[ MOV ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Axis Moving Status (MOV) command is used to assign the moving status to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. The axis moving status is also reported with bit #1 of the TAS, TASF and AS commands Syntax: VARBn=MOV where n is the binary variable number, or [MOV] can be used in an expression such as IF(MOV=b1XX1), or IF(MOV=h3) Each bit of the MOV command corresponds to a specific axis. The first bit (left to right) is for axis 1, the second is for axis 2, etc. If the specific axis is in motion, the bit will be a one (1). If the specific axis is not in motion, the bit will be a zero (). Each 6000 Series product has 1 moving/not moving bit per axis. For example, the AT6400 has 4 axes, thus 4 moving/not moving bits. If it is desired to assign only one moving/not moving bit to a binary variable, instead of all the moving/not moving bits, the bit select (.) operator can be used. The bit select operator, in conjunction with the moving/not moving bit number, are used to specify a specific moving/not moving bit. For example, VARB1=MOV.2 assigns bit 2 (representing axis 2 moving/not moving) to binary variable 1.
Enable continuous command processing mode Save command buffer on stop Enable continuous mode on all axes Set acceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively Set deceleration to 2, 2, 25000, and 25000 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively Set velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively Initiate motion on all axes (axes 1,2, and 3 will each travel at a velocity of 1 unit/sec, axis 4 will travel at a velocity of 2 units/sec) Wait 5 seconds Stop motion on all axes Wait for motion to come to a halt on all axes Disable continuous command processing mode
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
End IF Statement
Program Flow Control or Conditional Branching <!>NIF n/a n/a n/a No response when used in conjunction with the IF command ELSE, IF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This command is used in conjunction with the IF and ELSE commands to provide conditional program flow. If the expression contained within the parentheses of the IF command evaluates true, then the commands between the IF and the ELSE are executed. The commands between the ELSE and the NIF are
ignored. If the expression evaluates false, the commands between the ELSE and the NIF are executed. The commands between IF and ELSE are ignored. The ELSE command is optional and does not have to be included in the IF statement. Programming order: IF(expression) ...commands... NIF or
IF(expression) ...commands... ELSE ...commands... NIF NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between IF and NIF. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next IF statement encountered to be nested within the previous IF statement, unless an NIF command has already been encountered.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Specify IF condition to be input 1 = 1, input 3 = IF condition evaluates true wait 5 seconds Else part of IF condition IF condition does not evaluate true, transfer position of all encoders End IF statement
[ NMCY ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following; Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a FMCLEN, FMCNEW, FMCP, [ FS ], [ PMAS ], TFS, TNMCY, TRGFN
The Master Cycle Number (NMCY) command is used to assign the current master cycle number (specific to one axis) to a numeric variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. The value represents the current cycle number, not the position of the master (or the slave). The master cycle number is set to zero when master cycle counting is restarted, and is incremented each time a master cycle finishes (i.e., rollover occurs). It will often correspond to the number of complete parts in a production run. This value may be used for subsequent decision making, or simply recording the cycle number corresponding to some other event. For a complete discussion of master cycles, refer to the Following chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Syntax: VARn=aNMCY where n is the variable number and a is the axis number, or NMCY can be used in an expression such as IF(1NMCY>=5). The NMCY command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1NMCY, IF(2NMCY>12), etc.).
; If the master for axis 2 has moved through 500 cycles, ; do the IF statement WRITE"500 cycles have occurred" ; Send string to serial port or the AT-bus NIF ; End of IF statement VAR12=3NMCY ; Set VAR12 to equal the number of cycles that have ; occurred on axis 3 master
Command Descriptions
[ NOT ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Logical) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ AND ], IF, NWHILE, [ OR ], REPEAT, UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The NOT operator is used in conjunction with the program flow control commands (IF, REPEAT..UNTIL, WHILE..NWHILE, WAIT). The NOT operator compliments a logical expression. If an expression is true, the NOT operator will make the expression false. If an expression is false, the NOT operator will make the expression true. This fact is best illustrated by the following examples: If variable #1 equals 1, then the following is a true statement: IF(VAR1<3) By using the NOT operator, the same statement becomes false: IF (NOT VAR1<3) If variable #2 equals 2, then the following statement is false: WHILE(VAR2=3) By using the NOT operator, the same statement becomes true: WHILE (NOT VAR2=3) To evaluate an expression (NOT Expression) to determine if the expression is true, use the following rule: NOT TRUE = FALSE NOT FALSE = TRUE In the following example, variable #1 is displayed, then is incremented by 1 as long as VAR1 is not equal to 10.
VAR1=1 ; Set variable 1 equal to 1 WHILE(NOT VAR1=10) ; Compare variable 1 to 10, and logically not the expression WRVAR1 ; Write out variable 1 VAR1=VAR1 + 1 ; Set variable 1 to increment 1 by 1 NWHILE ; End WHILE statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Program Flow Control or Conditional Branching <!>NWHILE n/a n/a n/a No response when used in conjunction with the WHILE command WHILE
The WHILE command, in conjunction with the NWHILE command, provide a means of conditional program flow. The WHILE command marks the beginning of the conditional statement, the NWHILE command marks the end. If the expression contained within the parenthesis of the WHILE command evaluates true, then the commands between the WHILE and NWHILE are executed, and continue to execute as long as the expression evaluates true. If the expression evaluates false, then program execution jumps to the first command after the NWHILE. Up to 16 levels of WHILE .... NWHILE commands may be nested.
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between WHILE and NWHILE. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next WHILE statement encountered to be nested within the previous WHILE statement, unless an NWHILE command has already been encountered.
Programming order:
; ; ; ; ;
While input 1 = 1, input 3 = , execute commands between WHILE and NWHILE Wait 5 seconds Transfer position of all encoders End WHILE statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
On Condition Enable
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
On Condition (Program Interrupt) <!><@>ONCOND<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable) or X (don't change) 0 ONCOND: *ONCOND0000 FSHFD, ONIN, ONP, ONUS, ONVARA, ONVARB, [ SS ], TSS
The On Condition Enable (ONCOND) command enables the ONIN, ONUS, ONVARA, and ONVARB commands. When enabled, the expressions specified in the ONIN, ONUS, ONVARA, and ONVARB commands will be continuously evaluated. If any of the expressions ever evaluate true, a GOSUB will be made to the ONP program/subroutine.
ONP, ONIN, ONUS, ONVARA, and ONVARB should be defined before enabling the On Condition. If ONP is not defined first, the error message *UNDEFINED LABEL will appear. ONCONDbbbb:
First b = ONIN Enable Second b = ONUS Enable Third b = ONVARA Enable Fourth b = ONVARB Enable
When ON conditions WILL NOT interrupt immediately: These are situations in which an ON condition does not immediately interrupt the program in progress. However, the fact that the ON condition evaluated true is retained, and when the condition listed below is no longer preventing the interrupt, the interrupt will occur.
While a WAIT statement is in progress While a time delay (T) is in progress While a program is being defined (DEF) While a pause (PS) is in progress While a data read (DREAD, DREADF, or READ) is in progress While motion is in progress due to GO, GOL, GOWHEN, HOM, JOY, JOG, or PRUN and the continuous command execution mode is disabled (COMEXC).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On input #4 GOSUB to ONP program Enable ONIN condition
GO1111 END ONP bigmov ONINxxx1 ONCOND1000 ; ; Now that the ONP program named bigmov is defined, if input #4 becomes ; active during normal program operation, the program will GOSUB to the ; ONP program (bigmov).
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The On an Input Condition Gosub (ONIN) command specifies the input bit pattern which will cause a branch to the ON program (ONP). If the input pattern occurs, a GOSUB is performed. The subroutine or program that the GOSUB branches to is selected with the ON program (ONP) command. Input bit assignments for the ONIN command vary by product. The input bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided on page 6 of this document. The inputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. The ONIN command must be enabled using the ONCOND command before any branching will occur. Once a branch to the ONP program occurs, ONIN command will not call the ONP program while the ONP program is executing, eliminating the possibility of recursive calls. After returning from the ONP program, the input pattern specified by the ONIN command must evaluate false before another branch to the ONP program, resulting from the ONIN inputs, will be allowed.
GO1111 END ONP bigmov ONINxxx1 ONCOND1000 ; ; Now that the ONP program named bigmov is defined, if input #4 becomes ; active during normal program operation, the program will GOSUB to ; the ONP program (bigmov).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On input #4 GOSUB to ONP program Enable ONIN condition
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The On Condition Program (ONP) command assigns the program to which programming will GOSUB when an ON condition is met. The program must be defined (DEF) previous to the execution of the ONP command. The ONP command must be specified before enabling the ON conditions (ONCOND). If ONP is not defined first, the error message *UNDEFINED LABEL will appear. To unassign the program as the ON condition program, issue the ONP CLR command. Deleting the program with the DEL command will accomplish the same thing. Within the ONP program, the programmer is responsible for checking which ON condition caused the branch, if multiple ON conditions (ONCOND) have been enabled. Once a branch to the ONP program occurs, the ONP program will not be called again until after it has finished executing. After returning from the ONP program, the condition that caused the branch must evaluate false before another branch to the ONP program will be allowed.
GO1111 END ONP bigmov ONINxxx1 ONCOND1000 ; ; Now that the ONP program named bigmov is defined, if input #4 becomes ; active during normal program operation, the program will GOSUB to ; the ONP program (bigmov).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On input #4 GOSUB to ONP program Enable ONIN condition
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The On a User Status Condition Gosub (ONUS) command specifies the user status bit pattern, defined using the INDUST command, which will cause a branch to the ON program (ONP). If the bit pattern occurs, a GOSUB is performed. The subroutine or program that the GOSUB branches to is selected by the ON program (ONP) command. The ONUS command must be enabled using the ONCOND command before any branching will occur. Once a branch to the ONP program occurs, ONUS command will not call the ONP program while the ONP program is executing, eliminating the possibility of recursive calls. After returning from the ONP program, the user status bit pattern specified by the ONUS command must evaluate false before another branch to the ONP program, resulting from the ONUS status bits, will be allowed.
INDUSE1 INDUST1-5A INDUST2-3D INDUST3-5J INDUST4-1K INDUST16-2I DEF bigmov D20,20,1,3 GO1111 END ONP bigmov ONUSxxx1 ONCOND0100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable user status User status bit 1 defined as axis 1 status bit 5 User status bit 2 defined as axis 4 status bit 3 User status bit 3 defined as input 5 User status bit 4 defined as interrupt status bit 1 User status bit 16 defined as system status bit 2 Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On user status bit #4 (interrupt status bit 1) GOSUB to the ONP program Enable ONUS condition
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
On Condition (Program Interrupt) <!>ONVARA<i,i> See below 999,999,999.99999999 0,0 ONVARA: *ONVARA0,0 ONCOND, ONP, ONVARB, VAR
The On Variable 1 Condition Gosub (ONVARA) command specifies the low and high values which will cause a branch to the ON program (ONP). If the value of variable 1 is less than or equal to the first i, or greater than or equal to the second i, a GOSUB is performed. The subroutine or program that the GOSUB branches to is selected by the ON program (ONP) command. The ONVARA command must be enabled using the ONCOND command before any branching will occur. Once a branch to the ONP program occurs, ONVARA command will not call the ONP program while the ONP program is executing, eliminating the possibility of recursive calls. After returning from the ONP program, variable 1 must be reset to a value within the low and high values before another branch to the ONP program, resulting from the value of variable 1, will be allowed.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On VAR1 <= 0, or VAR1 >= 12 GOSUB to ONP program Enable ONVARA condition
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
On Condition (Program Interrupt) <!>ONVARB<i,i> See below 999,999,999.99999999 0,0 ONVARB: *ONVARB0,0 ONCOND, ONP, ONVARA, VAR
The ONVARB command specifies the low and high values which will cause a branch to the ON program (ONP). If the value of variable 2 is less than or equal to the first i, or greater than or equal to the second i, a GOSUB is performed. The subroutine or program that the GOSUB branches to is selected by the ON program (ONP) command. The ONVARB command must be enabled using the ONCOND command before any branching will occur. Once a branch to the ONP program occurs, ONVARB command will not call the ONP program while the ONP program is executing, eliminating the possibility of recursive calls. After returning from the ONP program, variable 2 must be reset to a value within the low and high values before another branch to the ONP program, resulting from the value of variable 1, will be allowed.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Define program bigmov Sets move distance on axes 1 and 2 to 20 units, axis 3 to 1 unit, and axis 4 to 3 units Initiate motion on all axes End program definition Set ON program to bigmov On VAR2 <= 0, or VAR2 >= 12 GOSUB to ONP program Enable ONVARB condition
[ OR ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Logical) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ AND ], IF, [ NOT ], NWHILE, REPEAT, UNTIL, WAIT, WHILE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Use the OR command as a logical operator in a program flow control command (IF, REPEAT, UNTIL, WHILE, NWHILE, WAIT). The OR command logically links two expressions. If either of the two expressions are true, and are linked with an OR command, then the whole statement is true. This fact is best illustrated by example. If VAR1=1 and VAR2=1 then, even though variable 2 is not greater than 3, this is a true statement: IF(VAR1>0 OR VAR2>3). This statement would not be true: IF(VAR1<>1 OR VAR2=2). To evaluate an expression (Expression 1 OR Expression 2 = Result) to determine if the whole expression is true, use the following rule: TRUE OR TRUE = TRUE TRUE OR FALSE = TRUE
VAR1=1 ; Set variable 1 equal to 1 IF(VAR1=1 OR IN=b1XXX) ; Compare variable 1 to 1, and check for input #1 ; to be active WRITE"FIRST EXAMPLE" ; If either condition is true, write out FIRST EXAMPLE NIF ; End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output State
Output <!>OUT<b><b><b>...<b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (off), 1 (on) or X (don't change) 0 n/a OUTALL, OUTEN, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, OUTP, TOUT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Output State (OUT) command turns the programmable output bits on and off. A programmable output bit must be defined as such (OUTFNCi-A, which is the default definition) before this command will take affect. The output bit pattern specified in the OUT command corresponds only to the outputs defined as programmable (OUTFNCi-A). For example, if only outputs 3 and 5 were defined as programmable, then turning on outputs 3 and 5 would require the command OUT11, not OUTxx1x1. Output bit patterns vary by product. The output bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided on page 6 of this document. If it is desired to set only one output value, instead of all outputs, the bit select ( .) operator can be used, followed by the number of the specific output. For example, OUT.12-1 turns on output 12.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable output functions Define output #1 as axis 1 moving/not moving Define output #2 as axis 2 moving/not moving Define output #3 as programmable Define output #4 as programmable Define output #5 as fault output Turn on first programmable output (output #3), turn off second programmable output (output #4) Turn on the second programmable output (output #4)
Command Descriptions
[ OUT ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a b = 0 (off), 1 (on) or X (don't change) 0 n/a OUTALL, OUTEN, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, TOUT, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Output Status (OUT) command is used to assign the output states to a binary variable (VARB), or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9.In servo products, the OUTEN command has no effect on auxiliary outputs (OUT-A, OUT-B, etc.) when they are configured as output-on-position outputs with the OUTFNCi-H command. Syntax: VARBn=OUT where n is the binary variable number, or [OUT] can be used in an expression such as IF(OUT=b111), or IF(OUT=h7F) Output bit assignments vary by product. The output bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided on page 6 of this document. The outputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. The function of the outputs is established with the OUTFNC command (although the [OUT] command looks at all outputs regardless of their assigned function from the OUTFNC command). If it is desired to assign only one output value to a binary variable, instead of all outputs, the bit select (.) operator can be used, followed by the number of the specific output. For example, VARB1=OUT.12 assigns output 12 to binary variable 1.
Output status assigned to binary variable 1 Output bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 Response if bit 12 is set to 1: *VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX If the output status contains 1's for outputs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9, and a 0 for output 4, do the IF statement Transfer revision level End IF statement If the output status contains 1's for outputs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and 0's for every other output, do the IF statement Transfer revision level End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output <!>OUTALL<i>,<i>,<b> See below 1st i = 1 to n; 2nd i = First i to n; b = 0 (off) or 1 (on) (n = total # of general-purpose outputs, varies by product and option) 0 n/a OUT, OUTEN, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, TOUT
The Output State (OUTALL) command turns the programmable output bits on and off. A programmable output bit must be defined as such (OUTFNCi-A) before this command will take affect. Note: OUTFNCi-A is the default.
The outputs specified in the OUTALL command corresponds only to the outputs defined as programmable (OUTFNCi-A). For example, if only outputs 3 and 5 were defined as programmable, then stating the command OUTALL1,2,1 will turn on outputs 3 and 5. Syntax: First i = Beginning of output set. Range: 1 to n * Second i = Ending of output set. Range: first i to n * b = State of the outputs ( = off, 1 = on) * n represents the maximum number of programmable outputs. This number varies by product. The programmable output configurations for all 6000 products are provided on page 6 of this document.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The OUTANA command controls the voltage setting from the ANA output on the AT6n50's AUX connector. The range is -10V to +10V with an accuracy of +/- 5%. The output is controlled with an 8-bit digital-toanalog converter.
; Set ANA output to +5.00 volts ; Set ANA output to -3.00 volts
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output Enable
Output or Program Debug Tool <!>OUTEN<d><d><d>...<d><d><d> n/a d = 0 (off), 1 (on), E (enabled) or X (don't change) E OUTEN: *OUTENEEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE_EEEE OUT, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Output Enable (OUTEN) command allows the user to disable any of the outputs from their configured function and set them on or off. This command is used for troubleshooting and initial start-up testing. It allows you to simulate output operations by bypassing the configured output function.
0 = Disable output function and turn output off 1 = Disable output function and turn output on X = No change from previous state E = Re-enable output function
In servo products, the OUTEN command has no effect on auxiliary outputs (OUT-A, OUT-B, etc.) when they are configured as output-on-position outputs with the OUTFNCi-H command. Programmable output bit assignments vary by product. The output bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided on page 6 of this document. The outputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right.
Command Descriptions
; This allows the user to test if the fault output is working, ; without the inconvenience of trying to force a fault. OUTFEN1 ; Enable output functions OUTFNC1-1B ; Define output #1 as axis 1 moving/not moving OUTFNC2-2B ; Define output #2 as axis 2 moving/not moving OUTFNC3-A ; Define output #3 as programmable OUTFNC4-A ; Define output #4 as programmable OUTFNC5-F ; Define output #5 as fault output OUTENxxxx1 ; Disable programmed function of output #5 and turn on
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output <!>OUTFEN<b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable) or X (don't change) 0 OUTFEN: *OUTFEN0 OUTFNC, OUTP, POUT
The Output Function Enable (OUTFEN) command enables the use of the OUTFNC command, as well as the OUTPA, OUTPB, OUTPC, and OUTPD commands. If OUTFEN is disabled, the outputs can only be used as programmable outputs (OUTFNCi-A).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
Output Function
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Output <!>OUTFNC<i><-<a>c> i = output #, a = axis, c = function identifier (letter) i = up to 28 (depends on product), a = up to 4 (depends on product), c=A-H c = A (programmable output function) OUTFNC: *OUTFNC1-A PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT - STATUS OFF ... (repeated once for each programmable output) *OUTFNC28-A PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT - STATUS OFF OUTFNC1: *OUTFNC1-A PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT - STATUS OFF OUT, OUTEN, OUTFEN, OUTLVL, OUTP, OUTPLC, OUTTW, POUT, SMPER, TSTAT
See Also
The Output Function (OUTFNC) command defines the functions for each output. The factory setting for all the outputs is programmable output bits (OUTFNCi-A).
NOTE The output functions must be enabled with the OUTFEN command. If the output functions are not enabled, only OUTFNCi-A will function correctly.
Programmable output bit assignments vary by product. The output bit patterns for all 6000 products are provided on page 6. The outputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. The programmable outputs are scanned once per system update (steppers: 2 milliseconds; servos: depends on current INDAX and SSFR settings see table in SSFR command description). For the functions that are axis specific (B, D, and E), an optional axis specifier may be placed in front of the function. By placing the axis specifier in front of the function letter, the output will only go active when the specific axis specified has the corresponding condition. If an axis specifier is not specified, then if any of the axes have the corresponding condition, the output will go active. The output functions are as follows:
Function Description
Programmable Output: Standard output (default function). Turn on or off with the OUT or OUTALL commands to affect external processes. To view the state of the outputs, use the TOUT command. To use the state of the outputs as a basis for conditional branching or looping statements (IF, REPEAT, WHILE, etc.), use the [ OUT ] command. Moving/Not Moving Axis: Output activates when the axis is moving. As soon as the move is completed, the output will change to the opposite state. Servos: With the target zone mode enabled (STRGTE1), the output will not change state until the move completion criteria set with the STRGTD and STRGTV commands has been met. In this manner, the output functions as an In Position output.
Program in Progress: Output activates when a program is being executed. After the program is finished, the output's state is reversed. End-of-Travel Limit Encountered: Output activates when a hard or soft end-of-travel limit has been encountered. When a limit is encountered, you will not be able to move the motor in that same direction until you clear the limit by changing direction (D) and issuing a GO command. (An alternative is to disable the limits with the LH0 command, but this is recommended only if the motor is not coupled to the load.) Stall Indicator (Steppers Only): Output activates when a stall is detected. To detect a stall, you must first connect an encoder, enable the encoder step mode with the ENC1 command, enable the position maintenance function with the EPM1 command, and enable stall detection with the ESTALL1 command. For details refer to the Closed-Loop Stepper Setup section in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Not applicable to the OEM-AT6n00. Fault Indicator: Output activates when either the user fault input or the drive fault input becomes active. The user fault input is a general-purpose input defined as a user fault input with the INFNCi-F command. Make sure the drive fault active level (DRFLVL) is appropriate for the drive you are using. The drive fault input is not available on the OEM-AT6n00. Position Error Exceeds Max. Limit (Servos Only): Output activates when the maximum allowable position error, as defined with the SMPER command, is exceeded. The position error (TPER) is defined as the difference between the commanded position (TPC) and the actual position as measured by the feedback device. When the maximum position error is exceeded (usually due to instability or loss of position feedback from the feedback device), the controller shuts down the drive and sets error status bit #12 (reported by the TER command). If the SMPER command is set to zero (SMPER0), the position error will not be monitored; thus, the Maximum Position Error Exceeded function will not be usable. Output On Position (Servos Only): Output activates when the specified axis is at a specified position. Applicable only to the auxiliary outputs (OUT-A through OUT-D). Output On Position function parameters are configured with the OUTPA, OUTPB, OUTPC, and OUTPD commands for axes 1 through 4, respectively. This function is not applicable to the OEM6250. Output On Position cannot be used with ANI feedback.
; ; ; ;
output functions output #1 as axis 3 moving/not moving output #2 to go active when any of the limits are any axis
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output <!>OUTLVL<b><b><b>...<b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (active low), 1 (active high) or X (don't change) 0 OUTLVL: *OUTLVL0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 OUT, OUTEN, OUTFEN, OUTFNC, OUTP, OUTPLC, OUTTW, POUT
The Output Active Level (OUTLVL) command defines the active state of each programmable output. The default state is active low. Programmable output bit pattern varies by product refer to page 6. Refer to the 6000 Series product Installation Guide for programmable output schematics. When an output is defined to be active low, an OUT1 command will cause the output to be pulled to ground. When an output is defined to be active high, an OUT1 command will cause the output to source current from the power supply.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the Output on Position (OUTPn) command to configure the respective auxiliary analog output (OUT-A through OUT-D) to activate based on the actual position of the respective axis. The position referenced is the position of the feedback device currently selected with the SFB command. If the SFB command is changed, the output-on-position function is disabled until a new OUTPn command re-enables the function. To use the OUTPn command, you must first use the OUTFNCi-H command to configure the auxiliary output to function as an output on position output, and you must enable output functions with the OUTFEN1 command. (The i in the OUTFNCi-H command represents the number of the auxiliary output in the product's output bit pattern see page 6 for output bit patterns for each product.) Refer to the programming example below. Syntax:
Ax is /O utp ut S p e c ifie r :
T u rn T u rn T u rn T u rn
on on on on
O U T -A O U T -B O U T -C O U T -D
ba se d ba se d b a s ed b a s ed
on on on on
E na b le B it:
1 . . . E n a b le th e o u tp u t-o n -p os itio n fu n c tio n 0 . . . D is a b le th e o u tp u t-o n -p o sitio n fu n c tio n
T im e (m illise c o n d s ) th e o u tp u t is to s ta y a c tive. T h e o u tp u t a c tiva te s w h e n th e a c tu a l p o sitio n is > o r = th e s p e c ifie d "P o sitio n C o m p a riso n " d is ta n c e ( <r>), a n d s tay s a c tiv e fo r th e sp e c ifie d tim e . If th is fie ld is se t to z e ro , th e o u tp u t w ill s ta y a c tive fo r a s lo n g a s th e a c tu a l d is ta n c e e q u als o r e xc e e d s th e p o s itio n c o m p a ris o n d ista n c e (th is is p o s sib le o n ly fo r a n a b so lu te p o s itio n c o m p a riso n ).
P o s itio n C o m p a r is o n :
S c a la b le dista n c e w ith w h ic h th e fe e d b a c k d e vic e p o s itio n is to b e c o m p a re d (d is ta n c e is e ith e r in c re m e n ta l o r a b so lu te , d e p e n d in g o n th e se c o n d <b> d a ta fie ld ). T h e fe e d b a c k d e vic e u s e d is th e o n e c u rre n tly a s sig n e d w ith th e la st SFB c o m m a n d . (O u tp u t o n P o sitio n is n o t p o s sib le w ith A N I fee d b ac k . )
NOTE The output activates only during motion; therefore, issuing a PSET command to set the absolute position counter to activate the output on position will not turn on the output until the next motion occurs.
Example (for the AT6450):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable output functions Set OUT-A (output #25) as an "output on position" output Set OUT-B (output #26) as an "output on position" output Turn on OUT-A for 50 ms when the actual position of axis #1 is > or = absolute position +50,000 Turn on OUT-B for 50 ms when the actual position of axis #1 is > or = incremental position 30,000 (since the last GO)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Output <!>OUTPLC<i>,<i-i>,<i>,<i> See below See below 1,0-0,0,0 OUTPLC1: *OUTPLC1,0-0,0,0 INPLC, OUT, OUTEN, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, OUTTW, [ TW ]
The Establish PLC Strobe Outputs (OUTPLC) command with its corresponding INPLC command configure the applicable inputs and outputs to read data from a parallel I/O device such as a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), or a passive thumbwheel module. The actual data transfer occurs with the TW command. Refer to the TW command for a description of the data transfer process. The OUTPLC command has four fields (<i>,<i-i>,<i>,<i>):
Data Field Field 1: <i> Field 2: <i-i> Description Set #: There are 4 possible OUTPLC sets (1-4). This field identifies which set to use. Strobe Output #s: Data reads with the TW command are strobed by the outputs selected in this field. The first number is the first output, and the second number is the last output. The outputs must be consecutive. The number of outputs should equal half the number of the maximum number of BCD digits required. If 6 digits are being read, then three outputs are needed as each output strobe selects two BCD digits. TW Command Pending: This field identifies an output that becomes active on a TW command and then turns off on completion of the TW command. This output can signal a device that a TW command is pending. A zero in this field will not activate any output. Strobe Time: This field identifies the length of time an output will stay active in order to read the BCD digits. The strobe time (in milliseconds) should be greater than the PLC scan time, if a PLC is being used, or set greater than the minimal debounce time if using thumbwheels. Range = 1 - 5000 milliseconds.
Field 3: <i>
Field 4: <i>
To disable a specific PLC set, enter OUTPLCn,-,, where n is the PLC set (1-4).
; ; OUTPLC2,1-4,5,50 ; ; ; A(TW6) ; ;
Set INPLC set 2 as BCD digits on inputs 1 - 8, with input 9 as the sign bit, and input 10 as the data valid Set OUTPLC set 2 as output strobes on outputs 1 - 4, with output 5 as the command pending bit, and strobe time of 50 milliseconds Read data into axis 1 acceleration using INPLC set 2 and OUTPLC set 2 as the data configuration
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Establish Thumbwheel Strobe Outputs (OUTTW) command with its corresponding INSTW command configure the applicable inputs and outputs to read data from an active thumbwheel device such as Compumotor's TM8 Thumbwheel Module. The actual data transfer occurs with the TW command. Refer to the TW command for a description of the data transfer process. The OUTTW command has four fields (<i>,<i-i>,<i>,<i>):
Data Field Field 1: <i> Field 2: <i-i> Description Set #: There are 4 possible OUTTW sets (1-4). This field identifies which set to use. Strobe Output #s: Data reads with the TW command are strobed by the outputs selected in this field. The first number is the first output, and the second number is the last output. The outputs must be consecutive. The number of outputs should be compatible to the thumbwheel device (3 for the TM8 Module). TM8 Enable Output: This field identifies an output that becomes active on a TW command and then turns off on completion of the TW command. This output can enable a TM8 module to respond, thus allowing multiple TM8s to be wired to the inputs and outputs. A zero in this field will not activate any output. Strobe Time: This field identifies the length of time an output will stay active to read the BCD digits. The strobe time (in milliseconds) should be set to a minimal debounce time. Range = 1 - 5000 milliseconds.
Field 3: <i>
Field 4: <i>
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set INSTW set 2 as BCD digits on inputs 1 - 4, with input 5 as the sign bit Set OUTTW set 2 as output strobes on outputs 1 - 3, with output 4 as the output enable bit, and strobe time of 50 milliseconds Read data into axis 1 acceleration using INSTW set 2 and OUTTW set 2 as the data configuration
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Acceleration
Path Contouring or Motion (Linear Interpolated) <!>PA<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 PA: *PA10.0000 GOL, PAA, PAD, PADA, PSCLA, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Path Acceleration (PA) command specifies the path acceleration to be used with linearly interpolated moves (GOL), and all contouring moves (PLIN, PARCM, PARCOM, PARCOP, PARCP). For both the linear interpolated and the contouring moves, the path acceleration refers to the acceleration experienced by the load as motion gains speed along the path. For linearly interpolated moves, the acceleration of each individual axis is dependent on the distance it contributes to the total path traveled by the load. In contouring paths, the acceleration of each individual axis is dependent on the direction of travel in the X-Y plane. NOTE: The PA value can be altered between path segments, but not within a path segment. Contouring and linear interpolation are discussed in detail in the Custom Profiling chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec ; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the path acceleration scaling factor (PSCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the acceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration value is internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The path acceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent path acceleration command. Accelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid acceleration is entered the previous acceleration value is retained. If the path deceleration (PAD) command has not been entered, the path acceleration (PA) command will set the path deceleration rate. Once the path deceleration (PAD) command has been entered, the path acceleration (PA) command no longer affects path deceleration.
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2 PAB0 PLIN1,1 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes Set to incremental coordinates Specify X-Y endpoint position to create a 45 degree angle line segment End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Average Acceleration (PAA) command allows you to specify the average acceleration for an Scurve path profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk. S-curve profiling improves position tracking performance in linear interpolation applications. S-curve profiling is not available for contouring applications.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the maximum path accel (PA) and average path accel (PAA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the acceleration ramp, you must enter a PAA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 PA PAA < PA. The following conditions are possible:
Acceleration Setting PAA > 1/2 PA, but PAA < PA PAA = 1/2 PA PAA = PA PAA < 1/2 PA; or PAA > PA PAA = zero Profiling Condition S-curve profile with a variable period of constant acceleration
While programming S-curves, if you never change the maximum or average path deceleration (PAD or PADA) commands, PADA will track PAA. However, once you change PAD, PADA will no longer track changes in PAA.
NOTE Once you enter a PAA value that is zero or PA, S-curve profiling is enabled only for interpolated moves (e.g., not for homing, which requires the HOMADA and/or HOMAA commands). All subsequent interpolated moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 PA PAA < PA.
Increasing the PAA value above the pure S-curve level (PAA > 1/2 PA), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing PAA also increases jerk.
The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Path acceleration scaling (PSCLA) affects PAA the same as it does for PA.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
PSCLA25000 SCLD1000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAA40 PAD100 PADA70 DEF prog1 D10,5,2,11 GOL1111 END
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set distance scale factor to 1000 steps/unit, all axes Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path s-curve (average) acceleration to 40 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Set path s-curve (average) deceleration to 70 units/sec/sec Begin definition of path named prog1 Set distance values, axes 1-4 Initiate linear interpolation motion End definition of path prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Absolute
Path Contouring <!>PAB<b> n/a b = 0 (incremental) or 1 (absolute) 0 No response - Must be defining a path (DEF) PL, PLC, PSCLD, PWC, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 4.1 n/a n/a 1.0 4.1 4.1
The Path Absolute (PAB) command is used to indicate whether the subsequent segment endpoints are specified in either incremental () or absolute (1) coordinates. Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute with respect to the user-defined coordinate system, or incremental, relative to the start of each individual segment. At any point along a path definition, coordinates may be switched from incremental to absolute. The absolute coordinate system may be either the work coordinate system or the local coordinate system (see PL).
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Deceleration
Path Contouring or Motion (Linear Interpolated) <!>PAD<r> r = units/sec/sec 0.00025 - 24,999,999 (depending on the scaling factor) 10.0000 (PAD tracks PA) PAD: *PAD10.0000 GOL, PA, PAA, PADA, PSCLA, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Path Deceleration (PAD) command specifies the path deceleration to be used with linearly interpolated moves (GOL), and all contouring moves (PLIN, PARCM, PARCOM, PARCOP, PARCP). For both the linear interpolated and the contouring moves, the path deceleration refers to the deceleration experienced by the load as motion slows along the path. For linearly interpolated moves, the deceleration of each individual axis is dependent on the distance it contributes to the total path traveled by the load. In contouring paths, the deceleration of each individual axis is dependent on the direction of travel in the X-Y plane. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in motor revs/sec/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain an deceleration value in motor steps/sec/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the deceleration value is internally multiplied by the path acceleration scaling factor (PSCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the deceleration value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder or resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain an acceleration value in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered deceleration value is internally multiplied by the deceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec.
The path deceleration remains set until you change it with a subsequent path deceleration command. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid deceleration is entered the previous deceleration value is retained. If the path deceleration (PAD) command has not been entered, the path acceleration (PA) command will set the path deceleration rate. Once the path deceleration (PAD) command has been entered, the path acceleration (PA) command no longer affects path deceleration. If PAD is set to zero (PAD), then the path deceleration will once again track whatever the PA command is set to.
Example: Refer to the path acceleration (PA) command example.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the Path Average Deceleration (PADA) command to specify the average deceleration for an S-curve path profile. S-curve profiling provides smoother motion control by reducing the rate of change in acceleration and deceleration; this accel/decel rate of change is known as jerk. S-curve profiling can improve position tracking performance in linear interpolation applications. S-curve profiling is not available for contouring applications.
Velocity Velocity
Decel Accel
Decel Accel
Maximum Jerk
Less Jerk
The values for the path maximum decel (PAD) and path average decel (PADA) commands determine the characteristics of the S-curve. To smooth the deceleration ramp, you must enter an PADA command value that satisfies this equation: 1/2 PAD PADA < PAD. The following conditions are possible:
Deceleration Setting Profiling Condition
PADA > 1/2 PAD, but PADA < PAD S-curve profile with a variable period of constant deceleration PADA = 1/2 PAD PADA = PAD
PADA < 1/2 PAD; or PADA > PAD When you issue a GOL command, the move will not be executed and an error message, *INVALID CONDITIONS FOR S_CURVE ACCELERATIONFIELD n, will be displayed. PADA = zero S-curve profiling with PAA, and no PADA or PAD ever entered Upon entering the PADA command, an error message, *INVALID DATAFIELD n will be displayed. PADA will always match the PAA command value (identical S-curve accel and decel profiles). When you change PAD, PADA will no longer match changes in PAA.
NOTE Once you enter a PADA value that is zero or PAD, S-curve profiling is enabled only for interpolated move decelerations (e.g., not for homing decelerations, which require the HOMADA command). All subsequent interpolated moves for that axis must comply with this equation: 1/2 PAD PADA < PAD.
Increasing the PADA value above the pure S-curve level (PADA > 1/2 PAD), the time required to reach the target velocity and the target distance is decreased. However, increasing PADA also increases jerk. The calculation for determining S-curve average accel and decel move times is as follows:
(Aavg = average accel or decel value): Time = Velocity or A avg Time = 2 Distance A avg
NOTE: Path acceleration scaling (PSCLA) affects PADA the same as it does for PAD.
*** For a more in-depth discussion on S-curve profiling, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Example: Refer to the path average acceleration (PAA) command example.
Command Descriptions
[ PANI ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The PANI command is used to assign the ANI analog inputs position information to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The PANI value represents the ANI input position after the affects of distance scaling (SCLD), offset (PSET), polarity (ANIPOL), and commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). The TPANI and PANI commands are designed for applications in which ANI input is scaled and/or used as position feedback. If you are using ANI input to monitor an analog signal, the TANI and ANI commands would be more appropriate (TANI and ANI values are measured in volts and are unaffected by scaling, offset, polarity, or command direction polarity). The PANI value is represented in analog-to-digital converter (ADC) units if scaling is disabled (SCALE). The ADC has a 14-bit resolution, giving a range of +8191 to -8192 counts when using the full 10V range of the ANI input (819 counts/volt). If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), an SCLD scale factor of 819 (the default value when ANI feedback is selected) allows units of volts to be used. Syntax: VARn=aPANI where n is the variable number, and a is the analog input number (1-4, product dependent), or the PANI command can be used in an expression such as IF(1PANI=2.3). An analog input number specifier must precede the PANI command (e.g., 1PANI, 2PANI, etc.), or else it will default to input 1.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set distance scaling to accommodate values in volts (819 counts/volt) Enable scaling Position of ANI analog input #2 is assigned to variable 4 If position of ANI input #1 is < 8.2 volts, do the commands between the IF statement and the NIF statement. Transfer revision level End if statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Radius Specified CCW Arc Segment (PARCM) command is used to specify the endpoints and the radius of a counter-clockwise arc segment. The placement, length, radius of curvature, and orientation of the arc are completely specified by the endpoint and radius specifications of the arc segment and the endpoint of the previous segment (current position). The direction of rotation in the X-Y plane will be counterclockwise. A complete circle cannot be specified with a PARCM command, because the center is arbitrary. Use the PARCOM command for circles. Command Syntax: PARCM<Xend>,<Yend>,<Radius> Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute (PAB1) with respect to user defined segment start coordinates, or incremental (PAB), relative to the start of each individual segment. The first two numbers following the PARCM command specify the X endpoint and the Y endpoint, respectively.
Radius specifications are signed values. A positive radius specifies an arc which is 180 degrees or less. A negative radius specifies an arc which is 180 degrees or more. The last number of the PARCM command specifies the radius. Steppers only: All three position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PARCM command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 PSET0,0 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2 PAB0 POUT1001 PARCM5,5,5 POUT1100 PARCP5,-5,-5 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1 OUT0000
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Set absolute position to 0,0 Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes Set to incremental coordinates Output pattern during first arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc <180 degrees for 1/4 circle counter-clockwise arc Output pattern during second arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc >180 degrees for 3/4 circle clockwise arc End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1 Turn off the first four programmable outputs
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Contouring <!>PARCOM<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units 0.00000 - 999,999,999 n/a No response - Must be defining a path (DEF) PARCOP, PARCM, PARCP, PRTOL, PSCLD, SCALE
The Origin Specified CCW Arc Segment (PARCOM) command is used to specify the coordinates necessary to create a counter-clockwise arc segment. The placement, length, radius of curvature, and orientation of the arc are completely specified by the endpoint and center specifications of the arc segment and the endpoint of the previous segment (current position). The direction of rotation in the X-Y plane will be counterclockwise. Command Syntax: PARCOM<Xend>,<Yend>,<Xcenter>,<Ycenter> Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute (PAB1) with respect to user defined segment start coordinates, or incremental (PAB), relative to the start of each individual segment. The first two numbers following the PARCOM command specify the X endpoint and the Y endpoint, respectively. Center position specifications are always incremental, relative to the start of the arc segment. The last two numbers following the PARCOM command specify the X center point and Y center point coordinates, respectively. Steppers only: All four position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting.
Command Descriptions
Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PARCOM command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 PSET0,0 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2 PAB0 POUT1001 PARCOM5,5,0,5 POUT1100 PARCOP0,0,5,0 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1 OUT0000
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Set absolute position to 0,0 Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes Set to incremental coordinates Output pattern during first arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and X-Y center position for quarter circle counter-clockwise arc Output pattern during second arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and X-Y center position for full circle clockwise arc End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1 Turn off the first four programmable outputs
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Contouring <!>PARCOP<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units 0.00000 - 999,999,999 n/a No response - Must be defining a path (DEF) PARCOM, PARCM, PARCP, PRTOL, PSCLD, SCALE
The Origin Specified CW Arc Segment (PARCOP) command is used to specify the coordinates necessary to create a clockwise arc segment. The placement, length, radius of curvature, and orientation of the arc are completely specified by the endpoint and center specifications of the arc segment and the endpoint of the previous segment (current position). The direction of rotation in the X-Y plane will be clockwise. Command Syntax: PARCOP<Xend>,<Yend>,<Xcenter>,<Ycenter> Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute (PAB1) with respect to user defined segment start coordinates, or incremental (PAB), relative to the start of each individual segment. The first two numbers following the PARCOP command specify the X endpoint and the Y endpoint, respectively. Center position specifications are always incremental, relative to the start of the arc segment. The last two numbers following the PARCOP command specify the X center point and Y center point coordinates, respectively. Steppers only: All four position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PARCOP command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Radius Specified CW Arc Segment (PARCP) command is used to specify the endpoints and the radius of a clockwise arc segment. The placement, length, radius of curvature, and orientation of the arc are completely specified by the endpoint and radius specifications of the arc segment and the endpoint of the previous segment (current position). The direction of rotation in the X-Y plane will be clockwise. A complete circle cannot be specified with a PARCP command, because the center is arbitrary. Use the
PARCOP command for circles.
Command Syntax: PARCP<Xend>,<Yend>,<Radius> Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute (PAB1)with respect to user defined segment start coordinates, or incremental (PAB), relative to the start of each individual segment. The first two numbers following the PARCP command specify the X endpoint and the Y endpoint, respectively. Radius specifications are signed values. A positive radius specifies an arc which is 180 degrees or less. A negative radius specifies an arc which is 180 degrees or more. The last number of the PARCP command specifies the radius. Steppers only: All three position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PARCP command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Set Contouring Axes (PAXES) command defines the axes to be used in the current path definition. The four numbers following the comma specify the X, Y, Tangent, and Proportional axes, respectively. The X and Y axes must be specified, but the Tangent and Proportional axes are optional. If no axis number is specified for the Tangent or Proportional axes, it signifies that the Tangent or Proportional axes are not included in that path definition. The axis specification for the entire path is done with this command. The PAXES command should be given prior to any contour segments.
NOTE: For 6000 Series products that control only 2 axes of motion, the Tangent and Proportional axes are
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1,2,3,4 as the X, Y, Tangent, and Proportional axes respectively Proportional axis path ratio = 2.25 ************************************** * put * * Multiple Segment Definitions * * here * ************************************** End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1
[ PC ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position Commanded
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a Product Rev n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 1.0 AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n ERES, GOWHEN, [ PCC ], [ PE ], [ PER ], PSET, SCALE, SCLD, SMPER, TAS, 625n 6270 TFB, TPC, TPCC, TPE, TPER
The Position Commanded (PC) command is used to assign the current commanded position of each axis to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The value assigned to the variable or the value against which the comparison is made is measured in encoder steps and is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if scaling is enabled with the SCALE1 command. The commanded position is determined by the controller's move profile routine. The position profile is the command to the servo system that the motor must follow. The actual position is the position read by the feedback device (see TFB). The commanded position and the actual position are used in the control algorithm to determine the control signal. The position error is derived from the difference between the commanded position and the actual position (see TPER or PER). Syntax: VARn=aPC where n is the variable number, and a is the axis, or [PC] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PC>5). The PC command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PC, 2PC, etc.). If you issue a PSET command, the commanded position value will be offset by the PSET command value.
; ; ; ;
Commanded position for axis 1 is assigned to variable 1 If the commanded position for axis 2 is <50, do the IF statement Commanded position for axis 2 plus 500 is assigned to variable 2 End IF statement
[ PCA ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position of Captured ANI (PCA) command is used to assign one of the captured ANI analog input register values (captured when trigger A, B, C or D is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured ANI register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective position capture status (reported with bits 25 - 28 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. The ANI value is referenced in counts and can be affected by: Distance scale (SCLD), if scaling is enabled (SCALE1) Position offset (PSET) ANI input polarity (ANIPOL) Commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR) Syntax: VARn=aPCAc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A, B, C or D; or [PCA] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PCAB>5). The PCA command must be used with an analog input specifier or it will default to analog input 1 (e.g., 1PCAA, 2PCAB, etc.). The ANI input value can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the input bit number of the trigger input (input bit assignments vary by productsee page 6 for your product's bit assignment configuration). Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will capture the ANI values on all axes. The ANI information is stored in registers and is available at the next system update through the use of the PCA and TPCA commands.
POSITION CAPTURE ACCURACY If ANI feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured ANI value is interpolated from the last sampled ANI input value and rate of change of the ANI input value, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If ANI feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled ANI value is simply stored as the captured ANI value. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position reference) command, any previously captured ANI input values will be offset by the value specified in the PSET command.
Example (for the 6250):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign captured ANI value on analog input 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured ANI value on analog input 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 40, do the IF statement Add 10 to the captured ANI value on analog input 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
Command Descriptions
[ PCC ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Captured Commanded Position (PCC) command is used to assign one of the captured commanded position register values (captured when trigger A, B, C or D is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured commanded position register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective position capture status (reported with bits 25 - 28 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the commanded position is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the value assigned will be actual commanded counts. Syntax: VARn=aPCCc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A, B, C or D; or [PCC] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PCCB>2345). The PCC command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PCCA, 2PCCB, etc.). The commanded position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the input bit number of the trigger input (input bit assignments vary by productsee page 6 for your product's bit assignment configuration). Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will interpolate the current commanded position for all axes. The captured position is interpolated from the last sampled position (of the feedback device selected with the SFB command), the last sampled position error, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position reference) command, any previously captured commanded positions will be offset by the PSET command value.
Example (for the 6250):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign captured commanded position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured commanded position on axis 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 40, do the IF statement Add 10 to the captured commanded position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
[ PCE ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position of Captured Encoder (PCE) command is used to assign one of the captured encoder register values (captured when trigger A, B, C or D is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured encoder register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective position capture status (reported with bits 25 - 28 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. Syntax: VARn=aPCEc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A, B, C or D; or [PCE] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PCEB>2345). The PCE command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PCEA, 2PCEA, etc.). The encoder position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the input bit number for the specific trigger input (input bit assignments vary by productsee page 6 for your product's bit assignment configuration). Steppers: An active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will latch the current encoder positions from all axes and store them in their respective captured encoder arrays. Although the latching may be delayed up to 50 s from the time the trigger becomes active, all encoder positions are captured within a few microseconds of each other. If the encoder step mode (ENC1) and scaling (SCALE) are enabled, the captured value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If the encoder step mode is not enabled, the value will be actual encoder counts. Servos: An active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will capture the current encoder positions from all axes. If encoder feedback is selected with the last SFB command, the captured position is interpolated from the last sampled encoder position and velocity, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If encoder feedback is not selected with the SFB command, the last sampled position is simply stored as the captured position, and the accuracy is one system update period (determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands). Regardless of the SFB selection, one encoder position is latched in hardware within 1 encoder count (at max. encoder frequency) when its dedicated trigger input is activated (see table below).
Encoder ENCODER 1 ENCODER 2 ENCODER 3 ENCODER 4 AT6250 TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C n/a AT6450 TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C TRG-D 615n* TRG-A TRG-B n/a n/a 625n TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C n/a 6270 TRG-A n/a n/a n/a OEM625n TRG-A TRG-B n/a n/a
*615n only: TRG-A captures the internal resolver in hardware, TRG-B captures the external encoder in hardware.
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the captured value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value will be actual encoder counts. AT6250 & 625n: ENCODER 3 is never scaled.
NOTE: If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured encoder positions will be offset by the PSET command value.
Command Descriptions
Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Assign captured encoder position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured encoder count on axis 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 4000, do the IF statement Add 4,000 to the captured encoder count on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
[ PCL ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position of Captured LDT (PCL) command is used to assign one of the captured LDT position register values (captured when trigger A or B is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured LDT position register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective position capture status (reported with bits 25 & 26 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the value assigned to the variable or the value against which the comparison is made is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value assigned will be actual LDT counts. Syntax: VARn=aPCLc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A or B; or [PCL] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PCLB>25). The PCL command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PCLA, 2PCLB). The LDT position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A or B). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i can be 25 or 26, representing trigger inputs A or B, respectively. Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will capture the current LDT position from both axes.
POSITION CAPTURE ACCURACY If LDT feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured LDT value is interpolated from the last sampled LDT position and velocity, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If LDT feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled LDT position is simply stored as the captured LDT position. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured LDT positions will be offset by the PSET value.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Assign captured LDT position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured LDT position on axis 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 40, do the IF statement Add 10 to the captured LDT position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
[ PCM ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Position of Captured Motor (PCM) command is used to assign one of the captured motor register values (captured when trigger A, B, C or D is activated) to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Once the captured encoder register value is assigned to a variable, or a comparison is made, the respective position capture status (reported with bits 25 - 28 in the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the value assigned to the variable or the value against which the comparison is made is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). Syntax: VARn=aPCMc where n is the variable number, a is the axis, and c designates trigger A, B, C or D; or [PCM] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PCMB>2345) The motor position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the input bit number for the specific trigger input (input bit assignments vary by productsee page 6 for your product's bit assignment configuration). Once defined, an active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will latch the current motor positions from all axes and store them in their respective captured motor arrays. Although the latching may be delayed slightly from the time the trigger becomes active (up to 50 s), all motor positions are captured within a few microseconds of each other. The PCM command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PCMA, 2PCMA, etc.).
NOTE: If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured motor positions will be offset by the value specified in the PSET command.
Example (for the AT6400):
Assign trigger input B (TRG-B) as a trigger interrupt input Assign trigger input A (TRG-A) as a trigger interrupt input Assign captured motor position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) to variable 1 If the captured motor position on axis 2 (captured when the TRG-B input became active) is less than 4000, do the IF statement Add 4,000 to the captured motor position on axis 1 (captured when the TRG-A input became active) and assign the sum to variable #2 End IF statement
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Compile a Profile
Compiled Motion; Path Contouring <!>PCOMP<t> t = text (name of program/path) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a n/a DEF, DRES, END, GOBUF, GOWHEN, MEMORY, PA, PAA, PAD, PADA, PAB, PARCOM, PARCOP, PARCM, PARCP, PAXES, PLOOP, PL, PLC, PLIN, PLN, POUTA, POUTB, POUTC, POUTD, PRUN, PSCLD, PUCOMP, PULSE, [ SEG ], [ SS ], TDIR, TMEM, TRGFN, TSEG, TSS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
As of revision 4.0, PCOMP was enhanced to compile GOBUF profiles, and contouring is now a standard feature in all multi-axis 6000 products (formerly only the steppers). More detailed information (including application examples) on multi-axis contours and compiled profiles for individual axes, refer to the Custom Profiling chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Programs vs. Compiled Profiles:
Programs are defined with the DEF and END commands, as demonstrated in the Program Development Scenario in the Programmer's Guide. Compiled Profiles are defined like programs (using the DEF and END commands), but are compiled with the PCOMP command and executed with the PRUN command. A compiled profile could be a multi-axis contour (a series of arcs and lines), an individual axis profile (a series of GOBUF commands), or a compound profile (combination of multi-axis contours and individual axis profiles).
Compiling and Storing Compiled Paths: Your controller's memory has two partitions: one for storing programs (program memory) and one for storing profiles compiled with the PCOMP command (compiled memory). The allocation of memory to these two areas is controlled with the MEMORY command. Programs intended to be compiled are stored in program memory. After they are compiled with the PCOMP command, they remain in program memory and the segments (see segment command list below) from the compiled profile are stored in compiled memory. Contouring segments: PARCM, PARCOM, PARCOP, PARCP, PLIN Compiled Motion segments: GOBUF, PLOOP, GOWHEN, TRGFN, POUTA, POUTB, POUTC, POUTD The TDIR command uses COMPILED AS A PATH to denote the programs that are compiled as a compiled profile. TDIR also reports the amount of program storage available, as does the TSEG command. System status bit #29 indicates that compiled memory is 75% full, and system status bit #30 indicates that compiled memory is completely full. (Use TSSF, TSS and [SS] commands to work with system status bits.) If a compile (PCOMP) fails, system status bit #31 (see TSSF, TSS and [SS] commands) will be set. This status bit is cleared on power-up, reset, or after a successful compile. Possible causes for a failed compile are:
Errors in profile design (e.g., change direction while at non-zero velocity; distance and
velocity equate to < 1 count/system update; preset move profile ends in non-zero velocity). Profile will cause a Following error (see TFSF, TFS and [FS] commands). Out of memory (see system status bit #30). Axis already in motion at the time of a PCOMP command. Loop programming errors (e.g., no matching PLOOP or PLN; more than four embedded PLOOP/END loops).
If it is desired to change a compiled path's velocity, acceleration, or deceleration, the values must be changed and then the path must be re-compiled. If the scaling factors are changed, the program must be downloaded again. Compiled Motion ONLY: After compiling (PCOMP) and running (PRUN) a compiled profile, the profile segments will be deleted from compiled memory if you cycle power or issue a RESET command.
IMPORTANT NOTES CONTOURING: The mechanical resolution of all axes used for contouring (specified with the PAXES command) must be identical; scaling cannot compensate for mechanical variances in resolution. In addition, all contouring axes must have the same pulse width (PULSE), and the same drive resolution (DRES) settings (steppers) or the same number of feedback device counts per unit of linear travel (servos). If you change the PULSE setting, you will need to recompile (PCOMP) any previously compiled paths. COMPILED MOTION: When using compiled loops (PLOOP and PLN), the last segment within the loop must end at zero velocity or there must be a final GOBUF segment placed outside the loop. Otherwise an error will result when the profile is compiled. The error is ERROR: MOTION ENDS IN NON-ZERO VELOCITY-AXIS n.
; Begin definition of program named prog1 ; Set axes 1, 2, 3, & 4 as the X, Y, Tangent, & ; Proportional axes, respectively PPRO2.25 ; Proportional axis path ratio = 2.25 ; ************************************************* ; * Put * ; * MULTIPLE MOTION SEGMENT DEFINITIONS * ; * Here * ; ************************************************* END ; End definition of path prog1 PCOMP prog1 ; Compile path prog1 PRUN prog1 ; Execute path prog1
DEF prog2 A10,10 V2,2 D2000,2000 GOBUF11 V4,4 AD50,50 D1000,1000 GOBUF11 END PCOMP prog2 PRUN prog2
; Begin definition of program named prog2 ; Set A, V, and D values for axes 1 and 2 ; First segment of motion for axes 1 and 2 ; New A,V, and D values ; ; ; ; Second segment End definition of prog2 Compile prog2 Execute prog2
4 2
1000 2000 3000
Command Descriptions
[ PE ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position of Encoder
Assignment or Comparison See below (see description below) n/a n/a n/a CMDDIR, CNTE, ENC, ENCPOL, [ FB ], GOWHEN, INFNC, [ PC ], [ PCE ], [ PER ], [ PM ], PSET, SCALE, SCLD, SFB, TFB, TPE Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Position of Encoder (PE) command is used to assign one of the encoder register values to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Steppers: The encoder value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if encoder step mode (ENC1) and scaling (SCALE) are enabled. If the encoder step mode is not enabled, the value will be actual encoder counts. If the encoder channel has been defined as a counter input ( CNTE), then the PE command will report a reading of zero for that specific encoder channel. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the encoder/resolver value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value assigned will be actual encoder/resolver counts. AT6250 & 625n: ENCODER 3 is never scaled. 615n: The position of the internal resolver is referenced as axis 1; the position of the external encoder is referenced as axis 2.
If you issue a PSET command, the encoder/resolver position value will be offset by the PSET command value. Syntax: VARn=aPE where n is the variable number, and a is the axis, or [PE] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PE>2345). The PE command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PE, 2PE, etc.).
; ; ; ; ; ;
Encoder/resolver position for axis 1 is assigned to variable 1 If the encoder/resolver count for axis 2 is less than 4000, do the IF statement Encoder/resolver position for axis 3 plus 4000 is assigned to variable 2 End IF statement
[ PER ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position Error
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a ANIPOL, CMDDIR, DRES, ENCPOL, ERES, LDTPOL, SCLD, SFB, SMPER, TAS, TPER, TPE, TPC Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.4 n/a 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
The Position Error (PER) command is used to assign the current position error of each axis to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The value assigned to the variable or the value against which the comparison is made is measured in feedback device counts and is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if scaling is enabled with the SCALE1 command. Steppers: This command can be used only when the encoder mode (ENC1) is enabled. Servos: The position error is the difference between the commanded position and the actual position read by the feedback device. This error is calculated every sample period and can be displayed at any time using the TPER command.
VARn=aPER where n is the variable number, and a is the axis, or [PER] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PER>5). The PER command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PER, 2PER, etc.). ; ; ; ; ; Position error for axis 1 is assigned to variable 1 If the position error for axis 2 is >2000 encoder counts, do the IF statement (enable output #4) Enable output #4 End IF statement
[ PI ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
PI ()
Operator (Trigonometric) See examples below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ + ], [ - ], [ * ], [ / ], [ & ], [ | ], [ ^ ], [ ~ ], [ ATAN ], [ COS ], IF, [ SIN ], [ SQRT ], [ TAN ], VAR Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The (PI) command is assigned the value 3.14159265. There are 2 radians in 360. This command is useful for doing trigonometric functions in radian units (RADIAN command).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Define Path Local Mode (PL) command is used to specify the use of either the Local coordinate system or the Work coordinate system. Endpoints are allowed to be specified as absolute positions, and these positions may either be in the Work or the Local coordinate system. Programming may switch between Local and Work coordinates before any segment or group of segments. When switching to Local coordinates, the starting coordinates of the next segment in the Local coordinate system must be specified with the PLC command before the PL1 command is issued. When using the Work coordinate system (PL), the starting coordinates of the next segment in the Work coordinate system may be specified with the PWC command for the purpose of shifting the Work coordinate system. If the PWC command is not given, the previous Work coordinate system is used.
Command Descriptions
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2 PAB1 PWC0,0 PL0 PLIN1,1 PLC0,0 PL1 PARCOP0,0,5,0 PLIN0,11 PLC0,0 PL1 PARCOP0,0,5,0 PL0 PLIN0,0 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes Set to absolute coordinates Specify X and Y data, work coordinates Specify work coordinate system Specify X-Y endpoint position to create a 45 degree angle line segment Specify X and Y data, local coordinates Specify local coordinate system Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and X-Y center position for full circle clockwise arc Specify X-Y endpoint position to create a 90 degree angle line segment Specify X and Y data, local coordinates Specify local coordinate system Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and X-Y center position for full circle clockwise arc Specify work coordinate system Specify X-Y endpoint position to create a line segment back to 0,0 End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Define Path Local Coordinates (PLC) command is used to specify the Local X -Y coordinate data required for subsequent segment definition in the Local coordinate system. This command places the X -Y coordinate value of the Local coordinate system at the beginning of the next segment. (The first <r> is the X coordinate, the second <r> is the Y coordinate.) This command must be used before the PL1 command is given. Both position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PLC command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Move in a Line
Path Contouring <!><@>PLIN<r>,<r> r = units 0.00000 - 999,999,999 n/a No response - Must be defining a path (DEF) PAB, PL, PLC, PSCLD, PWC, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 4.1 n/a n/a 1.0 4.1 4.1
The Define Line Segment (PLIN) command is used to specify a line segment. The placement, length, and orientation of the line are completely specified by the endpoint of the line segment and the endpoint of the previous segment (current position). Segment endpoint position specifications may be either absolute (PAB1) with respect to the user defined coordinate system, or incremental (PAB), relative to the start of each individual segment. When the PLIN command is received, the first value is taken as the X endpoint coordinate and the second value is taken as the Y endpoint coordinate. Both position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PLIN command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Loop End, Compiled Motion (PLN) command specifies the end of an axis-specific compiled motion profile loop, as initiated with the PLOOP command. Programming Example: see PLOOP.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The PLOOP command specifies the beginning of an axis-specific profile loop. All subsequent segments defined before the PLN command are included within that loop. The number in a given axis field specifies the number of loops to be executed for that axis. If that number is a zero or blank, then the loop will be executed infinitely. The PLOOP command can be nested up to four levels deep within a program. When using compiled loops (PLOOP and PLN), the last segment within the loop must end at zero velocity or there must be a final GOBUF segment placed outside (after) the loop. Otherwise an error will result when the profile is compiled. The error is ERROR: MOTION ENDS IN NON-ZERO VELOCITY-AXIS n. The PLOOP command will consume one segment of compiled space.
DEF prog1 V1 D1000 GOBUF1 PLOOP3 V10 D25000 GOBUF1 V2 D1000 GOBUF1 V1 D25000 GOBUF1 PLN1 V.5 D100 GOBUF1 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1
; ; ; ;
Begin definition of prog1 Set velocity to 1 unit/sec Set distance to 1000 units Segment of motion sent to buffer
; Start loop of the subsequent move profile ; Set velocity to 10 units/sec ; Set distance to 25000 units ; First segment within loop sent to buffer ; Set velocity to 2 units/sec ; Set distance to 1000 units ; Second segment of motion within loop sent to buffer ; Set velocity to 1 unit/sec ; Set distance to 25000 units ; Third segment within loop sent to buffer ; Close loop ; Set velocity to 0.5 units/sec ; Set distance to 100 units ; Segment of motion sent to buffer (outside loop) ; End definition of prog1 ; Compile prog1 ; Execute prog1
[ PM ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Position of Motor
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a GOWHEN, [ PE ], PSET, SCALE, SCLD, TPM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Position of Motor (PM) command is used to assign one of the motor position register values to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The value assigned to the variable or the value
against which the comparison is made is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if scaling is enabled (SCALE1). If scaling is not enabled, the value is in steps. Syntax: VARn=aPM where n is the variable number, and a is the axis, or [PM] can be used in an expression such as IF(1PM>2345). The PM command must be used with an axis specifier or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., 1PM, 2PM, etc.). If you issue a PSET command, the motor position value will be offset by the PSET command value.
; ; ; ; ;
Motor position for axis 1 is assigned to variable 1 If the motor position for axis 2 is less than 4000, do the IF statement Motor position for axis 3 plus 4000 is assigned to variable 2 End IF statement
[ PMAS ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following and Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a ENC, FMCNEW, FMCP, FOLMAS, FOLMD, [ FS ], GOWHEN, SCALE, SCLMAS, TPMAS, TFS
The Position of Master (PMAS) command is used to assign the master position register value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. This value may be used for subsequent decision making, or for recording the cycle position corresponding to some other event.
PMAS is unique among position assignment variables, because its value rolls over to zero each time the entire master cycle length (FMCLEN value) has been traveled. If it is desired to WAIT or GOWHEN on a master cycle position of the next master cycle, one master cycle length (value of FMCLEN) should be added to the master cycle position specified in the argument. This allows commands that sequence slave events through a master cycle to be placed in a loop. The WAIT or GOWHEN command at the top of the loop could execute, even though the actual master travel had not finished the previous cycle. This is done to allow a PMAS value which is equal to the master cycle length to be specified and reliably detected. When using PMAS with IF, UNTIL, or WHILE arguments, the instantaneous PMAS value is used. Be careful to avoid specifying PMAS values that are nearly equal to the master cycle length (FMCLEN), because rollover may occur before a PMAS sample is read.
The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the PMAS value is scaled by the master scaling factor (SCLMAS). If scaling is disabled (SCALE), the PMAS value is in counts. Syntax: VARn=aPMAS where n is the variable number and a is the axis number, or [PMAS] can be used in an expression such as IF(2PMAS>2345). The PMAS command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1PMAS, IF(2PMAS>5), etc.).
; ; ; ; ;
If the master for axis 2 has traveled more than 4.3 master user units then do the IF statement Set output #12 to 1 End of IF statement Set VAR14 to axis 1's master cycle position
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Designate Destination Port (PORT) command is used to determine which COM port is affected by the DRPCHK, E, ECHO, BOT, EOL, EOT, ERROK, ERRBAD, ERRDEF, ERRLVL, and XONOFF commands. It also specifies the port to which responses and prompts from stored programs should be sent. The PORT command also selects the target port through which the WRITE and READ commands transmit ASCII text strings. The DWRITE command (as well as all other RP240 commands) will affect the RP240 regardless of the PORT command setting. If no RP240 is detected, the commands are sent to the COM2 port. DWRITE text strings are always terminated with a carriage return.
Example (The PORT command can be used to designate EOT parameters for both ports. Assume that port COM1 is being used to communicate to the controller.)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Select COM1 for EOT setup EOT for COM1 is -1<lf> Send Transfer Position of Encoder response to COM1 using EOT 45,49,10 Select COM2 for EOT setup EOT for COM2 is -2<lf> Send Transfer Position of Motor response to COM1 using EOT 45,49,10
(The PORT command specifies both port setups and response destinations in a stored program.)
; Begin definition of qwe ; EOT for COM1 is -1<lf> ; Send Transfer Position of Encoder response to COM1 ; using EOT 45,49,10 ; ; ; ; EOT for COM2 is -2<lf> Send "Transfer Position of Motor" response to COM2 using EOT 45,50,10 End definition of qwe
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Compiled Output
Path Contouring; Compiled Motion <!>POUT<n><b><b>...<b><b> (16 bits) n = axis identifier letter (for compiled motion only); b = enable bit n = A-D for axes 1-4, respectively (for compiled motion only); b = 0 (off), 1 (on), or X (don't change) 0 n/a GUBUF, OUT, OUTEN, OUTFNC, OUTLVL, PCOMP, PRUN, PUCOMP Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
As of revision 4.0, contouring was made a standard feature in all multi-axis 6000 products (formerly only the steppers). In addition, POUT was modified to accommodate Compiled Motion Profiling; when using POUT with compiled motion, you must add an axis identifier the n in the syntax is for the letter designator for the axis (A-D for axes 1-4, respectively): Contouring: POUT Compiled Motion: POUTA (apply output pattern to the profile for axis #1) POUTB (apply output pattern to the profile for axis #2) POUTC (apply output pattern to the profile for axis #3) POUTD (apply output pattern to the profile for axis #4)
POUT controls the first 16 programmable outputs defined as Programmable Outputs. Programmable
Output is the default function assigned to all programmable outputs; the function assignment is determined by the OUTFNC command, OUTFNCi-A assigns the Programmable Output function. For example, if only outputs 3 and 5 were defined as programmable (outputs 1, 2, and 4 had some other OUTFNC function assignment), then turning on only outputs 3 and 5 for axis 1 would require the command POUTA11, not POUTAxx1x1. If you wish to set only one output value, instead of all outputs, use the bit select (.) operator, followed by the number of the specified output. For example, POUT.12-1 turns on only output 12 (for contouring) and POUTA.12-1 turns on only output 12 for the axis 1 profile. The POUT command consumes one segment of compiled memory. The programmable outputs are sampled once per system update. The system update for stepper products is 2 ms; for servos it depends on the current SSFR and INDAX settings (see table in SSFR command description). Contouring ONLY: The POUT command specifies the programmable output bit pattern to be applied to the outputs at the beginning of the next segment and remain throughout that segment. The POUT command may be issued before any segment definition command, and will affect all subsequent segments until a new POUT command is issued. A POUT command will not take affect if there is no segment definition command following it. To change the programmable outputs at the end of a path, the standard output (OUT) command must be used after the path is executed. These segment defined output patterns are stored as part of the compiled path definition. CONTOURING EXAMPLE: Refer to the PARCOM command example. COMPILED MOTION EXAMPLES:
OUTFNC3-A OUTFNC6-A DEF P1 D1000,25000 GOBUF11 POUTA.3-1 D2000,50000 GOBUF11 POUTA.3-0 POUTB.6-1 D1000,25000 GOBUF11 POUTB.6-0 END PCOMP P1 PRUN P1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Default output function Default output function Define program P1 Set distance to travel Motion segments for axes 1 and 2 Turn on output 3 when axis 1 travels to 1000 steps New distance commanded Motion segments for axes 1 and 2 Turn off output 3 when axis 1 travels 2000 additional steps Turn on output 6 when axis 2 travels to 75000 steps New distance commanded Motion segment for axes 1 and 2 Turn off output 6 when axis 2 travels 25000 additional steps End program definition
When executing a Compiled Following profile, the POUTn statement is always executed as programmed. Therefore, in order to make sure an output is on for a given motion segment no matter what direction the master is traveling, you should use two POUTn statements (see example below).
POUTA.3-0 POUTA.3-1 GOBUF1 POUTA.3-1 POUTA.3-0 ; ; ; ; ; Turn off output 3 for axis 1 - master going backwards Turn on output 3 for axis 1 - master going forwards Motion segments for axes 1 Turn on output 3 for axis 1 - master going backwards Turn off output 3 for axis 1 - master going forwards
If you desire to pulse an output (turn on for a given amount of time), then use the POUTn command along with the GOWHEN(T=n) command. For example:
POUTA.1-1 GOWHEN(T=120) POUTA.1-0 ; Turn on output 1 ; Wait for 120 milliseconds ; Turn off output 1
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Proportional Axis (PPRO) command is used to specify the proportional axis to path travel ratio. The proportional axis will keep a position that is proportional to the distance traveled along the X-Y path as the path is executed. This allows the proportional axis to act as the Z axis in helical interpolation or to control the motion of any object which moves with distance and velocity proportional to the path. The PPRO command should be given prior to any contour segments during a path definition. A negative value for the proportional axis ratio simply causes motion in the negative direction as path travel in the X-Y plane gets larger.
Example: (see contouring programming example in the PRUN command description)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Radius Tolerance (PRTOL) command is used to specify the allowable radius error that is encountered when contouring. The radius error is encountered in one of two ways. The first way is through use of the PARCM or PARCP commands. This error is the difference between the radius value specified in the PARCM or PARCP command and the minimum radius implied by the starting point and endpoint. If the radius provided in the command is smaller than the minimum radius implied by the distance from starting to endpoints and the error is within the radius tolerance then just enough is added to the radius to make a half circle. A second way to encounter a radius tolerance error is with the PARCOM or PARCOP commands. This error is the difference between the radius implied by the start point and center point and the radius implied by the end point and center point. If the difference in the two radius values is within the radius tolerance specified, then the center point is moved such that an arc can be traveled through the start point and endpoint. The PRTOL command can be executed many times within a path definition allowing some arcs to be exactly known and others to be approximated. If the radius error exceeds the PRTOL value, an error message is sent. Steppers only: The PRTOL radius error value is expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PRTOL command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user units to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the values entered exceed the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2 PAB0 PRTOL0.001 PARCM5,5,5 PARCP5,-5,-5 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes Set to incremental coordinates Allow 25 steps (0.001 x 25000) radius error Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc <180 degree for quarter circle counter-clockwise arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc >180 degree for three quarter circle clockwise arc End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
As of revision 4.0, contouring was made a standard feature in all multi-axis 6000 products (formerly only the steppers). In addition, PRUN was modified to accommodate executing Compiled Motion Profiles. The Run a Pre-Compiled Program (PRUN) command is used to start execution of a previously compiled program. All the required information about the program or path whose name is specified in the PRUN command has already been stored by the definition commands (DEF and END)and compiled by the PCOMP command. If any of the axes included in the specified path are not ready, the path will not be executed. An axis is not ready if it is shutdown, moving, or in joystick mode. When execution of a pre-compiled program begins, all included axes become busy until motion has completed. COMEXC1 mode must be enabled in order for command processing to continue once a motion invoking command has been initiated with PRUN. If you use the PRUN command within a program while in COMEXC1 mode, it functions as a GO and returns control back to the original program after the embedded programs motion is started (control is returned to the first command immediately following the PRUN command). If in COMEXC mode, command processing will not continue until the motion invoking command has completed its movement.
CONTOURING EXAMPLE: DEL prog1 ; Delete prog1 DEF prog1 ; Begin definition of path named prog1 PAXES1,2,3,4 ; Set axes 1,2,3,4 as the X, Y, Tangent, and ; Proportional axes respectively PPRO2.25 ; Proportional axis path ratio = 2.25 ; ********************************************* ; * Add multiple path segment * ; * definitions in this * ; * portion of the * ; * program * ; ********************************************* END ; End definition of path prog1 PCOMP prog1 ; Compile path prog1 PRUN prog1 ; Execute path prog1
Command Descriptions
COMPILED MOTION EXAMPLE: @D25000 ; Set distance parameter for all axes DEL prog1 ; Delete prog1 DEF prog1 ; Define prog1 PLIN1000,1000 ; Line segment on axis 1 and 2 GOBUFxx11 ; Compiled motion on axis 3 and 4 END ; End definition of prog1 PCOMP prog1 ; Compile prog1 PRUN prog1 ; Execute prog1 TPM ; Check position of motors for stepper products ; (or, if using a servo product, use TPC to check ; commanded position). A sample response would be: ; "*TPM1000,1000,25000,25000"
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Pause Program Execution (PS) command pauses execution of commands in the command buffer. If a PS command is executed, no commands after the PS will be executed until a !C command is received. However, additional commands may still be placed in the command buffer. The PS command does not pause motion. In order for motion to be paused, the S and the COMEXS commands should be used.
PS ; Stop execution of command buffer until !C command MA0XXX ; Incremental mode for axis 1 D10000 ; Set distance to 10000 units on axis 1 GO1000 ; Initiate motion on axis 1 D,20000 ; Set distance to 20000 units on axis 2 GO0100 ; Initiate motion on axis 2 ; ******************************************************************** ; * NOTE: * ; * No commands after the PS command will be executed until a !C * ; * command is received. * ; ********************************************************************
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
When scaling is enabled (SCALE1), all path acceleration (PA and PAA) and path deceleration (PAD and PADA) values are internally multiplied by the Path Acceleration Scale Factor (PSCLA) value. Since the units are steps/unit, and all the acceleration values are in units/sec/sec, all accelerations will thus be internally represented as steps/sec/sec. The Path Acceleration Scale Factor (PSCLA) command will not scale the accel/decel values unless the scaling is enabled (SCALE1).
Steppers: The entered values are always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered acceleration and deceleration values are internally multiplied by the path acceleration scaling factor (PSCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the path acceleration and deceleration values are entered in motor revs/sec/sec; these values are internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain acceleration and deceleration values in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered PA/PAA and PAD/PADA values are internally multiplied by the path acceleration scaling factor (PSCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the path accel and decel values are entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec. Encoder/resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) to obtain accel/decel values in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations.
The path acceleration and deceleration remain set until you change them with a subsequent path acceleration and deceleration (PA/PAA & PAD/PADA) commands. Decelerations outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid accel or decel is entered the previous accel or decel value is retained. As the path acceleration scaling factor (PSCLA) changes, the resolution of the path accel/decel values and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table at right). An accel or decel value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to PSCLA1, the PA9.9999 command would be truncated to PA9.9.
PSCLA (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
The following equations can help you determine the range of path accel and decel values.
Product Steppers Servos Min. Path Accel or Decel (resolution) 0.001 x DRES PSCLA Encoder Feedback: LDT Feedback: ANI Feedback: 0.001 ERES PSCLA 0.001 LDTRES PSCLA 0.819 PSCLA Max. Path Accel or Decel (Servos: determined by the feedback source selected for axis 1) 999.9999 x DRES PSCLA Encoder Feedback: LDT Feedback: ANI Feedback: 999.9999 ERES PSCLA 999.9999 LDTRES PSCLA 818999.9181 PSCLA
NOTE If scaling is desired for a particular path, scaling must be enabled (SCALE1) and all path scaling factors (PSCLA, PSCLD, PSCLV) must be specified prior to defining the path. Scaling cannot be enabled and scaling factors cannot be specified within a path definition.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
When scaling is enabled (SCALE1), all distance (PARCM, PARCOM, PARCOP, PARCP, PLC, PLIN, PRTOL, PWC) values are internally multiplied by the Path Distance Scale Factor (PSCLD) value. Since the units are steps/unit, all distances will thus be internally represented in steps. The PSCLD command will not scale a commanded distance unless the Scale command is enabled (SCALE1). If the Scale (SCALE) command is not enabled, all distance values are in steps. This command is useful for specifying path or linear interpolated move distances in any unit. (e.g., Given a 25000 step/rev drive and wanting distance units in revs, then PSCLD would be set to 25000.) As the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) changes, the resolution of the distance values entered and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change. For instance, if scaling is set to PSCLD25, the PARCOP55.99999,22.88671,37.86752,21.11112 command would be truncated to PARCOP55.9999,22.8867,37.8675,21.1111. 6270 only: In the table below, shift the decimal place in the Path Distance Range column one place to the left.
PSCLD (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Path Distance Resolution (units) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 Path Distance Range (units) 0 - 999,999,999 0.0 - 99,999,999.9 0.00 - 9,999,999.99 0.000 - 999,999.999 0.0000 - 99,999.9999 0.00000 - 9999.99999 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
NOTE If scaling is desired for a particular path, SCALE must be enabled and all path scaling factors (PSCLA, PSCLD, PSCLV) must be specified prior to defining the path. SCALE cannot be enabled and scaling factors cannot be specified within a path definition.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Velocity Scale Factor (PSCLV) command internally multiplies the path velocity (PV) value by this value. The PSCLV command will not scale the PV value unless the Scale command is enabled (SCALE1).
Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the path velocity scaling factor (PSCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the PV value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the path velocity scaling factor (PSCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT or ANI steps/sec. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the PV value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) to obtain velocity values in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations.
As the path velocity scaling factor (PSCLV) changes, the resolution of the velocity commands and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table below). A path velocity value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to PSCLV1, the V1.9999 command would be truncated to V1.9.
PSCLV (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Velocity Resolution (units/sec) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
Use the following equations to determine the maximum velocity range for your particular product:
Max. Velocity for Stepper Products 8,000,000 n PSCLV Max. Velocity for Servo Products (Servos: determined by feedback source selected for axis #1) Encoder Feedback: LDT Feedback: ANI Feedback: 1000 ERES PSCLV 1000 LDTRES PSCLV 1000 819 PSCLV
n = PULSE x 16; If n < 5, then n is set equal to 5. If n > 5, then all fractional parts of n are truncated.
NOTE If scaling is desired for a particular path, scaling must be enabled (SCALE1) and all path scaling factors (PSCLA, PSCLD, PSCLV) must be specified prior to defining the path. Scaling cannot be enabled and scaling factors cannot be specified within a path definition.
Example: Refer to the define path local mode (PL) command example.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the PSET command to offset the current absolute position to establish an absolute position reference. To remove the offset, issue the PSET CLR command (not available in earlier revisions of these products: 6200 rev 2.4, 6250 rev 3.0 and AT6400 rev 2.3). All PSET values entered are in steps, unless scaling is enabled (SCALE1), in which case (PSET) is multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD): Steppers without scaling: In motor step mode (ENC), the PSET command will define the current motor step position to be the absolute position entered, but leave the encoder step position unchanged. In encoder step mode (ENC1), the PSET command will define the current encoder step position to be the absolute position given, but will leave the motor step position unchanged. Servos without scaling: The PSET command defines a new absolute position reference. If the drive is enabled (DRIVE1111), the current commanded position is used as the reference point. If the drive is disabled, the current feedback device position (selected with the SFB command) is used as the reference point.
NOTE The PSET offset value (per axis) is specific only to the feedback source (per axis) selected with the last SFB command. If your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and issue a PSET value specific to that feedback source. (Each feedback source can have a separate offset.)
For 6270 users, the PSET settings for ANI and LDT feedback only are automatically saved to battery-backed RAM (encoder-based PSET is not saved). Scaling: If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PSET command value entered is internally multiplied by the distance scaling factor (SCLD) to convert user units to motor steps, or feedback device (encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI) steps. The distance value may be truncated if the value entered exceeds the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. The distance scaling factor should always be enabled and specified prior to entering the PSET value, because the SCLD command modifies the PSET value to accommodate the new scaling factor. For further discussion on distance scaling, refer to the SCLD command description.
If you issue a PSET command, any previously captured positions (INFNCi-H function) will be offset by the PSET value.
If a software end-of-travel limit has been hit, the PSET command will not remove the error condition. The error condition is removed by commanding motion in the opposite direction.
; Set absolute position on axes 1, 2, and 3 to zero, ; and axis 4 to 1000 units
[ PSHF ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following and Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a ENC, FOLEN, FOLMAS, FSHFC, FSHFD, SCALE, SCLD, TPSHF
The Net Position Shift (PSHF) command is used to assign to a numeric variable the value of the net (absolute) slave axis position shift that has occurred since that last FOLEN1 command. The position value will be the sum of all shifts performed on that axis, or axes, including decelerations due to limits, kill, or stop. The shift value is set to zero each time a new FOLEN1 command or a FOLMAS command (with a value other than zero) is issued. Steppers: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the PSHF value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value is in motor steps if in motor step mode (ENC) or in encoder steps if in encoder step mode (ENC1). Servos: Syntax: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the PSHF value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value is commanded counts.
VARn=aPSHF where n is the variable number and a is the axis number, or PSHF can be used in an expression such as IF(2PSHF>2345). The PSHF command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1PSHF, IF(2PSHF>5), etc.). ; ; ; ; ; If axis 2 has shifted more than 4.3 user units in the positive direction, then do the IF statement Set output #12 to 1 End of IF statement Set VAR14 to slave axis 3's position shift
[ PSLV ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The PSLV command is used to assign the slave's commanded position register value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. Steppers: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the PSLV value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value is in motor steps. Servos: Syntax: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the PSLV value is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value is commanded counts.
VARn=aPSLV where n is the variable number and a is the axis number, or [PSLV] can be used in an expression such as IF(2PSLV>2345). The PSLV command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1PSLV, IF(2PSLV>5), etc.). ; ; ; ; ; If axis 2 has traveled more than 4.3 user units then do the IF statement Set output #12 to 1 End of IF statement Set VAR14 to slave axis #3's position
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Tangent Axis Resolution (PTAN) command is used to specify the Tangent axis resolution. The Tangent axis will keep an angular position which changes linearly with the direction of travel implied by X and Y. This allows the Tangent axis to control an object which must stay tangent (or normal) to the direction of travel. The Tangent axis resolution is the number of motor steps in 360 degrees of arc. The Tangent axis resolution does not necessarily equal the number of steps per revolution of the motor, but if the motor directly drove the rotating piece, then these numbers would be the same. The PTAN command should be given prior to any contour segments during a path definition. A negative value for the Tangent axis resolution causes rotation in the negative direction as the angle in the X-Y plane gets larger.
PSCLA25000 PSCLD25000 PSCLV25000 SCALE1 PV5 PA50 PAD100 DEF prog1 PAXES1,2,3 PTAN25000 PAB0 POUT1001 PARCM5,5,5 POUT1100 PARCP5,-5,-5 END PCOMP prog1 PRUN prog1 OUT0000
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set path acceleration scale factor to 25000 steps/unit/unit Set path distance scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Set path velocity scale factor to 25000 steps/unit Enable scaling factor Set path velocity to 5 units/sec Set path acceleration to 50 units/sec/sec Set path deceleration to 100 units/sec/sec Begin definition of path named prog1 Set axes 1 and 2 as the X and Y contouring axes, 3 as the tangent axis Specify Tangent axis resolution Set to incremental coordinates Output pattern during first arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc <180 degree for quarter circle counter-clockwise arc Output pattern during second arc Specify incremental X-Y endpoint position and radius arc >180 degree for three quarter circle clockwise arc End definition of path prog1 Compile path prog1 Execute path prog1 Turn off the first four programmable outputs
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Compiled Motion; Path Contouring <!>PUCOMP<t> t = text (name of path) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a n/a DEF, END, GOBUF, MEMORY, PCOMP, PRUN, TDIR, TMEM, TSEG, GOBUF, PLOOP, PLN
As of revision 4.0, contouring was made a standard feature in all multi-axis 6000 products (formerly only the steppers). In addition, PUCOMP was modified to accommodate uncompiling Compiled Motion Profiles.
The Un-Compile (PUCOMP) command is used to delete a previously compiled (PCOMP) program from the compiled memory. The PUCOMP command does not delete the program from program memory.
; Delete compiled motion segments for prog1 ; Delete prog1 ; Begin definition of path named prog1 ; Set axes 1,2,3,4 as the X, Y, Tangent, and ; Proportional axes respectively ; ********************************************* ; * Add multiple path segment * ; * definitions in this * ; * portion of the * ; * program * ; ********************************************* END ; End definition of path prog1 PCOMP prog1 ; Compile path prog1 PRUN prog1 ; Execute path prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Pulse Width
Controller Configuration <!><@><a>PULSE<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = microseconds (s) 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 16.0, or 20.0 0.3 PULSE: *PULSE0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3 1PULSE: *1PULSE0.3 DRES, PCOMP, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a n/a n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Pulse Width (PULSE) command sets the step output pulse width. The pulse width is described as the time the pulse is active, or on. The value for the pulse width command is specified in microseconds. When the pulse width is changed from the default value of 0.3 s, the maximum velocity and distance ranges are reduced. The amount of reduction is directly proportional to the change in pulse width (see table below). The maximum distance is per move; the total absolute range for each axis remains at 2,147,483,647.
Pulse Width (PULSE) Setting DEFAULT -- 0.3 s 0.5 s Use for Compumotor's Z and DB Drives -- 1.0 s 2.0 s 5.0 s 10.0 s 16.0 s 20.0 s Maximum Distance Per Move 419,430,000 262,140,000 131,070,000 65,535,000 26,214,000 13,107,000 8,191,000 6,553,000 Maximum Velocity 1.6 MHz 1.0 MHz 500 KHz 250 KHz 100 KHz 50 KHz 35 KHz 25 KHz
NOTE Contouring: All axes involved in contouring (identified with PAXES command) must have the same PULSE setting. If you change the PULSE setting, you will need to recompile (PCOMP) any previously compiled paths. Streaming: All axes involved in the streaming mode (STREAM) must have the same PULSE setting.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Path Velocity
Path Contouring or Motion (Linear Interpolated) <!>PV<r> r = units/sec (scalable with PSCLV) 0.00000 - 1,600,000 (depending on the scaling factor & PULSE) 1.0000 PV: *PV1.0000 GOL, PSCLV, SCALE Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Path Velocity (PV) command specifies the path velocity to be used in linearly interpolated moves (GOL), and in all contouring moves. In linearly interpolated moves, a path may involve one to four axes, each with its own distance of travel. In contouring paths, only the X and Y axis are included in the calculation of the path. For both types of moves, the path velocity refers to the velocity of the load as motion proceeds along the path. For linearly interpolated moves, the velocity of each individual axis is dependent on the distance it contributes to the total path traveled by the load. In contouring paths, the velocity of each individual axis is dependent on the direction of travel in the X- Y plane. NOTE: The PV value can be altered between path segments, but not within a path segment. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the PV value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a PV value in motor steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered PV value is internally multiplied by the path velocity scaling factor (PSCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the PV value is entered in encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a PV value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered PV value is internally multiplied by the path velocity scaling factor (PSCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Path Work Coordinates (PWC) command is used to specify the Work X -Y coordinate data required for subsequent segment definition in the Work coordinate system. This command places the X -Y coordinate value of the Work coordinate system at the beginning of the next segment. (The first <r> is the X coordinate, the second <r> is the Y coordinate.) This command may be used before the PL command is given for the purpose of shifting the Work coordinate system. If the PWC command is not given before a PL command, but was previously set, the original work coordinate system is used for the subsequent segments. Steppers only: Both position values are expressed in terms of motor steps, regardless of the current ENC command setting.
If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the PWC command values entered are internally multiplied by the path distance scaling factor (PSCLD) to convert user steps to motor steps. The distance values may be truncated if the value entered exceeds the distance resolution at the given scaling factor. For further discussion on path distance scaling, refer to the PSCLD command description.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Radian Enable
Operators (Trigonometric) <!>RADIAN<b> n/a b = 0 (Disable),1 (Enable) or X (don't care) 0 RADIAN: *RADIAN0 [ ATAN ], [ COS ], [ PI ], [ SIN ], [ TAN ], VAR Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This operator is used to switch between radians and degrees. The command RADIAN1 specifies units in radians for SIN, COS, TAN, and ATAN. The command RADIAN specifies units in degrees for SIN, COS, TAN, and ATAN. If a value is given in radians and a conversion is needed to degrees, use the formula: 360 = 2 radians.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Registration Enable
Registration <!><@><a>RE<b><b><b><b> b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't care) n/a 0 RE: *RE0000 1RE: *1RE0 [ AS ], COMEXC, ENC, [ ER ], INDEB, INFNC, [ PCE ], [ PCM ], REG, REGLOD, REGSS, [ SS ], TAS, TER, TPCE, TPCM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.4 4.1 4.0 4.1 1,5 4.1 4.1
The Registration Enable (RE) command enables the registration function for the appropriate axes. When a registration input (assigned trigger input) is activated, the motion profile currently being executed is replaced by the registration profile with its own distance (REG), acceleration (A & AA), deceleration (AD & ADA), and velocity (V) values, and, if using a stepper, the positioning mode (ENC). The registration move may interrupt any preset, continuous, or registration move in progress. The registration move does not alter the rest of the program being executed when registration occurs, nor does it affect commands being executed in the background if the controller is operating in the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1). Registration moves will not be executed while the motor is not performing a move, while in the joystick mode (JOY1), or while decelerating due to a stop, kill, soft limit, or hard limit.
How to Set up a Registration Move Configure one of the trigger inputs (TRG-A through TRG-D) to function as a trigger interrupt
input; this is done with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the input bit number representing trigger inputs A through D (input number assignments vary by product see page 6). NOTE: When configured as Trigger Interrupts, the triggers cannot be affected by the input enable (INEN) command.
Command Descriptions
How to Set up a Registration Move (continued) Issue the INFEN1 command to enable the trigger interrupt/registration function defined with the
INFNCi-H command.
Specify the distance of the registration move with the REG command; then you can enable the
registration function with the RE command. Registration is performed only on the axis or axes with the registration function enabled, and with a non-zero distance specified in the respective axisdesignation field of the REG command; the other axes will not be affected. Each trigger has a distinct move defined for each axis; therefore, with 4 trigger inputs and 4 axes available, 16 different registration moves can be stored. NOTE: The registration move is executed using the A, AA, AD, ADA, and V values that were in effect when the REG command was entered. Stepper products: The position captured (motor or encoder) and the positioning mode (motor steps or encoder steps) used for registration are determined by the ENC command setting in effect when the registration move was first defined with the REG command.
Preventing Unwanted Registration Moves (methods) Registration Input Debounce: The registration input is debounced for 50 ms (steppers) or 24 ms
(servos) before another input on the same trigger is recognized. Therefore, the maximum rate that a registration input can initiate registration moves is 20 times per second (steppers) or 41 times per second (servos). If your application requires a shorter debounce time, you can change it with the INDEB command (refer to the INDEB command description for details).
Registration Single-Shot: The REGSS command allows you to program the 6000 controller to
ignore any registration commands after the first registration move has been initiated. Refer to the REGSS command description for further details and an application example.
Registration Lockout Distance: The REGLOD command specifies what distance an axis must travel
before any trigger assigned as a registration input will be recognized. If more than one axis is using the same trigger for registration, and one or all have a registration lockout distance defined, then that trigger will be ignored until all axes have traveled the lockout distances. Refer to the REGLOG command description for further details and an application example.
INFNC25-H INFNC26-H INFEN1 ENC00xx A10,20 AD20,40 V2,5 REGA1000,5000 ENC00xx A3,5 AD2,4 V.5,.5 REGB800,1200 RE1100 A20,20 AD50,50 V6,6 D200000,200000 GO1100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set input #25 (trigger A) as a trigger interrupt input Set input #26 (trigger B) as a trigger interrupt input Enable programmable input (INFNC) functions Use motor step positioning mode for registration move (STEPPERS ONLY) Set accel: axis 1 to 10 units/sec/sec; axis 2 to 20 units/sec/sec Set decel: axis 1 to 20 units/sec/sec; axis 2 to 40 units/sec/sec Set velocity: axis 1 to 2 units/sec; axis 2 to 5 units/sec Set trigger A's registration distance on axis 1 to 1000 units, axis 2 to 5000 units (registration A move will use the ENC, A, AD, & V values specified above) Use the motor step positioning mode for the registration move (STEPPERS ONLY) Set accel: axis 1 to 3 units/sec/sec; axis 2 to 5 units/sec/sec Set decel: axis 1 to 2 units/sec/sec; axis 2 to 4 units/sec/sec Set velocity: axis 1 and axis 2 to 0.5 units/sec Set trigger B's registration distance on axis 1 to 800 units, axis 2 to 1200 units (registration B move will use the ENC, A, AD, & V values specified above) Enable registration on axis 1 and 2 only Set acceleration to 20 units/sec/sec on axes 1 and 2 Set deceleration to 50 units/sec/sec on axes 1 and 2 Set velocity to 6 units/sec on axes 1 and 2 Set distance to 200,000 units on axes 1 and 2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2
Command Descriptions
[ READ ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Read a Value
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Communication Interface or Assignment ... READi ... (See below) i = string variable number 1 - 100 (AT6400), 1 - 25 (AT6n50, 610n, 615n, 620n, 625n, and 6270) n/a n/a ', PORT, [ SS ], TSS, VAR, VARS, WRITE
The Read a Value (READ) command provides the user with an efficient way of storing numeric data read from the input buffer into a variable (PC-AT would place data in the input buffer, data from stand-alone units comes from RS-232). The READ command can be used as part of a numeric variable assignment statement (e.g., VAR1=READ1) or in another command (A1,(READ1),12,1). However, the READ command cannot be used in an expression such as VAR5=1+READ1 or IF(READ1=1). Syntax: VARx=READi where x is the variable number and i is the string variable to be sent out to prompt the user for the numeric information. Syntax: Command(READi) where Command is any command that has a separate field (e.g., A, AD, V, D, etc.), and i is the string variable number. The number attached to the end of the READ command corresponds to the string variable to be placed in the PC-AT output buffer, or sent out the RS-232 port, at the time this command is executed. The 6000 Series controller will then wait for numeric data to be sent to its input buffer. The numeric data must be preceded with an immediate command identifier and a single quote (!'). The information read in can be either integer, or real, and must be terminated by a command delimiter (:, <cr>, <lf>). Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the READ substitution (e.g., V2,(READ)).
VARS1="Enter the count >" ; Place message in string variable #1 VAR2=READ1 ; Prompt with string variable #1, and read data ; into variable #2 ; ; The controller will send this message (string variable #1) to the screen: ; "Enter the count >" ; The user must enter the numeric data preceded by the characters !'. ; For example, !'82.5 assigns the value 82.5 to numeric variable 2
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Registration Distance
Registration <!><@><a>REGc<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> c = letter of trigger input; r = distance units (scalable) c = A, B, C or D; r = 0.00000 to 419,430,000 (positive direction only) 0 (do not make a registration move) REGA: *REGA0,0,0,0 1REGA: *1REGA0 [ AS ], ENC, [ ER ], INDEB, [ PCE ],[ PCM ], RE, REGLOD, REGSS, SCALE, SCLD, [ SS ], TAS, TER, TPCE, TPCM, TSS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.4 4.1 4.0 4.1 1.5 4.1 4.1
The Registration Distance (REG) command specifies the distance the corresponding axis will travel after receiving a registration input (trigger A, B, C or D). The registration move is executed using the A, AA, AD, ADA, and V values that were in effect when the REG command was entered. Stepper products: The position captured (motor or encoder) and the positioning mode (motor steps or encoder steps) used for registration are determined by the ENC command setting in effect when the registration move was first defined with the REG command.
RULE OF THUMB: To prevent position overshoot, make sure the REG distance is greater than 4 ms multiplied by the incoming velocity. The registration distance remains set until you change it with a subsequent REG command. Registration distances outside the valid range are flagged as an error, returning the message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. Distance Units (no scaling): In stepper systems with scaling disabled (SCALE), the REG value is measured in encoder counts or motor steps, depending on the state of the ENC command at the time the REG command is executed. In servos systems, the REG value is measured in feedback device counts (encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI counts). Scaling: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the REG value is internally multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD). As the SCLD value changes, the resolution of the REG command and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change. A registration distance value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to SCLD2, the REG1.99999 command would be truncated to REG1.9999.
SCLD (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 REG Resolution (units) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 REG Range (units) 0 - 999,999,999 0.0 - 99,999,999.9 0.00 - 9,999,999.99 0.000 - 999,999.999 0.0000 - 99,999.9999 0.00000 - 9,999.99999 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
The distance scaling factor should always be enabled and specified prior to entering any distance values, because the SCLD command modifies the current registration distance value to accommodate the new scaling factor.
For additional details on Registration (including programming examples), refer to the RE command description and to the Registration section in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Registration <!>@REGLOD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r= distance units (scalable by SCLD) 0.00000 to +999,999,999 0 REGLOD: *REGLOD0,0,0,0 1REGLOD: *1REGLOD0 INDEB, RE, REG, REGSS, SCLD
The Registration Lock-Out Distance (REGLOD) command sets the registration lock-out distance for an axis. The controller will not perform a registration move or a position capture on any axis until all axes have traveled the distances specified with the REGLOD command from their respective positions when motion was initiated. Those axes participating in registration with trigger A, B, C, or D are defined with the REG command (REGA, REGB, REGC, or REGD, respectively). A trigger will not be recognized until all axes participating in that triggers registration have traveled their respective lock-out distances. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the lock-out distance is scaled by the SCLD value. Stepper products: the lock-out distances are measured incrementally from the start of motion to the commanded position (even if you are using encoder-based positioning in the ENC1 mode). Servo products: the lock-out distances are measured incrementally from the start of motion to the actual position (as measured by the position feedback device), not the commanded position.
Command Descriptions
; ; ; ; ; ;
Set trigger interrupt Set registration distance Enable registration axis 1 and 2 Set registration lock-out distance for axis 1 Set move distance for both axes Start motion for axes 1 and 2
If the trigger happens when axis 1 is at any distance less than 20000, no motion will occur on any axis.
Check status bit 28 for "registration occurred" bit Indicates registration move has not happened on any axis
If the trigger happens after axis 1 has traveled a distance of 20000, then the trigger is recognized and the registration occurs.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Registration Single-Shot
Registration <!><@>REGSS<b><b><b><b> n/a b=0 (Disable), 1 (Enable), or x (don't care) 0 REGSS: *REGSS0000 1REGSS: *1REGSS0 RE, REG, REGLOD Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
The Registration Single Shot (REGSS) command sets the registration such that only one registration move will take place for the specified axis. This allows the user to prevent any other trigger from interrupting the registration move in progress. A GO command will reset the "one shot" condition.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Set trigger interrupt Set registration distance Enable registration axis 1 and 2 Enable single-shot registration for axis 1 Set move distance for both axes Start motion for axes 1 and 2
The trigger happens at distance 30000, both axes start registration move.
> !TAS.28 *11 Check status bit 28 for "registration occurred" bit Indicates registration move happened on both axes
The trigger happens at distance 50000, axis 2 starts the second registration move, axis 1 is not affected.
> TPM *TPM+55000,+75000 Check final motor position when registration moves stop steppers (or, if using a servo product, use TPC to check commanded position) Only axis 2 responds to the second trigger
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Repeat Statement
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Program Flow Control or Conditional Branching <!>REPEAT n/a n/a n/a n/a JUMP, UNTIL
The Repeat Statement (REPEAT) command, in conjunction with the UNTIL command, provide a means of conditional program flow. The REPEAT command marks the beginning of the conditional statement. The commands between the REPEAT and the UNTIL command are executed at least once. Upon reaching the UNTIL command, the expression contained within the UNTIL command is evaluated. If the expression is false, the program flow is redirected to the first command after the REPEAT command. If the expression is true, the first command after the UNTIL command is executed. Up to 16 levels of REPEAT ... UNTIL( ) commands may be nested.
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between REPEAT and UNTIL. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next REPEAT statement encountered to be nested within the previous REPEAT statement, unless an UNTIL command has already been encountered. The JUMP command should be used in this case.
All logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and all relational operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>) can be used within the UNTIL expression. There is no limit on the number of logical operators, or on the number of relational operators allowed within a single UNTIL expression. The limiting factor for the UNTIL expression is the command length. The total character count for the UNTIL command and expression cannot exceed 80 characters. For example, if you add all the letters in the UNTIL command and the letters within the () expression, including the parentheses and excluding the spaces, this count must be less than or equal to 80. All assignment operators (A, AD, ANV, AS, CNT, D, ER, IN, INO, LIM, MOV, OUT, PC, PCE, PCM, PE, PER, PM, SS, TIM, US, V, VEL, etc.) can be used within the UNTIL() expression.
; ; ; ;
Beginning of REPEAT ... UNTIL( ) loop Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 3 Increment variable 1 by 1 Repeat loop until variable 1 = 12
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Communication Interface <!>RESET n/a n/a n/a RESET: *Parker Compumotor AT6400 - 4 Axis Indexer DRESET, STARTP, TSTAT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Reset (RESET) command functions differently, depending on which 6000 Series product you have.
The RESET command returns bus-based products to their factory default state. All previously entered
command values will be reset to factory default. All programs/subroutines will be removed.
The RESET command affects stand-alone products the same as cycling power. These products will
retain their programs and variables; however, all previously entered command values (not saved in programs or variables) will be reset to factory default. NOTE: After sending the RESET or !RESET command to the 6000 product, you must wait until you see the power-up message (actual time varies by product) before communicating with the product.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Begin Executing a Program (RUN) command executes a program defined with the DEF command. A program name consists of 6 or fewer alpha-numeric characters. The RUN command can be used inside a program or subroutine. The program can also be run by specifying the name of the program without the RUN command. The RUN command functions similar to a GOSUB command in that control returns to the original program when the called program finishes.
; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 End program definition Executes program named pick Executes program named pick
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Stop Motion
Motion <!>S<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (do not stop) or 1 (stop) 1 >!S: No response, instead motion is stopped on all axes. C, COMEXC, COMEXS, GO, K Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Stop Motion (S) command instructs the motor to stop motion on the specified axes. If the Stop (S) command is used without any arguments, motion will be stopped on all axes. The Stop command will bring the specified axes to rest using the last deceleration value (AD) entered.
Since all commands are buffered, the next command does not begin until the previous command has finished. This is important because if you place a Stop (S) command after a Go (GO) command in a program, the Stop command will have no effect. For the Stop command to have an effect within a program, continuous command processing mode (COMEXC) must be enabled. If the Stop (S) command is to be used external to the program, the immediate command identifier ( !) must be used.
If COMEXS is set to zero, command processing will be terminated when any stop command is issued, or a stop input is activated. If COMEXS is set to 1 or 2, a stop command issued for a specific axis will only stop motion on that axis and will not clear the command buffer. If COMEXS is set to 2, a stop command or input will stop motion and clear the command buffer. If motion is to be paused and later resumed, the stop command must be used without any arguments (S or !S), and the continue execution on stop (COMEXS) command must be enabled. The continue (!C) command can then be used to resume motion.
GO1111 !S1100
; Initiate motion on all axes ; Stop motion on axes 1 and 2 (must use "!S" to stop motion in progress)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Enable Scale Factor (SCALE) command enables or disables the acceleration, distance, and velocity scaling factors (SCLA, SCLD, SCLV, PSCLA, PSCLD, PSCLV, SCLMAS). When scaling is enabled (SCALE1), all entered data is multiplied by the appropriate scale factor. Servos: Scaling can be used with all feedback sources: encoders, resolvers, ANI inputs (-ANI option only), and LDTs (6270 only). Accel and decel values are scaled by SCLA and PSCLA, velocity values are scaled by SCLV and PSCLV, and distance values are scaled by SCLD.
Parameters for scaling (SCLA, SCLD, etc.) are specific to the feedback source selected with the last SFB command. Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and issue the scaling factors specific to that feedback source.
Command Descriptions
When scaling is disabled (SCALE), no scaling will be performed: Steppers: When scaling is disabled, all distance values entered are in motor steps (ENC mode) or encoder steps (ENC1 mode), and all acceleration and velocity values entered are internally multiplied by the DRES command value. Servos: When scaling is disabled, all distance values entered are in encoder, resolver or LDT counts, or ADC counts for ANI feedback. All encoder, resolver and LDT accel/decel and velocity values entered are internally multiplied by the ERES or LDTRES command value (ANI accel/decel and velocity values are referenced in volts).
NOTE If scaling is desired within a stored program, you must enable scaling (SCALE1) and define the scaling factors (SCLA, SCLD, SCLV, PSCLA, PSCLD, PSCLV, SCLMAS) prior to defining (DEF), uploading (TPROG), or running (RUN) the program. This allows the 6000 Series product to store, display, and execute the scaled distance, acceleration, and velocity values within the stored program. This can be accomplished by defining all scaling factors via a terminal emulator just before defining or downloading the program; or you can put the scaling factors into a startup (STARTP) program (stand-alone controllers only) or a program that must be run prior to defining or downloading the program.
Refer to the programming example for the Acceleration Scale Factor (SCLA) command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Acceleration Scale Factor (SCLA) command internally multiplies all acceleration (A, AA, HOMA, HOMAA, JOGA, JOGAA, JOYA, JOYAA) and deceleration (AD, ADA, LHAD, LHADA, LSAD, LSADA, HOMAD, HOMADA, JOGAD, JOGADA, JOYAD, JOYADA) values by the acceleration scale factor value, as long as scaling is enabled (SCALE1). Since the units are steps/unit, and all the acceleration values are in units/sec/sec, all accelerations will thus be internally represented as steps/sec/sec. Stepper products: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered accel and decel values are internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to motor steps/sec/sec. The entered values are always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is disabled (SCALE), all accel and decel values are entered in motor revs/sec/sec; these values are internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain accel and decel values in motor steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. Servo products: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered accel and decel values are internally multiplied by the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) to convert user units/sec/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec/sec. If scaling is disabled (SCALE), all accel and decel values are entered in encoder revs/sec/sec, resolver revs/sec/sec, LDT inches/sec/sec, or ANI volts/sec/sec; encoder, resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain accel and decel values in steps/sec/sec for the motion trajectory calculations.
As the acceleration scaling factor (SCLA) changes, the resolution of the acceleration and deceleration values and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table at right). An acceleration value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to SCLA1, the A9.9999 command would be truncated to A9.9.
SCLA (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999
Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
The following equations can help you determine the range of acceleration and deceleration values.
Product Steppers Min. Accel or Decel (resolution) 0.001 DRES SCLA Encoder & Resolver Feedback: 0.001 ERES SCLA Max. Accel or Decel 999.9999 DRES PSCLA Encoder & Resolver Feedback: 999.9999 ERES SCLA
LDT Feedback:
LDT Feedback:
ANI Feedback:
ANI Feedback:
NOTE If scaling is desired within a stored program, you must enable scaling (SCALE1) and define the scaling factors (SCLD, SCLA, and SCLV) prior to defining (DEF), uploading (TPROG), or running (RUN) the program. This allows the 6000 Series product to store, display, and execute the scaled distance, acceleration, and velocity values within the stored program. This can be accomplished by defining all scaling factors via a terminal emulator just before defining or downloading the program; or you can put the scaling factors into a startup (STARTP) program (stand-alone controllers only) or a program that must be run prior to defining or downloading the program.
SCLA25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLV25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLD1,1,1,1 ; ; SCALE1 ; DEF prog1 ; MA0000 ; MC0000 ; A10,12,1,2 ; ; V1,1,1,2 ; ; D100000,1000,10,100 ; ; GO1100 ; END ;
Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit/unit Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor for axes 1, 2, 3, and 4 to 1 step/unit Enable scaling Begin definition of program prog1 Incremental index mode for all axes Preset index mode for all axes Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move End definition of program prog1
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), all D, PSET, SMPER, and REG command values are internally multiplied by the Distance Scale Factor (SCLD) value. Since the SCLD units are in terms of steps/unit, all distances will thus be internally represented in steps. For instance, if your distance scaling factor is 10000 (SCLD1) and you enter a distance of 75 (D75), the actual distance moved will be 750,000 (10000 x 75) counts. This command is useful for allowing the user to specify distances in any unit. For example, if the user had a 25000 step/revolution drive and wanted distance units in terms of revolutions, then SCLD should be set to 25000, and scaling should be enabled (SCALE1). As the distance scaling factor (SCLD) changes, the resolution of all distance commands and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table below). A distance value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated (e.g., if scaling is set to SCLD25, the D1.99999 command would be truncated to D1.9999). For 6270 users only, shift the decimal place in the distance ranges shown in the table below one place to the left.
SCLD (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Distance Resolution (units) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 Distance Range (units) 0 - 999,999,999 0.0 - 99,999,999.9 0.00 - 9,999,999.99 0.000 - 999,999.999 0.0000 - 99,999.9999 0.00000 - 9999.99999 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
DEFINE SCALING FIRST If scaling is desired within a stored program, you must enable scaling (SCALE1) and define the scaling factors (SCLD, SCLA, and SCLV) prior to defining (DEF), uploading (TPROG), or running (RUN) the program. This allows the 6000 Series product to store, display, and execute the scaled distance, acceleration, and velocity values within the stored program. This can be accomplished by defining all scaling factors via a terminal emulator just before defining or downloading the program; or you can put the scaling factors into a startup (STARTP) program (stand-alone controllers only) or a program that must be run prior to defining or downloading the program.
FRACTIONAL STEP TRUNCATION If you are operating in the preset positioning mode (MC), when the distance scaling factor (SCLD) and the distance value are multiplied, a fraction of one step may possibly be left over. This fraction is truncated when the distance value is used in the move algorithm. This truncation error can accumulate over a period of time, when performing incremental moves continuously in the same direction. To eliminate this truncation problem, set the distance scale factor (SCLD) to 1, or a multiple of 10.
SCLA25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLV25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLD1,1,1,1 ; SCALE1 ; DEF prog1 ; MA0000 ; MC0000 ; A10,12,1,2 ; V1,1,1,2 ; D100000,1000,10,100 ; GO1100 ; END ;
Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit/unit Set velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set distance scaling for axes 1, 2, 3, & 4 to 1 step/unit Enable scaling Begin definition of program prog1 Incremental index mode for all axes Preset index mode for all axes Set accel to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1-4 Set velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1-4 Set distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units for axes 1-4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move End definition of program prog1
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following <!><@><a>SCLMAS<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> i = scaling factor i = 1 - 999999 1 SCLMAS *SCLMAS1,1,1,1 1SCLMAS *1SCLMAS1 FMCLEN, FMCP, FOLEN, FOLMD, FOLRD, FOLRN, GOWHEN, [ PMAS ], SCALE, SCLD, TPMAS
The Master Scale Factor (SCLMAS) command internally multiplies all Following master values by the specified scale factor value. Since the SCLMAS units are in terms of counts/unit, all distances will thus be internally represented in counts. For instance, if your master scaling factor is 10000 (SCLMAS10000) and you enter a master parameter of 75 (e.g., FOLMD75), the internal value will be 750,000 (10000 x 75) counts.
NOTE: The SCLMAS command will not take effect unless scaling is enabled (SCALE1).
This command is useful for allowing the user to specify distances in any unit. For example, if the user had a 4000 step/revolution encoder as the master and wanted master units in terms of revolutions, then SCLMAS should be set to 4000. As the master scaling factor (SCLMAS) changes, the resolution of all master parameter values and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table below). A master parameter value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated (e.g., if scaling is set to SCLD4000, the FOLMD1.9999 command would be truncated to FOLMD1.999). (For 6270 users, shift the values in the Master Range column one decimal place to the left).
SCLMAS (counts/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Master Resolution (units) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 Master Range (units) 0 - 999,999,999 0.0 - 99,999,999.9 0.00 - 9,999,999.99 0.000 - 999,999.999 0.0000 - 99,999.9999 0.00000 - 9999.99999 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
DEFINE SCALING FIRST If scaling is desired within a stored program, you must enable scaling (SCALE) and define the scaling factor (SCLMAS) prior to defining (DEF), uploading (TPROG), or running (RUN) the program. This allows the 6000 Series product to store, display, and execute the scaled distance, acceleration, and velocity values within the stored program. This can be accomplished by defining all scaling factors via a terminal emulator just before defining or downloading the program; or you can put the scaling factors into a startup (STARTP) program (stand-alone controllers only) or a program that must be run prior to defining or downloading the program.
Command Descriptions
FRACTIONAL STEP TRUNCATION If you are specifying master distance values (FOLMD), when the master scaling factor (SCLMAS) and the distance value are multiplied, a fraction of one count may possibly be left over. This fraction is truncated when the distance value is used in the move algorithm. This truncation error can accumulate when performing several moves over the specified master distance. To eliminate this truncation problem, set the master scale factor (SCLMAS) to 1, or a multiple of 10.
The commands below are a subset of the set-up parameters for an application in which axis 1 is following the encoder input on axis #3 at a 1-to-1 ratio.
SCALE1 SCLA25000 SCLV25000 SCLD25000 SCLMAS4000 FOLMAS31 FOLRN1 FOLRD1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Enable parameter scaling Set slave acceleration scale factor to 25000 for axis 1 Set slave velocity scale factor to 25000 for axis 1 Set slave distance scale factor to 25000 for axis 1 Set master scale factor to 4000 for axis 1 Axis 1 using encoder input #3 as master Set slave-to-master Following ratio numerator to 1 (scaled by SCLD) Set slave-to-master Following ratio denominator to 1. This sets the ratio to 1:1 (scaled the SCLMAS). The actual ratio in counts = 25000 to 4000 = 6.25 slave counts per master count.
Type Syntax Units Range Default
The Velocity Scale Factor (SCLV) command internally multiplies all velocity (EPMV, HOMV, HOMVF, JOGVH, JOGVL, JOYVH, JOYVL, SSV, V) values by the velocity scale factor value, as long as scaling (SCALE) is enabled. Since the units are steps/unit, all velocities will thus be internally represented in steps/sec. Steppers: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity values are internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. The entered values are always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is disabled (SCALE), all velocity values are entered in motor revs/sec; these values are internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain velocity values in motor steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity values are internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec. If scaling is disabled (SCALE), all velocity values are entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder/resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain velocity values in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations.
As the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) changes, the resolution of the velocity commands and the number of positions to the right of the decimal point also change (see table below). A velocity value with greater resolution than allowed will be truncated. For example, if scaling is set to SCLV1, the V1.9999 command would be truncated to V1.9.
SCLV (steps/unit) 1-9 10 - 99 100 - 999 1000 - 9999 10000 - 99999 100000 - 999999 Velocity Resolution (units/sec) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 Decimal Places 0 1 2 3 4 5
Use the following equations to determine the maximum velocity range for your product type.
Max. Velocity for Stepper Products 8,000,000 n Max. Velocity for Servo Products (Servos: determined by feedback source selected for axis #1) Encoder or Resolver Feedback: LDT Feedback: ANI Feedback: 1000 LDTRES SCLV 1000 819 SCLV 1000 ERES SCLV
n = PULSE x 16; If n < 5, then n is set equal to 5. If n > 5, then all fractional parts of n are truncated.
NOTE If scaling is desired within a stored program, you must enable scaling (SCALE1) and define the scaling factors (SCLD, SCLA, and SCLV) prior to defining (DEF), uploading (TPROG), or running (RUN) the program. This allows the 6000 Series product to store, display, and execute the scaled distance, acceleration, and velocity values within the stored program. This can be accomplished by defining all scaling factors via a terminal emulator just before defining or downloading the program; or you can put the scaling factors into a startup (STARTP) program (stand-alone controllers only) or a program that must be run prior to defining or downloading the program.
SCLA25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLV25000,25000,1,1 ; ; SCLD1,1,1,1 ; ; SCALE1 ; DEF prog1 ; MA0000 ; MC0000 ; A10,12,1,2 ; ; V1,1,1,2 ; ; D100000,1000,10,100 ; ; GO1100 ; END ;
Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit/unit Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor for axes 1, 2, 3, and 4 to 1 step/unit Enable scaling Begin definition of program prog1 Incremental index mode for all axes Preset index mode for all axes Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move End definition of program prog1
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Streaming Data
Motion <!><@>SD<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> (variessee below) (variessee below) n/a None PULSE, STD, STREAM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
While in the Streaming Mode (STREAM1 or STREAM2), you can use Streaming Data (SD) commands to change distance or velocity values and enable certain streaming functions (see table below). Each data or function assignment (<i>) represents one datapoint. As many as four datapoints are possible per SD commandone for each axis.
Function of the SD Command Distance or velocity data Wait for input pattern * Set outputs * Set mask * Set loop * End loop * Terminate loop * Exit streaming mode * Set negative-direction Range for <i> (Datapoint) 0 to 32767 1bbbbbbbb (b = 0 or 1) 2bbbbbbbb (b = 0 or 1) 3bbbbbbbb (b = 0 or 1) 400000000 to 499999999 500000000 600000000 700000000 800000000 * These functions must be assigned in the SD data field that corresponds to the first streaming axis. For example, if you enabled the Distance Streaming Mode for axes 3 & 4 (STREAM,,1,1), the Set Loop datapoint 400000012 must be entered in the third axis' data field (SD,,400000012).
CAUTION In both streaming modes, the SD commands are executed in the motion trajectory update. Because of processing time constraints, error checking is minimal. For instance, a 2 in a field designated for a 1 or 0 may turn on unexpected outputs. Entering data greater than the maximum distance or frequency will cause unexpected motor positioning. If incorrect data or no data is detected, the data is ignored and the last velocity or distance value is executed.
When in the Distance Streaming Mode (STREAM1), the SD command value (<i>) is the number of motor steps traveled per time interval set by the Streaming Interval (STD) command. The direction is determined by the sign of the data; that is, + for positive-direction and - for negative-direction. The maximum distance per update is determined by the following equation: Maximum distance per update interval = Streaming interval Maximum pulse rate - 1 Where:The Maximum distance per update interval is expressed in motor steps. The Streaming interval is determined by the STD command setting and expressed in seconds. The Maximum pulse rate is determined by the PULSE command setting and expressed in steps/second (be sure to set the PULSE value the same on all axes involved in streaming). For example, an STD command value of 20 ms (= 0.020 seconds) and a PULSE command value of 1 s (max. pulse rate = 500,000 steps/second) provides the following equation: Maximum distance per update interval = 0.020 500000 - 1 = 9999 motor steps
When in the Velocity Streaming Mode (STREAM2), the SD command value (<i>) is related to the frequency output per streaming interval set by the STD command:
SD value = Step output frequency
Where: The Step output frequency is expressed in pulses/second. The Maximum pulse rate is determined by the PULSE command setting and expressed in steps/second (be sure to set the PULSE value the same on all axes involved in streaming). For example, a desired frequency of 1000 and a PULSE command value of 1 s (max. pulse rate = 500,000 steps/second) provides the following equation:
SD value = 1000 500000 = SD15259 32767
NOTE When in the distance or velocity streaming mode, the last SD data point output will continue to be output on each succeeding update, unless a new SD data point is received. If you have all of your SD data points in a program that is contained in the AT6n00, this will pose no problem; however, if you are sending each individual SD data point from an external program on the fly, be sure to not exceed the update period you specified with the STD command.
NOTE The command examples provided below show SD commands used in the Distance Streaming Mode (STREAM1). This is done simply to demonstrate the use of the commands. These command examples could be used just as easily in the Velocity Streaming Mode (STREAM2).
Where b = 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. Input 1 is the leftmost b, input 8 the rightmost b (inputs 1 through 8 are always used, regardless of their assigned function). This SD data command (SD1bbbbbbbb), in combination with an input mask (SD3bbbbbbbb), determine the input pattern for which to wait. If the mask is omitted, the pattern will be determined solely by the wait for input SD data command (SD1bbbbbbbb). While waiting for the input state to be true, the last velocity is continually output. If zero velocity is desired during the wait, set the SD data point prior to the SD1bbbbbbbb to 0 or 800000000. All streaming axes will wait for the input function. Place the wait for input function in the first streaming axis field. Only one SD1bbbbbbbb command is allowed per steaming interval, others are ignored (i.e., two SD1bbbbbbbb commands cannot be back to back).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axis 1 Move 55 steps positive-direction Move 0 steps positive-direction Wait for inputs 1 & 2 to become active, while inputs 3, 6, 7, & 8 are inactive. Inputs 4 & 5 can be either state due to the subsequent mask. Note that the Mask (SD3bbbbbbbb) command must always follow the Wait for Input Pattern (SD1bbbbbbbb) command. Mask inputs 4 and 5. Input Pattern = 110XX000. Move 150 steps positive-direction Move 0 steps negative-direction Wait for inputs 1, 2, 4, & 5 to become active, while inputs 3, 6, 7, & 8 are inactive. Move 150 steps negative-direction Exit Streaming Mode
Command Descriptions
Where b = 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. Output 1 is the leftmost b, output 8 the rightmost b (assuming outputs 1 through 8 are defined as programmable outputssee OUTFNC-A). This SD data command (SD2bbbbbbbb), in combination with an output mask (SD3bbbbbbbb), determines the output pattern. If the mask is omitted, the pattern will be determined solely by the Set Output State SD data command (SD2bbbbbbbb). Place the Set Output State in the first streaming axis field. Only one SD2bbbbbbbb command is allowed per streaming interval, others are ignored (i.e., two SD2bbbbbbbb commands cannot be back to back).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axis 1 Move 55 steps positive-direction Turn on outputs 1,2, & 8. Turn off outputs 3 & 7. Outputs 4, 5, & 6 will remain unchanged due to the mask. The mask command must always follow the output state command. Mask outputs 4,5, and 6. Output Pattern = 110XXX01. Move 150 steps positive-direction Turn off outputs 1,2, & 8. Turn on outputs 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. Move 0 steps negative-direction (sets negative-direction) Move 150 steps negative-direction Exit Streaming Mode
Where b = 1 for a masked bit and 0 for an enabled bit. Bit 1 is the leftmost b, bit 8 the rightmost b. The mask, in conjunction with the input and output SD data values (SD1bbbbbbbb and SD2bbbbbbbb), is used to determine input and output patterns. If omitted, the mask defaults to SD300000000, which enables all eight bits. Place the mask in the first streaming axis field.
NOTE: The Mask (SD3bbbbbbbb) must follow the input (SD1bbbbbbbb) or output (SD2bbbbbbbb)
STREAM,,1,1 ; Enable Streaming Mode on axes 3 & 4 SD,,211000001 ; Turn on outputs 1,2, & 8. Turn off outputs 3 & 7. ; Outputs 4, 5, & 6 will remain unchanged due to the mask. SD,,300011100 ; Mask outputs 4,5, and 6. Output Pattern = 110XXX01. SD,,700000000 ; Exit Streaming Mode Loop (SD400000000 + i):
Where i sets the loop count value. All the commands between the loop data point and the end loop data point are repeated the number of times indicated by i. A value of 0 indicates an infinite loop. A maximum of 60 SD values per axis are allowed inside the loop. The loop can be terminated by the !SD600000000 stop loop data command. Loops cannot be nested. All streaming axes will be in the loop. Place the loop command in the first streaming axis field. Only one loop can be executed per streaming interval (i.e., two SD4nnnnnnnn commands cannot be back to back).
; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axes 2 & 3 Loop 12 times Move 50 steps per streaming interval on axes 2 and 3 End loop Exit Streaming Mode
Used in conjunction with the loop SD value, the End Loop (SD500000000) command establishes the loop demarcations. Place the end loop command in the first streaming axis field.
; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axis 1 Loop 2125 times Move 58 steps per streaming interval on axis 1 End loop Exit Streaming Mode
If in a streaming loop, the Terminate Loop (!SD600000000) command stops the loop at the end of its next iteration.
; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axis 1 Loop forever (infinite) Move 58 steps per streaming interval End loop Exit Streaming Mode
The SD58 command will be executed infinitely. !SD600000000 will terminate the loop. Terminate Streaming (SD700000000):
The Terminate Streaming (SD700000000) command exits the streaming mode for all axes. The STREAM command value is set to a 0. This command must be included in all streaming programs.
This command sets the direction bit for motion in the negative-direction at zero velocity. Some motor drives require a set-up time for the direction prior to receiving pulses. To set the direction bit for motion in the positive-direction, issue the SD0 command.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable Streaming Mode on axis 1 Move 0 steps, also set positive-direction Move 20 steps positive-direction Move 55 steps positive-direction Move 0 steps, also set negative-direction Move 52 steps negative-direction Exit Streaming Mode
DEF SAMPLE ; @PULSE1 ; STD20 ; @STREAM1 ; @SD75 ; SD101100000 ; SD300001111 ; SD200001111 ; SD311110000 ; SD400000200 ; @SD12 ; @SD32 ; @SD58 ; @SD88 ; SD500000000 ; SD201010001 ; SD300001110 ; @SD700000000 ; WAIT(MOV=b0000) END ; SAMPLE ;
Begin definition of program sample Set pulse width to 1 microsecond Set streaming interval to 20 milliseconds Set distance streaming mode on all axes Travel 75 steps in 20 milliseconds on all axes Wait for input pattern Set mask for input pattern; input pattern = 0110XXXX Set outputs Set mask for outputs; output pattern = XXXX1111 Loop 200 times Travel 12 steps (+ direction) in 20 milliseconds on all Travel 32 steps (+ direction) in 20 milliseconds on all Travel 58 steps (+ direction) in 20 milliseconds on all Travel 88 steps (+ direction) in 20 milliseconds on all End loop Set outputs Set mask for outputs; output pattern = 0101XXX1 Exit streaming mode ; Wait for motion to stop on all axes End definition of program sample Execute program sample
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Dither Amplitude
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 3.0 1.0
Servo <!><@><a>SDTAMP<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = peak volts 0.000 - 2.000 0.000 SDTAMP *SDTAMP0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000 1SDTAMP *1SDTAMP0.000 [ DAC ], SDTFR, SOFFS, SSFR, TDAC
Use the SDTAMP command to select the amplitude of a square wave dither signal superimposed on the analog output (DAC). Dither is a square-wave signal added to the servo controller's analog output signal and can be used to keep a hydraulic valve moving slightly for the purpose of reducing stiction (see illustration below). The SDTAMP and SDTFR commands are used to select the amplitude and frequency, respectively.
The SDTAMP command selects the amplitude of the dither signal in peak volts (see illustration). The SDTFR command selects the frequency ratio of the dither. The actual dither frequency is determined by the ratio of the servo sampling frequency (affected by the SSFR and INDAX command settings) and the SDTFR value. For example, if the SSFR value is 4 and the INDAX value is 2, the servo sampling rate is 2500 samples per second. Then, at SSFR4, an SDTFR value of 46 (default setting) would yield a 54.3 Hz dither frequency (2500/46 = 54.3). With an SDTFR command setting of 46, a positive voltage (SDTAMP) is added during 23 servo updates and a negative voltage is added during the next 23 servo updates.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Use two axes of motion Dither amplitude for both axes is 0.1V peak Select sampling frequency. The table in the SSFR command description shows that the sampling rate is 2700 servo samples/second. Dither frequency for axis 1 is 27 Hz (2700/100 = 27), and Dither frequency for axis 2 is 54 Hz (2700/50 = 54)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SDTFR command to select the frequency ratio of a square wave dither signal superimposed on the analog output (DAC).
Dither is a square-wave signal added to the servo controller's analog output signal can be used to keep a hydraulic valve moving slightly for the purpose of reducing stiction (see illustration below). The SDTAMP and SDTFR commands are used to select the amplitude and frequency, respectively.
The SDTAMP command selects the amplitude of the dither signal in peak volts (see illustration). The SDTFR command selects the frequency ratio of the dither. The actual dither frequency is determined by the ratio of the servo sampling frequency (affected by the SSFR and INDAX command settings) and the SDTFR value. For example, if the SSFR value is 4 and the INDAX value is 2, the servo sampling rate is 2500 samples per second. Then, at SSFR4, an SDTFR value of 46 (default setting) would yield a 54.3 Hz dither frequency (2500/46 = 54.3). With an SDTFR command setting of 46, a positive voltage (SDTAMP) is added during 23 servo updates and a negative voltage is added during the next 23 servo updates.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Use two axes of motion Dither amplitude for both axes is 0.1V peak Select sampling frequency. The table in the SSFR command description shows that the sampling rate is 2700 servo samples/second. Dither frequency for axis 1 is 27 Hz (2700/100 = 27), and Dither frequency for axis 2 is 54 Hz (2700/50 = 54)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Number of Free Segment Buffers [SEG] command is used to assign the number of free memory segment buffers in compiled memory to a variable (VAR), or to make a comparison against another value. System status bit (see TSSF, TSS, and SS) 29 to set when the compiled memory is 75% full, and bit 30 is set if the compiled memory is 100% full. Syntax: VARn=SEG where n is the variable number, or [SEG] can be used in an expression such as IF(SEG=1)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SFB command to select the servo feedback source to be used by each axis.
Product 615n Options 1External Encoder 2ANI input (option) 4Internal Resolver AT6n50 & 625n 1Encoder 2ANI input (ANI option only) Associated Connectors External Encoder Auxiliary Internal
Measurement* Encoder counts ADC counts Resolver counts Encoder counts ADC counts
Resolution Command ERES command n/a ERES command ERES command n/a
AT6n50 & OEM625n: External ANI board 625n: Pin 7 on DRIVE 1 & DRIVE 2
* With scaling enabled (SCALE1), LDT, encoder and ANI feedback is scaled by the SCLD value, ** Use the LDTGRD (gradient) command to compensate for gradient variations between LDTs.
NOTE Parameters for scaling (SCLA, SCLD, etc.) , tuning gains (SGI, SGP, etc.), position offset (PSET) and maximum position error (SMPER) are specific to the feedback source currently selected with the last SFB command. If your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must issue the SFB command and then enter the scaling, gains, PSET and SMPER commands specific to that feedback source.
The feedback source can be changed only if motion is not in progress. When the feedback source is changed, the new setpoint will be determined by taking the new feedback source's value and adding any existing position error. Changing the source will disable the Output On Position commands (OUTPn).
USING SFB Setting the SFB command value to zero has these effects: WARNING: The end-of-travel limits are disabled. Make sure that it is safe to operate without end-of-travel limits before using SFB. Gain values (SGILIM, SGAF, SGAFN, SGI, SGIN, SGP, etc.) set to zero (open-loop operation). SMPER value set to zero (position error is allowed to increase without causing a fault. Subsequent attempts to change gain values or SMPER will cause an error message ("NOT ALLOWED IF SFB") SOFFS and SOFFSN set to zero, but allows subsequent servo offset changes to affect motion. SSWG set to zero (disables the Setpoint Window Gains feature). Disables output-on-position (OUTPA - OUTPD) functions. Any subsequent changes to PSET, PSETCLR, SCLD, SCLA, SCLV, SOFFS, and SOFFN are lost when another feedback source is selected. Recommendation: Use the Disable Drive On Kill more, enabled with the KDRIVE command, so that the controller will shut down the drive if a kill command (e.g., !K) is executed or if a kill input is activated. Keep in mind that shutting down the drive allows the load to freewheel if there is not brake installed.
If you are using a 4 - 20mA signal for feedback, you can convert current to voltage by connecting a resistor between the ANI input terminal and the AGND terminal. For example, a 500 resistor would provide voltage values of 2-10V.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program called setup Disable (shutdown) axis #1 Select encoder feedback for axis #1 (subsequent scaling, gains, and PSET are specific to encoder feedback operation) Set encoder resolution Set scaling for programming acceleration in revs/sec/sec Set scaling for programming velocity in revs/sec Set scaling for programming distance in revs Set proportional feedback gain to 5 Set integral feedback gain to 1 Set velocity feedback gain to 1 Set current position as absolute position zero Select ANI feedback for axis #1 (subsequent scaling, gains, and PSET are specific to ANI feedback operation) Set scaling for programming acceleration in volts/sec/sec Set scaling for programming velocity in volts/sec Set scaling for programming distance in volts Set proportional feedback gain to 1 Set integral feedback gain to zero Set velocity feedback gain to 0.5 Set current position as absolute position zero Select encoder feedback for axis #1 End definition of program called setup
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the Acceleration Feedforward Gain (SGAF) command to set the gain for the acceleration feedforward term in the servo control algorithm. Introducing acceleration feedforward control improves position tracking performance when the system is commanded to accelerate or decelerate. The SGAF value is multiplied by the commanded acceleration (calculated by the 6000 controller's DSP move profile routine) to produce the control signal. Acceleration feedforward control can improve the performance of contouring and linear interpolation applications, as well as reduce the time required to reach the commanded velocity. However, if your application only requires point-to-point moves, acceleration feedforward control is not necessary (leave the SGAF command setting at zerodefault). Acceleration feedforward control does not affect the servo system's stability, nor does it have any effect at constant velocity or at steady state.
NOTE The SGAF command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGAF command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the acceleration feedforward gain affects performance, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SGAFN command to set the gain of the acceleration feedforward term in the control algorithm when the position error is negative (see illustration below). The controller automatically switches between the positive and negative gains to correlate with the positive or negative position error. This is particularly useful when controlling hydraulic cylinders in which the different surface areas on each side of the piston react differently with the same gain settings.
Commanded Position
Actual Position
Introducing acceleration feedforward control improves position tracking performance when the system is commanded to accelerate or decelerate. The SGAFN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive gain value (SGAF) until a SGAFN command is executed. After the SGAFN command is executed, separate positive and negative gain commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SGAFN tracks SGAF, issue the SGAFN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SGAFN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode). The SGAFN value is multiplied by the commanded acceleration (calculated by the 6000 controller's DSP move profile routine) to produce the control signal. Acceleration feedforward control does not affect the servo system's stability, nor does it have any effect at constant velocity or at steady state. Acceleration feedforward control can improve the performance of contouring and linear interpolation applications, as well as reduce the time required to reach the commanded velocity. However, if your application only requires point-to-point moves, acceleration feedforward control is not necessary (leave the SGAFN command at its default setting).
NOTE The SGAFN command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGAFN command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the acceleration feedforward gain affects performance, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to enable any combination of the five gain sets to any combination of axes. The gain sets are set with the SGSET command. A gain set can be enabled during motion at any specified point in the profile, or when not in motion. For example, you could use one set of gain parameters for the constant velocity portion of the profile, and when you approach the target position a different set of gains can be enabled. 6270: In a hydraulic application a different set of gains can be enabled depending on the direction of motion.
Command Descriptions
NOTE The tuning gains in a given gain set are specific to the feedback source that was in use (selected with the last SFB command) at the time the gains were established with the respective gain commands (SGI, SGP, etc.). Make sure that the gain set you enable is appropriate to the feedback source you are using at the time.
For more information on servo tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
SGP5,5,10,10 SGI.1,.1,0,0 SGV50,60,0,0 SGVF5,6,10,11 SGAF0,0,0,0 SGSET3 SGP75,75,40,40 SGI5,5,5,7 SGV1,.45,2,2 SGVF0,8,0,9 SGAF18,20,22,24 SGSET1 SGENB1,3,3,1 TGAIN
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sets the gains for the proportional gain Sets the gains for the integral gain Sets the gains for the velocity gain Sets the gains for the velocity feedforward gain Sets the gains for the acceleration feedforward gain Assign SGP, SGI, SGV, SGVF, & SGAF gains to servo gain set 3 Sets the gains for the proportional gain Sets the gains for the integral gain Sets the gains for the velocity gain Sets the gains for the velocity feedforward gain Sets the gains for the acceleration feedforward gain Assign SGP, SGI, SGV, SGAF, & SGVF gains to servo gain set 1 Enables gain set 1 gains on axis 1 &4; enables gain set 3 on axis 2 & 3 Displays the current value for all gains. Example response: *SGP75,5,10,40 *SGI5,.1,0,7 *SGV1,60,0,2 *SGVF0,6,10,9 *SGAF18,0,0,24
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the Integral Gain (SGI) command to set the gain of the integral term in the control algorithm. The primary function of the integral gain is to reduce or eliminate final position error (e.g., due to friction, gravity, etc.) and improve system accuracy during motion. If a position error exists (commanded position not equal to actual positionsee TPER command), this control signal will ramp up until it is high enough to overcome the friction and drive the motor toward its commanded position. If acceptable position accuracy is achieved with proportional gain (SGP), then the integral gain (SGI) need not be used. If the integral gain is set too high relative to the other gains, the system may become oscillatory or unstable. The integral gain can also cause excessive position overshoot and oscillation if an appreciable position error has persisted long enough during the transient period (time taken to reach the position setpoint); this effect can be reduced by using the SGILIM command to limit the integral term windup.
NOTE The SGI command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGI command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
If integral control (SGI) is used and an appreciable position error has persisted long enough during the transient period (time taken to reach the setpoint), the control signal generated by the integral action can end up too high and saturate to the maximum level of the controller's analog control signal output. This phenomenon is called integrator windup. After windup occurs, it will take a while before the integrator output returns to a level within the limit of the controller's output. Such a delay causes excessive position overshoot and oscillation. Therefore, the integral windup limit (SGILIM) command is provided for you to set the absolute limit of the integral and, in essence, turn off the integral action as soon as it reaches the limit; thus, position overshoot and oscillation can be reduced.
NOTE The SGILIM command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGILIM command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
SGI44,43,55,0 SGILIM15,15,15,15
; Sets the integral gain term ; Sets the integral windup limit on the integral gain term
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SGIN command to set the gain of the integral term in the control algorithm when the position error is negative (see illustration below). The controller automatically switches between the positive and negative gains to correlate with the positive or negative position error. This is particularly useful when controlling hydraulic cylinders in which the different surface areas on each side of the piston react differently with the same gain settings.
Negative Position Error (negative gain used)
Commanded Position
Actual Position
The primary function of the integral gain is to reduce or eliminate final position error (e.g., due to friction, gravity, etc.) and improve system accuracy during motion. If a position error exists (commanded position not equal to actual positionsee TPER command), this control signal will ramp up until it is high enough to overcome the friction and drive the motor toward its commanded position. If acceptable position accuracy is achieved with proportional gain (SGP), then the integral gain (SGI) need not be used. The SGIN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive gain value (SGI) until a SGIN command is executed. After the SGIN command is executed, separate positive and negative gain commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SGIN tracks SGI, issue the SGIN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SGIN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode). If the integral gain is set too high relative to the other gains, the system may become oscillatory or unstable. The integral gain can also cause excessive position overshoot and oscillation if an appreciable position error has persisted long enough during the transient period (time taken to reach the position setpoint); this effect can be reduced by using the SGILIM command to limit the integral term windup.
NOTE The SGIN command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGIN command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to set the gain of the proportional term in the servo control algorithm. The output of the proportional term is proportional to the difference between the commanded position and the actual position read from the feedback device. The primary function of the proportional term is to stabilize the system and speed up the response. It can also be used to reduce the steady state position error. When the proportional gain (SGP) is used alone (i.e., the other gain terms are set to zero), setting this gain too high can cause the system to become oscillatory, underdamped, or even unstable.
NOTE The SGP command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGP command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the proportional gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The SGPN command allows you to set the gain of the proportional term in the servo control algorithm when the position error is negative (see illustration below). The controller automatically switches between the positive and negative gains to correlate with the positive or negative position error. This is particularly useful when controlling hydraulic cylinders in which the different surface areas on each side of the piston react differently with the same gain settings.
Negative Position Error (negative gain used)
Commanded Position
Actual Position
Command Descriptions
The output of the proportional term is proportional to the difference between the commanded position and the actual position read from the feedback device. The primary function of the proportional term is to stabilize the system and speed up the response. It can also be used to reduce the steady state position error. The SGPN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive gain value (SGP) until a SGPN command is executed. After the SGPN command is executed, separate positive and negative gain commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SGPN tracks SGP, issue the SGPN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SGPN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode). When the SGPN command is used alone (i.e., the other gain terms are set to zero), setting this gain too high can cause the system to become oscillatory, underdamped, or even unstable.
NOTE The SGPN command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGPN command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the proportional gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to save the presently assigned gain values (SGP, SGI, SGV, SGAF, and SGVF) as a set of gains. Stand-alone servo controllers save (into battery-backed RAM) the gains and the axes and feedback sources to which they are assigned. Up to 5 sets of gains can be saved. Any gain set can be displayed using the TSGSET command. Any gain set can be enabled with the SGENB command during motion at any specified point in the profile, or when not in motion. For example, you could use one set of gain parameters for the constant velocity portion of the profile, and when you approach the target position a different set of gains can be enabled.
NOTE The tuning gains in a given gain set are specific to the feedback source that was in use (selected with the last SFB command) at the time the gains were established with the respective gain commands (SGI, SGP, etc.). If your application requires you to switch between feedback sources for the same axis, make sure that the gain set you enable is appropriate to the feedback source you are using at the time.
For more information on servo tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
SGP5,5,10,10 SGI.1,.1,0,0 SGV50,60,0,0 SGVF5,6,10,11 SGAF0,0,0,0 SGSET3 SGP75,75,40,40 SGI5,5,5,7 SGV1,.45,2,2 SGVF0,8,0,9 SGAF18,20,22,24 SGSET1 SGENB1,3,3,1 TGAIN
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sets the gains for the proportional gain Sets the gains for the integral gain Sets the gains for the velocity gain Sets the gains for the velocity feedforward gain Sets the gains for the acceleration feedforward gain Assign SGP, SGI, SGV, SGVF, & SGAF gains to servo gain set 3 Sets the gains for the proportional gain Sets the gains for the integral gain Sets the gains for the velocity gain Sets the gains for the velocity feedforward gain Sets the gains for the acceleration feedforward gain Assign SGP, SGI, SGV, SGAF, & SGVF gains to servo gain set 1 Enables gain set 1 gains on axis 1 &4; enables gain set 3 on axis 2 & 3 Displays the current value for all gains. Example response: *SGP75,5,10,40 *SGI5,.1,0,7 *SGV1,60,0,2 *SGVF0,6,10,9 *SGAF18,0,0,24
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to control the velocity feedback gain in the servo algorithm. Using velocity feedback, the controller's output signal is made proportional to the velocity, or rate of change, of the feedback device position. Since it acts on the rate of change of the position, the action of this term is to anticipate position error and correct it before it becomes too large. This increases damping and tends to make the system more stable. If this term is too large, the response will be slowed to the point that the system is over-damped. This gain can increase position tracking error, which can be countered by the velocity feedforward term (SGVF). Since the feedback device signal has finite resolution, the velocity accuracy has a limit. Therefore, if the velocity feedback gain (SGV) is too high, the errors due to the finite resolution are magnified and a noisy, or chattering, response may be observed.
NOTE The SGV command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGV command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the velocity gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the Velocity Feedforward Gain (SGVF) command to set the velocity feedforward gain. Introducing velocity feedforward control improves position tracking performance when the system is commanded to move at constant velocity. The tracking error is mainly attributed to friction, torque load, and velocity feedback control (SGV). The SGVF value is multiplied by the commanded velocity (calculated by the 6000 controller's DSP move profile routine) to produce the control signal. Velocity feedforward control can improve the performance of interpolation (linear and circular) application. However, if your application only requires short, point-to-point moves, velocity feedforward control is not necessary (leave the SGVF command setting at zerodefault). Because velocity feedforward control is not in the servo feedback loop, it does not affect the servo system's stability, nor does it have any effect at steady state. Therefore, the only limits on how high you can set the velocity feedforward gain (SGVF) are: when it saturates the control output (tries to exceed the servo controller's 10V analog control signal range); or when it causes the actual position to precede the commanded position.
NOTE The SGVF command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources on the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGVF command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the velocity feedforward gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SGVFN command to set the gain of the velocity feedforward term in the control algorithm when the position error is negative (see illustration below). The controller automatically switches between the positive and negative gains to correlate with the positive or negative position error. This is particularly useful when controlling hydraulic cylinders in which the different surface areas on each side of the piston react differently with the same gain settings.
Negative Position Error (negative gain used)
Commanded Position
Actual Position
Introducing velocity feedforward control improves position tracking performance when the system is commanded to move at constant velocity. The tracking error is mainly attributed to friction, torque load, and velocity feedback control (SGV and SGVFN). Velocity feedforward control can improve the performance of contouring and linear interpolation applications. However, if your application only requires point-to-point moves, velocity feedforward control is not necessary (leave the SGVFN command at its default setting). The SGVFN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive gain value (SGVF) until a SGVFN command is executed. After the SGVFN command is executed, separate positive and negative gain commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SGVFN tracks SGVF, issue the SGVFN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SGVFN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode). The SGVFN value is multiplied by the commanded velocity (calculated by the 6000 controller's DSP move profile routine) to produce the control signal. Because velocity feedforward control is not in the servo feedback loop, it does not affect the servo system's stability, nor does it have any effect at steady state. Therefore, the only limits on how high you can set the velocity feedforward gain (SGVF and SGVFN) are: when it saturates the control output (tries to exceed the servo controller's 10V analog control signal range); or when it causes the actual position to precede the commanded position.
NOTE The SGVFN command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGVFN command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the velocity feedforward gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the SGVN command to control the velocity feedback gain in the servo algorithm when the position error is negative (see illustration below). The controller automatically switches between the positive and negative gains to correlate with the positive or negative position error. This is particularly useful when controlling hydraulic cylinders in which the different surface areas on each side of the piston react differently with the same gain settings.
Negative Position Error (negative gain used)
Commanded Position
Actual Position
Using velocity feedback, the controller's output signal is made proportional to the velocity, or rate of change, of the feedback device position. Since it acts on the rate of change of the position, the action of this term is to anticipate position error and correct it before it becomes too large. This increases damping and tends to make the system more stable. If this term is too large, the response will be slowed to the point that the system is over-damped. This gain can increase position tracking error, which can be countered by the velocity feedforward gain (SGVF and SGVFN). Because the feedback device's signal has a finite resolution, the velocity accuracy has a limit. Therefore, if the velocity feedback gain (SGV) is too high, the errors due to the finite resolution are magnified and a noisy, or chattering, response may be observed. The SGVN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive gain value (SGV) until a SGVN command is executed. After the SGVN command is executed, separate positive and negative gain commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SGVN tracks SGV, issue the SGVN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SGVN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode).
NOTE The SGVN command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources for the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SGVN command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
For more information on servo tuning and how the velocity feedback gain affects tuning, refer to your product's Installation Guide or to the Servo Tuner User Guide.
[ SIN( ) ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Operator (Trigonometric) ... SIN(r) (See below) r = value in radian or degrees based on RADIAN command 0.0000000 to 17500 radians n/a n/a [ ATAN ], [ COS ], [ PI ], RADIAN, [ TAN ], VAR Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270
This operator is used to calculate the sine of a number given in radians or degrees (see the RADIAN command). If "a" and "b" are coordinates of a point on a circle of radius "r", then the angle of measure "" can be defined by the equation: sine =
a r
sin = a r
a x
cos = b r tan = a b
If a value is given in radians and a conversion is needed to degrees, use the formula: 360 = 2 radians.
The graph on the right shows the amplitude of y on the unit circle for different values of x.
Amplitud e (y a xis) 1
0.70 7
3 4
5 4
3 2
7 4
2 Ra dians (x a xis)
-0 .707 -1
2 Ra di ans = 3 60 De gr ees
Syntax: VARx=SIN(r) where x is the numeric variable number and r is a value provided in either degrees or radians based on the RADIAN command. Parentheses ( () ) must be placed around the SIN operand. The result will be specified to 5 decimal places.
VAR1=5 * SIN(PI/4)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to set the maximum position error allowed before an error condition occurs. The position error, monitored once per system update period, is the difference between the commanded position and the actual position as read by the feedback device selected with the last SFB command. When the position error exceeds the value entered by the SMPER command, an error condition is latched (see TAS or
Command Descriptions
AS bit #23) and the 6000 controller issues a shutdown to the faulted axis and sets its analog output command to zero volts. To enable the system again, the DRIVE1111 command must be issued, which also sets the
commanded position equal to the actual feedback device position (incremental devices will be zeroed). If the SMPER value is set to zero (SMPER), the position error condition is not monitored, allowing the position error to accumulate without causing a fault. When SMPER is set to a non-zero value, the maximum position error acts as the servo system fault monitor; if the system becomes unstable or loses position feedback, the controller detects the resulting position error, shuts down the drive, and sets an error status bit. You can enable ERROR command bit #12 to continually check for the position error condition, and when it occurs to branch to a programmed response defined in the ERRORP program. You can check the status of this error condition with the TAS, AS, TER, and ER commands. You can check the actual position error with the TPER and PER commands. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the SMPER value is multiplied by the SCLD value.
NOTE The SMPER command is specific to the current feedback source (selected with the last SFB command). Therefore, if your application requires switching between feedback sources on the same axis, then for each feedback source, you must select the feedback source with the appropriate SFB command and then issue the SMPER command with the gain values specific to the selected feedback source.
ERES4000,4000,4000,4000 SMPER4000,4000,4000,4000
; ; ; ;
Set encoder resolution for all axes to 4000 counts/rev Set maximum allowable position error to 1 rev for all axes. If the position error exceeds 4000 counts (1 rev) a fault condition will occur.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to set an offset voltage to the commanded analog control signal output (commanded analog output + SOFFS value = offset analog output). With this command, you can set an offset voltage to the drive system so that the motor will be stationary in an open-loop configuration. This is the same effect as the balance input on most analog servo drives. 6270 Users: If you set the 6270s jumpers for current control, use a voltage-to-current ratio to enter the appropriate offset value in volts.
CAUTION If there is little or no load attached, the SOFFS offset may cause an acceleration to a high speed.
Typically, this offset will be set to zero. This offers a method for setting the analog output command to a known voltage. By setting the SGP, SGI, SGV, SGAF, & SGVF gains to zero, the analog output will reflect this offset value and the system becomes an open-loop configuration. Use the TDAC command to check the voltage being commanded at the servo controller's analog output (voltage displayed includes any offset in effect).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>SOFFSN<r>,<r> r = volts -10.000 to 10.000 (resolution is 0.005 volts) 0 SOFFSN: *SOFFSN0,0,0,0 1SOFFSN: *1SOFFSN0 [ DAC ], DACLIM, SFB, SGAF, SGAFN, SGENB, SGI, SGIN, SGP, SGPN, SGV, SGVF, SGVFN, SGVN, SOFFS, SSWG, TDAC, TGAIN, TSGSET
This command allows you to set an offset voltage to the commanded analog control signal output when the DAC output is negative. Thus, when the DAC output is negative, the actual analog output comprises the commanded analog output value, plus the SOFFSN value. The SOFFSN value changes with (tracks) the corresponding positive DAC offset (SOFFS) until a SOFFSN command is executed. After the SOFFSN command is executed, separate positive and negative offset commands must be used. To re-establish the default mode where SOFFSN tracks SOFFS, issue the SOFFSN command with a minus sign (-) in the command field for the affected axis (e.g., SOFFSN,- restores axis 2 to the default mode).
CAUTION Torque Drive Users If there is little or no load attached, the SOFFSN offset may cause acceleration to a high speed.
The SOFFS and SOFFSN commands offer a method for setting the analog output command to a known voltage. By setting the SGP/SGPN, SGI/SGIN, SGV/SGVN, SGVF/SGVAFN, & SGVF/SGVFN gains to zero, the system becomes an open-loop configuration. Then you can use the SOFFS and SOFFSN commands to set the analog output command to a known voltage. Hydraulic Applications (6270):
The SOFFS and SOFFSN commands can be used to eliminate deadbands due to spool overlap. If you set the 6270's jumpers for current control, use a voltage-to-current ratio (___mA range 10 volts = ___mA/volt) to enter the appropriate offset value in volts. For example, if operating with 100mA output, the voltage-to-current ratio is 10mA/volt. If you need a 15mA offset, then you would use the SOFFSN1.5 command.
Rotary Applications: With this command, you can set an offset voltage to the drive system so that the load will be
stationary in an open-loop configuration. This is the same effect as the balance input on most analog servo drives.
Use the TDAC command to check the voltage being commanded at the servo controller's analog output (voltage displayed includes any offset in effect).
[ SQRT() ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Square Root
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Operator (Mathematical) See below n/a n/a n/a n/a [ = ], [ + ], [ - ], [ * ],[ / ], VAR
This operator takes the square root of a value. The result, if multiplied by itself, will approximately equal the original value (the difference is attributed to round-off error). The resulting value has 3 decimal places. Syntax: VARn=SQRT(expression) where n is the variable number, and the expression can be a number or a mathematical expression. The SQRT of a negative number is not allowed. Parentheses ( () ) must be placed around the SQRT operand.
Command Descriptions
[ SS ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
System Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a IF, TCMDER, TRGFN, TSS, TSSF, TSTAT, VARB Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
The System Status (SS) command is used to assign the system status bits to a binary variable (VARB), or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9. Syntax: VARBn=SS where n is the binary variable number, or [SS] can be used in an expression such as IF(SS=b111), or IF(SS=h7F) The function of each system status bit is shown below.
BIT (Left to Right) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Function (1 = yes, = no) System Ready Reserved Executing a Program Immediate Command (set if last command was immediate) In ASCII Mode In Echo Mode (stand-alone products only) current PORT setting only Defining a Program In Trace Mode In Step Mode In Translation Mode (bus-based products must use fast status area to see) Command Error Occurred (bit is cleared when TCMDER is issued) Break Point Active (BP) Pause Active Wait Active (WAIT) Monitoring On Condition (ONCOND) Waiting for Data (READ) BIT (Left to Right) Function (1 = yes, = no) 17 18 19 20 21 22 Loading Thumbwheel Data ([TW]) External Program Select Mode (INSELP) Dwell in Progress (T command) Waiting for RP240 Data[DREAD] or [DREADF] (stand-alone products only) RP240 Connected (stand-alone products only) current PORT setting only Non-volatile Memory Error (stand-alone products only) Servo data gathering transmission in progress (servo products only) Reserved Position captured with TRG-A Position captured with TRG-B
7 8 9 10
23 24 25 * 26 *
11 12 13 14 15 16
27 * 28 * 29 30 31 ** 32
Position captured with TRG-C Position captured with TRG-D Compiled memory is 75% full Compiled memory is 100% full Compile operation failed (PCOMP) ** Reserved
* Bits 25 through 28 are cleared when the captured position is read with the [CA], [PCA], [PCC], [PCE], [PCL], [PCM], TCA, TPCA, TPCC, TPCE, TPCL, or TPCM commands, but the position information is still available from the respective registers until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture. ** Bit #31: failed PCOMP compile is cleared on power up, RESET, or after successful compile. Possible causes include: Errors in profile design (e.g., change direction while at non-zero velocity; distance & velocity equate to < 1 count per system update; preset move profile ends in non-zero velocity) Profile will cause a Following error (see TFSF, TFS, or FS command descriptions) Out of memory (see SS bit #30) Axis already in motion at the time of the PCOMP command Loop programming errors (e.g., no matching PLOOP or PLN; more than 4 embedded PLOOP/END loops)
If it is desired to assign only one bit of the system status value to a binary variable, instead of all 32, the bit select (.) operator can be used. For example, VARB1=SS.12 assigns system status bit 12 to binary variable 1: *VARB1=XXXX_XXXX_XXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX.
VARB1=SS ; System status assigned to binary variable 1 IF(SS=b111011X11) ; If the system status contains 1s in bit locations 1, 2, 3, ; 5, 6, 8, & 9, and a 0 in bit location 4, do the IF ; statement IF(SS=h7F00) ; If the system status contains 1s in bit locations 1, 2, 3, ; 5, 6, 7, & 8, and 0s in every other bit location, do the IF ; statement NIF ; End of second IF statement NIF ; End of first IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
NOTE SSFR will not be effective unless the drive(s) are disabled (@DRIVE)
A coarse commanded position is computed and updated at the motion trajectory update rate. This course commanded position is interpolated at the servo sampling update rate to produce a smoother continuous commanded position. The servo control signal computed by the servo algorithm is also updated at the servo sampling update rate. The ratio between these two update rates is determined by the Servo Sampling Frequency Ratio (SSFR) command, which offers four selectable ratio settings. These four ratios and the actual sampling frequencies and sampling periods (reciprocal of sampling frequency) are shown in the table below. The ratio between the motion trajectory and servo sampling update rates has a direct effect on the system update rate. The system update rate is the rate for I/O updates, input debounce, timer resolution, fast status update (bus-based controllers), and LDT position update (6270).
# of Axes Active (INDAX) INDAX1 INDAX1 * INDAX1 INDAX1 INDAX2 INDAX2 ** INDAX2 INDAX2 INDAX3 INDAX3 INDAX3 INDAX4 INDAX4 *** INDAX4 SSFR Command Setting SSFR1 SSFR2 SSFR4 SSFR8 SSFR1 SSFR2 SSFR4 SSFR8 SSFR1 SSFR2 SSFR4 SSFR1 SSFR2 SSFR4 Servo Sampling Update Frequency (samples/sec.) 3030 5405 6250 6667 2353 3571 3571 3571 1667 2222 2353 1250 1667 2000 Period (sec) 330 185 160 150 425 280 280 280 600 450 425 800 600 500 Motion Trajectory Update Frequency (samples/sec.) 3030 2703 1563 833 2352 1786 893 446 1667 1111 588 1250 833 500 Period (sec) 330 370 640 1200 425 560 1120 2240 600 900 1700 800 1200 2000 System Update Frequency (samples/sec.) 757 675 520 417 588 446 446 446 555 555 588 417 417 500 Period (sec) 1320 1480 1920 2400 1700 2400 2400 2400 1800 1800 1700 2400 2400 2000
* Factory default settings for single-axis controllers ** Factory default settings for two-axis controllers ***Factory default settings for four-axis controllers
Command Descriptions
The general rule to determining the proper SSFR value is to first select the slowest servo sampling frequency that is able to give a satisfactory response. This can be done by experiment or based on the closed-loop bandwidth requirement for your application. (NOTE: Increasing the SSFR value allows for higher bandwidths, but produces a rougher motion profile; conversely, decreasing the SSFR value provides a smoother profile, but makes the servo system less stable and slower to respond.) As an example, let's say your application requires a closed-loop bandwidth of 120 Hz. If you determine the minimum servo sampling frequency by using the rule of thumbsetting the servo sampling frequency at least 8 times higher than the bandwidth frequencythe required minimum servo sampling frequency would be 1000 Hz. If four axes are running (INDAX4), then you should try using the SSFR1 setting. The following table provides a general guideline for various application requirements.
Application Requirement SSFR1 SSFR2 SSFR4 SSFR8
X-Y Linear interpolation Fast point-to-point motion Regulation (speed, torque, etc.) High natural frequency system
x x x x x x
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Start/Stop Velocity
Motion <!><@><a>SSV<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec 0.00000 - 1,600,000 (depends on scale factor and PULSE) 0.0000 SSV: *SSV0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000 1SSV: *1SSV0.0000 GO, PULSE, SCALE, SCLV, V Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Start/Stop Velocity (SSV) command specifies the instantaneous velocity to be used when starting or stopping. By using the SSV command, there will be no acceleration from units/sec to the SSV value, instead motion will immediately begin with a velocity equal to the SSV value. This command is useful for accelerating past low-speed resonant points, where a full- or half-stepping drive may stall. With microstepping systems, this command is not necessary. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. Scaling: If scaling is enabled, the SSV command value entered is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV). The velocity value may be truncated if the value entered exceeds the velocity resolution at the given scaling factor. Refer to the SCLV command description for additional information on velocity scaling.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Set start/stop velocity to 1 unit/sec on all axes Set acceleration to 200 units/sec/sec for axes 1 & 2, and 1 unit/sec/sec for axes 3 & 4 Set deceleration to 400 units/sec/sec for axes 1 & 2, and 1 unit/sec/sec for axes 3 & 4 Set velocity to 10, 10, 10, & 20 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 & 4 Set distance on all axes to 1000 units Initiate motion on axes 1 & 2. The motors will start at a velocity of 1 unit/sec and accelerate up to 10 units/sec, travel at 10 units/sec, and then decelerate down from 10 units/sec to 1 unit/sec where they will instantaneously stop.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The SSWD command defines the distance on both sides of the position setpoint (setpoint window) in which the gain set specified with the SSWG command is used. Specifically, the gain set is automatically invoked by the controller after the commanded move profile is complete and the actual position is within the setpoint window. The setpoint window includes a hysteresis loop equal to 25% of the value used in the SSWD command. To assign a gain set as the setpoint window gain set with the SSWG command, you must first define/save the gain set with the SGSET command (see programming example below). The diagram at right makes two assumptions. First, for simplicity, only a proportional gain is being used. Second, in the SSWG gain set the proportional gains (SGP and SGPN) are lower than those used in the normal gains and the offsets (SOFFS and SOFFSN) are set to zero.
DAC Output (+)
Normal Gainset DACLIM SSWD Setpoint Window Hysteresis (25%) SOFFS SSWD
Normal Gainset
DAC Output ()
HINT: You can use the target zone settling mode to override the setpoint window distance (SSWD) and
introduce distance and velocity end-of-move criteria to define when the controller switches to the setpoint window gains. When using the target zone settling mode (enabled with the STRGTE command), after completion of the commanded move profile, the actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (i.e., within the position band defined by STRGTD and within the velocity band defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. After that point, the controller will switch to the SSWG gains, even if a target zone timeout occurs (STRGTT value exceeded). There is no hysteresis when using the target zone settling mode.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set proportional gain to 35 Set integral gain to 3 Save current gains as gain set #3 (for use later in the setpoint window) Assign gain set #3 as the setpoint window gain set While moving, use higher proportional gain, no integral gain, but introduce velocity gain
; After the commanded move profile is complete, the controller ; will use gain set #3 if within 100 counts (125 counts including ; hysteresis) of the setpoint position
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The SSWG command assigns a pre-defined gain set to automatically be used after the commanded move profile is complete and the actual position is within the setpoint window established with the SSWD command. To disable the setpoint window gain feature, use the SSWG command (automatically disabled if SFB). To assign a gain set as the setpoint window gain set with the SSWG command, you must first define/save the gain set with the SGSET command (see programming example below). When you issue the SGSET command, all of the items listed below are saved to the specified gain set. To ascertain the values of the current active gains, use the TGAIN transfer command. To find out what gain values are used in a particular gain set, use the TSGSET transfer command.
Proportional gains (positive and negative) Velocity gains (positive and negative) Integral gains (positive and negative) Velocity feedforward gains (positive and negative) Acceleration feedforward gains (positive and negative) Integral Windup Limit Servo Control Signal Offset (positive and negative)
DAC Output (+)
Normal Gainset DACLIM SSWD Setpoint Window Hysteresis (25%) SOFFS SSWD
The diagram at right makes two assumptions. First, for simplicity, only a proportional gain is being used. Second, in the SSWG gain set the proportional gains (SGP and SGPN) are lower than those used in the normal gains and the offsets (SOFFS and SOFFSN) are set to zero.
Normal Gainset
DAC Output ()
After completion of the commanded move profile, the SSWG gains are automatically used when the position error is within the setpoint window. The SSWG gain set accommodates different proportional, integral, and velocity gains and offsets for each direction. If you want to disable the servo control loop when the position error is within the window, set all of the gain values to zero (you can do this by executing the SFB command). If you want to disable the offsets (SOFFS & SOFFSN) when the position error is within the setpoint window, set them to zero volts. The arrows on the above diagram illustrate the hysteresis loop. The SSWG gains are used until the position error increases to a value of 25% greater than the number specified in the SSWD command. At this point, the normal gain set is automatically substituted until the position error falls below the value in the SSWD command when the SSWG gains are returned.
Finally, the maximum positive DAC voltage is determined by the value in the DACLIM command and the maximum negative value is determined by the DACMIN command.
HINT: You can use the target zone settling mode to override the setpoint window distance (SSWD) and
introduce distance and velocity end-of-move criteria to define when the controller switches to the setpoint window gains. When using the target zone settling mode (enabled with the STRGTE command), after completion of the commanded move profile, the actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (i.e., within the position band defined by STRGTD and within the velocity band defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. After that point, the controller will switch to the SSWG gains, even if a target zone timeout occurs (STRGTT value exceeded). There is no hysteresis when using the target zone settling mode.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set proportional gain to 35 Set integral gain to 3 Save current gains as gain set #3 (for use later in the setpoint window) Assign gain set #3 as the setpoint window gain set While moving, use higher proportional gain, no integral gain, but introduce velocity gain
; After the commanded move profile is complete, the controller ; will use gain set #3 if within 100 counts (125 counts including ; hysteresis) of the setpoint position
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Start-Up Program
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev n/a n/a 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Subroutines <!>STARTP<t> t = text (name of program) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a STARTP: *STARTP MAIN DEF, RESET, SCALE
The Start-Up Program (STARTP) command specifies the name of the program that will automatically be run upon power-up and RESET. If the program that is identified as the STARTP program is deleted with the DEL command, the STARTP is automatically cleared. If you wish to prevent the STARTP program from being executed, without having to delete the assigned program, issue the STARTP CLR command. This command applies only to stand-alone 6000 series products, not bus-based products.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Set program WakeUp as the program that will start to run after power is cycled or the 6000 product is reset Clears the program WakeUp from its assignment as the start-up program Deletes the program WakeUp and clears the STARTP command (no power-up program will be executed)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Streaming Interval
Motion <!><@>STD<i> i = milliseconds 10 - 50 (only in even numbers) 10 STD: *STD10 SD, STREAM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
The Streaming Interval (STD) command sets the time interval for execution of Streaming Data (SD) commands. If the STREAM command is set to 1, then for each STD interval, the motor travels the number of
Command Descriptions
motor steps set by the SD command. With the STREAM command set to 2, the motor will travel at the velocity set by the SD command during the STD interval.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named sample Set pulse width to 1 ms Set streaming interval to 20 milliseconds (ms) Set distance streaming mode Travel 12 steps positive-direction in 20 ms Travel 25 steps positive-direction in 20 ms Travel 50 steps positive-direction in 20 ms Exit streaming mode Wait for motion to stop End program definition Initiate program sample
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Single Step Mode Enable (STEP) command enables single command step mode. Single step mode is used for stepping through a defined (DEF) program. To execute single step mode: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define a program (DEF) Enable single step mode (STEP1) Run the program (RUN) Use the immediate pound (!#) to step through the program
Each step (!#) command will initiate the next command to be processed.
; Begin definition of program named tester ; Set velocity to 1 unit/sec on all axes ; Set acceleration to 10 units/sec/sec on all axes ; (Note: This command will not be executed until a !# sign ; is received.) D1,2,3,4 ; Set distance to 1 unit on axis 1, 2 units on axis 2, ; 3 units on axis 3, and 4 units on axis 4 GO1101 ; Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 4 OUT11X1 ; Turn on programmable outputs 1, 2, and 4, leave 3 unchanged END ; End program definition STEP1 ; Enable single step mode RUN tester ; Execute program named tester ; ************************************************************************** ; * At this point no action will occur because single step mode * ; * has been enabled. Here's how to execute commands: * ; * !#2 (Execute 1st 2 commands in the program: V1,1,1,1 & A10,10,10,10) * ; * !# (Execute 1 command: command to be executed is D1,2,3,4) * ; * !#1 (Execute 1 command: command to be executed is GO110) * ; * !#2 (Execute 2 commands: commands to be executed are OUT11X1 & END) * ; **************************************************************************
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Streaming Mode
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Motion <!><@><a>STREAM<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> n/a i = 0 (exit), 1 (distance streaming), or 2 (velocity streaming) 0 STREAM: *STREAM0,0,0,0 [ AS ], PULSE, SD, STD, TAS
The Streaming Mode (STREAM) command sets the indexer to a streaming configuration. A value of 1 (STREAM1) enables the Distance Streaming mode, where data in the Streaming Data (SD) command represents a motor step distance. A value of 2 (STREAM2) enables the Velocity Streaming Mode, where data in the SD command indicates velocity values. Entering (STREAM) for any axis will exit the streaming mode for all axes. The SD data is executed once per a time interval set by the STD command. All the streaming axes must enter the streaming mode with the same STREAM command. While in the streaming mode, the SD commands (and any other commands present) are executed on-the-fly (like the Continuous Command Execution Mode), regardless of the COMEXC command setting. Actual processing of SD commands begins after ten SD commands (maximum of four datapoints per SD command) have been processed or an Exit Streaming Mode (SD7) command is encountered. The moving/not moving bit in the axis status register is set after ten SD commands have been processed, and remains active during the entire streaming process.
CAUTION Placing commands other than SD commands in a program may cause mispositioning if the command takes too long to execute. Status should be monitored via the fast status area.
A Pause (PS), Kill (K) or Stop (S) command will exit the streaming mode. Encountering a hardware or software limit will also exit the streaming mode. No deceleration will be performed.
NOTE To enter the Streaming Mode, you must set the PULSE command to 1 s or greater.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program sample Set pulse width to 1 ms Set streaming interval to 20 ms Set velocity streaming mode Run at velocity value 12 for 20 ms Run at velocity value 25 for 20 ms Run at velocity value 36 for 20 ms Exit streaming mode Wait for motion to stop End definition of program sample Execute program sample
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>STRGTD<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = distance units (scalable) 0 - 999999999 50 STRGTD: *STRGTD50,50,50,50 1STRGTD: *1STRGTD50 [ AS ], SCLD, SSWD, SSWG, STRGTE, STRGTT, STRGTV, TAS, TSTLT
This command sets the target distance zone used in the Target Zone Settling Mode. The target distance zone is a range of positions around the desired endpoint that the load must be within before motion is considered complete. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the STRGTD value is multiplied by the distance scale factor (SCLD). When using the Target Zone Mode, the load's actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (that is, within the distance zone defined by STRGTD and within the velocity zone defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. If the load does not settle into the target zone before the timeout period set by STRGTT, the controller detects an error (see TAS or AS bit #25). If this error occurs, you can prevent subsequent command and/or move execution by enabling the ERROR command to continually check for this error condition, and when it occurs to branch to a programmed response defined in the ERRORP program. (Refer to the ERRORP command description for an example of using an error program.) *** For a more information on target zone operation, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
STRGTD5,5,5,5 ; Sets the distance target zone to +/-5 units STRGTV.01,.01,.01,.01 ; Sets the velocity target zone to <= 0.01 units/sec STRGTT10,10,10,10 ; Sets the timeout period to 10 milliseconds on all axes STRGTE1111 ; Enables the target zone criterion for all axes ; ; Given these target zone commands, a move with a distance of 8,000 units ; (@D8000) must end up between position 7,995 and 8,005 and settle down ; to <=0.01 units/sec within 10 ms after the commanded profile is complete.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>STRGTE<b><b><b><b> n/a b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't care) 0 STRGTE: *STRGTE0011 1STRGTE: *1STRGTE0 COMEXC, ENC, SSWG, STRGTD, STRGTT, STRGTV, TSTLT
This command enables or disables the Target Zone Settling Mode. When using the target zone settling criterion, the load's actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (that is, within the position band defined by STRGTD and within the velocity band defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. STEPPER PRODUCTS must be in encoder step mode (ENC1) to use this feature. If the load does not settle into the target zone before the timeout period set by STRGTT, the controller detects an error (see TAS or AS bit #25). If this error occurs, you can prevent subsequent command and/or move execution by enabling the ERROR command to continually check for this error condition, and when it occurs to branch to a programmed response defined in the ERRORP program. *** For a more information on target zone operation, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
STRGTD5,5,5,5 ; Sets the distance target zone to +/-5 units STRGTV.01,.01,.01,.01 ; Sets the velocity target zone to <= 0.01 units/sec STRGTT10,10,10,10 ; Sets the timeout period to 10 milliseconds on all axes STRGTE1111 ; Enables the target zone criterion for all axes ; ; Given these target zone commands, a move with a distance of 8,000 units ; (@D8000) must end up between position 7,995 and 8,005 and settle down ; to <=0.01 units/sec within 10 ms after the commanded profile is complete.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>STRGTT<i>,<i>,<i>,<i> r = milliseconds 0 - 5000 1000 STRGTT: *STRGTT1000,1000,1000,1000 1STRGTT: *1STRGTT1000 [ AS ], [ ER ], ERROR, ERRORP, SSWG, STRGTD, STRGTE, STRGTV, TAS, TER, TSTLT
This command sets the maximum time allowed for the load to settle within the defined target zone before an error occurs. This command is useful only if the Target Zone Settling Mode is enabled with the STRGTE command. When using the Target Zone Settling Mode, the load's actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (that is, within the position band defined by STRGTD and within the velocity zone defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. If the load does not settle into the target zone before the timeout period set by STRGTT, the servo controller detects an error (see TAS or AS bit #25). If this error occurs, you can prevent subsequent command and/or move execution by enabling the ERROR command to continually check for this error condition, and when it occurs to branch to a programmed response defined in the ERRORP program. (Refer to the ERRORP command description for an example of using an error program.) You can check the status of the error condition with the TER and ER commands. *** For a more information on target zone operation, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
STRGTD5,5,5,5 ; Sets the distance target zone to +/-5 units STRGTV.01,.01,.01,.01 ; Sets the velocity target zone to <= 0.01 units/sec STRGTT10,10,10,10 ; Sets the timeout period to 10 milliseconds on all axes STRGTE1111 ; Enables the target zone criterion for all axes ; ; Given these target zone commands, a move with a distance of 8,000 units ; (@D8000) must end up between position 7,995 and 8,005 and settle down ; to <=0.01 units/sec within 10 ms after the commanded profile is complete.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Servo <!><@><a>STRGTV<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec (scalable by SCLV) 0 - 200 rps 1.0000 STRGTV: *STRGTV1.0000,1.0000,0,0 1STRGTV: *1STRGTV1.0000 [ AS ], SCLV, SSWG, STRGTD, STRGTE, STRGTT, TAS, TSTLT
This command sets the target velocity zone for use in the Target Zone Settling Mode. The target velocity zone is a velocity range that the load must be within before motion is considered complete. If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the STRGTV value is multiplied by the velocity scale factor (SCLV). When using the Target Zone Mode, the load's actual position and actual velocity must be within the target zone (that is, within the distance zone defined by STRGTD and less than or equal to the velocity defined by STRGTV) before motion can be determined complete. If the load does not settle into the target zone before the timeout period set by STRGTT, the servo controller detects an error (see TAS or AS bit #25). If this error occurs, you can prevent subsequent command and/or move execution by enabling the ERROR command to continually check for this error condition, and when it occurs to branch to a programmed response defined in the ERRORP program. (Refer to the ERRORP command description for an example of using an error program.) *** For a more information on target zone operation, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
STRGTD5,5,5,5 ; Sets the distance target zone to +/-5 units STRGTV.01,.01,.01,.01 ; Sets the velocity target zone to <= 0.01 units/sec STRGTT10,10,10,10 ; Sets the timeout period to 10 milliseconds on all axes STRGTE1111 ; Enables the target zone criterion for all axes ; ; Given these target zone commands, a move with a distance of 8,000 units ; (@D8000) must end up between position 7,995 and 8,005 and settle down ; to <=0.01 units/sec within 10 ms after the commanded profile is complete.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Time Delay
Program Flow Control <!>T<r> r = seconds 0.001 - 999.999 n/a n/a GOWHEN, PS, [ SS ], SSFR, [ TIM ], TTIM, TSS, WAIT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Time Delay (T) command pauses command processing for r seconds before continuing command execution. Once the elapsed time has expired, the command after the T command will be executed. The minimum resolution of the T command is: 2 ms for the stepper products, and 1 system update period for the servo products (see table in SSFR command description). Although you can enter time delays that are not multiples of 2 ms, the time delay will be rounded up to the next multiple of 2 ms. For example, T.005 produces a 6 ms time delay in the stepper products.
; Wait 5 seconds before executing TPE command ; Transfer position of all encoders to the terminal
[ TAN( ) ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 y Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Operator (Trigonometric) ... TAN(r) (See below) r = radians or degrees depending on RADIAN command 0.0000000 to 17500 radians n/a n/a [ ATAN ], [ COS ], [ PI ], RADIAN, [ SIN ], VAR
The Tangent (TAN) operator is used to calculate the tangent of a number given in radians or degrees (see the RADIAN command). If "a" and "b" are coordinates of a point on a circle of radius "r", then the angle of measure "" can be defined by the equation: tan =
a b
sin = a r
a x
cos = b r tan = a b
If a value is given in radians and a conversion is needed to degrees, use the following formula: 360 = 2 radians. Syntax: VARx=TAN(r), where x is the numeric variable number and r is a value in either radians or degrees depending on the RADIAN command. Parentheses ( () ) must be placed around the TAN operand. The result will be specified to 5 decimal places.
VAR1=5 * TAN(PI/4)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Analog Input Voltage for the -ANI option (TANI) command returns the voltage level present at the ANI analog inputs. The value reported with the TANI command is measured in volts and does not reflect the effects of distance scaling (SCLD), position offset (PSET), polarity reversal (ANIPOL) or commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). To ascertain the offset ANI input value, as affected by SCLD, PSET, ANIPOL or CMDDIR, use the TPANI command or the TFB command. To determine the analog value from a specific input, precede the TANI command with the number of the input (e.g., 1TANI, 2TANI, etc.). The TANI value is derived from the voltage applied to the corresponding analog input and ground. The analog value is determined from a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The minimum voltage response is -10.000VDC, the maximum voltage response is +10.000VDC.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Analog Input Voltage (TANV) command returns the voltage level at the joystick analog inputs, referenced to ground. When using TANV, an analog input channel specifier can precede the TANV command. The analog channel specifier can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1TANV, 2TANV, 3TANV, or 4TANV). The response to the TANV command will be a voltage value returned from the analog channel queried. The value is derived from an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter with a range of 0-2.5VDC.
Pin # on the 25-pin Joystick Connector 1 2 3 4 8 14 Function Analog Channel 1 Analog Channel 2 Analog Channel 3 Analog Channel 4 (AT6n00 & AT6450) Shield Ground Pin # on 25-pin Joystick Connector 15 16 17 18 19 23 Function Axes Select Velocity Select Joystick Release Joystick Trigger Joystick Auxiliary +5VDC (out)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
The Transfer Axis Status (TAS) command returns the current status of all axes. The response for TAS is as follows (Note: response is product dependent):
*TAS bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb
^ Bit #1 <- Axis 1 <- Axis 2 <- Axis 3 <- Axis 4
^ Bit #32
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TAS status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TASF command description.
Bit # (left to right) Function (1/) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Moving/Not Moving Negative/positive-direction Accelerating/Not Accelerating At Velocity/Not at Velocity Home Successful (HOM) YES/NO Absolute/Incremental (MA) Continuous/Preset (MC) Jog Mode/Not Jog Mode (JOG) Joystick Mode/Not Joystick Mode (JOY) Encoder Step Mode/Motor Step Mode (ENC) Position Maintenance (EPM) ON/OFF Stall Detected (ESTALL) YES/NO Drive Shut Down YES/NO Drive Fault occurred YES/NO Positive-direction Hardware Limit Hit YES/NO Negative-direction Hardware Limit Hit YES/NO OEMAT6n00 AT6n00 AT6250 AT6450 610n x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x x x x x x x n/a n/a n/a x x x x x x x x x n/a n/a n/a x x x x x x x n/a n/a x x x
620n x x x x x x x x x x x x
13 14 * 15 16
x x x x
n/a n/a x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
Command Descriptions
Bit # (left to right) Function (1/) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ** Positive-direction Software Limit Hit YES/NO Negative-direction Software Limit Hit YES/NO Within Deadband (EPMDB) YES/NO In Position (COMEXP) YES/NO Distance Streaming Mode (STREAM1) YES/NO Velocity Streaming Mode (STREAM2) YES/NO Position Error Exceeded (SMPER) YES/NO In Target Zone (STRGTD & STRGTV) YES/NO Target Zone Timeout occurred (STRGTT) YES/NO Motion suspended pending GOWHEN YES/NO LDT Position Read Error YES/NO
OEMAT6n00 AT6n00 AT6250 AT6450 610n x x x x x x n/a x x x n/a n/a x x n/a n/a x x n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x x n/a n/a n/a n/a x x x x x n/a n/a n/a n/a x
25 26 *** 27
x x n/a x
n/a x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x n/a x
x x x x
28 **** Registration move initiated by trigger since last GO command 29 30 31 32 RESERVED Pre-emptive (OTF) GO or Registration profile not possible RESERVED RESERVED
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
--x -----
* The input functions must be enabled (INFEN1) before a drive fault will be recognized. 610n only: TASX bits 1-3 provide specific causes for the fault. ** This bit is set only after the successful completion of a move. *** This bit is cleared if GOWHEN condition is true, or if STOP (!S) or KILL (!K or ^K) is executed. **** This bit is cleared with the next GO command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TASF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report (TAS).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
The Transfer Extended Axis Status (TASX) command returns the current status for axis 1 of the 610n. The response for TASX is as follows (Note: response is product dependent):
*TASX bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #32 <- Axis 1
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TASX status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TASXF command description.
Bit Assignment (left to right) Function (1 = yes, = no) 1 2 3 4 5-32 Motor Fault (610n only) Low Voltage (610n only) Over Temperature Fault (610n only) Drive Fault Input Active * RESERVED
610n x x x x ---
* Bit #4 indicates the current hardware state of the drive fault input, whether or not the drive is enabled.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TASXF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report (TASX). Example response (for 610n):
*TASF AXIS # * 1 *Motor Fault NO *low-voltage NO *Over-temperature NO *Drive Fault Active NO
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TCA command displays the current captured ANI value (volts). After displaying the captured ANI value, the respective capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the voltage information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent capture from the trigger input. The ANI value is referenced in volts and does not reflect the affects of scaling (SCLD), position offset (PSET), ANI feedback polarity (ANIPOL), or commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). To assign/compare the ANI input value as affected by SCLD, PSET, ANIPOL, or CMDDIR, use the TPCA command. The ANI input value can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i can be 25, 26, 27 or 28, representing trigger inputs A, B, C or D, respectively. Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will capture the ANI values on all axes. The ANI voltage information is stored in registers and is available at the next 1-ms update through the use of the CA and TCA commands.
CAPTURE ACCURACY If ANI feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured ANI value is interpolated from the last sampled ANI input value and rate of change of the ANI input value, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the capture is 50s x velocity. If ANI feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled ANI value is simply stored as the captured ANI value. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
*TCAAr,r,r,r *1TCAAr
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer or Program Debug Tool <!>TCMDER n/a n/a n/a TCMDER: *(incorrect command) ERRBAD, [ SS ], TSS
To facilitate program debugging, the Transfer Command Error (TCMDER) command allows you to transfer the command that the controller detects as an error. This is especially useful if you receive an error message when running or downloading a program, because it catches and remembers the first command that caused the error. When the bad command is detected, the controller sends an error message to the screen, followed by the ERRBAD error prompt (?). To determine which command is in error, enter the TCMDER command and the controller will display the command, including all its command fields, if any. Once a command error has occurred, the command and its fields are stored and system status bit #11 (reported in the TSSF, TSS, and SS commands) is set to 1. The status bit remains set until the TCMDER command is issued.
DEF badprg MA11 A25,40 AD11,26 V5,8 VAR1=0 GO11 IF(VAR1<)16 VAR1=VAR1+1 NIF END RUN badprg ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; Begin definition of program called badprg ; Select the absolute preset positioning mode ; Set acceleration ; Set deceleration ; Set velocity ; Set variable #1 equal to zero ; Initiate move on both axes ; Mistyped IF statementshould be typed as: IF(VAR1<16) ; If variable #1 is less than16, increment the counter by 1 ; End IF statement ; End programming of program called badprg ; Run the program called badprg ; (this will cause an error --see comment box below) ********************************************************************** * 1. When you run the badprg program, you should see this error * * message on your screen: "*INCORRECT DATA" (this error message * * indicates incorrect command syntax). * * 2. Type "TCMDER" and press enter. This queries the controller to * * display the command that caused the error. In this case, the * * response will be "*IF(VAR1<)16". * **********************************************************************
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Hardware Counter Value (TCNT) command returns the current value of the hardware counter. The hardware counter is one of the encoder ports converted to a hardware counter through the use of the
CNTE command. The hardware counter will count up or down. The direction of count is specified by the
signal on the encoder channel B+ and B- connections. A positive differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a negative count direction. A negative differential signal, when measured between B+ and B-, will infer a positive count direction. The count itself is determined from the signal on
Command Descriptions
A+ and A-. Each count is registered on the positive (rising) edge of a transition for a signal measured between A+ and A-. To reset the counter, apply a signal to Z+ and Z-, or issue the command CNTR. For all encoder channels not defined as counters, the TCNT command will report a count value of zero.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to display the voltage being commanded at the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This is the analog command signal (plus any voltage offset set with the SOFFS and SOFFSN commands) output by the servo controller. The DAC output is a 12-bit, 10V analog signal. At any point, the voltage that is currently being commanded can be displayed using the TDAC command. If direct control over the analog voltage is required, it can be accomplished by setting the servo algorithm gains (SGP, SGI, SGV, SGVF, & SGAF) to zero and using the SOFFS and SOFFSN commands. When checking the DAC value (counts) in the Fast Status report (see FASTAT), note that there are 2048 counts/volt.
; Display the actual output voltage for each axis. ; Example response is: *TDAC4.552,5.552,5.552,5.552
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
The Transfer Program Directory (TDIR) command returns the names of all the programs and subroutines defined with the DEF command, and the amount of memory each consumes. The format of the response is as follows:
(In the above example, PROG1 and PROG2 are names of programs.)
NOTE: The amount of memory available is product-dependent.
The number in front of the program name is the number to use when defining specific inputs (INFNC) to correspond to a specific program (function P of INFNC), or when programs are selected via BCD (function B of INFNC). If the program is intended to be a compiled profile and has been successfully compiled (PCOMP), then the line item for the program is amended with (COMPILED AS A PATH).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TDPTR command responds with a 3-integer status report (i,i,i). The first integer is the number of the current active data program (the program number specified with the last DATSIZ or DATPTR command). The second integer is the location number of the data element to which the data pointer is currently pointing. The third integer is the increment set with the last DATPTR command. The DPTR command can be used to compare the current pointer location against another value or variable, or to assign the pointer location number to a variable.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Create data program called DATP4 with 200 data elements Set the data pointer to data element #20 in DATP4 and set the increment to 2 (DATP4 becomes the current active data program) Response is *TDPTR4,20,2. Indicates that the data pointer is pointing to data element #20 in data program #4 (DATP4), and the increment setting is 2.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Error Status (TER) command returns the status of the 32 error bits. There is only one error status for all axes.
NOTE The specific error bits must be enabled by the Error Enable (ERROR) command before the TER command will provide the correct status of the error conditions.
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TER status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TERF command description.
Command Descriptions
Bit # 1* 2 3 4
Function (1 = Yes; = No) Stall Detected: Functions when stall detection has been enabled (ESTALL). (n/a for OEM-AT6n00) Hard Limit Hit: Functions when hard limits are enabled (LH). Soft Limit Hit: Functions when soft limits are enabled ( LS). Drive Fault: Detected only of the drive is enabled (DRIVE) and the drive fault level is set correctly (DRFLVL and INFEN). (Drive Fault monitoring is n/a for OEM-AT6n00.) 610n: use ASX, TASX or TASXF to determine exact cause (ASX status is checked even if the drive is disabled). RESERVED (refer to the ERROR command) Kill Input: When an input is defined as a Kill input (INFNCi-C), and that input becomes active. User Fault Input: When an input is defined as a User Fault input (INFNCi-F), and that input becomes active. Stop Input: When an input is defined as a Stop input (INFNCi-D), and that input becomes active. Stepper productsPulse Cutoff (P-CUT): When the pulse cutoff input is activated (not grounded). Servo productsEnable input (ENBL): When the enable input is activated (not grounded). (n/a for OEM-AT6n00) Pre-emptive (on-the-fly) GO or registration move profile not possible. Target Zone Settling Timeout Period (set with the STRGTT command) is exceeded. Maximum Position Error (set with the SMPER command) is exceeded. RESERVED Position relationship in GOWHEN already true when GO, GOL, FSHFC, or FSHFD was executed. LDT Position Read Error: Can be caused by LDT not connected, mechanical failure of LDT or LDTUPD command value too low. RESERVED
5 6 7 8 9
When error bit 5 (Commanded Kill or Stop) of the ERROR command is enabled (ERROR.5-1), a Stop (!S) or a Kill (!K or <ctrl>K) command will cause the controller to GOSUB or GOTO to the error program (ERRORP). Within the error program the cause of the error will need to be determined. The transfer error status (TER) command can be used to determine the cause of the error. If none of the error status bits are set, the cause of the error is a commanded kill or a commanded stop. The reason for not setting a bit on this error condition is that there is no way to clear the error condition upon leaving the error program.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TERF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report ( TER).
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Test Motion
Motion <!>TEST n/a n/a n/a n/a A, AD, D, GO, K, MA, MC, PSET, S, SSV, V Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 1.0 n/a n/a
The Test Motion (TEST) command initiates a 25000-step move positive-direction on axis 1, followed by a 1-second time delay, followed by a 25000-step move negative-direction on axis 1. This motion is repeated for all axes. The velocity is set to 25000 steps/sec and the acceleration and deceleration are set to 250000 steps/sec/sec.
WARNING This command overrides the end-of-travel limits (LH and LS) settings, therefore, this command should only be used during setup, while the motor is uncoupled from the load. NOTE Do not use the TEST command from the Panel Mode in Motion Architect.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Program Execution Status (TEX) command reports the status of any programs in progress. If the program PAUL was in progress, and within that program a loop was in progress, the response to !TEX could look like the following: *PROGRAM=PAUL COMMAND=LN LOOP COUNT=12
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the TFB command to return the current values of the feedback sources selected with the SFB command. If you do not change the default SFB selection, the response will indicate LDT position for the 6270, and encoder position for the AT6n50 and 625n, and internal resolver position for 615n. If scaling is not enabled, the position values returned will be counts. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the values will be scaled by the SCLD value. If you issue a PSET command, the feedback device position value will be offset by the PSET command value.
; Select ANI feedback on axis 1 and encoder feedback on axis 2 ; Report ANI input #1's voltage and encoder #2's position. ; Sample response is *TFB4.256,2.436
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
The Transfer Following Status (TFS) command returns the current Following status of all axes. The response for TFS is as follows (Note: response is product dependent):
*TFS bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bb * bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bb
^ Bit #1 <- Axis 1 <- Axis 2 <- Axis 3 <- Axis 4
^ Bit #18
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TFS status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TFSF command description.
Function (YES = 1; NO = ) Slave in Ratio Move Ratio is Negative Slave Ratio Changing Slave At Ratio A Following move is in progress. The current ratio is negative (i.e., the slave counts are counting in the opposite direction from the master counts). The slave is ramping from one ratio to another (including a ramp to or from zero ratio). The slave is at constant non-zero ratio.
Bits 1-4 indicate the status of slave Following motion. They mimic the meaning and organization of Axis Status (TAS & AS) bits 1-4, except that each bit indicates the current state of the ratio, rather than the current state of the velocity. *5 *6 *7 8 FOLMAS Active FOLEN Active Master is Moving Master Dir Neg A master is specified with the FOLMAS command. Following has been enabled with the FOLEN command. The specified master is currently in motion. The current master direction is negative. (Bit must be cleared to allow Following move in preset modeMC).
Bits 5-8 indicate the status required for Following motion (i.e., a master must be assigned, Following must be enabled, the master must be moving, and for many features, the master direction must be positive). Unless the master is a commanded position of another axis, it is likely that minor vibration of the master will cause bits 7-8 to toggle on and off, even if the master is nominally at rest. These bits are meant primarily as a quick diagnosis for the absence of master motion, or master motion in the wrong direction. Many features require positive master counting to work properly. 9 10 11 12 OK to Shift Shifting now Shift is Continuous Shift Dir is Neg Conditions are valid to issue shift commands ( FSHFD or FSHFC). A shift move is in progress. An FSHFC-based shift move is in progress. The direction of the shift move in progress is negative.
Bits 9-12 indicate the shift status of the slave. Shifting is super-imposed motion, but if viewed alone, can have its own status. In other words, bits 10-12 describe only the shifting portion of motion. 13 14 15 Master Cyc Trig Pend Mas Cyc Len Given Master Cyc Pos Neg A master cycle restart is pending the occurrence of the specified trigger. A non-zero master cycle length has been specified with the FMCLEN command. The current master cycle position (PMAS) is negative. This could be by caused by a negative initial master cycle position (FMCP), or if the master is moving in the negative direction. The master position ( PMAS) has exceeded the master cycle length (FMCLEN) at least once, causing the master cycle number (NMCY) to increment.
Bits 13-16 indicate the status of master cycle counting. If a Following application is taking advantage of master cycle counting, these bits provide a quick summary of some important master cycle information. 17 18 Mas Pos Prediction On Master position prediction has been enabled (FPPEN). Mas Filtering On A non-zero value for master position filtering (FFILT) is in effect.
Bit 17-18 indicate the status of master position measurement features. * All these conditions must be true before Following motion will occur.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TFSF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report ( TFS). Example response (for 610n):
*TFSF AXIS # * 1 *Slave in Ratio Move NO *Ratio is Negative NO *Slv Ratio Changing NO *Slave At Ratio NO * *Folmas Active NO *Folen Active NO *Master is Moving NO *Master Dir Neg NO * *OK to Shift NO *Shifting now NO *Shift is Continuous NO *Shift Dir is Neg NO * *Master Cyc Trig Arm NO *Mas Cyc Len Given NO *Master Cyc Pos Neg NO *Master Cyc Num > 0 NO AXIS # 1 Pos Prediction On YES Master Filtering On NO
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response
See Also
This command allows you to display the current value of each of the control algorithm gains (SGP, SGI, SGV, SGAF, & SGVF). Each time an individual gain is entered, the current value is updated to be that value. When a gain set is enabled with the SGENB command, the current value of each gain is set to the values saved in that particular gain set.
Tuning gains are specific to the feedback source that was in use (selected with the last SFB command) at the time the gains were established with the respective gain commands (SGI, SGP, etc.). Example:
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set the gains for the proportional gain Set the gains for the integral gain Set the gains for the velocity gain Set the gains for the velocity feedforward gain Set the gains for the acceleration feedforward gain Display current values for all gains. Example response: *SGP5,5,10,10 *SGI.1,.1,0,0 *SGV50,60,0,0 *SGVF5,6,10,11 *SGAF0,0,0,0
[ TIM ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Current Timer Value (TIM) command is used to assign the timer value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The value returned is in milliseconds. Syntax: VARx=TIM where x is a numeric variable number, or TIM can be used in an expression such as
; ; ; ;
Timer value is assigned to variable 1 If timer value is < 1000 milliseconds, do the IF statement Timer value plus 10 assigned to variable 1 End IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Timer Value to Interrupt PC-AT (TIMINT) command sets the timer value upon which the 6000 controller will interrupt the PC-AT. The time value at which the interrupt will occur is specified by the second field in the command. The TIMINT command also determines if the timer is to be stopped when the value is reached, or if the timer is to be reset and started again. If the timer is to be stopped upon reaching the interrupt value, a one should be specified for the first field. If the timer is to be reset and restarted upon reaching the interrupt value, a zero should be specified for the first field. By specifying a zero in the first field, an interrupt will occur repeatedly.
NOTE: Before an interrupt will occur, timer interrupt bit #25 must be enabled with the INTHW command.
; Set timer interrupt bit ; Interrupt PC-AT once after 10000 ms, do not restart the timer ; Reset and start timer
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Start Timer
Timer <!>TIMST<b> n/a b = 0 (reset and start) or 1 (start) 0 TIMST: No response, acts as if TIMST1 command was issued SSFR, [ TIM ], TIMINT, TIMSTP, TTIM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Start Timer (TIMST) command is used to start the timer. If (TIMST) is specified, the timer will be reset to zero and started. If (TIMST1) is specified, the timer will be started without reset. By specifying TIMST1, the timer can also be restarted after the Stop Timer (TIMSTP) command has been issued. This command, in conjunction with the stop timer (TIMSTP) command, provides a timer that can be used to time internal or external events.
Command Descriptions
NOTE Use the following table to determine the resolution of the timer, and to determine the delay created by executing the TIMST and TIMSTP commands.
Steppers Servos
4 - 6 ms (see table in SSFR command description)* Be sure to factor this value into your final time value.
If the timer is started and allowed to roll over the maximum timer count of 999,999,999 milliseconds (11 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes, 39.999 seconds), the timer will be stopped, and the value will be frozen at the maximum value.
; ; ; ;
Reset and start timer Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Stop timer Transfer time required for move
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Stop Timer
Timer <!>TIMSTP n/a n/a n/a n/a SSFR, [ TIM ], TIMINT, TIMST, TTIM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Stop Timer (TIMSTP) command stops the timer. This command in conjunction with the start timer (TIMST) command, provides a timer that can be used to time internal or external events.
NOTE Use the following table to determine the resolution of the timer, and to determine the delay created by executing the TIMST and TIMSTP commands.
Steppers Servos
4 - 6 ms (see table in SSFR command description)* Be sure to factor this value into your final time value.
; ; ; ;
Reset and start timer Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 Stop timer Transfer time required for move
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Input Status (TIN) command returns the current status (active or inactive) of the programmable inputs. The input is active when it is grounded. The active level (active high or active low) for the inputs is established with the INLVL command. High means that current is flowing and no voltage is present at the input terminal; conversely, low means that no current is flowing and a voltage may be present at the input terminal. If the active level is set to active low (INLVL default), the TIN response indicates active with a one (1) and inactive with a zero (). If the active level is set to active high (INLVL1), the TIN response indicates active with a zero () and inactive with a one (1). The general purpose programmable inputs are returned first, followed by the trigger inputs. Input bit assignments vary by product (see bit assignment table on page 6 of this document). The inputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. If a specific input is required, the bit number can be placed after the TIN command. For example, TIN.5 would return bit 5, which corresponds to input 5.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Other Input Status (TINO) command returns the status of all of the inputs not covered by the TLIM or TIN commands. These 8 additional inputs may be used for status feedback.
TINO response: *TINObbbb_bbbb
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #12
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TINO status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TINOF command description.
Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Function (1 = Yes, 0 = No) Joystick Auxiliary Input Active Joystick Trigger Input Active Joystick Axes Select Input Active Joystick Velocity Select Input High Joystick Release Input Active Pulse Cutoff Input OK for motion Enable input OK for motion Not used, always 0 Not used, always 0
Location Joystick Connector Pin 19 Joystick Connector Pin 18 Joystick Connector Pin 15 Joystick Connector Pin 16 Joystick Connector Pin 17 P-CUT terminal on AUX connector (steppers only) ENBL terminal on the AUX connector (servos only)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TINOF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report (TINO). Example response (for 610n):
*TINOF *Joy Aux In Active *Joy Trig In Active *Joy Axes Sel In Act *Joy Vel Active High * *Joy Release In Act *Pulse Cutoff OK NO NO NO NO NO YES
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Interrupt Status (TINT) command returns the status of the hardware interrupt conditions. As soon as the interrupt status is read (TINT), the interrupts are cleared. If only one interrupt is to be transferred and cleared, use the bit select (.) and the corresponding bit number. For example, to transfer and clear interrupt bit number 13, type in TINT.13.
TINT response: *TINTbbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb_bbbb
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #32
Bit # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Function Software Interrupt #1 (See INTSW) Software Interrupt #2 Software Interrupt #3 Software Interrupt #4 Software Interrupt #5 Software Interrupt #6 Software Interrupt #7 Software Interrupt #8 Software Interrupt #9 Software Interrupt #10 Software Interrupt #11 Software Interrupt #12 Software Interrupt #13 Software Interrupt #14 Software Interrupt #15 Software Interrupt #16
Bit # 17 18 * 19 20 * 21 22 23 24 * 25 26 * 27 28 29 30 31 32
Function Command Buffer Full Pulse Cutoff (steppers) or Enable (servos) Activated Program Complete Drive Fault on any Axis Reserved Reserved Limit Hit - hard or soft limit, on any axis Stall Detected (steppers) or Position Error (servos) on any axis Timer (TIMINT) Counter (CNTINT) steppers only Input - any of the inputs defined by INFNCi-I Command Error Motion Complete on Axis 1 Motion Complete on Axis 2 Motion Complete on Axis 3 (AT6400 & AT6450) Motion Complete on Axis 4 (AT6400 & AT6450)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer Labels
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Transfer Labels (TLABEL) command returns the names of all the labels defined with the $ command. The response to a TLABEL command if the labels call and open are defined in a program named prog1 is *CALL DEFINED IN PROGRAM PROG1 as follows:
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Use the TLDT command to transfer the current LDT (linear displacement transducer) position. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the value will represent actual LDT counts. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value will be scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If you issue a PSET command, the LDT position value will be offset by the PSET command value. An LDT position read error can be caused by a bad LDT connection, an LDT failure, or an LDTUPD command value being too small. If this error occurs, axis status bit #27 (reported with the TAS and AS commands) will be set. In addition, if ERROR bit #15 is enabled (ERROR.15-1), error status bit #15 (reported with the TER and ER commands) will also be set.
; Report the position of the LDT for axis #2. ; Example response: *2TLDT+5.071
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer Limits
Transfer <!><a>TLIM<.i> i = limit input number Product dependent n/a TLIM: *TLIM110_011_001_100 TLIM.4: *0 (status of positive-direction limit input on axis 2) HOM, HOMLVL, LHLVL, [ LIM ], TAS, TIN, TINO, TOUT Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Transfer Limits (TLIM) command returns the current hardware state of the limit inputs on all axes. There are 3 limit inputs per axis. To determine if an end-of-travel limit has been hit, refer to the TAS command response, bits 15 through 18.
TLIM response: *TLIMbbb_bbb_bbb_bbb
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #12
Command Descriptions
Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Function Axis 1 - Positive-Direction Limit Axis 1 - Negative-Direction Limit Axis 1 - Home Limit Axis 2 - Positive-Direction Limit Axis 2 - Negative-Direction Limit Axis 2 - Home Limit Axis 3 - Positive-Direction Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) Axis 3 - Negative-Direction Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) Axis 3 - Home Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) Axis 4 - Positive-Direction Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) Axis 4 - Negative-Direction Limit (AT6400 and AT6450) Axis 4 - Home Limit (AT6400 and AT6450)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Memory Usage (TMEM) command returns the amount of available memory for user program storage and for storing contouring path segments. A path segment is one element of the path (e.g., PLIN3777,3777). The amount of memory available can be modified with the MEMORY command. As programs are defined (DEF) and paths are compiled (PCOMP), the amount of memory available decreases.
NOTE The amount of memory available for user program storage varies by product.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Master Cycle Number (TNMCY) command displays the current master cycle number for all axes, or the axis specified. The value represents the current cycle number, not the position of the master (or the slave). The master cycle number is set to zero when master cycle counting is restarted, and is incremented each time a master cycle finishes (i.e., rollover occurs). It will often correspond to the number of complete parts in a production run. This value may be used for subsequent decision making, or simply recording the cycle number corresponding to some other event. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. For a complete discussion of master cycles, please refer to the Following chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Output Status (TOUT) command returns the current status (active or inactive) of the programmable outputs. The output is active when it is grounded. The active level (active high or active low) for the outputs is established with the OUTLVL command. High means that current is flowing and no voltage is present at the output terminal; conversely, low means that no current is flowing and a voltage may be present at the output terminal. If the active level is set to active low (OUTLVL default), the TOUT response indicates active with a one (1) and inactive with a zero (). If the active level is set to active high (OUTLVL1), the TIN response indicates active with a zero () and inactive with a one (1). The general-purpose programmable outputs are returned first, followed by the auxiliary outputs. Output bit assignments vary by product (to ascertain the output bit pattern for your product, refer to page 6 of this document). The outputs are numbered 1 to n (n depends on the product) from left to right. If a specific output is required, the bit number can be placed after the TOUT command. For example, TOUT.5 would return bit 5, which corresponds to output 5.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TPANI command returns the value of the ANI analog inputs as modified by scaling (SCLD), offset (PSET), polarity (ANIPOL), and commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR). The TPANI and PANI commands are designed for applications in which the ANI input is scaled and/or used as position feedback. If you are using the ANI input to monitor an analog signal, the TANI and ANI commands would be more appropriate (TANI and ANI values are measured in volts and are unaffected by scaling, offset, polarity, or command direction). The TPANI value is represented in analog-to-digital converter (ADC) units if scaling is disabled (SCALE). The ADC has a 14-bit resolution, giving a range of +8191 to -8192 counts when using the full 10V range of the ANI input (819 counts/volt). If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), an SCLD scale factor of 819 (the default value) allows units of volts to be reported.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
This command allows you to display the current commanded position of each axis. The reported value is measured in encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps and is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD) if scaling is enabled with the SCALE1 command. The current commanded position is determined by the servo controller's move profile routine. The commanded position profile is the command to the servo system that the motor must follow. The actual position, displayed with the TFB command, is the position read by the feedback device. If you issue a PSET command, the commanded position value will be offset by the PSET command value. The commanded position (TPC) and the actual position (TFB) are used in the control algorithm to calculate the position error (TPC - TFB = TPER) and thereby determine the corrective control signal. Response for TPC: *TPCr,r where r is the position value (or scaled value) Response for 1TPC: *1TPCr where r is the position value
; ; ; ; ; ;
Display the current commanded position for each axis: *TPC4000,4000,4000,4000 (setpoints displayed in steps) Display the current actual position for each axis: *TFB4004,4005,4004,4003 (actual positions displayed in steps) Display current position error of each axis: *TPER-4,-5,-4,-3 (error displayed in steps)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Captured ANI (TPCA) command displays the current captured ANI value (counts). After displaying the captured ANI value, the respective position capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. The TPCA value is affected by: Scaling (SCLD) if scaling is enabled (SCALE1) Position offset (PSET) Feedback polarity (ANIPOL) Commanded direction polarity (CMDDIR) The ANI input value can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the programmable input bit number representing trigger inputs A, B, C or D, respectively (note that the input bit numbers vary by product refer to page 6 to verify). Once defined, an active signal on the specified
trigger input will capture the ANI values on all axes. The ANI information is stored in registers and is available at the next 1-ms update through the use of the PCA and TPCA commands.
POSITION CAPTURE ACCURACY If ANI feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured ANI value is interpolated from the last sampled ANI input value and rate of change of the ANI input value, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If ANI feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled ANI value is simply stored as the captured ANI value. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position reference) command, any previously captured ANI input values will be offset by the value specified in the PSET command. Response for TPCAA: *TPCAAr,r,r,r Response for 1TPCAA: *1TPCAAr where r is ANI counts (or SCLD scaled value) where r is ANI counts (or SCLD scaled value)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Captured Commanded Position (TPCC) command displays the current captured commanded position. After displaying the captured position, the respective position capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the commanded position is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is NOT enabled (SCALE), the value assigned will be actual commanded counts. The commanded position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the programmable input bit number representing trigger inputs A, B, C or D, respectively (note that the input bit numbers vary by product refer to page 6 to verify). Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will interpolate the current commanded position for all axes. The captured position is interpolated from the last sampled position (of the feedback device selected with the SFB command), the last sampled position error, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position reference) command, any previously captured commanded positions will be offset by the PSET command value. Response for TPCCA: *TPCCAr,r,r,r where r is commanded counts (or scaled value) where r is commanded counts (or scaled value) Response for 1TPCCA: *1TPCCAr
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Captured Encoder (TPCE) command displays the current captured encoder position, from the time of the last trigger interrupt. After displaying the captured encoder position, the respective position capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. The encoder position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the programmable input bit number representing trigger inputs A, B, C or D, respectively (note that the input bit numbers vary by product refer to page 6 to verify). Steppers: Once defined, an active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will latch the current encoder positions from all axes and store them in their respective captured encoder arrays. Although the latching may be delayed up to 50 s from the time the trigger becomes active, all encoder positions are captured within a few microseconds of each other. If the encoder step mode (ENC1) and scaling (SCALE) are enabled, the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If the encoder step mode or scaling are not enabled, the value returned is actual encoder counts. Servos: An active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will capture the current encoder positions from all axes. If encoder feedback is selected with the last SFB command, the captured position is interpolated from the last sampled encoder position and velocity, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If encoder feedback is not selected with the SFB command, the last sampled position is simply stored as the captured position, and the accuracy is one system update period (determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands). Regardless of the SFB selection, one encoder position is latched in hardware within 1 encoder count (at max. encoder frequency) when its dedicated trigger input is activated (see table below).
Encoder AT6250 AT6450 615n* 625n 6270 OEM625n ENCODER 1 TRG-A TRG-A TRG-A TRG-A TRG-A TRG-A ENCODER 2 TRG-B TRG-B TRG-B TRG-B n/a TRG-B ENCODER 3 TRG-C TRG-C n/a TRG-C n/a n/a ENCODER 4 n/a TRG-D n/a n/a n/a n/a *615n: TRG-A captures the internal resolver and TRG-B captures the external encoder.
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is actual encoder counts. AT6250 and 625n: ENCODER 3 is never scaled.
NOTE: If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured encoder positions will be offset by the PSET command value.
Response for TPCEA: *TPCEAr,r,r,r where r is the encoder count (or scaled value) where r is the encoder count (or scaled value) Response for 1TPCEA: *1TPCEAr
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Captured LDT (TPCL) command displays the current captured LDT position. After displaying the captured LDT position, the respective position capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the position reported is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the position reported will be actual LDT counts. The LDT position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A or B). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i can be 25 or 26, representing trigger inputs A or B, respectively. Once defined, an active signal on the specified trigger input will interpolate the current LDT position from both axes.
POSITION CAPTURE ACCURACY If LDT feedback is selected with the SFB command, the captured LDT value is interpolated from the last sampled LDT position and velocity, and the time elapsed since the last sample. The position sample rate is determined by the SSFR and INDAX commands (system update rate). The accuracy of the position capture is 50s x velocity. If LDT feedback is NOT selected with the SFB command, the last sampled LDT position is simply stored as the captured LDT position. The accuracy is one system update period (determined by SSFR and INDAX).
If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured LDT position values will be offset by the PSET command value. Response for TPCLA: *TPCLAr,r Response for 1TPCLA: *1TPCLAr where r is LDT counts (or scaled value) where r is LDT counts (or scaled value)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Captured Motor (TPCM) command returns the current captured motor position, from the time of the last trigger interrupt. After displaying the captured motor position, the respective position capture status bit (reported with the TSS or SS commands) is cleared, but the position information remains in the register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture from the trigger input. The motor position can be captured only by a trigger input signal (trigger A, B, C or D). The appropriate trigger inputs must be defined as trigger interrupt inputs with the INFNCi-H command, where i is the programmable input bit number representing trigger inputs A, B, C or D, respectively (note that the input bit numbers vary by product refer to page 6 to verify). Once defined, an active trigger input signal from any defined trigger will latch the current motor positions from all axes and store them in their respective captured motor arrays. Although the latching may be delayed slightly from the time the trigger becomes active (up to 50 s), all motor (and encoder) positions are captured within a few microseconds of each other. NOTE: If you issue a PSET (establish absolute position) command, any previously captured motor positions will be offset by the value specified in the PSET command. If scaling (SCALE) is enabled, the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). Response for TPCMA: *TPCMAr,r,r,r Response for 1TPCMA: *1TPCMAr where r is the motor count where r is the motor count
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Encoder (TPE) command returns the current encoder position. Steppers: The value reported is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if encoder step mode (ENC1) and scaling (SCALE) are enabled. If scaling or encoder step mode are not enabled, the value returned is encoder counts. If the encoder channel has been defined as a counter input (CNTE), then the TPE command will report a reading of zero for that specific encoder channel. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is disabled (SCALE), the reported value is the actual position read by the encoder, measured in encoder steps. AT6250 and 625n: ENCODER 3 is never scaled. 615n: The TPE response regards the internal resolver as axis 1 position, and the external encoder as axis 2 position.
If you issue a PSET command, the encoder position value will be offset by the PSET command value. Response for TPE: Response for 1TPE:
*TPEr,r,r,r *1TPEr
where r is the encoder counts (or the scaled value) where r is the encoder counts (or the scaled value)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position Error (TPER) command allows you to display the current position error of each axis. The error is displayed in feedback device counts and is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if scaling is enabled with the SCALE1 command. Steppers: This command returns the current position error, and can be used only when the encoder mode (ENC1) is enabled. Servos: The position error is the difference between the commanded position and the actual position read by the feedback device (TPER = TPC - TFB). This error is calculated every sample period and can be displayed at any time using this command.
*TPERr,r,r,r *1TPERr ; ; ; ; ; ;
where r is the error in feedback device counts (or scaled value) where r is the error in feedback device counts (or scaled value)
Display the current commanded position for each axis: *TPC4000,4000,4000,4000 (setpoints displayed in steps) Display the current actual position for each axis: *TFB4004,4005,4004,4003 (actual positions displayed in steps) Display current position error of each axis: *TPER-4,-5,-4,-3 (error displayed in steps)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Position of Motor (TPM) command returns the current absolute motor position for all axes. The value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD), if scaling (SCALE) is enabled. If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is motor steps. If in encoder mode (ENC1), then TPM will report back a position of zero for the axes that are in encoder mode (you do not lose the absolute reference). If you issue a PSET command, the motor position value will be offset by the PSET command value. Response for TPM: Response for 1TPM:
*TPMr,r,r,r *1TPMr
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TPMAS command transfers the current position of the master within its current master cycle. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful.
TPMAS is unique among position transfers, because master cycle position rolls over to zero each time the entire master cycle length (FMCLEN value) has been traveled.
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the master scaling factor (SCLMAS). If scaling is disabled (SCALE), the value returned is in motor steps is in counts. For a complete discussion of master cycles, please refer to the Following chapter in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer Program
Transfer <!>TPROG<t> t = text (name of program) Text name of 6 characters or less n/a n/a DEF, TDIR, TMEM Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Transfer Program (TPROG) command uploads the program specified. If there is no such program, then the error message *INVALID DATA will be generated. To see which programs have been created, use the TDIR command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TPSHF command transfers the net (absolute) slave axis position shift that has occurred since that last FOLEN1 command. The position returned will be the sum of all shifts performed on that axis, or axes, including decelerations due to limits, kill, or stop. The shift value is set to zero each time a new FOLEN1 command or a FOLMAS command (with a value other than zero) is issued. Steppers: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is in motor steps if in motor step mode (ENC) or in encoder steps if in encoder step mode (ENC1). Servos: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is commanded counts.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TPSLV command transfers the current commanded position of the slave axis. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. Steppers: If scaling in enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is in motor steps. Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the distance scaling factor (SCLD). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned is commanded counts.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Program Trace Mode Enable (TRACE) command enables program trace mode. When in program trace mode, all commands executed are placed in the bus-based products output data buffer, or transferred out the RS-232 port for stand-alone products, along with the program from which the command came.
DEF pick GO1100 IF(VAR1=5) GOTOpick1 ELSE GOTOpick2 NIF $pick1 GO0011 BREAK $pick2 GO1001 END TRACE1 VAR1=5 @LH0 EOT13,10,0 RUN pick
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Begin definition of program named pick Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2 If variable 1 = 5 then do commands between IF and NIF Goto label pick1 Else part of IF command Goto label pick2 End IF command Label declaration for pick1 Initiate motion on axes 3 and 4 Break out of current subroutine or program Label declaration for pick2 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 4 End program definition Enable trace mode. Set variable 1 to 5 Disable all limits Set End-of-Transmission characters to a carriage return and a line feed Initiate program pick
After executing RUN pick, the following information will be placed in the output buffer, due to the trace mode being enabled. (Assume variable 1 = 5)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Translation Mode Enable (TRANS) command enables the program translation mode, in which all commands processed by the 6000 Series product are echoed back in their binary format (hex representation of the binary equivalent), and are not executed. The first byte (first two characters) of the response represents the command's memory requirement. The remaining bytes represent the actual command.
TRANS1 A10,20,1,1
GO1100 GO0011
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable translation mode Translate acceleration command A10,20,1,1. Response displayed is: 13 01 00 00 01 86 A0 00 03 0D 40 00 00 27 10 00 00 27 10. Note that 13 hex represents a command memory requirement of 19 bytes. Translate initiate motion command GO1100. Response displayed is: 07 07 03 01 01 00 00. Note that 07 hex represents a command memory requirement of 7 bytes. Translate initiate motion command GO0011. Response displayed is: 07 07 03 00 00 01 01. Note that 07 hex represents a command memory requirement of 7 bytes.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Revision Level (TREV) command provides the current revision of the operating system software. It also reports any options, such as contouring, that have been installed. Options can be ordered through your local ATC or distributor.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Trigger Functions
Inputs; Following; Motion <!><@><a>TRGFNcbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb c = trigger input letter; b = enable bit (see function list below) c = A - D; b = 0 (disable), 1 (enable), or X (don't change) c = A; b = 0 TRGFN *TRGFNA00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 1TRGFN *1TRGFNA00000000 [ AS ], ERROR, ERRORP, FMCNEW, GOWHEN, INDEB, INFNC, [ SS ], TAS, TSS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Use the TRGFN command to assign certain command functions to the trigger inputs (TRG-A through TRG-D). Note that the number of trigger inputs available varies by product.
NOTE The trigger input used in this command must first be defined as a Trigger Interrupt input with the INFNCi-H command.
In the TRGFN command syntax, each field of 8 enable bits is for one axis. The c in the first data field is for specifying the trigger input (TRG-A through TRG-D). There are two possible functions, corresponding to the first 2 enable bits in the syntax (the other 6 enable bits per axis are reserved):
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
. . .
FMCNEW Function (s ee description below ) GOWHEN Function (s ee description below ) Trigger Letter ( A for T R G -A , B for T R G -B , etc.)
TRGFNc1xxxxxxx = GOWHEN function: Suspends execution of the next move until the specified trigger input (c) goes active. If you need execution to be triggered by other factors (e.g., master position, encoder position, etc.) use the GOWHEN command. Refer to the GOWHEN command description for additional details. AS and TAS bit #26 is set when there is a pending GOWHEN condition initiated by a TRGFNc1xxxxxxx command; this
bit is cleared when the trigger is activated or when a stop or kill command is issued.
TRGFNcx1xxxxxx = FMCNEW function: Allows a new master cycle to begin when the specified trigger input (c) goes active. Refer to the FMCNEW command description of additional details.
These trigger functions are cleared once the function is complete. To use the trigger to perform a GOWHEN function again, the TRGFN command must be given again.
TRGFN in Compiled Motion: When used in a compiled program, a TRGFNc1xxxxxxx (GOWHEN function)
command will pause the profile in progress (motion continues at constant velocity) until the trigger is activated to execute the next move profile. When used in a compiled profile, the TRGFN command consumes one segment of compiled memory. When used in a compiled Following profile, the TRGFN command is ignored on the reverse Following profile (i.e., when the master is moving in the opposite direction of that specified in the FOLMAS command).
Example: (refer also to the FOLEN examples)
TRGFNBx1xxxxxx 1 ; ; ; GO01 ; ;
When trigger B (TRG-B) goes active, axis 1 will begin a new master cycle and axis 2 will execute the move commanded with the GO command. The move on axis 2 is commanded, but will not execute until TRG-B becomes active.
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Number of Free Segment Buffers (TSEG) command returns the number of free segment buffers in compiled memory. System status bit (see TSSF, TSS, and SS) 29 to set when the compiled memory is 75% full, and bit 30 is set if the compiled memory is 100% full.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer <!>TSGSETi i = gain set identification number (see SGSET command) 1-5 n/a (see examples below) SFB, SGAF, SGAFN, SGENB, SGI, SGILIM, SGIN, SGP, SGPN, SGSET, SGV, SGVF, SGVFN, SGVN, SOFFS, SOFFSN, SSWG, TGAIN
This command allows you to display any of the 5 gain sets that you saved with the SGSET command. Up to 5 gain sets can be saved.
NOTE The tuning gains in a given gain set are specific to the feedback source that was in use (selected with the last SFB command) at the time the gains were established with the respective gain commands (SGI, SGP, etc.).
SGP5,5,10,10 SGI.1,.1,0,0 SGV50,60,0,0 SGVF5,6,10,11 SGAF0,0,0,0 SGSET3 SGP75,75,40,40 SGI5,5,5,7 SGV1,.45,2,2 SGVF0,8,0,9 SGAF18,20,22,24 SGSET1 SGENB1,3,3,1 TSGSET1
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Assign the SGP, SGI, Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Set the gain for the Assign the SGP, SGI, Enable gain set 1 on axis 2 & 3 Display gain set 1. *SGP75,75,40,40 *SGI5,5,5,7 *SGV1,.45,2,2 *SGVF0,8,0,9 *SGAF18,20,22,24 Display gain set 3. *SGP5,5,10,10 *SGI.1,.1,0,0 *SGV50,60,0,0 *SGVF5,6,10,11 *SGAF0,0,0,0
proportional gain integral gain velocity gain velocity feedforward gain acceleration feedforward gain SGV, SGVF, & SGAF gains to servo gain set 3 proportional gain integral gain velocity gain velocity feedforward gain acceleration feedforward gain SGV, SGVF, & SGAF gains to servo gain set 1 axis 1 & 4 and enables gain set 3 on Response should be:
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer System Status (TSS) command provides information on the 32 system status bits. Response for TSS (b can equal , 1, X, or x):
^ Bit #1 ^ Bit #32
FULL-TEXT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE The TSS status command reports a binary bit report. If you would like to see a more descriptive text-based report, use the TSSF command description.
Function (1 = yes, = no) System Ready Reserved Executing a Program Immediate Command (set if last command was immediate) In ASCII Mode In Echo Mode (stand-alone products) current PORT setting only Defining a Program In Trace Mode In Step Mode In Translation Mode (must use fast status area to seebus-based) Command Error Occurred (bit is cleared when TCMDER is issued) Break Point Active (BP) Pause Active Wait Active (WAIT) Monitoring On Condition (ONCOND) Waiting for Data (READ)
Function (1 = yes, = no) Loading Thumbwheel Data ([TW]) External Program Select Mode (INSELP) Dwell in Progress (T command) Waiting for RP240 Data[DREAD] or [DREADF] (stand-alone products) RP240 Connected (stand-alone products) current PORT setting only Non-volatile Memory Error (stand-alone products) Servo data gathering transmission in progress (servo products) Reserved Position captured with TRG-A Position captured with TRG-B Position captured with TRG-C Position captured with TRG-D Compiled memory is 75% full Compiled memory is 100% full Compile operation failed (PCOMP) ** Reserved
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
23 24 25 * 26 * 27 * 28 * 29 30 31 ** 32
* Bits 25 through 28 are cleared when the respective captured position is read with the [CA], [PCA], [PCC], [PCE], [PCL], [PCM], TCA, TPCA, TPCC, TPCE, TPCL, or TPCM commands, but the position information is still available from the respective register until it is overwritten by a subsequent position capture. ** Bit #31: failed PCOMP compile is cleared on power up, RESET, or after successful compile. Possible causes include: Errors in profile design (e.g., change direction while at non-zero velocity; distance & velocity equate to < 1 count per system update; preset move profile ends in non-zero velocity) Profile will cause a Following error (see TFSF, TFS, or FS command descriptions) Out of memory (see TSS bit #30) Axis already in motion at the time of the PCOMP command Loop programming errors (e.g., no matching PLOOP or PLN; more than 4 embedded PLOOP/END loops)
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TSSF command returns a text-based status report of all axes. This is an alternative to the binary report (TSS). Example response (for 610n):
*TSSF *System Ready *Reserved *Program Executing *Immediate Comm Last * *Ascii Mode *Echo Mode *Defining a Program *Trace Mode * *Step Mode *FS Translate Mode *Command Error *Break Point Active * *Pause Active *Wait Active *Checking On Conds *Waiting for Data YES NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO Thumbwhl Data Load Ext Prog Sel Mode Time Command Waiting RP240 Data RP240 Connected Memory Error Servo Data Transfer Reserved Pos Pos Pos Pos captured captured captured captured TRG-A TRG-B TRG-C TRG-D NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Comp Mem Near Full Compiled Mem Full Compile Failed Reserved
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer Statistics
Transfer <!>TSTAT n/a n/a n/a TSTAT: (See below) TANV, TAS, TCNT, TDIR, TEX, TFB, TIN, TINT, TLABEL, TLIM, TMEM, TOUT, TPC, TPCE, TPE, TPM, TPROG, TREV, TSS, TTIM, TUS, TVEL Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The following is an example (for the AT6400) of information provided by the Transfer Statistics (TSTAT) command (NOTE: The response for each 6000 Series product will vary slightly.):
*AT640 Revision 92-012163-01-1.0 *Auxiliary Board Type 1 Participating Axes 4 *Current Motor Position +0,+0,+0,+0 *Hard Limits Enabled 3,3,3,3 Soft Limits Enabled 0,0,0,0 *0 Programs Defined; Scale Enabled 0; Inputs Enable 0; Outputs Enable 0 *Drive Resolution 25000,25000,25000,25000 *Encoder Resolution 4000,4000,4000,4000 *Acceleration Scaler SCLA25000,25000,25000,25000 *Distance Scaler SCLD1,1,1,1 *Velocity Scaler SCLV25000,25000,25000,25000 *Acceleration A10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 *Deceleration AD10.0000,10.0000,10.0000,10.0000 *Distance D+25000,+25000,+25000,+25000 *Velocity V1.0000,1.0000,1.0000,1.0000 *Input Configuration AAAA_BBBB_CCCC_AAAA_BBBB_CCCC_AAAA *Input State 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111 *Output Configuration AAAA_BBBB_CCCC_AAAA_BBBB_CCCC *Output State 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000 *Interrupt Bits Enabled 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_000 *System Status 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000 *Axis#1 Status 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000 *Axis#2 Status 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000 *Axis#3 Status 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000 *Axis#4 Status 1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_0000
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
TSTLT allows you to display the actual time it took the last move to settle into the target zone (that is, within the distance zone defined by STRGTD and less than or equal to the velocity defined by STRGTV). The reported value represents milliseconds. This command is usable whether or not the Target Zone Settling Mode is enabled with the STRGTE command.
Stepper Products must use an encoder and be in the encoder step mode ( ENC1) to use this command. *** For a more information on target zone operation, refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Transfer Timer
Transfer <!>TTIM Reported value represents milliseconds Maximum count is 999,999,999 (approx. 11 days, 13 hours) n/a TTIM: *TTIM64000 T, [ TIM ], TIMINT, TIMST, TIMSTP Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Transfer Timer (TTIM) command returns the current value of the timer in milliseconds. The timer is started with the TIMST command, and stopped with the TIMSTP command.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer User Status (TUS) command returns the current bit pattern for the user status word. All 16 bits of the user status word are defined with the INDUST command. Each bit can correspond to an axis status bit, a system status bit, an input, or an interrupt bit.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Enable the use of INDUST command User status bit 1 defined as axis 1 status bit 5 User status bit 2 defined as axis 4 status bit 3 User status bit 3 defined as input 5 User status bit 4 defined as interrupt status bit 1 User status bit 16 defined as system status bit 2 Return the state of the user status word
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Steppers: The Transfer Current Velocity (TVEL) command returns the current motor velocity, regardless of the setting for the Encoder/Motor Step Mode (ENC) command. It does not return the programmed velocity (V). The value returned will be scaled by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV), if scaling is enabled (SCALE1). If scaling has not been enabled, the value returned will be in revolutions/sec (actual velocity in steps/sec divided by the drive resolution DRES value). The TVEL command does not reflect the actual velocity during feedrate override (FR). Servos: The value reported is the current commanded velocity as calculated by the DSP's move profile routine; it is not necessarily the velocity programmed with the V command. The value reported will be scaled by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV), if scaling is enabled (SCALE1). If scaling is not enabled, the value returned will be in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec.
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Transfer Current Actual Velocity (TVELA) command reports the current velocity as derived from the feedback device. The sign determines the direction of motion. You can use the TVELA command at all times; therefore, even if no motion is being commanded, TVELA will still report a non-zero value as it detects the servoing action. Units of Measure: Steppers: The velocity is always revs/sec (actual velocity in steps/sec multiplied by the ERES value). Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value will be scaled by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV). If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the value returned will be in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec.
; Reports the current actual velocity; since no motion is ; commanded, the servoing velocities are reported. ; Example response is: *TVELA+0.0097,-0.0027,+0.0103,-0.0044
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The TVMAS command transfers the current velocity of the master. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. The precision of the reported TVMAS value is dependent upon the FFILT filter value (details are provided in the Master Position Filtering section in the Following chapter of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide.
If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the value returned is scaled by the master scaling factor (SCLMAS). If scaling is disabled (SCALE0), the value returned is in counts/sec.
[ TW ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Thumbwheel Assignment
Assignment or Comparison TWi (See below for examples) i = sets used by INPLC, INSTW, OUTPLC and OUTTW 1-8 n/a n/a INPLC, INSTW, OUTPLC, OUTTW, [ SS ], TSS Product AT6n00 OEM-AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Thumbwheel Assignment (TW) command, executed from within another command, reads data from a parallel device and loads it into the command field the TW command is occupying. Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the TW substitution (e.g., V2,(TW)). The value of the TW command designates which input and output set to use. TW values 1-4 correspond to INSTW and OUTTW sets 1 - 4, respectively. TW values 5-8 correspond to INPLC and OUTPLC sets 1 - 4, respectively. The TW command can be used as a variable assignment (VAR1=TW2) or in another command (e.g., A10,(TW2),10,1). However, the TW command cannot be used in an expression such as VAR4=1 + TW2 or IF(TW2<8).
TW1 through TW4 are designed to interface with Compumotor's TM8 Thumbwheel Module. The outputs, specified by OUTTW, strobe data in a binary pattern and data is read one digit per access. TW5 through TW8 are designed to interface with PLCs or passive thumbwheel devices. The outputs, specified by OUTPLC,
strobe data one at a time and data is read two digits per access. For more information on interfacing thumbwheels, refer to your product's Installation Guide.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Set INSTW set 2 as BCD digits on inputs 1 - 4, with input 5 as the sign bit Set OUTTW set 2 as output strobes on outputs 1 - 3, with output 4 as the output enable bit, and strobe time of 50 milliseconds Read data into axis 1 acceleration using INSTW set 2 and OUTTW set 2 as the data configuration
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Program Flow Control <!>UNTIL(expression) n/a Up to 80 characters (including parentheses) n/a n/a JUMP, REPEAT
The Until Part of Repeat Statement (UNTIL()) command, in conjunction with the REPEAT command, provide a means of conditional program flow. The REPEAT command marks the beginning of the conditional statement. The commands between the REPEAT and the UNTIL command are executed at least once. Upon reaching the UNTIL command, the expression contained within the UNTIL command is evaluated. If the expression is false, the program flow is redirected to the first command after the REPEAT command. If the expression is true, the first command after the UNTIL command is executed. Up to 16 levels of REPEAT ... UNTIL() commands may be nested.
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between REPEAT and UNTIL. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next REPEAT statement encountered to be nested within the previous REPEAT statement, unless an UNTIL command has already been encountered. The JUMP command should be used in this case.
All logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and all relational operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>) can be used within the UNTIL expression. There is no limit on the number of logical operators, or on the number of relational operators allowed within a single UNTIL expression. The limiting factor for the UNTIL expression is the command length. The total character count for the UNTIL command and expression cannot exceed 80 characters. For example, if you add all the letters in the UNTIL command and the letters within the () expression, including the parentheses and excluding the spaces, this count must be less than or equal to 80. All assignment operators (A, AD, ANI, ANV, AS, CNT, D, DAC, DPTR, ER, IN, INO, LIM, MOV, OUT, PC, PCA, PCC, PCE, PCL, PCM, PE, PER, PM, SS, TIM, US, V, VEL, etc.) can be used within the UNTIL expression.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Beginning of REPEAT ... UNTIL( ) loop Initiate motion on axes 1, 2, and 3 Specify IF condition to be input 1 = 1, input 3 = If condition comes true increment variable 1 by 1 Else part of IF condition If condition does not come true transfer position of all encoders End IF statement Repeat loop until variable 1 = 12
[ US ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
User Status
Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a INDUSE, INDUST, TUS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The User Status (US) command is used to assign the user status bits to a binary variable, or to make a comparison against a binary or hexadecimal value. To make a comparison against a binary value, the letter b (b or B) must be placed in front of the value. The binary value itself must only contain ones, zeros, or Xs (1, , X, x). To make a comparison against a hexadecimal value, the letter h (h or H) must be placed in front of the value. The hexadecimal value itself must only contain the letters A through F, or the numbers through 9.
Syntax: VARBn=US where n is the binary variable number, or [US] can be used in an expression such as IF(US=b111), or IF(US=h7) All 16 bits of the user status word are defined with the INDUST command. Each bit can correspond to an axis status bit, a system status bit, an input, or an interrupt bit. If it is desired to assign only one bit of the user status value to a binary variable, instead of all 16, the bit select (.) operator can be used. For example, VARB1=US.12 assigns user status bit 12 to binary variable 1.
User status assigned to binary variable 1 User status bit 12 assigned to binary variable 2 Response, if bit 12 is set to 1, will be: *VARB2=XXXX_XXXX_XXX1_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX If the user status contains 1's in bit locations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9, and a 0 in bit location 4, do the IF statement Transfer revision level Else If the user status contains 1's in bit locations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and 0's in every other bit location, do the IF statement Transfer statistics End of second if statement End of first IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Motion <!><@><a>V<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> r = units/sec Steppers: 0.00000-1600000 (max. depends on SCLV and PULSE ) Servos: 0.00000-1600000 (max. depends on SCLV) 1.0000 V: *V1.0000,1.0000,1.0000,1.0000 1V: *1V1.0000 GO, MC, PULSE, SCALE, SCLV, SSV, TSTAT, TVEL, TVELA, [ V ], [ VEL ], [ VELA ], VF Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 3.1 4.0 3.0 1.0 3.1 3.0
The Velocity (V) command defines the speed at which the motor will run when given a GO command. The motor will accelerate at a predefined acceleration (A) rate, before reaching the velocity (V) specified. The maximum velocity attainable is 1,600,000 units/sec. The velocity remains set until you change it with a subsequent velocity command. Velocities outside the valid range are flagged as an error, with a message *INVALID DATA-FIELD x, where x is the field number. When an invalid velocity is entered the previous velocity value is retained. Steppers: The entered value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder/resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder/resolver resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
Command Descriptions
ON-THE-FLY CHANGES: While running in the continuous mode (MC1), you can change velocity on the fly (while motion is in progress) in two ways. One way is to send an immediate velocity command (!V) followed by an immediate go command (!GO). The other, and more common, way is to enable the continuous command execution mode (COMEXC1) and execute a buffered velocity command (V) followed by a buffered go command (GO).
MA0000 MC0000 SCALE1 SCLA25000,25000,1,1 SCLV25000,25000,1,1 SCLD1,1,1,1 A10,12,1,2 V1,1,1,2 D100000,1000,10,100 GO1100
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Incremental index mode for axes 1-4 Preset index mode for axes 1-4 Enable scaling Set the acceleration scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit/unit Set the velocity scaling factor for axes 1 and 2 to 25000 steps/unit, axes 3 and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the distance scaling factor for axes 1, 2, 3, and 4 to 1 step/unit Set the acceleration to 10, 12, 1, and 2 units/sec/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the velocity to 1, 1, 1, and 2 units/sec for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Set the distance to 100000, 1000, 10, and 100 units for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Initiate motion on axes 1 and 2, 3 and 4 do not move
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The velocity assignment (V) command is used to compare the programmed velocity value to another value or variable, or to assign the current programmed velocity to a variable. Syntax: VARn=aV where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [V] can be used in an expression such as IF(1V<25) When assigning the velocity value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the assignment (V) command or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1V). When making a comparison to the programmed velocity, an axis specifier must also be used (e.g., IF(1V<2)). The (V) value used in any comparison, or in any assignment statement is the programmed (V) value. If the actual velocity information is required, refer to the VEL command. Steppers: The value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value represents motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value is entered in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder/resolver and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder/resolver resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the entered velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to encoder, resolver, LDT, or ANI steps/sec.
; ; ; ; ;
If the programmed velocity on axis 2 is less than 25 units/sec, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Variable 1 = programmed velocity of axis 2 times 2 Set the velocity on axis 2 to the value of variable 1 End the IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Numeric variables can be used to store any real number value, with a range from -999,999,999.99999999 to +999,999,999.99999999. The information is assigned to the variable with the equal sign (e.g., VAR1=32.3). Stand-alone 6000 products: All variables (numeric [VAR], binary [VARB], and string [VARS]) are automatically stored in battery-backed RAM. Variables are also used in conjunction with mathematical (=, +, -, *, /, SQRT), trigonometric (ATAN, COS, PI, SIN, TAN), and bitwise operators(&, |, ^, ~). For example, VAR1=(3+4-7*4/4+3-2/1.5)*3. Each variable expression must be less than 80 characters in length, including the VAR1= part of the expression. Numeric data can also be read into a variable, through the use of the READ , DAT, or TW commands (e.g., VAR1=READ1). All variables can be used within commands that require a real or integer value. For example, the A command requires real values for acceleration, therefore the command A(VAR1),1,12,(VAR2) is legal. Indirect variable assignments are also legal; (e.g., VAR(VAR1)=5 or VAR(VAR2)=VAR(VAR4)). Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a real number (denoted by <r>) or and integer value (denoted by <i>), you can use the VAR substitution.
VAR1=2*PI D(VAR2),,(VAR3)
; Set Variable 1 to 2p ; Set the distance value on axis 1 equal to variable 2, ; and the distance on axis 3 equal to variable 3
Indirect Variables: Numeric variables can be used indirectly. Only one level of indirection is possible (e.g., VAR(VAR(VARn)) is not a legal command). The example below shows how indirect variables are used to clear 50 variables (from 1 to 50).
; ; ; ; ; ;
Set Variable 51 to 1 Begin repeat/until loop Clear variables (e.g., if VAR51 = 8, then VAR(VAR51)=0 is equivalent to VAR8=0) Increment counter End repeat/until loop
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Binary variables can be used to store any 32-bit or less binary value. The 32-bit binary value must be in the form of 32 ones, zeros, or Xs. The information is assigned to the binary variable with the equal sign. Stand-alone 6000 products: All variables (numeric [VAR], binary [VARB], and string [VARS]) are automatically stored in battery-backed RAM.
Notice that the letter b is required. The b signifies binary, 1's, 's, and X's only.
Notice that the letter h is required. The h signifies hexadecimal, -9, A-F only. Binary variables are also used in conjunction with bitwise operators (&, |, ^, and ~). VARB1=VARB2 | VARB3 & b1111111 Example: The expression must be less than 80 characters in length, including the (VARB1=b or VARB1=h) part of the expression. All binary variables can be used to set bits for commands that require at least 4 bits of binary information. For example, the OUT command requires 24 bits of binary information, therefore the command OUT(VARB1) is legal. Rule of Thumb for command value substitutions: If the command syntax shows that the command field requires a binary value (denoted by <b>), you can use the VARB substitution.
; ; ; ;
Binary variable 1 is set to binary 1110 bitwise "AND"ed with hexadecimal A Binary variable 1 is set to input bit 7 Assign the value of binary variable 1 to the outputs
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Variable Clear
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 3.4 3.4 4.0 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
VARCLR resets all numeric variables (VAR), binary variables (VARB), and string variables (VARS) to their
factory default values: Numeric variables are set to 0.0 Binary variables are set to bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx String variables are set to ""
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
String variables can be assigned a character string up to 20 characters long. The characters within the string can be any character except the quote ("), the semicolon (;), and the colon (:). The backslash character (\) immediately followed by a number is okay. Stand-alone 6000 products: All variables (numeric [VAR], binary [VARB], and string [VARS]) are automatically stored in battery-backed RAM. To place specific control characters that are not directly available on the keyboard within a character string, use the backslash character (\), followed by the control character's ASCII decimal equivalent. Multiple control characters can be sent. For example, to set the string for variable #1 equal to HI MOM<cr>, use the command VARS1="HI MOM\13" where \13 corresponds to the carriage return character. Common characters and their ASCII equivalent value:
Character Description ASCII Decimal Value
10 13 34 58 59 92 Assign a message to string variable #1 Transmit string variable 1, and wait for numeric data entered in the format of !'<data>. Once numeric data is received, place it in numeric variable 2. Example of data entry is to type "!'10.0", which will assign numeric variable 2 the value 10.00
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Using the Variable Type Conversion (VCVT) operator, you can convert numeric values to binary values, and vice versa. The operation is a signed operation as the binary value is interpreted as a two's complement number, with the least significant bit (LSB) on the left and the most significant bit (MSB) on the right. A don't care (X) in a binary value will be interpreted as a zero (). If the mathematical statement's result is a numeric value, then VCVT converts binary values to numeric values. If the statement's result is a binary value, then VCVT converts numeric values to binary values.
Command Descriptions
Numeric-to-Binary Conversion: VAR1=-5 ; Set numeric variable value = -5 VARB1=VCVT(VAR1) ; Convert the numeric value to a binary value and ; store in VARB1 VARB1 ; Display value of VARB1. The response should be: ; *VARB1=1101_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111
VAR1=25 ; Set numeric variable value = 25 VARB1=VCVT(VAR1) ; Convert the numeric value to a binary value and ; store in VARB1 VARB1 ; Display value of VARB1. The response should be: ; *VARB1=1001_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
Binary-to-Numeric Conversion: VARB1=b0010_0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 ; Set binary variable = +100.0 VAR1=VCVT(VARB1) ; Convert the binary value to a numeric value VAR1 ; *VAR1=+100.0
[ VEL ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The VEL operator is used to compare the current commanded velocity to another value or variable, or to assign the current commanded velocity to a variable. The velocity value used in any comparison, or in any assignment statement is the current commanded velocity value, not the programmed velocity (V) or the actual velocity as measured from the feedback device (VELA). . Syntax:
VARn=aVEL where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [VEL] can be used in an expression such as IF(2VEL>4). When assigning the current velocity value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the assignment (VEL) command (e.g., VAR1=1VEL). When
making a comparison to the current velocity, an axis specifier must also be used, or else it will default to axis 1 (e.g., IF(1VEL<2)). Steppers: The value is always in reference to motor steps, not encoder steps, regardless of the ENC command setting. If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value represents motor revs/sec; this value is internally multiplied by the drive resolution (DRES) value to obtain a velocity value in motor steps/sec for the motor trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV) to convert user units/sec to motor steps/sec. Servos: The velocity value is the current command velocity as calculated by the DSPs move profile routine; it is not the programmed velocity (V). If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the velocity value represents encoder revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec; encoder and LDT values are internally multiplied by the encoder resolution (ERES) value or the LDT resolution (LDTRES) value to obtain a velocity value in steps/sec for the motion trajectory calculations. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value is internally multiplied by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV).
; ; ; ;
If the current velocity on axis 2 is less than 25 units/sec, then do the statements between the IF and NIF Variable 1 = programmed velocity of axis 2 times 2 End the IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The VELA operator is used to compare the current actual velocity (as derived from the feedback device) to another value or variable, or to assign the current velocity to a variable. If the programmed velocity information is required, refer to the [V] operator; if the current commanded velocity information is required, refer to the [VEL] operator. The sign determines the direction of motion. You can use the VELA operator at all times; therefore, even if no motion is being commanded, TVELA will still report a non-zero value as it detects the servoing action. Syntax:
VARn=aVELA where n is the variable number, and a is the axis number, or [VELA] can be used in an expression such as IF(2VELA>4). When assigning the current velocity value to a variable, an axis specifier must always precede the assignment (VELA) command (e.g., VAR1=1VELA). When making a comparison to the current velocity, an axis specifier must also be used, or else it will default to axis 1 (e.g., IF(1VELA<2)).
Units of Measure: Steppers: The velocity is always revs/sec (actual velocity in steps/sec multiplied by the ERES value). The VELA command does not reflect the actual velocity during feedrate override (FR). Servos: If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value will be scaled by the velocity scaling factor (SCLV). If scaling is not enabled (SCALE), the value returned will be in encoder or resolver revs/sec, LDT inches/sec, or ANI volts/sec.
; ; ; ;
If the current velocity on axis 2 is less than 25 units/sec, then do the statements between IF and NIF Variable 1 = programmed velocity of axis 2 times 2 End the IF statement
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Final Velocity
Compiled Motion <!><@>VF<r>,<r>,<r>,<r> n/a 0 (non-zero values result in error message) 0 n/a FOLRN, FOLRD, FOLMAS, FOLMD, GOBUF, SCLD, FOLEN, V Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 n/a
The Final Velocity (VF) command designates that the motor will move the load the programmed distance in a preset GOBUF segment, completing the move at a final speed of zero. VF applies only to the next (subsequent) GOBUF, which marks an intermediate end of move within a profile. VF is used only in conjunction with the GOBUF command. Normal preset GO moves always finish with zero velocity. The VF command remains in effect for the affected axis until a GOBUF is executed on that axis, or until you issue a RESET command.
VF will override the Start/Stop Velocity (SSV) for a segment which has VF defined.
Any non-zero value that is entered for VF will result in an immediate error message.
Command Descriptions
[ VMAS ]
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Following and Assignment or Comparison See below n/a n/a n/a n/a ENC, FFILT, FMCNEW, FMCP, FOLMAS, FOLMD, SCALE, SCLMAS, TVMAS
The Master Velocity (VMAS) command is used to assign the master velocity value to a variable, or to make a comparison against another value. The master must be assigned first (FOLMAS command) before this command will be useful. Syntax:
VARn=aVMAS where n is the variable number and a is the axis number, or VMAS can be used in an expression such as IF(2VMAS>1). The VMAS command must be used with an axis specifier, or it will default to axis 1 (e.g., VAR1=1VMAS, IF(2VMAS>5), etc.).
The precision of the VMAS value is dependent upon the FFILT filter value. If scaling is enabled (SCALE1), the velocity value is scaled by the master scaling factor (SCLMAS). If scaling is disabled (SCALE), the velocity value is in counts/sec.
; ; ; ; ;
If the master of axis 2 is traveling at more than 4.3 user units/sec then do the IF statement Set output #12 to 1 End of IF statement Set VAR14 to axis 3's master velocity
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Wait for a Specific Condition (WAIT) command is used to wait for a specific expression to evaluate true. No commands, except for immediate commands, after the WAIT command will be processed until the expression contained within the parentheses of the WAIT command evaluates true. The COMEXC command has no effect on the WAIT command. All logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and all relational operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>) can be used within the WAIT() expression. There is no limit on the number of logical operators, or on the number of relational operators allowed within a single WAIT() expression. The limiting factor for the WAIT() expression is the command length. The total character count for the WAIT() command and expression cannot exceed 80 characters. For example, if you add all the letters in the WAIT command and the letters within the () expression, including the parenthesis and excluding the spaces, this count must be less than or equal to 80. All assignment operators (A, AD, ANV, AS, CNT, D, ER, IN, INO, LIM, MOV, OUT, PC, PCE, PCM, PE, PER, PM, SS, TIM, US, V, VEL, etc.) can be used within the WAIT() expression.
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Mode continuous Enable continuous command mode Initiate motion on axis 1 Wait for input 1 to be active Stop motion on axis 1 Wait for motion complete on axis 1 Disable continuous command execution mode
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
WHILE Statement
Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Program Flow Control or Conditional Branching <!>WHILE(expression) n/a Up to 80 characters (including parentheses) n/a n/a IF, JUMP, NWHILE, REPEAT, UNTIL
The While Statement (WHILE) command, in conjunction with the NWHILE command, provide a means of conditional program flow. The WHILE command marks the beginning of the conditional statement, the NWHILE command marks the end. If the expression contained within the parenthesis of the WHILE command evaluates true, then the commands between the WHILE and NWHILE are executed, and continue to execute as long as the expression evaluates true. If the expression evaluates false, then program execution jumps to the first command after the NWHILE. Up to 16 levels of WHILE ... NWHILE commands may be nested. Programming order: WHILE(expression) ...commands... NWHILE
NOTE: Be careful about performing a GOTO between WHILE and NWHILE. Branching to a different location within the same program will cause the next WHILE statement encountered to be nested within the previous WHILE statement, unless a NWHILE command has already been encountered. The JUMP command should be used in this situation.
All logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and all relational operators (=, >, >=, <, <=, <>) can be used within the WHILE() expression. There is no limit on the number of logical operators, or on the number of relational operators allowed within a single WHILE() expression. The limiting factor for the WHILE() expression is the command length. The total character count for the WHILE() command and expression cannot exceed 80 characters. For example, if you add all the letters in the WHILE command and the letters within the () expression, including the parenthesis and excluding the spaces, this count must be less than or equal to 80. All assignment operators (A, AD, ANV, AS, CNT, D, ER, IN, INO, LIM, MOV, OUT, PC, PCE, PCM, PE, PER, PM, SS, TIM, US, V, VEL, etc.) can be used within the WHILE() expression.
While input 1 = 1, input WHILE and NWHILE Wait 5 seconds Transfer position of all End WHILE statement While analog channel 1's execute commands between Transfer position of all End WHILE statement
3 = , execute commands between encoders voltage is less than 2.3 volts, WHILE and NWHILE motors
Command Descriptions
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Write a Message
Communication Interface <!>WRITE"<message>" n/a Up to 69 characters (may not use ", ; or :) n/a WRITE"message": message [ \ ], EOT, PORT, [ READ ], VARS, WRVAR, WRVARB, WRVARS Product AT6n00 AT6n50 610n 615n 620n 625n 6270 Rev 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
The Write a Message (WRITE) command provides an efficient way of transmitting message strings to the PC-AT bus, or out the RS-232C port. These messages can then be used by the operating program. The EOT command characters will be transmitted after the message. Each message can be assigned a character string up to 69 characters long. The characters within the string can be any character except the quote ("), the colon (:), and the asterisk (*). To place specific control characters that are not directly available on the keyboard within the character string, use the backslash character (\), followed by the control character's ASCII decimal equivalent. Multiple control characters can be sent. For example, to set the message equal to HI MOM<cr>, use the command WRITE"HI MOM\13" where \13 corresponds to the carriage return character. Common characters and their ASCII equivalent values are listed below:
Character <lf> <cr> " : ; \ Example: Description Line Feed Carriage Return Quote Colon Semi-colon Backslash ASCII Decimal Value 10 13 34 58 59 92
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
The Write a Numeric Variable (WRVAR) command transfers one of the numeric variables (VAR) to the PCAT bus, or out the RS-232C port, depending on the 6000 Series product. Only the value and the EOT command characters are transmitted.
; Set variable 1 equal to 100 ; Transmit variable 1 (the value +100.0 is transmitted)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Communication Interface <!>WRVARB<i> i = variable number i = 1-100 (AT6n00); 1-25 (AT6n50, 610n, 615n, 620n, 625n, & 6270) n/a WRVARB1: XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX EOT, [ READ ], VARB, WRITE, WRVAR, WRVARS
The Write a Binary Variable (WRVARB) command transfers one of the binary variables (VARB) to the PCAT, or out the RS-232C port, depending on the 6000 Series product. Only the binary value and the EOT command characters are transmitted.
; Set binary variable 1 to 1101 ; Transmit binary variable 1 ; (value transmitted =1101_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Communication Interface <!>WRVARS<i> i = variable number i = 1-100 (AT6n00); 1-25 (AT6n50, 610n, 615n, 620n, 625n, & 6270) n/a WRVARS1: No response until a string is placed in VARS1 EOT, [ READ ], VARS, WRITE, WRVAR, WRVARB
The Write a String Variable (WRVARS) command transfers one of the variable strings (VARS) to the PC-AT, or out the RS-232C port, depending on the 6000 Series product. Only the string and the EOT command characters are transmitted.
; Set string variable 1 = "John L" ; Transmit string variable 1 (string "John L" is transmitted)
Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See Also
Communication Interface <!>XONOFF<b> n/a 0 (disable), 1 (enable) 1 for COM1, 0 for COM2 (PORT command setting determines which COM ports XONOFF setting is checked) XONOFF *XONOFF1 ], [, BOT, DRPCHK, E, EOT, ERRBAD, ERROK, PORT
The PORT command determines which COM port is affected by the XONOFF command. Each port will track its XON/XOFF values RS-485 Multi-drop: If you are using RS-485 multi-drop, disable XON/XOFF by executing the PORT2 command followed by the XONOFF command. NOTE: If COM1 and COM2 are not clearly labeled on your product, COM1 is the RS-232 connector (or Rx, Tx, GND terminals on the AUX connector); COM2 is the RP240 connector.
Command Descriptions
Command [!] [@] ; $ [#] ' [.] ["] [\] [=] [>] [ >= ] [<] [ <= ] [ <> ] [()] [+] [-] [*] [/] [&] [|] [^] [ ~( ) ] [ << ] [ >> ] [ ] A [A] AA AD [ AD ] ADA ADDR [ AND ] [ ANI ] ANIPOL [ ANV ] ANVO ANVOEN [ AS ] [ ASX ] [ ATAN() ] BOT BP BREAK C [ CA ] CMDDIR [ CNT ] CNTE CNTINT
Description Immediate Command Identifier Global Command Identifier Begin Comment Label Declaration Step Through a Program Enter Interactive Data Bit Select Begin and End String ASCII Character Designator Assignment or Equivalence Greater Than Greater Than or Equal Less Than Less Than or Equal Not Equal Operation Priority Level Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Boolean And Boolean Inclusive Or Boolean Exclusive Or Boolean Not Shift from Right to Left (bit 32 to bit 1) Shift from Left to Right (bit 1 to bit 32) Send Response to Both COM Ports Send Response to Alternate COM Port Acceleration Acceleration [operator] Acceleration, S-curve Deceleration Deceleration [operator] Deceleration, S-curve Auto-Address Multiple Serial Units And [operator] ANI Analog Input Voltage [operator] ANI Analog Input Polarity Analog Input Channel Voltage [operator] Analog Input Channel Voltage Override Analog Input Channel Override Enable Axis Status [operator] Axis Status, Extended [operator] Arc Tangent [operator] Beginning of Transmission Characters Set a Program Break Point Terminate Program Execution Continue Command Execution Captured ANI Input Voltage [operator] Commanded Direction Voltage Counter Value [operator] Hardware Up/Down Counter Input Counter Value to Interrupt PC-AT
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Reset Hardware Up/Down Counter Continuous Command Processing Mode Continue Execution on Kill Continue Execution on End-of-Travel Limit Continue Execution on In Position Input Continue Motion on Pause/Continue Input Continue Execution on Stop Cosine [operator] Distance Distance [operator] Value of DAC Output Voltage [operator] DAC Output Voltage Limit Minimum DAC Output Voltage Active Damping Anti-Resonance Data Assignment [operator] Data Statement Data Program Set Data Pointer Reset Data Pointer Data Program Size Data Teach Automatic Current Standby Mode Clear RP240 Display Begin Definition of Program Delete Program Electronic Viscosity Enable RP240 Jog Mode Turn RP240 LEDs ON/OFF Motor Inductance Motor Static Torque Change RP240 Password Position RP240 Display Cursor Data Pointer Location [operator] Read RP240 Numeric Data [operator] Read RP240 Function Key [operator] RP240 Data Read, Immediate Mode Drive Resolution Drive Reset Drive Fault Input, Active Level Drive Enable/Disable RP240 COM Port Check Display Numeric Variable on RP240 Waveform Write Text to RP240 Enable Serial Communication Enable Communication Echo Else Condition of IF Statement Encoder Move Deadband Encoder/Motor Step Mode Encoder Polarity End Definition of Program End-of-Line Termination Characters End-of-Transmission Characters Position Maintenance Mode Position Maintenance Deadband Position Maintenance Gain Factor Position Maintenance Maximum Velocity Error Status [operator]
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Erase All Programs Encoder Resolution Error Prompt Characters Program Definition Prompt Characters Error Detection Level Good Prompt Characters Enable Error Checking Assign an Error Program Stall Backlash Deadband Kill on Stall Enable Stall Detection Fast Status Customization Value of Feedback Device [operator] Following Filter Slave Maximum Acceleration Slave Maximum Velocity Master Cycle Length Restart Master Cycle Counting Initial Master Cycle Position Enable Following Mode Following Kill, Limitations Assignment of Master to Slave Master Distance Denominator of Slave-to-Master Ratio Numerator of Slave-to-Master Ratio Numerator of Final Slave-to-Master Ratio Following Step and Direction Enable Master Position Prediction Enable Feedrate Override Feedrate Override Acceleration Feedrate Override High Channel Feedrate Override Low Channel Feedrate Override Percentage Following Status [operator] Continuous Shift Preset Shift Initiate Motion Store a Compiled Motion Segment Initiate Linear Interpolated Motion Call a Subroutine Goto a Program or Label Conditional Go Terminate Program Execution Technical Support Phone Numbers Initiate Homing Operation Homing Acceleration Homing Acceleration, S-curve Homing Deceleration Homing Deceleration, S-curve Backup to Home Homing Final Direction Home Reference Edge Home Input, Active Level Homing Velocity Homing Velocity, Final Approach Home to Encoder Z Channel IF Statement Programmable Input Status [operator] Participating Axes
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Programmable Input Debounce Enable User Status User Status Definition Enable Specific Programmable Inputs Enable Programmable Input Functions Programmable Input Function Assignment Programmable Input Active Level Other Inputs Status [operator] Establish PLC Data Inputs Enable Program Selection via Inputs Establish Thumbwheel Data Inputs Clear Interrupt Condition Status Enable Hardware Interrupt Force Software Interrupt Enable Jog Mode Jog Acceleration Jog Acceleration, S-curve Jog Deceleration Jog Deceleration, S-curve Jog Velocity, High Jog Velocity, Low Enable Joystick Mode Joystick Acceleration Joystick Acceleration, S-curve Joystick Deceleration Joystick Deceleration, S-curve Joystick Analog Channel, High Joystick Analog Channel, Low Joystick Center Deadband Joystick Center Joystick End Deadband Joystick Velocity, High Joystick Velocity, Low Joystick Zero (Center) Jump to Program or Label (No Return) Kill Motion Kill Motion Disable Drive on Kill Loop Position of LDT [operator] LDT Gradient LDT Polarity LDT Resolution LDT Update Rate Enable Hardware End-of-Travel Limits Hardware EOT Limits Deceleration Hardware EOT Limits Decel, S-curve Hardware EOT Limit Inputs, Active Level Hardware EOT Limit Inputs, Status End of Loop Enable Software End-of-Travel Limits Software EOT Limits, Deceleration Software EOT Limits Decel, S-curve Negative-Direction Software EOT Limit Positive-Direction Software EOT Limit Terminate Loop Enable Absolute/Incremental Positioning Enable Continuous/Preset Positioning Partition Product Memory
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Axis Moving Status [operator] End IF Statement Master Cycle Number Status [operator] Not [operator] End of WHILE Statement Enable Program Interrupt (On) Conditions On an Input Condition GOSUB On Condition Program Assignment On a User Status Condition GOSUB On Numeric Variable 1 Condition GOSUB On Numeric Variable 2 Condition GOSUB Or [operator] Activate Programmable Outputs Programmable Outputs Status [operator] Activate Programmable Outputs, Range ANA Analog Output Voltage Disable Programmable Outputs Enable Programmable Output Functions Programmable Output Function Assignment Programmable Output Active Level Output on Position Axis 1 Output on Position Axis 2 Output on Position Axis 3 Output on Position Axis 4 Establish PLC Strobe Outputs Establish Thumbwheel Strobe Outputs Path Acceleration Path Acceleration, S-curve Path Absolute Path Deceleration Path Deceleration, S-curve Position of ANI Inputs Radius-Specified CCW Arc Segment Origin-Specified CCW Arc Segment Origin-Specified CW Arc Segment Radius-Specified CW Arc Segment Participating Axes for Contouring Position Commanded [operator] Position of Captured ANI Input [operator] Captured Commanded Position [operator] Position of Captured Encoder [operator] Position of Captured LDT [operator] Position of Captured Motor [operator] Compile a Profile Position of Encoder [operator] Position Error [operator] Pi () [operator] Select Path Local/Work Coordinate System Define Path Local Coordinates Move in a Line (Line Segment) End of Loop, Compiled Motion Start of Loop, Compiled Motion Position of Motor (Commanded) [operator] Position of Master (current cycle) [operator] Designate Destination COM Port Compiled Output (Contouring) Compiled Output (Compiled Motion), Axis 1 Compiled Output (Compiled Motion), Axis 2 Compiled Output (Compiled Motion), Axis 3
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Compiled Output (Compiled Motion), Axis 4 Path Proportional Axis Path Radius Tolerance Run a Compiled Profile Pause Program Execution Path Acceleration Scale Factor Path Distance Scale Factor Path Velocity Scale Factor Establish Absolute Position Reference Net Position Shift Status [operator] Commanded Slave Position [operator] Path Tangent Axis Resolution Un-Compile a Compiled Profile Step Output Pulse Width Path Velocity Path Work Coordinates Specify Units in Radians or Degrees Enable Registration Read a Value Registration Distance Registration Lockout Distance Registration Single-Shot REPEAT Statement Reset the 6000 Controller Begin Executing a Program Stop Motion Enable Scaling Factors Acceleration Scale Factor Distance Scale Factor Master Axis Scale Factor Velocity Scale Factor Streaming Data Dither Amplitude Dither Frequency Ratio Number of Free Segment Buffers [operator] Select Servo Feedback Source Gain Acceleration Feedforward Gain Acceleration Feedforward, Negative Enable a Servo Gain Set Gain Integral Feedback Gain Integral Windup Limit Gain Integral Feedback, Negative Gain Proportional Feedback Gain Proportional Feedback, Negative Save a Servo Gain Set Gain Velocity Feedback Gain Velocity Feedforward Gain Velocity Feedforward, Negative Gain Velocity Feedback, Negative Sine [operator] Maximum Allowable Position Error Servo Control Signal Offset Servo Control Signal Offset, Negative Square Root [operator] System Status [operator] Servo Sampling Frequency Ratio Start/Stop Velocity Setpoint Window Distance Setpoint Window Gain Set
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Start-up Program Streaming Interval Enable Single Step Mode Enable Streaming Mode Target Zone Distance Enable Target Zone Mode Target Zone Timeout Period Target Zone Velocity Time Delay Tangent [operator] Transfer ANI Analog Input Voltage Transfer Analog Input Channel Voltage Transfer Axis Status Transfer Axis Status (full-text report) Transfer Axis Status, Extended Transfer Axis Status, Extended (full-text) Transfer Value of Captured ANI Input Transfer Command Error Transfer Hardware Counter Value Transfer DAC Voltage Transfer Program Directory Transfer Data Pointer Status Transfer Error Status Transfer Error Status (full-text report) Test Motion Transfer Program Execution Status Transfer Position of Feedback Devices Transfer Following Status Transfer Following Status (full-test report) Transfer Servo Gains Current Timer Value [operator] Timer Value to Interrupt PC-AT Start Timer Stop Timer Transfer Programmable Input Status Transfer Other Input Status Transfer Other Input Status (full-text report) Transfer Interrupt Status Transfer Labels Transfer Position of LDT Transfer Hardware Travel Limit Status Transfer Memory Usage Transfer Master Cycle Number Transfer Programmable Output Status Transfer Position of ANI Inputs Transfer Commanded Position Transfer Position of Captured ANI Input Transfer Captured Commanded Position Transfer Position of Captured Encoder Transfer Position of Captured LDT Transfer Position of Captured Motor Transfer Position of Encoder Transfer Position Error Transfer Position of Motor Transfer Position of Master (current cycle) Transfer Program Contents Transfer Net Position Shift Transfer Commanded Position of Slave Enable Program Trace Mode
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
Description Enable Translation Mode Transfer Revision Level Trigger Functions Transfer Number of Free Segment Buffers Transfer Servo Gain Set Transfer System Status Transfer System Status (full-text report) Transfer Controller Statistics Transfer Settling Time Transfer Timer Value Transfer User Status Transfer Current Commanded Velocity Transfer Current Actual Velocity Transfer Current Master Velocity Thumbwheel Assignment [operator] Until Part of REPEAT Statement User Status [operator] Velocity Velocity [operator] Numeric Variable Assignment Binary Variable Assignment Clear All Variables String Variable Assignment Variable Type Conversion Commanded Velocity Assignment [operator] Actual Velocity Assignment [operator] Final Velocity Velocity of Master [operator] Wait for a Specific Condition WHILE Statement Write a Message Write a Numeric Variable Write a Binary Variable Write a String Variable Enable XON/XOFF ASCII Handshaking
S = applicable only to standard (not OEM) version ANI = applicable only to -ANI version
X Series Command List FC FEN FIN FOL FOR FP FPA FR FRD FS FSA FSB FSC FSD FSE FSF FSI FSK FSL FSM FSN FSP [FUN] G Gnnn GA GD GDEF GH GHA GHAD GHF GHV GOSUB GOTO ^H H HALT I ID IF IN INL INR IO IS IV J JA JAD (Following Learn Count) (Set Following Synchronization Count) (Following Increment) (Following Percent) (Following Ratio) (Following Encoder Point) (Following Encoder Absolute Point) (Encoder Functions Report) (Read Following Via Parallel I/O) (Encoder Functions Report) (Set Incremental/Absolute Mode) (Set Indexer to Motor/Encoder Mode) (Position Maintenance) (Stop on Stall) (Enable Output #6 on Stall) (Enable Stop on Trigger #6) (Enable/Disable Following Mode) (Set Following Learn Mode) (Enable/Disable Self Correction Mode) (Set Absolute Encoder) (Set Pulse Following) (Set Tracking Mode) (Enable/Read RP240 Function Keys) (Go) (Synchronized Go) (Go Home Acceleration) (Go Defined) (Configure Move Definition) (Go Home) (Go Home Acceleration) (Go Home Deceleration) (Go Home Final Velocity) (Go Home Velocity) (Gosub to a Subroutine) (Go to a Subroutine) (Backspace) (Set Direction) (Halt) (Load Move Data) (Immediate Distance) (IF Command) (Set Input Functions) (Set Input Active Level) (Enable/Disable Registration Input) (Immediate Output) (Input Status ) (Immediate Velocity) (Enable/Disable Joystick) (Jog Acceleration) (Jog Deceleration)
X Series Command List JB JD JV JVH JVL JZ K L LA LAD LD LF LRD MA MC MN MPA MPI MPP MR MSL MSS MV N NG NIF [NUM] NWHILE O OFF ON OR OS OSA OSB OSC OSD OSE OSF OSG OSH OUT OUTL OUTP P PB PF PFZ PR PS (Set Joystick Backlash) (Set Joystick Dead band) (Set Joystick Backlash Compensation Velocity) (Jog Velocity High) (Jog Velocity Low) (Set Joystick to Zero) (Kill) (Loop) (Limit Acceleration) (Limit Deceleration) (Limit Disable) (Line Feed) (Read Loop Count Via Parallel I/O) (Mode Alternate) (Mode Continuous) (Mode Normal) (Mode Position Absolute) (Mode Position Incremental) (Mode Profile Position) (Select Motor Resolution) (Identify Clock Source for Timed Data Streaming) (Start Master Clock for Timed Data Streaming) (Set Maximum Correction Velocity) (End of Loop) (End Position Profile) (End IF Command) (Enable/Read RP240 Numeric Keypad) (End WHILE Command) (Output) (Shutdown Drive) (Activate Drive) (Report Function Setups) (Report Function Setups) (Set Encoder Direction) (Backup to Home) (Define Active State of Home Switch) (Define Active State of Encoder's Z Channel Input) (Enable Stall Detect) (Set Maximum Joystick Velocity) (Set Final Go Home Direction) (Reference Edge of Home Switch) (Set Output Functions) (Output Active Level) (Output on Position) (Report Incremental Position, ASCII) (Report Incremental Position, Binary) (Follower Position Report) (Set Follower Counter to Zero) (Report Absolute Position) (Pause)
6000 Series Command List JOYEDB JOYCDB JOGVH JOGVL JOYZ K, <ctrl>K L LHAD LHAD LH WRITE"\1" L, [ TW ] D,[ ~( ) ],GO MC MC MA MA DRES
X Series Command List PX PXB PZ Q Q Q1 Q2 Q3 QI QIB QR QS QSA QSB QSD QSE QSG QSH R RA RB RC REG REPEAT RG RIFS RM RS RSE RSIN RV S SD SFL SL SLD SN SP SR SS SSA SSD SSF SSG SSH SSI SSJ SSL SSN SSO (Report Encoder Absolute Position, ASCII) (Report Encoder Absolute Position, Binary) (Position Zero) (Complete Current Command & Clear Command Buffer) (Exit Streaming Mode) (Enter Immediate Velocity Streaming Mode) (Enter Time-Distance Streaming Mode) (Enter Time-Velocity Streaming Mode) (Report Status of QS Commands) (Interrupt Status Report, Binary) (Report QS Command Function Enable Status) (Interrupt on Signal Commands) (Interrupt on Trigger #1 High) (Interrupt on Move Complete) (Interrupt Signal on Limit Encountered) (Interrupt on Ready to Respond) (Interrupt on Command Buffer Full) (Interrupt on Motor Stall) (Request Indexer Status) (Limit Switch Status Report) (Report Loop, Pause, Shutdown, Trigger Status) (Report Closed Loop and Go Home Status) (Configure Registration Move) (Repeat Command) (Go Home Status Report) (Return Indexer to Factory Settings) (Rate Multiplier in Immediate Velocity Streaming Mode) (Report Status of Sequence Execution) (Report Servo Errors) (Set Variables Interactively) (Report Software Part Number) (Stop) (Streaming Data) (Set User Flag) (Software Limits) (Software Limit Disable) (Scan Delay Time) (Set Absolute Position) (Report Configuration Status) (Report Configuration Status) (RS-232 Echo Control) (Mode Alternate Stop Mode) (Normal/Low Velocity Range) (Clear/Save the Command Buffer On Limit) (Clear/Save the Command Buffer on Stop) (Enable/Disable Interactive Mode) (Enable/Disable Continuous Scan Mode) (Enable Resume Execution) (Set Message Mode) (Set Sequence Select)
X Series Command List SSP SSQ ST STOP STR T TD TDR TEST TF TM TR TRD TS TW TX U UNTIL UR US V VAR VARD VARD VS W1 W3 WHEN XBS XC XD XDIR XE XEALL XFK XG XQ XR XRD XRP XS XST XT XTR XU XWHEN Y Z (Set Ratio Select) (Set Drive Fault Polarity) (Shutdown) (Stop) (Set Strobe Output Delay Time) (Time Delay) (Set Time Interval for Timed Data Streaming Mode) (Set Minimum Time Between Registration Moves) (Test Motion) (Set Following Time) (Move Time Report) (Wait For Trigger) (Read Timer from Parallel I/O) (Report Trigger Status) (Set Thumbwheel Input Mode) (Transmit Variable and String) (Pause and Wait for Continue) (Until Part of REPEAT Command) (Report Scale Factor Status) (Set Position Scale Factor) (Velocity) (Variable) (Read Variables via Parallel I/O) (Read Velocity via Parallel I/O) (Start/Stop Velocity) (Signed Binary Position Report) (Hexadecimal Position Report) (Set When Condition) (Sequence Memory Available) (Sequence Checksum Report) (Sequence Definition) (Sequence Directory) (Sequence Erase) (Erase all Sequences) (Set Fault or Kill Sequence) (Goto Sequence) (Sequence Interrupted Run Mode) (Run a Sequence) (Read Sequence via Parallel I/O) (Sequence Run with Pause) (Sequence Execution Status) (Sequence Step Mode) (Sequence Termination) (Set Trace Mode) (Upload Sequence) (Set When Sequence) (Stop Loop) (Reset)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53
* + , . / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 100 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D
T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ' a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | }
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB
~ DEL Pt /2
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211
AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3
212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF
Operator Symbols
, 18 !, 11, 12 ", 14 #, 12 (pi), 211 $, 12 &, 20 ', 13 ( ), 18 *, 19 +, 18 . (bit select operator), 14 /, 19 ;, 11 <, 16 <<, 23 <=, 17 <>, 17 =, 15 >, 16 >=, 16 >>, 23 @, 11 \, 15 ^, 21 |, 20 addition (+), 18 address, auto-addressing units in a chain, 31 analog input ANI option. See ANI joystick, 156, 157, 158, 159 assignment/comparison, 33 feedrate override, 107 status, 278 voltage range, 157 override voltage, 34, 35 analog output offset (servo), 264 analog output, auxiliary (OUTANA), 187 AND (logical operator), 32 ANI check input voltage, 278 polarity, 33 position assignment/comparison, 95, 198 capture, 203, 299 status, 278, 288, 297 selected with SFB, 250, 288 voltage assignment/comparison, 32 captured, 42, 282 status, 32, 278 anti-resonance (610n), 55 application examples, 100, 101 continuous phase shift, 111 GOWHEN, 118 preset phase shift, 113 applications help (HELP), 122 arc segment, 198, 199, 200, 201 arc tangent, 38, 229 ASCII character designator (\), 15 ASCII Table, 341 assignment of master and slave, 102 auto current standby (610n), 60 axis moving status, 35, 178, 279 axis status, 35, 279 axis status, extended, 37, 280, 281, 282 axis, contouring, 201 binary variable (VARB), 318 clearing, 318 display of bits, 23 writing, 325 bit select operator (.), 4, 14 bitwise AND (&), 20 bitwise exclusive OR (^), 22 bitwise NOT (~), 22 bitwise OR (|), 20 Boolean And (&), 20 Boolean Exclusive Or (^), 21 Boolean Inclusive Or (|), 20 Boolean Not (~), 22 branching ELSE, 76 error program, 89 GOSUB, 117 GOTO, 117 IF, 130 JUMP, 159 NIF, 178 NWHILE, 180 REPEAT, 235 UNTIL, 314 WHILE, 323 BREAK, 40, 117 break point (BP), 39 brownout fault (615n), 70 buffered commands looping, 162, 169 looping, compiled, 213, 214
~(), 22
absolute position absolute path (PAB), 195 absolute positioning mode (MA1), 174 effect on distance, 50 establishing, 224 effect on position report, 96, 288 zeroed after homing, 122 acceleration, 25 assignment of, 26 change on-the-fly, 45, 175 feedforward gain, 252 feedforward gain, negative, 252 maximum, slave axis, 97 path, 193 scaling (PSCLA), 220 scaling factor (SCLA), 237, 238 s-curve profiling, 27 homing, 124 jogging, 145 joystick, 152 paths, 194 access, 138 active damping (610n), 53 actual feedbackdevice position. See position
call a subroutine (GOSUB), 117 captured position. See position capture carriage return command delimiter, 4 transmission character, 79, 80 case sensitivity, 4 center position specifications, 199, 200, 218 characters command delimiters, 4 comment delimiter, 4, 11 field separators, 4 limit per line, 4 neutral (spaces), 4 circular interpolation. See contouring clear display (DCLEAR), 61 clear error condition, 88 clear interrupt condition status (INTCLR), 142 clear variables (VARCLR), 318 COM port enable/disable (E), 75 function, setup, 72 selection (PORT), 216
backup to home (HOMBAC), 128, 129 BCD program select input, 136, 141 begin and end string ("), 14 begin comments (;), 11 begin executing a program (RUN), 236 begin program definition (DEF), 61 beginning of transmission characters (BOT), 39 binary identifier (b), 39
commanded acceleration, feedforward gain, 252 commanded direction polarity, 43 commanded position, 210, 303 capture, 204, 299 comparison or assignment, 202 display, 298 slave assignment/comparison, 225 transfer, 305 commands 6000 vs. X language, 335 buffered, 11 looping, 169 looping, compiled, 213, 214 command buffer execution after end-of-travel limit (COMEXL), 47 after in-position signal (COMEXP), 47 after kill (COMEXK), 46 after pause/continue input (COMEXR), 48 after stop (COMEXS), 48 continuous (COMEXC), 45 command description format, 2 command field symbols, 3 command value substitutions, 5 command-to-product compatibility, 2, 327 default settings, 2 delimiters, 4 immediate, 11 syntax, 2 types, 2 comment delimiter, 4, 11 communication interface addressing units in a chain, 31 COM port selection (PORT), 216 controlling multiple COM ports, 216 send response to alternate port, 24 send response to both ports, 24 echo enable, 75 enable communication (E), 75 RP240 check, 72 XON/XOFF, enable & disable, 325 compiled motion compiling (PCOMP), 208 failed PCOMP, 266, 309 final velocity, 321 GOBUF segments, 115 looping, 213, 214 memory status, 266, 309 outputs (POUTn command), 216 run the profile (PRUN), 219 status of program storage, 284 status, free segments, 249, 308 uncompile the profile (PUCOMP), 226 compiling a profile (PCOMP), 208 conditional branching ELSE, 76 IF, 130 NIF, 178
NWHILE, 180 REPEAT, 235 UNTIL, 314 WHILE, 323 conditional go, 118 configuration controller, 161 drive, 161 continue (!C), 39, 41, 48, 162 continuous positioning mode (MC1), 175 continuous shift. See shift, continuous contouring, 193 affected by drive resolution, 69, 209 affected by mechanical resolution, 209 affected by pulse width, 209, 227 axes, inclusion of, 201 memory allocation, 176 path absolute (PAB), 195 acceleration (PA), 193 acceleration scaling (SCLA), 220 acceleration, s-curve, 194 CCW arc, origin specified, 199 CCW arc, radius specified, 198 compile (PCOMP), 208 compile (PCOMP), failure, 266, 309 CW arc, origin specified, 200 CW arc, radius specified, 201 deceleration (PAD), 196 deceleration, s-curve, 196 definition (DEF/END), 61, 79 distance scaling (PSCLD), 222 feedrate override, affected by, 107 incremental (PAB), 195 line segment definition, 213 local coordinates (PLC), 212 local mode (PL), 211 memory allocation, 176 memory status, 284 outputs (POUT), 216 proportional axis (PPRO), 218 radius tolerance (PRTOL), 218 run/execute (PRUN), 219 s-curve accel/decel, 194, 196 tangent axis resolution (PTAN), 226 uncompile (PUCOMP), 226 velocity (PV), 228 velocity scaling (PSCLV), 222 work coordinates (PWC), 229 control characters, 324 control signal offset, 264 negative, 265 controlling multiple serial ports select target port (PORT), 216 send response to alternate port, 24 send response to both ports, 24
coordinates, contouring absolute, 195 incremental, 195 correction move, 80, 82 correction velocity, 82 cosine, 49, 229 counter encoder enabled as counter (CNTE), 44, 210 value assignment/comparison (CNT), 43 status, 283 to interrupt PC-AT (CNTINT), 44 current reduction at rest (610n), 60
DAC limit, 54 minimum level, 54 value assignment/comparison, 52 status, 284 damping, 259 damping, active (610n), 53 data assignment (DAT), 55 fields, in command syntax, 3 program (DATP), 55, 56 program size (DATSIZ), 58 read from the RP240, 67 statement (DATA), 56 memory required, 176 storage, 56, 57, 58, 285 teach, 60 transfer, 191, 192 datapoints, streaming mode, 244, 273 deadband, 47 encoder move, 76 joystick center, 156 joystick end, 157 position maintenance, 76, 81 stall, 91 debounce time for programmable inputs, 133 debugging tools See Programmer's Guide and back cover axis status (extended) report, 280 axis status report, 279 break point, 40 break, manual, 40 ENBL and P-CUT status, 293, 294 error messages, 7 HALT, 121 identify bad command, 9, 283 single-step mode, 12, 272 technical support, 122 trace mode, 305 translation mode, 306
deceleration, 28 assignment/comparison, 29 change on-the-fly, 45 limits hard, 166 soft, 171 path, 196 s-curve profiling, 30 hard limits, 166 homing, 126 jogging, 147 joystick, 154 paths, 196 soft limits, 171 default command settings, 2 define program/subroutine/path (DEF), 61 user status, 134 degrees, unit of measure, 229 delay time (T command), 277 delete a program/subroutine/path (DEL), 62 delimiter, comment, 4, 11 delimiters, command, 4 digital-to-analog converter (DAC) voltage, 52, 54, 284 direction polarity, commanded, 43 disable drive, 72 disable drive on kill, 161 display messages, 14 RP240. See RP240 distance, 50 assignment, 52 change on-the-fly, 45, 50 fractional step truncation, 51, 240, 242 master. See master, distance maximum, based on pulse width, 227 registration, 232 lock-out, 233 scaling factor (SCLD), 237 scaling factor, contouring (PSCLD), 222 setpoint window, 269 streaming data points (SD), 244 enable, 273 interval, 271 status, 280 target zone, 274 dither amplitude, 248 frequency, 248 division, 19 DRESET command, 70 drive active damping (610n), 53 anti-resonance (610n), 55 auto current standby (610n), 60 configuration disable drive on kill, 161 fault level (DRFLVL), 71 resolution (DRES), 69 disable, 72
drive (continued) electronic viscosity (610n), 62 enable, 72 fault, 71, 160 615n (DRESET), 70 causes free wheel, 161 input, 37, 71, 135, 281 level (DRFLVL), 71, 135 output, 189 motor inductance (610n), 64 resetting (615n), 70 shutdown, 72, 160, 161 static torque setting (610n), 64 waveform (610n), 73
erase all programs (ERASE), 84 error clearing, 88 error checking enable (ERROR), 87 error detection level (ERRLVL), 86 program assignment (ERRORP), 88 prompt (ERRBAD), 85 responses, 7 status, 83, 88, 285, 286 exclusive or (^), 21 extended axis status, 37, 281, 282
echo, communication, 75 electronic viscosity (610n), 62 ELSE, 76, 130, 179 enable (ENBL) input status, 83, 139, 286, 293, 294 error checking, 87 error program, 88 enable or disable Following, 99 status, 110, 289 enabling the drives, 72 encoder counter, use as, 44, 284 encoder step mode (ENC1), 77 move deadband, 76 polarity, 78 position assignment/comparison, 95, 210 capture, 137, 205, 300 error, 210 status, 288, 302 position maintenane, 80 resolution (ERES), 84 selected with SFB, 250 step & direction input for Following 106 Z-channel homing, 122, 130 end of line terminating characters (EOL), 79 end of loop (LN), 162, 169 end of loop, compiled (PLN), 213 end of transmission characters (EOT), 80 end program/subroutine/path definition (END), 79 end-of-travel limits active level, 168 deceleration, 166 s-curve, 166 effect on command buffer, 47 effect on homing, 122, 128 enable/disable, 165 soft limit decel, 170 decleration, s-curve, 171 enable/disable, 168 range, negative direction, 172 range, positive direction, 173 status, 36, 168, 279, 295 enter interactive data ('), 13
factory default settings, 236 fast status customizing, 92 registers, 44, 143 system update rate (servo), 267 faults See drive, fault See error See motor feedback source selection, 250 feedrate override, 312 acceleration (FRA), 108 enable (FR), 107 high channel (FRH), 108 low channel (FRL), 108 percentage (FRPER), 107, 108, 109 field separator, 4 filter, master position, 96 final velocity (compiled motion), 321 Following conditions for killing a profile, 102 enable or disable, 99 status, 110, 289 status, 109, 288, 290 step & direction input 106 force software interrupt (INTSW), 143 fractional step truncation, 51, 240, 242
gains acceleration feedforward, 252 acceleration feedforward gain, negative, 252 gain set, display, 290, 308 gain set, enabling, 253 gain set, saving, 258 gain set, setpoint window, 270 integral feedback, 254, 255 integral feedback, negative, 256 integral windup limit, 255 proportional feedback, 257 proportional feedback, negative, 257 velocity feedback, 259
gains (continued) velocity feedback, negative, 262 velocity feedforward, 260 velocity feedforward, negative, 261 global command identifier (@), 4, 11 GO, 114 compiled (GOBUF), 115 GOBUF, compiled motion segments, 115 good prompt (ERROK), 87 gosub, 117 branch to error program, 87 on input condition, 181 on user status condition, 183 on VAR1 condition, 184 goto, 117 branch to error program, 87 GOWHEN, 118 error condition, 83, 286 check, 88 status, 36, 280 via trigger input, 307 gradient, LDT, 163 greater than (>), 16 greater than or equal (>=), 16
halt, 121 stop error program, 88 hard limit active level (LHLVL), 168 deceleration (LHAD), 166 enable (LH), 165 s-curve deceleration, 166 status, 168, 295 hardware counter, 44, 45 hardware interrupt, 142, 294 HELP, 122 hexadecimal identifier (h), 121 homing acceleration, 123, 124 backup enable, 127 deceleration, 125 final direction, 127 home input active level, 128 reference edge, 128 status, 169, 295 initiate (HOM), 122 s-curve accel/decel, 124, 126 status, 35, 279 to encoder Z-channel, 130 velocity final, 129 starting, 129 zero absolute postion, 122
IF, 32, 76, 130, 179 immediate commands, 11 immediate data read from RP240, 67 immediate stop, 237 in position, 47, 81, 144 inclusive or (|), 20
incremental positioning mode (MA), 174 effect on distance, 50 indirect variables, 317 inductance, motor (610n), 64 initial master cycle position, 99 input buffer, 232 inputs, 6 analog. See ANI analog, joystick. See joystick enable (ENBL) status, 293, 294 encoder. See encoder limits end-of-travel. See end-of-travel home. See homing, home input programmable active level (INLVL), 139 bit pattern, 6 waiting for in streaming mode, 245 debounce system update rate (servo), 267 debounce time, 133 enable (INEN), 135 function assignments (INFNC), 136 function enable (INFEN), 135 jog negative direction, 138 positive direction, 138 speed select, 138 kill, 136 pause/continue, 137 effect on command buffer, 48 PC-AT interrupt, 138 position capture, 137 program select, 138 program select, BCD, 136 registration, 229 status, 131, 293 stop, 137, 237 strobe time, 141 thumbwheel, 141, 313 trigger interrupt, 137, 204, 205, 206, 207, 299, 300, 301, 302 user fault, 137 pulse cut (P-CUT) status, 293, 294 system update rate (servo), 267 trigger. See trigger inputs integral feedback gain, 254 integral feedback gain, negative, 256 integral windup limit, 255 interactive date('), 13 interrupt PC-AT clearing, 142 counter value, 44 hardware, 142 input function, 138 software, forced, 143 status, 142, 294 status register, 143 timer value, 291 program, 181, 182, 184
jerk, 30, 124, 126, 145, 154, 166 jog acceleration, 145 s-curve, 146 deceleration, 147 s-curve, 148 input negative direction, 138 positive direction, 138 speed select, 138 mode enable (JOG), 144 using RP240, 63 joystick acceleration (JOYA), 151 analog channel high (JOYAXH), 156 analog channel low (JOYAXL), 156 center (JOYCTR), 157 center deadband (JOYCDB), 156 deceleration (JOYAD), 154 end deadband (JOYEDB), 157 use in feedrate override, 107 full deflection, 158 inputs, 33, 278 circuit drawing, 151 pin-outs, 150 status, 139, 293, 294 s-curve accel/decel, 152, 154 velocity high (JOYVH), 157 velocity low (JOYVL), 158 voltage assignment/comparison, 33 override, 34, 35 range, 157 status, 278 zero (JOYZ), 159 jump, 117, 159
kill, 160, 161 conditions that will kill a Following move, 102 disable drive, 161 immediate (!K), 41, 141, 175 input, 46, 136 on stall (ESK), 91
label declaration ($), 12 transfer, 295 LDT gradient, 163 polarity, 163 position assignment/comparison, 95 captured, 206, 301 status, 162, 288, 295 update rate, 165, 267 read error, 83, 286 recirculations, 164 resolution, 164 selected with SFB, 250, 288
LEDs, RP240, 63 left-to-right math, 4 length, master cycle, 98 less than (<), 16 less than or equal (<=), 17 limits activate output, 189 end-of-travel. See end-of-travel limits home. See homing, home input status, 168, 295 line feed command delimiter, 4 transmission character, 79, 80 line segment, contouring, 213 linear interpolation distance, 50 distance scaling, 240 initiate motion (GOL), 116 path acceleration (PA), 193 acceleration scaling (PSCLA), 220 acceleration s-curves (PAA), 194 deceleration (PAD), 196 deceleration s-curves (PADA), 196 velocity (PV), 228 velocity scaling (PSCLV), 222 local coordinate system, 195, 211, 212 lock-out distance, registration, 233 logical operators AND, 32 NOT, 180 OR, 185 loops compiled, 214 end of loop, 169 compiled, 213 in streaming mode, 246 nested, 162 terminate, 173 low voltage fault (610n), 37, 281
master definition of, 102 status, 110, 289 direction, status of, 110, 289 distance fractional step truncation, 242 programming (FOLMD), 104 master cycle counting restart, 98 length, 98 number assignment/comparison, 179 transfer, 296 position assignment/comparison (PMAS), 215 initial, 99 rollover, 215, 304 transfer (TPMAS), 304 status, 110, 289
master (continued) master position filtering, 96 status, 110, 289 master position prediction, 106 status, 110, 289 moving, status of, 110, 289 ratio to slave, 105 change on the fly, 105 status, 110, 289 scaling, 241 slave assignment, 102 velocity, 313, 322 mathematical operators ( ), 18 *, 19 +, 18 /, 19 =, 15 SQRT, 265 maximum allowable position error, 263 maximum slave acceleration, 97 maximum slave velocity, 97 memory after a reset, 236 allocation, 176 data statement (teach mode), 176 expanded (-M option), 176, 177 labels, 12 locking, 138 status, usage, 284, 296 messages display on RP240 (DWRITE), 74 error, 7 sending, 14 motion parameters, 114 motion trajectory update rate, 267 motion, compiled. See contouring or compiled motion motor current standby mode (610n), 60 fault (610n), 37, 281 fault (615n), 70 inductance (610n), 64 motor step mode (ENC), 77, 130 position assignment/comparison, 214 capture, 137, 207, 302 status, 303 static torque (610n), 64 moving/not moving status, 35, 178, 279 multi-line response, 79 multiplication, 19
offset position, 224 servo control signal, 264, 284 negative, 265 on conditions (program interrupts), 181, 182, 183, 184 one-shot registration, 234 on-the-fly D changes, 45, 50 on-the-fly FOLRD & FOLRN changes, 45, 105, 106 on-the-fly MA & MC changes, 45, 174, 175 on-the-fly profile change not possible, 36, 280 on-the-fly V, A & AD changes, 45, 175 operation priority level, 18 operator symbols !, 11 ", 14 #, 12 $, 12 &, 20 ', 13 ( ), 18 *, 19 +, 18 . (bit select operator), 14 /, 19 ;, 11 <, 16 <<, 23 <=, 17 <>, 17 =, 15 >, 16 >=, 16 >>, 23 @, 11 \\, 15 ^, 21 |, 20 ~(), 22 or, 323 or, Boolean exclusive (^), 21 or, Boolean inclusive operator (|), 20 or, logical operators (OR), 185 origin specified CCW arc segment (PARCOM), 199 origin specified CW arc sergment (PARCOP), 200 oscillation, reducing, 254 other input status (INO), 139 outputs, 6 analog output, auxiliary (OUTANA), 187 changing in streaming mode, 246 DAC control signal limit, 52, 54 path (POUT), 216 programmable activate, 185 activate, multiple, 186 active level (OUTLVL), 190 bit pattern, 6 streaming mode, 246
nested loops, 162 neutral characters, 4 NIF, 76, 130, 179 not equal (<>), 17 not, bitwise operator (~), 22 not, logical operator (NOT), 180 number, master cycle, 179, 296 numeric variable, 324 clearing, 318 NWHILE, 180, 323
outputs, programmable (continued) enable (OUTEN), 187 fault output, 189 function assignments (OUTFNC), 188 function enable (OUTFEN), 188 limit encontered, 189 maximum position error exceeded, 189 moving/not moving, 189 output on position, 189, 190 PLC, 191 program in progress, 189 stall indicator, 189 status, 185, 186, 297 strobing, 191 system update rate (servo), 267 over temp fault (610n), 37, 281 overcurrent fault (615n), 70 over-damping, 259 override analog input voltage, 34, 35 overshoot, 254, 255 overtemperature fault (615n), 70 overvoltage fault (615n), 70
participating axes (INDAX), 132 participating axes, contouring (PAXES), 201 partitioning memory, 176 password, RP240, 65 pause active, status, 266, 309 pause program execution (PS), 220 pause/continue input, 137 effect on motion & program execution, 48 PC-AT interrupt, 44, 138, 142, 291 output buffer, 232 transmit message strings, 324 phase, shift continuous, 111 position assignment/comparison, 225 position transfer, 304 preset, 112 phase, tracking, 96 Pi (), 211 PLC data inputs (INPLC), 140 I/O handling, 313 inputs, 140 strob outputs (OUTPLC), 191 pointer, data location, 66, 285 reset, 58 set, 57 polarity ANI input, 33 commanded direction, 43 drive fault input, 71 encoder input, 78 end-of-travel inputs, 168 home inputs, 128 LDT input, 163
programmable inputs, 139 programmable outputs, 190 trigger inputs, 139 PORT (selecting a COM port), 216 position absolute, establishing, 224 actual, 210, 303 ANI assignment/comparison, 96, 198 captured, 203, 298 status, 278, 288, 297 capture accuracy, 203, 206, 299, 301 commanded, 204, 299 encoder, 137, 205, 266, 300, 309 for registration, 229 LDT, 206, 301 motor, 137, 207, 266, 302, 309 resolver, 205, 300 commanded, 202, 210, 298, 303 captured, 204 current feedback device, 95 encoder, 210, 302 assignment/comparison, 96 status, 288 error exceeded max. limit, 83, 280, 286 setting max. allowable (SMPER), 263 status, 210, 303 LDT, 162, 295 assignment/comparison, 96, 162 captured, 206 read error, 83, 286 status, 288, 295 master cycle, 99 master position prediction. See master, master position prediction motor, 215, 303 offset, 224 output on position, 190 overshoot, 255 positioning mode selection, 174, 175 change on the fly, 174, 175 resolver, 302 assignment/comparison, 96, 210 status, 288 RP240 cursor (DPCUR), 65 set to zero after homing, 122 setpoint, 202, 298 shift continuous, 111 preset, 112 set to zero upon FOLEN1, 99 tracking, 259, 260 position maintenance, 76 deadband (EPMDB), 80, 81 enable (EPM), 80 gain factor (EPMG), 82 maximum velocity (EPMV), 82 vs. servoing, 80
power-up start program (STARTP), 271 pre-emptive GOs. See on-the-fly. preset positioning mode (MC), 175 preset shift. See shift, preset priority level, 18, 19 product revision, 2, 306 profile, compiling (PCOMP), 208 program branch condition, 12, 117, 159, 183, 184 break point, 39 comments, 4 contents, display, 304 data (DATP), 56 debug, 306 command errors, 283 definition, 61, 79, 236 definition, prompt (ERRDEF), 86 directory, 284 erase, 84 error handling, 88 error responses, 7 execution status, 266, 287, 309 termination, 40, 121 upon power-up, 271 flow control, 121, 159, 178, 180, 235 interrupts, 181 jump (branch), 159 label, 12 list all programs, 284 memory allocation, 176 name, 61, 117, 141 pause, 220 power-up program, 271 reset, effect of, 236 run, 236 security, 138 selection, 138, 141 size restriction, 176 step through, 12, 272 storage, 176, 296 trace mode, 305 translation mode, 306 upload, 304 programmable inputs. See inputs, programmable programmable outputs. See outputs, programmable programming examples. See application examples prompt error, 85 program definition, 86 proportional axis, 201 proportional feedback gain, 257 proportional feedback gain, negative, 257 pulse cut-off (P-CUT) input status, 83, 139, 286, 293, 294 pulse width (PULSE), 227
radian, 229, 277 radius CCW arc segment (PARCM), 198 center point, 218 CW arc segment (PARCP), 201 endpoint, 218 error, 218 start point, 218 ratio of slave to master, 104 change on the fly, 105, 106 final ratio (in compiled profile), 105 status, 110, 289 read a value (READ), 232 read data from parallel I/O, 191 read RP240 data (DREAD), 66, 67 read RP240 function key (DREADF), 67 regen fault (615n), 70 registration distance, 232 lock-out, 233 enable, 229 single-shot (REGSS), 234 status, profile not possible, 36, 280 status, trigger occurred, 36, 280 trigger interrupt, 137 relational operators, 131, 235, 314, 322, 323 REPEAT, 32, 180, 235, 314 reset, 236 controller (RESET), 236 data pointer (DATRST), 58 drive (DRESET), 70 hardware up/down counter (CNTR), 45 input (615n), 70 resolution drive, 69 encoder, 84 LDT, 164 path tangent axis, 226 resolver, 84 resolver position assignment/comparison, 95, 210 capture, 205, 300 status, 288, 302 resolution, 84 selected with SFB, 250 responses beginning-of-transmission characters, 39 end of line characters, 79 end-of-transmission characters, 80 error, 7 send to both COM ports, 24 restart master cycle counting, 98, 307 revision level, 306
rollover of master cycle position, 215, 304 round-off error, square root, 265 RP240 COM port setup, 72 connection verified, 266, 309 data read, 66 data read immediate mode, 67 display layout, 65, 74 display variable, 73 jog mode, 63 LEDs, 63 password, 65 position cursor, 65, 66 read function key, 67 write text, 74 RS-232C auto-addressing (ADDR), 31 COM port setup, 72 enable/disable communication, 75 port, 324, 325 RS-485 auto-addressing (ADDR), 31 COM port setup, 72 disable XON/XOFF, 325 enable/disable communication, 75 run, compiled program (PRUN), 219 run, program (RUN), 236
sampling frequency ratio, 132, 267 save command buffer on limit, 47 scaling acceleration, 238 distance, 240 enabling, 237 master, 241 path acceleration, 220 path distance, 222 path velocity, 222 velocity, 242 s-curves acceleration, 27 contouring path acceleration, 194 path deceleration, 196 deceleration, 30 hard limit deceleration, 166 homing acceleration, 124 homing deceleration, 126 jogging acceleration, 145 jogging deceleration, 147 joystick acceleration, 152 joystick deceleration, 154 linear interpolation path acceleration, 194 path deceleration, 196 soft limit deceleration, 171 security of programs, 138 segment. See contouring. See compiled motion select bit, 14
servo chattering, 259 commanded position, 202, 298 control signal offset, 264 negative, 265 DAC offset, 264 setting limit, 54 value assignment/comparison, 52 voltage status, 284 data gathering, status, 266, 309 dither amplitude, 248 frequency, 248 enabling drive, 264 feedback source selection, 250, 288 gain sets display, 308 enable, 253 saving, 258 gains. See gains motion trajectory update rate, 267 move completion criteria, 274 over-damping, 259 overshoot, 255 position error, 255 max. allowable, 263 position tracking, 259, 260 sample period, 210, 267, 303 sampling frequency ratio, 132, 267 servo sampling update rate, 267 servoing vs. position maintenance, 80 steady state position error, 257 system update rate, 267 target distance zone, 274 target velocity zone, 276 target zone mode enable, 274 target zone settling time, 311 target zone settling timeout period, 275 set contouring axes (PAXES), 201 set data pointer (DATPTR), 57 setpoint window distance, 269 gain set, 270 setting time. See target zone shift continuous, 111 application example, 111 position assignment/comparison, 225 transfer, 304 L to R (bit 1 to bit 32), 23 preset, 112 application example, 113 position assignment/comparison, 225 transfer, 304 R to L (bit 32 to bit 1), 23 status, 110, 289
short circuit fault (615n), 70 shutdown the drive, 72, 160, 161 sine, 263 single step mode, 12, 272 single-line responses, 80 single-shot registration (REGSS), 234 slave acceleration, max., 97 commanded position assignment/comparison, 225 transfer, 305 conditional go, 118 definition of, 102 master assignment, 102 phase shift. See shift ratio to master, 104 change on the fly, 106 final (compiled motion), 105 status, 110, 289 velocity, max., 97 soft limit deceleration (LSAD), 170 effect on command buffer, 47 enable (LS), 170 negative-direction range (LSNEG), 172 positive-direction range (LSPOS), 173 s-curve deceleration, 171 software revision level, 306 space (neutral character), 4 square root, 265 square-wave signal, 248, 249 stall detect (ESTALL), 91 stall detect backlash deadband (ESDB), 91 start timer (TIMST), 291 start/stop velocity (SSV), 268 start-up program (STARTP), 271 static torque (610n), 64 statistics, controller config. & status, 310 status ANI position, 32, 278 captured, 203 axis, 35, 279 axis, extended, 37, 280, 281, 282 command error, 9, 283 commanded position, 202, 298 captured, 204, 299 compiled motion memory, 266, 309 counter, hardware, 283 DAC voltage, 52, 284 data pointer location, 66, 285 drive fault input, 37, 281 enable input, 293, 294 encoder position, 210, 302 captured, 205, 300 error, 83, 285, 286 fast status register, 92 Following, 109, 288, 290 free segments, compiled memory, 249, 308 gain set, 308 gains, current active, 290
status (continued) inputs, 315 enable (ENBL), 293, 294 programmable, 131 pulse cut (P-CUT), 293, 294 interrupt, 142, 294, 315 joystick, 293, 294 labels, 295 LDT position, 162, 295 captured, 206, 301 limits, 168, 295 low voltage (610n), 37, 281 memory, 284, 296 motor fault (610n), 37, 281 motor position, 214, 303 captured, 207, 302 moving/not moving, 178 outputs, 185, 186, 297 over temperature (610n), 37, 281 pause, 266, 309 position capture, 266, 309 position error, 210, 303 program contents, 304 program directory, 284 program execution, 266, 287, 309 pulse-cut input, 293, 294 resolver position, 210, 302 captured, 205, 300 settling time, 311 software revision level, 306 system, 266, 309, 310, 315 timer, 311 user, 133, 311, 315 velocity feedback device, 312 motor, 312 voltage input, 278 voltage input for ANI, 278 wait, 266, 309 steady state position error, 257 step & direction Following 106 step through a program, 12, 272 stiction, 248, 249 stop command, 237 effect on program execution, 48 input (INFNCi-D), 48, 137, 237 stop timer (TIMSTP), 292 streaming mode, 273 affected by pulse width, 227 distance streaming, 244 streaming data, 244 datapoint, 244 interval (STD), 272 velocity streaming, 245 string variable (VARS), 14, 319, 325 clearing, 318 strobe data, 313 PLC, 191 thumbwheels, 192 time, 141 subroutine, 184 branch condition, 183 definition, 61, 79 effect of reset, 236 name, 61, 117
substitutions, command values, 5 binary variable (VARB), 318 data assignment (DAT), 55 numeric data read (READ), 232 numeric variable (VAR), 317 RP240 Function Key (DREADF), 67 RP240 numeric data (DREAD), 66 thumbwheel data (TW), 313 subtraction, 18 support, technical assistance, 122 syntax, 2, 3 guidelines, 4 system status (SS), 266 system update rate, 267
tangent (TAN), 277 tangent axis, 201 target zone, 36, 280 display actual settling time, 311 enabling, 274 setting the distance zone, 274 setting the timeout period, 275 setting the velocity zone, 276 timeout, 36, 280 teach mode data assignment (DAT), 55 data pointer (DATPTR), 57 data pointer reset (DATRST), 58 data program (DATP), 56 data program size (DATSIZ), 58 data statement (DATA), 56 data storage (DATTCH), 60 memory requirement, 176 technical support, 122 terminal emulation, 75 terminate loop (LX), 173 terminate program execution, 40, 88, 121 testing start-up, 187 TEST command, 287 thumbwheel assignment (TW), 313 data inputs (INSTW), 141 strobe outputs (OUTTW), 192 TM8, 141, 313 time delay (T), 277 timeout, target zone, 36, 280 timer, 311 assignment of value (TIM), 291 interrupt to PC-AT (TIMINT), 291 start, 292 stop, 292 system update rate (servo), 267 trace mode, 305 transfer analog input voltage (TANV), 278 analog input voltage, ANI (TANI), 278, 302 axis status (TAS), 279 axis status, extended (TASX), 280, 281, 282 captured commanded position (TPCC), 299
transfer (continued) command error, 283 commanded position of slave (TPSLV), 305 current actual velocity (TVELA), 312 current commanded velocity (TVEL), 312 DAC voltage, 284 data pointer location (TDPTR), 285 error status (TER), 285, 286 Following status (TFS), 288, 290 free segments (TSEG), 308 hardware counter value (TCNT), 283 input status programmable (TIN), 293 interrupt status (TINT), 294 labels (TLABEL), 295 limits (TLIM), 295 master cycle number (TNMCY), 296 master cycle position (TPMAS), 304 master velocity (TVMAS), 313 memory usage (TMEM), 296 net position shift (TPSHF), 304 other input status (TINO), 293, 294 output status (TOUT), 297 position commanded (TPC), 298 position error (TPER), 303 position of ANI inputs (TPANI), 297 position of captured ANI (TPCA), 298 position of captured encoder (TPCE), 300 position of captured LDT (TPCL), 301 position of captured motor (TPCM), 302 position of encoder (TPE), 302 position of motor (TPM), 303 position of selected feedback device (TFB), 288 program (TPROG), 304 program directory (TDIR), 284 program execution status (TEX), 287 revision level (TREV), 306 servo gain set (TSGSET), 308 servo gains (TGAIN), 290 servo settling time (TSTLT), 311 statistics (TSTAT), 310 system status (TSS), 309, 310 timer (TTIM), 311 user status (TUS), 311 voltage of captured ANI (TCA), 282 translation mode, 306 transmitting message strings, 324 trigger inputs, 207 active level, 139 debounce, 133 I/O bit pattern, 6 position capture, 137, 203, 204, 205, 206, 298, 299, 301 status, 266, 309
trigger inputs (continued) programmed GOWHEN function, 307 restart master cycle counting, 307 status, 110, 289 programmed functions, 136 registration, 137, 229, 232 status, 131, 293 trigonometric operators, 211, 229, 263, 317 troubleshooting See Programmer's Guide axis status, 279 axis status, extended, 280 controller statistics, 310 ENBL status, 293, 294 error messages, 7 Following status, 288, 290 identify bad command, 9 P-CUT status, 293, 294 system status, 266 technical support, 122 truncation acceleration/deceleration, 238 distance, 240, 241 path velocity, 223 velocity, 243
velocity (continued) feedforward gain (SGVF), 260 feedforward gain, negative, 261 final (compiled motion), 321 master assignment/comparison, 322 transfer, 313 maximum, based on pulse width, 227 maximum, slave axis (steppers), 97 scaling (SCLV), 237, 242 scaling, path (PSCLV), 222 start/stop, 268 streaming, 36, 245, 273, 280 target zone, 276 viscosity, electronic (610n), 62 voltage ANI input, 32, 278 captured, 42, 282 DAC voltage, 52, 54, 284 joystick. See joystick offset (servo), 264, 284
WAIT, 32, 180, 322 compared to GOWHEN, 119 status, 266, 309 waveform (610n), 73 WHILE, 32, 180, 323 window, setpoint distance, 269 gain set, 270 windup, integral gain, 255 work coordinate system, 195, 211, 228 write, 14, 324 binary variable, 325 message, 324 numeric variable, 324 RP240 text, 74 string variable, 325
uncompile a compiled profile (PUCOMP), 226 unconditional looping, 162, 169 compiled, 213, 214 undervoltage fault (615n), 70 units of measurement, 2 UNTIL, 32, 180, 235, 314 user fault, 137, 189 user status, 133, 311, 314 basis for gosub, 183 definition (INDUST), 134
value substitution, command fields, 5 variables, 13 binary, 315 writing, 325 clearing (VARCLR), 318 conversion between numeric and binary, 319 indirect, 317 numeric, 317 teach data, 55, 60 writing, 324 string, 319 writing, 325 velocity, 315 assignment, 316 actual, 321 commanded, 320 change on-the-fly, 45, 175 feedback gain (SGV), 259 feedback gain, negative, 262
X vs. 6000 language, 335 x-center point, 199, 200 x-coordinate, 212, 228 x-endpoint, 199, 200, 201, 213 XON/XOFF, enable & disable, 325
y-center point, 199, 200 y-coordinate, 212, 228 y-endpoint, 199, 200, 201, 213
z-channel, 130 zero absolute position after homing, 122 zero master cycle position, 99
Feedrate Override
Motion (S-Curve)
Path Contouring
Transfers (Status)
Controller Configuration
] ] ] ]
Operators (Bitwise)
[ & ] [ ~ ] [ << ] [ >> ]
Data Storage
Limits [ | ] (End-Of-Travel) [ ^ ]
Operators (Logical)
[ AND ] [ NOT ] [ OR ]
Power-Up Execution
Display (RP240)
Operators (Math)
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ = ] ( ) ] + ] - ] * ] / ] SQRT ]
Branching Conditional
Operators (Other)
! @ ; $ # ' [ . ] [ " ] [ \ ] [ ]
Drive Config.
Branching Unconditional
Operators (Relational)
[ [ [ [ [ [ = ] > ] >= ] < ] <= ] <> ]
Interrupt to PC-AT
Motion (Compiled)
Operators (Trig)
[ ATAN( ) ] [ COS( ) ] [ PI ] RADIAN [ SIN( ) ] [ TAN( ) ]
SD STD STREAM [ ] = Command
is used for assignment and/or comparison operations.
Command Delimiter
<cr> <lf> :
Common Problems
Detailed troubleshooting instructions refer to the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide: Problem/Cause/Remedy table Program debug tools (error messages, Trace, Single-Step, etc.) Downloading error table (bus-based products) Common problems: No motion. Possible causes include: - P-CUT input or ENBL input must be grounded to allow motion. Check status with TINOF command (see bit #6). - Drive is disabled. Enable with DRIVE command. Make sure the drive fault level (DRFLVL) is correct. - End-of-travel limit is active (check with TASF, bits 15-18). If you are NOT using hardware limit switches, disable them with the @LH0 command. Programmable input (INFNC) functions do not work, and drive fault detection does not work: - Enable input functions with the INFEN1 command. Scaled values are incorrect: - See Scaling section in the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Technical Assistance: Phone numbers are reported with the HELP command, and are listed on the inside cover of this document.
Programming Scenario
This program executes motion. If you coupled the motor to the load, make sure it is safe to move the load without damaging equipment or injuring personnel. Be ready to enter the ctrl/K command (from the terminal) to kill motion. NOTE: A more detailed/illustrated version of this programming scenario is provided in Chapter 1 of the 6000 Series Programmer's Guide. Install your 6000 Series product according to the instructions in your product's Installation Guide. If you have a servo product, you should tune your system to ensure that you get predictable motion.
Status Commands
Current axis-specific conditions
17...POS software limit (LSPOS) hit 18...NEG software limit (LSNEG) hit 19...Within Deadband (EPMDB) 20...In Position (COMEXP) ----------------------21...In Distance Streaming Mode 22...In Velocity Streaming Mode 23...Position error limit (SMPER) .......was exceeded 24...Load is within the Target Zone .......(STRGTD & STRGTV) ----------------------25...Target Zone timeout (STRGTT) 26...Motion pending due to GOWHEN 27...LDT position read error 28...Registration move occurred ----------------------29...RESERVED 30...Pre-emptive (on-the-fly) GO or .......Registration move not possible 31...RESERVED 32...RESERVED 1.....Axis in motion 2.....Commanded direction negative 3.....Accelerating 4.....At commanded velocity ----------------------5.....Home successful (HOM) 6.....In Absolute Positioning .......Mode (MA) 7.....In Continuous Positioning .......Mode (MC) 8.....In Jog Mode (JOG) ----------------------9.....In Joystick Mode (JOY) 10...In Encoder Step Mode (ENC) 11...Position Maintenance on (EPM) 12...Stall was detected (ESTALL) ----------------------13...Drive shutdown occurred 14...Drive fault occurred 15...POS hardware limit hit 16...NEG hardware limit hit
Install Motion Architect (disks are in the ship kit) and then launch Motion Architect. From the Motion Architect main menu, click on Product, click on Selection and select the name of the product you are using. Click OK. From the Motion Architect main menu, click on Editor to launch Motion Architect's program editor. In the Editor, type in the program as shown below. The comments (to the right of ;) are shown here to explain the function of each command; you do not have to type them in. This is a program for single-axis motion. DEL EXAMPL ;Delete the program called EXAMPL DEF EXAMPL ;Begin defining the program EXAMPL DRIVE1 ;Enable the drive MC0 ;Select preset positioning mode MA0 ;Select incremental positioning mode LH3 ;Enable hard end-of-travel limits ;<<WARNING>> If you are not using ;hardware end-of-travel limit inputs, ;you can instead use the LH0 command ;to disable the limits, but USE CAUTION ;so that you do not move the load too ;far in either direction. A25 ;Set acceleration to 25 units/sec/sec AD25 ;Set deceleration to 25 units/sec/sec V5 ;Set velocity to 5 units/sec D16000 ;Set distance to 16000 units ;<<WARNING>> Make sure this is a safe ;distance if you disabled the end-of;travel limits (LH0 command) above. GO ;Execute the move END ;End definition of program EXAMPL In the Editor, save the program as exampl.prg.
1.....System is ready 2.....RESERVED 3.....Executing a program 4.....Last command executed .......was immediate ----------------------5.....In ASCII Mode 6.....In Echo Mode (ECHO) 7.....Defining a program (DEF) 8.....In Trace Mode (TRACE) ----------------------9.....In Step Mode (STEP) 10...In Translation Mode 11...Command error occurred 12...Break point (BP) is active ----------------------13...Pause active (PS or pause input) 14...Wait (WAIT) is active 15...Monitoring ONCOND conditions 16...Waiting for data (READ)
(If have not already done so, power up your 6000 Series product.) From the Motion Architect main menu, click on Terminal to launch Motion Architect's terminal emulator. From the Transfers menu, select Send Motion Program(s), choose the exampl.prg file, and click OK.
Run the Program: To run the program from the terminal emulator, type the name of the program (in this case it is EXAMPL) and press the carriage return or enter key.
If you are using a stepper, the default resolution will most likely be set to 25,000 steps per rev; therefore, running the EXAMPL program should move the motor about 2/3 rev. If you are using a servo, the default resolution will most likely be set to 4,000 counts per rev; therefore, running the EXAMPL program should move the motor about 4 revs.
TSTAT.......General system status. TCMDER.....Identifies the command that caused an error. TEX........... Execution status of the current program in progress. TDIR.........Names of all stored programs; memory usage. TFSF.........Following status. TERF.........Error status. You must first enable each error-checking bit ................. with the ERROR command. If the error-checking bit is ................. enabled and the error occurs, the controller will branch to ................. the error program assigned with the ERRORP command. TINOF.......Status of P-CUT or ENBL input and joystick inputs. INFNC.......Function and active status of each programmable & trigger ................. input. Bit assignments vary by productrefer to page 6. OUTFNC.....Function and active status of each programmable & auxiliary ................. output. Bit assignments vary by productrefer to page 6. TPM........... Commanded position (steppers). TPC........... Commanded position (servos). TFB........... Actual position, selected feedback sources (servos). TPER.........Position error (difference of commanded vs. actual). TASXF.......Extended axis status.
On-line Documentation
The contents of this document may be viewed and printed from the PDF files on our web site ( and from the hypertext version accessed via the Help menu in Motion Architect.