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Client-Side Web Scripting Lecture Notes

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Client-Side Web Scripting

• allows programs (i.e., scripts) to be downloaded from the web server

and executed on the client (i.e., browser)
• common client-side scripting technologies:
o JavaScript, ECMAScript, JScript
o VBScript, ActionScript
o Java applets, ActiveX controls, Flash animations
• common uses:
o dynamic (X)HTML
ƒ page embellishments and special visual “effects”, content
generation and manipulation, user interaction, document
and page navigation, etc.
o form validation
o asynchronous/partial content retrieval, RIA technologies (e.g.,
• common issues:
o browser support
ƒ no scripting support
ƒ scripting disabled
ƒ plugin availability
o version incompatibilities, non-standard implementations
o capability restrictions
ƒ scripting languages are not general-purpose programming
ƒ e.g., JavaScript is restricted by the sandbox execution
model and the same origin policy
o security risks
ƒ browser implementation defects (e.g., buffer overflows)
ƒ e.g., for JavaScript, cross-site scripting (XSS) or cross-site
request forgery (XSRF) issues
ƒ malicious ActiveX controls

• developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape Communications as the
scripting language for the Netscape Navigator browser
• formerly called Mocha, then LiveScript, then JavaScript
• standardized by Ecma International as ECMAScript
• latest version: JavaScript 1.8
• common version: JavaScript 1.5, JScript 5.5, ECMAScript v3 (ECMA-
262 3rd edition)
• linked/embedded in web pages using the <script> element
o linked:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”scripts.js” />
o embedded (either in the <head> or the <body> element):
<script type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- hide script from non-JavaScript browsers...
/* script code goes here... */
// end of script hiding... -->
• JavaScript + DOM/BOM + CSS + (X)HTML = DHTML

• basic language features:

o paradigm:
ƒ object-oriented (prototype-based), functional, imperative,
scripting language
o Java-/C-like syntax:
ƒ implicit semicolon insertion for statement termination
ƒ identifiers use alphanumeric, _, and $ characters
ƒ case-sensitive keywords and identifiers
ƒ single-line (//) or block (/* */) comments
o type system and variable scoping rules:
ƒ dynamic (a.k.a. loose or weak) typing
ƒ global (a.k.a. top-level) or local scopes
ƒ data types:
• primitive types
o numbers (decimal, hexadecimal notation)
o booleans (true, false)
o strings (single or double quote delimited)
o undefined and null
• composite (object) types
o core JavaScript objects
ƒ Object, Number, Boolean, String, Date,
Math, Global, RegExp, Error
ƒ arrays (Array)
ƒ functions (Function, Arguments)
o client-side JavaScript objects
ƒ Window, Navigator, Screen, Document,
Location, History
ƒ Anchor, Applet, Attr, Comment,
DOMException, DOMImplementation,
DocumentFragment, Element, Event, Form,
Image, Input, Layer, Link, Node, Option,
Select, Style, Text, TextArea
o keywords:
ƒ break, case, catch, continue, default, delete, do, else,
false, finally, for, function, if, in, instanceof, new,
null, return, switch, this, throw, true, try, typeof,
var, void, while, with
o reserved words (for possible future language extensions):
ƒ abstract, boolean, byte, char, class, const, debugger,
double, enum, export, extends, final, float, goto,
implements, import, int, interface, long, native,
package, private, protected, public, short, static,
super, synchronized, throws, transient, volatile
o operators
ƒ . [] () new
++ -- + - * / %
= compound assignment operators
== != < <= > >= === !==
&& || !
& | ^ ~ << >> >>>
?: ,
delete typeof instanceof in void
o statements and control structures
ƒ var
ƒ if-else
• condition expressions having values of 0, ””, null,
and undefined evaluate to false
ƒ switch-case-default-break
• allows any expression type as the switch expression
• can use expressions as case labels
• with fall-through functionality
ƒ while, do-while, for, for-in, break, continue
ƒ try-catch-finally, throw
• throw and catch can handle any expression type
ƒ function, return
ƒ with

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