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Photoshop Tutorial 1

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Lightning/Blending Procedure: Stage 1: 1. Open Photoshop (blue icon inside the CS3 folder on the desktop). 2.

Open a new document: FileNew. 3. Check and make sure the image is 7 by 5 inches (not pixels). Resolution of 72. Make sure RGB Color is selected and Background Color is in the bottom box. Click OK 4. In the tool bar on the bottom left, make sure white is the foreground color (top square) and black is the background (bottom square). 5. Select the gradient button. Its a rectangle halfway down the tool bar (on the left) with white on the left and black on the right. 6. Draw a line from the top left corner of your canvas to the bottom right. 7. Click on FilterRenderDifference Clouds 8. Invert the image; CTRL I 9. Adjust the lighting levels; CTRL L, move the gray arrow below the graph to the right about halfway. Then move the black arrow on the left to the right to your preference. Watch the image as you make this adjustment. Click OK 10. Put in color; CTRL U. Check the Colorize box on the bottom right. Adjust the Hue slide bar first, Saturation second, and Lightness last. Once you have adjusted these 3, you can then manipulate the slide bars any order you wish to preference or keep what you have. Click OK. You have colored lightning! Stage 2: 1. Open an image of your choice; FileOpen. Go to your Images folder you created at the beginning of class. 2. Click on the tiny arrow at the bottom of the Rectangular Marquee Tool (2nd button from the top of the tool bar). Choose either the Rectangular or Elliptical Marquee tool. 3. Drag around the part of your image you want to keep. Everything outside the dotted line will not be copied. 4. Press CTRL C to copy whats inside. Click on your lightning image. Press CTRL V to paste your image on top of the lightning. 5. Click on the Move tool, very top button on the tool bar, and move your copied image if you wish. 6. Press CTRL T to transform your image. You can do many things at this point. a. Grab a box on the side or top and pull/push to adjust the dimensions of your image. b. Grab a corner box and adjust the size proportionally of the image. c. Move the mouse to the outside of the box and you will get a rocker arrow. That will allow you to rotate the image. d. Inside the box, you will see a tiny dotted circle. That is the rotation point for the image. Where ever you move it will determine how the image rotates (you can spin it on its edge if you want). e. Move the mouse inside the image and get a solid black arrow and you can move the image again across the canvas. 7. Locate Opacity in the Layer pallet (bottom right). Click on the arrow next to 100% and move the slide bar to the left slowly, watching your image. Adjust to preference. 8. Double click anywhere inside the box and that will set your changes. Congratulations! You have a blended picture. You can add more images if you want. Later, you will learn how to duplicate the lightning and add special effects. Stage 3: 1. Save your finished blended image. Click OK when prompted. 2. Now go to Save AS, change the name of your picture by COMPLETELY erasing EVERYTHING in the filename box and typing in the name you want. Then below the file name click the drop down menu and select JPEG. Click Save, then OK when prompted. 3. Go to FileOpen, and open the picture you just saved in step 2. 4. Click and hold the Blur Tool button (tear drop shape, middle of tool bar on the left). Select the Smudge tool (looks like a popsicle). 5. Now, very carefully, use the mouse to trace around the edges of the real picture on top of the background to complete the blending effect.

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