Ot Syllabus
Ot Syllabus
Ot Syllabus
L : T: P 3 1 0 Unit-I History and general introduction to oils, fats, waxes, mineral oils, essential oils, their sources, composition and structures. Constituents of natural fats Glycerides and fatty acids, their nomenclature, classification and principle sources; theories of glyceride structure. 06Unit II Nonglyceride components of natural fats: phosphatides, sterols, gossypol, carotenoids, hydrocarbons, coloring matter, vitamins and antioxidants, Fatty Alcohols, Sterols, Tocopherols, Triterpine Alcohols Waxes etc.Gossypol,Sesamol and Sesamoline, Flavoring compounds. Some minor important constituents of oilseeds: ricin, sinigrin, linamarine, saponin, allyl iso thiocyanate , gossypol, sesamol and sesamoline. 08 Unit III Adulteration tests for vegetable and animal fats and oils and their chemistry. Physicochemical characteristics of natural oils,fats and their fatty acids: Oiliness and viscosity, density and coefficient of expansion, melting point, smoke, fire, and flash points, Boiling point; solubility and miscibility, refractive index . 08 Unit IV Acid value,saponification value, Iodine value, thiocyanogen value, diene value, acetyl and hydroxyl value Riechert Miessel and Polensky values, and Kirshner value, Peroxide Value, Anisidine Value, Krishner Value, Totox value, Absorption spectra range Unit V Brief introduction to chemical & Biochemical reactions of fats and fatty acids: esterification, interesterification saponification, hydrolysis: reactions involving the carboxyl groups e.g., formation of metal soaps: nitrogen derivatives, acid chlorides, anhydrides etc.: alkoxylation, pyrolysis: reactions in the fatty acid chain; hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, halogenation, addition of sulphur, phenols, cresols , hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans: sulphonation and sulphonation and miscellaneous addition to the double bonds, Antioxidation, Rancidity, chemical and atmospheric oxidation. 10 Reference Book 1. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Edition 6 Vol-1 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 2. A text book of oil and fat analysis By Cocks & Reid 3. An introduction to chemistry & Biochemistry of Fatty acids & their glyceride By F.D. Gunstone 4. Oils and Fats Manual Vol- I, 1996, Edited by A. Karleskind 5. Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats, 2003, Edited by M.M. Chakraborty 6. BIS specifications; IS- 548, part I & II 7. Food Lipids; Chemistry Nutrition and Biotechnology By Casimir C. Akoh & David B. Min 8. Lipid Analysis of Oils &Fats, P.J. Hamilton, Liver pool, John Moores Univ., Liver Pool (UK)
B. Determination of physical characteristics of oils and fats i) ii) iii) iv) v) Acid value Saponification value Iodine Value Hydroxyl Value Peroxide value
3 : 1: 0 Unit-I Natural sources of oils and fats. World scenario of oilseed and oils. Past and future trends in fluctuations of production and price and their reasons. 06 Unit-II Handling and storage of oilseeds, oil bearing materials and crude oils during their handling and storage. Storage of oilseeds, Grading and evaluation of oilseed and oil bearing material as per BIS/ Codex, Drying of oilseed. 06 Unit III Commercial oilseeds and vegetable oils, their production, utilization, characteristics and composition: coconut, palm kernel, cocoa butter, cottonseed, peanut, olive, palm, nigerseed, sunflower, safflower, sesame, groundnut, corn, tobacco-seed, watermelon, rubber-seed, rice-bran, mustard, rape-seed, canola, argemone, linseed, soybean, tung, oiticica, castor, neem, mahua, kusum, karanja, sal, mango kernel , shea fat chilli seed oil, tamarind seed , grapeseed, maize germ, jaitropha etc. Genetically modified oilseeds 12 Unit -IV Production, utilization, characteristics and composition of the following: Milk fats and butter, Animal fats, lard, tallow and greases etc. Fish and marine oils: halibut, herring, shark, menhaden, whale, sardine, fish liver oils etc, Different methods of rendering. 08 Unit -V Natural waxes such as bees wax, shellac wax, carnauba wax, sugarcane wax, Montana wax,jojoba wax, sperm-oil , ricebran , sunflower and spermaceti, synthetic waxes, their occurrence, classification , general properties and uses. 08 Reference Book 1. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-2 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 2. 3. 4. 5. Oils & fats Technology Edited by E. Bernardini Neem: A wonder tree Edited by R.K. Suri & Mehrotra Non Traditional oilseeds and oils in India, (1987) Edited by N.V. Bringi Rapeseed cultivation, composition, processing and utilization Edited by L.A.
6. Deep Frying; Chemistry, Nutrition and Practical Application, Michel D.Erickson IInd Edition
1 Analysis of individual oils as per BIS /CODEX methods 2. Identification tests and detection of adulteration in oils and fats. 3. Analysis of oil cakes as per BIS methods:
(a) Oil Content (b) Nitrogen Content (c) Moisture Content (d) Crude fiber Content (e) Ash Content 4. Analysis of toxic constituents in oilseed and oilcakes 5. Determination of Allyl Iso-thio cynate in mustard oil 6. Complete analysis of oilcakes from oilseeds 7. Complete analysis of rice bran and its meal
8. Oxidation stability tests viz. anisidine value 9. Determination of oxidation stability by Rancimat
L : T: P 3 : 1: 0 Unit-I History, fundamental of soaps; General principles of soap-making, chemistry of cleaning action in soaps. Study of saponification reaction, velocity and temperature. Production of soap base by traditional methods in single vessel, saponification in presence of catalysts and/or at high temperature and high pressure. Raw material for soaps and their selection: role of INS factor, solubility ratio and hardness number, quality specifications and soap making properties of oils and fats. Selection and functions of builders, fillers and other auxiliary raw materials, Upgradation of raw materials including fractionation . 10Unit-II Manufacture of household soaps :and toilet soaps from soap base by cold, semi-boiled and full boiled processes. Details of machinery employed and quality specifications with emphasis on effect on quality of milling and plodding, Manufacture of soaps from fatty acids & methyl esters. Analysis of soaps as per BIS standards. 08 Unit-III Continuous processes of soap manufacture, principles related to the production of extruded soaps-solidification and drying, extrusion homogenization and plastic working. Modern process and plant for the production of household and toilet soaps. 08 Unit-IV Manufacture of specialty soaps viz. soft soaps, liquid soaps, transparent and translucent soaps, super fatted soaps, medicated soaps, floating soaps, etc. Soap powders like spraychilled and spray-dried powders. 06 Unit-V Application of fat splitting: Hydrolysis of oils and fats; composition of partially split fats. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and ratio of reactants in hydrolysis of fats; degree of splitting; Plants and processes employed for fat splitting: Twitchell process, enzymatic fat splitting, low and high-pressure autoclave processes; semi-continuous and continuous processes of fat splitting, single cut and two cut column for DFA production. Recovery of glycerine from spent soap lye & sweet water. 08 Reference Book 1. Soaps: Their chemistry & Technology by J.G. Kane 2.Soaps & detergent by K.S. Parasuram 3. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-6 (2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 4.. Gylcerin Edited Vol -11 (1991)by Eric Jungermann & Norman O.V. Sonntag 5. Surfactants Series vol I- VII 6. Soap Technology By Davidson 7. Soap Technology By Elliot 8. Fatty Acid Series By Markley
08 Unit-III Solvent extraction: Theory, solvents and their availability, selection of solvents, advantages and limitations, properties of different solvents. Solvent extraction techniques: Batch and continuous plants and processes employed for solvent extraction of low and high oil bearing materials. 08 Unit-IV De-solventization of meals: Equipments and plants employed, current trends with comparison of each. Solvent losses and utility requirements, energy conservation. Safety and environmental consideration of solvent extraction plants & solvent recovery systems. 08 Unit-V Alternative solvents of oils extraction; their principle and comparison with conventional solvents. Use of super critical fluid and liquefied gases for oilseed extraction and oleoresin preparations, HCF extraction, Aqueous extraction. Enzymatic extraction. 08 Reference Book 1. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-5 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 2. Oil and Fat Technology Edited by E. Bernardini 3. Solvent extraction of vegetable oil by Parikh 4. Oilseed and Oil Milling in India 5. Proceedings of AOCS 6. Handbook of SEA
7. Oil Extraction &Analysis (critical issue and comparative studies) , D.L. Luthria, US Department of Agriculture Behtsville, Maryland
1. Analysis of household washing and toilet soaps as per BIS: (a) Moisture and volatile matter content (b) Free alkali (c ) Total alkali (d) Total fatty matter (e) Sodium chloride content (f) Rosin content (g) Glycerol content (h) Titre of fatty acids of soaps (i) Alcohol soluble & Insolubles (k) Identification of fat base 2. Analysis of P2O5 content in STPP 3. Determination of Surface Tention, Interfacial Tention, CMC and Contact angle 4. Determination of Fatty Acid profile of Toilet soaps 5. Analysis of Glycerin as per BIS/AOCS Method
Laboratory preparation for the following: 1. Metallic soaps 2. Liquid detergents 3. Detergent powders and cakes 4. Turkey Red Oil 5. Aluminum Stearate 6. Pilot scale manufacture of Toilet soaps B. Laboratory preparation for the following: 1. Cold Creams 2. Vanishing Creams 3. Tooth Pastes 4. Tooth Powders 5. Face Powders 6. Talcum Powders 7. Hair Oils
Unit II Components of Costing; Utilities, power , steam, air, water; Cost and analysis of plant e.g. Break Even Point, Rate of Return, Pay Back Period, Depreciation etc 6 Unit- III Utilities in expression, solvent extraction refining plant, hydrogenation plant, a typical other oleochemical unit. A working layout and calculation of cost of production for above plants. 8 Unit-IV Introduction to by- products of refining industry; Phospholipids, production of industrial and edible grade Lecithin, gums. Manufacture of compound cattle feed; production of protein concentrates and isolates. Reesterification of fatty acid with glycerin and its trans-esterification for production of biodiesel. Detoxification of oil cakes, Manufacture of value added products from oil meals. Utilization of deteriorated deep fried oil for industrial utilization. Unit- V 10
Segregation of deodorizer distillate and isolation of value added products by conventional and molecular distillation and other plants and machinery involved. Classification of effluents of oil and allied industries, GOI specifications of effluents and various treatment techniques
Reference Book
1. Plant Design & Economics by Peta Timber House 2. Air & Water by Giringer
4. Practical guide in vegetable oil processing by Manoj K. Gupta 5. Chemistry &Technology of Oils &Fats by M.M. Chakarobarty 6. Fats & Oils Handbook by Michael Bockich
1. 2. 3. 4.
Preparation of acid slurry, Preparation of Detergent powder Preparation of Liquid detergents Analysis of synthetic detergent powders as per BIS 1. Active matter content and its type 2. Moisture and volatile matter content 3. Matter insoluble in water 4. Matter insoluble in alcohol 5. Active alkalinity 6. Total phosphate content 7. Sodium poly phosphate content 8. Chloride content 5. Analysis of alkyl benzene sulphonic acid as per methods of BIS (a) Active matter (b) Free LAB (c) Sulphuric acid content 6. Determination of performance characteristics of surfactants and detergent products: (a) Foaming power (b) Dispersing power (c) Relative detergency (d) Surface tension and Interfacial tension
L : T: P 0:0:3 The student will be required to prepare and deliver a seminar as well as submit a written report on the topic assigned to him/her
High-pressure hydrogenation for production of fatty alcohol; conjugated hydrogenation. Hydrogenation of fatty acids: importance of operating variable and feed stock purity, batch and continuous methods, loop reactors, impellers 06 Unit-V Quality control of modified fats, dilatometry- theory and practice, Trans unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in nutrition and health.Energy conservation in hydrogenation process, Frying & stability characteristics, nutrition & health aspects, Interesterification, fractionation, winterization, Diacylglycerols as low calorie fats. 08 Reference Book 1. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-6 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 2. Hydrogenation of Oil & Fat Edited by H.B.W. Patterson 3. Markley Fatty Acid Vol. II 4. Oils &Fats Analysis by Cocks & Reid 5. Fats and oils formulation and for application by Richard D.O. Brien
Unit-III Plants and processes employed in the manufacture of anionic surfactants viz. alcohol sulfates, alkyl aryl sulfonates, olefin sulfonates, sulfated and sulfonated oils, alpha methyl esters etc., nonionic surfactants viz. Poly-ethoxy ethers and esters, polyhydroxy surfactants etc. and cationic surfactant e.g. quaternary ammonium compounds. 10 Unit-IV Inorganic and organic builders and fillers used in the manufacture of synthetic detergents and their functions. Various physical forms of synthetic detergents: Solid, liquid, and non/liquid forms. Manufacture of household synthetic detergents: Plants and processes employed for manufacture of powder, liquid and cake soaps 08 Unit-V Analytical techniques employed for analysis of synthetic detergents and surfactants as per BIS Methods. Biological effects and toxicity of surfactants. 04 Reference Book 1. The manufacture of soaps other detergents and glycerin Edited by Edgar Woollatt 2. Synthetic detergent Edited by Milwidsky 3. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products Vol-1 Fourth Edition, Edited by Daniel Swern 4. Soaps & detergent Edited by K.S. Parasuram 5. Synthetic Detergents Edited by Davidson 6. BIS IS: 4955-1978; Specification for Synthetic Detergent Powders for household use 7. Gemini Surfactants : Synthesis interfacial and Application 8. Handbook of Detergent; Part A,B,C,D
OT-703 ADVANCED OIL CHEMISTRY AND OLEO CHEMICALS L : T: P 3 : 1: 0 Unit-I Advanced theories of glyceride structure of natural fats, determination of glyceride structure; synthesis of glycerides; estimation of mono-, di-, and tri-glycerides. Stereospecific analysis, lipase hydrolysis. Polymorphism of fats and fatty acids.Chemical synthesis of fatty acids and their derivatives. 08 Unit-II Mechanism of important chemical and biochemical reactions of fats and fatty acids; esterification, inter-esterification, isomerisation, polymerization, dehydration, pyrolysis and oxidation. Fatty acid esters and other oleo-chemicals derived from fats and fatty acids, products and by-products from castor oil, soyabean oil , rapeseed oil ,neem oil ,mahua , cottonseed etc., Stabilization of distilled fatty acids. 08
Unit-III Fatty alcohols and amines: Methods of production and their utilization.Manufacture of sulphited and sulphurised oils ,properties , specifications and plant and processes employed.Textile auxiliaries, Leather chemicals , Polymer additives , Paint additives , Lubricant additives. 06 Unit-IV
Chemistry of drying oils: Modification of oils for surface coating industry.Thermal and chemical modification methods; properties of modified oils ,changes in drying oils during heat bodying and oxidative polymerization. Processes and plants employed for their commercial production. Malenised oils, epoxidised oils ,boiled oils , blown oils ,stand oils , urethane oils. 10 Unit-V
Fatty acids, distillation, crystallization , Fractionation, High purity fatty acid products blends distillation. 10 Reference Book 1. Fatty Acids Vol.- I V by K. S. Markley 2. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Part--I -V By Bailey
Degumming, deacidification, bleaching hydrogenation, deodorization and physical refining. Neutraceuticals derived from oils 08 Unit-V Saponification of oils, different methods of soap manufacture, selection of raw materials, analysis of soaps. Types of surfactants and fat based surfactants. 08 Reference Book 1. Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-6 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi 2. Oil & Fats Technology Edited by E. Bernardini 3. Soaps & detergent Edited by K.S. Parasuram 4. Soaps: Their chemistry & Technology by J.G. Kane 5. Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats, 2003, Edited by M.M. Chakraborty
The student (s) will be required to search literature pertaining to design of an equipment / processing of a food commodity / production of food product, comprehend it and prepare a report for assessment.
0:0: 3 The student(s) will be required to undertake training in the food industry after III B. Tech.VI semester for a specified period and submit its report after completion for evaluation and oral examination in the VII semester of his studies in Final B.Tech.
Reference Books: 2. Perfume Cosmetics & Soaps Vol.-I III by W.A. Poucher 3. Cosmetics Science & Technology Edition 2 Vol-II ( 1972 Edited By M.S. Balsam & Edward Sagarin
Solid waste treatment, waste gas treatment: spent earth, catalyst, fly ash boiler ash, Air pollution control by mechanical method: mechanical collectors, electrostatic precipitator, filters,wet scrubbers, vapour phase system, activated carbon. Typical air purification system. 08
Unit IV Lubrication in metal cutting; introduction, conditions of use for cutting fluids, lubricant characteristics and types, principle of selection, General aspects of lubrication in metal working Unit V Lubricating Greases: Properties, types, ingredients, additives, analysis of lubricating oils and greases as per BIS test methods. Manufacture of lubricating GreasesProcesses and equipments. 08 Reference Books: 1. Internal Combustion Engineering Edited by V. Ganesan. 2003
1. Fatty acids; Their chemistry, properties, production and uses Part III Edited by K.S. Markley 2. Principles of Instrumentation analysis, Edition- III (1985) Edited by Douglas A. Skog 3. CODEX / BIS 4. PFA 5. Agmark
0 : 0: 12
Continuation of Term work of OT-753 with product and/or plant designing with a Technoeconomic Feasibility Report of suitable size.