Coaxial Pulse Transformer
Coaxial Pulse Transformer
Coaxial Pulse Transformer
CONCLUSION former, and is likely to prove to superior be conventional lo a This paper has describedanewresonance transformer that system in many has characteristicssimilar t o those of a two-winding inductively coupled transformer. The resonance circuit becan designed to REFERENCES provide either current Or transformation, and can 111 High power MHD system technical memorandum, technical combineitstransformerdutywithpowerfactorcorrection. discussion of resonance tvoe voltage steo UD svstems. Maxwell Thecircuit is a viable competitor to a conventional transLaboratories Tech. Rep. MLR-601, bec. 1 : 1<7S:
Abstract-Coaxial-cable pulse transformers with good high-frequency response (30-11srise time) and excellent high-voltage interwinding insulation (2300 kV primary to secondary) were designed, built, and tested. They have the advantage that the open-circuit transformation ratio is unaffected by the thickness of the interwinding insulation, and good coupling is maintained with step-up designs. An equivalent circuit was developed, involving two coupling coefficients, which predicted the measured results with reasonable accuracy. Values of primary, secondary, and leakage inductances were 1.4, 2.2, and 0.8 pH, respectively.
Dtc =
0.002 m
I. INTRODUCTION OAXIALCABLESused as isolation pulse transformers (such as for triggering spark gaps) have been in use for some time [1]-[5]. These transformers have inherent advantages over wire-wound transformers (as ina conventional power transformer), such as tight magnetic coupling and good insulation between the primary and secondary. To insure efficient voltage transfer,the transformers primary magnetizing impedance should be much larger than the source impedance. The use of magnetic cores is advantageous if this criterion is to be met at low frequencies. Air-core coils of several turns (such as wire-wound or strip-wound) can meet this criterion at higher frequencies but theirresponse is limited by turn-to-turn capacitance at higher frequencies. When very high frequencies are encountered, a one-turn, air-core coaxial transformer is effective (see Fig. 1). When air-core transformManuscript received February 15, 1979;revised June 4,1979. R. E. Dollinger is withLaboratory for Power and Environmental Studies, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14226. D.A. Moll, deceased, was with Laboratory for Power and Environmental Studies, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14226. D. L. Smith is with the Advanced Concepts Branch, DYP, ofthe Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117.
d = 0.001 m
ers of this type are used, it is important that the input be applied to the outer conductor so that good coupling is attained [6]. This paper presents a model which is useful in designing the one-turn, air-core transformer described previously [6].
Fig. 2 shows a model which has shown improved accuracy indescribing thetransformer of Fig. 1. The magnetic coupling coefficient k p is the fraction of flux generated by current in theprimary that links thesecondary. Similarly, k , is the fraction of flux generated by current in the secondary that links the primary. Two coupling coefficients ( k p and k,) are used instead of the single coefficient normally used in transformer models, because the magnetic geometry of a coaxial transformer differs from that of a normaltransformer with separate windings ( k , in the figure should be ks). When the outer conductor of the transformer is pulsed as the primary, it can intuitively be seen from Fig. 1 that virtually all of the generated flux is external to the secondary, or
Authorized licensed use limited to: Northrop Grumman Aerospace Sector. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:22:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
. volts
1.33 3.50 6.35 11.4 21.3
0.93 0.72 0.65 0.52 0.47 2.07 2.44 2.45 1.62 1.65
- ___
2.05 2.M
inner conductor. The converse, however, does not fcllow because fluxgenerated bycurrent in thesecondary is not entirely external to the outer conductor. Thus a certain proportionofthe flux is containedinthe space betweer.the inner and outer conductors. As a result, k, is essentiall.). one and k , isless than one. This was experimentally verifi1:das the leakage inductance of the primary was found to be Ilegligible, and the leakage inductance of the secondary was relatively large. Numerically, the values in the model of the coaxial transformer are calculated as follows from the basic inductance equations for a single turn loop [7] :
In order to maintain good coupling (k, zz l)', it is necessary to prevent flux originating from primary currt:n.t at one point ontheloopfrompenetratingtheouter(mduct,oratother locations around the loop. The desired nnagnetic shielding is provided by eddy currents induced in th.e outer conductor. These decrease following the initialapplication of the pulse with an approximate diffusiontime constant, =pdD/4p, where p is the resistivity of the outer condnctor and p is the magnetic permeability [SI. The time constant T , for the transformer having the dimensions given in F:ig 1, is approximately11 ms. Thusfor pulses shorter fha:n this, excellent sheilding is provided and k, N 1.
111. TEST DATA A numberoftransformers were constriucted with varying ratios of outer conductor diameter t o innseir conductor diameter, in order to testthe accuracy of the modelpresented. The results are given inTable I , where t h e primary is the outerconductor.It can be seen in all cases that measured inductancescorrespondwiththe values calculated using the given formulas. Fig. 3 shows typical inputandoutput pulses. Theinput pulse was generated using a low-impeda.nce (l-il), parallel-plate primary inductance: transmission-line pulser [9]. Theout.put wa.8 taken across a load resistor RL of 50 a.The rise time of tlha output pulse is due to a combination of the time constant I:(1 - k,)L,] /RL and also the transmission-line effects discussed previously in secondary inductance: the paper. The reduced magnitude of the output pulse is due to the voltage drop across the secondary le,alrage inductance. (The magnitudes of the input and output pulse are the same secondary leakage inductance: if the loadimpedance is high.) The transformer used is the one shown in Fig. 1, for which the values L,, = 1.4pH, L , = (1 - k , ) L , = L , - L , 2.2 p H , M = 1.4 pH, k , = 1 , and k, = 0.64 :ire calculated. mutual inductance: This type of transformer witha1 :2 voltage step-up ratio (D= 0.40 m and Do, N 0.03 m) has been used to provide a M = d(k,L,)(k,L,), k, = 1. 300-kV, 30-11s rise-time trigger to a rail gal:) forthe Teepee Transmission-line effects become apparent when frecptencies 1B Theta Pinch from a 150-kV, 13-stage 1Ma:rxbank [6]. The and become high enough to make the largest physical dirrension two-turnsecondary was made ofthe imruer insulation of thetransformer D comparable in size to one-half wave- center conductor of RC-S/U coaxial cablle with extra insulalength. Atthisparticular frequency,theimpedance viewed tion added. This additional insulation w:a,s needed to prevent from the input terminals is that of a transmission line a half arcing and to reduce the effect of capac;ktive coupling of the wavelength long terminated in a short circuit (i.e., zero input signal (which also allows for a reduction in common-mode impedance). Thus all of the input voltage is dropped across noise). The fact that the voltage step-up ratio equals the turns the source impedance. Therefore, there is n o applied primary ratio is aresult of k , = 1when the outer conductor is the primary. This has also been tested for a turns ratio of 1 : 3. voltage, and there can be no output at the secondary.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Northrop Grumman Aerospace Sector. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:22:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
By treating the transformer magnetic coupling coefficient k= as two separate parts, the simple model has been formed which satisfactorily explains the experimental results of coaxial pulse transformers.Theperformance of coaxial transformers with the outer conductor driven as the primary is not degraded when theseare insulatedfor very high voltages. Finally, they are quite practical for short-pulse applications due to self-magnetic shielding and good coupling.
[ 11 R. E. Matick, Transmission line pulse transformers-Theory and applications,vol. 1968. June 1,p. 47, [ 21 C. N. Winningstad, Nanosecond pulse transformers, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sei., vol. 6, p. 26, Mar. 1959.
131 C. L. Ruthroff, Some broad band transformers,Proc. IEEE, vol. 47, p. 1337, Aug. 1959. [41 R. J. Harvey, Skin-effect pulse transformers, in Proc. Symp. DII-10 (Los Alamos, NM, Eng. Prob. Fusion Research, paper Apr. 8-11,1969). Also, Los Alamos Sci. Lab. Rep. LA-4250. [51 G. F. Boicurt, B. D. Clark, and A. E. Schofield, A coaxial high voltage pulse transformer, private communication,LosAlamos Sci. Lab., Los Alamos, NM. 161 R. Dollinger and D. L. Smith, An analysis of coaxial pulse transpaper IIE4 (Dept. formers, in Proc. IEEE Int. Pulse Power Conf., Elec. Eng., Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, Nov. 9-11, 1976). [71 F. E. Terman, Radio Engineers Handbook. New York and London: McGraw-Hill, 1943. Systems. New [81 A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power York, London, Sydney, and Toronto: Wiley, 1971. 191 R. Dollinger and C. P. Scheffler, Improvements of transmission line pulsers, in Conf. Rec. 13th Pulse Power Modulator Symp. (June 20-22,1978), pp. 163-166.
Abstract-A series of pulsers operating up to 100 kW with efficiencies up to 80 percent have been built. The voltage levels, rise times, durations, and repetition rates have been investigated for pulsers operating intodifferent loads. The difficulties of mechanical and solid-state switching (e.g., contact erosion, sticking, and bouncing contacts), have been eliminated by using a stream of mercury droplets to bridge the gap between two switch electrodes in order to discharge a transmission line into a load or bydischarging charged mercury droplets into the load.
I. INTRODUCTION COMMON SOLUTION totheproblemof generating pulses with nanosecond rise times has been to discharge atransmissionline into its characteristic impedance.This is doneby discharging a length ( L ) of coaxial cable intoits characteristic impedance, resulting in a pulse of duration 2L divided by the propagation velocity [ I ] . Improved operation
Manuscript received February 15, 1979;revised June 4, 1979. R. E. Dollinger and C. P. Schefflerarewith Laboratory for Power and Environmental Studies, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14226. D.A. Moll, deceased, was with Laboratory for Power and Environmental Studies, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of New Yolk at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14226.
at higher voltages into lower resistance loads at high repetition rates with little contact erosion has been obtained by using mercury dropletsas the switching medium, rather than common mechanical switches or avalanche transistor stacks [2] - [4] . In the past, subnanosecond pulses have beenobtainedby making the initially charged line very short [5]-[SI . The first pulser referenced used a hydrogen spark to discharge a stray capacitance of 2 pF to produce 20- to 400-V pulses with rise times of 1 ns from a supply of 0.5 t o 2 kV a t repetition rates up to 80 kHz. The next two pulsersreferenced use a small metal ball or cylinder as the initially charged line. The ball is charged and then electrostatically repelled toward another lead which is attached to the load, where it discharges. Using thistype of pulser with pressurized nitrogen can produce -2-kV pulses of -200-ps duration and 0.5-ns rise time into 5042 loads withrepetition rates of several hundredhertz. The last pulser [8] uses a metal ball that is alternately rotated past the charging and discharging lead by an insulated paddle. The advantages of the rotating-ball generator include variable pulsewidth (proportional to ball diameter) and variable repetitionrate (Le., rateof impinging droplets). Improvedresults which have beenobtained using charged mercury droplets
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