Arielle Sara Kassorla's Resume
Arielle Sara Kassorla's Resume
Arielle Sara Kassorla's Resume (516) 330-1523 Television and Film Experience: Americas Got Talent, Production Assistant, New York, N.Y. 4/8/13- 4/10/13 Worked on NBCs hit show Americas Got Talent during the season 8 New York City auditions. Helped NBC executives with several tasks, as well as worked with both contestant and reality departments in moving contestants from their individual interviews back to holding. Gwist, Intern, College Park, Md. 1/13- 5/13 Worked on the YouTube channel Gwist to help find talent and book panelists for various shows. Also analyzed viewership data, published episodes and worked with marketing to spread the word about Gwist. Maryland Newsline, Producer, University of Maryland Produced various newscasts for the College of Journalisms live television news show. Maryland Newsline Monday, Producer, Anchor and Reporter, University of Maryland Produced, anchored and reported for various newscasts for the College of Journalisms taped television news show. Producers Guild of America East, Summer Intern, New York, N.Y. Edited several short videos for the Producers Guild of Americas video website. 9/12- 4/13
9/12- 12/12
5/12- 8/12
Atlas Media Corp., Summer Intern, New York, N.Y. 5/12- 8/12 Compiled research, transcribed footage, and fact checked scripts for HGTVs Auction Queen, Investigation Discover ys Stalked: Someones Watching and Frenemies: BFFs Gone Bad. The Father Albert Show, Summer Intern, New York, N.Y. 5/11- 8/11 Assisted producers in finding potential guests and compiling research on potential show topics. Debmar- Mercury distributes The Father Albert Show. The Jeremy Kyle Show, Summer Intern, New York, N.Y. 5/11- 8/11 Assisted with greenroom preparation and guests. Also compiled research on show topics. Debmar- Mercury distributes The Jeremy Kyle Show. The Wendy Williams Show, Summer Intern, New York, N.Y. 5/10- 8/10 Helped producers and production assistants with show preparation for live shows. Debmar- Mercury distributes The Wendy Williams Show. Syracuse After Hours, Crewmember, Syracuse University Worked as a camera operator, floor director and technical director for Syracuse Universitys sketch comedy show. Education: University of Maryland, Philip Merrill College of Journalism Degree: B.A. in Broadcast Journalism Expected Graduation Date: May 2013 Syracuse University, College of Visual and Performing Arts 9/09- 5/10
Technical Skills: Proficient in AP Style, Final Cut Pro, Avid, ENPS, Facebook, Wordpress, Twitter, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Honors: Semester Academic Honors- University of Maryland Presidents Transfer Scholarship- University of Maryland Deans List for College of Visual and Performing Arts- Syracuse University National Society of Collegiate Scholars Leadership Experience: Beyond the Classroom: Living/ Learning Community- Student Leader Vice President of Special Events- Ballroom At Maryland Alumni Correspondent Chair- Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha Theta Chapter