Lab 10 Fa10
Lab 10 Fa10
Lab 10 Fa10
1. What are triggers commonly used for in the database? 2. List the types of events that cause a database trigger to fire? 3. What is the most important thing to check before creating a database trigger? 4. When creating a DML statement trigger on a table, what are the components that you must define? 5. business rule states that each time one or more employees are added to the employees table, an audit record must also be created. This rule could be enforced using application code, but we have decided to enforce it using a DML statement trigger. A. Create an audit table by executing the following SQL statement: CREATE TABLE audit_table (action VARCHAR2(15), user_name VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT USER, last_change_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT SYSTIMESTAMP); B. Create a statement level trigger that inserts a row into the audit table immediately after one or more rows are added to the employees_dup table that you created in a previous lesson. The audit table row should contain value Inserting in the action column. The other two columns should have their default values. Save your trigger code for later. C. Test your trigger by inserting a row into employees, then querying the audit table to see that it contains a row. D. Make sure the trigger does not fire with a DELETE by deleting the employee you just entered. Recheck the audit_table table to make sure that there is not another new row. 6. What is the difference between a statement trigger and a row trigger? 7. A row trigger fires at least once even if no rows are affected. True or false?
8. Imagine that the following four DML triggers have been defined on the employees table: a. a BEFORE INSERT statement trigger, b. a BEFORE UPDATE statement trigger, c. an AFTER UPDATE row trigger, d. an AFTER DELETE statement trigger. An UPDATE statement updates three employee rows. How many times will each trigger fire? 9. What kind of event causes a DDL trigger to fire?
10. Explain the difference between ON SCHEMA and ON DATABASE triggers. 11. Imagine that the following audit table has been created in your schema: CREATE TABLE audit_ddl (action VARCHAR2(20), who VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT USER, when TIMESTAMP DEFAULT SYSTIMESTAMP); State which events would fire each of the following triggers: a. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER new_tab_trig AFTER CREATE ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_ddl(action) VALUES( 'New object'); END; b. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER drop_tab_trig AFTER DROP ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_ddl(action) VALUES( 'Deleted object'); END; c. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER alter_tab_trig AFTER ALTER ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_ddl(action) VALUES(Modified object); END;
12. Create a row trigger: A. That displays the maximum salary in the employees table, and is fired immediately before an employees salary is updated. B. Test your trigger by attempting to update the salary of employee_id 100 to a new value of 25000. What happens and why? C. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER alter_tab_trig AFTER ALTER ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_ddl(action) VALUES(Modified object); END;
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER alter_tab_trig AFTER ALTER ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_ddl(action) VALUES( 'Modified object'); END;