Cranerunwaybeams 4ed bk180
Cranerunwaybeams 4ed bk180
Cranerunwaybeams 4ed bk180
The relevant Australian standard for crane runway beam design is AS 1418.18 Part 182001: Crane runways and monorails [1]. The code is quite comprehensive and deals with forms of construction, loading and both local and global design issues. For fatigue assessment purposes, the code sets numerous structure classifications S1 to S9 which depend on the crane utilisation and the state-of-loading. The utilisation classes are U0 to U9 and they depend on the maximum number of operating cycles. The state-of-loading categories are Q1 to Q4 being Light, Moderate, Heavy and Very Heavy. These categories depend on the load spectrum which is essentially a measure of what percentage of the loads lifted are at the capacity of the crane. It should be noted that the words light and heavy in this context mean the state-ofloading and not the magnitude of the Safe Working Load (SWL) of the crane. Fatigue analysis is not required for structure classifications S1, S2 and S3 and so fatigue is not otherwise addressed in the text of this book. The code [1] makes a further distinction between Light Duty and Heavy Duty runways. This is potentially confusing as the words light and heavy in this context have different meanings from those in the state-of-loading categories. Light Duty runways are defined as those comprising a hot rolled single or multiple sections with structure class up to and including S8 or those comprising a fabricated beam such as WBs or WCs with structure class up to and including S7. Heavy Duty runways are those with structure class S9 for hot rolled single or multiple sections and with structure class S8 or S9 for fabricated sections such as WBs or WCs. The distinction between Light and Heavy Duty runways allows the code to offer minor design concessions for Light Duty runways. These concessions are as follows: (a) Lateral loads can be assumed to be applied at the top flange and be resisted by the top flange alone (Clause 5.6.2). (b) Torsional loading from rail eccentricity and from the action of lateral loads may be neglected (Clause 5.6.2). (c) Local transverse bending of the top flange need not be checked (Clause (d) Local torsional effects due to vertical loads acting eccentrically with respect to the girder web centreline may be neglected. Because the concessions are relatively minor, the checks are still done in the design example despite the crane runway beams being classified as Light Duty runways. Reference [2] considers that portal columns with corbels are suitable to support Light Duty runways whereas lattice, stepped or separate columns are considered suitable for Heavy Duty runways or for cranes which are high above the floor [2]. Adopting separate columns has the design advantage of separating the functions of building and crane support [2]. To proceed with the design, the designer needs to establish the level of the top of the rail, the clearance above the top of the rail and the crane wheel base. These vary with the type of crane, and can be obtained from the manufacturer. The working loads are also best obtained from the crane manufacturer who knows the self-weight of the crane, the wheel centres, the limits of hook travel across the span and the intricacies of the crane code AS 1418.18 Part 182001: Crane runways and monorails [1]. The manufacturer can usually provide loads factored for dynamic effects and lateral loads calculated in accordance with the code. There can be a significant difference in wheel loads and geometry between single and double girder cranes, so the designer should at least establish, at the preliminary design phase, the type of crane that is to be used. If the designer cannot establish the type of the crane, then a contingency of say 10% could be added to the loads provided by one manufacturer to allow
for other makes which might be adopted. Nevertheless, the design should be checked when the actual crane has been chosen. AS 1418.18 [1] directs designers to AS 4100 [3] for the limit states design of crane runway beams except where specific requirements of AS 1418.18 take precedence. Because monosymmetric beams such as crane runway beams with loads applied above the top flange are not directly covered by AS 4100, methods are proposed in this chapter to deal with such beams. Tables giving member moment capacities of crane runway beams using these methods are presented in Appendix 8.1. It should be noted that AS 1418.18 nominates a load factor of 1.25 for dead loads. Because this has now been superseded by the current dead load factor of 1.20 in AS/NZS 1170.0 [4], the 1.20 factor is used in the design example.
Once the crane wheel loads and the overall geometry have been established, the general design procedure is as given below. This procedure is presented from the viewpoint of the additional steps needed for the design of a portal frame building with an overhead travelling crane compared with those needed in Chapter 4 for a building without a crane. 1. Obtain the static and dynamically factored vertical and lateral wheel loads from the crane manufacturer or likely manufacturers. 2. Design the crane runway beams for combined vertical and lateral loading using the design capacity tables in Appendix 8.1 for major axis bending capacity or from the first principles given in Section 8.3. 3. Carry out other checks on the crane runway beam such as flange and web thickness checks, deflection checks, shear checks and bearing checks. 4. Check whether fatigue analysis and detailing are required. 5. Determine the maximum crane load reactions on the corbel supporting the crane runway beam, and the coincident minimum crane load reactions on the opposite portal column. (If the corbel is included as a member in the computer model, these vertical loads are applied directly to the corbel. If the corbel is not modelled, the crane load needs to be applied to the column as a vertical load and a coincident moment at the level of the mid-height of the corbel.) 6. Determine the coincident lateral loads on the portal frame due to oblique travel or lateral inertia. (For the purposes of portal frame design, these loads are assumed to be applied to the portal column at the level of the top of the crane runway beam.) 7. Add the crane runway beam dead load to the dead load case in Chapter 4 and add the following new crane load cases: Loads with maximum vertical load at left column Loads with maximum vertical load at right column Lateral inertia loads Oblique travel loads with maximum at left column and acting from left to right Oblique travel loads with maximum at right column and acting from left to right 8. Determine the load combinations.
S.T. Woolcock
Director, Bonacci Group Consulting Engineers
S. Kitipornchai
Honorary Professor, School of Civil Engineering The University of Queensland
M.A. Bradford
Scientia Professor of Civil Engineering The University of New South Wales
G.A. Haddad
Associate, Bonacci Group Consulting Engineers
Published by Australian Steel Institute Level 13, 99 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060
AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE (ABN)/ACN (94) 000 973 839 DESIGN OF PORTAL FRAME BUILDINGS including Crane Runway Beams and Monorails
Published by AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE Enquiries should be addressed to the publisher: Business address Level 13, 99 Mount Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia Postal address P.O. Box 6366, North Sydney, NSW 2059 Australia Email address Website Copyright 2011 Australian Steel Institute All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Australian Steel Institute. Previously published as: Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 1st edition, 1987 (to AS 1250) Limit State Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 1st edition, 1991 (to AS 4100) Limit State Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 2nd edition, 1993 (to AS 4100) Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 3rd edition, 1999 (to AS 4100) Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 3rd edition, 2003 (reprint with ASI) National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Design of portal frame buildings: including crane runway beams and monorails/ S.T. Woolcock [et al.] 4th ed. ISBN 9781921476266 (pbk.) Includes bibliographical references and index. Industrial buildings Design and construction. Building, Iron and steel Design and construction. Woolcock, S.T. Australian Steel Institute. 693.71 DISCLAIMER Every effort has been made and all reasonable care taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained in the Publication. However, to the extent permitted by law, the Authors, Editors and Publishers of the Publication: (a) will not be held liable or responsible in any way; and (b) expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility, for any loss, damage, costs or expenses incurred in connection with this Publication by any person, whether that person is the purchaser of this Publication or not. Without limitation, this includes loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred if any person wholly or partially relies on any part of this Publication, and loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of the negligence of the Authors, Editors or Publishers. WARNING This Publication should not be used without the services of a competent professional person with expert knowledge in the relevant field, and under no circumstances should this Publication be relied upon to replace any or all of the knowledge and expertise of such a person.
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... i PREFACE..................................................................................................................................... ix NOTATION .................................................................................................................................. xi 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 1.2 Key Features of Portal Framed Buildings Design Issues 1.2.1 General Design Criteria 1.2.2 Structural Design Introduction Grey Areas in Design Aims of This Book Limit States Design 1.3.1 Background 1.3.2 Design for the Strength Limit State 1.3.3 Design for the Serviceability Limit State Design Examples 1.4.1 Building 1.4.2 Crane Runway Beams 1.4.3 Monorails References Background Dead Loads Live Loads Wind Loads 2.4.1 Regional Wind Speed 2.4.2 Site Wind Speeds 2.4.3 Terrain Category 2.4.4 Design Wind Speeds and Pressures 2.4.5 External Pressures 2.4.6 Internal Pressures 2.4.7 Area Reduction Factor (Ka) 2.4.8 Action Combination Factor (Kc) 2.4.9 Local Pressure Factors (Kl) Seismic Loads Load Combinations 2.6.1 Strength Limit State 2.6.2 Serviceability Limit State Design Example - Loads 2.7.1 Dead Loads 2.7.2 Live Loads 2.7.3 Wind Loads Basic Wind Data External Wind Pressures Internal Wind Pressures Peak Local Pressures 2.7.4 Seismic Loads 2.7.5 Load Cases for Portal Frames 2.7.6 Load Combinations References 1 3 3 3 3 4 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 11 11 12 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 19 21 21 24 24 25 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 31 33 35 36 37 41 42
LOADS ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
4.9 4.10
Deflections 4.9.1 General 4.9.2 Problems of Excessive Deflection Design Example Frame Design 4.10.1 Frame Analysis Preliminary Design Haunch Properties Methods of Analysis 4.10.2 Frame Deflections Sidesway Deflection Rafter Deflection 4.10.3 Columns (460UB74) Column Section Capacities Column Member Capacities Column Combined Actions 4.10.4 Rafters (360UB45) Rafter Section Capacities Rafter Member Capacities Rafter Combined Actions 4.10.5 LIMSTEEL Results 4.10.6 End Wall Frames 4.10.7 End Wall Columns Inside Flange in Tension (Inward Loading) Inside Flange in Compression (Outward Loading) Axial Compression Under Gravity Loads References General Bolted Knee and Ridge Joints Column Bases 5.3.1 Holding Down Bolts 5.3.2 Base Plates Design Example - Frame Connections 5.4.1 General 5.4.2 Knee Joint General Calculate Design Actions Bottom Flange Connection Top Flange Connection Summary of Adopted Knee Connection Details 5.4.3 Ridge Connection General Calculate Design Actions Carry Out Design Checks Summary of Adopted Ridge Joint Details 5.4.4 Base Plates 5.4.5 End Wall Column Connections General Centre Column - Top Connection Quarter-Point Columns Top Connection References General Erection Procedure
120 120 121 124 124 124 125 126 127 127 127 127 127 128 128 132 132 133 134 145 145 145 145 147 148 149 151 152 154 154 155 155 155 156 156 157 163 185 197 197 197 198 200 205 206 211 211 211 213 214 215 216
6.10 6.11
Roof and Wall Bracing Forces 6.3.1 Longitudinal Wind Forces 6.3.2 Rafter or Truss Bracing Forces General Quantifying Bracing Forces Bracing Plane Bracing Layout Tension Rods Tubes and Angles in Tension Tubes in Compression End Connections for Struts and Ties 6.9.1 Tubes Tubes in Tension Tubes in Compression 6.9.2 Angles In-plane Eccentricity of Connection Design Example - Roof and Wall Bracing 6.11.1 Longitudinal Forces General Forces due to Longitudinal Wind Forces due to Rafter Bracing Forces in Roof Bracing Members 6.11.2 Ties or Tension Diagonals 6.11.3 Struts 6.11.4 Connections End Connections for Struts Bolts 6.11.5 Side Wall Bracing References General Design Uplift Forces Pad Footings Bored Piers 7.4.1 General 7.4.2 Resistance to Vertical Loads 7.4.3 Resistance to Lateral Loads Holding Down Bolts 7.5.1 General 7.5.2 Design Criteria 7.5.3 Grouting or Bedding 7.5.4 Bolts in Tension Anchorage of Straight or Cogged Bars Cone Failure Embedment Lengths Minimum Edge Distance for Tensile Loads 7.5.5 Bolts in Shear 7.5.6 Corrosion Slab Design 7.6.1 Design Principles 7.6.2 Slab Thickness 7.6.3 Joints General Sawn Joints Cast-In Crack Initiators Keyed Joints Dowelled Joints Joint Spacing and Reinforcement
216 216 216 216 217 219 221 223 226 229 231 231 231 233 235 235 235 235 235 236 238 238 238 241 244 244 246 247 268 269 270 270 271 271 273 274 275 275 276 277 277 277 278 279 280 282 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 285 286 287 287
Design Example Footings 7.7.1 Typical Portal Footings Bored Piers Compare Pad Footings 7.7.2 End Wall Column Footings 7.7.3 Main Portal Footings in Bracing Bays Corner Columns Column on Grid B2 Columns on Grids A2, A8 and B8 7.7.4 Holding Down Bolts for Portal Columns 7.7.5 Holding Down Bolts for End Wall Columns Design Example - Slab 7.8.1 Design Criteria 7.8.2 Slab Thickness Design 7.8.3 Joints 7.8.4 Reinforcement References General Design Procedure for Crane Runways and Supporting Structure Design of Crane Runway Beams 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Design Loads and Moments 8.3.3 Member Capacity in Major Axis Bending Mbx AS 4100 Beam Design Rules Proposed Monosymmetric Beam Design Rules 8.3.4 Crane Runway Beam Deflections Design of Supporting Structure 8.4.1 Portal Frame Structure 8.4.2 Portal Frame Loads General Serviceability Wind Speeds 8.4.3 Portal Frame Deflection Limits Design Example Crane Runway Beams and Supporting Structure 8.5.1 General 8.5.2 Load Cases 8.5.3 Crane Runway Beams Major Axis Bending Moments Minor Axis Bending Moments Combined Actions Check Major Axis Compound Section Moment Capacity Msy Deflections Vertical Shear Capacity Shear Buckling Capacity Shear and Bending Interaction Bearing Capacity of Crane Runway Beam Check Local Transverse Bending of Compression Flange Check Effect of Vertical Loads on Web Check Effect of Eccentric Rail Loading on Crane Runway Beam Web Check Effect of Web Buckling Under Vertical Loads Fatigue Check Effect of Eccentric Corbel Loading on Column 8.5.4 Check Portal Frame General Loads Load Combinations Columns
288 288 288 290 291 292 292 292 293 293 294 294 294 294 295 296 296 297 299 300 300 300 301 301 302 305 305 305 306 306 306 307 308 308 309 311 311 312 315 315 315 316 316 317 317 319 321 321 324 325 325 327 327 327 329 329
8.6 References Appendix 8.1 Design Capacity Tables Appendix 8.2 Background to Design Capacity Tables
334 335 342 349 350 350 350 350 351 352 352 353 353 353 354 354 354 355 357 357 357 358 360 361 365 365 366 366 367 367 368 369 369 370 370 371 371 371 371 372 372 372 373 374 374 375 375 379 380 380 380 381 381 381 381 382 383 383
Check Member Bending Capacity Check Web Thickness Deflections Vertical Horizontal 9.5.8 Summary 9.6 References Appendix 9.1 Design Capacity Tables Appendix 9.2 Background to Design Capacity Tables Appendix 9.3 Effective Length Factors Appendix 9.4 Hoist & Trolley Data
385 385 386 386 386 386 386 389 398 401 404
APPENDIX II FRAME ANALYSIS OUTPUT .............................................................................. 419 APPENDIX III LIMSTEEL OUTPUT ........................................................................................... 439 APPENDIX IV LIMCON OUTPUT ............................................................................................. 444 APPENDIX V OUTPUT FOR PORTAL FRAME WITH CRANE ..................................................... 461 SUBJECT INDEX ....................................................................................................................... 467