Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
INJURY: Fourth edition
BMJ Books
Fourth edition
Edited by
Honorary Consultant in Spinal Injuries,
The Duke of Cornwall
Spinal Treatment Centre,
Salisbury District Hospital, UK
Clinical Director, Emergency Department,
MidCentral Health, Palmerston Hospital North,
New Zealand
© BMJ Books 2002
BMJ Books is an imprint of the BMJ Publishing Group
ISBN 0-7279-1518-5
Preface vii
1 At the accident 1
3 Radiological investigations 11
7 Urological management 33
8 Nursing 41
9 Physiotherapy 49
10 Occupational therapy 53
Index 81
Elizabeth Binks Wendy Pickard
Senior Sister, The Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre, Pressure Nurse Specialist, The Duke of Cornwall Spinal
Salisbury District Hospital Treatment Centre, Salisbury District Hospital
Nigel North
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, The Duke of Cornwall Spinal
Treatment Centre, Salisbury District Hospital
The fourth edition of the ABC of Spinal Cord Injury, although now redesigned in the current ABC style, has the same goals as
previous editions. It assumes spinal cord injury to be the underlying condition, and it must be remembered that a slightly different
approach is used for trauma patients in whom spinal column injury cannot be excluded but cord damage is not suspected.
This ABC aims to present in as clear a way as possible the correct management of patients with acute spinal cord injury, step by
step, through all the phases of care and rehabilitation until eventual return to the community.
The book discusses how to move the injured patient from the scene of the accident, in conformity with pre-hospital techniques
used by ambulance services in developed countries, and it incorporates refinements in advanced trauma life support (ATLS)
which have developed over the past decade.
The text explains how to assess the patient, using updated information on the classification and neurological assessment of
spinal cord injury.
There is a greater emphasis in making the correct diagnosis of spinal injury and established cord injury—unfortunately,
litigation due to missed diagnosis is not uncommon. The pitfalls in diagnosis are identified, and by following the step by step
approach described, failure to diagnose these serious injuries should therefore be minimised.
Patients with an acute spinal cord injury often have associated injuries, and the principles involved in managing these injuries
are also discussed.
The later chapters follow the patient through the various stages of rehabilitation, and describe the specialised nursing,
physiotherapy and occupational therapy required. They also discuss the social and psychological support needed for many of these
patients in helping both patient and family adjust to what is often a lifetime of disability. Where applicable, the newer surgical
advances, including the use of implants which can result in enhanced independence and mobility, are described.
Later complications and their management are discussed, and for the first time there is a chapter on the special challenges of
managing spinal cord injuries in developing countries, where the incidence is higher and financial resources poorer than in the
developed world.
David Grundy
Andrew Swain
1 At the accident
Andrew Swain, David Grundy
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
At the accident
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Further reading
• Swain A. Trauma to the spine and spinal cord. In: Skinner
• Go BK, DeVivo MJ, Richards JS. The epidemiology of spinal D, Swain A, Peyton R, Robertson C, eds.Cambridge textbook of
cord injury. In: Stover SL, DeLisa JA, Whiteneck GG, eds. accident and emergency medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge
Spinal cord injury. Clinical outcomes from the model systems. University Press, 1997, pp 510–32
Gaithersburg: Aspen Publishers, 1995, pp 21–55 • Toscano J. Prevention of neurological deterioration before
• Greaves I, Porter KM. Prehospital medicine. London: Arnold, admission to a spinal cord injury unit. Paraplegia
1999 1988;26:143–50
2 Evacuation and initial management at hospital
Andrew Swain, David Grundy
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Evacuation and initial management at hospital
resuscitation from trauma. If not already secure, the cervical C=cervical Posterior
spine is immobilised in the neutral position as the airway is T=thoracic columns
assessed. Following attention to the ABC, a central nervous L=lumbar
system assessment is undertaken and any clothing is removed. S=sacral
This sequence constitutes the primary survey of ATLS. The corticospinal
spinal injury itself can directly affect the airway (for example LS tract
by producing a retropharyngeal haematoma or tracheal
deviation) as well as the respiratory and circulatory systems L
(see chapter 4). S
S L Spinothalamic
Secondary survey T tract
Once the immediately life-threatening injuries have been C
addressed, the secondary (head to toe) survey that follows
allows other serious injuries to be identified. Areas that are not
being examined should be covered and kept warm, and body Figure 2.7 Cross-section of spinal cord, with main tracts.
temperature should be monitored. In the supine position, the
cervical and lumbar lordoses may be palpated by sliding a hand
under the patient. A more comprehensive examination is made
during the log roll. Unless there is an urgent need to inspect
the back, the log roll is normally undertaken near the end of
the secondary survey by a team of four led by the person who
holds the patient’s head. If neurological symptoms or signs are
present, a senior doctor should be present and a partial roll to
about 45˚ may be sufficient. A doctor who is not involved with
the log roll must examine the back for specific signs of injury
including local bruising or deformity of the spine (e.g.
a gibbus or an increased interspinous gap) and vertebral
tenderness. The whole length of the spine must be palpated,
as about 10% of patients with an unstable spinal injury have
another spinal injury at a different level. Priapism and
diaphragmatic breathing invariably indicate a high spinal cord
lesion. The presence of warm and well-perfused peripheries in
a hypotensive patient should always raise the possibility of
neurogenic shock attributable to spinal cord injury in the
T3 0 = total paralysis T3
C5 C5
T4 1 = palpable or visible contraction T4
S4-5 T4
T5 2 = active movement, T5 T6
T6 gravity eliminated T6 L L T8
T7 3 = active movement, T7 2 2 T9 T1
C6 C6
T8 against gravity T8 S2
S2 T10
T9 4 = active movement, T9 T12
L3 Knee extensors L3 L5 L5 L3 L3
Figure 2.8 Standard Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. Reproduced from International Standards for Neurological Classification of
Spinal Cord Injury, revised 2000. American Spinal Injury Association/International Medical Society of Paraplegia.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
• Sensation to pin prick (spinothalamic tracts) Box 2.3 If blunt abdominal trauma suspected
• Sensation to fine touch and joint position sense (posterior
columns) • peritoneal lavage
• abdominal CT scan with contrast
• Power of muscle groups according to the Medical Research
Council scale (corticospinal tracts)
• Reflexes (including abdominal, anal, and bulbocavernosus)
• Cranial nerve function (may be affected by high cervical
injury, e.g. dysphagia).
By examining the dermatomes and myotomes in this way, the
level and completeness of the spinal cord injury and the
presence of other neurological damage such as brachial plexus
injury are assessed. The last segment of normal spinal cord
function, as judged by clinical examination, is referred to as the
neurological level of the lesion. This does not necessarily
correspond with the level of bony injury (Figure 5.1), so the
neurological and bony diagnoses should both be recorded.
Sensory or motor sparing may be present below the injury.
Traditionally, incomplete spinal cord lesions have been
defined as those in which some sensory or motor function is
preserved below the level of neurological injury. The American
Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) has now produced the
ASIA impairment scale modified from the Frankel grades
(see page 74). Incomplete injuries have been redefined as those
Evacuation and initial management at hospital
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Cervical injuries
The first and most important spinal radiograph to be taken of
a patient with a suspected cervical cord injury is the lateral view
obtained with the x ray beam horizontal. This is much more
likely than the anteroposterior view to show spinal damage and
it can be taken in the emergency department without moving
the supine patient. Other views are best obtained in the
radiology department later. An anteroposterior radiograph and Figure 3.2 Compression fracture of C7, missed initially because of
an open mouth view of the odontoid process must be taken to failure to show the entire cervical spine.
complete the basic series of cervical films but the latter
normally requires removal of the collar and some adjustment
of position, therefore the lateral x ray needs to be scrutinised
The lateral view should be repeated if the original
radiograph does not show the whole of the cervical spine and
the upper part of the first thoracic vertebra. Failure to insist on
this often results in injuries of the lower cervical spine being
missed. The lower cervical vertebrae are normally obscured by
the shoulders unless these are depressed by traction on both
arms. The traction must be stopped if it produces pain in the
neck or exacerbates any neurological symptoms.
If the lower cervical spine is still not seen, a supine
“swimmer’s” view should be taken. With the near shoulder
depressed and the arm next to the cassette abducted,
abnormalities as far down as the first or second thoracic
vertebra will usually be shown. This view is not easy to
interpret, and does not produce clear bony detail (Figure 3.4),
but it does provide an assessment of the alignment of the
cervicothoracic junction. Oblique, supine views may also help
in this situation.
The interpretation of cervical spine radiographs may pose
problems for the inexperienced. First, remember that the
spine consists of bones (visible) and soft tissues (invisible) Figure 3.3 Swimmer’s view being taken, with patient supine.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Radiological investigations
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Radiological investigations
Middle Posterior
column column
Figure 3.13 The three (anterior, middle and posterior) spinal columns.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Denis F. Spine 1993;8:817–31).
Figure 3.15 MRI showing transection of the spinal cord associated with
a fracture of T4.
Figure 3.16 Left: CT scan with (right) sagittal reconstruction showing C7–T1 bilateral facet dislocation—a useful technique at the cervicothoracic
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Further reading
• Brandser EA, el-Khoury GY. Thoracic and lumbar spine
trauma. Radiol Clin North Am 1997;35:533–57
• Daffner RH, ed. Imaging of vertebral trauma. Philadelphia:
Figure 3.17 MRI showing C3–4 central disc prolapse with spinal cord Lippincott-Raven, 1996
compression and an area of high signal in the cord indicating oedema. • Hoffman JR, Mower WR, Wolfson AB et al. Validity of a set
of clinical criteria to rule out injury to the cervical spine in
patients with blunt trauma. New Engl J Med 2000;343:94–9
• Jones KE, Wakeley CJ, Jewell F. Another line of enquiry
(atlanto-occipital dislocation). Injury 1995;26:195–8
for better definition. Instability in thoracic spinal injuries may • Kathol MH. Cervical spine trauma. What is new? Radiol Clin
also be caused by sternal or bilateral rib fractures, as the North Am 1997;35:507–32
anterior splinting effect of these structures will be lost. • Nicholson DA, Driscoll PA, eds. ABC of emergency radiology.
A particular type of fracture, the Chance fracture, is London: BMJ Publishing Group, 1995
typically found in the upper lumbar vertebrae. It runs
transversely through the vertebral body and usually results
from a shearing force exerted by the lap component of a seat
belt during severe deceleration injury. These fractures are
often associated with intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal
A haematoma in the posterior mediastinum is often seen
around the thoracic fracture site, particularly in the
anteroposterior view of the spine and sometimes on the chest
radiograph requested in the primary survey. If there is any
suspicion that these appearances might be due to traumatic
aortic dissection, an arch aortogram will be required.
Fractures in the thoracic and lumbar spine are often
complex and inadequately shown on plain films. CT
demonstrates bony detail more accurately. MRI is used to
demonstrate the extent of cord and soft tissue damage.
4 Early management and complications—I
David Grundy, Andrew Swain
Respiratory complications
Respiratory insufficiency is common in patients with injuries of
Box 4.1 Causes of respiratory insufficiency
the cervical cord. If the neurological lesion is complete the
patient will have paralysed intercostal muscles and will have to In tetraplegia:
rely on diaphragmatic respiration. Partial paralysis of the Intercostal paralysis
diaphragm may also be present, either from the outset or after Partial phrenic nerve palsy—immediate
24–48 hours if ascending post-traumatic cord oedema —delayed
Impaired ability to expectorate
develops. In patients with injuries of the thoracic spine,
Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
respiratory impairment often results from associated rib
fractures, haemopneumothorax, or pulmonary contusion; there In paraplegia:
may also be a varying degree of intercostal paralysis depending Variable intercostal paralysis according to level of injury
on the neurological level of the lesion. Associated chest injuries
Sputum retention occurs readily during the first few days —rib fractures
—pulmonary contusion
after injury, particularly in patients with high lesions and in
those with associated chest injury. The inability to produce an
effective cough impairs the clearing of secretions and
commonly leads to atelectasis. The loss of lung compliance
contributes to difficulty in breathing and leads to a rapid
exhaustion of the inspiratory muscles. Abnormal distribution of
gases and blood (ventilation-perfusion mismatch) also occurs in
the lungs of tetraplegic patients, producing further respiratory
impairment. Box 4.2 Nurse in recumbent position to:
Patients normally need to be nursed in the recumbent
position because of the spinal injury, and even if spinal • Protect the spinal cord
• Maximise diaphragmatic excursion
stabilisation has been undertaken, tetraplegics and high
paraplegics should still not be sat up, as this position limits the
excursion of the diaphragm and reduces their vital capacity.
Regular chest physiotherapy with assisted coughing and
breathing exercises is vital to prevent atelectasis and
pulmonary infection. Respiratory function should be
monitored by measuring the oxygen saturation, vital capacity,
and arterial blood gases. A vital capacity of less than 15 ml/kg Box 4.3 Physiotherapy
body weight with a rising Pco2 denotes respiratory failure, and
• Regular chest physiotherapy
should alert clinicians to support respiration (non-invasive
• Assisted coughing
pressure support may suffice). Bi-level support is preferable to
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and may avoid
resorting to full ventilation. This mode of respiratory support
may also assist in weaning the patient from full ventilation. The
inspired air must be humified, as in full ventilation, otherwise
secretions will become viscid and difficult to clear.
If atelectasis necessitates bronchoscopy this is a safe
procedure which can be performed without undue movement
of the patient’s neck by using modern fibreoptic instruments. If
the patient is already intubated the fibreoptic bronchoscope
can be passed down the tracheal tube. Although early
tracheostomy is best avoided in the first instance, as ventilation
is sometimes needed for a few days only, it should not be
delayed unnecessarily. It allows easy access for airways toilet and
facilitates weaning from the ventilator. Minitracheostomy can
be useful if the problem is purely one of retained secretions.
A patient whose respiratory function is initially satisfactory
after injury but then deteriorates should regain satisfactory
ventilatory capacity once spinal cord oedema subsides. Artificial
ventilation should therefore not be withheld, except perhaps in
the elderly and infirm where treatment is likely to be Figure 4.1 Chest radiograph on the day of injury in a 30 year old
prolonged and unsuccessful. By involving the patients and their motorcyclist with a T6 fracture and paraplegia. There are bilateral
relatives, artificial ventilation may sometimes be withheld in this haemothoraces, more severe on the right. Chest drains were required
situation and the patient kept comfortable. If there is a risk of on both sides.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Early management and complications—I
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Later analgesia
In the ward environment, diamorphine administered as a
low-dose subcutaneous constant infusion, once the correct
initial dose has been titrated, gives excellent pain relief,
especially if combined with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Figure 4.5 Stryker frame.
drug. Close observation is essential and naloxone must always
be available in case of respiratory depression.
Box 4.9 Joint and limb care
It diamorphine is unavailable, a syringe-driven
intraveneous morphine infusion can be used. • Daily passive movement of joints
• Splints for hands of tetraplegic patients
• Early internal fixation of limb fractures often required
Trauma re-evaluation
Trauma patients may be obtunded by head injury or distracted Box 4.10 Trauma re-evaluation
by major fractures and wounds. As a result, some injuries Following spinal cord trauma, occult injuries can easily compromise
associated with high morbidity, for example scaphoid fracture, recovery or aggravate disability. Complete clinical re-assessments
may not generate symptoms during early management. The must be performed regularly during the first month after injury
diagnosis of such injuries can be difficult in any trauma patient
but in spinal cord injury, the symptoms and signs are often
• Chen CF, Lien IN, Wu MC. Respiratory function in patients
abolished by sensory and motor impairments. Furthermore,
with spinal cord injuries: effects of posture. Paraplegia
some of these injuries compromise rehabilitation and the
ultimate functional outcome. Daily re-evaluation of trauma
• Menter RR, Bach J, Brown DJ, Gutteridge G, Watt J. A
patients helps to overcome these diagnostic difficulties and is
review of the respiratory management of a patient with
very important during the first month after injury.
high level tetraplegia. Spinal Cord 1997;35:805–8
• Short DJ, El Masry WS, Jones PW. High dose
Further reading methylprednisolone in the management of acute spinal
cord injury—a systematic review from a clinical perspective.
• Bracken MB et al. Administration of methylprednisolone for Spinal Cord 2000;38:273–86
24 or 48 hours or tirilazad mesylate for 48 hours in the • Tromans AM, Mecci M, Barrett FH, Ward TA, Grundy DJ.
treatment of acute spinal cord injury. JAMA The use of BiPAP biphasic positive airway pressure system
1997;277:1597–604 in acute spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 1998;36:481–4
5 Early management and complications—II
David Grundy, Andrew Swain
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
(4) (5)
Early management and complications—II
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Further reading
• Grundy DJ. Skull traction and its complications. Injury
1983;15:173–7 Figure 5.8 Helicopter transfer of a spinally injured patient.
• Mumford J, Weinstein JN, Spratt KF, Goel VK.
Thoracolumbar burst fractures. The clinical efficacy and
outcome of nonoperative management. Spine 1993;
• Tator CH, Duncan EG, Edmonds VE, Lapczak LI, Andrews
DF. Neurological recovery, mortality and length of stay after
acute spinal cord injury associated with changes in
management. Paraplegia 1995;33:254–62
• Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Klawans HL, eds. Handbook of clinical
neurology. Revised series 17. Spinal cord trauma, vol 61
(co-edited by Frankel HL). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Publishers, 1992
6 Medical management in the spinal injuries unit
David Grundy, Anthony Tromans, John Carvell, Firas Jamil
Figure 6.1 Left: unstable flexion injury in a man who sustained complete tetraplegia below C5. Note
forward slip of C4 on C5 and widened interspinous gap, indicating posterior ligament damage.
Middle and right: same patient six months later conservatively treated. Flexion-extension views show
no appreciable movement but a persisting slight flexion deformity at the site of the previous
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Medical management in the spinal injuries unit
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Thoracic injuries
The anatomy of the thoracic spine and the rib cage gives it
added stability, although injuries to the upper thoracic spine
are sometimes associated with a fracture of the sternum, which
makes the injury unstable because of the loss of the normal
anterior splinting effect of the sternum. It is very difficult to
brace the upper thoracic spine, and if such a patient is
mobilised too quickly a severe flexion deformity of the spine
may develop.
In the majority of patients with a thoracic spinal cord injury,
the neurological deficit is complete, and patients are usually
managed conservatively by six to eight weeks’ bed rest.
Medical management in the spinal injuries unit
Biochemical disturbances
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Medical management in the spinal injuries unit
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Further reading
• An HS. Principles and techniques of spine surgery. Baltimore:
Williams and Wilkins, 1998
• Ayers DC, McCollister Evarts C, Parkinson JR. The Figure 6.13 Extensive sacral and trochanteric pressure sores.
prevention of heterotopic ossification in high-risk patients
by low-dose radiation therapy after total hip arthroplasty. J
Bone Joint Surg 1986;68A:1423–30
• Errico TJ. Techniques and management of cervical spine
fractures. In: Lorenz MA, ed. Spine: state of the art reviews.
Spinal fracture-dislocations, vol 7. Philadelphia: Hanley and Box 6.11 Treatment of pressure sores
Belfus, 1993
Conservative—complete relief of pressure
• Karlsson AK. Autonomic dysreflexia. Spinal Cord —if slough, treat with desloughing agent or excise
1999;37:383–91 —treat general condition, e.g. correct anaemia
• Schmidt SA, Kjaersgaard-Andersen, Pedersen NW, Surgical —direct closure if possible, with removal of underlying
Kristensen SS, Pedersen P, Nielsen JB. The use of bony prominence
indomethacin to prevent the formation of heterotopic
bone after total hip replacement. J Bone Joint Surg
• Tator CH, Duncan EG, Edmonds VE, Lapczak LI,
Andrews DF. Neurological recovery, mortality and length of
stay after acute spinal cord injury associated with changes in
management. Paraplegia 1995;33:254–62
7 Urological management
Peter Guy, David Grundy
Indwelling catheterisation
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Urological management
Although the degree of detrusor activity may be predicted by
the level of the SCI, formal baseline studies should be
performed at 3–4 months to enable definitive bladder
management to be planned. The investigation is in two parts.
The cystometrogram relates the filling pressure to bladder
volumes, and identifies and quantifies unstable contractions
and abnormalities of compliance. The simultaneous contrast
radiological study allows screening of the bladder and urethra.
This is an important part of the investigation and is
video-recorded or the images digitised. In many patients with a
suprasacral cord lesion, detrusor contractions are associated
with a simultaneous contraction of the distal sphincter
mechanism—the void is obstructed due to the “dyssynergic” Figure 7.7 Cystometrogram showing sustained detrusor contractions.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Later management
In many patients the early management of the urinary tract
merges with the long-term plan. With the increasing use of
suprapubic catheters at an initial stage, many tetraplegic
patients are discharged into the community content not to alter
this method of bladder management. However, both
suprapubic and urethral catheters should be discouraged where
safer methods are available, especially in paraplegics. Above all,
the merits of ISC should be stressed to the patient. In those
men whose penis will retain a condom, sheath drainage is an Figure 7.9 Endoscopic appearance, before and after distal
extremely safe method of bladder management. Where sphincterotomy.
necessary, endoscopic distal sphincterotomy is undertaken to
abolish dyssynergia.
Personal choice is now emerging as a major factor in
planning, and the individual’s lifestyle preferences must be Box 7.6 Isotope renography in spinal cord injury
taken account of, though not at the expense of risk to the upper DMSA: Differential renal function
tracts. Some aspire to continence and freedom from indwelling Renal scarring
catheters. Others are unwilling to self-catheterise, and will not Accurate and reproducible in long-term follow-up
relinquish their suprapubic catheters. Tetraplegics with poor Tc-DTPA and MAG3: Diagnosis and follow-up of uretero-pelvic
hand function have fewer choices available to them, and junction or ureteral obstruction
Indirect cystography for vesico-ureteric reflux
avoidance of autonomic dysreflexia and freedom from infection
Differential renal function
may be the dominating influences in their personal choice.
Indirect measurement of GFR
After the first year, many paraplegic and a few incomplete Cr-EDTA GFR: Serial assay is a sensitive index of small changes in GFR
tetraplegic patients wish to explore alternatives that allow
freedom from permanent catheterisation, and restoration of
continence. Patient awareness and lifestyle aspirations are
increasing the demand for complex lower urinary tract
reconstruction. Surgical options are tailored for each
individual, and the urologist advising spinally damaged patients
Urological management
Detrusor hyperreflexia
In the presence of DSD, sustained rises in detrusor pressure
(Pdet) may result in severe renal damage secondary to
obstruction or high pressure vesico-ureteric reflux of (infected)
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Urological management
Stress incontinence
Both male and female patients with conus and cauda equina
lesions are vulnerable to sphincter weakness incontinence
(SWI), as well as older women with pre-existing pelvic floor
disorders, prolapse, etc. regardless of the neurological level of
injury. This often manifests itself later as the patient becomes
more active during rehabilitation, urinary leakage occurring for
example on transfer to and from the wheelchair.
Colposuspension, pubo-urethral slings and, recently, tension
free vaginal tapes are effective in treating SWI, though
sometimes obstructive in patients with acontractile bladders
attempting to void by straining or compression. In paraplegic
females, urethral closure and SPC is a reliable method of Figure 7.13 SARS: position of stimulating electrodes after laminectomy.
ensuring continence, though where appropriate, permanent
suprapubic catheterisation may be avoided by performing a
Mitrofanoff procedure. Bladder neck injections with bulking
agents have a less reliable record in this difficult group.
Artificial urinary sphincters (AUS) have an excellent record
of continence, but there is a higher attrition rate in paraplegics
due to infection or cuff erosion, especially if ISC is undertaken
regularly. Placement around the bulbar urethra should be
avoided in patients confined to a wheelchair, and impotence
frequently complicates cuff placement in the membranous
position. For both male and female paraplegic patients the
bladder neck is therefore the optimal site for AUS cuff
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
8 Nursing
Catriona Wood, Elizabeth Binks, David Grundy
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Nursing management
In the emergency department
Choice of bed
Regular position changing is every two to three hours initially Box 8.6 Acute phase
to relieve pressure. Skin inspection for red marks, spinal
alignment and positioning of limbs is essential for a patient • Support injured spine in alignment
with spinal cord injury. The aims are simple: to support the • Maintain limbs and joints in functional position
injured spine in a good healing position; to maintain limbs and • Passive movements
joints in a functional position, thus avoiding deformity and
contractures, and to reduce the incidence of spasticity. There
are several ways of achieving these aims, so the methods chosen
should follow discussion with the interdisciplinary team, and
suit the patient, level of injury, and the availability, knowledge
and skill of the nursing staff.
Spinal alignment
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Figure 8.9 Pelvic twist completed: side/back view of patient showing
folded pillow into small of back to maintain position—sacrum free of
When patients are supine, avoid hyperextension of the knees.
Keep the feet in line with the hips and hold the feet at 90˚
using a foot board and pillows. Avoid pressure on the heels.
When patients are on their side, the lower leg should be
extended, with the upper leg slightly flexed and resting on
pillows, and not over the lower leg.
Nursing intervention Figure 8.11 Monitoring the patient’s internal environment in the acute
Internal environment
Figure 8.12 The arm positions (a) or (b) are changed as the patient is rotated through a turning regime of, for example:
Pelvic twist: left pelvic twist 씮 right pelvic twist 씮 supine.
Log roll: log roll to the left 씮 log roll to the right 씮 supine.
The turning regime will depend on the skin condition and comfort of the patient.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Pain management
Box 8.11 Nutrition
Life-threatening conditions in the initial phase often
• Nil by mouth initially
overshadow the nutritional needs of the patient. The risk factors • Nutritional risk assessment
associated with trauma, the initial period of paralytic ileus, a • Parenteral/enteral feeding
reduced oral intake, anorexia and the inability to use the hands • Education:
in high lesions, can all lead to malnutrition, skin complications, diet
and severe weight loss. The nursing goal in the acute phase is to feeding aids
maintain nutritional support by: performing a nutritional risk
assessment with the dietitian; implementing parenteral or
enteral feeding when necessary; and encouraging and helping
to feed the patient with their diet and nutritional supplements.
Bladder management
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Further reading
• Addison R, Smith M. Digital rectal stimulation and manual
removal of faeces. Guidance for nurses. London: Royal College
of Nursing, 2000
• Harrison P. The first 48 hours. London: Spinal Injuries
Association, 2000
• Harrison P. HDU/ICU. Managing spinal injury: critical care.
London: Spinal Injuries Association, 2000
• Leyson JFJ. Sexual rehabilitation of the spinal cord injured
patient. Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press, 1991
• Zejdlik CM. Management of spinal cord injury, 2nd edition.
Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1992
9 Physiotherapy
Trudy Ward, David Grundy
Passive movements Figure 9.2 Passive movements to a patient’s arm. Good support must
be given to the paralysed joints and a full range of movement achieved.
All paralysed limbs are moved passively each day to maintain a
full range of movement. Loss of sensation means that joints and
soft tissues are vulnerable to overstretching, so great care must
be taken not to cause trauma. Provided that stability of the
bony injury is maintained, passive hip stretching with the
patient in the lateral position, and strengthening of non-
paralysed muscle groups, is encouraged.
Once the bony injury is stable patients will start sitting,
preferably using a profiling bed, before getting up into a
wheelchair. This is a gradual process because of the possibility
of postural hypotension, which is most severe in patients with
an injury above T6 and in the elderly.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Physical rehabilitation includes the following:
Figure 9.6 Patient going up kerb unaided. Patient must be able to Figure 9.7 Patient coming down kerb unaided.
balance on the rear wheels and travel forwards while maintaining this
position and have enough strength to push chair up kerb.
Incomplete lesions
Patients with incomplete lesions are a great challenge to
physiotherapists as they present in various ways, which
necessitates individual planning of treatment and continuing
assessment. Patients with incomplete lesions may remain
severely disabled despite neurological recovery. Spasticity may
restrict the functional use of limbs despite apparently good
isolated muscle power. The absence of proprioception or
sensory appreciation will also hinder functional ability in the
presence of otherwise adequate muscle power. Patients with a
central cord lesion may be able to walk, but weakness in the
arms may prevent them from dressing, feeding, or protecting
themselves from falls. Recovery may well continue over several
months, if not years, so careful review and referral to the
patient’s district physiotherapy department may be necessary to Figure 9.9 Oswestry standing frame enables paraplegic patient to stand
enable full functional potential to be achieved. by providing support through suitably placed padded straps at toes and
heels, knees, and gluteal region. Uprights and two further straps
supporting the trunk allow a tetraplegic patient to stand in the frame.
Spinal cord injury in children is rare. The most important
principles in the physical rehabilitation of the growing child
with a spinal cord injury are preventing deformities,
particularly scoliosis, and encouraging growth of the long
bones. To achieve these aims the child requires careful bracing
and full-length calipers to maintain an upright posture for as
much of the day as possible. The child should be provided with
a means of walking such as brace and calipers with crutches or
rollator, a swivel walker, hip guidance orthosis, or reciprocating
gait orthosis.
Sitting should be discouraged to prevent vertebral
deformity. A wheelchair should be provided, however, to
facilitate social activity both in and out of the home. Return to Figure 9.10 Swimming enables freedom of movement and
normal schooling is encouraged as soon as possible. independence, demonstrated here by a C6 tetraplegic.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Table 9.1 Gait expectations of patients with complete paraplegia: all patients should be totally independent with all transfers and
chair manoeuvres both indoors and outdoors
Level of injury Gait used Descriptions
T1–T8 Gait—swing to with calipers and rollator Swing to gait is the easiest type of gait to achieve but is slow and
May use crutches if spasticity is controlled used only as an exercise. The patient puts the crutches a short distance
in front of the feet and leans forward on to the crutches. He or she then pushes
down with the shoulders, which lifts both legs together. The feet
must land behind the crutches. It is a short, sharp lift. Prolonging the lift
will make the feel go past the crutches and the patient will lose balance and fall.
T8–10 Swing to and swing through gait with full Swing through gait is for speed and is the most functional for walking
length calipers and crutches outside. However, it does expend a lot of energy. The patient places the
Walking more likely to be an exercise crutches about 18 inches in front of the feet and leans forward on to the
rather than fully functional crutches; he or she then pushes the shoulder down, which raises both
feet off the floor together. The lift must be maintained so that the feet are
T10–L2 Swing through and four point with calipers placed the same distance in front of the crutches as they started behind.
and crutches As the feet touch the floor the patient must retract the shoulders to
Requires wheelchair for part of day— extend the hips and hence remain balanced.
walking may be fully functional
L2–L4 Below knee calipers with crutches or sticks Four point gait is the most difficult and requires excellent balance and
Wheelchair not required strong shoulders and trunk. It is the nearest equivalent to a normal gait,
but is very slow. The patient moves one crutch forward, transfers body
weight on to the adjacent leg, and then moves the opposite leg forward
by using latissimus dorsi to “hitch” the hip. The step must be short; if too
L4–L5 May or may not require calipers large a step is taken the patient will fall, as he or she cannot recover
Wheelchair not required balance.
May require sticks or other walking aid
All the above depend on age, stature, amount and control of spasticity, any pre-existing medical condition, and the individual’s motivation.
10 Occupational therapy
Sue Cox Martin, David Grundy
Home resettlement
Establishing early dialogue with the patient, the patient’s family
and friends is vital to enable the occupational therapist to be in
a position to offer early advice and reassurance regarding (b)
living in the community. Early contact with the local social Figure 10.3 a) Using typing splints for a computer keyboard b) C6
services is made as soon as possible after admission. tetraplegic eating meal with splints.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Occupational therapy
For tetraplegic patients unable to use their upper limbs
functionally with standard communication systems, the role of
the occupational therapist is to enable the patient to access
alternative systems. Individual writing splints or mouthsticks
may be made to enable those with limited writing skill to make
a signature, which can be important to an individual for both
business and personal correspondence. Alternative methods of
being able to turn the pages of books, magazines and
newspapers may be pursued.
Trial and selection of electrically powered equipment
includes telephone, computer and assessment of environmental
control systems, which can enable the individual to operate via
a switch a range of functions, including television, video,
intercom, computer, lights, radio, and accessing the telephone.
Box 10.1 Functional ability and anticipated level of • Able to perform some aspects of personal and domestic care using
independence of patients with complete tetraplegia a universal cuff
• Able to make a signature using an individually designed splint
Complete lesion below C3: • Able to dress upper half of body independently, but may require
• Diaphragm paralysed requires tracheostomy with permanent some assistance with dressing lower half of body
ventilation or diaphragm pacing • Able to propel wheelchair, including slopes
• Dependent on others for all personal and domestic care • May be independent in bed, car, and shower chair transfers
• Able to use powered wheelchair with chin, head or breath control • Able to drive an automatic car with hand controls
• Able to use voice-activated computer
• Able to use electrically powered page-turner with switch Complete lesion below C7:
• Able to use environmental control equipment with switch, usually • Full wrist movement and some hand function, but no finger flexion
mouthpiece or fine hand movements
• Able to be independent in bed, car, shower chair, and toilet
Complete lesion below C4: transfers
• Able to breathe independently using diaphragm • May require assistance/equipment to assist with wheelchair to floor
• Able to shrug shoulders transfers
• Dependent on others for all personal and domestic care • Able to dress and undress independently
• Able to use a powered wheelchair with chin control • Able to drive an automatic car with hand controls
• Able to use computer, either voice activated or using head switch or
mouthstick Complete lesion below C8:
• Able to use environmental control equipment with mouthpiece as • All hand muscles except intrinsics preserved
switch • Wheelchair independent but may have difficulty going up and
down kerbs
Complete lesion below C5: • Able to drive an automatic car with hand controls
• Has shoulder flexion and abduction, elbow flexion and supination
• Able to participate in some aspects of personal and domestic care, Complete lesion below T1:
i.e. eating, cleaning teeth using a wrist support and universal cuff • Complete innervation of arms
• Able to make signature using individually designed splint and wrist • Wheelchair independent
support • Able to drive an automatic car with hand controls
• Able to propel manual wheelchair short distances on level These expectations are general and depend upon the patient’s age,
uncarpeted ground wearing pushing gloves and/or wrist supports physical proportions, physical stamina and agility, degree of spasticity
• Able to use powered wheelchair with joystick control for functional and motivation. In incomplete spinal cord lesions, where there can be
use variable potential for neurological recovery, it may not be possible to
• May be able to assist with transfer from wheelchair onto level predict functional outcome, which can lead to increased anxiety for the
surfaces using a sliding board and an assistant patient.
• Able to drive from wheelchair in an accessible vehicle The level of independence achieved by children not only depends
• Able to use environmental control equipment using a switch on their size and functional ability but the attitude of their parents.
Complete lesion below C6: As the adult with a spinal cord lesion becomes older their ability to
• Able to extend wrists maintain their level of independence may diminish and require review.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Constructive use of leisure time is vital to maintain self-esteem
and self-confidence. Some previous activities and interests can
be continued, with a little thought and suitable adjustment.
There are many national groups and organisations with
facilities to support individuals to pursue their hobbies,
sporting interests, travel and holidays, and access to the
internet has widened the range of information available. Figure 10.11 A T5 paraplegic nurse treating a patient in the emergency
11 Social needs of patient and family
Julia Ingram, David Grundy
Changed relationships
The onset of severe disability can have profound effects, not
necessarily damaging, on existing personal relationships and
on the formation of new relationships. Disability will change
the roles people have in a relationship: for instance, some may
find that they have to manage the family’s financial and
business affairs for the first time, or others may have to
undertake extra household tasks. The able-bodied
person—husband, wife, partner, son, daughter or parent—may
have to provide intimate personal care. The 1995 Carers Act
makes it possible for carers to have assessments of their own
needs if the person they care for has an assessment under the
NHS and Community Care Act 1990. Further legislation aims
to make these assessments available to carers in their own
right, through the Carers and Disabled Childrens Act 2000.
The workload of everyone concerned is likely to be much Figure 11.2 Patient and family in hospital.
greater. For many couples an active and satisfying sexual
relationship will be possible, but it will be different. These
changes, in addition to the feelings engendered by loss of
function and its actual cause, are likely to have major
Many spinal cord injuries happen to late adolescents or young
adults at the stage when they are beginning to form relationships
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Social needs of patient and family
Most houses are unsuitable for wheelchairs unless adapted. • Ramped access to external doors
Disabled Facilities Grants may be available to assist with the • Widening of internal doors
• Level access parking, with carport/garage
cost, but for many people help is limited because mortgage
• Level access shower
repayments are not taken into account in the financial • Toilet with access for shower chair
assessment. Housing presents a continuing problem because, • Accessible light switches, sockets, door locks
though patients may return to an adapted house or be • Accessible kitchen and facilities
rehoused from hospital, they may well want to change house in • Patio area in the garden
the future, especially as spinal cord injuries typically occur in • Thermostatically controlled heating system
young people who would normally move house several times. A • Through-floor lift or stair lift
disabled person may have difficulty in finding a suitable house, • Internal ramps
and there can be time restrictions on further provision of
grants for adaptations. There are also mandatory and
discretionary limitations on grants which may be made
available to assist in the adaptation of a property. Many people
find the discrepancy between local authorities in their
interpretation of the legislation around this frustrating. Many Table 11.3 Employment—what patients do: figures based on
cannot afford to buy a house and will depend on council acute injury discharges from The Duke of Cornwall Spinal
housing, housing association property, or privately rented Treatment Centre 1998–99
property, all of which are in short supply. Consequently, any
move can be difficult to achieve and has to be planned well Employment—what patients do %
ahead. The services of community occupational therapists, In work or job left open 30
housing departments, and social workers may be required. In education or training 10
A considerable number of statutory services are concerned No employment on discharge, but previously employed 38
with providing services for disabled people. Voluntary No employment on discharge—not employed when admitted 22
organisations also provide important resources. They can act as
pressure and self-help groups, and organisations of disabled
people have the knowledge and understanding born of
personal experience. There are many such organisations, of Box 11.4 Information and advice on benefits
which the Spinal Injuries Association is particularly relevant.
• Department of Social Security (local office or DSS) Benefit
To mobilise and coordinate these services, which often vary Enquiry Line. Tel: 0800 882200
in what they can provide in different geographical areas, is a • Citizens Advice Bureau
major undertaking. Too often disabled people fail to receive a • DIAL (Disabled Information Advice Line) (Name of town)—A
service that would be of benefit or they may feel overwhelmed voluntary organisation operating in some areas
and not in control of their own lives, with consequent damage • Disability Rights Handbook (Price £11.50 post free); published
to morale and health. Disabled people and their families annually by the Disability Alliance Educational & Research
should have access to full information about the services Association, Universal House, 88–94 Wentworth Street, London
available and be enabled to make their own decisions about E1 7SA. Tel: 020 77247 8776.
• Spinal Injuries Association—76 St James’s Lane, London N10
what they need. The 1998 White Paper Modernising Social
3DF. Tel: 020 8444 2121 or 0800 980 0501. www.spinal.co.uk.
Services sets out government objectives for more partnership
email: sia@spinal.co.uk
working, joint funding and uniformity of charging policies
across local authorities which should make services more
accessible to patients and with greater parity.
12 Transfer of care from hospital to community
Rachel Stowell, Wendy Pickard, David Grundy
Education of patients
Skin care
Bladder care
Transfer of care from hospital to community
Autonomic dysreflexia
Autonomic dysreflexia is commonly associated with bladder or Box 12.6 Autonomic dysreflexia
bowel problems, particularly overdistension. By the time of High lesion patients must:
discharge from hospital, patients should be fully aware of the • be aware of the signs and symptoms
signs and symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia and be able to • be able to direct care.
direct people to help find and remove the cause (see chapter 6).
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Transfer of care from hospital to community
of where to live and with whom and to decide who may be able
to help them with their care. It is sometimes necessary to have a Aim for independent living
temporary solution, and when they have had more time to To become totally responsible for their own care on discharge from
adjust to their injury a more permanent solution can be found. spinal unit
It is therefore essential that this initial decision should allow a
certain amount of flexibility.
When their homes have not been adapted for wheelchair use Box 12.11 Planning for interim care
before the patients’ discharge from the spinal unit, interim care
Acts as a bridge between:
may be necessary and can help to act as a bridge between the • protection of a spinal injuries unit
protection of a spinal injuries unit and the reality of everyday • reality of everyday living with a disability
living with a disability.
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
When travelling on a plane, patients are advised to keep their
cushions with them and not to allow them to be stored in the
hold with the wheelchair, as they can easily get lost. It may be
necessary for patients to sit on their cushions whilst on a plane
to aid pressure relief, particularly on long journeys.
Patients should seek advice from their spinal unit, or an
association such as the Spinal Injuries Association, prior to
Patients are followed up as outpatients by their spinal unit. This
consists of regular outpatient appointments, which normally
include a yearly renal ultrasound and abdominal x ray. During
these appointments it is important that the patient has access to
a multidisciplinary team who can provide ongoing assessment
of the patient’s health care needs, and minimise the incidence
of potential problems. It is also important that patients have
access to telephone advice and community visits from a spinal
unit, and that they are aware of information resources available
to them, such as the Spinal Injuries Association.
Further reading
• Addison R, Smith M. Digital rectal stimulation and manual
removal of faeces. Guidance for nurses. London: Royal College
of Nursing, 2000
• Fowler CJ, ed. Neurology of bladder, bowel and sexual
dysfunction. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 1999
• Moving ‘further’ forward—the guide to living with spinal cord
injury. London: Spinal Injuries Association, 1999. [Provides
a wealth of information for spinal cord injured patients and
their carers]
13 Later management and complications—I
David Grundy, Anthony Tromans, Firas Jamil
Pathological fractures
Although internal fixation of limb fractures sustained at the
time of the spinal cord injury may often be indicated,
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Post-traumatic syringomyelia (syrinx, Figure 13.2 Supracondylar fracture of the right femur, the result of
cystic myelopathy) a “minor” fall in a patient with mid-thoracic paraplegia.
Pain relief in the acute stage of spinal cord injury has been
discussed in chapters 1 and 4.
Chronic intractable pain after spinal cord injury is a
particularly difficult problem, largely because of the profound
emotional effect of a severe disability occurring suddenly and Figure 13.3 Patient with complete tetraplegia below C5 after fracture of
unexpectedly in a previously healthy and often young patient. C5 four years previously. She experienced further loss of function in
A self-generating mechanism has been suggested for pain in the the left arm. MRI showed extensive multilocular syrinx above and
central nervous system, and it is possible, particularly in below the site of fracture.
Later management and complications—I
Sexual function
Box 13.6 Spinal cord centres for sexual function
Sexual function depends on the level and completeness of the
spinal cord lesion. If the lesion is incomplete sexual function Reflex Parasympathetic
may be affected to a varying degree and sometimes not at all. S2, 3, 4 (nervi
In women, although there is often an initial period of Erection erigentes)
amenorrhoea after spinal cord injury, fertility is unimpaired. In Psychogenic Sympathetic T11
men with complete or substantial spinal cord lesions, the ability to L2 (hypogastric
to achieve normal erections, ejaculate, and father children can nerve)
be greatly disturbed.
Emission Sympathetic T11
to L2 (hypogastric
Erections nerve)
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Emission and ejaculation Figure 13.4 Ferticare vibrator for inducing seminal emission by penile
For seminal emission to occur the sympathetic outflow from
T11 to L2 segments of the cord to the vasa deferentia, seminal
vesicles, and prostate must be intact. Emission infers a trickling
leakage of semen, with no rhythmic contractions of the pelvic
floor muscles as in true ejaculation. Some patients with
complete cord lesions at lumbar or sacral level may have both
psychogenic erections and emissions.
If ejaculation is not possible during penetrative sexual
intercourse, it may be induced by direct stimulation of the
fraenum of the penis by masturbation or by using a vibrator. If
this is unsuccessful, rectal electroejaculation may produce what
is actually an emission.
In men who cannot ejaculate using the vibrator, or where
electroejaculation is difficult, a hypogastric plexus stimulator
can be implanted to obtain seminal emission, using a single Figure 13.5 Seager Model 14 electroejaculator with rectal probe. By
inductive link across the skin. Men with lesions above T6 are at courtesy of Professor SWJ Seager, Washington DC, USA.
risk of autonomic dysreflexia developing during ejaculation. If
this occurs activity should be curtailed, the man sat upright,
and if necessary given sublingual nifedipine. Glyceryl trinitrate Box 13.7 Aids to sexual function and fulfilment in
is also an effective treatment, but it is essential that patients are relationships
warned of the potentially fatal interaction of nitrates with To enhance sexual expression:
sildenafil. • Use imagination, time and effort in touching parts of the body not
For men when neither emission nor ejaculation can be affected by the injury, exploring both partners’ preferences,
achieved it may be possible to collect spermatozoa by the experimenting with other erotic stimuli, etc.
technique of epididymal aspiration or testicular biopsy. For erection:
• Oral sildenafil
• Intracavernosal drugs
Preparation for sexual intercourse • Vacuum erection aid and compressive retainer ring
• Penile implant (small risk of infection or extrusion)
Preparation for sexual intercourse includes ensuring that the • Sacral anterior root stimulator
bladder is as empty as possible. A man with an indwelling For ejaculation or seminal emission:
catheter should preferably remove it, but it may be strapped • Vibrator
back on to the shaft of the penis. In the woman a catheter may • Electroejaculation unit
be left in situ. The able-bodied partner tends to be the more • Hypogastric plexus stimulator
active, and this has a bearing on the positions used for To collect spermatozoa:
intercourse. • Initial sperm culture
• Retrieve collected spermatozoa by epididymal aspiration
Later management and complications—I
Fulfilment in relationships
Further reading
• Biyani A, el Masry WS. Post-traumatic syringomyelia: a
review of the literature. Paraplegia 1994;32:723–31 Figure 13.6 Produced with permission from Spinal Injuries Association.
• Brinsden PR, Avery SM, Marcus S, Macnamee MC.
Transrectal electroejaculation combined with in-vitro
fertilization: effective treatment of anejaculatory infertility
due to spinal cord injury. Human Reproduction
• Cross LL, Meythaler JM, Tuel SM, Cross AL. Pregnancy,
labor and delivery post spinal cord injury. Paraplegia
1992;30:890–902 Box 13.9 Relationships
• Siddall PJ, Loeser JD. Pain following spinal cord injury.
• Emphasise importance of emotional and psychological factors
Spinal Cord 2001;39:63–73
• Areas of body above level of paralysis can be used imaginatively
• Tromans AM, Cole J. Sexual problems associated with spinal and may develop heightened sensation
cord disease. In: Engler GL, Cole J, Merton WL, eds. Spinal • Extra time and effort required can result in more understanding
cord disease—diagnosis and management. New York: Marcel and caring relationship
Dekker, 1998, chap 28
14 Later management and complications—II
David Grundy, Anthony Tromans, John Hobby, Nigel North, Ian Swain
Later management and complications—II
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Table 14.1 The practical uses of electrical stimulation to achieve function (FES)
Patient group Stimulated function Stimulator type mechanism
Neurologically Control of foot drop ODFS (Odstock Controlled by
incomplete ⫹\⫺ knee extension, Dropped Foot foot switch
hip extension Stimulator),
with 1 or 2 channel
external electrodes
Respiration Implanted electrodes Pre-
(there are three onto phrenic nerves programmed
systems commercially
Neurologically Bladder (bowel and NeuroControl Pre-
complete erection) Vocare bladder programmed
system (sacral anterior root (3 options)
electrodes onto 2nd, 3rd and 4th
anterior sacral nerve roots
Ejaculation Implanted electrodes Pre-
onto hypogastric programmed
plexus on sacrum
Hand function Handmaster Pre-
(palmar and lateral external system with programmed
grip, grasp and release) surface electrodes triggered by
pressing button
NeuroControl Joystick
Freehand implanted attached to
system with 8 contralateral
electrodes on muscles shoulder
of forearm and hand
Lower limbs Surface electrodes External feed
(used for lower limb back control
exercise, blood flow, system
skin quality, bone Implanted anterior External multi-
density and research lumbar and sacral option pre-
into ambulation) nerve roots programmed
Implanted electrodes External
on muscle surface controller
NeuroControl Freehand and Vocare systems available from NeuroControl Corporation, 8333 Rockside Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125, USA. Tel: 00 1 216 912 0101.
Handmaster available from NESS (Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Systems Ltd), 19 Ha-Haroshet Street, PO Box 2500, Ra’anana 43654, Israel. Tel: 00972 9748
5738. Email: clinic@ness.co.il.
ODFS available from Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 8BJ, UK Tel: 01722 429065.
Later management and complications—II
It is important to indicate the probable degree of recovery at
an early stage to both patient and relatives to make planning
for the future realistic. The question of financial compensation Box 14.8 Neurological recovery
will often arise in accident cases, and an informed opinion will
• Much less likely after complete lesion
be required on the degree of functional recovery that is likely
• In incomplete lesions recovery may occur for two years or more
and the effect on life expectancy. Recovery after a complete
cord lesion is far less likely than after an incomplete lesion, but
it is unwise to predict non-recovery too early, as some patients
with an incomplete injury may initially appear to be totally
paralysed because of spinal cord oedema and contusion, which
later resolves. Forecasting the outcome in patients with an
incomplete lesion is notoriously difficult. Too optimistic a
prognosis may lead to great disappointment, with loss of morale
and decreased interest in rehabilitation when hopes are
unfulfilled. Contrary to a widely held view, however,
neurological improvement can very occasionally be seen later
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Table 14.2 Life expectancy in years for people with spinal cord injuries who survive at least one year
after injury, according to current age and neurological category (Frankel grades—see box below)
Current C1–C4 C5–C8 T1–S5
age (Frankel grade (Frankel grade (Frankel grade (Frankel
(years) Normal* A, B, C) A, B, C) A, B, C) grade D)
5 70.8 45.0 52.0 59.5 63.0
10 65.9 40.5 47.3 53.7 58.2
15 61.0 36.1 42.6 49.0 53.4
20 56.3 32.8 38.6 44.8 49.0
25 51.6 29.9 34.7 40.8 44.7
30 46.9 26.8 30.7 36.7 40.5
35 42.2 23.7 27.0 32.7 36.1
40 37.6 20.9 23.6 28.8 31.7
45 33.0 18.4 20.4 25.1 27.5
50 28.6 15.5 17.0 21.2 23.4
55 24.4 12.8 13.8 17.3 19.5
60 20.5 11.0 11.2 13.8 15.9
65 16.9 8.8 8.8 10.9 13.2
70 13.6 6.6 6.6 8.3 10.4
75 10.7 4.7 4.7 6.1 8.0
80 8.1 3.1 3.1 4.2 6.1
*Normal values are from 1988 United States life tables for the general population.
Taken from DeVivo MJ, Stover SL, Long-term survival and causes of death.
In: Stover SL, et al. eds., Spinal cord injury. Clinical outcomes from the model systems. Gaithersburg: Aspen Publishers, 1995.
than two years after injury, not only with nerve root and cauda
Box 14.9 Frankel grades
equina lesions but also with cord injuries.
Mortality in acutely injured patients managed in a spinal A “Complete”—total motor and sensory loss
injuries unit is now less than 5%. Death within the first few days B “Sensory only”—sensory sparing
C “Motor useless”—motor sparing of no functional value
is likely to be from respiratory failure, particularly in high D “Motor useful”—motor sparing of functional value
tetraplegia. The presence of multiple injuries, age, and E “Recovery”—no functional deficit
previous health of the patient all play a part. In patients From Frankel HL, Hancock DO, Hyslop G, et al. The value of postural
surviving the period immediately after injury pulmonary reduction in the initial management of closed injuries of the spine with
embolism is still the commonest cause of death in the acute paraplegia and tetraplegia. Paraplegia 1969;7:179–92
With the modern management of spinal cord injury,
particularly improvements in the management of the urinary
tract and pressure sore prevention, life expectancy has
improved over recent years; as a consequence pathologies
experienced by the general population such as atherosclerosis
and its complications, and malignancy, are now major causes of
late death, as well as respiratory causes, particularly in
tetraplegic patients. Box 14.10 Many injuries are preventable
Great progress has been made in the care of patients with • Road traffic accidents associated with alcohol consumption and
spinal cord injuries since the 1940s, when spinal injuries units dangerous driving
were first established. There has been a remarkable decrease in • Diving into shallow water, resulting in tetraplegia
complications by using the multidisciplinary approach provided • Contact sports, e.g., rugby
by such units, yet some patients are still denied referral. Unless • Some injuries are made worse by mishandling
complete recovery occurs, patients should have lifelong
hospital outpatient follow up but with emphasis on continuing
care and support in the community.
Although it is right to be optimistic about the future of
these patients, their injuries can make a devastating change to
their lives. In many cases the injuries need not have happened.
For example, a high proportion of road traffic accidents is
caused by alcohol consumption, high speeds, and dangerous
driving, motorcyclists being particularly vulnerable. Ignorance
of the danger of diving into shallow water results in many
injuries to the cervical spine. Failure to take simple precautions
in the home, such as ensuring that stairs are adequately lit at
night for the elderly, may result in falls with cervical
hyperextension injuries. Carelessness in contact sports can lead
to serious injury. Recognition of this fact has led responsible
authorities such as the Rugby Football Union to modify the laws
of the game and issue advice on how it can be made safer, but
Later management and complications—II
much more could be done in other aspects of accident • North NT. The psychological effects of spinal cord injury: a
prevention, for instance in horse riding. review. Spinal Cord 1999;37:671–79
Finally, those who work with patients with spinal cord • Stover SL, DeLisa JA, Whiteneck GC, eds. Spinal cord injury.
injuries are often impressed by the surprisingly high quality of Clinical outcomes from the model systems. Gaithersburg: Aspen
life possible after injury. Many achieve a remarkable degree of Publishers, 1995
independence, earn their own living, choose to marry, have • Whiteneck GC, Charlifue SW, Gerhart KA, Lammertse DP
children, and participate fully in family life. They may indeed et al., eds. Aging with spinal cord injury. New York: Demos,
have special qualities because they have successfully come to 1993
terms with their disability, and many will make a valuable • Functional electrical stimulation: sources of information:
contribution to society. <www.salisburyfes.com> FES clinical service and research at
Salisbury District Hospital. Good links to other sites.
<www.fes.cwru.edu> General FES information
Further reading
• Brindley GS. The first 500 patients with sacral anterior root
stimulator implants: general description. Paraplegia
• Glass C. Spinal cord injury: impact and coping. Leicester: BPS
Books, 1999
15 Spinal cord injury in the developing world
Anba Soopramanien, David Grundy
Box 15.1 The challenges
The situation in the developing world is characterised by a high
incidence of spinal cord injuries and poor financial resources, • Poor financial resources
which, in addition, may be unevenly distributed within • Other health priorities make it difficult to allocate significant
means for spinal cord injury care
countries and districts. Other health priorities make it difficult
• Inadequately trained and poorly paid staff
for decision makers to allocate significant means for spinal cord • Inadequate social help
injury care and management. Staff are very often inadequately • Poor housing conditions
trained and have to work in a difficult environment with little • Architectural and social barriers
financial reward. They often have to struggle in order to survive
as individuals. Discharge planning can be difficult with lack of
social help, poor housing conditions, and architectural and
social barriers. Given all these challenges, how can we
effectively care and provide for spinal cord injured patients in
the Third World?
Spinal cord injury in the developing world
cases per million inhabitants. The death rate was very high
during the first week, peaking during the first 24 hours. One
would expect a higher global incidence of death for developing
The causes of spinal cord injury vary from one country to
another. Motor vehicle accidents accounted for 49% of spinal
cord injuries in Nigeria, 48.8% in Turkey and 30% in the
geriatric population in Taiwan. Falls from heights represented
another major source of spinal cord injury with 36.5% in
Turkey and 21.2% in Jordan. In Bangladesh the most common
causes of traumatic lesions were falls while carrying a heavy
weight on the head and road traffic accidents. Other causes
included gunshot wounds (between 1.9% and 29.3% in
Turkey), stab wounds (between 1.38% and 3.33% in Turkey,
25.8% in Jordan), and diving accidents.
In general 60% of patients were paraplegic and 40%
tetraplegic. The mean age at injury was 30 years in Nigeria, 35.5
and 15.1 years in Turkey, 33 years in Jordan, and 10–14 years in
Bangladesh. The male to female ratio was 10 : 1 in Nigeria,
1.7 : 1 in Taiwan, and 5.8 : 1 in Jordan. This points to a
predominantly young male population being affected. They
often are the “breadwinners” and the already precarious
financial situation of the family can be further compromised by
the sudden disappearance of the main source of revenue and
Figure 15.2 Standing frame made from metal rods available in the local
market. From The International Committee of the Red Cross.
Financial considerations
The situation is characterised by 80% of the world population
having access to only 20% of the world’s financial resources.
There are big demands on these resources. Health has to Table 15.1 Population (⫻106) of the major regions of the
compete with other areas and within health there are so many world. Source: UN Population Division: World Population
other priorities, so that rehabilitation needs are not easily met. Prospectus. The 1998 Revision
The mid-1998 world population stood at 5901 million
1998 2050
inhabitants with 4719 million (80%) living in less developed
regions. Asia accounted for 61% (3585 million), Africa for 749 World 5901 8909
million, and Latin America and the Caribbean 504 million. More developed regions 1182 1155
These figures will be increased as projected in Table 15.1. Less developed regions 4719 7754
A more detailed analysis shows that eight out of the ten Africa 749 1766
countries having more than 100 million inhabitants are from Asia 3585 5268
the less developed regions. They include China (1256 million), Europe 729 628
Latin America/Caribbean 504 809
India (982 million), Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russian
Northern America 305 392
Federation, Bangladesh, and Nigeria. The United States and Oceania 30 46
Japan also have more than 100 million inhabitants. These
countries allocate resources to the health of their citizens,
according to their means and priorities, as in Table 15.2.
These figures point to the gross inequality between
countries, which is further compounded by the inequality within
each country. Furthermore it is estimated that of the world’s
6 billion people, 2.8 billion live on less than 2US$ per day and Table 15.2 Health expenditure per capita for selected
1.2 billion on less than 1US$ per day. Financial resources are countries. Source: World Health Report 2000, World Health
therefore very scarce and priorities focus on maternal and child Organisation, Geneva
health, investing in a strong primary healthcare system, HIV and Health expenditure per capita in
AIDS, clean water, and sanitation. It is doubtful whether Country US dollars per year
substantial resources will ever be made available for spinal cord
injury care. The only way to ensure that a reasonable standard United States of America 4187
of care is offered world wide is to be innovative in devising a Switzerland 3564
strategy that will require as little financial means as possible. Germany 2713
France 2369
United Kingdom 1303
Manpower and staffing issues Brazil 319
Russian Federation 158
Nigeria 30
Rehabilitation medicine is often not as highly regarded as other
Indonesia 18
specialities such as orthopaedic surgery. It may therefore be Pakistan 17
easier to find orthopaedic surgeons able to fix the spine, Bangladesh 13
whether or not it is indicated, rather than spinal cord injury Somalia 11
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury in the developing world
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury
It would be fair to acknowledge the hard work of a few
individuals and non-governmental organisations in many parts
of the world. Their contributions have undoubtedly impacted
positively on the lives of a significant number of people with
spinal cord injury. The world needs to learn from their
experience. It is essential to devise a strategy that will allow Figure 15.7 A walking frame made from water pipes. From The
access to care for spinal cord injury patients worldwide, bearing International Committee of the Red Cross.
in mind the limited financial means and the social,
psychological, architectural barriers that will not change
significantly in years to come.
• Hoque MF, Grangeon C, Reed K. Spinal cord lesions in
Bangladesh: an epidemiological study 1994–1995. Spinal
Useful addresses Cord 1999;37: 858–61
• Igun GO, Obekpa OP, Ugwu BT, Nwadiaro HC. Spinal
Dr Anba Soopramanien, The Duke of Cornwall Spinal injuries in the plateau state, Nigeria. East Afr Med J
Treatment Centre, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury 1999;76:75–9
SP2 8BJ. Tel: 44 1722 429007; fax: 44 1722 336550; email: • Karacan I, Koyunku H, Pekel Ö et al. Traumatic spinal cord
Dr.A.Soopramanien@shc-tr.swest.nhs.uk injuries in Turkey: a nation-wide epidemiological study.
Handicap International, 14 Av. Berthelot, 69361 Lyon Cedex Spinal Cord 2000;38:697–701
017, France. Tel: 00 33 478 697979; fax: 00 33 478 697994; • Karamechmetoglu S, Ünal S, Kavacan I˚ et al. Traumatic
email: programmes@handicap-international.org spinal cord injuries in Istanbul, Turkey. An epidemiological
International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 19 Avenue study. Paraplegia 1995;33:469–71
de la Paix, CH 1202 Geneva, Switzerland. Tel: 41 22 7346001; • Martins F, Freitas F, Martins L et al. Spinal cord
fax: 41 22 7332057; email: review.gva@icrc.org injuries—epidemiology in Portugal’s Central Region. Spinal
International Federation of the Red Cross, Geneva, PO Box Cord 1998;36:574–8
372, CH 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland. Tel: 41 22 7304222; • Otom AS, Doughan AM, Kawar JS, Hattar EZ. Traumatic
fax: 41 22 7330395; email: secretariat@ifrc.org spinal cord injuries in Jordan—an epidemiological study.
International Medical Society of Paraplegia, National Spinal Spinal Cord 1997;35:253–5
Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Road, • Silverstein B, Rabinovich S. Epidemiology of spinal cord
Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel: 44 1296 315866; fax: 44 1296 315870; injuries in Novosibirsk, Russia. Paraplegia 1995;33:322–5
email: imsop@bucks.net; www.imsop.org.uk • Soopramanien A. Epidemiology of spinal injuries in
Motivation (Wheelchair charity), Brockley Academy, Brockley Romania. Paraplegia 1994;32:715–22
Lane, Bakewell, Bristol BS19 3AQ. Tel: 44 1275 464017; fax:
44 1275 464019; email: motivation@motivation.org.uk
World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20433, Acknowledgements
United States. Tel: 202 477 1234; fax: 202 477 6391; email:
feedback@worldbank.org We thank Richard Bolton and colleagues of the Department of
World Health Organisation, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Medical Photography, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, UK
Tel: 4122 791 2111; fax: 41 22 791 4870; email: info@who.int and Louise Goossens of the Photographic Unit, Wellington
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ofago University,
New Zealand, for the photographs.
Further reading
• Chen H, Chen S-S, Chiu W-T et al. A nation-wide
epidemiological study of spinal cord injury in geriatric
patients in Taiwan. Neuroepidemiology 1997;16:241–7
Page numbers in bold refer to figures; those in italic refer to tables or boxed material