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Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 1


Extracted from Swanson`s website: www.synchronizeduniverse.com
TabIe of Contents
1. Twelve classes of anomalous data in physics and psychology
that need to be explained
2. A brief explanation of the synchronized universe principle 4
3. Present physics paradigm is breaking down 5
4. Exciting breakthroughs in "new physics 6
5. Physics must be modified to explain the paranormal 7
6. Synchronized universe principle leads to parallel universes,
higher dimensions and explains subtle energy

7. Scientific proof of ESP and paranormal 10
8. Physical evidence for ghosts and astral forms 11
9. When many minds focus on the same thought, the level of
quantum randomness is affected worldwide
10. The underlying unity between spirituality and the new physics 13
11. Emerging "science of the soul" 14
12. About the author 15
13. Chapter 13: Beginnings of a Theory 17-74
A New Scientific Revolution is quietly underway...
|Swanson`s| book, 1he Synchronized Universe: Aew Science of the Paranormal |2003,
Poseidia Press|, reveals that the tapestry oI modern science is showing a Iew tatters...There are
many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes
phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These eIIects are now being
proven in the laboratory, even though they deIy present scientiIic theory. These unIolding
mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and
consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.
The Mystery Unfolds...A New Frontier Emerges
In the past three decades scientiIic evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientiIic
paradigm is broken. In the hard sciences:
1.1. DARK MATTER oI an unknown Iorm makes up most oI the matter oI the universe. This
matter is not predicted by the standard physics models. The so-called "Theory oI
Everything" does not predict and does not understand what this substance is.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 2
1.2. THE LAW OF GRAVITY appears to be seriously broken. Experiments by Saxl
and Allais Iound that Foucault pendulums veer oII in strange directions
during solar eclipses. Interplanetary NASA satellites are showing persistent
errors in trajectory. Neither oI these is explained or predicted by the standard
theory oI gravity known as Einstein's General Relativity.
1.3. COLD FUSION. The Cold Fusion phenomenon violates physics as we understand it, and
yet it has been duplicated in various Iorms in over 500 laboratories around the world.
Recent studies by the Electric Power Research Institute, a large non-proIit research
organization Iunded by the nation's power companies, Iound that Cold Fusion works. A
recent Navy study also veriIied the reality oI Cold Fusion, and the original MIT study
which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been Iound to have doctored its data.
Present day physics has no explanation Ior how it works, but it does work.
1.4. CHARGE CLUSTERS. Under certain conditions, billions oI electrons can "stick together"
in close proximity, despite the law oI electromagnetism that like charges repel. Charge
clusters are small, one millionth oI a meter in diameter, and are composed oI tens or
hundreds oI billions oI electrons. They should Ily apart at enormous speed, but they do
not. This indicates that our laws oI electromagnetism are missing something important.
1.5. COSMOLOGY. Quasars, which are supposed to be the most distant astronomical objects in
the sky, are oIten Iound connected to nearby galaxies by jets oI gas. This suggests that
they may not be as Iar away as previously thought, and their red shiIts are due to some
other, more unusual physics which is not yet Iully understood.
1.6. SPEED OF LIGHT, once thought unbreakable, has been exceeded in several recent
experiments. Our notion oI what is possible in terms oI propagation speed has been
changing as a result. Certain phenomena, such as solar disturbances on the sun which
take more than eight minutes to be visible on the earth, are registered instantaneously on
the acupuncture points oI instrumented subjects. Acupuncture points apparently respond
to solar events by some other Iorce which travels through space at a much higher speed
than light.
This covers just a Iew oI the more glaring anomalies in the "hard sciences." Evidence has also
accumulated in the laboratory that many paranormal eIIects are real, and can be veriIied and
studied scientiIically. Among these are the Iollowing:
1.7. ESP. Large-scale experiments by the Princeton PEAR Lab as well as other laboratories have
proven that ESP is a real, statistically veriIiable scientiIic phenomenon. Thousands oI
experiments have been conducted with dozens oI subjects, which demonstrate that this
Iorm oI communication is real, and that it does not weaken measurably with distance.
This makes it unlike any known physical Iorce.
1.8. PSYCHOKINESIS, OR MIND OVER MATTER. The ability to exert psychic Iorce over
objects at a distance has also been demonstrated in large-scale experiments. Even over

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 3
distances oI thousands oI miles, the behavior oI certain machines, called REGs Ior
Random Event Generators, have been altered by the intention, or the psychic Iorce oI a
distant person. The odds that these eIIects are real, and not due to chance, is now
measured in billions to one. In other words, this phenomenon is real.
1.9. REMOTE VIEWING. The American military conducted a secret remote viewing program
Ior almost two decades. It was supported because it worked, and evidence oI its success
has now become public. The remote viewers have demonstrated that it is possible to view
"targets" which are remote in space and time. In many cases details which were
unavailable any other way were acquired by the viewers. Rigorous statistical experiments
have conIirmed that remote viewing has accuracy Iar above chance, and represents a real
phenomenon which deIies present science.
1.10. TIME AND PROPHECY. One unusual aspect oI ESP, Remote Viewing and
Psychokinesis is that "time" doesn't seem to matter. One can exert an inIluence or acquire
inIormation in the past and in the Iuture, almost as easily as in the present. In
conventional physics, the order oI events is very important, but in the realm oI psychic
phenomena there seems to be a Ilexibility to move in time that deIies current physics.
1.11. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE. Experiments have been perIormed which show that,
during some out-oI-body experiences, the "astral body" or center oI consciousness oI the
individual can be detected at remote locations. When individuals go "out oI body" and
Iocus their consciousness at another location, physical disturbances have been measured
at that remote location. These include anomalous light, electrical, magnetic and other
physical Iorces which indicate the "astral body" sometimes has physically measurable
1.12. GHOSTS. Modern scientiIic ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical, optical and thermal
sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites. In hundreds oI cases, technically
trained researchers have Iound measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be
present. Although some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported
anomalous cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost hunters
have shown that unusual magnetic Iields and strong voltages also occur in these same
haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been photographed at the same time that magnetic
and electrical disturbances are measured. None oI these can be explained by
conventional science.
These are just a Iew oI the areas in which science is discovering very real, physical and
measurable eIIects which violate present science. The book 1he Synchronized Universe
describes this evidence in non-technical language, with many pictures, illustrations, graphs and
reIerences. It also shows how our present science can be expanded to begin to understand these
mysteries. OI this book, best-selling author Brad Steiger says:
"The Synchronized Universe is a well-written and exciting presentation of the latest
scientific evidence proving the existence of the paranormal. Swanson's suggestions

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 4
about how present physics can be modified to understand and explain some of these
strange phenomena may go a long way to healing the ancient split between science
and spirituality. The implications of this book are far-reaching."
--Brad Steiger, author of Mysteries of Space and 1ime.

A simpliIied explanation oI how certain paranormal phenomena, such as UFOs, can be explained
by science.
2.1. The synchronization principle leads to the conclusion that all the matter we see is
synchronized with our own. there can be many other parallel universes superimposed
upon our own, which diIIer only in the phase or Irequency oI their synchronization.
2.2. Each ordinary physical universe is like a single sheet oI paper represented in the Iigure.
particles (and people) move on the 'sheet oI paper and believe that is the entire physical
2.3. Other physical universes, with diIIerent synchronized Irequencies or phases, are represented
by other sheets oI paper in the stack. to move Irom one universe to another, it is only
necessary that the phase or Irequency be shiIted by a certain amount. then the object will
disappear in one reality and appear in another.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 5

3.1. The majority oI matter and energy (up to 96) in the universe is oI an unknown Iorm: dark
matter and energy. present theories do not describe it and little is known about it.
3.2. The photograph above shows a spiral galaxy (NGC4319) relatively nearby, and yet
connected by jets oI gas to three quasars which should be much Iarther away. Such
images (courtesy Dr. Halton Arp) suggest that our theories about quasars and universe
Iormation may be wrong.
3.3. Recent experiments show that light can travel "Iaster than light" in some circumstances.
Light can tunnel through barriers at a much Iaster speed.
3.4. Experiments by Saxl and Allais show anomalies in behavior oI gravity during solar eclipses,
which suggest some Iundamental error in present gravity theory.
3.5. Stability oI "charge clusters" in spark discharge suggest that law oI electromagnetism may be
wrong in presence oI high charge concentrations. It hints that "zero point energy" is
modiIying the expected behavior.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 6

Photograph oI the "case catalytic cell." This device has been demonstrated in SRI studies to
generate steady energy through "cold Iusion" process. Courtesy Eugene Mallove and Infinite
Energv magazine.
4.1. The anomalies and breakdowns in present science make way Ior new discoveries and
exciting new inventions.
4.2. One area oI new physics is cold Iusion, illustrated by one successIul, practical device
invented by Ken Case and successIully tested at StanIord Research Institute (SRI). it
produces steady, economical energy Irom cold Iusion. Navy and EPRI studies conIirm the
reality oI cold Iusion, despite ridicule by skeptics and media.
4.3. Another new technology, possibly related, involves charge clusters. It is based on the
anomalous behavior oI electrons in high concentrations. The normal repulsion oI like
charges seems to be "turned oII' when billions oI electrons are clustered close together.
Many applications include bright computer displays, compact x-ray production, and
4.4. Many oI the new technologies involve "engineering the vacuum." Iar Irom being empty,
space is Iilled with energy at very small scales. The characteristics oI this energy can be
manipulated with remarkable results.
4.5. The emerging science oI the paranormal will Iurther enlarge our understanding oI the
universe at the deepest level, and open up new possibilities Ior inventions and technology.
It will also expand our understanding oI our ultimate identity as human beings and our
connection to the cosmos.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 7

The synchronized universe principle proposes that particles couple across great distances of
space and time
5.1. Proposed new theory suggests that particles interact and are coupled across great distances,
so their motions become synchronized at very small scales.
5.2. This idea gives rise to a Iundamental Irequency Ior every particle, and explains why in
quantum mechanics every particle has a Irequency proportional to its mass.
5.3. This model also explains how paranormal eIIects can act over great distances and even
backwards in time. All matter and energy in "our universe" is indeed coupled together.
Separation is only an illusion.
5.4. The synchronization principle leads to the conclusion that all the matter we see is
synchronized with our own. There can be many other parallel universes superimposed
upon our own, which diIIer only in the phase or Irequency oI their synchronization.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 8

6.1. The synchronization principle leads to the conclusion that all the matter we see is
synchronized with our own. There can be many other parallel universes superimposed
upon our own, which diIIer only in the phase or Irequency oI their synchronization.
6.2. Each ordinary physical universe is like a single sheet oI paper represented in the Iigure.
particles (and people) move on the "sheet oI paper" and believe that is the entire physical
6.3. Other physical universes, with diIIerent synchronized Irequencies or phases, are represented
by other sheets oI paper in the stack. To move Irom one universe to another, it is only
necessary that the phase or Irequency be shiIted by a certain amount. Then the object will
disappear in one reality and appear in another. See Iigure below:

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 9

6.4. This phenomenon may be a key to how UFOs disappear instantly, and explains teleportation
through walls and other cases where multiple simultaneous realities are reported.
6.5. "Subtle energy" arises Irom motions which are coupled across many oI these
layers, many oI these parallel universes. the green loop in the top Iigure
represents a motion which is coupled across many layers, many "realities."

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 10

7.1. The Princeton PEAR lab and other laboratories have conducted large scale statistical studies
oI ESP, remote viewing and psychokinesis (PK or mind over matter). They Iind highly
signiIicant evidence Ior reality oI these phenomena. odds against chance are millions or
billions to one.
7.2. The graph above shows evidence collected over many trials in which subject tries to make a
random number change in a desired direction. This is analogous to making a coin always
land heads by willing it. Graph shows that when operator wanted number to go high, it
did so on the average. Likewise, when going low was desired, the random number
generator complied. This has been reproduced in dozens oI labs around the world. (data
Irom Princeton PEAR lab)

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 11

8.1. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to monitor voltage, heat, magnetic Iield
and optical disturbances inside haunted houses. numerous photographic anomalies have
been recorded, such as the one above.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 12
8.2. These indicate that so-called "ghosts" maniIest measurable physical disturbances and should
be considered as a stable energy Iorm oI unknown type.
8.3. Spherical, rapidly moving energy Iorms, known as "orbs," have also been photographed in
haunted areas. The physics behind such phenomena is unknown.


Data is Irom Radin, 1997, The Conscious Universe, and shows how randomness decreases when
millions oI people Iocus on a simultaneous event, in this case the O.J. Simpson trial
9.1. The level oI quantum randomness has been Iound to decrease when many minds Iocus on the
same thought or the same event.
9.2. This occurs when they watch a simultaneous worldwide televised event, such as the
"O.J.trial" or the world trade center attack. it also occurs when they engage in worldwide
synchronized prayer and meditation.
9.3. This phenomenon is predicted by the "synchronized universe" model. Normal quantum
randomness is due to the inIluence oI other nearby "parallel universes." because they are
not synchronized with ours normally, their only measurable impact on us is random.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 13
9.4. However, paranormal eIIects and "subtle energy" cause a synchronization across adjacent
parallel universes. When this occurs, these adjacent universes become to a degree
synchronized with ours. The interaction becomes more coherent, more in phase.
9.5. When this happens, the random part oI the interaction decreases. This causes the measured
level oI randomness, oI quantum noise, to decrease. This has been measured in the case oI
powerIul healers, such as John oI God in Brazil, as well as in global synchronized events.
9.6. The relationship between paranormal phenomena and decreased randomness is important
conIirmation oI the synchronized universe theory.


10.1. Aspects oI religion have Iound conIirmation in the discoveries oI parapsychology:
reincarnation and near-death studies, as well as out-oI- body and remote viewing
experiments suggest that consciousness, awareness, and even the soul, may exist outside
the body and aIter death.
10.2. These Iindings are the beginnings oI a new "physics oI consciousness," which recognizes
new Iorces and phenomena resembling the underlying teachings oI religion. The power oI
prayer is one example which has been validated in the laboratory.
10.3. The drawing above depicts two Iamous yogis Irom India, Yogananda (on right) and his
teacher Sri Uyukteswar. Their writings point out the underlying similarity in principles
between Christianity and Indian yoga, and also the potential compatibility between
science and spirituality.
10.4. They wrote: "east and west must establish a golden middle path oI activity and spirituality
combined. India has much to learn Irom the west in material development. In return, India
can teach the universal methods by which the west will be able to base its religious belieIs
on the unshakable Ioundations oI yogic science."

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 14
10.5. As the new physics unIolds, we are Iinding that its new laws support some oI the universal
tenets oI religion: the reality and survival oI the soul, the power oI prayer, and the
existence oI other dimensions.
10.6. The synchronized universe model described here and in the book is consistent with this:
there are many dimensions and many higher realms. Our physical reality oI solid matter is
an illusion. It is just the matter we are synchronized with, which is only a tiny subset oI
the complete universe.
10.7. Our universe is like "one sheet oI paper in a stack." Higher dimensions correspond to
beings and realities which exist across many sheets oI paper simultaneously. This is
similar to the eastern teaching that our reality is illusion, it is maya, and that mastery oI
matter only comes when we can see it Irom a higher perspective.


11.1. ScientiIic studies oI out-oI-body experiences (OBEs), remote viewing, near death
experiences (NDEs) and reincarnation indicate that consciousness can exist outside the
body, and that it causes physically measurable eIIects.
11.2. Mysterious energy Iorms have been witnessed leaving the body at time oI death, and in
some cases are associated with unexplainable weight changes.
11.3. In remote viewing experiments, when consciousness oI the viewer is at the target, based on
accurate viewing, unexplained physical disturbances near the target have been measured
on strain gauges, magnetic and electrical measurements. (see Iigure above)
11.4. This persistent energy Iorm is associated with consciousness and may be associated with
the "astral body." this may be the beginning oI a "science oI the soul."

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 15

Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. During those
years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a
Virginia cyclotron in the summer. At Princeton he received the National Science Foundation
Fellowship and Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done in the "Gravity
Group," which Iocuses on experimental cosmology and astronomy, and was headed by Nobel
laureate Robert Dicke. His thesis advisor was ProI. David Wilkinson, who later became chairman
oI the physics department.
Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton and Cornell Universities on the design oI
superconducting plasma containment vessels Ior Iusion energy systems. He then began work Ior
Aeronautical Research Associates oI Princeton, a consulting company, and later Iormed his own
consulting company which carried out studies in applied physics Ior commercial and
governmental agencies, including DuPont, United Technologies, the U.S. Army and Navy,
DARPA and the CIA, among many others.
For the last IiIteen years, interspersed with his conventional proIessional career in applied
physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal
interest has been uniIied Iield theory, the so-called "Theory oI Everything" which could explain
the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects oI the
paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science.
Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, oIIer a
window into the deeper universe, the mysteries oI consciousness, and unlock new Iorces and
principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.
Among paranormal phenomena which are now known, it has been Iound that signals can move
much Iaster than light, and the human consciousness and even human inIluence, can move
backward and Iorward in time. Science Iiction concepts such as teleportation and levitation seem

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 16
to occur in reality in paranormal events, and oIIer powerIul evidence that this will be the new
Irontier oI science.
At the same time, thousands oI out-oI-body and near-death experiences show that other
dimensions and other realities do exist. This has been the domain oI speculation by theoretical
physics, but OBE and NDE cases indicate that parallel realities and dimensions are in some sense
real. And Iinally, paranormal research suggests that the human soul, the center oI human
consciousness, can survive death and is apparently an energy Iorm which can move and exist
independently oI the body. Science is discovering that, in the words oI the pioneer Robert
Monroe, " we are Iar more than our physical bodies."
Dr. Swanson has conducted extensive research in these areas, including research oI the scientiIic
literature, interviews with scientists in these Iields, attended and spoken at conIerences, and
conducted experiments and investigations, to better understand how such paranormal phenomena
can be incorporated into modern science.
This research has involved underwater archaeology in Bimini, scientiIic measurements in haunted
houses, experiments in remote viewing and psychokinesis, and testing oI new devices which can
measure these strange Iorces. He has just published a book, The Svnchroni:ed Universe, which
summarizes some oI the new discoveries oI this emerging science.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 17
Chapter 13, pp. 231-272 oI Glaude Swanson (2003) The Synchronized Universe: New Science oI
the Paranormal, Poseidia Press, www.SynchronizedUniverse.com

"Through the results of psi research it became apparent that quantum theorv has flaws in a verv
practical sense. Applied to svstems that include human subfects the predictions of quantum theorv
were seen to be sometimes incorrect." -Dr. Helmut Schmidt (Schmidt, 1993)

"Conditions, thoughts, activities of men in everv clime are things, as thoughts are things. Thev
make their impression upon the skein of time and space. Thus, as thev make for their activitv, thev
become as records that mav be read bv those in accord or attuned to such a condition... For
thoughts are things." - Edgar Cavce, (Cavce, 1971)

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a fudge in the field of Truth and Knowledge is
shipwrecked bv the laughter of the Gods.
-- Albert Einstein (quoted in Cannon, 1996)

"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" - Albert Einstein

13.1. Can Present Science ExpIain the ParanormaI?

Modem science has given us technological marvels, and enhanced our standard oI living in a
thousand ways. It has provided tools to understand the atomic nucleus, crystals and metals,
electricity, magnetism, and chemical reactions. It has provided useIul and accurate tools Ior
explaining and predicting the behavior oI the physical world. But the important message, which is
lost on students oI science, is that all oI this expertise applies only in certain limited areas, only
Ior certain topics.

I oIten wonder how my physics education would have been diIIerent iI, instead oI conducting
experiments on radioactivity and superconductivity, Ior which physics has very good theories, iI!
had taken the same equipment and gone to a haunted house! Or measured the energy Iields
around healers as they worked. Then, instead oI conIirming the science oI the textbooks, I would
have measured things that deIy the textbooks. UnIortunately, my curriculum did not include such
adventures, and it was twenty years later beIore I got around to those more unconventional

But it is an important lesson Ior all scientists. Our educational curriculum is designed to convince
the students that the theories in the book are true. There are no organized curricula in physics
departments which encourage the student to seek out the strange places and events that break the

Science has no clue about what consciousness is, Ior example. There is no adequate physical
theory oI it, and yet each one oI us has one (it?). It is Iamiliar but inexplicable. In this book we
have reviewed other subjects which science cannot explain: the out-oI-body experience, remote

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 18
viewing, ESP, prophecy (knowledge oI the Iuture), the eIIects oI group consciousness, "primary
communication" a la Cleve Backster, and psychokinesis (PK), to name a Iew. These have been
proven repeatedly in laboratory experiments over decades, within the rules oI scientiIic statistics
and controls. By any objective measure, they are real phenomena.

We have also encountered strong anecdotal evidence Ior additional phenomena: levitation,
teleportation, and the near-death experience. In many oI these cases, there is indication that
systematic experiments are being conducted, such as in the case oI the Chinese military with
teleportation, and there is testimony Irom top U.S. scientists that such phenomena have also been
validated in the laboratory. There is a large and impressive literature on the eIIects oI energy
healers, which will be reviewed in Volume II. Chinese physicists have conducted experiments in
which energy healers have altered the decay rate oI radioactive substances at the distance oI
thousands oI miles, under controlled conditions. Machines which can store and manipulate this
strange new energy will also be described in Volume II |Iorthcoming|.

The unavoidable conclusion Irom all oI this research is that present science cannot explain these
results. A Iew scientists working on the Irontier are attempting to do so. They realize these eIIects
are real, and are testing the limits oI present scientiIic theory to attempt to determine just how
much oI this data can be explained by conventional science.

Most oI the eIIort in this area Iocuses on quantum eIIects in living beings. Quantum mechanics
have some strange Ieatures. One oI the strangest is the idea that simply making a measurement
can aIIect the experiment. This has been interpreted as meaning that the consciousness oI the
experimenter interacts with the experiment itselI. In Iact, the experiments oI Schmidt (Schmidt,
1993) seem to support this, which indicates that quantum theory holds at least one oI the keys to
the mystery oI consciousness.

This idea originated with one oI the inventors oI quantum theory, Erwin Schroedinger, who
proposed that the quantum mechanical wave Iunction serves as a "Iield oI consciousness."
(Schroedinger, 1967) He Ielt that ESP could be explained by realizing that the quantum wave
Iunction extends over the entire planet, and our minds are all immersed in it. He proposed that
this may be the origin oI some "group mind" eIIects as well as telepathy.

Recent research in Germany, Russia and China has uncovered the possibility that macroscopic,
"large scale," quantum states may exist in all living things. This work is based on the discovery oI
the "biophoton," which is coherent, laser-like light emitted by all living cells.
(Frohlich, 1968, 1980; Popp, 1979, 1989) Researchers have discovered that many molecular and
cellular structures generate, conduct and store this light within their cells. DNA, Ior example,
absorbs and emits coherent light at dozens oI Irequencies. It uses this coherent energy to create
"Iorce Iields" around it which help maneuver other molecules into place Ior replication and
nucleosynthesis. Other biomolecules, such as enzymes, use this coherent energy in similar ways.
(Letokhov, 1974; Frohlich, 1968, 1980; Popp, 1979, 1989,2003)

Light is coherent when all oI the photons vibrate in step with one another. This is the secret oI the
laser, in which these photons are all in the same quantum state. This leads to the notion that

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 19
coherent, large scale quantum states permeate every living creature, and enables them to carry on
essential liIe processes such as protein synthesis so eIIiciently. (Ho, 1998)

Figure 13.1. Biological systems store coherent photons. This is just like hitting a
tuning Iork to keep it humming, or continuously pumping a laser so it is always
ready to Iire. The energy is stored as photons which oscillate in step with one
another, i.e. are "coherent." This makes the entire living system phase coherent,
and introduces important quantum eIIects which help to explain liIe processes,
and perhaps even some paranormal phenomena.

The Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. Ilya Prigogine has pointed out the advantage oI such a
system. By having a store oI high energy, coherent photons, the energy state oI a living organism
resembles the graph in Figure 13.1, above. The peak in the graph represents the energy or the
Irequency oI the coherent photons, which energize the system.

Prigogine pointed out that in such systems, the region on the bottom side oI the bulge, where the
density oI states is increasing, is a negentropic region. This means (roughly) that processes can be
carried out using photons Irom this band which actually decrease entropy, and thereIore are very
eIIicient. Entropy measures the randomness in a system. It represents energy which can longer be
used, and thereIore it also measures the ineIIiciency oI the system. When biological systems
operate in the region highlighted on the bottom oI the bulge (Figure 13.1), they operate in a very
eIIicient region in which entropy does not increase. This was part oI Prigogine's Nobel Prize
winning work, showing how systems which operate in this way can achieve eIIiciencies much
greater than previously expected by the Second Law oI Thermodynamics.

These large-scale, coherent, resonant processes, where trillions oI molecules in the body are in
communication with one another and can Iunction in resonance, brings up a new possibility:
Maybe the body is a macroscopic quantum system, with a set oI coherent quantum states all
vibrating in step? II so, then some oI the weird phenomena we have called "paranormal" might
really be just quantum mechanics working its strange magic on the large scale oI every day liIe.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 20
This point oI view has been beautiIully expressed by one oI the leading researchers, Dr. Mae Wan
Ho, in her book The Rainbow and the Worm, (Ho, 1998) which is highly recommended by those
wishing to explore this more deeply. However, even she does not argue that quantum mechanics
in its present Iorm has all the answers:

"A coherent space-time structure theoreticallv enables instantaneous
communications to occur over a range of time scales and spatial extents. What
this implies in practice is a vast, unexplored area, as the notion of non-linear
structured time this entails is alien to the conventional, western scientific
framework... "(Ho, 1998)

Other important research in this area has been conducted by the eminent mathematical physicist
Roger Penrose, (Penrose, 1989, 1994, 1995; HameroII. 1994) who, together with Stuart
HameroII, has examined "microtubules" and other biological structures which might carry and
store quantum states within the body. There are quantum properties oI neurons in the brain Ior
example. Every synapse, which is where two nerves come together and do their "decision
making," is really a quantum system. It is a tunneling junction, which is a quantum structure.
ThereIore, it seems very likely that quantum mechanical phenomenon take place in the body and
the brain, and play an important part in liIe processes.

As a physicist, the possibility that quantum mechanics can explain the paranormal must be
examined seriously. It is the diIIerence between chucking the present physical laws, saying "OK,
they don't work. How do we Iix them?" and saying "Oh, my goodness, we CAN explain
paranormal eIIects iI we just allow Ior the possibility that humans, and all liIe Iorms, are
permeated by macroscopic quantum states." So the question is: "Can quantum mechanics on a
large scale explain some oI the weird phenomena we have described thus Iar?"

For example, researchers such as Richard Dobrin, Iollowing earlier work in Russia, has used
sensitive photomultiplier tubes to measure the biophotons emitted by humans. (Dobrin, 1977) It
amounted to between 50 and 220 photons per second. He Iound that certain individuals were able
to consciously increase their photon output by as much as 67 percent. This is similar to the
process which "energy healers" use. Dobrin conIirmed experimentally that the increased photon
output occurred when the subject began consciously attempting to increase his "energy Iield."
Can this be the explanation Ior the human "aura" that psychics see?

Researchers have Iound that cells are in communication all the time. The DNA molecule, Ior
example, radiates and absorbs in the millimeter wave band. Can this be the source oI the
"Backster EIIect," oI cell-to-cell communication? It has been proven now that a "sick" cell
radiates something, and when a healthy cell receives this radiation, it becomes sick.
(Kaznachayev, 1967, 1981, 1982) And vice versa, sick cells can be brought back to health with
radiation Irom healthy cells. Can this explain "energy healing?"

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 21
13.2. Shortcomings of Present ModeI

BeIore we get our hopes up too much that conventional science can explain the anomalies oI the
Ioregoing chapters |oI Svnchroni:ed Universe|, let us keep in mind some oI the data we have seen
so Iar. It may be possible, Ior example, that some Iorm oI quantum electromagnetic radiation
Irom cells may cause a "healing" eIIect, based on the work oI Kaznachayev. But those photons
cannot reach halI-way around the world to explain distant healing or healing inside closed rooms
hundreds oI miles away. (Yan, 1988, 2000, 2002) Radiation transmission and absorption between
cells may playa role in cell-to-cell communication, and this may be a component oI the "Backster
EIIect." But remember that many oI those experiments, too, work over distances oI many
hundreds oI miles and through sealed rooms and Faraday cages. What is more, the Backster eIIect
did not weaken with distance, which argues against any normal Iorm oI radiation, such as
photons, as the cause.

ThereIore it is unlikely that quantum mechanics will explain away all oI the paranormal puzzles
oI the previous chapters. A more Iundamental reason can be seen in the nature oI how paranormal
eIIects maniIest themselves. The best "detector" oI paranormal Iorces in use today is the REG, the
"Random Event Generator." This in itselI is oIten based on a quantum process. It makes use oI
the electron noise in a resistor, or radioactive decay oI a small sample oI a radioactive element.

Quantum mechanics states that in these physical processes, this random noise measured by the
REGs can only be described by probabilities. Once this has been calculated, nothing more can be
said about the event. Quantum mechanics does not describe the nature oI the noise, nor oIIer
means Ior changing it. And yet this is exactly what paranormal phenomena do.

In most oI the experiments described in this book |Svnchroni:ed Universe|, the results can be
summarized in the Iollowing statement: "Paranormal eIIects are able to alter the structure oI
'random' or 'quantum' noise, thereby altering the probability oI events." Although quantum
mechanics does provide equations which make it possible to calculate and predict the level oI
quantum noise, it oIIers no mechanism by which consciousness could alter this noise. One oI the
shortcomings oI quantum mechanics in the minds oI many people, including Einstein, was that
there was no underlying explanation oI the nature oI this noise. It is leIt as a mystery in quantum

In most oI the experiments described in this book, the results can be summarized in the Iollowing
statement: 'Paranormal eIIects are able to alter the structure oI random` or quantum` noise,
thereby altering the probability oI events. Although quantum mechanics does provide equations
which make it possible to calculate and predict the level oI quantum noise, it oIIers no mechanism
by which consciousness could alter this noise. One oI the shortcomings oI quantum mechanics in
the minds oI many people, including Einstein, was that there was no underlying explanation oI
the nature oI this noise. It is leIt as a mystery in quantum mechanics.

Einstein and many others since him, Ielt that quantum mechanics was a superIicial theory, that
although it works brilliantly on a certain level, it glosses over a deeper layer oI truth. He Ielt it
described the universe on the average, but" there must be "hidden variables" which it neglects,

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 22
and which are evidenced by the random and unpredictable nature oI the theory. Such deeper
models are called "hidden variables theories" and they have been proposed by eminent physicists
such as David Bohm, (Bohm, 1951)

Some physicists believe that such "hidden variable theories" have been ruled out by experiments.
This is not true. A Iamous set oI experiments called the EPR experiments, aIter physicists
Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (Einstein, 1935), ruled out one kind oI hidden variable theory, so-
called "local hidden variable theories." (Clauser, 1974; d'Espagnat, 1974, 1978) However, "non-
local" hidden variable theories, in which particle motion is coupled over great distances, are not
ruled out by these experiments (e.g. Cramer, 1980). This is precisely the type oI theory we are

It would appear that paranormal phenomena do aIIect this deeper layer oI physics. In
psychokinesis and group prayer experiments, the level oI quantum noise was actually Iound to
DECREASE. This has NO explanation in conventional quantum theory. It requires a theory
which addresses the nature oI quantum noise and describes the Iorces which can aIIect it and alter

This is just the minimal argument Ior a deeper theory. Quantum theory also oIIers no explanation
Ior teleportation through walls, Ior example. Mainstream science explains the repulsion between
atoms based on quantum theory. But there is no mechanism in the theory which would show us
how to turn OFF that Iorce. Yet in teleportation experiments, seemingly that is what occurs

This is just one oI many reasons why paranormal phenomena cannot be explained away by the
application oI quantum mechanics. Another salient one is the time eIIect. The ability to aIIect
events IN THE PAST is not part oI mainstream physics, quantum or otherwise. And yet the
results oI the Princeton PEAR Lab (Jahn, 1987a, 1987b), Radin (Radin, 1997, 1997a) and
Schmidt (Schmidt, 1981, 1989, 1993) among others have demonstrated that this is a real

One oI the common elements in paranormal eIIects is the inIluence on the random aspects oI
physics, the quantum noise. In many ESP and PK experiments, the level oI randomness is
decreased, as measured on the REG devices. In other cases, the randomness is altered in a speciIic
way to cause the outcome oI a random process to turn out systematically "high" or "low". The
common element in all oI these experiments is that the quantum randomness is being altered. This
can be explained iI we assume that the zero-point energy oI space is being altered.

The zero point energy is the random energy oI space which is predicted to be there even by
quantum mechanics. It is a direct result oI the Uncertainty Principle. But aIter predicting it, it is
ignored in many modern theories. It is assumed to have very little eIIect, and treated only as a
small perturbation. An alternative view, more consistent with the concerns oI Einstein, has
postulated that this zero-point energy provides this deeper level understanding oI quantum
mechanics. (Boyer, 1969, 1973, 1975, 1984; PuthoII, 1975, 1989a, 1989b) By attempting to
develop a theory oI the zero-point energy, allowing quantum theory to emerge as an average oI

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 23
this more proIound picture, seems to oIIer much promise iI we are to understand the way
paranormal phenomena seemingly alter the zero point energy structure oI space.

For these reasons, I believe that a "non-local hidden variables theory" which treats the zero point
energy explicitly, is the only answer. Physicists who study such things know that the only
possible Iorm oI this theory is that it must be "non-local," that is, it must involve the interactions
oI particles over long distances. The theory to be described next has all the right properties. It is
only a "sketch" oI such a theory, a beginning, and we describe only the concepts (no equations). It
shows that many oI the strange anomalous events which occur in the paranormal can be Iit
naturally into a physical theory. The quantum aspects oI living beings meshes very naturally with
this theory. It may be the coupling together oI the quantized biophoton model with the
"Synchronized Universe Model," to be described next, which oIIers a more comprehensive
explanation oI a wide range oI paranormal phenomena.

13.3. Beginnings of a Theory

When I was a Ireshman in college at M.I.T. I used to daydream about the electron. Einstein used
to say that iI we could just Iully understand the electron, it would probably unlock the mysteries
oI all the elementary particles. The electron, oI course, is Iamiliar to everyone to some extent. It is
one oI the smallest oI the elementary particles, the building blocks oI matter. It is the particle that
orbits around the nucleus oI atoms, giving the atom its size and shape. It is the particle that moves
through wires and crystals to make our walkman work, to make our computer Iunction, to
generate TV signals. It is at the heart oI most oI the electronic wonders oI the last 100 years.

But as a budding physicist, I wanted to understand it at a deeper level. I had discovered a series oI
books by the Iamous physicist Richard Feynman, who unravelled many oI the mysteries oI the
electron. AIter reading his books, I used to daydream, close my eyes and use my imagination to
try to understand what was going on at the deepest level oI the electron. The picture he drew, and
the picture I saw, was oIa small particle zipping around at high speed in space and time.

Feynman explained how the electron probably has no mass, no weight, iI we could peer deep
inside it. Probably the mass it has is due to the trapped energy oI the electric Iields around it. He
explained that, at very small distances, an electron moves at nearly the speed oI light, and can zip
back and Iorth in space as well as in time. This was amazing and exciting to me. The electron was
a time traveler, at least on the very small scale!

There is the concept in physics called the "drunkard's walk" or the "random walk." You can
imagine a very drunk man trying to walk in one direction. But his balance is so impaired that he
keeps veering oII in diIIerent directions in a random pattern. He may walk many steps but he
doesn't get very Iar. This is a random walk. In the nineteenth century scientists peering through
early microscopes saw pollen grains moving in water. These tiny grains also moved in a random
pattern. It turned out they were so small, the random kicks they received Irom water molecules
caused them to bounce around in diIIerent directions. They also did the random walk. This zigzag
behavior was named "Brownian motion" aIter its discoverer. This random zig-zag pattern oI
motion is Iound many places in nature. And it seems the electron also moves in this way at the

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 24
smallest scales. But most Iascinating to me, it did the random walk in time, going Iorward and
backward in time, as well as in space. (see Figure 13.2)

Figure 13.2 The electron zips around, moving rapidly back and Iorth in space and
time. It has a negative electric charge, so it is repelled Irom other electrons, which
also have negative charge. For electricity, like repels like and opposites attract. It
is attracted to the positive nucleus oI the atom, which is what holds atoms
together. It also spins like a tiny top or a miniature planet as it zips about in a
random motion.

I spent many hours trying to develop a "Ieel" Ior the electron. I did not know then that what I was
doing would probably today be called remote viewing. I was just trying to understand the
universe Irom the point oI view oI the electron. I was trying to see things Irom its perspective.
This intuitive approach has a long and illustrious history in physics. Einstein got his Iirst ideas Ior
Relativity aIter trying to see the universe Irom the point oI view oI a photon, a particle oI light.
He imagined he was riding the light beam (see Figure 13.3), moving at the speed oI light, and he
struggled with the notion that time would have to stop in the outside world Irom that point oI
view. It led him to Relativity theory and a revolution in physics.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 25

Figure 13.3. Einstein discovered the Theory oI Relativity while doing a "thought
experiment," which is similar to day-dreaming. He imagined he was riding a beam
oI light, and imagined what the world outside would look like Irom this Irame oI

Einstein oI course was a hero oI mine, but even more so was Feynman. His physics books had a
picture oI him on the inside cover. His sleeves were rolled up and he was playing the bongo
drums. He had gone to M.I.T., where I was going. He was Iull oI practical jokes. He had worked
on the Manhattan bomb project as a grad student at Princeton (where I also went to grad school).
When he was at Los Alamos he used to crack the Top Secret saIes and leave little notes inside:
"Guess Who?" they read. It was said that he climbed the outside oI the bell tower at the Princeton
Grad college. And oI course, he won the Nobel Prize in physics. What a guy!

But what I liked most about him was that he emphasized the importance oI physical intuition, oI
visualizing and getting a Ieeling Ior the particles and Iorces he dealt with. In his Nobel Prize
lecture, he recounted the conversation with his Iather when he told him he was going to
Stockholm. His Iather had encouraged Richard all his liIe to explore physics. It turned out that
part oI the reason was that his Iather wanted to understand nature at a deep level. He interrogated
Richard about where the photon comes Irom when an atom gives oII light. Was the photon in the
atom beIore it was emitted? He had many questions. He was not satisIied with a mathematical
answer. He wanted to understand at a deep intuitive level. Somewhat sadly, Feynman admitted
that he could not answer all oI his Iather's questions. Today's physics has constructed
mathematical Iormulas that describe many aspects oI Iundamental physics. But it is oIten missing
a deep, satisIying intuitive picture oI what is going on, and why the equations are the way they

Feynman has said that iI all mathematics disappeared it would set physics back exactly one week.
So, despite the Iact that he was a very giIted mathematician, he always emphasized the
importance oI a physical picture, oI physical intuition. This provides the guide to what ideas, what

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 26
equations to try. Without it, physicists are just guessing blind, just trying diIIerent assumptions in
the dark. This oIten seems to describe some oI the papers one sees in physics journals. In this
chapter, as in the rest oI the book, we stick with the intuitive viewpoint. There are no equations,
only pictures. Some oI these pictures have been converted to equations (elsewhere), and as this
theory matures, it must one day be completely expressible mathematically. That process is not
complete yet.

However, some oI the concepts oIIered here are very deep, and they do seem to oIIer a way to
extend current physics theory to understand and explain paranormal phenomena. The main point
is that we do not have to relegate such phenomena to hoaxes or bad science. We do not have to
label it as "occult" or "supernatural," thereby placing it outside oI science. These are real
phenomena, careIully and rigorously established.

The diIIiculty with any new theory in science is that it must also account Ior all the old data. In
physics we have two centuries worth oI old data. Any new theory must be consistent with the
laws oI gravity, the laws oI electricity and magnetism, and the laws oI nuclear and particle
physics as we know it. At the same time, it must extend into other realms to be able to explain the
paranormal and anomalous eIIects recounted in earlier chapters.

One oI the keys is that we must go beyond quantum mechanics. Most Americans, and even most
physicists, are probably not comIortable with some oI its predictions. It bothered Einstein all his
liIe. In his gut he Ielt quantum mechanics was an approximation. Yes, it worked beautiIully at the
atomic level. But he Ielt the randomness that was built into it was covering up our ignorance oI
some other processes at a deeper level.

The paradox oI quantum mechanics can be understood by the "Schroedinger's Cat Paradox" (see
Figure 13.4). A cat sits in a sealed box with no windows. Also inside is a pellet oI cyanide. II it is
released, the cat will die. Its release mechanism is triggered by a Geiger Counter, which measures
the radiation Irom a very weak radioactive source. II it detects radiation Irom the source, it will
release the cyanide and the cat will die.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 27

Figure 13.4. The "Schroedinger Cat" Paradox. At any given time the cat must be
partially in two very diIIerent quantum states. It must be partially in the "dead"
state and partially in the "alive" state. When someone peeks in, all oI the possible
states vanish ("collapse") except one. This is the view oI real events through the
lens oI quantum mechanics. Among other things, it neglects to take into account
that the cat is also an observer. The cat knows whether it is alive or not. The
intuitive conIlict is a challenge to both science and theology.

But radioactive decay is a random process. On the average, physics can predict the probability oI
a decay occurring. But one can never predict it exactly. Now in quantum mechanics, things are
measured in probability. AIter one hour, let's say, the probability is IiIty-IiIty that a decay has
occurred. But since it is IiIty-IiIty, quantum mechanics predicts that the cat is halI dead and halI
alive. What it actually predicts is that there is a "wave-Iunction" Ior a dead cat in there, and one
Ior an alive cat. As long as no one looks in the box, both wave Iunctions must continue to exist
inside. It is basically saying there is a live cat and a dead cat both in there.

Then iI one peeks in, it "collapses the wave Iunction," which means that now an observer has
determined which it is. One cat wave-Iunction will disappear, and the cat will become Iully the
other one. This situation bothered Einstein to no end. It did not seem natural nor likely. "God does
not play dice with the universe," was his response to this Las Vegas-like description oI physics.
But despite his qualms, predictions oI quantum mechanics have held up very well. It may only be
in recent years, in the Iace oI remote viewing and ESP data, that it is coming under a serious

In these experiments we have discovered that consciousness can actually CHANGE the rate oI
radioactive decay. II we had enough people visualizing, we could keep the cat alive much longer!

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 28
This is no longer speculation. This is established Iact as we saw in Chapters 3 and 5 |oI
Svnchroni:ed Universe|. It indicates that the probability oI radioactive decay is not just some
constant oI nature. There is some physical mechanism which is aIIected by conscious intention,
and it can slow down (or speed up) the decay. ThereIore there must be some Iorce or some
physical connection between the mechanism oI radioactive decay and the conscious mind.

It is no coincidence that some oI the leading physicists investigating Zero-Point Energy have a
long history oI research in the paranormal. One oI these men is Dr. Hal PuthoII, whom we met in
Chapter One as one oI the Iounders oI the Remote Viewing Program. By the early nineteen-
eighties, he had amassed so much data about "anomalous phenomena" that he began seriously
exploring how to modiIy physics to account Ior the paranormal.

He discovered the works oI T. H. Boyer (Boyer, 1969, 1973, 1975), who had gone back to basics
and developed some oI the Iirst Iundamental mathematics Ior a new theory oI the vacuum. He
took the notion oI Zero-Point Energy, as it is predicted by Quantum Mechanics, very seriously. A
basic prediction is that, because oI the Uncertainty Principle, the so-called vacuum oI space is
actually Iilled with Iluctuating energy, random photons which zip about in all directions.

On the average, the number oI photons moving in any given direction is equal, so no Iorce is
detected. But just like the invisible water molecules knocked around the pollen grains, giving rise
to Brownian motion, he theorized that this bath oI random photons would kick around electrons
causing them also to undergo a random walk. This oIIered a more satisIying model Ior the
randomness oI Quantum Mechanics. It oIIered a more Iundamental explanation Ior why there
must be an Uncertainty Principle.

This pioneering eIIort by Boyer and PuthoII, together with the work oI Rueda (Rueda, 1981,
1986, 1998) and Haisch (Haisch, 1997a, 1997b, 1998) has become known as "Statistical
Electrodynamics." Whereas the older, establishment theory oI the electron was called "QED" Ior
Quantum Electrodynamics, this new alternative approach became known as "SED."

The Iollowing sketch illustrates the diIIerence in the assumptions. In Quantum Mechanics, the
randomness is built-in, without any physical explanation Ior its origin. There is randomness, it is
given by equations, and the level oI this randomness is described by a constant, known as
Planck's Constant aIter Max Planck, the original Iounder oI Quantum Theory. As an electron
moves through space and time, it will randomly give oII or absorb photons which come Irom and
vanish into the vacuum oI space. The overall probability Ior this to occur depends on its charge,
and is predicted by the equations oI quantum mechanics (the "wave Iunction").

Beyond that, no explanation is given Ior why or when these events might happen. It is just a
random process, built into the assumptions oI the theory. (see Figure 13.5)

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 29

Figure 13.5. QED MODEL. The
arrows represent the electron's path,
the dotted lines the photons. In
QED, the standard model Ior the
electron, photons are spontaneously
and randomly created and destroyed,
causing the electron to zig and zag in
a random walk. This spontaneous
creation and destruction oI photons
(and other particles) give rise to the
Uncertainty Principle
Figure 13.6. SED MODEL. The
arrows represent the electron's
path, the dotted line the
photons. In the SED model, they
are present in the vacuum as they
"hit" the electron causing its
random drunkard's walk and
giving rise to the Uncertainty

SED, on the other hand, developed by Boyer, PuthoII, Rueda and Haisch, oIIers a deeper
explanation oI these random events. In their model the vacuum is Iilled with photons. (see Figure
13.6) This comprises the "Zero-Point energy" oI the vacuum. They are real photons, but because
they are randomly distributed they do not cause any average Iorce on particles. Their random
distribution gives rise to the unpredictability oI quantum mechanics. The distribution oI the
photons is designed so it agrees with the predictions oI quantum mechanics. It also, very nicely, is
the one distribution which looks the same iI you travel at diIIerent velocities. ThereIore it is
consistent with Einstein and Relativity. And, most importantly, it oIIers a mechanism Ior the
randomness oI elementary particles.

Whereas Quantum Theory has no way to explain how meditation can aIIect radioactive decay
rates or electrical noise in a resistor, SED does have a way to explain this: consciousness must
aIIect the Zero-Point energy in the vacuum. It must alter the distribution oI the photons zipping
through space. Somehow. At least now, we have a mechanism, a handle, on how radioactivity and
other quantum processes can be aIIected. Still missing is any understanding oI how the conscious
mind might actually CAUSE such a change in the vacuum.

The theory we are presenting in this chapter builds on the SED picture. SED is a big step in the
right direction. We have tried to oIIer the next step. SED suggested that the photons in the
vacuum oI space are real. We have gone the next step: we assume all those photons in the vacuum
originated somewhere. Where? Why, on all the other particles throughout the universe! There are
a huge number oI charged particles in the universe. All oI them are doing the same rapid zig-zag

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 30
dance. ThereIore, they should all be radiating and absorbing photons like crazy. What happened
to all the photons which were created by all those electrons in distant stars? Why, THAT IS

Figure 13.7. The Synchronized Universe Model (S.U.M.) assumes that all the
particles in the universe interact with one another. It goes one step Iurther than the
SED model. It assumes that the local electrons are tied to the distant matter via
photons. The "virtual photons" in space are assumed to be created by the motions
oI other electrons. Most oI them are created by the "distant matter" which contains
almost all the matter oI the universe. ThereIore every zig and zag oI a local
electron is really a communication between it and the distant matter. This
embodies Mach's Principle: the distant matter determines local inertia and local

Every time a nearby electron makes a zig or a zag, it has just absorbed or emitted a photon.
Where did that incoming photon originate? Where does the outgoing photon go? Other electrons
(and other charged particles) elsewhere in the universe created the photon that was just absorbed,
and will absorb eventually the photon that was just emitted.

ONE ANOTHER. (See Figure 13.7). We call this the "Synchronized Universe Model" or SUM
model. The random zig-zag dance they do is actually a dance with one another. Momentum and
energy that is created here is absorbed there and vice versa. The local, nearby electron does not
dance alone. It is thereIore not a random motion that it undergoes. II we could somehow know the
motions oI the particles at the other end, which are in the distant matter oI stars, then we could

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 31
PREDICT the detailed motions oI the local electron as it zigs and zags. OI course, practically
speaking this is an impossible task. But the idea that the motions oI local particles and distant
particles is connected is an important and Iundamental insight.

In the history oI physics, the Iirst person who had this idea was Ernst Mach, the German scientist
and philosopher Ior whom the Mach Number in high speed Ilight is named. Mach was convinced
that the distant matter oI space determined all the important Iorces locally here on earth. In
particular, he noticed that centriIugal Iorce is connected to the motion oI stars in the sky. On a
starry night one summer as a twelve-year old, I noticed this interesting phenomenon. Look up in
the sky and hold your arms out. They want to Iall by your side due to gravity. Now spin around.
You Ieel a Iorce liIting your arms and pulling them away Irom your sides. We call this
"centriIugal Iorce." You only Ieel it when the stars above you are spinning around. When they
stop spinning, the Iorce goes away.

Mach noticed this, as well as other considerations, which convinced him that the local Iorces
described by physics have their origin in the distant matter oI space. Even though it is very Iar
away Irom us, there is a great deal oI it. The Iorces Irom the distant matter should weaken as the
square oI their distance Irom us. But the amount oI matter increases as the square oI the distance
away. It turns out there is enough matter out there to account Ior these Iorces. There are enough
electrons out there to create the vacuum energy we measure, and to absorb all the photons
produced by local particles. ThereIore this picture actually does make sense. The math to back it
up will not be presented in these books. However, we will try to present the intuitive pictures oI
how we are connected to the distant matter, and how new Iorces arise Irom this connection which
explain the puzzles oI the paranormal.

For when we take Mach's idea seriously, then we Iind that it is really possible to explain
electricity and magnetism as the motions oI distant matter. Modern physics always talks about a
"Iorce Iield" nearby, and treats this as a property oI space. But we can also explain these "Iorce
Iields" as being due to the imbalance oI charges in the distant matter. When particles in the distant
matter are displaced, they exert Iorces back on the local electron.

The distant matter oI the universe can be displaced or disturbed in diIIerent patterns, called
"modes." They resemble the vibrational modes oI a bell when it vibrates aIter it is struck. These
Iundamental vibrational modes can be excited and can resonate. We will show in Volume 5 that
these modes are responsible Ior the "subtle energies" as well as the electrical and nuclear Iorces.
These modes have symmetries and interact with geometric shapes. This gives rise to some oI the
puzzling eIIects oI pyramids and other geometric shapes. It appears likely that Mach's Principle,
used in this way, can explain the variety oI strange Iorces in nuclear physics and the subtle
energies which are central to paranormal eIIects.

13.4. The "Round-Trip" Photon - How EIectrons Interact Across Great Distances

Mach's Principle is troubling to some scientists. They say that any motion oI a local charge will
send out waves, certainly, but it will take billions oI years Ior that radiation to reach the distant
matter. So how can there be any interaction? It just takes too long. The universe is too spread out.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 32
Part oI the answer came Irom Feynman and his Ph.D. Thesis advisor John Wheeler, who wrote an
important paper about it in 1945. (Wheeler, 1945)

They showed that it is possible Ior every local, nearby, electron (and any other particle) to interact
with the distant matter virtually instantaneously. They showed how radiation can travel backward
in time as well as Iorward. Photons which travel backwards in time are called "advanced waves."

These "backward in time" or "advanced" waves are a perIectly valid solution oI Maxwell's
Equations, which govern electromagnetism. Evidence Ior such waves has been Iound in radiation
experiments, where it is called "pre-acceleration." (Feynman, 1970) Photons which travel Iorward
in time, the "normal" direction, are called "retarded waves."

According to the Feynman-Wheeler picture, when an electron zigs or zags it creates a photon
which radiates away traveling Iorward in time. At some later time, it is absorbed by electrons in
the distant matter. They will accelerate and in turn radiate a photon which will travel
BACKWARD in time. It will converge back at the original electron's location. Because it traveled
backward in time, it arrives at almost the same moment the Iirst photon was radiated.


Figure 13.8. In the Feynman-Wheeler View, all the radiation Irom a local electron
is absorbed and reIlected back Irom the distant matter. It converges upon the
electron where it Iirst started, with almost no time delay, giving rise to a Iorce
similar to inertia.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 33


Figure 13.9. A diIIerent view oI the Feynman-Wheeler (Wheeler, 1945) model.
One wavy line (green) shows photons going backward in time, the "advanced"
waves. The other wavy line represents photons going Iorward in time, the
"retarded" waves. The arrows show time direction.

ThereIore, by combining the two kinds oI photons, one type traveling Iorward in time and one
traveling backward in time they showed how a local electron can be in instantaneous contact with
the distant matter. They also showed that this does not lead to contradictions. This is a very
important insight. It has recently been Iurther developed by Cramer (Cramer, 1980, 1983, 1986
1988, 1997) and others.

Feynman and Wheeler showed that this concept can explain the origin oI the "radiation back
reaction," which is an important aspect oI the electron. Although this theory has never been
Iormally accepted or integrated into modem physics, Feynman did use the idea oI pairing
photons, one traveling backwards in time, the other Iorwards in time, in his later QED model Ior
which he received the Nobel Prize. This became known as the "halI-advanced, halI-retarded
propagator" .

So this idea oI photons traveling backward in time and equally balanced with those going Iorward
in time is deeply imbedded in the present physics. Even though it sounds contradictory, it really
isn't. As we see, it also provides a means Ior instantly coupling the motions oI local particles to
distant particles, which is the essence oI Mach's Principle.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 34

The "distant matter" and Mach's Principle were also studied extensively by the Iamous
astronomer, Sir Arthur Eddington. He is Iamous Ior the experiment which conIirmed Einstein's
gravity theory by measuring how much the sun bends a beam oI light. Eddington reIerred to the
distant matter as the "Uranoid" meaning that it is Iar away. He saw it as the Iundamental reIerence
Irame which governs much oI our physics. We shall sometimes use his term, the "uranoid," to
reIer to the distant matter.

We also interchangeably will use the term "celestial sphere," which comes Irom ancient times
when the sky was believed to be a giant dome, and the stars were tiny holes through which light
leaked in. It conveys the idea that the distant stars behave as though they are on a sphere Iar away.
Mathematically, this is quite suIIicient Ior most considerations.

This is especially true because the important reactions involve "round trip" photons. II we project
all the distant matter onto a sphere having the radius oI the universe (about 14 billion light years)
this is not a bad Iirst approximation.

The Feynman-Wheeler picture explains how electrons can interact instantaneously with the
distant matter, despite the enormous distance. However, they assumed all the electrons moved at
slow speed ("non-relativistic"). But iI we peer into the smallest scale motions oI the electron, we
Iind it is moving at very high speed. So it is necessary to take the Feynman-Wheeler picture into
that domain.

We assume the electrons at that scale are basically massless. This means they move at very near
the speed oI light. An interesting thing happens at this speed. Every time a photon is emitted, it
travels straight ahead in a very narrow, Iocused beam, like a headlight beam Irom a motorcycle. It
points in the direction oI the electron's velocity at the moment it was emitted. The closer the
electron's speed is to that oI light, the narrower and more intense is the photon emitted by it.

This has been proven in huge machines called "synchrotrons" which speed electrons up to near
the speed oI light. The light emitted is always in a very narrow Iorward beam, aimed in the
direction the electron is moving when it radiates. This is called "synchrotron radiation." It is a
consequence oI Einstein's relativity theory.

In order Ior two such electrons to interact, their velocities must point toward one another to a very
high accuracy. Otherwise they don't "see" each other and there is no interaction at all.

This is very important: II their velocities point toward one another, there can be an interaction.
Since the Iorward beams oI energy are extremely narrow and intense, this enables them to interact
over huge distances. II these beams oI energy do not point at each other, because the velocities
are not aligned, there will no interaction. They will not see one another at all. It is as though the
electron has "tunnel vision" and can only see straight ahead!

At these scales we have assumed the electron is massless and thereIore has no inertia: it can "turn
on a dime," and make extremely sharp turns. But the sharper its turn, the greater the strength oI its

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 35
radiation. Can it turn inIinitely sharply? No, because there will be a reaction Irom the other
electron receiving the photon at the other end. Every emission and absorption oI a photon
involves at least two electrons, one at each end, one emitting and one absorbing the photon.


Figure 13.10. This Iigure illustrates how the eIIective mass oI the electrons is
determined at the very smallest scales by the strength oI the two-way interaction.
The Iorce Irom each photon pushes the other electron backwards. The mutual
interaction leads to a Iinite exchange oI energy and momentum in the Iorm oI a
very sharply spiked photon. We call this a photon "pulse." It is these photons
which make up the "zero-point energy" oI space.

The photons sent and received by the two electrons are coupled together. When the Iirst electron
radiates a photon outward, it almost simultaneously receives a photon coming BACKWARD IN
TIME Irom the second electron. The interaction that results can be thought oI as a consensus
between the two electrons. It is a balance between turning too sharply and not turning sharply
enough. The resulting photon is a combination oI the advanced photon and the retarded photon. It
is a very sharp, short narrow pulse and is probably a soliton. We call it a "photon pulse." It is the
basic currency oI exchange between electrons. Every interaction between electrons consists oI
one or more photon pulses.

The process is a little more complicated than this, because the energy Irom a photon is not always
completely absorbed by the Iirst receiving electron. Part oI it may be absorbed and part may
continue on in the same direction, where it is absorbed by other electrons. We are at a level
deeper than the quantum level here, so the energy can split in this way. But the energy that

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 36
continues along a straight line is absorbed and reIlected back by other electrons along the same
path. The path oI this energy is very narrow and very close to a straight line because oI the
narrowness oI the Iorward light cone. In our picture we have only shown two electrons Ior
simplicity. There may be many more along the straight-line path which become involved in the
Iormation oI the photon "pulse." But because there is an advanced as well as a retarded
component to this pulse, all the electrons contribute. ThereIore the pulse produced is very likely
to be a soliton, and it will have the desired 'halI-advanced, halI-retarded" character speciIied by
quantum theory.

The picture we have painted so Iar applies only at the very smallest scales oI motion oI the
electron, where we can isolate, at least in our minds, the interaction with one photon and one or
two other electrons. These interactions occur at an unimaginably Iast pace, and at extremely small
scales. Physicists have a name Ior this scale oI time and distance. It is called the "Planck scale." It
is the scale at which the space-time structure oI the universe starts to break up. Smaller distances
become meaningless. In existing eIIorts at quantum gravity, this scale is assumed to be
determined by the uncertainty principle, the quantum Iluctuations oI space-time. In our model, the
viewpoint is slightly diIIerent but the implications are similar. At smaller scales than this, inertia
and position are meaningless.

Figure 13.11. The smallest unit oI energy exchange in the S.U.M. model is the
photon "pulse." It is extremely short and sharp. It occurs when a pair oI electrons
interact. Other electrons which are in a straight line with the pulse may also take
part in the interaction.

Conventional "photons" which are Iamiliar in Quantum Mechanics, and which comprise light, are
made up oI many, many oI these photon pulses. The synchronization in the SUM model (to be
described next) insures that the phases oI these pulses will be just right so they add up to the
"wave train" which is the conventional quantum photon. An example oI such a "quantum wave
train" is shown in Figure 13.12. The conventional quantum description is oI a "wave-packet"
which is comprised oI waves which have a Iinite length. The energy carried in this packet

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 37
satisIies the rules oI quantum mechanics. In the SUM model this is NOT the deepest description.
At a deeper level these quantized packets are actually made up oI many photon pulses, which are
elementary exchanges between electrons. This is illustrated in Figure 13.12.


Figure 13.12. The conventional quantum "wave packet" oI quantum mechanics is
shown by the wavy line in the diagram. The energy in such a packet is quantized,
and this makes up the "photon" oI conventional physics. The SUM model predicts
that there is a deeper layer oI reality, described by the individual photon "pulses."
Each quantum photon is actually made up oI many oI these pulses. They also
comprise the so-called "Zero-Point Energy" oI the vacuum oI space.

This subject is deep and important. For this reason it may also be a little conIusing. The reader
may Ieel that the detailed private liIe oI an electron, or a photon, is a Iar cry Irom ESP and
psychokinesis. But notice what the two electrons are doing: They are communicating Iorward and
backward in TIME. And they are sending and receiving signals across the entire breadth oI the
universe, essentially instantly. Doesn't this sound a little bit Iamiliar? Isn't this what is so puzzling
about psychic phenomena, that it travels with ease across great distance, not weakening with
distance? And the signals are transmitted backward in time, like some oI the Princeton PEAR Lab
experiments. It is my belieI that these interactions between electrons across great distances and
backward in time, are essential in understanding these puzzles.

In the next section we will talk about one oI the most important concepts oI the SUM model: the
idea that, because electrons can communicate across the vast distance oI the universe, their
motions become coupled together. This leads to a very powerIul eIIect which can explain both
quantum mechanics and the existence oI other dimensions.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 38
13.5. The Synchronizing PrincipIe

There are a very large number oI electrons in the universe. In the known, visible universe there
are about 10
oI them. That's written as I and 80 zeros aIter it! There are also other charged
particles, and they are all interacting. At the smallest scales, they travel at the speed oI light and
basically look straight ahead with extreme tunnel vision. Because they have a charge, and are
massless and move at the speed oI light, something very interesting happens. They become
coupled together and begin moving in a collective motion, Iorming small orbits around their
average positions. The orbits will be in phase with one another so the motions oI the electrons at
the smallest scale becomes synchronized.

This is what our model predicts. It is called a "collective eIIect." The electrons undergo a "phase
transition." Instead oI each electron moving randomly and independent I) . they begin moving in
tiny little orbits which are all synchronized to one another. They are synchronized precisely
because they only interact when their velocities point to one another. This only occurs at certain
places in their orbits, and thereIore only at certain times. There will still be random motions, but
they will be superimposed upon the synchronized motions.

We will not prove this here, but it is a well-recognized phenomenon which occurs in many-
particle systems. To quote physics Nobel prize-winner Dr. Ilya Prigogine:

"One might first think it would be easier to obtain a coherent oscillating
process with a few particles, sav 50, than with as manv as, sav Avogadros
number, J023, which are generallv involved in macroscopic experiments. But
computer experiments show that it is fust the opposite. It is onlv in the limit of
particles N that we tend to "long range" temporal order." (Prigogine,

ThereIore in the case where all the electrons in the universe, 10
oI them, are interacting strongly
at the very small scales, it is extremely likely that a collective oscillation occurs, which Prigogine
calls "long range temporal order." The resulting motion oI the electrons is illustrated in Figure

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 39

Figure 13.13. This Iigure illustrates the interaction between a "local" nearby
electron and the huge number oI distant electrons, represented schematically by
the six electrons on the outer circle.

We have sketched a "local" electron in the center oI a small circle. It represents a particle which is
"nearby." The large circle represents the distant matter in the universe, where the vast majority oI
particles are to be Iound. The radius oI this circle really represents the radius oI the universe,
about 10 billion light years. But because the electrons are all massless at the scale oI their
motions, they can still interact with one another. This is because their radiation is concentrated in
a very narrow Iorward light cone when they travel very near the speed oI light.

Figure 13.13 illustrates how the synchronization between the electrons occurs. (Real electrons do
not move in simple circles, and the random walk they make Iurther complicates their paths. For
simplicity this is neglected in the Iigure.) All the electrons in the "distant matter" are depicted as
being on a sphere at the radius oI the universe. Because they all travel at the speed oI light, they
only interact with other electrons when their velocities point toward one another. At the moment
depicted in the Iigure, the velocity oI the local electron, in the center, points toward the distant
electron # 1, and its velocity points back toward the local electron. ThereIore they interact, and
the interaction is such as to keep each electron turning in its circular orbit.

II the electrons in the distant matter also move in similar orbits, and with phase 180 degrees out oI
phase with the local electron, then this circular motion oI the local electron will be maintained.
But EACH electron is local in its own Irame, surrounded by distant electrons in the same picture.
We Iind Irom this that there is a selI-consistent motion, a collective eIIect, in which all the
electrons can interact with one another resulting in this "phase locked" circular motion.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 40


Figure 13.14. This Iigure depicts the electron positions a short time later. The
central electron has progressed part way around the circle so its velocity points to
electron #2. Because oI the synchronization oI the motions, the velocity oI
electron 2 at this moment points toward the local electron so they interact. This
interaction, or energy and momentum exchange, continues to turn each electron in
its selI-orbit. Note that all the phases oI the distant electrons are the same. They
are all at the same point in their circular orbits. The central, local, electron, orbits
in the opposite direction and is 180 degrees out oI phase with the electron it
interacts with. This condition can be shown to lead to one oI the deepest principles
oI quantum mechanics, the exclusion principle, which applies to electrons. It is
another example oI how the SUM theory can oIIer an intuitive, physical
explanation Ior some oI the assumptions oI quantum theory.

A moment later, (see Fig. 13.14) the velocity oI the central electron has rotated a small amount,
and is aiming at electron 2. At this point the velocity oI electron 2 must be pointing at the center
Ior a stable coherent oscillation to occur. This is a "synchronized system," where the interactions
oI all electrons are in phase and reinIorce one another. (Real orbits are more complex than just

All the electrons in this synchronized system will interact. Electrons out oI phase with this motion
will not be in this "universe." They will not interact with this coupled system except randomly, as
"noise." These pictures apply Ior every electron in the system. Each electron is a local, central
electron Irom its point oI view, and the other electrons are Iar away, on the average.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 41
In this model, each particle will see itselI in the center, surrounded by the distant matter. The
electron in the center only "sees" an electron out at the edge when their velocities line up and this
only occurs when they are "in sync." This is the key. They are said to be "in phase" or "in sync"
when their periodic motions remain in step with each other.

ThereIore as the central electron orbits around in a circle, the electrons on the periphery must do
the same. In Iact, they must all orbit at the same speed to keep together. This is called
"synchronization," or phase-locking. When this happens all the electrons in the coupled system
orbit around their average position at the same Irequency. This is the birth oI quantum mechanics.

The Irequency they orbit at is their "selI energy Irequency" in quantum mechanics. It is the
Irequency which corresponds to the eIIective mass oI the electron. Particles with very small mass
and very little energy have low Irequencies. Particles with more mass and more energy have more
interactions per second, and higher Iundamental Irequencies Ior their orbits.

Even though they are massless, and are zipping around at the speed oI light, the synchronized
Iorces cause them to orbit around Iixed points, which represent their average positions. This
average position only changes slowly with time. Hence the electron looks to the outsider as
having a mass and moving slowly. He does not see the inner workings, but only the "Iuzzy ball"
oI probability on the outside.

The phase to which all the electrons become locked is a very important phase. It is characteristic
and unique to all the particles in this "universe." It is probably related to what physicists call the
"Higgs' Phase." It is a choice oI a single phase Irom all possible phases. BeIore the electrons
become synchronized, it does not matter where they are in their orbit. But once they become
phase-locked they give up this degree oI Ireedom. This is called "dynamical symmetry breaking."
Once a phase is chosen, all the particles in "the universe" are locked to it. It gives rise to the
masses oI the particles. This is true Ior the Higgs' phase and also true Ior the present model.

This picture is reminiscent oI a very ancient picture, propounded at the very birth oI physics.
Giordano Bruno, a contemporary oI Galileo, proposed that the stars in the sky were similar to our
own sun, and were encircled by planets similar to those in our solar system. From the point oI
view oI each particle, it would seem to be the center oI the universe. He even proposed that matter
has an active "conscious" nature, and that it interacts with all other matter. In his words:

"We can assert with certaintv that the Universe is all center, or that the center
of the Universe is evervwhere and the circumference nowhere. "--Giordano
Bruno (Mendo:a, 1995)

His cosmology is reminiscent oI present cosmology. He envisioned an inIinite universe with no
boundaries, not very diIIerent Irom the modem view. For his insights, he was burned at the stake
by the Catholic Inquisition, which illustrates again that new ideas, no matter how correct, are not
always welcomed by the prevailing intellectual establishment.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 42
We have omitted Irom this discussion an important point, which is the time delay between
sending and receiving a signal. The presence oI advanced AND retarded waves allows one
electron to interact mutually with another one Iar away. But still they exist and move at diIIerent
times, so there is a phase diIIerence and a time diIIerence Ior the diIIerent electrons.

When this is combined with the "synchronized principle" described above, it leads to the
requirement oI the quantization oI space. The phase conditions Ior stable orbits will only be right
at certain spots, and not at others. The places at which stable orbits can occur will Iorm a regular
array resembling a "crystal structure" at very small scales in space, so electrons actually "jump"
Irom one such point to another. This is actually a desirable Ieature, but Ior the sake oI brevity this
will be described in Volume II |Iorthcoming|.

Figure 13.15 illustrates how one synchronized "universe" relates to the others. Each set oI
electrons which becomes phase-locked or "in sync" acts as one complete, selI-interacting system.
It is represented in the Iigure by one sheet oI paper in a stack oI paper. Consider "universe # 1" on
the bottom oI the stack. It is really a Iour-dimensional system, based on space-time, but it also has
a IiIth dimension, phase, which distinguishes it Irom the other sheets oI paper in the stack. They
represent other "universes" which have diIIerent phases.


Figure 13.15. A single synchronized universe is represented by one sheet oI paper
in a stack. Each sheet has its own unique Irequency and/or phase which
characterizes the synchronized motion oI the electrons in that system. Other sheets
represent "parallel realities" or other "parallel dimensions" which may cohabit the
same space and time and yet be unaware oI one another. The model suggests how
one can cross between such dimensions, by altering the phase oI one "universe" to
allow coupling and cross-over to another one.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 43
For each sheet oI paper, any particle on the sheet is phase-locked to the other particles on the
sheet. ThereIore it interacts with them in the synchronized manner we have described. "Phase"
acts like a IiIth dimension which distinguishes one parallel reality, one "universe," Irom another.
It is clear Irom this model that particles which are phase locked and thereIore on the same "sheet"
interact in a synchronized manner and exert signiIicant Iorces upon one another. Particles which
are on diIIerent sheets have diIIerent phases, and only interact sporadically and by chance. They
contribute to the random quantum noise oI adjacent sheets, but do not exert a consistent repetitive
inIluence on the dynamics oI other sheets.

In quantum mechanics each particle has a "selI-Irequency." It is just given as a rule, based on the
mass oI the particle: Take the energy corresponding to the electron's mass, and convert it to a
Irequency using Planck's constant. That is how energy is equivalent to Irequency in quantum
mechanics. But there is never any explanation Ior what this Irequency means, or its origin. In the
SUM model, we see that Irequency has a very deIinite physical meaning. It is the rate at which
the electrons (and any other particles) orbit their center oI mass location.

The electrons which are all in perIect phase with one another will keep each other in line, so they
all continue to move in periodic orbits. But what about some other electron that happened to be in
the wrong phase, the wrong point in its cycle when the electrons all became coupled? Such an
electron is never pointing in the right direction at the right time. ThereIore, it will not exert
dependable, regular Iorces on the other electrons. It will only exert a Iorce at random, when its
velocity by coincidence happens to line up with another electron. Because it does not interact
regularly with the other electrons, it becomes invisible to them.

Consequently the universe divides up into electrons which are in phase, and thereIore can "see"
and interact with each other, and all the other electrons in the universe, which are out oI phase and
thereIore invisible.

However, there can be a great many such electrons. There can be enough that they become
coupled among themselves and become phase-locked at their own Irequency and phase. This
Irequency and phase will be diIIerent Irom the Iirst system. ThereIore the electrons oI one such
phase-locked system will not interact regularly with electrons Irom a diIIerent phase-locked
system, even iI the electrons Irom the two sets are very near each other.

The electrons and the other particles oI one phase-locked system act as a universe unto
themselves. They are all "in sync" with one another, and thereIore interact and exert Iorces on one
another. They "see" each other and would say to the other electrons phase-locked to them: "You
are in MY universe." Likewise the particles in the second phase-locked system interact among
themselves in the same way. The Iorces between particles in such a system do not seem to be
sporadic, but regular and dependable. But since, at the Iine scale, electrons in one system never
"see" the particles oI the other system, except through random chance, the two systems are
oblivious to one another. They do not exert Iorces on one another, except as random noise. This is
the origin oI parallel universes and parallel realities. Figures 13.16 and 13.17 illustrate this

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 44

Figure 13.16. The Synchronized Universe concept works just like a strobe light
shining on a rotating Ian blade. When the strobe light is "in sync" with the Ian
blade motion, then the blades appear to stand still. They appear solid, because
every time the strobe Iires, another blade has taken up the position oI the last one.
When the blades are out oI with the Ilashes, they blur and disappear, because they
are in diIIerent positions on every Ilash. The strobe light is analogous to the
emission oI a photon by one electron as it goes around in its orbit. II there is
another electron whose velocity is pointing back along the same line at the same
moment, the photons are exchanged. II they are in sync, then every time one
electron comes back to that point in its orbit, the second one does too. ThereIore
they are always "in sync" to exert a Iorce on one another, and it is exactly this
Iorce which maintains their orbits. This is analogous to the Ian blade being in the
same place Ior every Ilash.

II the strobe Ilash and the Ian blade rotation are synchronized, or "in phase" then the blades seem
to be stationary and "solid." Every time the strobe Ilashes, another blade has moved into the place
oI a previous one, and the Ian blades seem to be standing still. This is true even iI the Ian is
actually turning rapidly. In that case we see the Ian blades and they appear solid and "real." II the
Ilash rate oI the strobe is not synchronized with the Ian blade rotation, then the blades disappear
in a blur. They become invisible and, just Irom looking, we would say they are not there.

In the same way, particles only see one another iI their orbits are synchronized so their velocities
are in the same direction at the same time in their orbits. In this way, particles which are
synchronized "see" each other and say "you are part oI my universe." They are able to exert
Iorces upon each other. Particles that are not synchronized exchange Iorces only rarely and by
chance. This appears to be "quantum noise." Thus other nearby parallel dimensions normally only
interact with ours through quantum noise.

The implications oI parallel realities are illustrated in the Iigure 13.17. Two such parallel systems
are depicted. Each one is a complete universe. It has many particles which interact and they will
exert precisely the Iorces which are Iamiliar to our science. ThereIore atoms, molecules, planets,

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 45
suns and even liIe would be expected to appear in each oI these parallel universes. We illustrate
this with examples oI "universe #1" and "universe #2". Each system is oblivious to the other.


Figure 13 .17. Illustration oI parallel dimensions or parallel realities. Illustration
oI two physical realities existing in the same space and time. They do not interact
normally, and are not aware oI one another under normal conditions. The
synchronized universe model can explain how these realities can exist. They are
separated by a phase or a Irequency which is common to all objects in one reality,
and diIIerent Irom the synchronization oI the other reality.

Both realities can coexist in the same region oI space-time and still be totally unaware oI the
other. We have illustrated this by overlaying the two parallel systems. The only expected physical
interaction between the them is random noise, so-called "quantum noise." However, it may be
possible to enter a higher dimensional state in which one's consciousness can be aware oI these
other parallel systems. This amounts to crossing between the sheets oI paper, or straddling several

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 46
sheets at one time. Many oI the "out-oI-body" experiences reported by Robert Monroe, Iounder oI
the Monroe Institute, suggest that he was indeed in some sort oI parallel reality. Obviously our
knowledge oI these matters is in its inIancy.

Consciousness interacts across these parallel dimensions. Thus it can aIIect and reduce the
quantum noise. It can even synchronize motions between parallel realities. In this way higher
Iorces (subtle energy) can be created, and energy can be extracted Irom these other dimensions.

It is a basic hypothesis oI the SUM model that, when particles are synchronized and remain on the
physical sheet corresponding to their "universe," they obey the current physics laws to a good
approximation. This includes the laws oI quantum mechanics. It is when a coherent coupling oI
motions occurs across sheets, across parallel realities, that the most dramatic paranormal eIIects
are expected.

Subtle energies, Ior example, may be understood as a coherent structure which crosses several oI
these parallel realities, and thereIore is "higher dimensional." This can be described in a precise
mathematical way, and thereIore probably leads to a well-deIined mathematical description oI the
various Iorms oI subtle energy. This concept is illustrated in Figure 13.18.

Figure 13.18. Higher dimensional structures which cross the planes oI several
"universes" may provide a model Ior some types oI paranormal phenomena.

The thick circle passes through several parallel reality sheets. It represents a coherent, stable
structure on a higher dimension. It is probably the basic underlying explanation Ior various Iorms
oI subtle energy, as well as coherent, persistent higher dimensional structures. Since it crosses the
sheets oI parallel realities, each sheet would judge the structure as "nonphysical," and yet since it
impinges on each structure, it would aIIect the physics and dynamics in that "universe."

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 47

This type oI structure, or coherence, may explain what happens in the presence oI a very powerIul
spiritual healer or someone able to maniIest eIIects like metal bending or psychokinesis. He
would bring a lot oI coherence into the system, by introducing correlations between parallel
realities. This has the eIIect oI reducing the noise in the system. It has been shown in many
measurements that the noise Iluctuations as measured by an REG, Ior example, are reduced. This
Iigure illustrates how this might occur, because the person is aIIecting these other parallel
universes, or the other systems, by getting a phase-locking between them. This reduces the
amount oI noise and introduces more cooperation, more coherence, between the parallel sheets,
the adjacent universes.

This type oI coherence between parallel realities can also be thought oI as a hyperdimensional
structure which crosses these dimensions. It would be considered nonphysical and yet have
physical maniIestations. Such higher dimensional structures could be designed are stable due to
their shape and topology. Such Iorms would be possible models Ior consciousness and the soul.

This model Iinds a perIect analog in the charming book Flatland, (Abbott, 1998) a classic tale
written Ior children oI all ages, about a land in which everything was two dimensional. All the
beings lived on, or in, a two-dimensional plane similar to a sheet oI paper. The only objects the
Flatlanders knew about were two dimensional, like the square, the rectangle, the line and the
circle. They lived in peace, thinking they understood everything about the universe. Then one day
a very strange event happened. One oI the Flatlanders noticed a single point appear oI out
nowhere. He went closer to investigate, but as he did to his amazement the point turned into a
circle. As he pointed this out to others, the circle unaccountably grew larger. AIter it reached its
maximum size, it grew smaller again, eventually shrinking again to a point and then disappearing
completely. This was an "anomalous event" in Flatland, just as strange as ghosts are to us. It
appeared Irom nowhere and disappeared just as easily.

As we wise "three-dimensional" beings can easily comprehend, the explanation is that a sphere
had passed through the plane oI Flatland! A sphere is three-dimensional, and when it passes into a
lower dimensional space such as Flatland, it will appear out oI nowhere and can change size in
contradiction to all the rules the Flatlanders knew. This is a simple example oI how higher
dimensional structures can seem contradictory to those existing in a lower dimension. In the same
way, it is very likely that "subtle energies" and the other physics oI the paranormal involve higher
dimensional, or "hyper-dimensional" structures.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 48


Figure 13.19. Illustration Irom Flatland oI how a higher dimensional structure
can break all the Iamiliar rules and deIy the "common sense" oI a lower
dimensional world. Such anomalous experiences could, as they did in Flatland,
give rise to occult or supernatural explanations. As we who live in the three-
dimensional world can easily see, their anomalous events were simply due to
some higher dimensional science that they had not yet conceived oI. A
Flatlander Einstein would be able to see that the event had an easy explanation
when viewed Irom a higher dimensional perspective.

It is our proposal that this is exactly the case. These higher dimensional structures are "made" out
oI the network oI phase which permeates the universe.

We presume they would have much more complex topological structures than the simple circle or
sphere in these illustrations, but the basic principle that they extend across dimensions and are
stable, seems to be suggested by the data. Clearly, this science is in its inIancy, but these ideas do
oIIer a theoretical and scientiIic approach to understanding these important subtle phenomena.

The key thing to understand is: WHAT MAKES UP THESE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL
GEOMETRICAL STRUCTURES? The answer is that it is the phase variations in the space-time
which make up these structures. Normal space is "in phase" Irom point to point at this deep level,
but it experiences small departures Irom the common resonant phase oI all particles. These
departures can become systematic, and when mapped in space -time can Iorm three-dimensional
and higher dimensional geometric structures.

These "phase structures" can cross several parallel universes, and become the physical basic Ior
"subtle energy." Each point in space (space-time) has a particular phase associated with it. This
phase advances with time so all the points in one universe remain in phase. Forces arise when
there are slight diIIerences in phase between diIIerent regions. Phase diIIerences cause a net

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 49
motion oI any particle located there. The particle moves to try to stay phase locked with the entire
system (the "universe" layer). It is possible to create surIaces in space where the phase is shiIted
slightly. These surIaces can have geometric shapes (topology) that will inIluence the motion and
behavior oI particles which encounter it. This model accounts Ior electromagnetic Iorces as well
as the "subtle energies." This model will be described in greater detail in Volume II
|Iorthcoming|, which deals speciIically with the physics oI the subtle energies.

13.6. Four-DimensionaI HoIography - Radiation BaIance of Past and Future

One oI the basic principles oI electromagnetism is that a charged particle, like an electron,
radiates electromagnetic energy whenever it changes velocity or direction. In physics this is called
"acceleration." One oI the simplest examples would be the radio waves produced by an antenna.
II you have ever used a cell-phone or a cordless phone, you made radio waves. The phone
produced tiny electrical currents in its antenna. As the currents Ilowed back and Iorth in the
antenna, they were changing direction. ThereIore they were "accelerating." Each time this
happens electromagnetic waves are produced. The waves Ilow out into space at the speed oI light.
This is how you communicated with your Iriend at the other end.

Electrons and every other charged particle do the same thing. Electromagnetic radiation Irom the
countless other particles is hitting them all the time. Because they are very small and lightweight,
they accelerate, and in turn will produce electromagnetic waves oI their own. These waves will
Ilow out into space and be received and absorbed by other particles Iar away.

This constant Ilow oI electromagnetic radiation carries with it a Iorce. It causes the particles to
move. It is responsible Ior the Iorces and motions which occur in our universe. These motions
must be in balance. Every time an electromagnetic wave is produced somewhere, sooner or later
it must be absorbed somewhere else.

In the SUM model this is the reason that momentum and energy are conserved. In other words,
Ior every action there is a reaction. It is this exchange oI electromagnetic energy which carries the
momentum and energy and Iorce Irom place to place in the universe. And we remember that
electromagnetic waves are really just a collection oI many photons, so when we speak oI
electromagnetic waves, we are speaking oI photons, and vice versa.

One oI the basic principles is that energy Ilowing in must equal energy Ilowing out. In other
words, we can think oI an electron as a small box in which there is some energy trapped. This
gives it its mass, its weight, its energy. We know the electron's mass doesn't change. ThereIore
the energy inside the box must stay constant. II energy enters the box, say by the reception oI a
photon, then equal energy must leave the box. This means the electron must radiate a photon to
balance the energy oI the one it received.

Thus, iI we could see the energy Iield around the electron, we would see radiation constantly
pouring in and Ilowing out. On the average it must be in balance. There is a very speciIic pattern
to this Ilow. An electrical engineering proIessor named Dr. Dale Grimes (Grimes, 1969)
discovered that iI he just assumed that the radiation was in balance and the electron moved in a

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 50
random walk, he could derive Quantum Mechanics. In other words, he concluded that the electron
moves the way it does, going Iorward and backward in a seeming random pattern in space and
time, in order to balance all the radiation coming in and Ilowing out. This is a very deep and
beautiIul insight.

It also Iits perIectly with our Synchronized Universe model. The tiny selI-orbits in this model
serve to balance the incoming and outgoing radiation. ThereIore, when we allow the synchronized
electrons to have some random motion, which they naturally will, then they will satisIy the
equations derived by ProIessor Grimes. Radiation into and out oI the electrons will be in balance.

We can picture this motion as similar to a hologram. In a hologram, there is radiation in and
radiation out. Usually the radiation is produced by a laser, which means it is coherent light. The
photons are all in phase. The laser light passes through a photographic Iilm which has wavy lines
on it. This changes the phase oI the photons, so when they are brought together they add up to
produce a three-dimensional image.

Figure 13.20. Radiation in and out must be in balance. This must be true Ior every
Irequency, and every radiation pattern (mode).

This is a 3-D picture, a hologram. It really just consists oI photons with a speciIic pattern oI
phases, passing through a region oI space. But to our eyes it generates a 3-D image. It is made
Irom the regions oI "constructive" and "destructive" interIerence. That is, in some places the laser
light is in phase, so the photons are all in step and add together. This is called "constructive"
interIerence. The energy in this region will be stronger. In other places, the photons are out oI step
by 180 degrees. Then they cancel. This is called "destructive" interIerence.

The 3-D pattern oI energy created by these regions oI interIerence is what we see as the image. In
the same way the electron, and every quantum particle, is at the center oI a pattern oI constructive
and destructive interIerence. It is caused by the radiation coming into the particle and being
radiated away by the particle. The total interIerence pattern oI energy created by this process is
what we call "the particle." What we really interact with and "see" is the radiation pattern Iormed
by the particle. ThereIore, in a certain sense we can say the electron, and every particle, is a

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 51
"hologram." And we see that it is produced as a result oI the actions oI the electron to preserve the
balance oI energy.

There is only one problem with such a hologram. It looks like a 3-dimensional object. But when
you touch it, your hand goes right through it. Then you realize that it is only light. It is not really
matter. But suppose you wanted to make a hologram that had more "substance" to it, like the
holograms on the "Holo-deck" oI Star Trek? Is there a way to do that? In the present scientiIic
paradigm the answer would be "no." But there might be a way.

II we look at a hologram and observe the radiation Ilowing into and out oI it, we see that the light
is coming Irom the PAST, Ilowing through the image and then on out into space where it is
absorbed in the FUTURE. (See Figure 13.21) This may be a key. The energy only Ilows one way,
Irom the past to the Iuture. But Ior electrons and other real particles, we have seen that it Ilows
both ways. As in the old Feynman-Wheeler model, when it is absorbed by distant matter in the
Iuture, it is reIlected and radiated back in time. These resulting photons Ilow backwards in time
until they reach the present. There they combine with the original photons to create the energy
Iield around a real particle. In the process they also create inertia, which is the key to mass.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 52


Figure 13.21. A conventional 3-D hologram is created by light waves which pass
through a holographic plate. These lines create an interIerence pattern when they
combine with the reIerence laser beam. They interIere constructively in some
locations, and cancel in others, creating a 3-D pattern oI light intensity resembling
the initial object.

ThereIore to make the hologram act as though it is real, as though it has mass, we must include
the photons traveling backwards in time Irom the Iuture. It is the combination oI these photons
plus the original ones Irom the past, which may allow the hologram to act as though it is real
matter. We call this the 4-Dimensional, or 4-D, hologram. It is an integral aspect oI every particle
and every real physical object.

Figure 13.22 below illustrates that the 4-D hologram is an image which involves Iocusing both
the advanced and retarded waves. The advanced waves propagate backwards Irom the Iuture
where they combine with the "retarded" waves traveling Iorward Irom the past. They mix
together just like normal light waves do, Iorming the 4-D hologram. In this case the object is an
orange cube. It appears to exist at the Iocal point oI the hologram. II the wave Ironts are shiIted in
phase by a small amount, the position oI the cube will be shiIted in space and in time.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 53


Figure 13.22. 4-D Holography would involve waves Irom the "Iuture" (i.e. phase
conjugate waves) as well as the past.

And here is the other exciting aspect oI this: II we want to manipulate the particle, the electron or
whatever, all we need to do is manipulate its 4-D hologram! It is well-known that a conventional
holographic image can be easily moved or shiIted. II a holographic image oI an apple is hovering
in space, simply shiIt the laser beam, or put it through a lens, or change the phase oI the light in
some way and instantly, the holographic image will shiIt. By the same principle, iI we shiIt the
phases oI the waves making up the 4-D hologram, the position oI the corresponding "image" will
also shiIt. But in this case the "image" is a real physical object.

ThereIore iI we can cause a shiIt in the phases oI the radiation coming in Irom the past celestial
sphere ("retarded uranoid") and Irom the Iuture matter ("advanced uranoid") then we may be able
to cause the particle or the object to instantly move somewhere else! Does this sound like
"teleportation" ? Does it sound like the "Warp Drive" on Star Trek? Yes, it does. That is what it

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 54

The behavior and position oI matter is dependent on its radiation Iield, which keeps it in place,
gives it inertia and allows it to interact with the other matter in the universe. II we shiIt the phases
oI the radiation coming into the particle and coming out oI it Irom the past and the Iuture, we may
be able to shiIt its position. This appears to be the key to teleportation and to a Iorm oI
"hyperdrive" that has a chance oI really working!

The real diIIerence between this explanation and the common popular models is the diIIerence
between a 3-D hologram and a 4-D hologram. WonderIul books like The Holographic Universe
(Talbot, 1991) have shown that some paranormal phenomena have holographic characteristics.
The brain has a holographic structure which might make it an ideal antenna Ior receiving
holographic wave patterns. This may be the key to sending and receiving "thought-balls," Ior
example. These may be holograms which are ideally suited Ior coupling to the brain's structure.
But 3-D holograms only exist Ior as long as the laser is on. It takes time Ior the image to be
created, and is limited by the speed oI light. It can exert no Iorce and thereIore cannot mimic
matter. Such holograms are also shielded by Faraday cages, while we know that "thought-balls"
are not.

By contrast, 4-D holograms can exactly match the radiation patterns oI real matter, and thereIore
can appear like matter, and probably can cause Iorces and movement oI matter. The diIIerence is
they involve the advanced, backward time-traveling waves, as well as the normal light waves.
Both types oI waves must be aIIected at the same time. To create and manipulate 4-D holograms,
it is necessary to create advanced and retarded photons which are coupled together, which are "in
synch" with each other. These create interIerence patterns which shiIt the 4-D hologram as

We will see later that the DNA molecule, with its double helix, may be perIectly suited Ior
generating waves which can do this. This may explain how ESP can take place in single living
cells with the Backster EIIect, as we saw in Chapter 4 oI Svnchroni:ed Universe|. It should also
be mentioned that Dr. William Tiller, Iormer ProIessor at StanIord University, has been
developing a theory oI subtle energies and paranormal eIIects. (Tiller, 2001) His model appears to
have a number oI areas oI overlap and agreement with our viewpoint. It suggests that the
holographic properties oI space are key to understanding the eIIects oI consciousness. This will
be discussed Iurther in later volumes |Iorthcoming|.

13.7. The HoIographic Brain

There is considerable physiological evidence to support the theory that the brain processes
inIormation holographically. This tends to support the idea that the brain could be a sender and
receiver oI holographic signals. Dr. Karl Pribram pioneered this idea, based on extensive research
in neurophysiology. He pointed out that the old model oI the brain, as a network oI neurons
hooked up like wiring in a computer, just did not agree with neurological science. He quoted
neurophysiologist Karl Lashley: "I sometimes Ieel, in reviewing the evidence on the localization
oI the memory trace, that the necessary conclusion is that learning is just not possible at all.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 55
Nevertheless, in spite oI such evidence against it, learning does sometimes occur." (Pribram,

Pribram cited experimental evidence in the laboratory: ".. . rats could remember and could
perIorm complex activities even aIter major nerve pathways in the brain had been cut, and aIter as
much as 90 percent oI the primary visual cortex had been surgically removed.. . Robert Galambos
oI the University oI CaliIornia at San Diego has severed up to 98 percent oI the optic tract oI cats
without seriously impairing the cats' ability to perIorm skilIully on tests requiring them to
diIIerentiate between highly similar Iigures." (Pribram, 1969) The holographic model oI the brain
was proposed by Dr. Pribram to attempt to explain how it is that, even without most oI the brain,
organisms are oIten able to Iunction almost normally:

"In a hologram the information in a scene is recorded on a photographic plate in
the form of a complex interference, or diffraction, pattern that appears
meaningless. When the pattern is illuminated bv coherent light, however, the
original image is reconstructed. What makes the hologram unique as a storage
device is that everv element in the original image is distributed over the entire
photographic plate. The hvpothesis is attractive because remembering or
recollecting literallv implies a reconstructive process... "(Pribram, 1969)

These observations spurred Pribram and others to investigate how memory is stored in the brain
and how it is processed. It has been discovered that each memory, in Iact each image, is stored
over the entire brain, so the recall oI a particular memory will involve stimulation and activity oI
widely distributed neurons. He postulated that, at the synapses where nerves meet, some kind oI
long lasting change takes place in the proteins and other large molecules. When nerve impulses
arrive at a synapse, an electrical response occurs there. Associated with one nerve Iiber are
dozens iI not hundreds oI junctions, and the electrical responses can create an electromagnetic
standing wave. Pribram postulated that this wave interacts with other similar waves in other
overlapping junction systems, to make long-lasting changes in the molecules oI the synapse so the
memory can be stored and recovered at a later time.

The attractive Ieature oI the model is that it explains how such a memory can be recovered Irom a
brain even aIter much oI it has been destroyed. This is because a small part oI a hologram
contains the entire image, in this case the entire memory. OI course there is a price. Some oI the
details oI the memory may be lost. But much oI the general outlines oI the memory will be
retained. This holographic model can be extended to explain how the brain can act as a
holographic transmitter and receiver so it interacts with the outside world by receiving and
transmitting signals oI some sort, that can be "stored" and "accessed" through this external
system. This may explain some oI the extraordinary abilities oI brain-damaged individuals, "idiot
savants," described in Chapter 9 |oI Svnchroni:ed Universe|.

In our proposed model, these signals would not be conventional electromagnetic waves, but a 4-
dimensional holographic pattern oI electromagnetic energy. This is still consistent with the
holographic structure oI the brain, but allows Ior explanation oI backward- in-time eIIects and

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 56
penetration oI shielding, as well as the direct and instantaneous communication oI images and
other anomalies which occurs in paranormal events.

13.8. The Synchronized Universe ModeI ExpIains Assumptions of Quantum

The SUM model predicts that electrons, and all particles in the universe, undergo tiny orbits
around their central, average location. All electrons take the same amount oI time to make one
orbit. This is called the "period" oI the orbit. The number oI orbits per second is called its
"Irequency." All electrons will have the same Irequency because oI the way they interact.

We have assumed the electrons all travel at the speed oI light at the very small scales. ThereIore,
iI they go around in a circle at the speed oI light, and take a certain amount oI time (their period)
to do so, this determines how big their circular path must be. It will be the same Ior every
electron. The longer the period oI the orbit, the bigger the radius oI the orbit. The Irequency is
just I divided by the period, so the bigger the Irequency, the smaller the orbit. In quantum
mechanics this radius is called (roughly) the "Compton wavelength."

This is illustrated in Figure 13.23a. The electron encounters several photons as it goes around in a
circle. Each photon deIlects the electron by a certain amount. ThereIore these photons must arrive
Iairly regularly to produce evenly spaced orbits. This will happen because these photons are
produced by the synchronized electrons in the distant matter, and they all orbit in step. ThereIore
the photons they produce will come at regular intervals as shown in the Iigure. The photons are
represented in the Iigure by the Iine dotted lines.

Now consider some other particle, such as the proton, which interacts with other things besides
photons. (We use a very simple "proton" here. It has only twice the mass and Irequency oI the
electron. Real ones are 1836 times as massive. For the scientist reading this, it is a highly
simpliIied discussion to put Iorward the intuitive concepts.) In modern physics, these "other
things" are mostly "gluons," which carry the basic Iorces oI the nucleus, like the strong and weak
Iorces. In Figure 13.23b below, these are represented by the dot-dashed lines.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 57

Figure 13.23. Some oI the basic principles oI quantum mechanics arise naturally
Irom the synchronized universe model (simpliIied illustration). This Iigure
illustrates how the Synchronized Universe Model explains the "size" oI particles. In
Quantum Mechanics this size is called the Compton wavelength, and is inverse to
mass and Irequency oI the particle.

Please remember this is an oversimpliIied discussion, but it illustrates the main points. II there are
as many gluons hitting the central particle as there are photons, then there will be twice as many
interactions per second. HalI are due to the photons, halI to the gluons. The net result oI twice as
many interactions is that the particle will turn twice as quickly. II it is also traveling at the speed
oI light, as we assume, then the radius oI its orbit will be twice as tight. Its radius will be halI as
big as the electron. Its Irequency will be twice that oI the electron.

This is an example where an additional Iorce has been added. The eIIect oI the extra Iorce due to
the "gluons" is to cause the particle to orbit more quickly, have a smaller radius and a higher
Irequency. And each turn or bend counts as an interaction with a Iorce Iield and thereIore raises
the total energy oI the particle. So we Iind that when the orbit radius gets smaller, the Irequency
and energy go up. Since it has just as many lines to photons as the electron did, its charge will still
be the same as the electron's. But the other interactions with the gluons have given it extra mass.
Along with this comes higher Irequency and smaller Compton radius.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 58
This very simple, intuitive model explains, in a natural way, the Iollowing basic rules oI quantum

(1) Each particle has a Iundamental Irequency.
(3) This Irequency is proportional to its mass.
(4) This Irequency is inversely proportional to its "Compton radius", the size oI its orbit.
(5) Additional Iorces will raise the mass oI the particle and increase its Irequency.
(6) Frequency is proportional to energy.
(7) This is true Ior all particles, not just electrons.
(8) Forces arise when particles are out oI phase (Gauge Principle).
(9) Frequencies change due to particle velocity.

In these illustrations we see how the quantum principle arises naturally Irom the "selI-orbit" oI
the particle, a central hypothesis oI the SUM model. The more interactions per second, the tighter
the orbit, the smaller the Compton radius, the higher the Irequency, the shorter the wavelength,
and the greater the mass. In Quantum Mechanics, many oI these relationships must be put in as
assumptions. In the SUM model they arise naturally Irom the synchronization and the selI-orbit.

Please note that the depiction oI the particle orbit as a circle, making a spiral in space-time, is also
an oversimpliIication to illustrate the point. Real particles, like electrons, make circles in FOUR
DIMENSIONS, not two. For example, they move Iorward and backward in TIME as well as
going around in circles in space. For the heavy particles like protons, there are three particles in
the middle orbiting (quarks) not just one as shown in the Iigure on the right. In addition, the
orbits, instead oI being smooth, resemble a random walk in which the paths appear chaotic, so the
orbital motions shown only represent the average motion. These and other reIinements will be
presented in later books. The pictures shown here are to illustrate the intuitive ideas. It turns out
that the quarks are very important and deeply connected to some oI the paranormal eIIects, but
this will be discussed in later volumes.

The SUM model also has a relationship to Superstrings, because there are internal motions oI the
electron and other particles which are analogous to the internal dimensions oI a Superstring. In
that model there are six or seven internal dimensions, which can be described intuitively as giving
rise to small "orbits" oI the particle on a surIace oI very small diameter. In conventional QED, the
path oI an electron is modeled as a line oI zero width, shown on the leIt in the Figure 13.24. It is
this vanishing diameter which gives rise to certain mathematical problems.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 59

Figure 13.24. Illustration oI similarity and diIIerences between the conventional
QED model invented by Feynman, the newer "Superstring" model, and the
proposed SUM model.

The superstring model converts this line into a tube oI Iinite radius, as shown in the middle
illustration in Figure 13.24. The radius corresponds to the radius oI motion oI the internal
dimensions oI the string. The analog Ior the SUM model is shown on the right in the Iigure. It
also assumes a "particle" oI vanishing dimension, but this particle moves in tiny periodic orbits
around its central, average position. This is analogous to moving on the surIace oI the tube as in
the superstring theory. The SUM model does predict a number oI internal degrees oI Ireedom
which will raise the dimensions oI the model, and may bring it even closer to the Superstring as
the SUM model matures.

13.9. Bose Statistics and the Paranormal

One oI the keys to understanding psychokinesis and the power oI visualization is something
called "Bose Statistics." This is the law oI physics which says that photons, which are called
"Bose particles" or "bosons," all like to be in the same state. When several photons are in the
same state, it increases the probability that other photons will shiIt into that state as well. Photons
have a collectivist mind-set. They like to go along with the crowd.

This is how lasers work. Get a Iew photons in a certain state, and they will trigger others to join
them in the state. This is also called "photon pulling," because photons are "pulled" into the state
which is most densely populated.

Living organisms use this principle. In the cell structure oI the body there are membranes which
act as conductors oI inIrared and visible light. Recent research has shown that these structures
"store coherent photons." This means they are able to build up a supply oI photons, excited
vibrations, which are all vibrating in step with each other and can be stored in the cells in this

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 60
The body is Iilled with this Iorm oI structured and coherent energy. It is one oI the keys to how
we use chemical energy so eIIiciently. The scientist Dr. Hans Frohlich (Frohlich, 1983) was one
oI the early pioneers in this research. He discovered that coherent vibrations and
electromagnetism playa Iundamental role in liIe processes, as we brieIly sketched earlier. Dr. E.
A. Popp at the Max Planck Institute in Germany (Popp, 1979, 1989) has been another leader in
this research, which has been beautiIully described by scientist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho in a recent
popular book. (Ho, 1998)

Our bodies use light and coherent vibrations to carry out many oI liIe's processes. Since a store oI
coherent photons is always available in the body, they can be shaped and controlled to aIIect
external photons and external vibrational patterns. The Bose principle means that, iI we create
energy within our bodies in a certain pattern and Iorm, this makes it more likely that other
photons will join and reinIorce this pattern. Because oI Bose statistics, these patterns or structures
oI energy will stimulate other "mirror" structures in the distant matter.

II we energize ourselves beIore carrying out this process, we will presumably increase the number
oI coherent photons in the body are carrying carry this visualized pattern. By increasing the
density oI stored photons carrying this pattern, the probability oI aIIecting other photons increases
as the square oI the number oI photons. This may explain why energy healers and those
perIorming PK practice specialized breathing, in which they increase their oxygen intake and
presumably increase their stored energy.

Figure 13.25.4-D Holographic Projection can cause the Iocused image to occur
virtually anywhere in space-time. Here we show it appearing at a distance X
away Irom the source, and at a time T later. The velocity at which this image
"moves" as it is projected Irom its source would be calculated as distance divided
by time, which can be much Iaster than the speed oI light.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 61

II a coherent set oI these photons is transmitted both into the past and into the Iuture, then it will
reIocus at some other location in space-time, Iorming a 4-D hologram. The background zero point
energy at the Iocal point can be strongly aIIected. In this way it may be possible to project
thought-Iorms and visual patterns which aIIect distant events. Figure 13.25, above, illustrates how
this may be done.

Figure 13.26. The same principle oI 4-D Holographic project can be used to send
objects, or at least images oI objects, into the past. This can be in the Iorm oI
visualization, such as in the Princeton PEAR Lab experiments when an outcome
was aIIected on a PREVIOUS day. This method also suggested that teleportation
may be accomplished into the past under some conditions.

Because the reIocusing oI the photons involves both backward and Iorward time-traveling
photons, they can Iocus to create the image almost anywhere in space AND time. (see Figure
13.26) In other words, we can visualize an event which we see happening YESTERDAY just as
easily as an event to occur TOMORROW or RIGHT NOW. This is the key to the unusual time
behavior oI PK and ESP. The phenomena don't seem to care about time. We can send a psychic
message to be received yesterday or tomorrow, and it works just as well as one to be received

When personal trainers like Tony Robbins ask us to visualize a Iuture event we would like to
happen, this may be the "explanation" oI what we are doing. We are modiIying the photon
background in the space-time vicinity oI the event, which has the eIIect oI increasing the
probability that the event will occur. In the simplest cases, such as the REG |Random Event
Generator| experiments conducted by parapsychologists, the event being inIluenced is the random

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 62
motion oI electrons in a circuit or the random decay oI a radioactive atom. In these simple cases,
it has been proven that visualization oI the event increases the likelihood that it will happen.

Using this principle, it may be possible to teleport objects, as well as thought-Iorms, Irom one
place to another. It is simply necessary that the patterns oI radiation on the past and Iuture uranoid
be modiIied. These patterns, which hold the object in place, are similar to holographic patterns.
Their phases can be altered by the right kind oI incident radiation which is coherent on both the
past and Iuture uranoids. ThereIore, teleportation has much in common with psychokinesis and
visualization. Bi-location, by which yogis are reported to have projected their body, or caused a
"second body" to appear elsewhere, may also be achievable in this manner.

The mechanism we are describing here may be the key to the physics which connects
visualization with maniIestation. The human body is able to generate a store oI coherent photons.
II these photons take up a spatial pattern, then Irom Bose statistics, it may indeed increase the
probability oI such a structure appearing. Regardless oI the explanation, there is ample
experimental evidence that this process works. One oI the great lessons to be learned Irom these
discoveries is that we need to pay attention to our thoughts, and especially the thoughts we put
energy into. Thoughts, prayers and wishes really do have power to aIIect reality. Or, as the great
American psychic Edgar Cayce said:

"Conditions, thoughts, activities of men in everv clime are things, as thoughts are
things. Thev make their impression upon the skein of time and space. " (Cavce,

The application oI this idea to ESP or telepathy is straightIorward. II the sender can cause energy
or inIormation to reIocus at some other point in space-time using the 4-D holographic principle,
then it can be received iI a person is there to sense the thought-Iorm. This can be made much
more reliable when the receiver also enters the proper, relaxed, meditative state so his conscious
mind becomes quiet. In actual ESP experiments, it has been Iound that the best results occur when
the sender and receiver's bio-rhythms become coupled together, that is, synchronized. Heart beat
and brain wave pattern, as well as breathing, show synchronization between sender and receiver
when telepathy is most eIIective. OI course, the participants may be thousands oI miles apart, so
the only way they can get into the same rhythm is iI their bodies are already in telepathic contact
at the autonomic level. This Iurther supports the notion that synchronized processes are key to
understand ESP and other psi phenomena. This is illustrated in Figure 13.27.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 63

13.10. TeIeportation

Figure 13.27. This Iigure Iurther illustrates the process oI ESP, in which a
"receiver" and a "sender" communicate by "4-dimensional holography" using
"advanced" and "retarded" photons. The convergence oI the two patterns at a
distant point in space-time makes it possible to send inIormation which arrives at
either an earlier or later time than it was sent. When a receiver is present, the path
oI the waves is "reciprocal" meaning that the receiver and the sender are actually
in resonance with one another. This explains observations in ProI. I. M. Kogan's
laboratory in Russia that the heart rate and brain patterns oI sender and receiver
become coupled together during telepathy. Given the large separation distances
and the presence oI shielding, it is diIIicult to explain this eIIect in any other way.

The concepts just described illustrate how a Iorce can be applied to an object, even at a distance,
and how random processes can be aIIected by aIIecting the distribution oI photons making up the
"Zero Point" energy oI space. But in teleportation experiments, objects are sometimes made to
pass through walls, as in the case oI Zhang Baosheng in China (see Chapter 7). How can our
proposed theory explain that?

Actually, it's very easy. In the Synchronized Universe Model, every electron rotates on a very
small scale so that its motion is in phase with all the others in "its" universe. It only exchanges
Iorce, i.e. photons, with other electrons when their velocities line up in just the right way on every
cycle. Otherwise, there is no Iorce exchanged. The narrow Iorward light cone, which limits the
direction oI interaction, just will not line up properly iI the electron's motion is too much out oI

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 64
So, walking through walls is easy. Just apply a strong, high Irequency electromagnetic Iield to the
particles which shiIts their phase or their Irequency in their orbits. An oscillating electromagnetic
Iield oI a high Irequency will cause their orbital Irequency and phase to begin to shiIt. It is just
like the strobe light and the Ian. Let the strobe light pulse rate begin to diIIer Irom the Ian blade
rotation, and suddenly the Ian blades disappear! In the same way, the Iorces between electrons in
the object and the electrons in the wall will no longer be synchronous. They will be out oI phase,
and thereIore seen as just random noise. This will allow the object to pass through a wall!
Because there is a random residual leIt over, we may expect there to be a slight Iorce aIter an
object shiIts phase in this way.

13.11. OBEs

The process oI passing through physical walls is similar to the description oI people who
experience OBEs, out-oI-body experiences. When they pass through walls or ceilings, Ior
example, they Ieel a slight resistance, very slight, which they can penetrate by exerting a small
Iorce with their minds. There is a large literature on this subject, but the experience is Iairly
accurately portrayed in the Iictional movie Ghost. Patrick Swayze goes through an educational
process as he learns how to aIIect the physical dimension, and he Iinds that, with a slight Iorce, he
can walk through walls. This is consistent with a large body oI research on real cases.

For simplicity here, and because I do not have a better understanding oI this subject, I am
reIerring to this component as the "soul body," which we also identiIy with the seat oI
consciousness, and also with the component which makes up ghosts and astral projections. There
are a great many similarities among these maniIestations, so Ior simplicity we will assume that
they have a similar origin and makeup. This "soul" substance is oI great importance. It may be the
key to what makes us alive. It may contain the mystery oI what consciousness really is. This
important subject, with the evidence as well as theoretical ideas, will be described in much greater
detail in Volume III oI this series |Iorth coming|.

But Ior the moment, we will say only that esoteric traditions, as well as the accounts oI healers
and those able to "see" subtle energies, describe several layers oI such energy surrounding the
physical body. These layers oI subtle energy are said to be oI diIIerent types: etheric, astral,
causal and mental. They oIten report that the "soul body" seems to be comprised oI elements oI
the etheric and the astral energy.

The etheric is oIten described as a "duplicate" to the physical. It is oIten described as having the
same shape, or as being a shadow body. In German this body is reIerred to as the
"Doppelganger." It may be the component oI the biophoton radiation Iield which maintains
radiation balance Ior the body, and enables the biological processes to be so eIIicient. The etheric
body is said to be closely tied to the physical, and may be thought oI as a "time-reversed" or
"phase-conjugate" mirror image oI the physical body.

By comparison, the astral seems to be a higher dimension, not a parallel copy oI the physical
dimension. These are subtleties and complexities which will be discussed in more detail in later
volumes |Iorth coming|. Western science is just beginning to take its Iirst Ialtering steps to

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 65
understand these issues. Any model proposed must be considered extremely hypothetical. At the
same time, it is interesting that the "soul body" or "astral body" during an OBE is sometimes
reported as resembling the person who is projecting. The Wilmot and Landau OBE cases are good
examples oI this. At other times the OBE Iorm is seen as a small, rapidly moving orb. Is it
possible that these two Iorms oI appearance are related to the presence oI the two kinds oI
energy? Is it possible that the etheric energy may preserve and project the physical appearance oI
the individual, while his astral Iorm may appear more as a moving orb?

13.12. Physics Of Meditation and Prayer -The Power of the Phased Array

Meditation is oIten considered to be a "quieting oI the mind," because the talking part oI the mind
becomes quiet. The verbal and analytical processes cease. But brain wave (EEG) studies show
that actually the brain becomes more "coherent" in meditation. This means that the Iirings oI the
billions oI neurons in the brain occur more "in step" with one another. The electrical impulses
Irom all the cells become less random, less independent. It is as though they begin to march in
step with one another.

This state oI mind has enormous power to aIIect reality, based on the synchronized 4-D
holographic model we have presented. In order to aIIect reality, we must send a coherent, "in
step" pattern oI photons into the Iuture and into the past. This pattern must be so clear that when it
interacts with the distant matter and reIocuses, it retains the desired image.

The DNA in our cells can naturally produce waves oI this type, which contain both Iorward-time
traveling waves and matching backward-time traveling waves. Matched waves oI this type are
called "phase-conjugate" waves. In the last decade laser scientists have learned to make and
control these waves Ior certain applications. But the double helix structure oI DNA suggests that
our cells may have been making such waves Ior a much longer time. They are ideally suited Ior
generating coupled photons which radiate out along the axis oI the double helix in both directions.
(see Figure 13.28).

II this is the case, then each cell is a tiny radio transmitter which is capable oI sending phase
conjugate waves into the past and into the Iuture. This is probably why individual cells have been
shown able to send and receive ESP messages, as in the Backster EIIect (Chapter 4 oI
Svnchroni:ed Universe 'The Backster eIIect: Cell to cell communication). But to send a
complex message, or to achieve a more impressive result like teleportation, requires that a great
many cells act in unison. The real power oI DNA and the use oI phase-conjugate waves, which is
just a matching pattern oI advanced and retarded waves, occurs when millions or billions oI cells
transmit in phase. When this happens, the strength oI the pattern increases as the square oI the
number oI cells which are acting in unison. ThereIore, a million cells transmitting their desired
visualization in unison will have a thousand billion times more power than a single cell.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 66

Figure 13.28. The double helix oI DNA has been shown to be capable oI both
receiving and transmitting coherent photons (laser-like light). It has been
speculated that its structure might be ideal Ior generating a pair oI photons, phase
conjugate to one another. II so, this would be an eIIective means to generate 4-D
holographic type signals, and might explain how individual cells are capable oI
what Backster has called "primary communication."

It is this power oI coherence, oI synchronization, which enables some giIted individuals to
achieve astounding paranormal Ieats. A million DNA cells broadcasting at random just produces
noise. All the signals cancel out. But a million DNA cells broadcasting coherently and in unison
generates a power that turns "ordinary" humans into supermen.

One oI the goals, or at least one oI the goals, or at least one oI the by-products, oI the education oI
the adept ;is to develop control over the mind and body, so this kind oI synchronization oI the
cells can be achieved at will. Entering deep meditation states causes a synchronization oI the
vibrations oI the DNA in the body, and it is very likely that this is one oI the keys to 'psychic
superpowers. This is why meditation is a central element in all esoteric practices, whether it be a
Buddhist monk, a yogi, a qi-gong martial artist, or an energy healer.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 67
As we will see in later volumes |Iorth coming|, this Iorm oI synchronization also gives the adept
access to other dimensions, including the subtle dimensions such as the astral plane, which are not
accessible in the normal consciousness state. The high degree oI synchronization which comes
Irom deep meditation makes it possible to access those domains. This opens up entire realms oI
physics and new phenomena which are Iamiliar to adepts, but are closed to the rest oI us. The
ability to access these domains, which cut across the "stack oI paper" oI parallel universes
illustrated in Figure 13.18, enables the adept to perceive and act Irom a higher perspective.

When the remote viewer moves Ireely in space and time, his consciousness moves in this higher
dimension. It can easily see the Iuture and the past Irom this perspective. By synchronizing
vibrations across these planes it is possible to bring energy into our physical plane. This is one oI
the secrets oI PK. It explains why and how the "random quantum background" can be changed by
meditation. It explains how radioactive decay can be altered by visualization. It also has
applications in so-called "Iree-energy" devices which can tap this energy across these planes to
generate abundant clean, cheap energy.

Ever since the Cold War oI the 1950's, huge radar stations have towered above the prairie in the
upper Midwest oI the United States. The antennas oI these radars resemble huge curved walls
many stories high. Protruding Irom these walls are thousands oI smaller antennas arranged in a
regular grid-like pattern. These structures are called "phased array" radars. The walls do not
move. The radar shiIts the direction oI its beam by varying the phase oI the radar signal as it is
Ied into each oI the thousands oI tiny antennas. Each antenna radiates a small signal, similar to
the DNA oI a single cell. But the phases are designed so that all oI the radiations Irom all oI the
antennas add up coherently in a particular direction. In that direction, the radar beam will be
strongest. By varying the phases oI each antenna, the radar beam can be rapidly swept across the
horizon in a search Ior incoming Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, which the radar is designed to

It is likely that the DNA molecules oI each cell can be brought into coherence in a similar way.
This would enable the brain, when it is quiet and coherent, to combine together the signals oI
many DNA molecules. In this way, the desired image, which is being visualized, can be brought
into being. This is probably one oI the reasons that positive visualization works. It may also be
one oI the keys to the success oI prayer, distant energy healing, distant PK, and teleportation. II
the 4-D image which is being created is not a physical object, but an idea or a thought, then
"thought-balls" can be transmitted this way. ThereIore this is one type oI ESP.

When there is a receiving brain at the other end, (see Figure 13.29 not in the book) where the
orange cube or other concept is Iocused, then this illustrates the reception oI an "idea." The
"Eureka" experience, when a Ilash oI insight suddenly hits, may correspond to the reception oI
one oI these patterns.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 68
13.13. Summary

We have described here just a Iew oI the ideas which make up the "Synchronized Universe
Model" (SUM). Any model in physics must be reduced to mathematics, and must undergo a
rigorous process oI testing and comparison to data, beIore it can be considered a successIul
theory. The SUM is only at the beginning stages oI such a process, and must be considered as a
collection oI interesting and promising ideas which have not yet been proven.

The model seeks to describe the Universe at a deeper level than Quantum Mechanics. At very
small scales the electron has no mass and zips around at the speed oI light, buIIeted by photons
Irom other electrons throughout the universe. Because oI the "tunnel vision" oI electrons traveling
at light speed, they only see one another when their velocities point directly at one another. This
leads to a mutual interaction across great distances. As the electrons throughout the universe
interact in this way, they take up periodic orbits due to their collective interaction. Thus each
electron resembles a tiny atom, with a center and a periodic orbit. This is the origin oI the basic
Irequency every particle has. It explains one oI the more puzzling Ieatures oI quantum mechanics:
why a particle has a selI-Irequency proportional to its mass. In the SUM model, this arises
naturally Irom a Iundamental physical idea.

One group or electrons will become synchronized to a particular phase and Irequency. These will
"see" each other and interact. They Iorm the basis oI what we call "our physical universe." We
have oIIered the analogy that the resulting motions or the particles can be described as moving on
a single sheet oI paper within a stack. But there are many other sets or electrons and other
particles which Iind diIIerent phases and Irequencies at which thev couple together. Consequently
they Iorm parallel universes which do not interact with ours except randomly. They provide the
"quantum noise" so Iamiliar to physicists. Because they are out or sync with "our universe" we
see no pattern to this noise.

But when processes occur which cut across the parallel universes, which synchronize them in
some way, as consciousness does, then it aIIects the quantum noise. It changes it. This has been
seen in all oI the consciousness experiments involving random event generators (REGs). It is one
oI the ways in which consciousness aIIects quantum physics.

This model provides a beginning Ior understanding the subtle energies. In the SUM model, they
consist oI modes oI vibration oI the distant matter which cut across the various parallel,
synchronized universes. They couple together diIIerent "dimensions," diIIerent "sheets oI paper,"
as we illustrated in Figure 13.18. Because oI this, the subtle energies will have eIIects which
violate the predictions oI conventional physics.

Energy Iorms oI this kind have been known and described in Eastern medicine Ior thousands oI
years. They are called "prana" or "chi" and are basic to all liIe. This model also provides a way oI
understanding "higher" energy Iorms, such as the "astral" energy which is central to the out-oI-
body experience, and which may be key to understanding the soul. Our scientiIic understanding
oI these energies will be described in greater detail in later volumes Iorth coming|.

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 69
Since this is a physical model, we should be able to use it to predict and understand the kinds oI
subtle energies which can exist. We need not wave our hands and retreat into vague generalities.
The model may also be useIul in understanding the other important physical Iorces, such as
nuclear Iorces and quarks, and it may help us to understand their relationship to the subtle

At the core oI the SUM model is the synchronous interaction oI particles across great distances
and times. II this idea is correct, then it can be used to explain how paranormal eIIects can be
seemingly immune to time and space displacements. It may help us understand how two minds
can be linked when separated by vast distances oI space and time. And it oIIers a way to connect
paranormal eIIects to changes in quantum noise, which is one oI the central mysteries Iacing the
new physics.

Most importantly, the model oIIers a way to understand consciousness. Paranormal research and
consciousness studies suggest that our consciousness is not limited to the physical brain. It can
leave the body and travel in space and time. When it does, we say "we" travel with it. The
experiencer describes the event Irom where his consciousness is, not where his body is. And
physical experiments, such as those oI Drs. Karlis Osis, Keith Harary, and Janet Mitchell, show
that there are measurable physical eIIects in the presence oI consciousness. We provisionally call
this the "soul" although this may be an oversimpliIication. But whatever it is, it seems to be the
essence oI a human. It is not the body. It is this consciousness or soul where awareness takes
place. "We are much more than our physical bodies," as Robert Monroe used to say. This places
us on the threshold oI awareness oI the much larger universe which is out there, and a much
grander conception oI who we are as humans.


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The Hopi Prophecy; The ConIlict oI Spiritualism and Materialism; Universal Truths; ScientiIic
Revolution; Types oI Evidence; Personal History - How I Got Here; My Paradigms Start to ShiIt; My
Research Program; Personal Growth and TransIormation

Remote Viewing Session; The Great Remote Viewers The SRI Experiments; Some History - How the
Remote Viewing Program Began; The Debunking EIIort and the "OIIicial" Evaluation oI the CIA
Program; Statistics and ScientiIic ConIirmation; Remote Viewing Breaks Space and Time Barriers;
Mainstream Business, Technological and Medical Applications; Military UseIulness

The NASA ESP Experiments; Government Interest in ESP; Laboratory Evidence Ior ESP; Chinese
Government Demonstrations oI ESP; Demonstration oI ESP in Pets; ESP in Police Work;ESP is Enhanced
by Hypnosis; Physical Reactions to ESP; ESP Among Ancient and Traditional Cultures; The EIIect oI
Time and Position on ESP

The StanIord PK Experiments; Spoonbending and Demonstrations oI Uri Geller; Princeton PEAR Lab
Experiments; Psychokinesis in Baby Chickens; Nina Kulagina; Electrical Measurements During PK;
Thought Photography; The "PK-Man"; The Fire Walk

The Backster EIIect: Cell-to-Cell Communication; Organ Transplant Patients; Connection Between
Identical Twins; Rupert Sheldrake and the "Morphogenetic Field"

Overview Of Synchronized Universe Theory - 74
The Power oI Group Consciousness; The Academy Awards Experiment, 1995; The O. J. Simpson Trial;
September 11 World Trade Center Attack; Meditation and Prayer; Implications

Brother Joseph; David Dunglas Home; Peter Sugleris; The Yogis oI India; Other Cases

Chinese Experiments; The Geller New York Experience; Ancient Cases oI Teleportation; U.S. DeIense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) Assessment; Abilities oI the Yogis - Teleportation and Bi-location;
Teleportation Across a Continent; "ScientiIic Teleportation"

What is an "adept"?; Famous Adepts oI History; The Yogis oI India; The Education oI an Adept; The
"Physics" oI an Adept

Child Prodigies; The Flash oI Inspiration, the Stroke oI Genius; Superlearning and Lozanov; Does
Thought Take Place in the Brain?

ProoI oI the Physical Reality oI the OBE; The PRC and SRI Experiments; The Osis-Tanous Experiment;
The Morris-Harary Experiments; The Mitchell-Swann Experiments; Appearance oI the "Astral Body"; The
Landau OBE Experiment; The Wilmot Case; Robert Monroe; Parallel Dimensions; The EIIect oI High
Voltage on an OBE

More NDE Cases due to New Resuscitation Technology; Dannion Brinkley; Joe McMoneagle's Near-
Death Experience; Harry Hone; Dr. Melvin Morse; Dr. Raymond Moody's Research; The "Dark Side" oI
the Near-Death Experience; The Science oI the Soul;

The Arrow oI Time; Can Order be Collected Again?; Laboratory Research into Precognition; Speeding Up
and Slowing Down Time; The Uses oI Prophecy; Hopi Prophecies; A General Consensus Among Major
Prophecies; Prophecies oI "No-Eyes" and Mary Summer Rain; Evaluation oI "No-Eyes" Predictions; Other
Prophecies; The Apocalypse ; The Place oI "No Time" - Prophecy as a Way oI LiIe; Examples oI
Precognitive Messages; The GiIt oI Prophecy and the Near-Death Experience; Changing the Future;
Crossing Points and Critical Points -Toward a Science oI Prophecy; Prophecy and Knowledge oI the

Can Present Science Explain the Paranormal?; Shortcomings oI Present Model; Beginnings oI a Theory;
The "Round-Trip" Photon - How Electrons Interact; Across Great Distances; The Synchronizing Principle;
Four-Dimensional Holography The Holographic Brain; The Synchronized Universe Model Explains
Assumptions oI QM; Bose Statistics and the Paranormal; Teleportation; OBEs; Physics oI Meditation and
Prayer - The Power oI the Phased Array;

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