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Airsoft Rules of Play

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1. Any violation of CPX Sports Airsoft Rules of Play can and will result in immediate or permanent removal from the CPX Sports Facilities and refunds will not be issued. There are no exceptions to any rule and every rule is strictly enforced. All Airsoft guns subject to be checked before entering CPX Sports. In order to participate in Airsoft at CPX Sports, you must be at least 14 years old and able to prove it via a photo id. Acceptable IDs forms are: State DL. State ID, School ID All participants under 18 must have an UNDERAGE WAIVER completed and on file. You must have a parent or guardian with you at the time you register. Safety goggles must be worn all times. All guests over 18 must wear safety goggles meeting ASNI Z87.1 standards with FOAM SEAL AND ELASTIC STRAP, balaclavas, shemagh or large bandana protecting neck, mouth and ears, and appropriate head gear. Shooting glasses without a foam seal and elastic strap are NOT considered acceptable eye protection at CPX Sports. All participants under the age of 18 must wear full-face mask goggles (i.e. paintball goggles) covering ears and mouth. Mesh lens goggles are not allowed, no exceptions. Whenever in Neutral Zones such as the CPX Pro-Shop, Central Park, parking lot areas, or when moving between fields, all magazines must be removed, guns must be on safety, and barrel cover or barrel blocking device must be in place. When in Neutral Zones, all guns must always be pointed in a safe direction such as down, slung over shoulder, or by the handle. While on CPX Sports property, all guests must transport their guns in a safe manner. Specifically, your gun must be carried in a soft or hard shell case suitable for real firearms until you are in Central Park. No part of the gun may be visible while being transported otherwise you will be asked to leave the park and will not be able to participate. Personal cameras or video recording equipment will be allowed on the fields during play only with a Press Pass. Press Passes are available when you register. In order to play and film you must have a helmet or gun mounted camera. If you do not have a mounted camera you can still film but you will not be able to play at the same time. No shooting at the head or neck. Do not shoot wildlife. No blind firing. No point blank shooting or engagements of less than 15 feet. Inside of 15 feet, there is always a surrender option. When a minimum engagement distance of 15 feet is not available (ie: inside the towers of Armageddon), the option to surrender should be presented PRIOR to firing. Inside of 15 feet, a player should shout BANG in order to notify the opponent he/she has been eliminated.

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10. No Metal BBs. 11. No Climbing of trees, structures, or vehicles. Netting in buildings is the same as a wall and cannot be climbed, moved or shot through. 12. No Sniper guns will be allowed on the fields of Bedlam or Armageddon. 13. No Physical Contact. Guests may never touch another guest or his equipment. 14. No unauthorized equipment will be allowed including actual or replicas of knives, machetes, axes, hatchets or bayonets. Riot shields or other blocking devices are not allowed. Guests are not allowed to bring onto the playing field any equipment deemed to be unsafe or not appropriate by the field operator. All guns are required to have a factory trigger guard. No Metal Cleats. 15. Avoid Field Hazards. Guests should avoid all obvious hazards such as fences, ruts and vines. Guests should report any hazard to the Head Referee on the field. 16. No Construction of booby traps. Guests may never construct anything that will hinder the movement of other guests; this means you are not allowed to construct any sort of barricades or bunkers. Guests may not alter any natural or man-made feature. 17. No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed. Smoking is permitted only in the designated smoking area located just to the north of the concrete pad. Guests are not permitted to smoke in any other locations. Guests found smoking outside this area will be asked to extinguish the smoking materials and may be asked to leave the park. 18. CPX is a family oriented park. No verbal abuse including profanity, name-calling, or slurs of any kind will be tolerated. Guests wearing clothing with suggestive names on them will be asked to remove the garment.

19. All guests will be chronographed prior to the beginning of the each game using .20 gram bbs. You will be given 2 attempts consisting of no more than 3 shots each in which to chronograph at the appropriate FPS. If your gun is unable to chronograph legal after 2 attempts, you will not be able to use that gun. Your airsoft gun will then have a colored zip tie attached to it classifying the gun as either: Sniper - FPS 400-550; Standard AEG - FPS 400 or less; Standard Spring or Gas (NonSniper Classification) FPS 400 of less; Pistols (All Types) FPS - 400 or less. No guns without classification zip ties will be allowed on the field of play. Players may also be chosen at random for a chronograph spot check. Specific rules for all gun classifications follow. All guns must have tournament locks. 20. Sniper guns must be single or bolt action (gas or spring). NO SEMI-AUTOMATIC or FULL AUTO electronic guns are allowed. a. b. c. Minimum Engagement Distance of 100 feet from your position. The snipers gun must fire between 400 FPS and 550 FPS. All snipers must have a designated spotter. If your spotter is eliminated, the sniper can only continue using his sidearm. The spotter must remain within 10 feet of sniper for use of the sniper gun system. This is to allow for protection of the sniper when targets are within 100 feet. The snipers sidearm must be a pistol or AEG under 400 FPS. This gun must be used whenever your opponent is less than 100 feet from your position or the spotter has been eliminated.


21. The CPX Head Referee is the authority in determining gun eligibility. His decisions are final. 22. All electronic guns must shoot under 400 FPS with a minimum engagement of 15 feet. Pistols: Minimum 15 feet engagement. Some guns falling into this category are Berettas, Glocks, 45s and shotguns. 23. Grenades/ Grenade Launchers: The M203 shell must be launched from an actual M203 mounted to a gun. Failure to do so eliminates the player from the game as a suicide bombing. Hand grenades (with a pull pin) are legal. If one goes off in your hand, you are eliminated. A minimum engagement of 15 feet will be enforced. 24. A player is eliminated from play if a BB strikes any part of his/her body. Gun shots DO NOT count as eliminations but do disable the gun for the remaindered of the game. When a guest is eliminated, he/she must call himself out by shouting Dead, Hit, Out or Kill and display the red elimination flag on his/her head while exiting the playing field or lay prone on t he field of play until a medic arrives for treatment. Dead men do not talk. This includes radio communications. 25. Unless specified in advance by the head referee, there will be NO MEDICS on the field. If the referee allows medics in a specific game, they will be subject to the following rules: a. Medics are not always successful in healing an eliminated player. CPX will provide a RANDOM system to be used by the medic and the dead player in determining if the medical treatment was a success or if the player died during treatment. If the player remains eliminated after receiving medical attention from one medic, that player must leave the field for the remaindered of the game. If the player that is eliminated is in a position that places him in danger of becoming injured, that player must remove himself from the field of play immediately. If a CPX Referee tells you that no medic is available and that you are in harms way, you must leave the field of play immediately.



26. Safety violations and/or Cheating will not be tolerated. There are no exceptions. Any violation will result in immediate and permanent removal from the park. No refunds will be issued. 27. The Referee will use an air horn to signal the start and ending of every game. 28. All rules are subject to change without notice. Review the rules EVERY TIME you come out to play at CPX Sports. Liability Disclaimer - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - LEGAL DOCUMENT AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS. BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU ARE INDICATING YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD EACH PROVISION AND AGREE TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: I have read and understood all rules and policies as described above. Airsoft products are potentially dangerous and can cause serious injury and even death. I acknowledge that I am responsible for using airsoft products safely and legally and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless CPX Sports, its owners, employees, agents and affiliates for any and all legal action arising from purchase, use or ownership of airsoft guns and accessories, including, but not limited to any lawsuit or claim by myself or a third party for bodily injury, death or illegal activity. If I am under 18, CPX Sports has a notarized underage waiver signed by my parent or guardian allowing me to be bound by the terms of this document. By signing below, I am acknowledging that I have read and understood the above liability waiver and that I agree to be bound by its terms.

_______________________________________________ Printed Name

________________________________________ Signature

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