Project Guidelines
Project Guidelines
Project Guidelines
I. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. On the project training is an integral part of the 24 months MBA programme, 2. The Organization should be taken from outside the state and the period for the project work in an organization is 45-60 days or 6-8 weeks 3. No student is allowed to change the organization of training assigned to him/her once it has been assigned by the office. In case such a thing happens, the Project will be considered invalid. 4. The training is aimed at the following objectives: a. To provide an extensive exposure to the student and hands-on experience in a Corporate environment b. To ensure that the corporate gets adequate return from the student in terms of the money and time they spent on them during the training so that there is a mutual return of experience and learning c. To provide a platform for the corporate to test the reliability, quality and performance of the student and make a match for final job offer later, if they so deem fit. 5. During the training the student will be under the supervision of a person in the organization who will act as his corporate guide and will provide guidelines for the corporate work during the stay of the student in the organization. Also there will be an internal faculty guide from SMBS and a Project Co-Ordinator. You should send weekly progress report to the faculty guide. 6. The student will be required to abide by the rules of the organization where he/she is undergoing training. 7. The corporate organization will be taking a strong view of the punctuality and behavior of the student during the training and therefore the student will be required to be on their best behavior and inculcate the good norms of the organization where they take the training. 8. In case the student has to take leave of absence, he/she will have to take permission from the organization and the faculty guide before they proceed on leave. 9. In case the student has to take up project based work at the instance of the company, they should conduct it to their best of their capability. The faculty guide will be always available for advice and guidance.
10. No student should try to copy or use information in such a way that will project false and baseless conclusions for the company. All students are required to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any information they come across in the organization in the course of their training. In case such malpractice is found out, the student shall be duly penalized. 11. All the students have to prepare and submit a written project at the end of the Project Study. It could be learning and experience sharing too. The project report would have to be certified by the organization. The details of designing a project work and carrying out the project work is mentioned in the section 2. 12. The details of the Evaluation of Summer training experience and the project work is mentioned in Section . 2. WHY PROJECT WORK? Project Work is the best way to practice what you have learnt. The purpose of including project report in the Programme is to provide you an opportunity to investigate a problem applying management concept in a scientific manner. It enables you to apply your conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to learn the art of conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting its finding in coherent report. As managers, you are constantly seeking information to base your decision. How well you collect, synthesize and make the data meaningful is what you learn through this process. 2.1. WHAT IS PROJECT? A project is a scientific and systematic study of real issue or a problem intended to resolve the problem with application of management concept and skills. The study can deal with a small or big issue in a division or an organization, the problem can be from any discipline of management. The essential requirement of a project is that it should entail scientific collection, analysis and interpretation of data to valid conclusions. 2.1.1. How to undertake project work Step 1 Once the approval is received you can start project work. Thereafter project report should be prepared and submitted at the time of the examination. Step 2 After evaluation of your project report by the examiner you will be called for viva voce. 2.1.2. Criteria for selection of projects Topic should be selected from your MAJOR area of specialization preferably selecting the tool of some methodology from the MIONOR area. Project work should preferably be concerned with the organization. It should try to resolve the problem assessed in your project work. The Project Work undertaken should be authentic and should contribute towards the development and growth of the subject. If the Expert Committee feels that the Project Work undertaken does not appear to be authentic or does not contribute towards the growth of the subject or it has been merely copied from some sources, the Institute has the right to reject the Project Work summarily. In that case, the student may be asked to resubmit the Project.
3. TOPIC AND ORGANISATION A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The first step of the project work is to choose a suitable topic for study. This choice will be entirely personal emerging from your area of interest. There can be more than one area of interest and there can be more than one topic in each area. When faced with such a wide choice a discussion with your colleagues, superiors or guide can help you in narrowing down your choice through elimination. While selecting the topic you have to take into account the organisation you work in and the opportunities you have at your command to generate relevant data. Having narrowed the scope of your topics apply the criteria shown above to make a final selection. A problem need not be an extraordinary one or out of the blue. You will find that many issues related to the working situation demand the systematic study. You are to select topic preferably acceptable to target organisation. In any case, it would be one where you have access to information and opportunity to discuss your ideas and views with the executives working there. The project outline and its formulation must be freely discussed with those who are responsible for similar activities in the organisation you have selected for your project work. 4. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Your project work is a practical implementation of the theory you have learned in the subject Research Methodology. So be make sure that you have clearly understanding of the topic discussed in this subject. Before you start your project it is essential to carry out a preliminary survey of the available literature on the topic. This study will help in understanding the problem in depth and the aspects which are being investigated and will provides ideas for further research. You should consult the bibliographies of project report in libraries and skim through some reports on similar topics. An access to this information will help you in crystallizing the design of your study and exploring the uncovered areas. However, it would be advisable not to repeat studies conducted earlier. An originality of approach in studying a topic will provide vitality to your project. Some studies require the statement of hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative diagnosis or solution to a problem. It is based on cursory observation of the apparent date and adopt provisionally to explain certain events and to guide the investigation of others. The project then would be based on testing the hypothesis to verify or reject it, for example, in a study of increasing absenteeism in a factory, one may propound the hypothesis that absenteeism is on the increase because of lack of adequate welfare activities. On studying the problem in depth it may be proved to be so otherwise. A hypothesis then starts somewhere at the midpoint of research, from here one can look back to the problem and also look forward to the data. While writing your report you have to discuss the theoretical background in one of the first few chapters. These chapters will provide the frame work of your project report. 5. METHODOLOGY The quality of your project work will depend upon the methodology you adopt for your study. Methodology in turn depends upon the nature of the project work. The main strength of your
report comes from the process earlier mentioned that of collecting, synthesizing and analyzing information which must have a bearing on the defined problem. Again, all information, related to the problem needs to be carefully scrutinized to avoid risk of biased analysis. Having once identified which information is relevant and need to be collected, you will have to define how this will be done. Thus, a case study may require a different approach than a study based on survey. However, where the volume of data is very large a sampling method needs to be adopted. The following steps then become necessary. 5.1 Sampling: Size and coverage of the population providing data. Good sampling is done through statistical techniques. 5.1.1. Preparation of a proforma or a Questionnaire for Collection of Data: A technique that one should learn is the farming of a proper questionnaire. Most books on statistics or research methodology provide guidelines for farming a questionnaire. 5.1.2. Pilot study or Pre-testing: A trial run of a questionnaire or some preliminary interviews helps in finalizing the structure of the questionnaire or the interviews. 5.1.3. Processing of Data: Proper tabulation, classification, analysis, interpretation and comparison are essential steps in the processing of the data. You have to use appropriate statistical tool for analysis and hypothesis testing. 5.1.4. Framework for Analysis: The framework for analyzing the data will be related to your stated objectives hypothesis. Statistical method can be used for analysis where applicable. Methodology of the project must be clearly thought out in as much detail as possible. Clarity in method helps in completing the project report expeditiously. You must be extra careful that your method does not gives rise to a whole lot of irrelevant data. 6. PROJECT GUIDES ROLE As you proceed with your project work, you are likely to discuss the ideas with your faculty guide as well as organization guide and get their approval. These may be in the designing of a questionnaire, structure your interview, deciding the size of sample, procedure for data collection, tabulation and analysis. You must discus your project design with your guide before the start of your project and again during the necessary and finally at the stage of writing the report. Weekly progress report should emailed to your faculty guide. You should show him the draft project report before it is finalized for submission. An acknowledgement letter form the Project Guide stating that the project work undertaken is authentic and satisfactorily conducted under his guidance has to be attached with the Project Repot. 7. WRITING THE REPORT Once you have done the analysis of your data or have logically put together your case, you can get on with the task of writing the project. Before going to the main chapters, some peripherals yet important consideration to note are described below. 7.1. COVER PAGE The cover page on the bound copy of the report should indicate
The title of the report. It would be short and written in capital letters. If necessary, it should be followed by an explanatory sub-title. The name of the student and enrolment number Name and designation of the faculty member who has guided you. Name and designation of the person of the organisation who has guided you. 7.2 Certificate from the organization 7.3 Certificate from the Guide. 7.4. Preface and Acknowledgments: In case you have received assistance from a person or a source in any from such as in the collection of data, facilities for interviews or references to record in connection with your project and own a special debt to particular source or person, you should acknowledge this under the title acknowledgments. Or else you may include these acknowledgments in the final paragraph of the preface or forward which should highlight the objective of the study and the major problem you deal with in the report which follows in the succeeding pages. 7.5. Table of contents: Also called INDEX, the table should provide the title of all chapters (with page numbers) major subdivisions and appendices. The table should also indicate the commencing page numbers of the preface, the bibliography appendices & annexures. 7.6. Main report: You main report should follow the chapter scheme you had indicated in your synopsis. Generally the sequential presentation should be as follows:7.6.1 Chapter-I: Introduction of the problem: this chapter should provide a background of the problem and what is proposed to be investigated. The significance of the problem, the objective and the scope of the study and the contribution and impact your study will make should be elaborated. A brief description of the organization where you have conducted the project should be provided. 7.6.2 Chapter-II: Theoretical Perspective: This chapter should give an overview of the theoretical concepts related to the problem under study. You should refer to the current status of research in the area and major finding thereof. These should bring out the necessity for a study of the kind you have undertaken and the approach you intend to follow. 7.6.3 Chapter-III: Methodology: This chapter should describe in detail the steps followed in completing the study. If you have done a sample survey, the basis of sampling its size etc. should be discussed. The sources of primary and secondary data must be stated and the way you have processed the data should be elaborated. 7.6.4 Chapter-IV, V, VI . Analysis , Interpretation, Findings and Conclusion. : Presentation of the relevant data and analysis and discussion thereon from the main body of the report. As you defined the problem-Clearly and definitely, before you start the report, decide on the main theme of your report; which of the findings are significant, which are peripheral? Develop your argument logically to build your theme, presenting data wherever necessary. Decide the distribution and the number of chapter required; keep appropriate balance in the size of the chapter, and avoid uneven coverage. Only include those parts of table in the chapter which are relevant to the arguments, the details can be in the appendix. Spend more time on the central
issues, giving them importance, clarity and emphasis. All issue treated in the same manner dilute a report. 7.6.5. Appendices and Annexure: Appendices are listed alphabetically e.g. Appendix A Appendix B etc. and contain the table and data collection for the study .They are not included in the main chapters but referred to in the discussion and interpretations. Appendices are placed after the last chapter on summary conclusions. Annexures are numbered numerical e.g., Annexure I, II etc. and contain such supporting information which through not collected as primary and secondary data, yet is relevant in discussion and for easy reference. 7.6.6 References: A list of published sources consulted during the course of project work and normally includes all work listed in the text and text notes. The bibliography can be listed in alphabetical order or split into two separate list each covering books and articles. Referencing Style : API style of referencing. 7.7 Size of the project report: Depending upon the problem and data, a project report should be covered between 60 to 100 (double space). Each page must be typed in one side, leaving a wide margin. 7.8 Reviewing & and Presentation: While writing and presenting a report, take care of minor matters as this will make it more professional. Badly edited reports with grammatical errors and wrong punctuations give a very poor impression. A well written and carefully corrected one holds the interest of the reader. Foolscap pages with single space matter needs a lot of grit and determination to read. Well spaced pages with proper headings, margins and tables are inviting. It is necessary to review and revise your draft report before you give to the final typing. Also show it to your guide and obtain his comments and suggestion for changes where necessary. Four copies of project report have to be prepared. One Copy to SMBS, one to faculty guide, One copy the student has to submit to the concerned organisation and the Other one he / she has to keep with him / her for further requirements. The student should bring the copy when he / she will present himself/herself for viva voice. 8. EVALUATION OF PROJECT REPORT The evaluation of the project report will be done in two phases viz. - the written report and the viva-vice. The project report sent by you is sent to an examiner conversant with the subject matter of the report. The assessment of the report is done on standard criteria. Please study the criteria(8.2) and the weight age given to each before you begin your project work. 8.1. VIVA-VOCE Once your report has been evaluated by the examiner, you are called for a discussion of the report. The discussion normally takes the form of elaborating your view points, your findings and overall view of the subject. The duration of this viva-voce is about 10-20 minutes. Project
Viva will be conducted by Expert Committee appointed by SMBS. Students are required to give viva of the Project Work preferably through power point presentation. The viva-voce provides and opportunity to the examiner to test your knowledge of areas relevant to the subject of the report to elicit more information about the techniques employed during field work and to ask for explanations and clarification where necessary. The viva voce will also give you an opportunity to know any flaw in your report and to have suggestion and guidance for any further work in the area of your study. Before you present yourself for the viva you must read your report and prepare yourself for any queries concerning your report. You must become aware of the deficiencies in your report and should be able to discuss them with your examiner. 8.2. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROJECT WORK
A. Written Report (120)
Choice of subject/Title 10 Clarity about objectives scope and coverage of the study 20 Design of the study and methodology, Review of earlier work/literature available for the subject, data collection primary, secondary : questionnaire used where applicable, field work 20 Analysis and Interpretation of data: Data Processing technique (manual/computer) quantitative OR other tools made use of. 20 Innovative technique/approach to problem solving 20 Finding of Research Study; recommendations, suggestions, policy issues 10 Report writing and presentation; languages, composition & chapter scheme. 10 Usefulness of the Study; applicability in business/industry, in decision making/system development. 10
B. Viva-Voce (60)
Identification of the problem. Clarity about objectives, scope and coverage of the study 10 Ability to discuss the report design, methodology instruments used literature connected with the report,data quality analysis and interpretation findings and recommendations 20 Depth of the subject and conceptualization of the key areas after completing the project work 10 Linking the Report Recommendations with project objectives and how far these have been achieved 10 Draw back in the report if any and general comments 10 Note: 1. In case of project reports relating to development of concepts and systems or case studies, ability to critically review the literature and development of thought process will be judged. 2. Time required for viva voce cannot be laid down. It can last from 15 to 30 minutes or even 45 minutes depending upon the particular case.
Time Schedule
Latest by 01.05.2013
Latest by 30.06.2013
Date of submission of first copy of report to the supervising teacher in the School Final Report Submission Date of Evaluation : : : Latest by 05.07.2013 15.07.2013 16.07.2012 to 19.07.2013
Note: The duration of the organization should be for minimum of 60 days (including intervening Sundays and Holidays)
To be filled by your Supervisor at the organization (Kindly tick in the appropriate box)
Punctuality &Regularity Seriousness Courtesy and Manners Ability to Understand Willingness for hard work Working towards an objective Coverage of topics & Quality of analysis and diagnosis
Interest in linkages among functions
Very Regular
Not regular
Very able Very much willing Does work with complete focus
Partially Focused
Needs to focus
Not interested
Depth of knowledge
whole OVER ALL PERFORMACE 10 (Please put your marks: out of 100) Other Remarks or Suggestions:
Office Seal
Pleas Note: Student is required to bring this form in a sealed envelope, duly filled by the supervisor at the organization