Fatawa Hayat e Isa
Fatawa Hayat e Isa
Fatawa Hayat e Isa
All Praise is for Allah, the Great, the Most High - Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Final Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam From the major signs of Qiyamah that will manifest near the last hour, is the exceptional one, which is the decent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam. This subject matter is mentioned in several versus of the Qurn and there are innumerable detailed ahdth on this subject narrated from numerous Sahbah (companions). Thus it is the Ijma (consensus) of the Ummah of fourteen centuries that Isa alayhis-salaam was taken up onto the heavens, is alive, will descend before the last hour and die a natural death. Everything about Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was extraordinary, before, during and after his birth. In Surah l-Imran, Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala whilst referring to past Prophets deems it sufficient to refer to Prophets Adam, Nuh, the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran alayhim-us-salaam briefly in one single verse. Yet makes reference to Isa alayhis-salaam and his family in 22 versus in meticulous detail something which has not been made in this manner even in reference to the Last of the Prophets sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam to whom the Qurn was revealed. Summarily in Surah Al-Maidah (Verse 109) all Prophets are mentioned in one verse and Isa alayhis-salaam in the next 12 verses. Two entire Surahs are dedicated to Isa alayhis-salaam. One to his family (Surah l -Imran) and the other to his mother (Surah Maryam). There are many such verses such as these in the Qurn. The point to note here is the detail in which Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala discusses the life of Isa alayhis-salaam mention of his grandmother, her pledge, the birth of his mother then the detailed account of his birth, his mothers return to the family with the new born child, their blames and accusations, the miracle of his speech as a babyhis growing up and call to his people, the opposition faced and help of the disciples, the hostile attempts of the Jews to trap and kill him and his being raised alive onto the heavens. The wisdom behind mentioning his life in so much detail is to inform the Muslims to-come of the identity of his being just as Muslims were informed of all other major incidents to occur before the last hour. To deny the return of Isa alayhis-salaam because our intellect cannot comprehend the way it is mentioned in the ahdth is the same as to deny Qiyamah, Jannah or Jahannam because we cannot comprehend them. Those who speak in this manner are in reality deprived of divine awareness and the power and grasp of Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala. Many people entertain so-called intellectual doubts about it and the Qadiyani writers have exploited the situation and published much literature on this subject (attempting to pave way for Mirza Ghulam Qadiyanis claim to be the Mash, Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam). Therefore it is necessary to understand the importance and authenticity of this belief.
2 The only two groups who deny this belief are the Qadiyanis and Munkireen-e-Hadith (Rejecters of Hadith) It is the belief of the entire Muslim Ummah that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is still alive, will descend in the last days and die a natural death. This belief is a fundamental belief of Islam. One who rejects it is a Kfir due to rejecting several ayt of the Qurn, mutawtir ahdth and the Ijma of the Ummah. May Allah keep us steadfast upon the correct beliefs of Islam and reward all those who strive in upholding the beliefs taught to us by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam
This work is a translation from Arabic/Urdu in order to reach a wider audience. It is not a literal word for word translation but a paraphrased version. Every effort has been made to preserve the details of the original text. However this is not always possible when translating into another language; please refer to the Arabic for the original text of Fatwa. Fatwa Khatme-Nubuwwat [Vol. 2, P421 P474] Also available Online: http://www.khatm-e-nubuwwat.org/Books/Data/Majlis/Fatawa-KN-2/P/1.htm
HAYAAT: Hayaat refers to the belief that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was not killed nor crucified but was taken unto the heavens physically where he remains alive and will descend near the time of Qiyaamah, he will lead the Muslim army, slay dajjal, rule as a just ruler, practice and propagate Islam he will live upon the earth for forty years before dying a natural death and will be buried next to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam as mentioned in the Quran and mutawtir (authentic) narrations.
SKY, SKIES, HEAVEN/S: The terms sky, skies, heavens are used interchangeably. All refer to the same concept that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam has been taken up by the will of Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala and is present in the second heaven as mentioned in mutawtir (authentic) narrations.
NECESSITIES OF RELIGION (zarooriyaat-e-deen): The necessities of religion constitutes all those beliefs and actions a believer (mumin) must believe in to remain within the fold of Islam. Rejection of even one of them amounts in Kufr.
PUNISHMENT OF AN APOSTATE: The death penalty and for that case any punishments stipulated by the Shariah i.e. amputating the hand of a thief etc can only be executed in an Islamic state by the authorties. It is not lawful according to the Shariah for any individual to take such things into their own hands.
The Honourable Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah President of Riyasah al-Buhuth al-Ilmiyyah wal-Ifta wa-Dawah wal-Irshad Member of Majlis Shura of Saudi Arabia The Rejecter of Hayt-e-Mash is Kfir All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and the end (result) is in favour of the Godfearing. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon His slave, Messenger and the best of creations; Muhammad bin Abdullah, upon his descendants, companions and upon those who follow their path and adopt their way till the Day of Judgment. We received a question from our sincere brother Sheikh Manzur Ahmad of Pakistan - Head of Jamiah Arabia and General Secretary of Idara Markaziyya-lid-Dawah, wal-Irshad in Chinyot (Western Pakistan). QUESTION: What do the respected Ulama say about the Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam and his ascension unto the heavens with his physical (earthly) body, and his descent from the heavens to the earth near Qiyamah, and that this descent is one of the signs of Qiyamah? What is the ruling about one who rejects his descent near Qiyamah and claims that he was crucified but did not die and subsequently migrated to Kashmir where he lived for a long time and died a natural death and will not descend near Qiyamah? Kindly, issue a Fatwa concerning this matter. May Allah reward you greatly. ANSWER: With Allahs help, from whom help is sought and to whom we submit our trust, there is no might and power except with Him. The evidence from the Qurn and Hadith agree that Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhissalaam is the slave of Allah and His messenger. He was raised unto the heavens with his physical body and soul and he neither died nor was he killed or crucified, and he will descend in the last days, will break the cross, kill the swine, abolish jizyah (tax) and will follow Islam. It is also established that his descent will be one of the signs of Qiyamah. The Ulama of Islam are agreed upon what has been mentioned above. Indeed, they have differed in the meaning of the (Arabic) word tawaffee as mentioned in the verse:
5 When Allah said: O Isa, I am to take you in full and to raise you towards Myself, and to cleanse you of those who disbelieve, and to place those who follow you above those who disbelieve up to the Day of Doom. Then to Me is your return, whereupon I shall judge between you in that over which you have differed. 1 First Opinion: According to one opinion, it means death; since this is the obvious meaning of the verse. However, this is according to those who do not contemplate upon other available evidence; since this meaning is repeatedly mentioned in the Qurn, e.g. Say, the angel of death who has been assigned for you will take your soul in full, then you will be brought back to your Lord. 2 In another place, the Qurn says:
Only if you were to see (them) when the angels take out the souls of those who disbelieve, beating their faces and their backs, and (saying) Taste the punishment of the flaming Fire. 3 In these verses, the word tawaffee is used to refer to death, and if we imply this meaning to the first verse, we must suppose there is a change of order in the verse. Second Opinion: Tawaffee means taking completely; this is mentioned by Ibn Jarir in his Tafseer, narrating from a group of Salaf. He chose and preferred it over other opinions. Thus, the verse will mean: Indeed, I will take you completely (with body and soul) towards myself. The Arabs also make use of this word in a similar meaning, they say: tawaffaytu mli min fuln I received my total amount of money from him. Nothing of this amount (money) is left behind. Third Opinion: Tawaffee means sleep; since sleeping is also called Waft. 4 Given that evidence exists that clearly negates his death, the verse will be given the meaning of sleep so that all the evidences carry a unified meaning, as Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala says: He is the One who recalls your souls by night, and knows what you do by day; then He makes you rise up therein, so that a fixed term may be fulfilled. Thereafter, to Him are you to return; then He will tell you what you have been doing. 5 In another place Allah says: Allah fully takes away the souls (of the people) at the time of their death, and (of) those who do not die, in their sleep. Then He withholds those on whom He had decreed death, and sends others back, up to an appointed term. Surely, in this, there are signs for a people who ponder. 6
1 2
Surah l- Imran : 55 Surah As-Sajdah : 11 3 Surah Al-Anfal : 50 4 Tafsr al-Durr-al-Manthur 2:36 5 Surah Al-An'am : 60 6 Surah Az-Zumur : 42
6 The last two opinions are preferable over the first opinion. In each case, the truth is what is reflected by the clear evidences and what is established by the Qurn and ahdth; that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam was raised unto the sky alive and did not die, rather he is still alive in the sky and shall return to this world towards the end of time and will fulfil the important duties allocated to him as mentioned in the authentic Hadith narrated from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Then, he will die a natural death as destined by Allah. This suggests that explaining the word tawaffee with death is a weak and unacceptable meaning. The clear versus of the Qurn reject such claims that he was crucified or killed. Likewise, if one says that he was not raised to the sky, he migrated to Kashmir where he lived for a long time and died natural death, and will not descend near to Qiyamah, or anyone similar to him will come, then these opinions are also clearly unacceptable and false, rather it directs an accusation to Allah and attributes a lie to His Messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Similarly, one who claims about himself that he is the one who was to come and fulfil the task is an open liar; since Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam has not yet descended and shall descend in the future as predicted by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. In view of the matters mentioned above, it is known to the questioner and everyone, that one who claims that the Prophet Mash alayhis-salaam was killed or crucified or one who believes that he migrated to Kashmir and died a natural death and was not raised unto the sky, or one who says that he had already come or his similar will come, or that there is no Mash who will descend from heaven, indeed such a person attributes a great lie to Allah, rather he disbelieves in Allah and His Messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, and one who disbelieves in Allah and His Messenger, is indeed a Kfir. Such a person should repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness and it should be explained to him regarding the matters of the Qurn and Sunnah. If he seeks forgiveness and returns to the truth it is to be accepted, otherwise he will be killed as an apostate (by the Islamic State and not any individual or group). There are numerous evidences of his Hayt which are documented in the Qurn, mutawtir ahdth and Ijma (consensus) of the Ummah. One of them is what Allah said in Surah Nisa about Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam: In fact they did not kill him nor crucify him, but they were deluded by resemblance. Those who disputed in this matter are certainly in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, but they follow whims. It is absolutely certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards Himself. Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. 7 From amongst those traditions narrated from the Messenger of Allah constantly with tawtur 8 (succession) The messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam has mentioned that he (Isa alayhissalaam) will descend during last time as a just ruler; he will kill Dajjal, break the Cross, kill the swine and will abolish the Jizya (taxation) and will not deem acceptable any creed but Islam. 9
7 8
Surah An-Nisa : 157-158 Tawtur is a hadith recorded by a group of individuals, sufficiently large and disparate that it would be impossible for them to have agreed upon a lie. (Khair-al-Usul, P3) 9 Bukhari, Kitaab-al-Buyu', Baab Qatl-al-Khinzir & Kitaab-al-Mazalim, Baab Kasr-as-Salib wa Qatl-al-Khinzir, Sunan Ibn Majah Kitaab-al-Fitan, Baab Fitnat-al-Dajjal wa Khuruj Isa bin Maryam (with a variation of wording amongst the ahdth). Note: 'will not deem acceptable any creed but Islam' was not mentioned in any of the
7 These are mutawtir traditions and were definitely narrated by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. The scholars of Islam have agreed to accept them, believed in their message and mentioned them in the books of aqid (beliefs). Whosoever rejects them based on reasoning them to be at the level of khabr whid 10 and does not consider them to suffice for certainty, or interprets the ahdth to mean other than the proper meanings and interpretations i.e. that people in the last times will start following the moral values of Mash alayhis-salaam, such as mercy and affection and will start holding fast to the spirit of the Shariah and core objectives - his interpretations are clearly false, deceitful and opposed to what was said by the Imams of Islam. In fact, it even amounts to rejecting the evidences which are established with tawtur and is an injustice with the Shariah and an attack on Islam and the ahdth of the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. The proper meanings and interpretations of ahdth are those explained and transmitted to us by the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam himself, the Sahabah and scholars of Islam. This form of rejection and assumptions are from such people who follow their own desires and thus transgress from the path of truth and guidance. One who is well-versed in the knowledge of the Shariah, believes truly in the Messenger and reveres the rulings and commandments of the Shariah does not have the audacity to utter such nonsense. As for saying that the traditions dealing with the subject of Mash alayhis-salaam are hd (single traditions) which do not imply certainty, it is clearly baseless; since there are many traditions which were recorded in Hadith collections of the Sihh11, Sunan12, and Masnid 13 that are narrated with different chains and sources. These traditions sufficiently comply with the conditions of tawtur. How is it then possible for a person with the least insight in the matters of Shariah to discard and not rely upon them? However, even if we suppose that these are single traditions, every single tradition does not necessarily entail uncertainty; rather, correct is what was agreed by the great scholars that if single traditions are narrated with various chains and reliable sources without being in contradiction with other traditions, they will entail certainty and reliability. The traditions of this chapter bear similar standard, as these are authentic and reliable traditions transmitted through various sources and chains and there are no traditions which contradict them, so they will surely entail certainty whether we call it mutawtir or hd (transmitted through multiple chains or single chains). Thus, the questioner and others discover the fallacy of this doubt and deviation of its claimant from the straight path.
ahdth of the Sihh Sitta (six most authentic collections of ahdth), but this addition was recorded in Tafsr Ibn Kathir 1:577 under the commentary of verse 4:159. 10 Khabr whid literally means: a tradition transmitted by a single narrator, and according to the terms of the muhaddithn is a hadith that does not fulfill all the conditions of tawtur. According to Nuzhat-al-Fikr Sharh Nukhbat-al-Fikr - P21: the plural of Khabr is akhbr and the plural of whid is hd. 11 Sihh Sitta is the six collections of ahdth - (1) Sahh Bukhari (2) Sahh Muslim (3) Jami' Tirmidhi (4) Sunan Nasai (5) Sunan Abu Daud (6) Sunan Ibn Maja. Sahh, according to the muhaddithn, is a book which contains ahdth related to all subjects. 12 Sunan is a book that contains the ahdth of ahkm (rulings) in the ordered by the chapters of Fiqh. 13 Masnid - plural of Musnad, is a book which contains ahdith from the Sahabah (companions) in order of the companions' status, alphabetical order or in order of embracing Islam. ( Khair-al-Usul fi Hadith-al-Rasul, P7)
A more heinous and a greater presumption is to misinterpret these traditions against what is mentioned in Qurn and Hadith; since this is, on one hand, negation and rejection of the Qurn and Hadith, disbelief in what was described in the Hadith about the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam, his judgment between people with justice, his killing of Dajjal and other things mentioned in ahdth. While on the other hand, it is attribution of distortion and misrepresentation to the Messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam who is the most eloquent of all and most learned of the Shariah, the Holy Prophet must be free of such false accusations. Such a statement resembles the statement of the atheists who ascribe stupefaction and falsification to the prophets just for the pleasure of people; their utterances are in complete contradiction with the truth. The people of knowledge and Imaan have refuted them and rejected their views with clear evidences and strong arguments. So, we seek Allahs refuge from the deviation of hearts and ambiguity of matters and from the deviating evils and the whispers of Shaytn. We pray to Allah, the High, to protect us and all Muslims from obeying the desires and Shaytn, and Allah has power over all things, there is neither might nor power except with Him, the Great and the High. We hope that this much will be satisfactory for the questioner for clarification of the truth. Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may Allah bless and grant peace to His salve and Messenger Muhammad, all his descendants and all his companions. Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz Vice-Chancellor, Islamic University, Madinah
Sheikh Alwi Ibn Abbas al-Maliki al-Hasani Leading scholar of the Haramain; Makkah and Madinah QUESTION: What do the respected Ulama say about the life of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam and his ascension unto the heaven with his body and soul, and then his descent from heaven to the earth near Qiyamah, and of this descent being one of the signs of Qiyamah? What is the ruling regarding one who rejects his descent near Qiyamah and claims that he was crucified but did not die and migrated to Kashmir and lived there for a long time and died a natural death and will not descend near Qiyamah? Kindly, issue a Fatwa concerning this matter. May Allah reward you greatly. Manzur Ahmad, Principle - Jamiah Arabia, Chinyot (Western Pakistan) ANSWER: 14
The original Fatwa issued by Sheikh Ibn Abbas Maliki was written in Arabic. The Fatwa was sent to some institutes for publishing; meanwhile it was lost and could not be traced inspite of a continuous search of two
9 One who Rejects Hayt Mash is no longer a Muslim All Praise is due to Allah who is the most aware of the truth, blessings and peace be upon Sayyiduna Muhammad, his descendants, his companions and their true successors till the Day of Reckoning. It is the belief of the Ahl-e-Sunnah wal-Jamaah in accordance with the Shariah that it is necessary to believe that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is still alive, will descend in the last days and will implement the Shariah of Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam and wage jihad in the path of Allah, as is proven with tawtur from Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Holding this belief is wjib (necessary); since the evidences from the Qurn and Hadith are clear concerning this matter. Allah, in His book - which is above all doubts and suspicion, states: In fact they did not kill him nor crucify him, but they were deluded by resemblance. Those who disputed in this matter are certainly in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, but they follow whims. It is absolutely certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards Himself. 15 It is established by mutawtir ahdth (successive traditions) that Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam will descend in the last days as a just ruler, break the cross, kill the swine and abolish jizyah (tax). Those days, wealth will be so abundant that it will find no recipients.16 There are other details mentioned in the ahdth, which deal with his life, descent and his life after descent and so on. These traditions have reached the grade of tawtur. While on the other hand, there is no single authentic tradition mentioning his death or containing any statement against his descent in the last days. The Qurn clearly mentions that Isa alayhis-salaam was raised unto the sky, he was not killed, and when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhiwasallam informed that he will descend in the last days and mentioned the details of his life after descent in unambiguous words, so now it is compulsory for every Muslim to profess it as his belief. Now, one who will doubt this will be regarded a Kfir by the Ijma of the Ummah; since this belief is considered an integral part of beliefs. All the objections of deviant and ignorant people in this regard are baseless; the people of knowledge should not pay any attention to such nonsense and hold fast to the correct version of religion. It is completely incorrect to take the verse 17 to mean that he (Isa alayhis-salaam) first died and was later raised to into the sky. This meaning (of the verse) is against the belief of the Ahl-e -Sunnah wal-Jamaah. Its correct meaning is as follows: I shall give you death after ascension and after descent on earth in the last days, or I shall give you death after you complete your term of age. In this
days. Therefore, the Urdu translation of the Fatwa published in Al-Mimbar Vol. 12, Issue 25 15 November 1967 is reproduced with a slight variance. 15 Surah An-Nisa : 157-158 16 Bukhari, Kitab Al-Buyu', Bab Qatl al-Khinzir & Kitab Al-Mazalim, Bab Kasr as-Salib wa Qatl al-Khinzir 17 l- Imran : 55
10 way, it is information from Allah to Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam that the Jews will not kill him, as the verse implies: and (I shall) cleanse you of those who disbelieve.18 The Messenger, Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam was the representative of Allahs words, as Allah says: so that you explain to the people what has been revealed for them. 19 Hence, his explanations about Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam state that he will descend in the last days, wage war in the path of Allah, kill Dajjal, marry and have children etc. These details remove every doubt that arises about his death. This meaning of the verse is strengthened by the use of the Arabic letter (waw) in the verse which simply combines two words without arranging them in order, as it is in the verse: (perform sajdah and ruku) as ruku is prior to sajdah. As far as the following verse is concerned:
And when Allah said, O lsa, son of Maryam, did you say to the people: Take me and my mother as gods beside Allah? He said, Pure are You, it does not behoove me to say what is not right for me. Had I said it, You would have known it. You know what is in my heart, and I do not know what is in Yours. You alone have full knowledge of all that is unseen.. 20 The reply of Isa alayhis-salaam (quoted in the following verse):
But when You took me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a Witness to all things.21 The word tawaffee in the reply of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is used in a literal sense and there is no harm in its use since Sayyiduna Isa will also taste death after descent. Everything except Allah will perish and every living creature will die, as Allah says: Every soul has to taste death.22 In fact, this verse is the description of that scene (on the day of Qiyamah) in which Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam will proclaim Allah is his Lord, and he (Isa alayhis-salaam) is His slave and not an associate of Him, as was believed by deviant people of that age. Therefore, it is not established that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam died before the advent of Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam.
18 19
l- Imran : 55 Surah An-Nahl : 44 20 Surah Al-Maidah : 116-119 21 Surah Al-Maidah : 117 22 l- Imran : 185
And when Allah said: O Isa bin Maryam 23 refers to future tense, as in the following verse:
When Allah will say, this is a day on which the truth of the truthful will benefit them also used in future and not in past tense. Likewise, the verse:
Allahs command has come 25 is the best example of future in the form of past, as explained by the Imams of Tafsr like Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas, As-Suyuti etc. Other than this, many such examples are found in the Qurn and Arabic literature. This, according to the scholars of Arabic syntax, aims at emphasizing any event or matter. It is a strange claim of the Qadiyanis that he was crucified but he did not die. If he did not die, how then is it possible for the word of crucifixion to be applied to him? In the Arabic language, it will not be to crucify rather it will be just to suspend. Thus in view of the clear statement of the Qurn, it is Kufr to hold the belief of crucifixion of Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam. Allah says: They did not kill him nor crucify him.26
Similarly, claiming that he migrated to Kashmir and died a natural death is also entirely false and baseless; it is not supported by any event of history. Such distorted beliefs are found in the deviant sects of Qadiyanis. Qadiyanism is in fact a rebellion against Islam which is supported and nurtured by the colonial powers. InshaAllah, this evil sect shall soon see its destruction and expire like anything else. And the end of our call is, praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. Alwi Ibn Abbas Maliki
23 24
Surah Al-Maidah : 116 Surah Al-Maidah : 119 25 Surah An-Nahl : 1 26 Surah An-Nisa : 157 Translators Note: The statement of Sheikh Ibn Abbas Maliki proved true. Today, the governments of Pakistan, UAE, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia have declared the Qadiyani mischief as Kufr. The Pakistani courts have imposed a ban on them; thus the followers of Mirza have suffered a legal defeat. Now, those that remain are taking refuge in the colonial powers. There is none to give them refuge except their heirs.
Sheikh Abu-al-Yaseer Aabideen Grand Mufti The Republic of Syria Praise be to Allah alone, blessings and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet to come. The Qadiyani sect does not believe in Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam as last Prophet, this ultimately results in opposing the verse of the Qurn that declares him as the seal of the prophets. Moreover, it rejects several other beliefs of the Islamic faith. Therefore, I issue the Fatwa of Kufr of those who hold such beliefs. And, Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala knows best.
Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Subayyil Imam of Masjid-al-Haraam (The Holy Kabah) Praise be to Allah alone, blessings and peace be upon the best of His creation, Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. I have checked what the esteemed scholars have written in the refutation and Kufr of those who reject the descent of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam. Undoubtedly, one who rejects the descent of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam in the presence of many traditions (ahdth-emutawtira) on this chapter will become Kfir; since he opposes Allah and His Messenger, and one who opposes Allah and His Messenger is a Kfir. Opposing the belief that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam will descend has become common amongst the deviant sect of Qadiyanis. The Qadiyanis have rejected in what was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam since they reject Sayyiduna Isas descent and believe that he died a natural death. There is no doubt that such beliefs are clear Kufr and deviation and rejection of Allahs book as Allah says: In fact they did not kill him nor crucify him, but they were deluded by resemblance. 27 The Qadiyanis do not believe Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam as the last and final messenger, this is also Kufr; since they believe in a new prophet after Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. This rejects Allahs saying: Muhammad is not a father of any of
13 your men, but he is a messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. And Allah has the Knowledge of everything. 28 Honourable Sheikh Manzur Ahmad Chinyoti (of Pakistan) has asked me to take part in writing on the topic, so in accordance to my beliefs, I have sincerely answered with what I believe. We pray Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala grants honour to Islam and the Muslims and protects our hearts from deviatating from the right path after He has given us guidance.
May Allah bless and grant peace to Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, all his descendants and companions, and all praise is due to Allah alone, the Lord of the worlds. Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Subayyil Imam of Holy Mosque in Makkah Head of Teachers in the Holy Mosque 22/10/1389 H
This Fatwa was certified by the undersigned personalities of Saudi Arabia: (4) Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani (5) Ahsal Umar Muhammad Khalali, Director of Dar al-Hadith, Madinah Munawwarah (6) Muhammad al-Din Ahmad, Sheikh at-Tafsr, Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah (7) Abdul Qadir ibn Shaibah al-Hamd, Graduate of al-Azhar University (Egypt) and Lecturer of Islamic University, Teacher of Tafseeer & Usool-al-Fiqh, Madinah Munawwarah (8) Muhammad Nazim al-Nadwi, Lecturer of Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah (9) Abu Bakr Subketi, Madinah Munawwarah (10) Yusuf Muhammad Salafi, Teacher, Dar-al-Hadith and Masjid Nabwi, Madinah Munawwarah (11) Muhammad Badr Alam Meruti Muhajir Madani, Madinah Munawwarah (12) Abdul Karim Hamwad, Professor, Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah (13) Abdul Ghafur al-Abbas, Muhajir Madani, Madinah Munawwarah (14) Muhammad Sharif, Lecturer, Islamic University, Madinah Munawwarah & Teacher of Masjid Nabwi (15) The answer is correct. Habibullah, on behalf of Hadhrat Sheikh al-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Muhajir Madani
Surah Al-Ahzab : 40
FATWA (16)
Sheikh Muhammad Badruddin Falayalini Lecturer of Qadha College & Member of Majlis Ulama of Damascus All praise is due to Allah. May blessings and peace be upon Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, the Messenger of Allah May Allah bless him and all his descendants and companions and those who follow them sincerely till the Day of Judgment. I studied the Fatwa of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz; consequently I found it establishing the pure truth. This is the belief we adhere to and hold. The Muslims must avoid fabrications adopted by the followers of the Dajjal Qadiyani. The Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam warned against him and his likes that will emerge in last times and will claim to be prophets whereas in fact they will be liars, deceivers and fabricators. The correct Islamic belief is that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam was respectfully raised to the sky and remains there till this day. He has not yet descended and will descend near the day of Qiyamah. Therefore, we hold this belief and profess the same, and it is only Allah who guides to the straight path. Muhammad Badruddin Falayalini Lecturer of Qadha College and Member of Majlis Ulama of Damascus 8 Shaban 1389 - 20 November 1969
FATWA (17)
Sheikh Abdur Rahman bin Abi Shuaib al-Barakati, Morocco All praise is due to Allah. I came to know what the Muslim Ulama have written in refutation of the Qadiyanis and I support all their writings related to the refutation of this claim which contradicts the Qurn and Sunnah. Anyone who rejects the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam in the last time and his ruling according to the Shariah of the Prophet sallallahualayhi-wasallam, or one who rejects the verse of the Qurn which says he was neither killed nor crucified but Allah raised him to himself, such a person is an apostate and withdrawn from Islam. Abdur Rahman bin Abi Shuaib 12/11/1387 H - 12 February 1968
FATWA (18)
Sheikh Mustafa Kamal al-Taazri Chairman of Ash-Shuoon Ad-Diniyah, Tunisia In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful I praise Allah on these noble efforts made by the revered Pakistani Ulama in refuting the false claims and fabricated lies spread by the Qadiyanis in their country and in countries of the Islamic World. May Allah help them in their efforts to protect Islam. Mustafa Kamal al-Taazri
FATWA (19)
Sheikh Yusuf As-Sayyid Hashim Ar-Rifai Minister of Kuwait The answers (fatwa) provided by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz and other sincere scholars are correct. Yusuf As-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifai Minister of Kuwait
FATWA (20)
Honourable Sheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhloof, Grand Mufti of Egypt and Member of the Established Association, Rabita Alam-e-Islami, Makkah Mukarramah The honourable Sheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhloof after graduating from Azhar University attained great ranks in his country. Due to his glorious nature he was chosen as the head of Rabita Alam-e-Islami. The sheikh was a resident of a hotel in Makkah Mukarramah when the compiler of (the book) Fatwa Hayt-e-Mash alayhis-salaam; Moulana Manzoor Ahmad Chanyoti requested the sheikh to write a Fatwa on this topic. Sheikh Makhloof, before writing the Fatwa also presents a brief introduction to himself - that has with the praise of Allah become a part of his history. The introduction and translation of the text of the Fatwa is stated below: 29 Introduction of Sheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhloof Birth and Life of Studying His name is Hassanain bin Muhammad Hassanain Makhloof. He is a Hanafi and lives in Azhar. He was born on the 6th of May 1880 in Cairo. His father Muhammad Hassanain
The Original Fatwa was written by Sheikh Hussain Muhammad Makhluf on the letter pad of the Rabita Alame-Islami, comprised of 11 pages.
16 Makhloof was from amongst the shuyukh of Azhar and was a follower of the Maliki fiqh. He was associated with the Adawi tribe. Sheikh Hassanain Makhloof acquired knowledge from Jamiah Azhar after completing the Qurn by memory with tajweed at the age of 11 and obtained the certificate of Alimiyyah in 1914 with high grades. He was made a judge in the shari court in 1916. He kept advancing until he attained the post of chief justice of the Shari court in Iskandariyyah in 1941. He was then made director of the CID Shari department in 1942 and the vice chief justice of the supreme court in 1944. He was selected as grand Mufti of Egypt in 1945. In 1948 he was elected as a member of the majlis-e-shuyukh and his period of occupation ended in 1950, at the age of 60. After one and a half years he was assigned to the department of darul ifta for a further two years. After two years he left the occupation of Ifta and began teaching and compiling books. He still remains in this occupation. He was nominated twice in the department of Ifta in the time of President Faruq.
The Qadiyani Group: Sheikh Makhloof the grand mufti of Egypt says regarding the Qadiyanis. The following is the English translation of the original Fatwa: The Qadiyani fitna is from amongst the sects who are astray and are outside the fold of Islam. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani laid its foundation in the 19th century in India. The biographers of Mirza Qadiyani have related his history. Recorded in its detail is that Mirza Qadiyani was a victim of hysteria and nerve pains in his youth and he would use some intoxicating syrups for purposes of cure. He has claimed in his book Buraheen-e-ahmadiyyah that he has been appointed by Allah to reform the creation according to the way of Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam. He also claimed he had many divine inspirations and whoever will go to the city of Qadiyan will find many heavenly signs and unusual things. He invited Indias Islamic organisations that they announce the virtues and greatness of imperialism and to spread the notion that to wage jihad against the British is forbidden (haram) and also that the British are Allahs mercy for mankind. Mirza Qadiyani said, I have written fifty thousand books and pamphlets praising the British. He also said the British have been sent as a favour for the Muslims and following them is compulsory (wjib). He admitted he is a servant for the British. He requested that his family in India is treated courteously 30 since he has been planted by them. 31 There are similar disgraceful texts available. He then began advancing in his claims until he claimed that Hadhrat Isas alayhis-salaam soul has entered into me (Hulool) and whatever he speaks about are Allahs words just as the Qurn and the Torah.32 He also mentioned that Damascus (where Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will descend) is Qadiyan, just as
30 31
Sitara Qaisra: P3, P4, P7 Majmoah Ishtihaarat: Vol. 3, P21 32 Haqiqat-al-Wahy : P211
17 it is referred to as Masjid-e-Aqsa according to the Qadiyanis.33 After Makkah and Madinah it holds the third position.34 He claimed Allah sent him revelation that exceeds ten thousand verses, and whoever rejects it is a Kfir. He claimed the Qurn has testified his prophethood35 and that the prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam has also approved of it. He has clearly proclaimed the death of Hadhrat Mash alayhis-salaam and his being buried in Kashmir and even pointed out the grave in Kashmir. These are the beliefs of Mirza Qadiyani and his apostate followers. They say whoever did not attend the pledge of allegiance of Mirza Qadiyani is Kfir.36 Pakistans Qadiyani foreign minister Sir Zafarullah Khan, who was a follower of Mirza Qadiyani, did not pray the funeral upon the body of the founder of Pakistan Mr Muhammad Ali Jinah as he (Muhammad Ali Jinah) would call the Qadiyanis unbelievers. Mirza Qadiyani did not suffice with just these anti-Islamic views. He also claimed he is more virtuous than all the prophets and that Allah has sent a revelation to him in the following words: O moon, O sun, you are from me and I am from you.37 You are from me and I am from you - Your appearance is my appearance.38 Allah praises you from the throne and walks towards you.39 This is how his clear lies and severe misleading thoughts are. The poet and philosopher of the east, Allama Muhammad Iqbal disgraced him abundantly and also condemned Indias grand minister Jawahir Laal Nehru who had a great interest in the Qadiyani group in his own city and in Pakistan since they went against Islam and were in opposition of the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. In the same way, our friend Allama Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadawi, talented friend Abulala Mawdudi and Imam Akbar Sheikhul Khizr Sheikh Al Azhar have each written articles in this regard similar to what I have wrote regarding the history and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani and his views. I studied the book of Mirza Qadiyani - Tabligh which is full of Kufr, deviation and falsifying Allah and his prophets.40 I also studied the treacherous excuses and hypocrisy that was adopted to gain closeness to the British and the leaders of India at the time. In this book the immoral and indecent nature of Mirza Qadiyani clearly became apparent. When Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani died on 26th May 1908, his friend (with him in deviation and the author of the book Tasdeeq Buraheen-eahmadiyyah) Hakeem Nur-ud-Din became Mirza Qadiyanis successor in his claims and false
33 34
Khutba Ilhamiya : P25 (footnotes) Al-Fadhl Newspaper 3rd September 1935 35 I'jaz Ahmadi : P7 36 Aina-e-Sadaqat : P35 by Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud 37 Haqiqat-al-Wahy: P74. Translators Note: The Fatwa of Sheikh Makhluf states the order of wording in the following order: "you are from me and I am from you o moon and O sun!" while Haqiqat-al-Wahy mentions it in the reverse order. 38 Tazkira : P700 39 Anjam tham : P55 40 Tabligh (A book of Mirza Qadiyani)
18 allegations.41 He died on 13th March 1914. Before his death he chose the founder and successor of the deviant group Qadiyaniyyat to be Mirza Qadiyanis eldest son Mirza Bashirud-Din Mahmood. Muhammad Ali, a self acclaimed founder of theLahori group an ofshoot of the Qadiyani sect has translated the Qurn in English, which has many copies in print. He only gives the title of mash mauood to Mirza Qadiyani. He has many anti-Islamic opinions in the translation of the Qurn. We encourage all the Muslims to avoid this as it is a compilation of alteration, lies and misguidance. The people that have altered the religion, the enemies of Islam, the orientalists and the attackers of Islam and Christian missionaries have greatly relied upon it. With these anti Islamic efforts of infidelity, the Kufr of the Qadiyani group and their misguided leader has clearly become apparent. The correct Islamic Fatwa regarding the opinion of Mirza Qadiyani concerning Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and Mirza Qadiyanis Kufr.42 The newspaper of Egypt Mabniyus-Sharq published an article many years ago. The translation of the text is as follows: The Qadiyani (so called Ahmadi) group became successful in attaining the opinion of a Sheikh of Jamiah Azhar who claimed the death of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam. They propogated that the ulama of Azhar have given a unanimous Fatwa that Hadhrat Isa alayhissalaam has died. The purpose of obtaining this Fatwa was to strengthen the claim of Mirza Qadiyani as being the awaited Messiah. This is because they claim Hadhrat Mash alayhissalaam has died and his soul has penetrated into Mirza Qadiyani. When this situation caused annoyance to the ulama of Islam, they requested a declaration from the Islamic consultative committee (mutamar alame Islami) and the delegate of Azhar. They replied to this promptly. The ulama then translated it into Urdu and had it printed in Indias Islamic magazines. This declaration was also different from sheikh (Shaltoots) and the unanimous belief of the Ummah. Hence the newspaper asked me the same question, I replied by saying: (It is being translated word for word. Study our Fatwa, Vol 1, Page 90 and afterwards) The logical and sacred evidences are united on this and the Heavenly books are in accordance with this, that Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala is One and He has no partner. All excellence and complete power is from Him. He is the owner of the complete knowledge of everything, the great wisdom behind His creation that has been created from the beginning, His leaving it remaining till its fixed time and His finishing it at the time of its ending. To him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. All are subservient to Him.
41 42
Explanation of Buraheen-e-ahmadiyyah Moulana Manzur Ahmad Chinioti presented the translations of Muhammad Ali Lahori, Bashiruddin Mahmud and other Qadiyanis before General Muhammad Ziyaul Haq (Late President of Pakistan) in the Ulama Convention called on the 21st, 22nd August 1980 where he insisted these copies are seized since the Qadiyanis misguided ignorant Muslims by these translations, in and outside the country. He met the President in person and put forward his request, to which the President approved of and promised to take action. (Ulama Convention Report, published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Pakistan) Consequently, on the 27 th of Rajab 1401 (1 June 1981), the news of confiscation of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmuds translations was published in Nawa-e-Waqt. Similarly, orders to seize the translations of Malik Ghulam Farid, Molvi Sher Ali, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and Muhammad Ali Lahori also went ahead. (Translator)
He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. When He decides a matter, He simply orders it to be, and it comes to be. Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala initially created the creation without any substance and this is Allahs creation that He invented. He created humankind in such a form that there was no example before them. This wonderful manifestation came into existence by creating Aadam alayhis-salaam from particles of soil. The creation of Aadam alayhis-salaam was without a mother and father. He then created his wife Hawwa from him. The first disdinguishing factor of human kind granted through the infinite grace of Allah, is the ability of speech; the second the creation of Isa alayhis-salaam without the agency of a father. Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala created Hadhrat Aadam alayhi-salaam and Hadhrat Isa alayhisalaam from his complete power and ability and gave them existence with Kalimah-e-Kun (be) as nothing is out of reach from the power of Allah. Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala gave existence to the world of souls in a unique way and created the souls and blew them into the bodies. The soul is under the command of Allah. Allah has made specific for himself the creating of it, then giving it another existence, making changes to it and keeping it going. Even the one that strictly denies the being and attributes of Allah cannot claim that any human has the ability to create the soul and spread it out in the bodies and then give it the effects of life. Rather, only Allah has the full control of it. Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala has created a soul for every body that joins with the body at birth. When the fixed amount of life comes to an end, the soul departs from the body and is freed into the world of souls. It then wanders wherever Allah wills (in lam-e-barzakh) until the day of reckoning; when all the dead will be raised from their graves. The soul will be given the command of returning to those bodies which Allah created, for resurrection. There is no room for doubt in this fact that, the prophets have a special type of Barzakhi life (interval between death and resurrection) in their graves that is stronger than the Barzakhi life of the martyrs. Holding this belief is not at all contrary to the souls being present in the skies. This is because the souls cannot be restricted from any distance in the world of souls nor can any restraint stop then at any place. It is an established fact that Huzoor sallallahu-alayhiwasallam met the souls of the prophets at the night of Isra (when he travelled by night from Majid-ul-Haram to Masjid-ul-Aqsa) at Baytul Maqdis. Here the Prophet sallallahu-alayhiwasallam led the prayer whilst being the imam of all the ambiya. Then at the night of meraj when the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam travelled to the heavens from Baytul Maqdis, the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam met Musa alayhis-salaam. A discussion took place with regards to the prayer. The detail is available in the authentic narrations. Other ambiya alayhimus-salaam were also met. It is also established from authentic narrations that whoever sends salutations upon Huzoor sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, He (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) replies43 and the deeds of the Ummah are presented to the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Let alone the souls of the prophets, any soul cannot transfer from one body to another, that it penetrate inside the other body and begin carrying out its own actions just as is the ideology of
The wording of the hadith is as follows: "There is none who sends salutations upon me but Allah returns to me my soul and I respond to his Salaam." [Sunan Abu Daud Kitab-al-Manasik : Chapter 96] (Translator)
20 the people that believe in reincarnation. These people have become extremely astray from not only Islam but all the heavenly religions. After leaving Islam they have been taken out from the fold of all other (heavenly) religions. So Mirza Qadiyanis claim that Hadhrat Isas alayhis-salaam soul has penetrated into him is totally futile, baseless and clear Kufr. It is unanimous according to the Muslims, and the verses of the Qurn-al-Karim substantiate the fact that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was neither killed nor was he crucified, rather he was taken up to the sky before his death. He is alive and will remain alive until the the day Allah has predestined for him after his descent. Allah had safeguarded him from the evil of the Bani Israil when they plotted to kill him. It was an old trait of the Bani Israil that they would kill the prophets, and Allah has given the news of this evil trait. Allah placed the resemblance of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam on the hypocrite44 that told the whereabouts of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam. His punishment was to be killed, therefore he was crucified. Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was honoured - in a way that he was physically lifted towards the sky. As mentioned in the verses of the Qurn: And they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so.45 It is absolutely certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards Himself.46 When Allah said: O Isa! I am to take you (i.e. fully with both body and soul) and raise you towards myself, and to cleanse you of those who disbelieve.47 Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being taken up to the heavens is possible just as at the night of Meraj Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam was taken to the heavens with his body and soul in the state of being awake and not whilst sleeping. This is not an unrealistic thing, since miracles, are abnormal things, they cannot be weighed upon materialistic scales nor can they be investigated by manmade laws. This is the power of the creator that He creates the ability in the body of travelling to the heavens. Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala makes the surrounding environment according to the need, just as for Hadhrat Ibrahim alayhis-salaam He made the burning fire cool and a place of comfort and just as in an instance He transforms the angelic body of Hadhrat Jibraeel alayhis-salaam angelic into that of a human. An instance of this is when; Hadhrat Jibraeel alayhis-salaam would bring the revelation to the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam in the form of Hadhrat Dehya Kalbi radhiallahu-anhu. In the same manner just before bringing the punishment upon the people of Loot alayhis-salaam, Hadhrat Jibraeel alayhis-salaam came as a guest to Hadhrat Ibrahim alayhis-salaam with other angels in the form of humans. When all these activities (under the control and power of the Lord) have practically taken place and the truthful and trustworthy has informed regarding them, why is it then difficult to
The one who was given the resemblance was a hypocrite or companion of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam. For further details refer to, Footnote 2: P50 45 Surah An-Nisa : 157 46 Surah An-Nisa : 157-158 47 l- Imran: 55
21 accept them as true. It is similar to the miracles that become apparent by other Prophets alayhim-usalaam - that are beyond the imagination of humans. The truth is, to believe these miracles to be impossible or them being far from understanding, is due to either crookedness in the heart or doubting in the messages given by the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, or by trying to compare the power and might of Allah with the power and might of the weak human. Otherwise whoever believes Allahs power over every thing and believes in prophethood and accepts that miracles can occur by the prophets and accepts their occurrence in reality, will believe these things are certainly easy for Allah. If these are abnormal, they are only so for the human mind. He will also believe that all these things are very simple for the cherisher of the universe. Rejecting miracles is, in reality rejecting the power (Qudrah) of Allah. The explanation of this matter need not be mentioned that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was born in an extraordinary way, then his becoming mature, conveying the message of prophethood to the Bani Israil and their opposing Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam, not only this, but secretly making the tainted plot to kill Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam (and Allah Subhanahuwa-taala keeping him safe) is indeed extraordinary. This was testing the Bani Israil. But saying an unrealistic thing to Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and attributing lies towards him is more astonishing than this. It is sufficient for us what is related in the Qurn regarding him: Spoke he (the baby), verily I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the book and made me a prophet. And He has made me the blessed one wherever I be (meaning Allah has destined these things for me in his knowledge), and has enjoined Salah and Zakah upon me as long as I am alive. And (He has made me) good to my mother, and he did not make me oppressive (or) ill-fated. And peace is upon me the day I was born, the day I shall die (meaning towards the end of time after ascending from the heavens and ruling according to the Islamic shariah, breaking the cross and after killing the swine) and the day I shall be raised alive again (on the day of judgement) . 48 May Allahs mercy descend upon Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and our Prophet sallallahualayhi-wasallam. This is all the detail I wrote at the time to refute the astray and apostate Kfir group of Qadiyanis and to clarify the mistake of the Azhari Sheikh that was also published in the newspapers and books. Whatever this deviated Azhari sheikh wrote was due to his ignorance or enmity. And Allah is the helper of the righteous.
Hassanain Muhammad Makhloof Former grand mufti of Egypt and member of Jamat Kibar-e-Ulama Makkatul Mukarramah, 5th Rabbiyul awwal 1394 Hijri
FATWA (22)
Hadhrat Moulana Mufti Deen Muhammad Khan Dhaka, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The answer is correct without a shadow of doubt. Huzoor sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam states: Indeed Isa alayhis-salaam has not died and will certainly return to you before Qiyamah.49 Know that three groups have been developed (from amongst the Christians) with regards to Isa alayhis-salaam. The first group says: God i.e Isa alayhis-salaam lived amongst us and then went towards the heavens.50 The second group says: Gods son i.e Isa alayhis-salaam lived amongst us and then God raised him towards himself. The third group says: Allahs worshipper and messenger lived amongst us. The messenger stayed for as long as Allah desired. Then Allah raised him towards himself. This is the Muslim group. The first two groups overcame the Muslim group and killed them. Thus, the true belief of Islaam (regarding Isa alayhis-salaam) remained wiped out until Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala sent Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. 51 Thus, the Muslims hold the belief that Isa alayhis-salaam has been raised to the sky alive and will return to us before Qiyamah. This is the Islamic belief from the very first day until now and will remain the belief until Qiyamah occurs. As Allah states: O Isa, I shall take you and will raise you towards myself.52 There is precedence and postponement in this verse. In other words, I will raise you towards myself and take you, as narrated by Ibn-e-Abi Hatim from Qatada.53
49 50
Tafsr Ibn Kathir : Vol. 1, P366 - Durr-e-Manthur: Vol. 2, P36 Allama Tabri mentioned in his Tafsr from Ibn Ishaq who said: A Christian, who later converted to Islam, told me: when Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam was informed that he was to be raised to the sky, he asked his disciples: who amongst you desires my company in Jannah, so that he is given my resemblance and be slayed in my place? Sargis said: I am ready. Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam said: sit at my place. And then Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam was raised to the sky. (Tafsr Tabri : Juzz 6, P11 - Egyptian Press, 1326 from Kutub Khana Khanqah Sirajia) Ibn Jarir Tabri rahmatullahi-alayh narrated from Wahb bin Munabbih that a disciple (of Sayyiduna Isa) came to the Jews and said: if I disclose information about Isa alayhis-salaam, what will you give me? They stipulated for him, thirty dirham. He received the amount and informed them about Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam. Later the Jews crucified the informer. (Tafsr Al-Durr-al-Manthur: Vol. 2, P239) However, there are different narrations regarding this. 51 Tafsr Al-Durr-al-Manthur 52 l- Imran: 55 53 Ruh-al-Ma'ani : Juzz 3, P158 - Egyptian Press
23 And that which has come in surah Nisa: And they did not kill him nor did they crucify him.54 In this verse, the pronoun is referring to Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam as is evident from the apparent meaning of the verse. This implies that they did not at all kill him, but Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala raised him towards himself. Where this verse refutes the death of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam it also proves the ascension of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam. This is the knowledge I have on this matter.
And Allah Knows best Mufti Deen Muhammad Khan, Dhaka, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) (23) The answer is correct And there is no doubt that Hadhrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryams alayhis-salaam descent is absolutely the truth and is established from the Qurn, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Ummah. Mahmood Ahmad Zafar Siyalkoti (24) Secretary of the Islamic centre Cheetegong, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) Whatever the scholars have written about this from the beginning is the truth; there is no doubt in this belief as it is established from the authentic ahdth, and What then is there after the truth but error? (Surah 10: 32) Abduhu Muhammad Ismail Principle of Madrassah Mazahirul Uloom Char Chaktai Changam 27th Shawwalul Mukarram 1385 Hijri
FATWA (25)
Grand Mufti of Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) Moulana Faizullah Sahib Principle of Madrassah Mueenul Islam Ath Hazari, Chitagom Indeed Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani and his followers are all Kfir, apostate and no longer remains whithin the circle of Islam. These people are rejecters of many of the necessities of the religion, for instance the belief of the finality of prophethood, that Hadhrat Isa alayhissalaam is alive, his being raised to the heavens and his descent towards the end of time. It is an absoloutely clear fact that the one who rejects the necessities of the religion is a pure Kfir and apostate, even though its rejecting is due to taweel (interpretation). This is because taweel in the necessities of the religion cannot be accepted, as is the consensus of the people
24 of truth. Mirza Qadiyani even dishonoured Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam, which in itself is Kufr. A greater crime is that he claimed prophethood. He claimed his status to be higher than all the prophets, even that of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. This is not concealed from whoever studies Mirza Qadiyanis books. Faizullah Grand Mufti of Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) 25th Shawwalul Mukarram 1385 Hijri
FATWA (26)
Moulana Muhammad Hamid Vice Principle of Madrassah Mueenul Islam, Chitagom From all these verifications the truth has become distinct from falsehood just as light from darkness. Whoever doubted or hesitated has gone astray and deviated from the correct path and followed his desires. Muhammad Hamid Vice Principle of Madrassah Mueenul Islam Ath Hazari Chitagom, 26th Shawwalul Mukarram 1385 Hijri (27) I approve of this Fatwa Tajul Islam Principle of Jamiah Islamiyayh, Barhan Bariyah - Bangladesh 29th Shawwal 1385 Hijri
FATWA (28)
Moulana Muhammad Altafur Rehman Lecturer at Jami Masjid Teenpal, Chitagom After praising Allah, All the answers are correct and the Qadiyani group is a corrupt group. It is withdrawn from the Ahl-e -Sunnah wal-Jamaah and outside the circle of Islam. Muhammad Altafur Rehman Imam of Teenpal Masjid, Riyazuddin bazaar, Chitagom (29) The answer is totally correct and the truth is more worthy that it be followed and What then is there after the truth but error? (Surah 10: 32) Muhammad Abdul Muiz Darul ifta Jamiah Furqaniyah Lal bagh, Dhaka (30) The answer is correct Shamsul Haq Khadim Jamiah Qurniyyah Arabiyyah Lal bagh, Dhaka
(31) - The answer is correct Muhammad Riyasat Teacher at Ranapank Madrassah, district Sillet, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) (32) The answer is correct Muhammad Abdul Hakim Silleti Teacher at Jamiah Qurniyyah, Lal bagh, Dhaka (33) The answer is true Muhammad Teacher at Madrassah Dhaka, Dhakan (34) The answer is correct Principle of Madrassah Imdadul Uloom, Fareed abad, Dhaka
FATWA (35)
Moulana Muhyuddin Sahib Mufti at Madrassah Ashraful Uloom Bara Qatra, Dhaka Whoever denies Hadhrat Isas alayhis-salaam being alive and his ascending to the skies and returning close to Qiyamah, claims he is of a higher status than Isa alayhis-salaam, denies the finality of prophethood (at Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam), claims prophethood after the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam - whether his claim is being a Mustaqil (independent) Nabi (prophet) or Zilli or Baruzi Nabi (non Islamic terms used by the Qadiyanis to misguide and confuse) or denies the necessities of Deen, he is a Kfir, apostate and no longer remains within the circle of Islam according to the clear text of the Qurn, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Ummah. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani has made claims of all these things. Hence, he is declared Kfir, apostate and outside the Deen of Islam. His followers and anyone doubting his Kufr are under the same rule. The curse of Allah Subhanahu-wa-taala, the angels and all mankind be upon Mirza Qadiyani.
And Allah knows best Muhyuddin Teacher at Madrassah Ashraful uloom Bara Qatra, Dhaka (36) The answer is correct Muhammad Safiyyullah Head of teachers at Madrassah Imdadul Uloom Farid abad, Dhaka 4 Jami Masjid Bahadur - Shah Park, Dhaka 1 (37) The one giving the answer has reached the truth
26 Abdul Karim Main disciple of Sheikhul Islam Hadhrat Madani rahmatullahi-alayh Ameer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) (38) Mufti sahib has issued a correct Fatwa Shamshuddin Superior governer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) (39) The one giving the Fatwa has given a correct answer Abu Mahmood Hidayat Hussain Teacher at madrassah Imdadul uloom, Dhaka 4 (40) The answer is correct Muhyuddin Khan Mumtazul Hadith, Mumtazul Fuqaha Madrassah Alamiyyah Editor of the monthly journal - madinah Dhaka, secretary of Seerat committee Dhaka Joint secretary mutamar aalam Islami, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh)
FATWA (41)
Moulana Muhammad Haroon Governer of Idaratul Maarif, Dhaka The belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive, being taken up to the sky and descending close to Qiyamah is certainly mutawtir. Whoever denies this has denied a mutawtir (successive) matter. Hence, without a doubt has become Kfir. Muhammad Haroon Graduate Madrassah Zamiriyyah Changaam and Jamiah Ashrafiyyah, Lahore (42) The answer is correct Muhammad Abdul Jabbar General governer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam Dhaka City (43) The answer is correct and to reject it is a detestable act Muhammad Ubaidul Haq Grand Principle - Madrassah Nawakhali Governer Jamiyyat ul mudarriseen, Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) 23rd February 1968 (44) The answer is correct and the one giving the Fatwa is successful in his effort Zafarud din Governer Aljamiah AlIslamiyah, Kanpur, India 19th zilhijjah 1388 Hiri 8th march 1968
27 (45) The answer is correct Abdur Razaq Vice judge darul qaza riyast, Bhopal, India 28th zilhijjah 1388 Hijri (46) The answer is correct Asadul Madani 17th muharramul haram 1390 Hijri
(47) The answer is correct Ghulam Haydar Principle - Madrassah Arabiyyah Nasirul Uloom, Loralai Vice Ameer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam Loralai, Balochastan 15th rajabul murajjab 1389 Hijri (48) The answer is correct Qazi Abdul Aziz Barani Qulat, Balochastan (49) The answer is correct Urfi Muhammad Principle of Matla-ul uloom Koeta, Balochastan (50) The one giving the answer has reached the truth Abdush-shukoor Lecturer - Jami Masjid Koeta, Balochastan
FATWA (51)
Sheikh of Tafsr and Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Sarfaraz Khan Safdar Principle, Jamiah Nusratul-Uloom - Gujranwala
In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful We praise Allah and send salutations upon His messenger the final of all ambiya and rasool and upon his household and all of his companions. After praise and salutations; The writer studied the booklet comprising of the significant Fatwa of the vice chancellor of Madina University; titled The one who denies that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is alive is a Kfir compiled by Hadhrat Moulana Manzur Ahmad Sahib Chanyoti - Principle of Jamiah Arabiyya and Markaziyya Dawat-o-Irshad - Chanyot (district Jhang). In this, the corrupt view of Mirza Qadyani and the deviant Shaltoot of Egypt was opposed, in which claims are made in an attempt to prove that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam was not raised to the sky with the physical body and that he will not descend. (We seek refuge in Allah) It is proven by the clear text of the Qurn, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Muslims that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam has been lifted to the sky alive and will remain alive. He will descend near to Qiyamah and after descending, kill the cursed Dajjal, govern for forty years and then die. The Mulims in Madina will make arrangements for the burial and shrouding and will bury Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam.55 Regarding Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam, Allah has mentioned in the Qurn: But Allah lifted him (Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam) towards Himself.56 It is mentioned in another verse: And he (Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam) shall be a sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubts about it (the Hour).57 It is also mentioned in a long Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Nawas bin Samaan Kilabi radhiallahu-anhu: When Allah will send Hadhrat Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam he will
A clear hadith about the burial of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is recorded in Mishkt-al-Masbh. Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar radhiallahu-anhum says that the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam said: Isa bin Maryam will descend upon the earth, will marry, have children and live up till the age 45. Then, he will die and be buried next to me in my tomb. Then, I and Isa bin Maryam will rise from one grave between Abubakar and Umar radhiallahu-anhum. [Mishkt: Vol. 2, P480; Footnote of Tafsr Jalalain under verse 3:55] (Translator) 56 Surah An-Nisa : 158 57 Surah Az-Zukhruf : 61
29 descend on the white eastern minaret of the Jami mosque of Damascus .58 This descending of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will be from the sky. There is a narration by Hadhrat Abu Huraira radhiallahu-anhu and the chain of this is Sahh (authentic) that the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam mentioned: How happy you will be when Hadhrat Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam will descend amidst you from the sky and your Imam (Mahdi) will be from amongst you.59 Meaning at the time of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam descending your Imam Mahdi will be amongst you and he will perform the first Fajr Salah behind him, as is evident from the narrations. It is mentioned in another narration of Hadhrat Abu Huraira radhiallahu-anhu that the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam stated: Then Hadhrat Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam will descend from the sky.60 In the narration of Hadhrat Abdullah ibne Abbas radhiallahu-anhu the Prophet sallallahualayhi-wasallam states: Thus, on this occation my brother Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam will descend from the sky upon the mountain of afeeq.61 We learn from all of these Sahh 62 (authentic) narrations that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will descend from the sky.
Initially, Mirza Qadiyani acknowledged that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will descend from the sky. He writes: For instance these words are present in the Hadith of Sahh Muslim that when Hadhrat Mash alayhis-salaam will descend from the sky and the colour of his clothes will be yellow.63
He writes in another place: What do these people not know that Mash bin Maryam alayhissalaam will descend from the sky with all his knowledge and will not learn anything on earth? What has happened to these people that they do not understand? 64 In a narration by Hadhrat Abu Huraira radhiallahu-anhu the Prophet sallallahu-alayhiwasallam stated: Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will live on the earth for forty years after descending upon the earth. Then he will die and the Muslims will read his Janazah and bury him. 65
58 59
Muslim: Vol. 2, P401, Tirmidhi: Vol. 2, P47, Ibn Majah: P306, Mustadrak Hakim: Vol. 4, P493 Kitab-al-Asma was-Sifat - Imam Baihaqi, 301 (Allahabad Press, India) 60 Majm'-az-Zawayid : Vol. 7, P349 Qurtabi : Vol. 16, P106 Miqaat: Vol. 5, P160 (Eygyption Press) 61 Kanz-al-'Ummal: Vol. 7, P268 62 Sahh is a hadith which is transmitted by narrators, all of whom are reliable, perfect in memory and its chain is muttasil (intact from beginning to end) free from deficiency and rarity ( shdhzudh). [Khair-al-Usul: P4, Nukhbatal-Fikr: P30-31] (Translator) 63 Rohaani Khazain: Vol. 3: P142 - Izaalah-e-Awhaam: P42 64 Rohaani Khazain: Vol. 5 - Aeyna Kamaalaat-e-Islam: P409 65 Sunan Abu Daud Tayalisi: P331, Mustadrak Hakim: Vol. 2, P595
30 It is stated in another one of his narrations: Then he will die. Thus the Muslims will read his Janazah prayer. 66 In a narration by Hadhrat Abdullah bin Amr radhiallahu-anhu the Prophet sallallahu-alayhiwasallam said: Then Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will die and he will be buried near me in my tomb. 67 The belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and taken up to the sky is established by mutawtir ahdth (successive narrations). 68 Allamah ibne Atiyyah states: Based upon ahdth-e-mutawtir, it is the consensus and unanimity of the whole Ummah that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is alive in the sky and will descend towards the end of time.69 It is the consensus and unanimity of the whole Ummah that that he was lifted towards the sky. Hence, the Imam of Ahl-e-Sunnah wal-Jamaah - Abul Hasan-al-Ashari (rahmatullahi-alayh - died 330 Hijri) states: It is a unanimous belief of the Ummah that Allah has lifted Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam (in physical form) to the sky. 70 Mirza Qadyani has accepted this prophecy as mutawaatir (successive). He writes: This is not a hidden fact that the prophecy regarding the return of Mash bin Maryam is a high ranking prophecy that everyone has unanimously accepted. It holds the rank of the highest form of tawaatur (succession). 71 Due to the belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and being taken up and then descending from the sky, being established by tawaatur, rejecting it is Kufr. Allama Ibn-e-Hazam (rahmatullahi-alayh - died 456 Hijri) writes: Nevertheless, whoever says that Allah is in the form of someone or Allah comes inside anyone (Hulool) from amongst His creation or that any other Nabi other than Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will come after Hadhrat Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, no two people from amongst the Muslims will object with regards to his Kufr since evidence has been established in each of these matters. 72 From this text just as we learn the belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam returning, in the same way the finality of prophethood also becomes apparent. Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (died 911 Hijri) writes: Nevertheless, denying the descent of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam or his prophethood is Kufr. 73 In the light of these clear and unambiguous evidences, it is established that denying Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and His descending is clear Kufr. It is established from this Fatwa;
66 67
Mawaarid Azhmaan: P469 Mishkt-al-Masbh: Vol. 2, P480 68 See the definition of mutawtir hadith under the Note 13 69 Tafsr Bahr-al-Muhit: Vol. 2, P473 70 Kitab-al-Ibana 'an Usul-ad-Diyanah: P46 71 Rohaani Khazain: Vol. 3, P300 - Izaalah-e-Awhaam: P400 72 Al-Milal wan-Nihal: Vol. 3, P249, Egyptian Press 73 Al-Hawi lil- Fatwa: Vol. 2, P166
31 whether it is Mirza Qadyani or Sheikh Shaltoot of Egypt or any deviant on the face of the earth - whoever declines this belief is a staunch Kfir and no longer remains within the fold of Islam. After the completion of this established fact anyone who regards such a person a Muslim is also a Kfir. The Fatwa of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz - the vice chancellor of Madina University and the Fatwa of the other scholars of Egypt are absoloutley correct. May Allah keep all the Muslims steadfast on this belief and may Allah reward Hadhrat Moulana Manzur Ahmad Chanyoti Sahib, who carried out a great effort in the propagation of this Fatwa in order to safeguard the Muslims from a great fitna. May Allah safeguard him and all the Muslims from difficulties and grant us the ability to tread on the straight path. Ameen May Allah safeguard us from every trouble, especially from the false claimants of prophethood. Ameen May Allah shower blessings upon the final of all ambiya and mursaleen, upon his household and all his companions and resurrect us with them on the day of judgement. Ameen Abuz-zahid Muhammad Sarfaraz Lecturer, Jami Masjid Kakhro Head of teachers, Madrassah Nusratul-uloom Gujranwala 29 Rajab 1386 HIjri 14 November 1966 (52) - The answer is correct and the one issuing the Fatwa has reached the truth. Al abd Shamsuddin Teacher of Hadith at Jamiah Siddiqiyyah, Gujranwala (53) - The answer is correct. Moulvi Abdul Qadir Imam of Masjid Gujranwala (54) - The answer is correct. Mufti Bashir Hussain Qadri Naushahi Graduate of Deoband, Lecturer at Jami Masjid Gujranwala (55) - The answer is correct. Bashir Ahmad Principle of Madrassah Mazharul-Uloom Sultani Khanqah Sultan Abdul Karim rahmatullahi-alayh (56) - The answer is correct. Abdur Rahim Principle of Madrassah Arabiyya Islamiyyah Booriwala
FATWA (57)
Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Idris Kandhelvi The answer without a doubt is correct. There is no doubt in that the ruling of Musaylama of Punjab is the same as Musaylama Kadhaab. According to the intelligent ones there is no difference between the two. The belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive, his acsention and decent near Qiyamah is established from the Quran, mutawaatir (successive) ahdth and the consensus of the Ummah. Whoever denies this is a Kfir and no longer remains within the circle of Islam. The ruling for him will be the ruling of an apostate. And Allah knows best. Muhammad Idris Jamiah Ashrafiyah Lahore
(58) - The answer is correct. Jamil Ahmad Thanwi Head of Darul-Ifta Jamiah Ashrafiyah Lahore (59) - The one issuing the Fatwa has certainly reached the truth. Muhammad Ubaidullah Principle of Jamiah Ashrafiyah Lahore (60) The answer is correct. Abdur Rahman Vice Principle of Jamiah Ashrafiyah Lahore (61) - The answer is correct. Hamid Mian Principle of Jamiah Madina Karim Park - Lahore (62) - The one issuing the Fatwa has certainly reached the truth. Zuhurul Haq Teacher at Jamiah Madina - Lahore (63) - The answer is correct. Abdul Hamid Teacher at Jamiah Madina - Lahore (64) - The answer is correct. Nazir Ahmad Teacher at Jamiah Madina - Lahore (65) - The answer is correct. Muhammad Karimullah
33 Teacher at Jamiah Madina - Lahore (66) - The answer is indeed correct. Ubaidullah Anwar Anjuman Khuddamuddin - Lahore (67) - The answer is correct. Muhammad Ajmal Khan Lecturer at Jamiah Rahmaniya Qila Gojarsingh and head of Tanzeem Ahle-Sunnat - Lahore (68) Correct answer. Gulzar Ahmad Mazahiri Jamiah Uloom-e-Islamiya - Lahore 29/12/1385 Hijri (69) The answer is certainly correct. Sayyad Ahmad Shah Bukhari Head of Teachers at Madrassa Darul-Huda, Chokira - Sarghoda (70) The answer is certainly correct and the truth is worthy that it be followed. (Allama) Khalid Mahmood Director of Islamic Academy, Manchester - England 25/Shaban (71) The answer is certainly correct. Mahmood Mufti and Head of Teachers at Madrassah Qasimul-Uloom - Multan Member at Qawmi assembly of Pakistan and ex-superior minister Subah Sarhad (72) - The answer is correct. Mufti Muhammad Shafi Principle of Madrassah Sirajul-Uloom, Block No. 1 - Sarghoda (73) The one giving the answer has indeed issued a correct Fatwa. Muhammad Ameer Principle of Jamiah Ziyaul-Uloom, Block No. 18 - Sarghoda (74) The answer without a doubt is correct. Muhammad Hussain Seen Anish-Sheen Ex Teacher at Madrassah Ameeniya Islamiya - Delhi Vistor at Madrassah Darul-Huda, Chokeera near Sarghoda (75) - The answer without a doubt is correct. Muhammad Ameen Head of Teachers at Darul-Uloom Taleemul Islam, Itra near Qaid-abaad (76) - The answer is absolutely correct. Hameedullah
(77) - The answer is correct and follow it is incumbent upon us. Ammenul Haq Lecturer at Jami Masjid Sheikhopura
FATWA (78)
The Fatwa and Verification of Mufti Sayyad Siyahuddin Kakakhayl
In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The Hayt of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam in physical form, his ascending towards the sky with his physical body and then descending close to Qiyamah from the sky to this world is clearly established from the text of the Quran, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Muslims. Hence, whoever denies this belief established by consensus and he who claims himself to be mash mauood (the promised messiah) in place of the actual Hadhrat Mash alayhis-salaam no longer remains in the fold of Islam. I confirm and verify the lengthy Fatwa issued by the vice chancellor of Jamiah Islamiyya of Madina Tayyibah, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz. Sayyad Siyahuddin Kakakhayl 18th Shawwal 1384 Hijri
(79) - The answer is correct. Khan Muhammad Khanqah Sirajiyah, Kandhyan Sharif - Miyanwali (80) - The answer is correct. Muhammad Ameeruddin Preacher of Islam, Huwaili Lakha district Mantgamary (Sahiwaal) (81) - The answer is correct. Abdul Hameed Ludhyanwi Tawba Tayk Singh: 5th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1385 Hijri (82) - The answer is correct. Abdur Rehman Jami Lecturer at Muhammadi Jami Masjid Gujranwala: 5th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1385 Hijri (83) - The answer is correct. Qari Nazir Ahmad Principle of Madrassah Arabiyyah, Ashraful Madaris - Rahim Yarkhan
(84) - The answer is correct. Abdul Qadir Lecturer at Jami Masjid Zaraati Forum - Mantgamary (85) - The answer is correct. Qari Muhammad Yusuf Shorkot City, district Jhang (86) - The answer is correct. Abdul Wasi Ludhyanwi Graduate of Jamiah Islamiya Dhabail, district Surat - India (87) - The answer is correct. Abdus Samad Shorkot, district Jhang (88) - Indeed the one giving the answer has reached the truth. Muhammad Chiragh Principle of Madrassah Arabiyya - Gujranwala (89) The answer is certainly correct and the truth is worthy that it be followed. Mujahis Al Husaini Ex Editor Roznama Azaad o Naway, Lahore - Pakistan (90) The Fatwa is correct and the one giving the answer has reached the truth. Ghulam Yaseen Shah Puri, Sarghoda: 3rd Shawwal 1385 Hijri
FATWA (91)
Moulana Muhammad Abdullah Sahib Grand Mufti of Jamiah Khairul Madaaris - Multan We praise Allah and send salutations upon His compassionate messenger. The belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and his ascending to the sky is from amongst the necessities of Deen and the entire Ummah has consensus upon this, but the deviant (mulhid) 74 people have denied this belief. We, the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahualayhi-wasallam bring faith upon this unanimous belief. We are free from those denying this and we decide that the denier of this belief is deviant and excluded from the circle of Islam. May Allah immensely reward Moulana Manzur Chanyoti in spreading this Fatwa and accept his good efforts in refuting the deviant Qadiyanis.
Mulhid is one who deviates from religion and criticizes it. In general terms, such a person is called an atheist or naturalist. [Al-Munjid Wal-Mu'jam al-Wasit (root word LAHD)] (Translator)
36 The one giving the answer has reached the truth and the Fatwa is correct. And Allah knows best and His knowledge is complete. Mufti Abdullah (92) The answer is correct. Abdus Satar (93) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ali Jalandhari Leader of Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat - Multan
FATWA (94)
Moulana Mufti Abdullah Sahib - Faisalabad In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful This Fatwa is indeed correct and in accordence to the truth. The belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhissalaam being alive, the ascending and descending of his physical body is part of faith. Its denial is the denying of clear ayaat and ahdth-e-mutawtira. This denial results in Kufr. Even doubting this matter is Kufr. This is my research. Abdullah
The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Muhammad Amin Lecturer at Sunehri Masjid, Model Town B, Laipoor -Faisalabad 30 Rajab 1386 Hijri (95) The answer is certainly correct and after the truth is nothing but falsehood. Abdur Rahim Jalandhari Governer of studies at Madrassah Ashraful Madaris and head of Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-eNubuwwat, Faisalabad (96) The answer is correct. Ghulam Muhammad Head of Teachers at Madrassah Ashraful Madaris, Multan (97) The answer is correct. Fazal Muhammad Madrassah Arabiyya Qaimul Uloom, Faqeer Wali, district Bahawalnagar 30th Rajabul murajab 1386 Hijri (98) The answer is correct. Lal Hussain Akhtar
FATWA (99)
Sheikhul Qurn Hadhrat Moulana Ghulamullah Khan Sahib Principle of Darul Uloom Taleemul Qurn, Raja Bazaar - Rawalpindi Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and his ascending towards the sky with his body is established from the clear texts of the Quran, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Ummah. The one denying the Hayt of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and his ascension is denying Kitabullah, ahdth-e-mutawtira and the consensus of the Ummah. For this reason he is a Kfir and excluded from the circle of Islam. Ghulamullah Lecturer of Jami Masjid, Raja Bazaar - Rawalpindi (100) The answer is correct. Abdushakoor Teacher at Darul-Uloom Taleemul Qurn, Raja Bazaar - Rawalpindi (101) The one giving the answer has certainly reached the truth. Abdul Mannan Lecturer of Jami Masjid, Head and Principle of Darul-Uloom Hanafiyyah Uthmaniyah, area War Kashapi Rawalpindi
FATWA (102)
Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Malik Kandhelwi In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful Indeed the belief of Hadhrat Isa bin Maryams alayhis-salaam being taken up towards the sky and returning to the earth is unanimous and an important belief of Islam. It is not possible for anyone to be called a Muslim whilst not keeping the belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and ascending towards the sky. Therefore, whoever denies this unanimous belief that is from amongst the necessities of Deen has exceeded the boundries of Imaan and without a doubt has become a Kfir and an apostate. The answer of the person issuing the Fatwa is absolutely correct and accurate.
38 (103) The answer is correct. Muhammad Rasool Khan Jamiah Ashrafiya, Mulim Town - Faisalabad (104) The answer is correct. Lecturer at Jamal Masjid, Misri Shah - Lahore 29th Zi Qadah 1384 Hijri (105) The answer is correct since the Ayah ma salabuhu is a 'Salibah Kulliah' (complete negative argument in logic).75 The apparent meaning of the text of the Qurn is proving that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is alive. Muhammad Head of Teachers at Jamiah Arabiyyah Rahimiyah Neela Gumbad - Lahore
FATWA (106)
Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Lecturer at Jami Masjid Patolian - Lahore After praise and salutations, the Ulama of Islam have regarded the one denying Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive as Kfir, apostate and compulsory to kill (by the authority of an Islamic State). Indeed Hadhrat Isas alayhis-salaam being alive has been established from the Qurnic verses, ahdth and the consensus of the Ummah. The ruling for him will be the ruling of an apostate. Muhammad Ilyas (107) The one giving the Fatwa has certainly issued a correct Fatwa. May Allah Taala honour him and keep him safe. Muhammad Abdul Aleem Qasmi 20th Rajab 1385 Hijri
FATWA (108)
Hadhrat Moulana Habibur Rehman Principle of Jamiah Fathiyya Achra - Lahore It is the consensus of the Muslims upon the belief of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and his descent close to Qiyamah. This belief is established from strong evidences. The denier of this; without a doubt is a Kfir and an apostate. The evidences for this belief have been mentioned with great detail in the books.
'Salibah Kulliah' is a term of logic. Definition: that sentence in which negation (nafi) is applied to each component of the sentence. In this case, it means all the possibilities for the death of Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam are negated; therefore it is established through this verse that he is alive. (Translator)
39 Habibur Rehman 5th Safar ul Muzaffar 1385 Hijri (109) The answer is correct. Nazir Ahmad Lecturer at Jami Masjid Bazaar - Lahore (110) The answer is correct. Ghulam Ghaus Hazarwi Superior organiser Jamiyyat Ulema-e-Islam, Lahore - Pakistan (111) The answer is correct. Abdul Ali Deobandi (112) The answer is correct. Qazi Ihsan Ahmad (Shuja Abadi) Imam Shahi Masjid Shuja Abad 20th Zil Qadah 1386 Hijri
FATWA (113)
Hadhrat Moulana Abdur Rashid Sahib Islampuri Teacher at Darul-Uloom Taqwiyyah Al-Islam - Lahore This fact has reached the status of conviction from the verses of the Qurn and the ahdth-eMarfah Sahhah. There is no doubt in the fact that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam Kalimatullah has been taken up to the sky physically and spiritually without death - both ways are evident. His return to the earth is also indeed established. Whoever does not hold the belief of Hayt-eIsa (Isa alayhis-salaam being alive) is definitely astray, deviated, Kfir and an apostate. It is correct to say that this person is compulsory to kill (in an Islamic State). All the answers mentioned are correct and without any doubt. The answer is correct and and the one giving the answer has reached the truth. Hafiz Abdur Rashid Shees Mahal Road - Lahore 28/8/1965 (114) The answer is correct and the one giving the answer is certainly successful. Muhammad Ishaq Teacher at Darul-Uloom, Taqwiyyah Al-Islam - Lahore 28/8/1965
FATWA (115)
Hadhrat Moulana Qari Saeed Ur Rehman Sahib Principle of Jamiah Islamiyyah - Rawalpindi Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and the physical ascension and descent close to Qiyamah are all agreed upon aspects. All the Ummah is of this belief. Nobody is against this in Islam. From the clear and mutawtir evidences of which this belief is based upon, the denier of this is a Kfir and no longer remains within the fold of Islam. Saeed Ur Rehman Kashmir Road - Rawalpindi (116) All the answers are correct. Abu Ahmad Abdullah Ludhyanwi 5th Rabbiyul Awwal, 1385 Hijri (117) The Fatwa of the Muftiyan-e-Kiram are correct. Abdullah Principle of Darul-Uloom, Faiz Muhammadi - Faisalabad
FATWA (118)
Moulana Faruq Ahmad Sahib Ex Sheikhul Hadith of Jamiah Abbasiya - Bahawalpur and former Mufti at Darul-Uloom Deoband India In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful Whoever has studied Mirza Qadiaynis books in-depth would have learnt without a doubt that the majority of Mirzas beliefs are contrary to Islam. These are the cause of his Kufr. From amongst his Kufriyyah beliefs, is his belief of Hadhrat Isas alayhis-salaam death. Those that have issued a Fatwa of Mirzas Kufr have done so correctly. Faruq Ahmad (119) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdul Qadir Azaad General Secretary, Islamic Mission, Bahawalpur - Pakistan (120) The answer is correct. Ghulam Mustafa Bahawalpur 2nd zulhijjah 1384 Hijri
FATWA (121)
Moulana Maqbool Ahmad Sheikhul Hadith of Jamiah Rashidiya - Sahiwal In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The belief of Hayt-e-Isa; i.e. his ascension towards the sky and decending to the earth before Qiyamah is established from the Qurn and Sunnah. The consensus of the Ummah is upon this belief. After this, whoever denies this belief is a Kfir and no longer remains within the circle of Islam. Maqbool Ahmad (122) The one giving the answer has indeed given the correct Fatwa. And Allah knows best. Faqeer Muhsin ud Din Member of the National Assembly - Bahawalpur 22/2/1966 (123) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdullah Principle of Madrassah Arabiyya Darulhuda -Bhakar (124) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdul Aleem Masjid Sheikh Lahori Jhang Sadar (125) The answer has been given correctly. Muhammad Abdul Jalil Ansari Teacher, Mazahirul-Uloom - Kot Ado
FATWA (126)
Moulana Hafiz Ghulam Rasul Sahib Head of Teachers, Darul-Uloom Naeemiya - Sargodha
The one giving the answer has issued the correct Fatwa. The belief of Hayt-e-Isa (Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive) is amongst the necessities of Deen. Whoever denies it is a Kfir. Hafiz Ghulam Rasul Sargodha (127) The answer is certainly the truth and it is necessary to follow the truth. Muhammad Yusuf Al Husaini Ameer of Jamiyat Ulema-e-Islam and Lecturer at Jami Masjid Faisalabad
42 (128) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ramzan Alawi Lecturer at Markazi Jami Masjid, area Gulshan Abaad - Rawalpindi (129) The answer is correct. Abdul Wahid Lecturer at Jami Masjid Gujranwala Governer of Jamiyat Ulema-e-Islam, Western Pakistan (130) The answer is correct. Lecturer at Madni Masjid Gatee, district Lailpur (131) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ramzan Ameer of Jamiyat Ulema-e-Islam, district Miyanwali - Pakistan (132) This Fatwa is the truth and the truth is more worthy that it is followed. Rashid Ahmad Governer of Madrassah Faruqiya Shuja Abad (133) The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Abdul Lateef Jehlami Organiser of Jamiyat Ulema-e-Islam, area Eastern Punjab (Halqa Shimali) (134) The answer is indeed correct and the truth is worthy that it is followed. Fazal Ahmad Principle Madrassah Uthmaniyah, Talagang 14th August
FATWA (135)
Moulana Maulabaksh Sahib Lecturer Jami Masjid, Jhadriyan The answer is absolutely correct. The physical ascending of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and his descending close to Qiyamah is from amongst the mutawtirt. Without a doubt, its denier is a deviant, heretic and enemy of Islaam. Maulabaksh, Jhadriyan - Sargodha. (136) I agree with the answer of the vice head of Jamia Al Islamiyah, Madina Munawwara Muhammad Yahya ludhyanwi Lecturer Jami Masjid Kaluni, Faisalabad 25/3/1385 Hijri
FATWA (137)
Moulana Muhammad Shafi Sahib Principle of Marassah Badeeul-Uloom, Kabir Wala The denier of the Hayt of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam (being alive) is declared Kfir for three reasons i.e. this person denies all of the following 3 sources: Qurn, Hadith and the consensus of the Ummah. It is the unanimous belief of all the Muslims since 1400 years that Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is alive in the sky and will come towards the end of time. Muhammd Shafi Principle of Marassah Badeeul-Uloom, Kabir wala
(138) The answer is indeed correct. Sayyid Habibullah Shah Binawri Teacher at Jamiah Islamiyah, Bahawalpur 1st April 1965 (139) The answer is correct. Sayyid Inayatullah Shah Bukhari Head of Jamiyyat Ishaatut Tawhid Was Sunnah, Gujrat - Pakistan 27th March 1966 according to 4th Dhul Hijjah 1358 Hijri (140) The answer is correct. Muhammad Hayat. Renowned expert of Qadiyanism. (141) This Fatwa is the truth. The truth is more worthy of being followed and what is left after the truth but going astray. Muhammad Abdullah Darkhasti 5th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1386 Hijri (142) The answer is correct. Abuz-Zahid Muhammad Ashraf Hamdani Preacher of Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, Pakistan Faisalabad 27th Safarul Muzaffar 1386 Hijri (143) The answer is correct. Abdul Hamid Sawati Teacher Nusratul Uloom, Gujranwala 18th Rabbiu-th-Thani 1386 Hijri (144) The answer is correct and the one giving the Fatwa has certainly reached the truth. Muhammad Ameer Teacher at Madrassah Tablighul Islam, Miyanwali 1st Shaban 1386 Hijri
44 (145) The answer is certainly correct and the one giving the Fatwa has reached the truth. Habibullah Al Faruqi, Siyalkot 17th Rabbiu-th-Thani 1386 Hijri (146) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ali As-Siddiqui Head of Teachers, Daurluloom Ash-Shihabiyah, Siyalkot (147) The Fatwa the scholars have mentioned is indeed the truth and the truth is worthy that it be followed. Sulayman Ahmad Principle of Madrassah Izharul Haq, Tobatayk Singh (148) The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Qazi Ismatullah Jami Masjid Qila Didar Singh (149) The answer is correct. Waliyullah Inni Sharif, Tehsil Phaliyah - district Gujrat 20th Dhil-Hijjah 1386 Hijri (150) The answer is correct. Sayyid Nurul Hassan Shah Bukhari Khadim Tanzim Ahle Sunnat, Multan - Pakistan 8th Muharramul Haram 1387 Hijri (151) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdul Khaliq Ex-teacher Darul uloom Deoband Sheikhul Hadith and Principle of Darul Uloom Eidgah, Kabir Wala - Multan (152) The answer is correct. Abdul Hamid Teacher at Darul Uloom Eidgah, Kabir Wala (153) The answer is indeed correct. Nizamuddin Shah Vice Principle Darul Uloom Eidgah, Kabir Wala (154) The answer is correct. Zuhurul Haq Darul Uloom Eidgah, Kabir Wala
FATWA (155)
Moulana Gul Muhammad Tawhidi Organisor of Education, Darul-Uloom Rahmaniyah - Gujranwala
The reality of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam being alive and his ascension with reference to the Qurn and Hadith is clearer than the sun. For this reason, its rejection is a contradiction to the Qurn and Sunnah and the rejector of the Qurn and Sunnah is a Kfir. Gul Muhammad Tawhidi Gujranwala: 1st June 1976 (156) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ashraf Bahawalpuri Markazi Muballigh, Khatm-e-Nubuwwat - Multan (157) The answer is correct. Muhammad Feroz Khan Principle Darul Uloom Al-Madinah, Daska - Siyalkot (158) The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Fazil Habibullah Rashidi Editor, Jami Rashidiyah - Sahiwal (159) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdul Malik (160) All the answers are correct. Abdullah Raipuri Teacher, Jami Rashidiyah - Sahiwal. (161) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdus-Sattar Tawnsawi Head of Tanzeem Ahl-e -Sunnat wal-Jamat, Multan.
FATWA (162)
Moulana Bashir Ahmad Naqshbandi Lecturer Jami Masjid, Pasrur This is the truth and it is worthy that it is followed. The rejector of this belief is a Kfir. There is no doubt in his being apostate. An apostate is liable for more punishment than a Kfir. Basher Ahmad Naqshbandi Qadri Ameer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam, Pasrur 27th Rabbiyuth-Thani 1387 Hijri
46 (163) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ameen Teacher at Darul Uloom Hanafiyyah Uthmaniyah, Rawalpindi
FATWA (164)
Moulana Muhammad Ibrahim Kaymbalpuri The belief of Hadhrat Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam being alive is established from the text of the Qurn, Sahh ahdth and from the consensus of the Ummah just as it is apparent from the words of Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifa rahmatullahi-alayh, that: The descending of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam from the sky is indeed the truth. Thus, the one denying this unanimous belief is no longer within the circle of Islam.76 Muhammad Ibrahim Kaymbalpuri (165) I approve of the answers of the Ulama Muhammad Ziya ul Qasmi Superior Organisor, Tanzeem Ahle Sunnat, Pakistan and principle of Jami Qasmiyah, Faisalabad. (166) The answer is correct. Miyan Nazir Ahmad MA President Ale Pakistan Students Federation Vice President Pak Bawai aar Friendship Association Kunwayz National Education Trust House no. 5, Khisar Street, Chiragh Din Road Mazang, Lahore. (167) The answer of the one giving the Fatwa is correct according to the Qurn and Hadith. This Fatwa is correct according to the Mutaqadimeen (predecessors) and Jamhoor (majority) Ulama. Pir Muhammad Abdul Majeed, Lal sharif Currently at Intercontinental Hotel, Rawalpindi 18th February 1968
FATWA (168)
Moulana Mufti Nazir Hasan Sahib Qazi District Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir Without a doubt this Fatwa is correct and whoever doubts this or rejects the coming of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam close to Qiyamah is a Kfir and has become an apostate. Allah knows best and his knowledge is complete and full of wisdom Mufti Nazir Hussain (169) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdullah Ludhyanwi Khadim Madrassah Arabiyyah Islamiyyah, Newtown - Karachi 5 and ex-organisor of Nashr-oIshaat Majlis Markaziyyah Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat 30/1/1389 Hijri (170) The answer is correct. Nurul Haq Qurayshi M.A - L.L.B advocate Superior Organisor, Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam - Multan 15th Rajabul murajjab 1389 Hijri (171) The answer is correct. Abdur Raheem Organisor, Madrassah Rahimiyah Taleemul Qurn (registered) Shaker Garh, district Siyalkot (172) The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Abul Kalim Muhammad Khadim Hussain Shah Chawra Sharif, district Kaymbalpur (Atak) (173) The answer is certainly correct. Muhammad Jan Uthmani Astana Sirajul Awliya Darya Khan 21st August 1969 (174) The answer is correct. Khuda Bakhsh, Hadhrat Madani rahmatullahi-alayh (175) The answer is correct and. May Allah reward the one giving the Fatwa. Khoursheed Ahmad Khalifa Akbar Hadhrat Madani, Principle Madrassah Mahmoodul Uloom Abdul Hakim 3/6/1971
48 (176) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdullah Lecturer Markazi Jami Masjid Islam (177) The one giving the answer has given the correct Fatwa. Ghulam Haidar Lecturer Jami Masjid Bilal, Islamabad 28th Shawwal ul Mukaram, 1389 Hijri (178) The one giving the answer has reached the truth. Muhammad Ameen Lecturer Jami Masjid, Jaranwala (179) The answer is correct. Muhammad Siddique Wali Ilahi Khadim-e-Hikmat Imam Waliyullah 13th Dhi-Qada 1389 Hijri- 12th February 1970 (180) The answer is certainly correct. Qari Muhammad Ameen Lecturer Jami Masjid Eidgah and Ameer Jamiyyat Ulama-e-Islam, Sheikhopura (181) The answer is correct. Abdul Aziz Khalifa Hadhrat Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri rahmatullahi-alayh Sargodha, 2nd June 1970
FATWA (182)
Moulana Muhammad Nafi (the renowned researcher) Graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband Jamiah Muhammadi - Jhang road, Chanyot All praise is due to Allah. Peace and Blessings be upon Muhammad sallallahu-alayhiwasallam. In this Fatwa the ruling in Islam regarding beliefs of the Hayt of Sayyiduna Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam, his ascent to the heavens with his physical body and descent close to Qiyamah are enquired about. It is also asked if the denier of these beliefs is upon the truth or or not. ANSWER: The ruling regarding Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam in light of the Qurn and Sunnah.
49 The majority of the Ulama have clarified in light of the Shari texts that Hadhrat Isa alayhissalaam was a true prophet of his time. At that time the people opposing Hadhrat Isa alayhissalaam caused much trouble and made an attempt to slay him. But Allah Subhanahu-wataala raised him to the heavens with his body. Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is now alive in the heavens. Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will descend close to Qiyamah and will slay Dajjal. This descending of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam is from amongst the signs of Qiyamah. After this, Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam will die a natural death and will be buried besides the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. The Ulama-e-Kiram establish evidences for this belief in light of the Quran and Sunnah. In proving this belief, two significant books have been compiled in the Indian subcontinent, that were compiled by the students of Muhaddith-e-Kabir Hadhrat Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri rahmatullahi-alayh. One of the books is named At-Tasrih bima Tawatara fi Nuzulil Mash and the second Aqeedatul Islam fi Hayti Isa alayhis-salaam. These books are a great collection of evidences on this topic and are an excellent interpretation of the beliefs of the pious predecessors. There has not been any room left for any further proof in both of these books. They are inclusive of excellent and authentic material. When the modernists of the arab countries, Egypt etc. denied the heavenly Hayt of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam and his descent close to Qiyamah, Allama Muhammad Zahid bin Hassan Al Kawthari compiled a concise but comprehensive booklet named Nadhratun Abirah consisting of great evidences from the Quran and Sunnah and established the belief of the majority of the Ulama. To conclude, the correct belief of Hayt-e-Isa alayhis-salaam and his descent according to the people of Islam in light of the clear texts is vital. Its rejection is going astray and deviating from the truth. Muhammad Nafi Muhammadi Sharif, district Jhang Muharramul Haram: 1415 Hijri
FATWA (183)
Moulana Ghulam Rasool Sahib Lecturer at Jami Masjid Laliyan, district Jhang The reviver of the ninth century; Imam Jalalud din Suyuti states an authentic Hadeeth in Durre-Manthoor narrated by Hadhrat Anas bin Malik radhiallahu-anhu. Be aware! Oh respected Ulama, Anas bin Malik remained the student of Muhammad-e-Arabi Khatamun Nabiyeen sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam for 10 years, he narrates:
50 Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam has certainly not died but he will return to you close to Qiyamah.77 Qazi Abubakr Jassas; who is the Imam of the Hanafis, also states this narration in his Tafseer: Juzz 22 under the verse: Allah and His angels send blessings upon Nabi sallallahu-alayhiwasallam. O people who believe you also ask for blessings and send salutations (durood and salaam) upon him.78 I do not intend to go into detail. The Hayt of Isa alayhis-salaam is the truth. The denier of Hayt-e-Mash no longer remains within the circle of Islam. The one that doesnt remain in the circle of Islam is a Kfir in terms of belief and action as stated by Allama Shahama, in light of the Shariat. This is my belief. The respected Ulama of Jarah (examiners of the chain of Hadith) have regarded the above hadith as marfoo. See Allama Ibn-e-Hajar Asqalani rahmatullahi-alayh 79 and Fatwa Qazikhan and from the mutaqaddimeen (earlier scholars) Muhammad bin Asad rahmatullahi-alayh (died 150 Hijri). Note that the hadith is marfoo according to the narration and Sahh. Imam Suyuti rahmatullahi-alayh has claimed in the introduction of Durr-e-Manthoor that I will not include any such Hadith in Durr-e-Manthoor that is not marfoo and Sahih. Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani began his rejection against the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam by denying Hayt-e-Mash alayhis-salaam. This beginning was on the basis of Kufr. For this reason, I believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani can be called a Dajjal, Kadhab (liar) and a Kfir of many types. Thus, the Fatwa of the Ulama from Madina Munawwara, Makkah Muazzama till Pakistan, are all in accordance with the Shariat of Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. I believe whoever denies Hayt-e-Mash alayhis-salaam is a Kfir. Therefore, Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani as well as his group are all Kfir. Ghulam Rasool Laliyan, 13th February 1972 (184) The answer is correct Muhammad Ayyub Najdi
Al-Durr-al-Manthur: Vol. 2, P36, this hadith was quoted from Ibn Jarir and Ibn Abi Hatim narrated by Sayyiduna Hasan radhiallahu-anhu. 78 Surah Al-Ahzab : 56 79 Fath-al-Bari: Vol. 5, P91 - Bab Kasr-as-Salib wa Qatl-al-Khinzir. It is established that Sayyiduna Isa alayhissalaam will descend from sky.
FATWA (185)
Moulana Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib, Specialist, Department of Refutation - Qadiyaniyyat Idara Markaziyyah Dawat-o-Irshad, Chanyot The Hayt of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam (being alive) is established from the Qurn, Hadith and Ijma (consensus). Allah states in the Qurn: It is absolutely certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards Himself.80 In accordance to the Arabic grammar, all cases used in the pronouns of the words such as: qatloohu and rafahu are referring to Isa alayhis-salaam. It is evident from this that the mention of Isa alayhis-salaam refers to both the body and soul, since the human is a combination of both a physical body and soul. Thus, it is established the whole being (body and soul) of Isa alayhis-salaam is alive. If the demise of Isa alayhis-salaam had taken place, Allah would have mentioned bal amaatahullah (Allah had caused him to die). Since this text is concise, Allah again mentions the words of Isa alayhis-salaam in another verse:
I have not said to them anything but what You have ordered me to say, that is, Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord and I was a witness over them as long as I was with them.81 The meaning of (the last portion of) this verse is, as long as I was amid them. Once again, if the demise of Isa alayhis-salaam had taken place, the verse would have been worded,
I have not said to them anything but what You have ordered me to say as long as I was alive. Therefore, Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam not being amongst them does not denote his death.
80 81
52 It is also evident from this that Isa alayhis-salaam has not yet died. In fact he is alive. The Holy Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam has said: Isa son of Maryam alayhis-salaam will descend unto you as a just ruler.82 It is absolutely clear that the dead cannot descend nor be just rulers. Therefore the notion of Isas alayhis-salaam demise is false and the concept of him being alive is valid. In another instance, the Prophet of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam is reported to have said: Isa - son of Maryam alayhis-salaam, after descending from the heavens will live for forty years on earth, marry and be blessed with offspring.83 These are two qati (unambiguous) evidences that support the belief that Hadhrat Isa son of Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive and they also invalidate the concept of his demise. The Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam is unanimous that Isa alayhis-salaam was raised towards the heavens alive and will return during the time of the promised Imaam Mahdi. Opposing this consensus has only been the trait of false prophets and rejecters of ahdth. Muhammad Ibrahim Teacher, Idara Markaziyyah Dawat-o-Irshad, Chanyot Isa son of Maryam will descend into this world. He will marry, be blessed with offspring and live for forty five years. Thereafter he will die (a normal death) and be buried alongside me (the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam), I and Isa son of Maryam will be raised from one tomb between Abubakar and Umar radhiallahu-anhum.84
The words of Sahh Muslim are as follows: "Ibn Maryam will descend as a just ruler." ( Kitaab-al-Imaan, Hadith No. 243) Also, mentioned in Musnad Ahmad: Vol. 2, Chapter 494 and Kanz-al-'Ummal: Vol. 7, P268 He will come out and will break the cross." 83 According to Tabrani: "Ibn Maryam will descend and will live for forty years among the people. ( Al-Tasrih bima Tawatara fi Nuzul-al-Mash: P229, Mishkat: P480). Ibn Hibban quotes the following: "Isa Ibn Maryam will descend, kill Dajjal and live for forty years. He will act upon Allah's Book and my Sunnah. (Al-Tasrih bima Tawatara fi Nuzul-al-Mash: P231). There is also a hadith reported by Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar radhiallahu-anhum that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam said: Isa Ibn Maryam will descend on earth, will marry and have children. He will live for forty five years. Then he and will die and be buried with me in my grave. Later, I and Isa bin Maryam will rise from a grave between Abubakar and Umar. ( Mishkat: P480, (Al-Tasrih bima Tawatara fi Nuzul-al-Mash: P240) 84 Mishkt: P480
FATWA (186)
Moulana Hafiz Abdul Qadir Ropri Principle of Jamiah Ahlul Hadiith - Lahore (Answering) With the Help of Allah.. All the answers are correct. There is no doubt in the fact that Isa son of Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive, as is evident from the Qurn and ahdth. As Allah mentions in the Qurn: And all the sects of the people of the book (Ahl-e-Kitaab) will bring faith unto Isa alayhissalaam before his demise. And he will bear witness to their testimony on the Day of Judgment.85 The truthful Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam has said in commentary of this verse: I take oath by him in whose hand lies my life; very soon Isa son of Maryam alayhis-salaam will descend unto you as a just ruler.86 Similarly Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam said: Indeed, Isa son of Maryam alayhis-salaam will enter into the state of Ihraam from Faj-ar-Rowha (name of a place) with the intention of Umrah, Haj or both.87 Whosoever denies this established belief of the Qurn, ahdth and Consensus of the Ummah then he without a doubt is a disbeliever and an imposter. Whosoever doubts the disbelief (Kufr) of Mirza Qadiyani or of his followers is also a disbeliever. Hafiz Abdul Qadir Ropri (187) The answer is correct and the truth is most worthy of accepting. Muhammad Shareef Principle Lecturer, Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad. (188) The Fatwa is correct. Muhammad Yaqoob Qurayshi Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad
85 86
Surah An-Nisa : 159 Sahh Bukhari: Kitab-al-Buyu', Chapter 102; Sahh Bukhari: Kitab-al-Anbiya, Chapter 39; Sahh Muslim: Kitab-al-Iman, Hadith 242; Tirmidhi: Kitab-al-Fitan, Chapter 54; Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal: Vol. 2, P24, P394, P538 Beirut Press) 87 Sahh Muslim: Kitab-al-Haj, Hadith 216; Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal: Vol. 2, P240, P272, P513, P540
54 (189) The Fatwa is correct. Binyameen Lecturer, Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad (190) The Fatwa is correct. Abu Hafs al Uthmani Governor, Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad (191) The Fatwa is correct. Abdur Rahman Baltistani Teacher, Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad
FATWA (192)
Moulana Hakeem Abdul Rahim Ashraf Principle of Jamiah Taleemaat Islaamiyyah Faisalabad There are several reasons that result in the Kufr of Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani and his followers. Claiming prophethood in itself is clear Kufr, just as Mirza Ghulam himself prior to his claim of prophethood attested to the fact, that whosoever claims prophethood is a Kfir and no longer remains within the circle of Islaam. Other than this, bigotry of prophets and several other reasons are also sufficient to declare them Kfir. The denial (of the belief) that Mash ibn Maryam is alive and has ascended to the heavens is from amongst these reasons. May Allah safeguard us from the evil of this apostate sect and eliminate its existence. Abdul Rahim Ashraf
FATWA (193)
Moulana Abdul Haq Siddiqi Lecturer, Jami Masjid Ahle Hadith Sahiwal The beliefs of the finality of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam and Hayt-eMash are unanimous beliefs of the Muslim Ummah. This belief is discussed with great detail in the Qurn and Sunnah. Whoever doubts such fundamental beliefs is declared a Kfir in accordance with the consensus of the Ummah, let alone denying or making such a claim. One who even doubts such a persons Kufr is also a Kfir.
55 Hence, there remains absolutely no uncertainty in the Kufr (disbelief) of the claimant of Prophethood; Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani. Abdul Haq Siddiqi Sahiwal
FATWA (194)
Moulana Muhammad Ismail Lecturer - Gujranwala There are several reasons that result in the Kufr of the Qadiyanis. Amongst these is blasphemy of prophets, speaking ill of the pious predecessors and disbelief with regards to the belief upon which the Ummah is unanimous i.e. the ascension of Isa alayhis-salaam. Muhammad Ismail Gujranwala
FATWA (195)
Moulana Muhammad Hussain Sheikhopuri Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam will descend from the heavens near the last days and will slay Dajjal. He will live as long as Allah wills; thereafter he will die a normal death and will be buried near the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam in the reserved space. This is the belief established from the Qurn and Sunnah. Muhammad Hussain - Sheikhopura
FATWA (196)
Moulana Muhammad Siddique Sahib Lecturer, Jami Masjid Ahle Hadith Faisalabad Whoever denies the authentic ahdth and clear verses of the Qurn is unanimously declared a Kfir. Each of the answers provided are correct and authentic. Muhammad Siddique
FATWA (197)
Moulana Muhammad 'Ataullah Hanif Director, Al-Maktaba As-Salafia - Lahore I agree word for word to whatever was stated by Allama Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz. It is very unlikely that the attention of Sheikh Shaltut and the likes of such people was drawn towards this important matter; that Sayyiduna Isa's alayhis-salaam descent is related to the teachings of the Messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. The meaning of belief in the prohethood (risalah) of the Messenger sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam is believing in his prophecies (that are to occur),
56 just as believing in the news delivered by him in the past is an integral part of belief in prohethood (risalah). The Imaan in his prohethood (risalah) is not complete and valid until these (prophecies) are also believed in. Thus, this is not a furu'i (secondary) issue; rather it is a part of the fundamental principles. As for its evidence, according to Allama Shawkani, twenty nine (29) ahdth are mentioned in this regard. 88 After mentioning these ahdth, he goes on to state: "These are twenty nine ahdth. They are inclusive of - the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam, ahdth mentioned regarding Dajjal and some ahdth related to Imaam Mahdi. Also mentined are those aqwaal (statements) narrated by the Sahabah that have been mentioned with regards to this matter. The ruling of these is like that of marfu' (ahdth); since there is no room for ijtihad in this topic. Whatever we have mentioned, reaches the extent of tawtur (succession) and the ahdth discussing the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam are mutawtir. (Quoted by Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan) 89 These (Qadiyanis) are devoid of proper knowledge. Inspite of their claims of intellect they believe Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is buried in Kashmir and present the deceiving writings of Mirza Qadiyani i.e. they present such a great liar as evidence, who played all along to serve his deceptive beliefs. They are so intellectually deviated that they manage to discover faults in the ahdth of the muhaddithn (experts of ahdth) and hold fast to the narrations presented by Mirza Qadiyani. Nevertheless, the research carried out by the Sheikh (Abdul Aziz bin Baz) is correct. And, from Allah alone is tawfiq of the truth and righteousness. Muhammad 'Ataullah Hanif - Lahore 01 Jumadi al Awwal, 1385 AH
FATWA (198)
Moulana Khwaja Qamruddin Siyalwi - Siyal, Sargodha All praise is due to Allah. May blessings and peace be upon the Last of all Prophets, Muhammad Mustafa, on his selected Family and His revered Companions. Indeed, the Mirzai group is deviant, deceptive and ill-founded. In fact, apostate as it denies the Islamic hallmarks (shaair-e-Islaam) and religious commandments such as Jihad in the path of Allah, finality of prophethood upon Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, and the Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam. It degrades the Prophets alayhim-us-salaam. Infact it confers Mirza superiority over our Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam in order to serve its own evil purpose.
There are in fact 112 (Sahh) ahdth mentioned in this regard Qadiyaani Shubhaat Ke Jawabaat Hayt Sayyiduna Isa alayhisalaam - Vol. 2: P27. Allamah Allah Wasayaa. (Translaters Note) 89 Hujaj-al-Karama fi Athar-al- Qiyamah: P334
57 Just as it has fabricated lies against all the Prophets alayhim-us-salaam, the entire Ummah has agreed upon the Kufr of those who fabricate such unfounded and heinous lies. Rather, the Ummah agrees that one who does not regard this wicked group Kfir will also be considered a Kfir. And Allah alone is the guider to the correct path. Qamruddin Siyalwi 09 Dhul-Hijjah 1389 (199) There is no doubt that Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive and will descend near Qiyamah. Mufti Ghulam Rasul Darul Uloom Na'imiya, Company Bagh, Sargodha
FATWA (200)
Moulana Muhammad Umar Achhrawi - Lahore According to my research, it is clearly established by the Qurn and Hadith that Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive. One who denies the physical and heavenly life of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam (ascent) and his descent near Qiyamah is rejecting the Qurn and Hadith. It is haram for Muslims to maintain relations with such people. Muhammad Achhrawi 20 Rajab 1385 AH
FATWA (201)
Moulana Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari, Bhera - Sargodha All praise is due to Allah who enabled the Ulama to safeguard His religion. Blessing and peace be upon His beloved Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam, the Final Prophet who commanded and emphasized his Ummah in spending what they love most, in the cause of establishing religion, upon his Family, his Companions and the scholars of his Ummah till the Day of Reckoning. I came to know of the Fatwa issued by the senior Ulama written in condemnation (Takfeer) of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. I studied his corrupt beliefs; the worst of which is denial of the belief that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is alive. I agree fully with the Fatwa of the Ulama. This is the clear truth and holding beliefs against this is going out from the fold of Islam. May Allah protect us from the evils of the enemies of Islam. He is the one who grants tawfiq and He alone guides to the correct path.
FATWA (202)
Moulana Sayyid Ahmad Sa'eed Kazimi Amrohwi Jamiah Anwarul Uloom, Multan In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful Praise be to Allah - Blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu-alayhiwasallam. One who denies the Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam and rejects his ascension to the sky - with his body and soul is indeed astray and brings upon himself a great loss. There is no doubt that his Hayt, ascension to the sky and descent to the world near Qiyamah is established by the Qurn and Sunnah, and is agreed upon by the Muslims from past to present. And what is there after truth but error? We beseech Allah to grant us safety from the trial of Dajjal. And Allah knows best and His knowledge is perfect and accurate. Sayyid Ahmad Kazimi Amrohwi 25 Dhul-Hijjah 1384 AH (203) The Fatwa is (correct) as mentioned and I endorse it. Muhammad Hussain Na'imi Nazim al- Jamiah An-Na'imiya, Lahore (204) The answer is correct. Faiz Ahmad Mufti of Darul Ifta and Tacher, Jamiah Ghowthia, Golrah Sharif 03/07/1965 (205) The answer is correct. Muhammad Khalil Head of Teachers, Jamiah Qadiriya, Rahim Yar Khan
FATWA (206)
Sheikh Al-Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Haq Principle Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akora Khatak Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan All praise is due to Allah, the Most High - Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of Prophethood - Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. From the time of the sahabah till this present day the belief that Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive and will descend before Qiyamah is a unanimously accepted belief. The verification of this belief is backed by ahdth and clear evidences that have been established by tawtur (succession). Denying and falsifying this belief by attempting to prove his death, is concealing the reallity of the Qurn and distortion of the ahdth (resulting in denying the ahdth). It is also abandoning Ijma (consensus) of the Ummah. The blasphemous lies and deception of Mirza Qaiyani is such that no sane mind can accept. May Allah reward Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz; who provided the best possible answer. May Allah accept the efforts of its publisher Al-Ustad Al-Fadhil Moulana Manzur Ahmad Chanyoti and all those who stood up to extend help for the religion, defend Islam and safeguarded the honour of Islam against the evils of these deviants and apostates. And Allah knows best. Abdul Haq Akora Khatak, Western Pakistan (207) The reply is the absolute truth, and the truth is more worthy of being followed. Anwaruddin Head of Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom, Akora Khatak
FATWA (208)
Moulana Abdul Ghani Lecturer, Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akora Khatak The answer is just as that declared by the Qurn. The ahdth in this regard reach the level of tawtur-e-manawi.below 90 The belief of Hayt-e-Isa alayhis-salaam is amongst the fundamentals of Islaam. Abdul Ghani (209) The response is correct. Abdul Halim Teacher, Darul Uloom Haqqania (210) The answer is absolutely correct. Muhammad Shafi'ullah Teacher, Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akora Khatak (211) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ishaq District Khatib, Abetabad 30, April 1965
(212) FATWA
Moulana Sami'ul Haq Lecturer, Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akora Khatak In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The belief of the Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa Mash bin Maryam and his descent before Qiyamah is amongst the fundamental beliefs of Islam. The statements of the wretched Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani (no Indian mother bore such an unfortunate one) and the falsifications of some western-minded and modernist persons regarding the ascent of Hadhrat Isa alayhis-salaam, his descent and his life, are not conforming to the religion and thus cannot be tolerated by Islam.
tawtur-e-manawi is a mutawtir hadth which is not reported by the narrators in exactly the same words. The words of the narrators differ. Sometimes even the reported events are not the same. However, all the narrators are unanimous in reporting a basic concept which is common in all the reports. This common concept is also ranked as a mutawtir concept.
61 May Allah reward the compliler and publisher of the book. I endorse this answer citing; to the nearest effect the words composed by Imam Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri rahmatullahialayh in his book 'Aqidatul-Islam: 91 I wish to call out to all people seeking guidance that Mirza Qadiyani is the leader of infidelity and blashphamy. He has lied and commited such Kufr which no one has commited in history.
And Allah guides to the correct path whom He wishes. Sami'ul Haq Chief Editor, Al-Haq monthly 12, Dhul-Qa'da 1385 AH (213) The answer is correct and its opponent will be humiliated. Khalilur Rahman Madrasa Sikandarpur, Haripur, Hazara Division (214) The answer is correct and in accordance with the Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Sirajuddin Lecturer, Jami Masjid Vice Principle, Darul Uloom Arabia Nomania, Dera Ismail Khan (215) The answerer has reached the absolute truth. Ghulam Hussain Principal Darul Uloom Nomania (216) The answerer is correct. Qazi Muhammad Israel Principal, Madrasa Darul Uloom Muhammadiya, Balakot, Hazarah (217) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdullah Khalid
'Aqidat-al-Islam is the outstanding work of Imam-al-'Asr Hadhrat Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri rahmatullahi-alayh, for which a wide scope of research was undertaken; it sums to three hundred books and treatises. In the process, he studied volumes of books, for instance Dairat al-Ma'arif Wajidi and Dairat alMa'arif Bustani. In it, a full research of the word 'tawaffi' is contained and he establishes by the Qurn that Sayyidna Isa alayhis-salaam is alive. Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, the author of Fath al-Mulhim, writes in his book Al-Fawayid at-Tafsriyyah 'ala al-Tanzil al-'Aziz regarding this work; Aqidat-al-Islam is a matchless book on this subject, I do not see a book comparable to it. It seems the author spent his life writing the book. In the research, he studied all the four bibles of the Old Testament and New Testament. [Muqaddama, Aqidat-alIslam]
62 Khatib, Jama Masjid, Mansehra, Hazarah (218) The answerer has issued the Fatwa accurately. Abdul Hayy Imam Masjid, Mohalla Nari, Mansehra, Hazarah (219) The answer is correct. Muhammad Noman Mansehra, Hazarah 25, Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1385
FATWA (220)
Hadhrat Moulana Shamsul Haq Afghani The Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam, his ascent and descent to the earth near Qiyamah is clearly established by the Qurn, Sunnah and the Ijma of the Ummah as also mentioned in Sharh al-'Aqidah and Ruhul-Ma'ani (the renowned books on Aqidah). If anyone denies these beliefs, he denies Allah and His Messenger. Hence, he is apostate and no longer remains within the fold of Islam. This is the truth, not opposed by any Muslim from the time of the Prophet to this day. Abdus Samad Shamsul Haq Afghani (221) The answer is correct and the answerer has reached the truth. Mufti Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Peshawar (222) The reply is correct and the answerer has reached the truth. Fazlur Rahman Former-Professor, Islamia College, Peshawar, Graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband 10, Dhul-Qa'da 1385 (223) The answer is correct. Abdul Latif Mufti Darul Uloom, NWFP (224) The answer is correct. Azizur Rahman Ameer, Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam, Dist Peshawar
63 (225) The answer is correct. Pir Mubarak Shah Graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband, Secretary Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam, NWFP (226) The Fatwa is just as what was written. Zainul Abidin Former-Sheikh al-Hadith, Jamia Ashrafia, Peshawar (227) The answer is in accordance with the Qurn, Hadith, Ijma of the Ummah and mujtahid imams. One who doubts it, will become kafir. Fazlullah Principal and Sheikhul-Hadith, Madrasa Rabbania 4 Dhul-Hijjah 1385 AH
FATWA (228)
Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Mufti Jamia Islamia, Akora Khatak The answer is correct and true and whoever opposes it is an open liar. The evidences of this matter are mentioned in the Qurn and Hadith and the Ulama have elaborated upon it in their books and compilations. The Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam and his ascent to the heaven with his physical body is a mutawtir Islamic belief. The ruling of mutawtir will apply to this belief as well. And Allah knows best. Muhammad Yusuf 9th Dhul-Qa'da 1385 AH (229) The answer given by the respected Mufti is true and the truth should be followed. Badshah Gul Bukhari Muhtamim, Jamiah Islamia, Akora Khatak 10th Dhul-Qa'da 1385 (230) The answer is correct. Abdul Karim Madrasa Najmul Islam, Dera Ismail Khan (231) The answer is correct.
Ghulam Rasul Khalifa Majaz, Hadhrat Mawlana Ahmad Ali Lahori, Dera Ismail Khan (232) The answer is correct. Muhammad Abdullah Azim Dera, Qabristani Masjid (233) The answer is correct. Abdur Rauf Teacher of Hadith, Darul Uloom Char Saddah (234) The answer is correct. Muhammad Lutfullah Former teacher of Hadith, Jamiah Uloom Islamia, New Town Karachi & Lecturer of Jami Masjid Jahangir, Dist Mardan (235) The answer is correct. Sayyid Gul Badshah Amir, Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam, Turu, Dist Mardan (236) The answer is correct. Muhammad Ayyub Jan Banauri Peshawar (237) The answer is correct. Islamuddin Secretary, Darul Uloom Turdher Sawabi, Dist Mardan
FATWA (238)
Sheikh at-Tafsr, Moulana Muhammad Tahir Principle, Darul Qurn - Panch Pir, Dist Mardan I was asked regarding the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam near Qiyamah. In response, I stateed that the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is a fundamental belief of Deen which is established by the Qurn and authentic ahdth. This belief was held by our mashikh (predecessors) - who were outstanding personalities in terms of Islamic Knowledge, the likes of Sheikh al-mashikh Moulana Hussain Ali and Allama Moulana Ubaidullah al-Sindhi. His descent and return to this world near Qiyamah is not rejected but by
65 those who are ignorant of the Qurn and Sunnah. May Allah, the Most High protect us from the incorrect belief. Note: In this regard, the view held by Imam-e-Inqilab Hadhrat Moulana Ubaidullah Sindhi was doubted by some, so his disciple Sheikh at-Tafsr Moulana Muhammad Tahir refuted this in the following words: "The statement about the descent and death of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam in Ilham alRahman attributed to Maulana Ubaidullah was inserted by the scribe writing the dictation. I have long stayed with Moulana in Makkah and learned from him, I found that Moulana held the correct belief that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam will descend. He used to regret the Muslims that they have forsaken struggle and jihad reclining on this belief. The treatise 'Ubaidiyah', which he wrote himself, rejects the notion spread by Ilham al-Rahman. I have repeatedly heard Moulana in different meetings saying that the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is a fundamental article of faith."
Muhammad Tahir Darul Qurn - Panch Pir, Tehsil Sawabi, Dist Mardan 22nd Rabi-ul-Awwal
FATWA (239)
Muhaddith al-'Asr Hadhrat Moulana Sayyid Muhammad Yusuf Banauri Principle, Madrasah Al-Arabia Al-Islamia - New Town Karachi In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The belief of the descent of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam from heaven is an unambiguous belief of the Muslim Ummah according to the clear words of the Qurn which is also substantiated by mutawtir ahdth and the Ijma of the Ummah. Hence, to deny it, doubt it or misinterpret it will lead to Kufr and infidelity. As the occurrence of Qiyamah is confirmed, having belief in the ascertained signs of Qiyamah is also wjib (essential). The entire Muslim Ummah has agreed in the past and present upon the belief of Isas alayhissalaam descent. It is wjib to believe so and to deny it results in Kufr. Likewise, explaining the fundamental beliefs out of context is unacceptable; rather it will amount to Kufr, as asserted by the research scholars of the Ummah in every age. And, Allah alone guides to the right path. Muhammad Yusuf al-Banauri Madrasah Arabia Islamia - New Town Karachi 5
66 (240) The answer is correct. Wali Hasan Tonki Head, Darul Ifta, Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi 5 (241) The answer is correct. Fadhal Muhammad Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi 5 (242) The answer is correct. Muhammad Idris Teacher of Hadith, Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi 5 Head of Wifaq al-Madaris al-Arabia (Confederation of Madaaris) - Pakistan (243) The answerer has reached the truth. Abdul Jalil Teacher, Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi 5 (244) The answer is correct. Muhammad Badi'uz Zaman Teacher, Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi (245) The answer is correct. Misbahullah Shah Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Karachi
FATWA (246)
Grand Mufti of Pakistan, Hadhrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Principle, Darul Uloom Karachi In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful The knowledgeable answerer has rightly answered. May Allah accept his noteworthy efforts. He unveiled the truth and left no room for rejecters and misinterpreters of this belief. How is it possible to deny this belief when the Hayt of Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam and his descent towards the end of time is a fundamental belief of Islam established by the Qurn and mutawtir ahdth.
67 As I have also explained in my book 'Al-Tasrih bima Tawatara fi Nuzul-al-Mash', 92 it is known to all that rejecting any fundamental matter of Deen or misinterpreting a matter established through tawtur (succession) is clear and deliberate Kufr. And Allah the Most High knows best. Muhammad Shafi Darul Uloom Karachi 1, Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1385
FATWA (247)
Sheikh Al-Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Mufti Abdur Rahman Cambelpuri Lecturer, Darul Uloom Tandola Yar - Hyderabad (Sindh) It is established by the Qurn, mutawtir ahdth and Ijma of the Ummah that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam was raised physically to the heavans and will descend near Qiyamah. This belief is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam. One who rejects this established belief of the Qurn, Sunnah and Ijma or misinterprets it, is declared a Kfir and no longer remains within the fold of Islam. Abdur Rahman
FATWA (248)
Moulana Zafar Ahmad Usmani Thanwi, Karachi After praising Allah and sending salutaions upon the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. Indeed, the Kufr of the Musaylama of Punjab (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani) is agreed upon by the Ulama and learned people. It is a unanimous belief of the Ummah that Sayyiduna Isa bin Maryam alayhis-salaam is alive in the sky. Not a single Muslim has opposed this belief. Similarly, his descent at the time before Qiyamah is established by the Qurn, Sunnah and Ijma of the Ummah. One who denies it is Kafir and Allah will punish him with a great torment. Zafar Ahmad Usmani Thanwi 27th Dhul-Qa'da 1395 Hijri
The Grand Mufti of Pakistan, Hadhrat Moulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi' rahmatullahi-alayh has written that his Sheikh Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri rahmatullahi-alayh - Principal of Darul Uloom Deoband; compiled this book and later asked him to order and translate it. ( Al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul-alMash, P37) The book deals with the portents of Qiyamah very clearly; specifically the descent of Sayyidna Isa alayhis-salaam, the coming of Dajjal, Yajuj and Majuj, the Beast of the earth and events of rising smoke near Qiyamah. Every Muslim should study this; since it develops insight of the matters. From the commentator of the book: Al-Tasrih bi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul-al-Mash, Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda.
68 (249) The answer is correct. Nur Muhammad Principle, Madrasa Shamsiya - Sajawal, Dist Thatha (Sindh)
FATWA (250)
Moulana Mufti Muhammad Wajih Head, Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Al-Islamia, Tandola Yar - Hyderabad The answer is in accordance with the Qurn, Sunnah and Ijma of the Ummah. Indeed, the Musaylama (false prophet) of Punjab is without a shadow of doubt, a mulhid (deviant) and Kafir, since he added fabrications to the religion and denied what was said by the best of all men (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam). According to the Muslims, the ruling concerning him is that of an apostate. Muhammad Wajih (251) The answerer has issued the correct Fatwa. Ihtisham al-Haq Thanwi Muhtamim, Darul Uloom Al-Islamia, Tandu ilah Yar
FATWA (252)
Moulana Muhammad Abdur Rashid Nomani Fellow - Majlis Ilmi, Karachi After praising Allah and sending salutaions upon the Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam. No doubt, the false prophet of Qadiyan, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and all his followers; no longer remain within the circle of Islam. They are Kfir and apostates. The ruling concerning them is that of Musaylama Kadhaab (the false prophet) and his followers. It is agreed upon by the Ummah that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is alive and will descend near Qiyamah, as evident from the Qurn and ahdth. Whoever denies this will become Kfir. Muhammad Abdur Rashid Nomani Karachi 28th Dhul-Qa'da 1384 (253) The answer is correct. Tajuddin Bismil Naqshbandi Principle, Jamiah Naqshbandia, Maarif al-Qurn Ahrar Nagar, Padidan
FATWA (254)
Moulana Imdadullah Mufti Jamiah Darul Huda, Theri, Khairpur A true fact is that the Mirzai group reject the Ijma (consensus) established by the Qurn and Hadith about both the matters; firstly, the descent of Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam, secondly, the belief that Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam - the best of all messengers, is the Final Prophet. Therefore, they are clearly Kafir; there is no doubt in their Kufr. Imdadullah Mufti, Darul Huda, Theri 2nd Rabi-al-Thani 1389 Hijri (255) There is no doubt in this Fatwa. Abu Asad Muhammad Amin Teacher, Jamiah Arabia, Darul Hua, Theri, Habibabad (256) The answer is correct. Abu Muhammad Sultan Ahmad Miyanwali Teacher, Ta'lim-al-Qurn Dept. Madrsah Darus Salam, Karachi 24th March 1965 (257) The answer is correct. Aziz Ahmad Teacher, Darul Huda, Theri (258) The answerer has reached the truth. Fazlullah Principle, Jamiah Darul Huda, Theri (259) The answer is correct. Abdul Karim Madrasah Ashrafia, Sakhar 12/05/1389
FATWA (260)
Moulana Nur Muhammad Principle, Darul Fuyuz Al-Haashmiya Sajawal The belief that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is alive is established by the clear words of the Qurn, ahdth and Ijma. Hence, its rejecter no longer remains in the fold of Islam. Nur Muhammad Principle, Darul Fuyuz al-Haashmiya 11th Rajab 1389 AH (261) The answer is undoubtedly correct. Karamuddin Teacher of Hadith, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi (262) The answer is correct. Abul Fazl Abdul Mannan Sheikh al-Hadith & Principal, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi (263) The answer is correct. (Moulana) Sanaullah Teacher, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi (264) The answer is correct. Abdur Rashid Nadwi Teacher, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi (265) The answer is correct. Abdur Rashid Ubaidur Rahman Faruqi Teacher of Tajweed, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya (266) The answer is correct. Muhammad Aqil Teacher, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi (267) The answer is correct. Haakim Ali Former-Sheikh al-Hadith, Darul Hadith, Rahmaniya, Karachi
71 (268) The answer is no doubt correct. Aftab Ahmad (269) The answer is correct. Muhammad Jamshed Alam
FATWA (270)
Moulana Muhammad Abdul Haamid al-Badayuni Chairman, Markazi Jamiat Ulama-e-Pakistan In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful We praise Allah and send salutations upon His noble Messenger, the last of all prophets. The Ulama and Muftis of the entire Muslim world agree that the prophethood came to an end at Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam and he was granted the honour of being Khaatam-al-Ambiya (last of all the prophets) i.e. there will be no prophet to come after him. The Qurn clearly states: "But he is the messenger of Allah and the last of all prophets." 93 One who believes otherwise - in another nabi (prophet) whether buruzi or any other kind, is clearly Kafir. Likewise, this matter is also agreed upon that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam is alive in heaven with the will of Allah. The Holy Qurn bears witness to this: "It is absolutely certain that they did not kill him, but Allah lifted him towards Himself." 94 Therefore, whoever holds the belief that Sayyiduna Isa alayhis-salaam has died is a deviant and Kafir and will no longer remain within the fold of Islam. Muhammad Abdul Haamid, al-Qadiri al-Badaayuni 214 Pir Ilahi Bakhsh Colony, Karachi 5 (271) The answer is correct. Mufti Ghulam Sabiri Lecturer, Madinah Jami Masjid, Model Twon, Karachi 27 (272) The answer is correct. Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Qadiri Chairman, Anjuman Amanat al-Islam, Member, Jamiat Ulama-e-Pakistan, Karachi
72 3rd Shawwal 1384 (273) The answer is correct. (Moulana) Saifur Rahman al-Qadiri Imam & Principal, Jami Masjid, Aram Bagh, Karachi (274) The answer is correct. Muhammad Anwar Masjid Bab-as-Salam, Aram Bagh, Karachi (275) The Fatwa issued by the Ulama is correct. Molvi Saifur Rahman Qadiri Imam Jami Masjid, Aram Bagh Principal, Darul Uloom Mazhariya, Aram Bagh, Karachi