Goal Setting For Knuckleheads
Goal Setting For Knuckleheads
Goal Setting For Knuckleheads
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Hello Knucklehead!
The jig is up, come on admit it. You know youre a knucklehead! Why else would you be reading a manifesto on knuckleheads if you werent a knucklehead? The way I see it, this manifesto is in your hands for one of three reasons: A friend or family member gave you a copy because they think youre a knucklehead. A boss or co-worker gave you a copy because they are convinced youre a knucklehead. You raided the piggy bank, coughed up a few bucks and bought a copy for yourself because you KNOW youre a knucklehead.
that we consciously or unconsciously engage in, and which is harmful to our progress.
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It is the proverbial banana peel that we step on that slows us down, beats us up, or worse yet prevents us from achieving our goals. Knuckleheads fall madly in love, head over heels, go-go ga-ga about behavior that does not deliver any results at least any results worth bragging about! Consider this question; Why? Because theyre knuckleheads! You know who you are. You know more about right and wrong than anyone else. Youve read the books, taken the courses, bought the tapes and watched the videos but youre still a knucklehead. Now, Im not here to tell you to ignore all of the advice that youve ever been given. I would tell you that, but youre already too far-gone to hear that argument. Instead, Im just going to give you a few lessons that signal danger like sitting in a metal chair in the middle of a lightning storm. Scoff, if you want. Dismiss me, if you will. But ignore me at your own risk, and you ignore powerful signs at your own peril. Got it knucklehead! This manifesto is also for all those know-it-alls who think they supposedly have it all together, who know everything. You know who you are - judge, jury, and executioner of all that is right and wrong. If thats your view, Ive got news for you; youre a knucklehead just for thinking that way.
Goal Setting for Knuckleheads uses a light-hearted approach, down to earth style, along with humorous metaphors and an occasional, well placed insult, to dispel fears, increase your education, and build
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Make no mistake; while this report is light-hearted it is not to be taken as a lightweight, decaffeinated manifesto on success.
This powerful little report will poke you in the eye, jab you in the ribs, kick you in the shins, and sock you in the belly when you engage in knucklehead behavior. The principles for both success and failure are surprisingly similar. Success and failure are the result of daily disciplines that are practiced consistently; the difference is the type of disciplines or behaviors that are practiced.
practicewell, you get the picture! Youve picked up this report, so I assume youre interested in getting out of the peanut gallery of life by learning how to succeed through the power of goal setting. This report offers counsel and coaching for the bold, not the timid. Following your dreams takes far more courage and belief in oneself than you can possibly imagineso you best be prepared. As you read through this report, you may be tempted to say, Hey GoalsGuy, this is really obvious, common sense stuff, and Id say, However if its so common sense, then why isnt it common practice in your life? My goal is simply to help you achieve yours! So come along with me and together lets get to the
Everything Counts!
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complete clarity and begin mapping out the steps to get you there. The more focused you are, the
You can be a knucklehead and jump around the report like a chicken without a head, or you can take my recommendation and read it straight through in the order it was written.
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success in advance, focusing on details and objectives, commitment, and the dreaded D word DISCIPLINE.
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Like any skill, you must start slowly, gradually becoming comfortable with each step in the process. You dont have to be gifted to get great results. Getting results is a learned skill, not a talent and can be taught, practiced, and perfected over time. Anyone willing to commit to getting better results will. First and foremost you have to believe that you can get great results, and you have to take control of your life and surroundings.
need to accomplish before the end of the day. Go through your list and put a number by each item to denote the order of importance and put a want. Determine not to be distracted!
After you establish your goals and priorities for a day, hour, or a particular meeting or project, you must one activity encroach upon the timing and effectiveness of any other.
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It is easier said than done, however if you want to achieve your goals in the quickest manner possible,
down every action you plan to take. Knuckleheads keep their goals in their head while priorities to paper, you can free your mind of worry and anticipation.
items off your list. A feeing of accomplishment precedes a completed item. Every action moves you one step closer to your desired goal and ideal outcome. on the present. Focus on the here and now, you cannot change the past nor can you control the future.
remind yourself of whats most important; your current focus. Like a rubber band, this will snap you back to the matter at hand.
get better results, you need to constantly ask yourself whether what you are currently undertaking is the highest and best use of your time. If it isnt, perform an immediate exorcism, refocus on your priorities,
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Focus is a game that few people are familiar with, but all have the ability to play. There are simply too
it makes a well thought out prediction about where the future lies and then you, yes you Knucklehead,
is too important to leave to amateurs. It must be taken very seriously. There will be raw envy from other Knuckleheads because of your results achieved due to a long sustained focus. However, it will be tempered by grudging admiration of the inevitability that they can either improve or that you will positively embarrass them. You will motivate by your actions, and some will be distracted and even discouraged. Focus makes you the standard by which everyone has to compete.
way to eat an elephant is to eat it one bite at a time and the best way to approach goal setting is with the same philosophy.
toward managing what seems unmanageable is to break each task into smaller increments. In other words, divide the goal into morsels and conquer each task one at a time.
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By focusing on the smaller objectives instead of the large whole, your tasks seem easier and your anxiety and blood pressure are certainly lowered. One of lifes most important lessons is that a large goal consists of a bunch of smaller ones. This attitude and philosophical
Their motto sounds like One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, three to get ready, three to get ready They never get around to four Lets go! Conversely, you can start reacting to whatever is thrown your way without any plan at all. Both will achieve the same foul results!
Dont insist on 100 percent when 90 percent will do nicely. Always strive for at least 90 percent. Dont get distracted or detoured onto the side streets.
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You will be best served by adopting a strategy of Ready, Aim, Fire, Aim a Little Closer, Fire Again!
errors, make necessary corrections, and re-execute. You snatch defeat from the jaws of victory when you spend endless time in getting ready to be successful. Dont postpone results and the sweet taste of victory. Whether or not your actions and decision making takes you closer to or further away from your goals depends solely on your ability to correct yourself along the way.
each of these is extremely important, melon management means focusing on the tasks at hand and trusting that your short-term objectives move you toward your longer-term goals.
The whole left brain/right brain argument is so hare-brained that it does not deserve an ounce of your mental energy.
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and actions. The myth that geniuses cant be encumbered by the boundaries of discipline and structure is so wrong. High-achievers share common traits regardless of the uncommonness of their profession. They are incredibly disciplined and go to great lengths to ensure that they perform at their absolute best, every time. They respect the importance of even the smallest details and make sure that everything they do counts and leads them to victory. No detail is too small for their attention.
It really is a monkey see, monkey do kind of world. Seeing is believing. Actually its more like believing is seeing.
area do you want to achieve better results? Can you see your goal in your mind with clarity? If you cant answer all of these questions you need to give your
What you see IS what you get. Professional athletes are exceptionally adept at
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positive reinforcement gives you an advantage in any endeavor. When they perform well, they are not surprised at all. In fact, they
Because establishing goals is so important, you should put a great deal of time
strategy. The statement is too vague, and the timeframe is open-ended. If however you say, I want to increase my personal contribution to revenues by 30 percent in the timeframe.
Once you answer this question, you can hone your vision even further. The result should sound like MY goal is to close three of the ten prospects I am working on in order to increase my contribution to company revenues by 30 percent in the next 18 months. Now you have something to sink your teeth into.
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you dont see immediate results that you had hoped for. You must practice the basic fundamentals of achieving results if you want your goal to be achieved.
and practice.
prepare well and practice in advance to perform at their very best, knuckleheads fail to commit the time necessary to prepare and practice.
Mark Twain once wrote that, There are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason. Knuckleheads have developed an unrivaled gift for making excuses and thus murdering their own potential.
The tragedy of the average knucklehead is that they have become dependent on the deception and false beliefs associated with making excuses. I know of no enemy more insidious or vicious than excuses. An enemy poses a clear and present danger to your future. Excuses are to a knucklehead, what spin is to a politician; a clever yet lame way to smooth over bad news or some undesirable reality. The truth is, no one is buying it and you know youre full of beans.
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You cant excuse yourself out of a mess that you behaved yourself into. Dont lie or BS people with some sorry excuse for why you didnt deliver the intended results. Trust me, they see right through it, which makes you look like an even bigger knucklehead.
distinct whiff of mediocrity. Few things are more uncomfortable than being confronted with the reality of your own sorry excuses. The excuse of using excuses is a behaviorally transmitted disease that inhibits the inherent potential of anyone that comes in contact with them. So why do knuckleheads become such easy prey for an excuse when bringing home the bacon was what was expected of them? Why do they continue to rely on such lame rational, which undermines their potential and destroys their reputation? Why do they continue to dine on this junk food of behavior? Why? Because theyre knuckleheads! Thats why! The tipping point of success resides on the other side of excuses
Discipline is the umbilical cord of success. Refusing to apply discipline will drain dry the bank account of all that is possible. Discipline is the virtue that gives you the courage and the inner resolve to do what you said you would do - when you said you would do it period! It is the source, the wellspring that lets you live the life that you deserve. You must strengthen your inner core if you are truly dedicated to manifesting your highest potential for
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Study anyone who has achieved a measure of greatness and you will be studying discipline in motion. Discipline is the cornerstone of self-mastery. Study a knucklehead on the other hand, and you will be studying procrastination in motion. You exercise discipline for the same reason you take a bath - without it you stink! You may not be breaking any laws by not disciplining yourself, but success requires a higher standard of performance and accountability than that!
For knuckleheads, trying is the same as achieving. Knuckleheads put in countless hours on the job, struggling to keep up with their hectic schedules, and speaking in breathless frustration about how unappreciated their efforts seem to be.
achieved in the last day, week, or even month, what you will hear is excuses; their reasons why the result was not achieved. Knuckleheads speak about how hard they work and offer countless examples of their own good intentions, but when measuring results, most of these people have nothing to show for their efforts. Even worse, they dont really understand why results even matter.
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If how you play is all that matters, then why do all sporting activities have some form of a scoreboard? The scoreboard is your report card. It tells the world (and you) whether you are winning, losing, or just holding your ground. Keeping score and evaluating your progress is vital to success. It not only documents your true progress, it also serves as a standard by which a person, team, or company can gauge itself against the competition.
your success.
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person who has mapped out every minute of everyday for the next year of their life. His surroundings are
This person has never been late, never missed returning a phone call, never let paper pile high on his desk. He jealously guards his time and surroundings, and manages the clock very well. He is a classic overachiever who has probably been labeled obsessive at some point in his life. This man has gone to the far extreme.
99% of people fall between these two extremes. Unfortunately, far too many people relate more to the disorganized example than to the organized one.
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There is a tremendous opportunity cost message or task unaccomplished has a cost, and sometimes the cost is diminished reputation. A lot of
You become known as someone who doesnt return phone calls or someone who is consistently late to meetings. These perceptions (actually they are realities) will in fact tarnish your business and personal relationships. The cleanliness of your space speaks volumes to your co-workers and clients. A cluttered desk piled with
How can a client entrust you with his business if you cant be trusted to handle the items currently on your desk? And how can a co-worker rely on you if you have proven yourself unreliable in other, seemingly
Knuckleheads believe themselves to be great golfers, speakers, joke tellers, coaches, etc.., when in fact
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ACTION: Keep a record of why youre late for meetings or with deadlines, and jot down the reasons you believe you fall behind. In addition, list the items you have lost or misplaced over the course of the last month. Objectively evaluate whether or not you were being honest with yourself. A little honesty goes
experience has shown them to be late for everything. Lets cut to the quick on this issue. Being chronically late is irresponsible and unprofessional, and is a Knuckleheads would never admit this, but they get a sort of demented jolly by getting everyones attention when they walk in the room late. This demented behavior reinforces a sense of inadequacy that the knucklehead feels about himself and this is his creative way of demonstrating his incompetence to the world.
they fall behind, but continue to insist that they are never late. for change.
sheer volume can be overwhelming therefore, you must have a system in place that manages the way you handle paper and you must be diligent about sticking to that system.
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Decisions today arent hampered by a lack of data, but rather by an overabundance of data. Some of
important and moves you closer to your goal, it is probably better left unread.
Act on it! File it away to be acted on later! Delegate it to someone else! Toss It!
Touch paper as few times as possible and handle each as quickly and as goal as your ultimate objective and enter the process with a get-in-get-out mindset. Often the boldest and best method for handling paper is to increase the number of items you pitch into the can.
activities and other areas of your life. When you pick up a piece of paper, ask yourself, What is it? Why do I have it? What am I going to do with it?
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happen or you dont. If everyone believes that you are available at all times, you are. How you deal with incoming calls is an indicator of how much control you exert over your own schedule. If you accept every call that comes in, you are at the mercy of anyone who happens to have your number. Taking control of how and when you accept phone calls is critical to your time.
Out-going Calls
Prior to making any call, engage the following system to ensure you get the best results. 1. Make a list of the talking points you want to discuss. 2. 3. Manage your outgoing and incoming calls with the same level of professionalism and discipline that you would with any business meeting.
Insist that all calls be returned the day in which they arrive. Never let the sun set on an unreturned phone call. You expect that level of service from others, so youd better commit to doing it yourself. If not, you lose your right to complain.
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That level of service is expected in both business and social circles. An unreturned phone call is never due to uncontrollable circumstances. Its a shun and the mark of an amateur. You are intentionally ignoring someone if you do not return a call the day it was received, and if you dont believe it knucklehead, just pick up the phone and call that person whose call you have not returned for a week and ask him or her how they perceive it. Enough said! People expect to hear back from you. Therefore, it is imperative that you establish personal policies on when you return calls and what message you send to those who are waiting to hear back from you.
Knuckleheads love their cell phones. Youve seen him or her, the one who believes it is his or her obligation to keep it on and be available to anyone at anytime. Knuckleheads feel a tremendous sense of importance in having their phone ring in the middle of a restaurant and rudely chat away in front of everyone as if the entire restaurant crowd should have to listen to them speak. These knuckleheads may mean well, but
There is a time and place for everything. Your cell phone should be in the off position at the following times and places. Violate these and believe me, everyone looks at the knucklehead with the cell phone, and under his or her breath say, What a Knucklehead!
any other venue that demands quiet and decorum is no place for a cell phone.
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project or giving your kids their baths, the cell phone is an interruption from time you have set aside to get other things accomplished.
Technology is a wonderful thing. Cell phones and pagers can be lifesavers when stranded on the side of the road and timesavers if you happen to be running late. They can also be rude, obtrusive, and obnoxious. You are responsible for controlling them and using them in a respectful manner.
The System
Your time management system might be good or bad, conscious or unconscious, but dont be deceived;
of living in a mess.
Identify the system thats right for you Simplify the system so that it isnt a burden Monkey with the system so that it is truly your own
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1. Be in Writing If youre relying on your memory, youre toast. No matter how bright you are, memories fail, time escapes you, and things will slip through your mind and the proverbial cracks of productivity. If you only write down half the things you need to do, your system is only 50% effective. If 75% of the you choose, it must force you to write everything down if it is to be 100% effective. Since you are always on the go, your system must be portable and convenient to access at all times. If you write your plan down but dont keep it with you, what worth is it? Your
No one needs to understand your system but you. Keep it personal and make it work for you. Abbreviate where you can and do all you can to save time. You dont need to spell correctly in your system or use correct grammar; the objective is to work your system to accomplish the tasks on your list.
time and tasks. You should spend little time assembling your list and the majority of your time implementing it.
used and what sort of feeling you want to evoke for those who see it. Police interrogation rooms are intentionally stark, cold, and intimidating. The goal of this bargainbasement-no-frills approach is to make the person being nailed to the cross feel very uncomfortable with the environment and surroundings.
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Maternity wards on the other hand, go out of their way to make their private rooms as warm and inviting as possible. They want to make the delivering mother feel as comfortable as possible to alleviate any stress she may experience. These are important examples and remember them when planning a meeting or social gathering. Every people entering your space to experience.
your space and make immediate changes for the better. Decide what feeling you want your space to project.
You can do the same thing with time. Every day has 1,440 minutes. Assuming you need 8 hours or 480 minutes of sleep, you are left with 960 minutes in which to achieve the goals you set for yourself in any given day.
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Youve no doubt heard that expression and youve also used it as well. Take this opportunity to put a dollar value on your time. Most people have no idea what their time is actually worth. Just as you value your own time, you must respect the value of other peoples time as well. Being late for a meeting, dinner engagement, or appointment is not only rude, it also tells the other person with whom you are dealing that you believe their time is worthless.
The utter disrespect knuckleheads have for other peoples time is an abomination and the chances are slim that people will want to do business with them ever again. By not respecting others time, they lose the respect of others. Action: Place a dollar value on every minute of your day and, before embarking on ANY activity, ask yourself whether the results you hope to accomplish are worth the time in real dollars that you have to spend.
Time has always been an elusive concept for most people. You know how it is measured, and know that you never seem to get enough of it, but you probably have no idea what time really is and how it relates to the other elements of getting results and achieving goals.
it rains, and that there are accidents. Sometimes nothing seems to go your way and far too often you dont get done what you intended to.
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Copyright The GoalsGuy
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unproductive, and the high achiever from the knucklehead! Schedules are a bit like budget projections, when you get right down to it, they are well-intended educated guesses. A schedule is a road map, a practical prediction of the future. Like all predictions, a schedule is not perfect, nor should anyone expect it to be. Schedules are best-guess scenarios. You can however, hone certain skills to improve your accuracy and to make your guesses the best they can be.
part, these are blocks we use when measuring time. Improving your mastery of time requires a change in that block thinking. It is important that you combine both time and space when planning any activity.
Consider an airplane for a moment. When a plane leaves the gate with one or more empty seats, the value of that seat immediately drops to $0.00 and it becomes an unrecoverable asset. Once the plane lifts off, the opportunity to sell that seat is gone forever and the airline has absolutely no chance of getting a penny for it. The value of an airline seat is directly relates to whether it is occupied. Whether the price is $400.00 or $40.00, the seat has value only if there is a person sitting in it. After takeoff, the chance for payment is history. Lost or wasted time cannot be recovered. Time is an unrecoverable asset, gone forever, the moment it passes. Once a second is behind you, it cannot be replicated, recaptured, or returned.
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Spending Time
Only Picasso could paint a Picasso, and only you can do certain things in your life. After you identify
Divide and conquer your day into manageable bites of between 15 and 30 minutes. Divide a task that is likely to take an hour into four 15-minute time increments, and you will conquer your tasks in an orderly and results-oriented manner.
not waste your own time or disrespect others by wasting theirs. Nothing is more irritating than having someone interrupt you when they know you are busy and do not want to be disturbed. In addition to being rude, the interruption is profoundly disrespectful. This knucklehead disrupts your concentration and steals precious minutes from you. The action is no different from picking your pocket or stealing money from the cash register. In fact, it is worse. The money
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you for respecting their time and will grant you the same respect in return.
Being unprepared for a meeting is the mark of a knucklehead. Arriving unprepared is worse than missing the meeting altogether, it is the equivalent of arriving at a restaurant in the nude. Missing the meeting leaves everyone wondering if you are inept, showing up unprepared removes all doubt!
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A direct correlation exists between your effectiveness in a meeting and the amount of advance preparation you do for the meeting. If you are prepared beforehand, you know the salient points before anyone speaks and have enough background information to keep up without asking unnecessary questions. This preparation keeps the meeting moving and keeps all in attendance focused. Knuckleheads, through lack of preparation, drag meetings into time-consuming black holes. Never be guilty of being the time bandit who steals everyones precious time because you did not do your homework.
You can always spot someone who has done his or her homework. The prepared person listens attentively
Expect tough questions and never be caught in a position where you do not know the answer. If that is the case, dont be a Knucklehead and attempt to bluff your way through it. Say you dont know and
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control of your time, space, and personal agenda. Why say no? Because saying yes all the time is what knuckleheads do. However, even more important
Even though you may have the persons feelings in mind when you say something like, I dont know, maybe some other time - what you are really doing is setting the person up for future rejection and simply prolonging the process, wasting both of your time. The best example of this type of torture is a woman who is asked out on a date by a man she is not interested in. Rather than turning him down outright, she says something like, I cant tonight. Maybe some other time. When the knucklehead asks the second time, she offers another excuse and of course, the knucklehead
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At some point, everyone has said yes when they should have said no. The responses in those situations are always the same; you kick yourself for having committed to a task you didnt really want to do and
The best answer to the question of when you should say no isoften. Of course you cannot turn down
Growing comfortable with your time and your personal long- and short-term goals takes practice. However, you must do so if you are to pull everything
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a long way to getting you there, but the ultimate reward for being successful is in accomplishing what you set out to do.
difference between getting maximum results for your efforts or throwing in the towel in frustration.
on winningon achieving the stated goal. All winners, whether in sports, business, or politics, share some unmistakable traits; the most prominent being a singular obsession with winning. Goals of successful winners are clear and concise and there is no doubt about the results that winners expect to achieve. They focus on the objective in front of them, never letting doubt or guilt seep into their minds. Winning is the only option and the only reason for being in the game.
Look your fears in the eye and send a simple but strong message. Take your best shot, because I am not running, I am not hiding, I am
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The second you commit to working through the fear and being proactive on what you want your fears are toast! Signed, sealed, and delivered! Fear takes your breath away and has no intention of giving it back. You must take control for the only way out of a situation or fear is to go through it.
2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate! Knucklehead, Knucklehead - Yeah Knucklehead!!! Watch a dog staying focused and keeping our eyes on the prize.
What a knucklehead does in the end, the high achiever does in the beginning.
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When faced with uncomfortable dilemmas, never let your clients, subordinates, peers or bosses see you succumb to the pressure. Never once should you let your clients or adversaries see any evidence of stress behind your calm and collected demeanor.
and fears in what is, for others, a stressful environment. You must be keenly aware of the importance of maintaining the right image to ensure your professional reputation remains unblemished. Assess the circumstances. And dont offer up any excuses. Appeal to reason and let people know you appreciate their understanding of the situation. You must be direct and retain accountability for the matter by not shifting the responsibility. Keep your wits about you. Despite the chaos of the situation swirling around you, refuse to become rattled. Keep your own sense of what needs to be done and remain as cool as the other side of the pillow. Then, set about dealing with the immediate task at hand, one by one, in a calm and resourceful manner. People typically understand circumstances getting out of control. They do not understand you getting out of control!
Never take your eyes off where you want to go. Focus is the key to all your success. In life, you are only as successful as your ability to keep your eyes on the ball.
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Beware of entropy! In the physical, being unfocused is called entropy or disorder. The law of entropy states that over time, everything moves from a condition of control to chaos if left unattended. Lets say you straighten out your garage, a month later, the garage is a mess. You are witness to an
Your goals and dreams are no different from your garage. Over time, you will become unfocused if you do not make it your focus to remain focused.
the number of innings, or a predetermined number of rounds every goal in your life has an effective time limit. personal game clock.
potential, but rather how long it will take to start yielding results. It really does not matter whether a goal is desirable if you go broke bringing it to fruition. Professional golfers know a thing or two about start times and deadlines. Starting
This simple advice is often wasted on Knuckleheads. Regardless of the goal, knowing how much time is on your clock goes a long way toward ensuring success.
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you want to become. Thats why writing your goals and objectives and keeping them in a convenient location is crucial to your success.
things you do exceptionally well and leg go of or improve the things you dont do well.
No matter where you are in life, successfully reinventing yourself means setting a target and managing all aspects of your life around that objective.
of yourself.
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Say you want to be a successful entrepreneur; you must manage your career with that objective in mind. Every move you make along the way will make sense because it will move you closer to your ultimate goal.
Your choices are simple, you can either let everyone you come in contact with assume that you are the same person you were before, or you can announce your transformation yourself. Be loud, be proud, and reinforce your new change at every opportunity. You know what I mean
You can bet the hair on your chinny-chin-chin that a goal is not a goal until you write it down. You cant keep your goals in your mind, thats just excusing failure in advance.
mandatory condition of success and unless you write a goal down, its nothing more than a fantasy or a wish. After youve put the goal down on paper, the pressure is on. Action is required and personal integrity is to failure. Either way, the choice is yours.
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The second you write your goal down on paper, you place your credibility on the line, it may be only with yourself, but thats where it matters most. Isnt that right, knucklehead?
Get into the habit of writing down every single activity you need to accomplish in a day, no matter how small or rudimentary the task. Mark the items off the list after they have been accomplished. This act of writing conditions you to making lists and focusing on the tasks. Like most goals in life, getting results in your project requires discipline and commitment. If you are not accustomed to writing lists, planning ahead, cleaning up, or handling details, simply claiming you dont have these skills in you is much easier than making a commitment to change your behavior. If youre committed, you must devote yourself to learning and perfecting the craft of achieving greater results. You must not fall off the proverbial wagon from that commitment.
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The biggest obstacle to getting results isnt time or money its communication. People are naturally reluctant to ask for help, and even more reluctant to share information about a desired outcome.
that asking for help is a sign of weakness. That sort of knucklehead thinking is hogwash. All successful people have asked for and received the help of other people along the road to their success, and all are great communicators. In order to get results, you must join those who have mastered the art of effective communication.
If ordering a well-done hamburger with extra onion and no tomato from a single waiter causes problems, how can you communicate a long-range vision to a large group? Keep a close eye on the following;
Some want physical phone calls everyday with updates. Others think of that as an annoyance. Some only want written updates and email while others want a more intimate person-to-person approach. Neither is right or wrong, however if you want to communicate your ideas effectively, you must understand how those around you want their information delivered.
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People who like information to be read to them, or People who like to talk out or write information
Action: Identify the people around you and how they like to digest information. Then, accommodate
left now to miss that big ol airplane coming your way The transmission must be Yes, its a bit cumbersome but it is highly successful.
While communicating your goals may not be a matter of life or death, you still need a What did you take away from what I just said Knucklehead? See how easy that was!
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Do not be afraid to fail along the way. As circumstances change and new opportunities arise, remain
Because the world changes so quickly, you arent always guaranteed success in your long-term plans. You may fall short or conditions may change so dramatically, that your objectives or projects dont make sense any more.
your ability to predict the future. Change is simply a part of life, and recognizing when your long-term plans no longer make sense is a sign of wisdom and maturity.
People will never possess what they are unwilling to pursue! Press the fast forward button on your behavior and go postal for your results. You must create a sense of urgency in order to accomplish your goals. Passion and enthusiasm for your goals must precede all action. Go nuts, get crazy, operate like the twoIt is illegal to leave the scene of an accident and it is just as irresponsible to leave the scene of an opportunity and not take advantage of it!
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When the going gets tough, knuckleheads disappear. Knuckleheads move with the same low level of urgency as a teenager taking out the trash! You cannot make progress without making decisions. Decisive, deliberate action is what you do when the going gets tough. This is the time when having ants in your pants are a good thing!
We act because of the consequences we expect to get as a result. To get people involved in a transformation process, you can readily get buy-in if you can clearly show the severe disadvantages of not changing and the huge advantages of changing.
H for Habit
break, so successfully changing behavior will take time and requires commitment. Sometimes we need feedback in order to make the proper change, but that feedback is not always readily available. Ask a friend you respect and trust to give you periodic feedback and help you stay on track. Be patient with yourself and others, as change is not always easy.
A for Attitude
The very manner in which a change initiative is presented, can cause people to go negative in order to assert their individual freedom; I might do what you want, but I dont have to like it. You cant control my attitude.
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you can facilitate positive attitudes by allowing people choice and a sense of personal control throughout the change process. You also boost acceptance when you address peoples needs and fears.
N for Needs
Buy-in and commitment will come if you show people that their needs are being addressed during the transformation process, and that although the change outcome will be positive on a need satisfaction scale.
G for Goal-Setting
and track progress. This is how you document incremental change leading eventually to the major
People feel empowered to work for proactive change when they have the knowledge and resources from their change efforts.
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consistently disciplined and honorable pattern of behavior is enforced, death follows quickly!
lack-luster performances, the going will be tough. Its one thing to recognize a problem, its an entirely
Success is a lock just waiting to be picked. Even though you are committed to doing better, remember peoples memories are like elephants, they dont forget and they will always be suspicious. This is even more reason to get and remain focused while keeping your nose clean.
Light and easy reading, yet the principles and points covered are critical to your success. From The Ten achievers as well as ways to disassociate with knuckleheads by any and all means necessary.
bonehead move, they spectacularly rediscover them! These are the tried-and-true realities of goal setting that always have and always will apply!
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Success is a choice. You must decide what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it. No one else can, will, or should do that for you.
Nobody goes through life alone. Establish your own Personal Board of Directors, people whose wisdom, knowledge and character you respect to help you achieve your goals.
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Rewards work! Think of what you will give yourself as a result of your hard work, focus and persistence you deserve it!
The shelf life of all plans is limited. No plan holds up against opposition. Everything changes. Therefore, inspect frequently and closely, its an insurance policy on your success.
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1. means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. Aristotle 2. Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. Steve Brennan 3. it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind and is thus enabled, thanks minimum of physical effort. Just pursue the thought unceasingly. Step by step you will achieve
4. When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. Greg Anderson 5. A goal is created three times. First as a mental picture of something you want to be, do or have. Second, when written down to add clarity, depth and dimension. And third, when you take action towards its achievement. Gary Ryan Blair 6. 7. knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. Napoleon Hill
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8. Picture yourself in your minds eye as having already achieved this goal. See yourself doing the things youll be doing when youve reached your goal. Earl Nightingale 9. The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day dreams. Og Mandino 10. If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed. If he has talent and uses only half of it, he has half failed. If he has a talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded, and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know. John Rushkin
performance evaluation. By the way, consider this a bonus section because there are actually twenty for you to sink your choppers into. These were just too good to pass up.
1. 2. Got into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasnt watching. 3. He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them. 4. 5. 6. Works well under constant supervision and best when cornered like a rat in a trap.
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7. When he opens his mouth, it seems that it is only to change feet. 8. This young man has delusions of adequacy. 9. Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear. 10. 11. The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead. 12. He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room. 13. Room temperature IQ. 14. If brains were taxed, shed get a refund. 15. Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled. 16. Donated his brain to science before he was done using it. 17. If he were any more stupid, hed have to be watered twice a week. 18. If you give him a penny for his thoughts, youd get change. 19. If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean. 20. People would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.
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that laughter is the best medicine especially when we engage in knucklehead behavior. Laugh at yourself, because trust me, they are laughing at you.
1. Let us be thankful for the knuckleheads. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. 2. The best way to convince a knucklehead that he is wrong is to let him have his way. 3. Foolproof systems do not take into account the ingenuity of knuckleheads. 4. A knucklehead despises good counsel, but a wise man takes it to heart. 5. It has been said that there is no knucklehead like an old knucklehead, except a young
6. 7. In life, each of us must sometimes play the knucklehead. 8. Knuckleheads are interesting creatures; they never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. 9. It is rude to silence a knucklehead, and cruelty to let him go on. 10. Its quite true theres a knucklehead born every minute. Its also quite true they dont die that fast.
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Do all of us a favor and dont subject the world to another generation of knuckleheads. Please, Im begging you, please teach your kids about the birds and the bees of goal setting and succeeding in life, who knows maybe, just maybe some of it might sink in. Remember what my grandfather used to say, If you teach them well in the highchair, youll keep them
what it is you want, you accept table scraps by default! The quality of your future years is largely determined by the quality of the choices you make when you are young.
True and accurate information is essential to success. Reality is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Deny reality, and you will soon discover that life is a game of truth or consequences. Tell the truth and demand the truth from others. Otherwise, you are toast.
Excuses are convenient, temporary scapegoats. Sometime, somewhere, and somehow they will come back and make things very uncomfortable. Dreams die under a burden of excuses, they are a character
Everything you say, and do complements or compromises your character. Always do the right thing, because having character is much more important than being a character. When all is said and done, all a person has is their character and integrity, nothing else really matters.
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Every thought, decision, and action moves you closer to or further from your goals. Look at it this way, if you spend an hour exercising you have just moved north towards a healthier life. If you then go and have a greasy cheeseburger and fries, you have now gone southgot it?
6. Practice Self-Discipline
If you do not discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others. Every act of selfdiscipline moves you toward your goals, and every exception takes you off course. Dont believe me, huh? Chew on this, run up your credit cards real high, be late on a few payments and see how quickly those companies are to discipline your cute little behind.
There will never be a day that will not require dedication, discipline, good judgment, and energy. Life is an ongoing journey, with lots of beginnings and continuations. We get better when we do better and we do better when we know better. Education is the ONLY answer!
potential. A lack of commitment devalues potential, credibility, and reputation. Mediocrity is a choice, not always made consciously, but still a choice. Choose excellence!
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Life is short, so enjoy it while you can. You are accountable for all you do as well as for the permitted pleasures that you fail to enjoy during your lifetime. Count the day, the week, and the life lost if you have not laughed or if you have not played, because fun is essential to the good life!
is still quite popular. Walk the talk and let your behavior match your words.
hardest, its the SECOND one that separates the winners from the knuckleheads. Plan before you act.
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Knuckleheads want to arrive at success without having made the trip. Better yet, they want the trip to time and requires hard work.
Your WHY is the soul of your goal. It is imperative that you know WHY you are working so hard and or just because simply wont work.
Knuckleheads make the convenient mistake of dismissing bad news. They choose to ignore information that is vital to the situation and because of this they are guaranteed to fail. Deal with reality, not a delusional fantasyland of the way you would like things to be.
You cant serve two masters, and you cannot pursue multiple goals at the same time. Knuckleheads set themselves up for failure by piling their plate too high with multiple agendas and things theyd like to do. Pick the most important goal and forget the rest for the time being.
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Ten Odd, Bizarre, and Off The Wall Thoughts on Goal Setting
Its not that often in life that you get the chance to write a report on Knuckleheads, so Im jumping in with both feet and letting loose with a few rants. I had to get these babies off my chest and could not
Heres a real winning philosophy. Ill work harder when I get a raise. Sorry knucklehead, youll get paid more when you work harder!
it. You must pay the price in advance for every opportunity or goal you are interested in obtaining.
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Who the heck is Simon anyway? And why should you do what he says? Living on purpose is your primary responsibility. Dont do what your Mom, Dad, teacher or friends say that you should be doing, and by all means dont listen to some dope named Simon. Pay attention, listen to the still small voice inside your heart and throw everything youve got at it.
Youve got your own problems to be worrying about where Waldo has been hanging his hat. The key question is where do you currently stand in relation to where you want to be.
Who cares? What does matter though, is why you are pursuing what youre pursuing. If your only response to that question is either, I dont know or worse yet, Just because then you really are a knucklehead and deserve what you get for such a lamebrain approach to life. I do have a suggestion, however. When you hear yourself repeat the words, I dont know, or Just because, go to the nearest open door and place come along to slam your head with the door!
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Whats that, its a bird, its a plane, no its a turd in the swimming pool! Few things are as disturbing as a turd in the swimming pool, especially when its your swimming pool, and worse yet, if its not your turd. Now that that is out of my system, there are
While there is no greater burden than a great potential, there is no greater responsibility than achieving your god-given potential.
The only thing that tastes like chicken is chicken. And the only thing that tastes like success is success. To achieve your goals you must be decisive, disciplined, and determined to do what is necessary to get the job done. Interested in knowing what failure, quitting, and mediocrity tastes like? Think of a four-letter word that starts with C and ends with P. Yeah, youve got it! Thats exactly what it tastes like.
You not only stink it up when you fail to do your best work, you also bring that baggage and rotten reputation along with you.
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You cant build a solid reputation and strong professional credentials on a foundation of excuses, procrastination, lateness, mediocre work, and a less-than-cheerful disposition.
their work and test their assumptions. This has nothing to do with being naughty or nice, but everything to do with success and failure, about being a professional or an amateur. Plan in advance and double-check your work.always!
Knuckleheads go down with the ship. High-achievers know when to cut their losses and move on. They lick their wounds, heal quickly, and produce the desired results they want. Knuckleheads, on the other hand, wind up in the morgue or on life support. There comes a time when quitting and walking away is the smartest thing to do!
yellow snow. Theses are a few of the pearls of wisdom that your parents probably passed on to you. What follows are The GoalsGuys two-cents-worth of rants and diatribes. High-achievers share common attitudes and actions that they repeat consistently. If all you remember from this report are these twenty-one points, you are guaranteed to remain goal-focusedand thats a good thing!
1. Everything Counts! Everything you say, think and do leads you toward or away from your goal. 2.
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3. Write everything down. High-achievers keep their goals written down in a convenient place where they can see them everyday. 4. Prioritize. Always approach your tasks in descending order of importance, handling the most
5. Focus on one goal at a time. Dont allow yourself to waste your time and talents chasing multiple goals at the same time. 6. Do your homework. Perform your due diligence in advance and determine if a goal is worthy of your time and attention. If it is, develop a solid strategy for achievement. 7. Constantly look for ways to improve. Old dogs can, do, and should learn new tricks. Always be on the lookout to do things better, faster and cheaper. 8. Delegate. Identify with complete certainty, the tasks only you can do, and focus your time on these items. Delegate everything else. 9.
guilt or anxiety.
10. Perform an Environmental Audit. Manage your physical space as well as time. Always maintain an orderly environment where you live and work. 11. 12. Set your goals in writing each morning. Begin the day with a clear list of goals and priorities that you are committed to achieve. 13. 14. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance!
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15. Take initiative and avoid procrastinating. Purposeful action is the road you must travel to become successful. 16.
17. Measure your progress. At the end of each day, you must be able to tell if you are winning or losing. Inspect your expectations. 18.
19. Create a sense of urgency. Perhaps the best thing you can do for yourself is to set a match under all activities and get busy, now! 20. Say no to interruptions and time wasters. A large part of goal setting is saying yes to what you want and no to everything else. 21.
22. Always focus on results. In the end that is all that matters!
I hope you have laughed, learned, and laughed again while reading Goal Setting for Knuckleheads. Keep this thought in mind, that as long as you are alive, somewhere, somehow, sometime, when you least expect it, you are going to engage in some form of knucklehead behavior. And when that happens, look in the mirror and smile knowing that you are a genuine knucklehead!
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Its my pleasure to present you with this world-class collection of performance improvement resources. Each has been designed to educate and inspire you to take relentless action on your goals. Click on covers!
Bucket List
Ten Commandments
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Power of No
Peace Manifesto
Big Bang 65 / 69
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