Week 1 Week 2 Week 3: English Scheme of Work For Year 6
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3: English Scheme of Work For Year 6
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3: English Scheme of Work For Year 6
WEEK / THEME / TOPIC LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to specific information. 2. Use language appropriately to introduce one and to talk about another. 3. Read and extract information for main one and talk about one another. 4. Read and extract information for main ideas. 5. Interpret graphs and evaluate statements based on graphs. 6. Read and talk about what has been read. 7. Use new words in the text. 8. Use contracted form in spoken language. 9. Use the subject verb agreement correctly. 10. Identify collective nouns and use them in sentences. 11. Construct compound sentences. 12. Form compound words by matching words given. 13. Write comprehension answers. 14. Spell words correctly. SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains . 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of compound words. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions, and exclamations with correct stress and intonation. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.4 Responding to such questions 2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of keywords for each topic taught. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.6.5 Combine words to form compound words. 3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instruction, directions, notices, labels, messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.2.1 Complete simple instruction, recipes, descriptions, rhymes with missing words and simple phrases, with guidance. 4.2.3 Complete mind-maps, diagrams with information from the text. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.1 Write simple guided descriptions. 4.9.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized. Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Positive and negative statements - Simple present tense ( repetitive events ) - Subject verb agreement - Compound word - Pronouns ( Interrogative pronouns Who) - Conjunction (because ) - Collective Nouns a team of players a band of musicians a crew of sailors Language Functions:- Introducing oneself and others Vocabulary:assemble , feed / cattle / shopping complex, warehouse, canteen , garage , sitting room, platform / clever, funny , respect , responsible , sensible ,new , sensitive, trustworthy/ husband, twins/ archery, bowling, kite-flying, netball, topspinning, softball / computer programmer, scientist , tour manager, watchman/ raffles , crops , oats/
(1 3 Jan)
(6 - 10 Jan)
(13 - 17 Jan)
Wonderfully made
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to and identify main ideas and details 2. Ask questions and give appropriate responses. 3. Pronounce words with double consonants correctly. 4. Recite jazz chants orally and with actions. 5. revise the correct use of past tense form 6. Revise the correct use of articles with countable and uncountable nouns. 7. Read and retell stories read in relation of story line, characters and values. 8. read and identify main ideas and details 9. Use words that collocate with other words to complete a passage. 10 read story books and write book reviews. 11. Prepare a story planner. 12. Write stories using pictures as a guide. 13. use new vocabulary learnt in the text
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains . 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of compound words. 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers. 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instruction on how to complete a given task. 1.7.1 Listen to stories, fables and legends and give the names of people, animals and places. 2.1.1 repeat words that contain the following (double consonants and initial blend ) 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with correct stress and intonation. 2.2.1 Ask who questions to seek informations. 2.6.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the double consonants and the initial blends. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with letters of double consonants and the initial blends. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.4.1 Read aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly. 3.8.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main ides and details. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.11.1 Read according to ones interest and keep a reading record. 4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing. 4.2.2 Complete text with missing word(s) without any guidance. 4.2.3 Complete mind-maps, diagrams with information from the text 4.3.1 Form simple sentences and questions by matching sentences halves and expending on words given. 4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases and picture stimulus.
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar :- Wh questions and response - The simple past tense - Article with uncountable nouns (some, much, little) Vocabulary :choose , lean , talk , weave, speak , multiply , signal / cafe / misty /peach / reader , writer/ Instructional Phrases:Dust the . Hand over . Use the ..
(20 - 24 Jan) 20 Jan-Hari Keputeraan Sultan Kedah 24 Jan-Maulidur Rasul
(27 31 Jan)
(3 - 7 Feb)
World of Knowledge
Proud to be a Malaysian
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to specific information. 2. Use language appropriately to introduce one and to talk about another. 3. Read and extract information for main one and talk about one another. 4. Read and extract information for main ideas. 5. Interpret graphs and evaluate statements based on graphs. 6. Read and talk about what has been read. 7. Use new words in the text. 8. Use contracted form in spoken language. 9. Use the subject verb agreement correctly. 10. Identify collective nouns and use them in sentences. 11. Construct compound sentences. 12. Form compound words by matching words given.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains final blends 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases in stories, recounts and description heard. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.2 Listen to simple description, recounts, news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas and supporting details. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the final blends. 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions, and exclamations with correct stress and intonation. 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonations. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.4 Responding to such questions. 2.3.4 To make comparisons. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.9.3 To express pleasure/ happiness 2.9.4 To encourage 3.1.3 Read and group words according to final sounds. 3.2.1 Recognize and read aloud words with prefixes and suffixes. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple compound sentences by interpreting pronoun form. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.7 State collective nouns. 3.6.8 Build new words from given words. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.2 Write simple descriptions little or no guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar:Adverbs of frequency The Simple Past Tense Conjunction ( and , but) Prefix ( im ,in ) Language Functions:Making & receiving telephone calls Making appointments Placing orders Apologising Seeking confirmation Expressing gratitude To encourage To postpone Vocabulary Bookshop/ daily, annually/ colourful/ almonds, cashew nuts, dates. Honey dew, lychee / crops, oats/ Phrasal Quantifiers:A reel of thread A can of sardines A box of tissues
(10 - 14 Feb) 10/11 Feb-Chinese New Year
(17 - 21 Feb)
(24 - 28 Feb)
World of Knowledge
Fit as a Fiddle
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen and identify animals described in context 2. Listen and name animals by asking questions. 3. Talk about main ideas, details, similarities and differences. 4. Match names of animals with pictures. 5. describe animals by completing sentences with missing information 6. Name the homes of animals and describe them. 7. read and extract information regarding main ideas and details 8. read and sequence ideas 9. Use figurative language. 10. Give words that associated with other words. 11. Write paragraphs by expending given notes. 12. Write comprehension answers.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain short and long vowel sounds. 1.3.3 Listen to and understand phrases in stories or description heard. 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instruction on how to complete a given task. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.7.1 Listen to stories, fables and legends and give the names of people, animals and places. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the short and long vowel sound. 2.2.2 Ask questions to seek information and clarification. 2.2.4 Responding to such questions 2.3.1 Name or identify things, person, buildings, and act. 2.6.3 Tell what happens next in a story 2.7.4 Talk about the values explore in the stories. 3.1.3 Remand and group words according to short and long vowel sound. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.9 Understand simple similes and proves. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.2.2 Complete the text with missing words without guidance. 4.2.3 Complete mind-maps, diagrams with information from the text 4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.1 Write simple guided description. 4.9.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
(3 - 7 Mac) 3-6 Mac-PKSR 1
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: Positive questions and responses Subject verb aggrement Adjective (multiple use) Vocabulary Lie, stitch, tell , sprint / beaver, dolphin, pigeon, leech , scorpion, seal, zebra , hive, crawl, swing, bleat, bray, chatter, hum, squeak/ exhibition hall / dawn, dusk, decade / away, everywhere, off, upon/ lotus / Similes: As quick as lighting Proverbs : A stitch in time saves nine Honesty is the best policy Look before you leap One good turn deserves another
(10 - 14 Mac)
(17 21 Mac)
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to:
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains silent letters 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages, announcements, news, reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the silent letters. 2.1.2 Pronounce 3 and 4 syllable words correctly. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.2. Ask questions with question tags. 2.3.2 To refute statements. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.6.6 Tell simple stories 2.7.2 Talk about the places in story. 2.9.5 To show concern 3.3.3. Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions or completing info transfer diagrams. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.6 To use words to show comparison. 3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationship. 3.9.5 Read and predict outcomes. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.3.1 Form simple sentences and questions by matching sentences halves and expending on words given. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.4.1 Write simple guided letter to friends and family members. 4.4.2 Write simple letters to pen-pals (less guidance) 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Tag questions - Suffix en and ion Language Function - To seek for assistance - To offer assistance Collective Nouns
(31 Mac-4 Apr)
(7 - 11 Apr)
World of Knowledge
Sounds of Music
1. Listen to information report and identify details. 2. Identify and talk about descriptions. 3. Ask questions to gather information. 4. Ask for and make suggestions. 5. Identify the suffixes en and ion in words and use them in sentences. 6. Add appropriate questions tags to questions. 7. Revise collective nouns. 8. Read story and extract information on main ideas and details. 9. read a story and talk about feelings and moral values 10. Refer to encyclopedia and make notes. 11. Read a report and extract main ideas and details. 12. Read a letter and respond by completing a letter. 13. Read jokes and respond. 14. read puzzles and solve the problems 15. Play a game to consolidate vocabulary learnt.
Vocabulary:Brought / young, tadpole / river mouth , upper / daisy , tulip/ Collective nouns: - a school of fish Phrasal Quantifiers: - a bundle of stick
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to report and complete a table 2. Practice language to ask questions and give appropriate responses. 3. Role plays a dialogue. 4. Match words with given pictures. 5. categories words given under different headings 6. Make sentences using modals. 7. Match newspaper headlines with the report. 8. Read newspaper reports and answer questions. 9. Use the suffixes let and full correctly in sentences. 10. Write a composition using the steps in process approach. 11. Read and solve simple riddles. 12. Read stories and talk about behavior and attitudes.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains final blends 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases in stories, recounts and description heard. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.2 Listen to simple description, recounts, news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas and supporting details. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the final blends. 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions, and exclamations with correct stress and intonation. 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonations. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.4 Responding to such questions. 2.3.4 To make comparisons. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.9.3 To express pleasure/ happiness 2.9.4 To encourage 3.1.3 Read and group words according to final sounds. 3.2.1 Recognize and read aloud words with prefixes and suffixes. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple compound sentences by interpreting pronoun form. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.7 State collective nouns. 3.6.8 Build new words from given words. 3.8.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main ideas and details. 3.9.4 Read tells and writes why a person or animal in the story is good or bad. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.2.2 Complete texts with the missing words without guidance. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.2 Write simple descriptions little or no guidance. 4.8.3 Create greeting cards and posters. 4.10.1 Use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - wh questions and responses - Modals and others - Conjunctions ( neither ..nor ) - Conjunction (because ) - Suffix ful and let - Punctuation Capital letters , full stop , question mark ,apostrophe and exclamation mark Language Functions:- To seek and make suggestions - To offers assistance Vocabulary:Bring , recycle, feel , divide ,fight / owlet / playground / industrial / tableware , untensils , pot , pan , ladle / calculator , generator
(14 - 18 Apr)
(21 - 25 Apr)
Splashes of Colours
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to and correctly sequence simple instruction to complete a task 2. talk about activities to celebrate world events 3. Ask for and give simple instructions to complete a task. 4. Use the future continuous tense in statements and questions. 5. Read dialogues and answer comprehension questions. 6. Widen their vocabulary and use the new words correctly in sentences. 7. Revise homophones and use them correctly in sentences. 8. Write composition on special days by answering questions. 9. read fables and talk about feelings 10. Understand and write newspaper reports. (Penilaian Berasaskn Sklh I)
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain diphthongs. 1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning, middle and end sounds. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 1.3.3 Listen to and understand phrases in stories or description heard. 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instruction on how to complete a given task. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages and announcements, news reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.2 Listen to stories, fables and legends and give details 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain diphthongs. 2.2.4 Responding to such questions 2.3.1 Name or identify things, person, buildings, ect. 2.7.4 Talk about the values explore in the stories. 2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons. 2.9.5 To show concern. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.3 Read and distinguish homophones. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 4.2.2 Complete the text with missing words without guidance. 4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.1 Write simple guided description. 4.7.1 Write simple direction and messages with guidance. 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with little or no guidance.
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Positive questions and responses - Future Continuous Tense Language Functions:- To offer assistance - To express gratitude - To give and receive compliments Vocabulary:Glue / collage , shop house ,continent / coat , gloves, gown , jumper/ crockery / countries / Homophones : be - bee in - inn mail - male waste- waist
(28 April-2 May) 1 May- Cuti Hari Pekerja
(5 - 9 May)
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to announcements and sequence the activities correctly. 2. Listen to announcement and identify items not mentioned. 3. Practise making telephone calls to seek information. 4. Practise using personal pronouns correctly in context. 5. Read poems and answer questions. 6. Revise reflexive pronouns. 7. Read and prepare recipes. 8. Read conversations and answer questions. 9. read conversation and transfer information into grid 10. Read and extract information regarding main ideas and details. 11. Write compositions using pictures and words given. 12. Read stories and write stories based on pictures.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.3.3 Listen to and understand phrases in stories or description heard. 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instruction on how to complete a given task. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.7.1 Listen to stories, fables and legends and give the names of people, animals and places. 2.2.2 Ask questions to seek information and clarification. 2.2.4 Responding to such questions 2.6.3 Tell what happens next in a story 2.7.4 Talk about the values explore in the stories. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.9 Understand simple similes and proves. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, for caption, labels, maps diagrams, ect in maps. 4.2.2 Complete the text with missing words without guidance. 4.2.3 Complete mind-maps, diagrams with information from the text 4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.5.1 Write a simple letter to the class teacher explaning for example, why one was absent from school. 4.6.2 Write simple description with little or no guidance. 4.8.1 Compose stories and poems with guidance. 4.8.2 Compose stories and poem with little or no guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 Use capitol letters, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing.
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - pronouns personal / possessive/interrogative/ reflexive Preposition Infinitive to
(12 - 16 May) 16 May-Sambutan Hari Guru
(19 - 23 May) Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun
(9 - 13 Jun)
Language Functions:- To make encouraging exclamations - To congratulate - Making and receiving telephone calls - Seeking clarifications Vocabulary:Mix , pollute / orphanage / vegetables , curry leaves , pandan leaf
Exchanging Messages
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to and correctly sequence simple instruction to complete a task 2. talk about activities to celebrate world events 3. Ask for and give simple instructions to complete a task. 4. Use the future continuous tense in statements and questions. 5. Read dialogues and answer comprehension questions. 6. Widen their vocabulary and use the new words correctly in sentences. 7. Revise homophones and use them correctly in sentences. 8. Write composition on special days by answering questions. 9. read fables and talk about feelings 10. Understand and write newspaper reports.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain diphthongs. 1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning, middle and end sounds. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 1.3.3 Listen to and understand phrases in stories or description heard. 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instruction on how to complete a given task. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages and announcements, news reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.2 Listen to stories, fables and legends and give details 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain diphthongs. 2.2.4 Responding to such questions 2.3.1 Name or identify things, person, buildings, etc 2.7.4 Talk about the values explore in the stories. 2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons. 2.9.5 To show concern. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions & completing info transfer diagrams. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.3 Read and distinguish homophones. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read. 4.2.2 Complete the text with missing words without guidance. 4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.6.1 Write simple guided description. 4.7.1 Write simple direction and messages with guidance. 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with little or no guidance.
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Positive questions and responses - Future Continuous Tense Language Functions:- To offer assistance - To express gratitude - To give and receive compliments Vocabulary:Glue / collage , shop house ,continent / coat , gloves, gown , jumper/ crockery / countries / Homophones : be - bee in - inn mail - male waste- waist
(16 - 20 Jun)
(23 - 27 Jun)
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to description and identify facts and details. 2. Describe countries as holiday destinations. 3. Practice dialogues on making holiday preparations. 4. Read and understand non-linear texts. 5. Read and answer comprehension questions. 6. Use new vocabulary related to numbers, people, currency, transport and objects. 7. Write rhyming couplets using given words. 8. Describe holidays plans based on itinerary found in travel brochures. 9. revise homographs and use them correctly in sentences 10. categories types of transport into groups.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages, announcements, news, reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.2 Pronounce 3 and 4 syllable words correctly. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.2. Ask question to seek information and clarification. 2.2.3 Ask questions with question tags. 2.3.2 To refute statements. 2.4.1 To make a telephone call for a purpose. 2.4.2 To receive a call by understanding what is said and give the relevant information. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.6.6 Tell simple stories 2.7.2 Talk about the places in story. 2.9.5 To show concern 3.3.3. Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions or completing info transfer diagrams. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.8 Build new words from a given word. 3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationship. 3.9.5 Read and predict outcomes. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.2.2 Complete the given text with missing word. 4.3.1 Form simple sentences and questions by matching sentences halves and expending on words given. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.4.1 Write simple guided letter to friends and family members. 4.4.2 Write simple letters to pen-pals (less guidance) 4.7.2 Write simple directions and messages with little or no guidance. 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Pronouns Interrogative pronouns (What , Who, When, Where , How) - Wh questions and responses - Subject verb agreement Language Functions:- To seek for assistance - To offer assistance - To seek for and make suggestions Vocabulary:Lighthouse , rest house , clubhouse / anniversary / bow, clogs / envelope , fax machine, facsimile , paper clips , typewriter, / country, people, currency, dollar , pound sterling / Homograph: Bow , live , present , wind
(30 Jun - 4 Jul)
(7 - 11 Jul) 10 Jul-Cuti Awal Ramadhan
Remarkable Achievers
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. Listen to description and identify facts and details. 2. Describe countries as holiday destinations. 3. Practise dialogues on making holiday preparations. 4. Read and understand non-linear texts. 5. Read and answer comprehension questions. 6. Use new vocabulary related to numbers, people, currency, transport and objects. 7. Write rhyming couplets using given words. 8. Describe holidays plans based on itinerary found in travel brochures. 9. Revise homographs and use them correctly in sentences 10. Categories types of transport into groups.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages, announcements, news, reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.2 Pronounce 3 and 4 syllable words correctly. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.2. Ask question to seek information and clarification. 2.2.3 Ask questions with question tags. 2.3.2 To refute statements. 2.4.1 To make a telephone call for a purpose. 2.4.2 To receive a call by understanding what is said and give the relevant information. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.6.6 Tell simple stories 2.7.2 Talk about the places in story. 2.9.5 To show concern 3.3.3. Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions or completing info transfer diagrams. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.8 Build new words from a given word. 3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationship. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.2.2 Complete the given text with missing word. 4.3.1 Form simple sentences and questions by matching sentences halves and expending on words given. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.4.1 Write simple guided letter to friends and family members. 4.4.2 Write simple letters to pen-pals (less guidance) 4.7.2 Write simple directions and messages with little or no guidance. 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Pronouns Interrogative pronouns (What , Who, When, Where , How) - Wo questions and responses - Subject verb agreement Language Functions:- To seek for assistance - To offer assistance - To seek for and make suggestions Vocabulary:Lighthouse , rest house , clubhouse / anniversary / bow, clogs / envelope , fax machine, facsimile , paper clips , typewriter, / country, people, currency, dollar , pound sterling / Homograph: Bow , live , present , wind
(14 - 18 Jul)
(21 - 25 Jul) 22-24 Jul-Percubaan Tahun 6
Growing Pains
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to dialogues and trace routes 2. Sequence procedures when checking in, at airports.. 3. Use telephones to make arrangements. 4. Use modals and prepositions correctly in sentences. 5. Read a letter and answer comprehension questions. 6. Identify words of similar and opposite in meaning. 7. Write diaries describing holiday activities. 8. Use new vocabulary items related to buildings and places. 9. Revise adjectives of comparison. 10. Match signs with correct messages.
SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains silent letters 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the country. 1.5.1 Listen to simple messages and announcements and give the information required. 1.5.3 Listen to simple messages, announcements, news, reports, recounts and talk about them. 1.7.5 Listen to stories, fables and legends and talk about the moral of the story. 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the silent letters. 2.1.2 Pronounce 3 and 4 syllable words correctly. 2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information 2.2.2. Ask questions with question tags. 2.3.2 To refute statements. 2.5.1 To take and give short messages to friends and family members. 2.6.6 Tell simple stories 2.7.2 Talk about the places in story. 2.9.5 To show concern 3.3.3. Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions or completing info transfer diagrams. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. 3.6.6 To use words to show comparison. 3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationship. 3.9.5 Read and predict outcomes. 3.10.1 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story. 4.3.1 Form simple sentences and questions by matching sentences halves and expending on words given. 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on words and phrases given & on picture stimulus. 4.4.1 Write simple guided letter to friends and family members. 4.4.2 Write simple letters to pen-pals (less guidance) 4.8.2 Compose stories and poems with guidance. 4.9.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.10.1 use capital, comma, full stop, apostrophe and exclamation marks when writing
Grammar/ Language Functions/ Vocabulary Grammar: - Adjectives ( Adjectives of comparison) - Modals and others - Articles - Pronouns - Preposition - Conjunction - Adverbs Language Functions:- To seek for assistance - To offer assistance - Making and receiving telephone calls - Expressing gratitude Vocabulary:Young , lamb / office / hanger , terminal , tunnel / ribbon / fruits , lime
(28 Jul - 1 Aug)
(4 5 Aug) 4 Aug- Pelancaran Bulan Kemerdekaan 6-17 Aug- Cuti Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dan Pertengahan Penggal Ke-2
(18 - 22 Aug) PKSR 2
(25 - 29 Aug)
By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. read and answer grammar questions Complete text completion texts. Answer comprehension guest ions. Write sentences for given pictures. Transfer information and write reasons for choosing something. 6. Expend notes to write paragraphs.
UPSR Preparations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer sample test papers and discuss answers with teacher. Write answers and check answers. Give reasons for giving a certain choice of answer(s) Discuss difficult topics ( grammar / writing ) Do personal / group revision
(1 - 5Sept) 31 Aug-Hari Kemerdekaan
By the end of the week, pupils should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. read and answer grammar questions Complete text completion texts. Answer comprehension guest ions. Write sentences for given pictures. Transfer information and write reasons for choosing something. 6. Expend notes to write paragraphs. (Penilaian Berasaskan Sekolah II) 1. Answer sample test papers and discuss answers with teacher. 2. Write answers and check answers. 3. Give reasons for giving a certain choice of answer(s) 4. Discuss difficult topics ( grammar / writing ) 5. Do personal / group revision
(8 - 12 Sept)
Pupils are given prepared activities and task as below to enhance the mastery of the language.
(15 - 19 Sept) 16 Sept- Cuti Hari Penubuhan Malaysia
Carry out the Contemporary Literature Program 1. Read and express views. 2. read and talk about characters 3. read and talk about details and story line 4. read and talk about moral values 5. read and talk about personal views
Pupils are given prepared activities and task as below to enhance the mastery of the language.
(22 - 26 Sept)
Carry out the Contemporary Literature Program 6. Read and express views. 7. read and talk about characters 8. read and talk about details and story line 9. read and talk about moral values 10. read and talk about personal views
(29 Sept - 3 Oct)
Pupils are given prepared activities and task as below to enhance the mastery of the language. 1. Reading short stories and talk about the story. 2. Take part in language games. 3. Take part in class room quiz. 4. Write compositions. 5. Do oral presentations
(6 - 10 Oct)
Pupil are given Preparation Lesson to help them adjust themselves for the Learning of Mathematics and Science in Form One: The usage of special teaching modules. Enhance the pupils grammar mastery level.
(13 - 17 Oct) 15-17 Oct Cuti Hari Raya Qurban
Pupil are given Preparation Lesson to help them adjust themselves for the Learning of Mathematics and Science in Form One: The usage of special teaching modules. Enhance the pupils grammar mastery level.
(20 - 24 Oct)
FINAL YEAR EXAMINATION 2013 (Year Six sits for the elective papers)
(27 - 31 Oct)
Pupil are given Preparation Lesson to help them adjust themselves for the Learning of Mathematics and Science in Form One: The usage of special teaching modules. Enhance the pupils grammar mastery level.
(3 - 7 Nov) 3 Nov-Hari Deepavali 5 Nov-Awal Muharam
Pupil are given Preparation Lesson to help them adjust themselves for the Learning of Mathematics and Science in Form One: The usage of special teaching modules. Enhance the pupils grammar mastery level.
(10 - 14 Nov)
11 Nov Majlis Tamat Sekolah 12 Nov- Hari Tandatangan Rekod Profil Murid 14 Nov- Budaya Tutup Sekolah