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Advances in Power System Management

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Volker Lohmann ABB Power Automation Ltd, Baden/Switzerland volker.lohmann@ch.abb.com

ABSTRACT In view of the global deregulation process in the electric power industry, utilities are examining the application of information technology (IT) as an option to support corporate business strategies that focus on improving service and power quality as well as reducing cost of operation and maintenance. Key issues for the improvement of the power system performance to achieve overall higher productivity are more and better information concerning the dynamic behaviour of the entire power system and reliable automatic control concepts to maintain power system integrity in case of multi-contingencies. Monitoring of the service condition of physical assets, e.g. circuit breakers and power transformers, allow lower safety margin for operation as well as cost efficient maintenance and asset management. Wide area protection systems are intended to complement existing protection and control systems and provide state of the art solutions for counteracting system instabilities. They are designed to detect abnormal system conditions early enough to initiate predetermined counter actions secure reliable system performance. Intelligent electronic devices (IED) for protection, measurement, monitoring and control tasks in substations as substitutes of electro-mechanical or static devices provide an infrastructure to collect, to process and to transmit data and information, which are utilised for advanced power system management. The integration of the various SA systems in a high performance communication network allows system wide adaptive protection and real time automatic power restoration procedures Keywords: Wide area protection, substation automation, condition monitoring, dynamic load shedding, communication networks, reliability centred maintenance INTRODUCTION In the increasingly competitive arena there is significant pressure on power providers for greater system reliability and improvement of customer satisfaction, while similar emphasis is placed on cost reduction. These cost reductions focus on reducing operating and maintenance expenses, and minimizing investments in new plants and equipment. If plant investments are to be made only for that which is absolutely necessary the existing system equipment must be pushed to greater limits in order to defer capital investments. Utility executives, on the other hand, are examining automation solution alternatives to support corporate business strategies that focus on improving power quality and reducing cost of operation and maintenance. The areas where advanced information technology (IT) applications can contribute significant benefits in terms of better power system performance and reduction of operating and maintenance costs concern power system management, substation automation and on-line condition monitoring. The prerequisite for implementing advances electronic systems is a efficient communication network not only for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management systems (EMS) but also for providing the protection, maintenance and planning departments with direct access from remote to information from the substation primary and secondary equipment. As new and higher levels of digital technologies have made its way into substations in terms of numerical protection devices and control systems, protection engineers are suffering today from data overload. They have more data than can be processed and assimilated in the time available. Therefore, today the challenge is to automatically convert


data to information to predict maintenance, which frees manpower to implement condition based or preventive maintenance. WORKING PLANTS HARDER Enhancing the management and performance of plant and power systems is being discussed widely at many international conferences. The overall conclusion perceived is that there are a lot of new technologies available, which will help planners and operators to find new solutions to maximise the use of the power systems and adapt to the fast changing environment. There are three area where advanced information technology (IT) applications can contribute significant benefits in terms of better power system performance and reduction of operating and maintenance costs: (Figure 1) 1. 2. 3. Advanced power system management, which results in higher reliability of power supply Intelligent substation automation which assures higher availability. On-line power system monitoring which allows to work assets harder and to save maintenance costs

Advanced Power System Management Voltage and current phasor measurements Voltage instability prediction Intelligent load shedding Automated islanding Automated power restoration

Substation Automation (SA)

Fibre optic broadband communication

On-line Condition Monitoring Condition related data Disturbance records Fault history & analysis Early indication of faults Asset management support

Figure 1: IT applications for advanced power system management The prerequisite is a efficient communication network not only for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management systems (EMS) but also for providing the protection, maintenance and planning departments with direct access from remote to information from the substation primary and secondary equipment. (Figure 2)


EMS / SCADA Centre 1

Protection / Engineering Department

Operation / Maintenance Department

Planning / Asset Management Department

EMS / SCADA Centre 2

Real time Communication Network

Non-Real Time Intranet WAN

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station n

Real time data Position status Commands Interlocking Automatics Alarms Process values

Non Real time data Parameter Disturbance records Detailed protection signals Protection measurement values Non-urgent alarms Monitoring data

Figure 2: Corporate communication network for efficient data exchange It is suggested to split the communication system into two partial networks. One for real time data exchange, controls and fast automatic interactions between the various substations and energy management systems (EMS). The second Intranet wide area network (WAN) for non-real time data e.g. parameters, disturbance records, measurements and monitoring data. ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM MANGEMENT In view of the fact that power utilities are forced to increase the performance and the profitability of their power systems, the transmission and distribution networks have to be operated harder to their limits in order to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for electric power. This, however, increases the risks for outages due to the presently insufficient assessment of power systems stability limits. Since the beginning of the electrification area primary equipment protection has been very important, in order to prevent destruction of objects in case of faults. In these days the power supply is so important to the entire society, that large efforts have to be made to maintain power system integrity and mitigate the consequences of faults. This situation will make power utilities increasingly dependent on modern information technologies that provide wide area protection to counteract wide area disturbances and minimise power outages. In response to these new needs ABB has created PsGuard, Wide Area Protection System, which complements existing protection and control systems and provides state of the art solutions for counteracting system instabilities. It is designed to detect abnormal system conditions early enough to initiate predetermined counter actions secure reliable system performance. New Methods for Instability Recognition In order to obtain accurate and actual real time information from the power system stability conditions, phasor measurement units (PMU) need to be installed at critical points throughout the transmission network for sampling voltages and currents phasors i.e. instantaneous values of both magnitudes and relative rotor angles. They are synchronised by GPS satellites for taking simultaneously snapshots of phasors. Further processing of these data delivers accurate values of the safety margin S to voltage instability at the various locations as well as for the entire network in the system protection centre. The objective is to detect incipient problems early enough to initiate preventive actions. (Figure 3)


Re I3






Transmission Network

U2 I2

System Protection Centre

Re I3 U1 I1

Im U3 U2 I2

Re I3 Im U3 U2 I2 U3 U1 I1

Re I3 U1 I1 Re I3 U1 I1

Im U2 I2 U3

Im U2 I2

Figure 3: PSGuard Wide Area Protection (WAP) scheme Time Frame Related to Power System Phenomena The time frame for wide area protection applications related to power system phenomena ranges between typical responses times of protection devices and the time, which is consumed until operators in the network control centres are in the position to interfere manually. (Figure 4) In view of the fast response needed to counteract power system instabilities, operators have very limited chances to act fast enough to maintain system integrity. Therefore, they need either support by automated control systems or an indication of incipient problems early enough that they can take preventive actions in time.

Power system phenomina

Electromagnetic switching transients

Transient stability (angle & voltage) Small signal stability

Power system operation Long term stability

Long term voltage stability Equipment protection Automatic actions Manual operation

Response Range Time range of WAP Applications

Automatic shunt switching Generator rejection Underfrequency load shedding Controlled islanding Remote load shedding Tap changer blocking Actions on AGC

Gas turbine Start up

Undervoltage load shedding 1.0 10 100 1000

Time [sec]




Figure 4:WAP time frame related to power system phenomena The following classification of power system instabilities in relation to time scale and dominating /critical system components has been agreed within IEE.

Dominating/Critical System Components

Time Scale Fast Transient Steady State Generators Angular Instability Loads Fast Voltage Instability



Frequency Instability

Slow Voltage Instability

Response to Power System Instabilities In the first stage of implementation, PsGuard should be used as a monitoring system only in order to assess the dynamic behaviour of the power system. In the second stage, analytical system studies need to be conducted to establish a defence plan that defines the actions, which are required for maintaining the power system integrity. It is recommended that this work should be a joint effort between ABB and the utility operating the power system. The reason is that the experiences the utility has made with multiple contingencies have to be taken into account, as well as the utilitys operating policy, the load restrictions, and options of network topology and power generation. In the final stage, PSGuard is used to prevent instabilities by initiation of the most appropriate actions according the defence plan. Of vital importance to the reliability of transmission networks is the co-ordination of wide area protection functions with the legacy control and protection systems. The extensive system wide PMU measurements can further be used to investigate at which locations in the network the installation of FACTS (flexible AC transmission system) would be feasible to optimise the power flow. The following typical sequence of actions would be initiated by PSGuard, if the power system approached instabilities: 1. Alerting the system operator by indication of the remaining safety margin S and by providing on-line guidance to counteract a critical situation. In addition, corresponding information is produced for the energy management system (EMS). Control actions are initiated if the safety margin S reaches a pre-set critical level to avoid voltage instabilities to occur, e.g. FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) Can produce or consume reactive power This action is instantaneous and efficient in case of voltage collapes It can counteract voltage instability following loss of several transmission lines LTC (Load tap changer control) If the load current increases LTC is supposed to raise the tap position to compensate for the voltage drop In the course of severe power system disturbances this ,however, would be a counterproductive action. Therefore, Psguard blocks LTC or changes the setpoint of the tap changer to preserve system stability AGC (Automated generator control) Objectives of AGC are: to regulated frequency and to maintain balance of power AGC controls the load reference setpoints of a group of generator Control is confined to an individual area Load shedding Underfrequency initiated to minimise the risk of system collapse Undervoltage initiated to preserve system stability In any case to be conducted before islanding is initiated Islanding Last defence measure towards saving the power system Should only be applied if specific load/generation areas can be defined Risky operation as it can cause total collapse of the sislanded individual systems Should only be conducted after load shedding is conducted to estabilsh generation spinning reserve The block diagram in Figure 5 shows the interactions between the various applications.




EMS PMU Phasor angle difference Phasor Evaluation VIP Voltage Instability Predictor S System Operator Guidance (Display)






Automated control actions

Automated Control


Load Shedding


Tap Changer Control


S : Safety margin as proximity to voltage collapse

Cos Adaptation

Split Load Power System Adaptation

Generation Adaptation

Tap Changer Blocking

Figure 5: Responses to power system instabilities An Example of a Defence Strategy The second line of defence consists of the two following actions: 1. Load shedding on frequency criterion 2. Islanding of out-of-step areas Islanding of out-of-step Areas As soon as loss of synchronism occurs in the network, violent transients are induced on the generating units located inside or at the border of the out-of-step area and customers have to stand with large disturbances. If the transient instabilities last more than a few seconds, the phenomenon spreads through whole power system and the protective relays of the generating units are put into operation: the units are tripped and the power system begins to collapse. The strategy against transient instabilities to be chosen is to isolate out-of-step areas as fast as possible and thus save the rest of the grid. With such a strategy PSGuard is the solution to Detect transient instabilities Be selective enough to disconnect the out-of-step areas only Be the result of a compromise between rapid action to avoid the spreading of disturbance and a slower action enabling a possible resynchronisation

The design of an emergency plan is recommended to be based on the carrying out of numerous specific fault simulations in the network going beyond the conventional N-1 stability studies and to monitor the power system reactions by PSGuard during the initial installation. The aim of these simulations is to define the present security margins of the system, to determine the behaviour and the limits of the present defence measures and to maximise the impact of the new strategy or of better tuning of the existing equipment. Decentralised Power System Control In case of major disturbances, data from disturbance recorder, change of network configuration, protection relay signals and switching procedures all these aspects have to be considered for appropriate corrective actions to be taken. This process is very complex due to the amount of data and the restricted communication of information and limited real-time performance, which can be managed from SCADA and handled by an operator. Decentralization of power system control allows automated isolation of faulted sections of a substation after protection has tripped a feeder or a busbar. The corresponding system structure below shows the allocations of functions and the communication links. (Figure 6)


National Dispatch
Control Centre Energy Management Transmission Management

Regional and District

Distribution Management Demand Side Management


System Planning & Operation

Maintenance & Asset Management

Communication Network

Corporate Communication Network

Automated Control System

Power Plant Automation

Transmission Automation

Distribution Automation

Demand side Automation

Electrical System

Power Generation

Power Transmission

Power Distribution


Figure 6: Decentralized Automated Power System Control SUBSTATION AUTOMATION Substation Automation for T&D Substation Automation Systems (SA) for T&D applications provide a platform of multi-functional intelligent electronic devices (IED) for the integration of control and protection functions as well as for condition related data acquisition into one single system (Figure 7)


Substation Monitoring Workplace (SMS)



Corporate information system (CIS)

Maintenance Server

Local workplace process database

Station Bus

Coupler Switch yard


Interbay bus Transmission

Interbay bus Distribution

Load Shedding


400 kV

66 kV

Figure 7 Substation automation system with IEDs for integrated control and protection The system architecture provides for 400 kV and for 66 kV separate subsystems, which are interconnected via the station bus. This allows for data exchange with the local workplace as well as to the maintenance server. The data exchange with SCADA and EMS as well as with the back office is enabled via the corporate information system. Real time interaction between protection and control IEDs via the fibre-optic interbay bus allows automation functions as well as adaptive protection schemes. The following examples demonstrate how modern SA concepts can be effectively applied to improve the power system performance. Dynamic Load Shedding When tripping of generation occurs on a network, the variation of frequency depends of several dynamic factors in interaction such as the quantity of spinning reserve, the limitations of the prime mover system and the speed of governors, the inertia of the power system or the sensitivity of customer load. When drop in frequency is large, the loads can be shed by underfrequency load shedding and finally, the generating unit may be tripped because of the action of low frequency protective relays, leading to a general collapse. This phenomenon is particularly important on isolated power systems where the largest generating unit represents a high proportion of the total demand. On these kinds of power systems, many blackouts can be avoided with the aid of well-tuned load shedding plans. The conventional load shedding approach is static, as it initiates tripping of pre-selected circuit breakers when a certain level of under-frequency is reached, regardless of the actual load conditions. The reason is that the actual load behind each individual circuit breaker is not taken into account. Microprocessor based load-shedding schemes, however, are in the position of considering the actual load currents and to dynamically select only those feeders to be opened, which are needed to regain the frequency stability.


Intelligent Load Shedding

P ref X%
Adaptive shed table selective decision

Dynamic selective feeder tripping commands

Transmission Network



df/dt dU/dt

< f,U

I ..I 1 n

U, f

Automated load shedding


Feeder Currents

Distribution Network

Figure 8 Intelligent load shedding scheme The load shedding function block (LFSB) of the intelligent load shedding scheme continuously monitors the load currents of each feeder. (Figure 8) It obtains the actual measured current and voltage values either directly hardwired from dedicated CTs and a busbar VT or via communication links from the CTs and VT's, which are incorporated in a numerical protection/control devices. The LSFB compares the reference power Pref with the individual feeder load measurements P1...Pn. To each feeder a priority index Pr is assigned for load shedding. The LSFB selects from the power inputs P1....Pn the sum of the power which is larger than Pref thus minimising the difference between the selected and reference power. If the predetermined load shedding criteria (LSC) in terms of under-frequency (< f) or frequency change (> df/dt) is fulfilled, a predefined percentage X % of total load Ptot is shed by opening selected feeders. The selection of the feeders to be opened also takes the predefined priority index Pr into account. If the network frequency continues to drop or remains stable on an under-frequency level, the shed of the next load class is initiated, i.e. shedding of a second predefined percentage X% of the total load Ptot (Figure 9). Otherwise, if the network frequency starts to increase within a definable time delay, the next load class will not be enabled and the load shedding scheme is reset as soon as the network frequency has recovered. If the network frequency has recovered, the integrated network restoration function will be started automatically.
f (Hz) f Disturbance N

f f

Lim 1 Lim 2

t (s) P (MW)

Step 1

Load of priority 1

X % of total Load

New load balance

Step 2

Load of priority 2

Y % of total Load

t (s)

Figure 9: Dynamic Load Shedding In contrast to the conventional way of load shedding, stabilisation of the frequency can often be reached in the first shedding step. In addition, only the necessary load is tripped resulting in a minimum impact for the plant supply.


Line tripping to isolate out-of-step area Load shedding orders are initiated, if necessary in areas, which could be destabilised by area isolation. Orders are received by specific circuit breakers, which simultaneously open the borderlines of out-of-step areas and by the local station computers, which shed the supply in weakened areas. Two redundant communications paths should ensure the communication between PMUs, central computer and circuit breakers in the substations: preferably a satellite communication network and a microwave network. These two redundant communications means are necessary for reliability reasons. Adaptive Line Distance Protection The term adaptive is related to a protection philosophy, which permits automated adjustments of protection functions and to make them more attuned to the prevailing power system conditions. This means that the functionality of the protection scheme is enhanced by means of additional information about the network. A typical example is adaptive distance protection: Redundant transmission lines often run in parallel over long distances. The automatic switching of the load from one line to the other as a corrective measure in case of one line being faulty, has to take into account that mutual impedance exists between the parallel lines. This impedance can cause measuring failures, resulting in unnecessary trips initiated by the associated distance relays during earth faults. In order to avoid this, the distance protection needs to be automatically adapted to the topology of the parallel lines and to the actual service conditions (e.g., parallel, disconnected, earthed or unearthed, both lines connected to different busbars at one side, etc.). Apart from this, also the power carrying capability of one of the lines may have to be increased by corresponding adaptation of the line protection. The scheme for the corresponding exchange of information between the line bay control units and the line bay protection units as well within the substation itself as between associated substations is shown in figure 10. It is crucial that this communication is of very high quality with regard deterministic and real time speed behaviour. It is therefor recommended to establish a communication link, which is dedicated for this adaptive protection task.

Communication between substations Line distance protection Station 1 Communication within the substation Line 1 Communication within the substation Line bay control Line distance protection Line bay control Line bay control Line distance protection Station 2

Line 2

Line distance protection

Line bay control

Communication between substations

Figure 10: Adaptive distance protection for transmission lines ONLINE POWER SYSTEM MONITORING For once neglecting outages as a result of wrong human operation, there are basically three reasons for power interruptions: 1. The breakdown of a utility asset through normal wear and ageing under working conditions. 2. The breakdown of an asset being effected by an external event (system disturbance), such as a tree falling on an overhead line that led to a permanent abnormal working condition. 3. A temporary system disturbance where either the external influence disappears ("self-healing"), or a protective system isolates the assets from the electric grid, and by means of network redundancy avoids a power outage at


all, or leaves a limited area without power. With respect to the condition of assets, however, this temporary disturbance most likely caused accelerated wear. Condition monitoring mainly addresses the wear and ageing caused by normal or temporarily abnormal working conditions. First, in that they support the evaluation of the actual condition of assets, and second, in that they might explicitly support the prediction of the further evolution of a detected problem, and the probability of breakdown. However, many of today's condition monitoring systems leave the assessment of the future to the human's interpretation based on his conclusions drawn from the current status. Whichever, even if a utility decides, e.g., based on risk management considerations, to let a worn out asset in operation until it breaks, the breakdown will be a planned one, and so will the repair action be. Hence, the power interruption will most likely be rather short and the problems posed by the interruption alleviated as good as possible. Apart from monitoring the condition of primary equipment and thereby attempting to proactively prevent power interruptions, an elaborate post fault analysis supported by monitoring systems is equally important. It has been observed that a large proportion of major blackouts of electric power systems is caused by protective system failures. These failures are generally hidden and only exposed during the rare occasion of system disturbances. According to utility opinion derived from a questionnaire over 60% of these failures are based on wrong protection settings, protection calibration, or protection maintenance. It is therefore important to capture as much details as possible during a system disturbance and have access to as much protection relevant data as possible during the entire analysis. The conceivable subsequent settings refinement phase is a measure to prevent the same interruption from happening again, or, at least, minimise its impact on the power distribution Data Acquisition With computing power making its way into the primary equipment, more and more internal data from high voltage equipment can be made available to the outside at reasonable costs. Interfaces to acquire such internal data were previously not provided for cost reasons. Data that will be accessible includes, but is not restricted to: Switching counters, Thermal information, Quality of isolation media, Entire timing curves of switching operations, Switching currents, Manufacturing data, Original value of key performance criteria. This kind of data can be the source of valuable condition information and exploited for building condition monitoring systems for those assets that exhibit the highest failure rates and/or cause unacceptable power interruption impact. Without doubt the transformers and circuit breakers are the prime candidates for these kinds of monitoring systems. The second trend within the data acquisition falls into the category of intelligent electronic devices (IED), i.e. secondary equipment like protection terminals. Besides their primary functions, they host more and more additional functionality, which increase their attractiveness compared with dedicated single function units. Many of these additional functions provide a sound foundation for basic monitoring systems, cost-efficient and perfectly suited for medium and distribution voltage level IEDs for protection or control may comprise: (Figure 11) Disturbance recorders Event recorders Statistical value recording (peak current indicators, number of starts/trips, current at tripping, etc.) Power quality analysers General purpose programming capabilities that allow to conduct customer specific applications on the IEDs.


Advanced analysis tools

Automatic printing Summary report GPS

CONCISE / FAST Distance to Fault Mo 12. 11. 96

Universal Time synchronization

Alarm Classes

GMT 17:02.43.305 User friendly Ayer Rajah & Labrador Feeder One visualization

Sequence of Events # Of trips

Indactic 425
Indactic 650

1 9 2 1 0 3 11 4 12 5 6 14 7 15 8 13 16

Bay I C ER O F C E


Figure 11: Intelligent electronic device (IED) for protection Substation Monitoring Substation monitoring systems are often defined and understood as functional and even physical subsets of substation automation systems, with mostly the control functionality not being included. This perception has largely been established on the grounds of marketing reasons. This is, however, a rather narrow focus that does no justice to the importance of the monitoring applications, and is backed by the currently growing interest in condition monitoring applications, and the increasingly deployed commercial information technology for standalone monitoring systems. The more general definition of monitoring is better suited to describe the modern monitoring approach: A station or network management technique, which exploits the regular evaluation of the actual operating condition, in order to minimise the combined costs of power transmission/distribution and maintenance. ABB offers scalable solutions for substation monitoring ranging from communication kit for single IED up to complete standalone systems with PC for decentralised data evaluation and failure analysis. The SMS PC for data archiving, evaluation and processing to information may be located at various locations: Locally within the substation At any remote location as a centralised SMS allocated to a specific region Operation and Maintenance Centre Engineering Centre for protection and planning Network control Centre

An SMS located within the substation archives the data, which are collected from the numerical protection devices through an inter-bay bus. The data are presented after analysis on dedicated SMS operator display. (Figure 12)


Remote link

Station level

Mo 12 . 11. 96 GMT 17 :02.4 3.305

Hardcopy printer

Event printer


Ayer Rajah & La brad or

Feed er One

Modem Alternative

Bus Connection Module

Interbay-Bus (IBB)
Bay level
Ba y ABB Network P artner AG REL 316*4
A seaB o r w nB over i

Asea Bro wn Boveri

In= 1 5 A( I ) In= 1 5 A( I o ) U n= 100 110 V(U ) U n= 100 110 V( Uo)

B ay

AB B Network Partne r AG

In= 50 Hz 60 HZ

2 5

I> I >>

I> I >>



SPAC 631 C
8 0...265 V ~ U aux

MS T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
R S 615

30..80 V ~ SGR SGR 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SGR 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

L1/2 L5/6 RES

02 02 04 06 08 10 12 ENABLE 04 06


U1 SPCJ 3C3 0 0 00 1 I/ I n 2 n(I >) 3 n(I ) 4 t/t > [%] 5 t/t [%]

U2 SPCJ 3C4 0 0 00 1 I /I n[%] 2 U /U n[%] o 3 n(Uo >) 4 n(I >) 5 n(I ) 6 t/t > [%]


1 0

1 0

1 0

S er. No.

1 579



SPCJ 000



> I

08 10 12

14 16
Step Options I,U I,U,.P,Q,E



18 20 22 24 U IN I 0 REG 216 modur es 16V C61b 216EA61B 26 28 30 32



I [kA] I [A] U [kV] P [MW ] P [Mvar]

CH OUT 02 04 06 08


P [GWh,MW h,kW h]

RS 232

Figure 12. Typical ABB Substation Monitoring System SMS530 Data Evaluation and Information Transmission For centralised retrieval and transmission of data, and for transforming data into information a application package is provided which enables the maintenance and protection system engineer easy judgement of condition of the power system. (Figure 13)


INTEGRATE E_gis E_statistic E_mms

Information System GIS ERP LDB MMS





E_erp E_web E_ldb

E_database E_navigation E_com

IED Parameters

Disturbance Recorder

Sequence Of Events

Process Measurements


GIS - Geographical Information Systems ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning LDB - Lightning Data Base MMS - Maintenance Management System

Figure 13: EVEREST: Evaluation package for power system condition related data Reliability Centred Maintenance The new approach is to move from the traditional time-based maintenance policy to condition-based reliability centred maintenance (RCM) policy. This calls for differentiation between the following four types of maintenance policy: Predictive or condition based maintenance, i.e. to monitor if something is going to fail Preventive maintenance, i.e. overhauling items or replacing components at fixed intervals


Corrective maintenance, i.e. fixing things either when they are found to be failing or when they have failed Detective maintenance, i.e. to detect hidden failures by means of special functional checks and diagnostics The type of maintenance policy to select for specific equipment for transmission and distribution depends on reliability and on economic and customers business related availability considerations, which take the consequences of failures into account. ENHANCING LEGACY CONTROL AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS The application of modern IT solutions with implementing IEDs is the state-of-the-art for new substations. The benefits of advanced power system management as outlined above can, however, only be exploited if the legacy electro-mechanic control and protection systems in existing substations are substituted with modern IEDs and if access is provided for data retrieval via modern communication networks. Even if modern wide area networks (WAN) are available, which enable real-time data exchange, there remains still the decision to be made concerning the most feasible step-by- step retrofit strategy for the substitution of the legacy equipment. The strategy as outlined below suggests nine upgrade options, which depend on the scope of functionality required: (Figure 14)

Corporate Information System

SCADA SCADA/ /EMS EMS Inter-station Automation Local power restoration Monitoring of primary equipment Substation Automation via local PC Interaction of IEDs via inter-bay bus Decentralised control system Central control system Remote control unit (RTU)

Utility UtilityBackoffice Backoffice

Data retrieval via Modem Integrated digital fault recording


Numerical protection

Legacy control system

Conventional primary equipment

Legacy protection system


The provision of a remote terminal (RTU) enables remote control of a substation from supervisory control systems (SCADA) in network control centres and the substitution of the legacy protection system by numerical protection offers more functionality and the acquisition of condition related data. The substitution of the legacy control system by a central control system with IEDs enhances the functionality of a RTU with regard to control and interlocking and the use of integrated of digital fault recording incorporated in protection IEDs reduces the costs for finding and fixing of faults. In cases where no separate modem connection provided for retrieval of fault data a serial link with the IEC 870-05-103 protocol can be provided to connect the protection IED with the RTU. The provision of a decentralised control system with IEDs close to the primary equipment offers significant cost reduction for secondary cabling and the data retrieval via modem from the utility back-office allows cost-effective maintenance and parameter adaptation from remote. If the interaction of IEDs for control and protection via an inter-bus is provided, more complex control functions improve the flexibility and availability of substations. Modern substation automation via local PC enables local operation of substations, comprehensive substation monitoring and the provision of a substation data base for condition related data processing.



4. 5.



Monitoring of primary equipment enables to work the primary equipment harder to their thermal limits and alter the maintenance strategy form time based maintenance to cost efficient condition based maintenance and reliability centred maintenance. Local power restoration allows fast automatic response to contingencies, reduces the impact of faults and avoids system collapse. Inter-station automation is applied for advanced energy management, load shedding and island of subsystem to maintain power supply integrity. The installation of modern corporate information systems in terms of WAN and broad band technology allows the exchange of data and information between substations, SCADA/EMS and utility back-office in order to insure that the right information is transmitted to the right people at the right time.

7. 8. 9.

CONCLUSION There are three areas where advanced information technology (IT) applications can contribute significant benefits in terms of better power system performance and reduction of operating and maintenance costs: 1. 2. 3. Advanced power system management, which results in higher reliability of power supply Intelligent substation automation which assures higher availability. On-line power system monitoring which allows to work assets harder and to save maintenance costs

The prerequisite is a efficient communication network not only for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management systems (EMS) but also for providing the protection, maintenance and planning departments with direct access from remote to information from the substation primary and secondary equipment. In response to these new needs ABB has created PsGuard, Wide Area Protection System, which complements existing protection and control systems and provides state of the art solutions for counteracting system instabilities. It is designed to detect abnormal system conditions early enough to initiate predetermined counter actions to secure reliable system performance. Substation Automation Systems (SA) for T&D applications provide a platform of multi-functional intelligent electronic devices (IED) for the integration of control and protection functions as well as for condition related data acquisition into one single system. On-line power system monitoring allows to work assets harder and to save maintenance costs. Microprocessor based load-shedding schemes are in the position of considering the actual load currents and to dynamically select only those feeders to be opened, which are needed to regain the frequency stability. In contrast to the conventional way of load shedding, stabilisation of the frequency can often be reached in the first shedding step. In addition, only the necessary load is tripped resulting in a minimum impact for the plant supply. ABB offers scalable solutions for substation monitoring ranging from communication kit for single IED up to complete standalone systems with PC for decentralised data evaluation and failure analysis. For centralised retrieval and transmission of data, and for transforming data into information an application package is provided, which enables the maintenance and protection system engineer easy judgement of condition of the power system. The full scope of benefits of advanced power system management can only be exploited if not only new systems are equipped with state-of-the-art IED based control and protection systems but also the legacy systems control and protection systems associated with existing conventional substations are substituted by modern IEDs. A nine step retrofit strategy is explained to enable a cost-effective step-by-step approach to enhance legacy control and protection systems.

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