Brandy Feagan: Objective
Brandy Feagan: Objective
Brandy Feagan: Objective
Brandy Feagan
To develop and hone my skills as an effective educational leader by obtaining a position as principal at Williamstown Jr./Sr. High School.
Master of Arts, Instructional Leadership: Principal
Expected May 2013, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY August 2009-December 2011, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY August 1999-May 2000, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY August 1995-May 1999, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Master of Arts, School Counseling Master of Arts, Secondary English Education, Initial Certification Bachelor Arts, Secondary English Education
July 2008-Present School Counselor Perform individual, small-group, and large-group counseling, as well as classroom guidance, to develop students career, academic, personal, emotional, and social skills. Serve as building assessment coordinator for all school, state, and national testing; analyze and disaggregate all test scores and communicate results to faculty and staff. Proficient in technological skills including daily use of Infinite Campus, website maintenance, regular email communication, all-calls to parents/guardians and students, Individual Learning Plan administration, MAP Assessment, and Compass Learning Odyssey curriculum development. Develop and implement various programs, including character education, suicide prevention, Operation Preparation for college and career readiness, character education, ACT test preparation, and bullying intervention and prevention. Williamstown Jr./Sr. High School Walton-Verona High School Grant County High School Williamstown, KY Walton, KY Dry Ridge, KY Williamstown Jr./Sr. High School Williamstown, KY
August 2005-June 2008 August 2004-May 2005 August 2000-May 2004 English/Language Arts Instructor
Designed, planned, and implemented English/Language Arts curriculum to 9th through 12th grade students. Served as school writing cluster leader; trained staff in portfolio scoring procedures and administered annual portfolio scoring. Mentored three beginning teachers as a KTIP Resource Teacher. Served as a member of the Site-Based Decision Making Council. Collaborated with faculty to institute writing across the curriculum. Participated in training for Advanced Placement English Literature/Language and Composition and then taught
those courses.
David Poer, Principal Sonya Linder Deana Cummins, Colleague *Other references available upon request. Williamstown Elementary Williamstown Independent Schools Williamstown High School (859) 824-3760 (859) 824-4421 (859) 824-4421