Chicken Meat Benifits
Chicken Meat Benifits
Chicken Meat Benifits
Chicken meat can make many positive contributions to the diet of those on low incomes. Although not all meat is seen as healthy, chicken meat is, and is frequently more affordable than other meats. It is of a consistently high quality, is low in saturated fats, can be enriched with some essential nutrients and is sought after worldwide.
Bingham, S. 2006. The fibre folate debate in colo-rectal cancer. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 65(1): 1923. Yu, D.J., Na, J.C., Kim, S.H., Kim, J.H., Kang, G.H., Kim, H.K., Seo, O.S. & Lee, J.C. 2008. Effects of dietary selenium sources on the growth performance and selenium retention of meat in broiler chickens. Proceedings XXIII Worlds Poultry Congress, 29 June4 July 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. (on CD)
Poultry meat can be enriched with several of the important dietary nutrients
Unlike most other meats, chicken meat can also easily be enriched with several other important nutrients. A recent study (Yu et al., 2008) showed that by adding 0.24 mg of selenium (as organic selenium) per kilogram of feed, the selenium content of
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