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Logarithmic Based Backoff Algorithm For Mac Protocol in Manets

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Logarithmic Based Backoff Algorithm for MAC Protocol in MANETs

Saher S. Manaseer Mohamed Ould-Khaoua

Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8RZ {Saher, Mohamed}@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Abstract: The Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) is used by IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC). BEB uses a uniform random distribution to choose the backoff value, that often leads to reducing the effect of window size increment. This technical report introduces a modified logarithmic backoff algorithm that uses logarithmic increment instead of exponential extension of window size to eliminate the degrading effect of random number distribution. Results from simulation experiments reveal that the new algorithm achieves higher throughput when in a mobile ad hoc environment. Keywords: IEEE 802.11, Ad Hoc networks, Medium access control, Backoff algorithm.

1. Introduction
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are getting more and more attention. The reason for this is that unlike wired networks, MANETs are easily deployed, and need no infrastructure [1]. Such networks can be useful in disaster recovery where there is not enough time or resources to configure a wired network. Ad hoc networks are also used in military operations where the units are moving around the battlefield in a random way and a central unit cannot be used for synchronization [1]. In MANETs, a central station is not needed in order to control the different types of operations taking place allover the network. A node participating in an ad hoc network must have the ability to act as a client, a server, and a router [1]. Nodes should also have the ability to connect to the network and to automatically configure to start transmitting data over the network. This is the reason why ad hoc protocols in general are functioning in a distributed manner. The distributed Coordination Function (DCF) is used for synchronous, contention-based, distributed access to the channel[3]. MANETs use a shared medium to transfer data between its nodes. The wireless medium used by MANETs has a number of problems related to it. Bandwidth sharing, signal fading, noise, interference, etc. with such a shared medium, an efficient and effective medium access control (MAC) is essential to share the scarce bandwidth resource [12] [1]. As a part of an efficient medium access control protocol, a backoff algorithm is used to avoid collisions when more than one node try to access the channel. Only one of the nodes is granted access to the channel, while other contending nodes are suspended into a backoff state for some period (BO) [9]. Many backoff algorithms have been developed in the literature [4, 9]. One example is the Multiplicative Increase Linear Decrease (MILD) algorithm [4]. This algorithm improves the total throughput of the network, but the cost is that MILD needs a partial knowledge of the number of nodes over the network, which is a high cost knowledge. In a normal LAN the total number of nodes on the network is easily obtained. However, as nodes in MANETs are mobile, knowing the number of nodes may incur a high cost, since this knowledge needs to be updated. One approach to update and keep the knowledge coherent is by exchanging hello packets between neighboring nodes. The hello packets sending process is a broadcast over the network. The broadcast generates extra traffic load over the network, consumes a part of the network resources , causes a longer delay, more control processing, and even gives more work to the backoff algorithm itself. Other backoff algorithms have tried to find a fixed optimum backoff value to use. but even though the distribution functioning was not complete[8] . In the IEEE 802.11 standard MAC protocol, the Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) is used. This algorithm

functions in the following way [2]: When a node over the network has a packet to send, it first senses the channel using a carrier sensing technique. If the channel is found to be idle and not being used by any other node, the node is granted access to start transmitting. Otherwise, the node waits for an inter-frame space and the backoff mechanism is invoked. A random backoff time will be chosen in the range [0,CW-1]. A uniform random distribution is used here, where CW is the current contention window size. the following equation is used to calculate the backoff time (BO): Backoff time (BO) = (Rand() MOD CW) * aSlotTime (1) The backoff procedure is preformed then, by putting the node on a waiting period of length BO. Using carrier sense mechanism , the activity of the medium is sensed at every time slot. If the medium is found to be idle then the backoff period is decremented by one time slot. Backoff time (BO)new = (BO)old - aSlotTime (2) If the medium is determined to be busy during backoff , then the backoff timer is suspended . This means that backoff period is counted in term of idle time slots. Whenever the medium is determined to be idle for longer than an inter-frame space, backoff is resumed. When backoff is finished with a BO value of zero, a transfer should take place. If the node succeeded to send a packet and receive an acknowledgment for it, then the CW for this node is reset to the minimum, which is equal to 31 in the case of BEB. If the transfer fails, the node goes into another backoff period. When going for another backoff period again, the contention window size is exponentially increased with a maximum of 1023 [5]. BEB has a number of disadvantages. One major disadvantage is the problem of fairness. BEB tends to prefer last contention winner and new contending nodes over other nodes when allocating channel access. This is done by choosing a random backoff value from a contention window (CW) which has a smaller size for new contending nodes and contention winners. This behavior causes what is known as Channel capture effect in the network. Another problem of BEB is stability. BEB has been designed to be stable for large number of nodes. Studies showed that it is not . The rest of this technical report is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the modified logarithmic backoff algorithm suggested by this technical report. Section 3 describes simulation environment and discusses the results compared to IEEE 802.11 BEB algorithm. Section 4 concludes the technical report.

2. The modified backoff algorithm

The BEB algorithm uses the following equation to increase the contention window size Backoff time (BO) = (Rand() MOD CW) * aSlotTime The new algorithm, has used the logarithm of the current backoff time as the increment factor to calculate the next backoff. the following formula is used to give this result:
(BO)new = (log(BO)old) * (BO)old * aSlotTime (3)

The used formula provides different outcome for the backoff times, the behavior of the two formulas can be seen in the Figure1 and Figure 2. The further we go with backoff , the closer will become the new values to the old values generated by the modified algorithm.

Fig. 1: CW increase in BEB.

Fig. 2: CW increase in logarithmic algorithm

Figure 3 explains the pseudo code of the modified algorithm.

Figure 3: The modified backoff algorithm.

The main idea behind choosing such an equation for calculating backoff time is that instead of going on a back off period for X time slots , the node goes into two consecutive backoff periods say i1 and i2 where i1 + i2 X when the node is backing of for a consecutive number of times. This allow the node a chance to access the channel and transmit in a way like if backoff is stopped in the middle of the backoff period X. Reducing the channel capture effect [7] , is another perspective of the new algorithm . In BEB, when a node loses in contention for channel access, there is a good chance that the next backoff timer will be double as the current value, this assigns the node larger probability to lose in the next contention against new arrivals and contention winners [10]. When using the logarithmic algorithm, the difference between the two backoff periods is smaller, and so the chance of losing Is not increased by the logarithmic algorithm. The cost in of

using the modified algorithm is one extra invocation of the backoff handler to restart the timer. The modified algorithm also has stopped using the uniform random distribution. Which , as we shown in the results in Section 4, hides the effect of the increase behavior of the CW, the thing causing research results to be masked by a side factor.

3. Simulation Results and analysis

Simulation has been performed using 9 topologies with different number of nodes in each topology. The traffic over the network has been generated as a Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic, maximum speed is 10.0 m/s, the pause time is 10 s. Queue length is 50 packets.

Figure 4 displays the result of running the modified algorithm against the standard IEEE 802.11 binary exponential backoff algorithm. The figure shows that the throughput is higher for the modified algorithm. A network with larger number of nodes has a better throughput than the case of small number of nodes. The reason of this is, for larger number of nodes, contention is much higher and so, it is more probable for a node to backoff for more consecutive periods, this leads a more significant effect of the behavior of logarithmic algorithm and backoff values start to be closer. The BEB uses a uniform random number distribution generator. The random distribution used covers the effect of contention window increment behavior. The following graph in Figure 5, show a comparison of the same modified algorithm with another version of itself, where a random number distribution is used in the same way used by the BEB algorithm.



modified backoff

T h r o u g h p u tK B




1 50

1 00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00

Num ber of Nodes

Fig. 4: Throughput of BEB vs. modified backoff algorithm.



Modified algorithm with random choose modified backoff

T h r o u g h p u tK B




1 50

1 00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00

Num ber of Nodes

Fig. 5: Throughput of two versions of the modified algorithm.

The reason that the random number distribution is excluded in our algorithm is that a formal distribution will only benefit of the window size increment by 50% of the generated random values, which is even useless in the case of the modified algorithm.

5. Conclusions
The Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) is used by the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. BEB uses uniform random distribution to choose the backoff value. In this technical report, we have introduced a modified logarithmic backoff algorithm, which uses logarithmic increments instead of exponential extension of window size to eliminate the effect of random number distribution. Results from simulations have demonstrated that the modified algorithm increased the total throughput of the mobile ad hoc networks especially when the system size is large.

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