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Modern Adaptation of Prandtl's Classic Lifting-Line Theory

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4, July August 2000

Modern Adaptation of Prandtls Classic Lifting-Line Theory

W. F. Phillips and D. O. Snyder Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-4130
The classical solution to Prandtls well-known lifting-line theory applies only to a single lifting surface with no sweep and no dihedral. However, Prandtls original model of a nite lifting surface has much broader applicability. A general numerical lifting-line method based on Prandtls model is presented. Whereas classical lifting-line theory is based on applying the two-dimensional Kutta Joukowski law to a three-dimensional ow, the present method is based on a fully three-dimensional vortex lifting law. The method can be used for systems of lifting surfaces with arbitrary camber, sweep, and dihedral. The accuracy realized from this method is shown to be comparable to that obtained from numerical panel methods and inviscid computational uid dynamics solutions, but at a small fraction of the computational cost.

Ar b C `i C `a C `a i C `1 C mi c c c i d Ai dF d` F f di f` G Gi [ J] Lr M N n R Ra ri r i1 j r i2 j r 1 , r2 r0 r1 r2 s uai uni usi u1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = global reference area twice the lifting surface semispan section lift coef cient for wing section i airfoil section lift slope section lift slope for wing section i section lift coef cient for an in nite wing section moment coef cient for wing section i local section chord length overall aerodynamic mean chord length aerodynamic mean chord length for wing section i differential planform area at control point i differential aerodynamic force vector directed differential vortex length vector net force exerted by uid on the surroundings local section induced drag per unit span local section lift per unit span dimensionless vortex strength vector dimensionless vortex strength for section i N by N matrix of partial derivatives global reference length net moment about the c.g. exerted by the uid total number of horseshoe vortices number of horseshoe vortices per semispan residual vector aspect ratio vector from c.g. to control point i vector from node i 1 to control j vector from node i 2 to control j magnitudes of r1 and r2 vector from beginning to end of vortex segment vector from beginning of vortex segment to arbitrary point in space vector from end of vortex segment to arbitrary point in space spanwise coordinate chordwise unit vector at control point i normal unit vector at control point i spanwise unit vector at control point i unit vector in direction of the freestream h q X

V1 V V1 vi j v1 a a C C d e

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

i L 0i i

d Ai

d `i d Mi
i i

magnitude of V1 local uid velocity velocity of the uniform ow or freestream uid volume dimensionless velocity induced at control point j by vortex i , having a unit strength unit vector in direction of freestream local angle of attack for wing section i local zero-lift angle of attack with no ap de ection vortex strength in the direction of r0 strength of horseshoe vortex i dimensionless strength correction vector planform area of wing section i ap de ection for wing section i spatial vector along the bound segment i quarter-chord moment for wing section i ap effectiveness for wing section i dimensionless spanwise length vector angle from r1 to r2 uid density relaxation factor local uid vorticity


Received 8 October 1999; presented as Paper 00-0653 at the AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Oct), Reno, NV, 12 14 January 2000; revision received 2 February 2000; accepted for publication 10 February 2000. Copyright c 2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. Member AIAA. Graduate Student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. Member AIAA. 662

HE developmentof Prandtls lifting-linetheory,1,2 providedthe rst analyticalmethod for accuratelypredictinglift and induced drag on a nite lifting surface. In this theory, Prandtl hypothesized that each spanwise section of a nite wing has a section lift equivalent to that acting on a similar section of an in nite wing having the same section circulation.With this hypothesis,the two-dimensional vortex lifting law of Kutta3 and Joukowski4 was applied at each section of the three-dimensionalwing, to relate the local aerodynamic force to the local circulation. However, to x the direction of the aerodynamicforce vector, the undisturbedfreestream velocity in the Kutta Joukowski law was, intuitively and without proof, replaced with the vector sum of the freestream velocity and the velocity induced by the trailing vortex sheet. This theory gives good agreement with experimental data for straight wings of aspect ratio greater than about four. Prandtls lifting-line theory has had a profound impact on the development of modern aerodynamics and hydrodynamics and is still widely used today. However, conventional lifting-line theory applies only to a single lifting surface with no sweep and no dihedral. In most modern textbooks (e.g., Bertin and Smith5 ), Prandtls hypothesis is justi ed based on the provision that ow in the spanwise direction is small. The failure of conventional lifting-line theory to accurately predict the aerodynamic forces acting on a swept wing is usually blamed on the violation of this provision. However, it can be shown from the three-dimensionalvortex lifting law that the



relationship between section lift and section circulation is not affected by ow parallel to the bound vorticity (see Saffman6 ). The three-dimensional vortex lifting law requires that, for any volume enclosed by a stream surface in an inviscid, incompressible, steady ow, a force must be exertedon the surroundingsequal to the product of the uid density and the cross product of the local uid velocity with the local uid vorticity, integrated over the volume. Saffman6 presents a proof of this vortex lifting law. Only in the limiting case of two-dimensional potential ow can the local uid velocity vector in the vortex lifting law be replaced with the freestream velocity. For this special case, the general vortex lifting law reduces to the two-dimensional Kutta Joukowski law. Strictly speaking, the two-dimensional Kutta Joukowski law cannot be used to relate section lift to section circulation in a threedimensional potential ow. However, the three-dimensional vortex lifting law, applied to Prandtls model of the nite wing, requires a local section lift equal to the cross product of the local uid velocity vector with the local circulation vector, multiplied by the uid density, q ( V C ). This cross product results in a section lift that is independentof the component of uid velocity that is parallel to the bound vorticity. If the uid ow component parallel to the bound vorticity has no effect on the section lift, why does conventional lifting-line theory fail to predict the performance of swept wings? The answer is also provided by the general vortex lifting law. When computing section lift from the general vortex lifting law, the local velocity induced on each vortex segment must include the velocity induced by the remainder of that same vortex as well as that induced by all other potentials included within the ow eld. This means that, when computing the lift on any wing section, we must include the velocity induced by all other vortex segments, free or bound, that are contained within the ow eld. In the development of classical lifting-line theory, Prandtl intuitively added the velocity induced by the trailing vortex sheet to the undisturbed freestream velocity speci ed by the two-dimensional Kutta Joukowski law. However, he did not suggest including the velocity induced by one bound vortex segment on another. For ow over a straight lifting surface, the bound vortex laments are all reasonably parallel. For any two parallel vortex laments, the force resulting from the velocity induced on the rst lament by the second is equal, opposite,and collinearwith the force resultingfrom the velocity induced on the second lament by the rst. Thus, for straight lifting surfaces, the parallel nature of the bound vorticity makes it reasonable to neglect the interaction between bound vortex laments and compute the section lift based only on the velocity induced by the trailing vortex sheet and the undisturbed uniform ow. For ow over a swept wing, the bound vortex laments on each side of the wing are roughly parallel to each other and to the local wing quarter chord. However, the bound vortex laments on one side of the wing are not parallel to the bound vortex laments on the other side. Thus, for a lifting swept wing, the bound vorticity generated on one side of the wing produces downwash on the other side of the wing. This downwash reducesthe net lift and increasesthe total induced drag for the wing. The downwash resulting from the bound vorticity is greatest near the center of the wing, whereas the downwash resultingfrom the trailingvorticityis greatestnear the wing tips. Thus, for a swept wing, the lift is reduced both near the center of the wing and near the tips. Prandtls classical lifting-line theory is based on a linear relationship between section lift and section angle of attack. With this linear assumption, and with the assumption of a straight lifting line, the theory provides an analytical solution for the spanwise distribution of lift and induced drag acting on a nite lifting surface. The solution is in the form of an in nite sine series for the circulation distribution. Historically, the coef cients in this sine series have usually been evaluated from collocation methods. Typically, the series is truncated to a nite series, and the coef cients in the nite series are evaluated by requiring the lifting-line equation to be satis ed at a number of spanwise locations equal to the number of terms in the series. A very straightforward method was rst presented by

Glauert.7 The most popular method, based on Gaussian quadrature, was originally presented by Multhopp.8 Most recently, Rasmussen and Smith9 have presented a more rigorous and more rapidly converging method, based on a Fourier series expansion similar to that rst used by Lotz10 and Karamcheti.11 Purely numerical methods for solving the lifting-line equation have also been proposed. McCormick12 has presented a numerical method that can be used for a single lifting surface having a straight lifting line. This method is based on applying the two-dimensional Kutta Joukowski law to the three-dimensional ow and neglects the downwash generated by the bound vorticity. Results obtained from this method are essentiallyidenticalto those obtainedfrom the series solution. A numerical lifting-line method has also been developed by Anderson et al.13 that relaxes the assumptionof linearitybetween section lift and section angle of attack. For a single straight lifting surface, this method gives good agreement with experimental data at angles of attack both below and above stall. However, the method still assumes a straight lifting line and ignores the downwash produced by the bound vorticity. Thus, as is the case with all methods used to obtain solutions to the classical lifting-line equation, this numerical method applies only to a single lifting surface with no sweep and no dihedral. Here, a numerical lifting-line method is presented that can be used to obtain the forces and moments acting on a system of lifting surfaces with arbitrary position and orientation. This method, based on Prandtls original model of a nite wing, accurately predicts the effects of both sweep and dihedral as well as the effects of aspect ratio, camber, and planform shape.Results obtainedfrom this method are compared with experimental data and with results from other numerical methods. The accuracy realized from the present method is shown to be comparable to that obtained from numerical panel methods and inviscid computational uid dynamics (CFD) solutions, but at a small fraction of the computational cost. In addition to the obvious applications to aeronautics, this method has broad application to the eld of hydrodynamics, including hydrofoils, marine propellers, and control surfaces. Unlike the classical lifting-line solution, the present method is not based on a linear relationship between section lift and section angle of attack. Thus, the method could conceivably be applied, with caution, to account approximately for the effects of stall.

In what is commonly referred to as the numerical lifting-line method (e.g., Katz and Plotkin14 ), a nite wing is synthesizedusing a composite of horseshoe shaped vortices. The continuous distribution of bound vorticity over the surface of the wing, as well as the continuous distribution of free vorticity in the trailing vortex sheet, is approximated by a nite number of discrete horseshoe vortices, as shown in Fig. 1. The bound portion of each horseshoe vortex is placed coincident with the wing quarter-chord line and is, thus, aligned with the local sweep and dihedral. The trailing portion of each horseshoe vortex is aligned with the trailing vortex sheet. The left-hand corner of one

Fig. 1 Horseshoe vortices distributed along the quarter chord of a nite wing with sweep and dihedral.



induced at an arbitrary point in space, by a complete horseshoe vortex, is V= C 4p u1 r 2 (r + r )( r r ) + 1 2 1 2 r2 (r2 u1 r2 ) r 1r 2 (r 1 r2 + r1 r2 ) u1 r1 r 1 ( r 1 u1 r 1 ) (3)

Fig. 2 Position vectors describing the geometry for a horseshoe vortex.

horseshoe and the right-hand corner of the next are placed on the same nodal point. Thus, except at the wing tips, each trailing vortex segment is coincident with another trailing segment from the adjacent vortex. If two adjacent vortices have exactly the same strength, then the two coincidenttrailingsegments exactly cancelbecause one has clockwise rotation and the other has counterclockwiserotation. The net vorticity that is shed from the wing at any internal node is simply the difference in the vorticity of the two adjacent vortices that share that node. Each horseshoe vortex is composed of three straight vortex segments. From the Biot Savart law and the nomenclature de ned in Fig. 2, the velocity vector induced at an arbitrary point in space, by any straight vortex segment, is readily found to be, for example, see Bertin and Smith5 or Katz and Plotkin,15 V = C r1 r2 r0 4p j r1 r2 j 2 r1 r2 r2 r2 (1)

Although Eq. (1) is in the form commonly found in modern textbooks, it is not the most useful form for numerical calculations.The induced velocity computed from Eq. (1) is indeterminate whenever r1 and r2 are collinear, even for points that lie outside the vortex segment. To eliminate this division by zero for points that are not on the vortex segment, we can make use of the trigonometric relations r0 = r1 r2 , r1 r2 = r1 r2 cos h , j r1 r2 j = r1 r2 sin h Using these relations we have r0 j r1 r2 j

r1 r1

r2 r2

r1 r2 j r1 r2 j 2 r1 r2 r2

r1 r1 r1 r2 r1

r2 r2

1 2 2r 2 r1 2 sin h

As is the case with panel methods, the user must specify the orientation of the trailing vortex sheet. In obtaining the classical liftingline solution for a single lifting surface with no sweep or dihedral, Prandtl assumed the trailing vortex sheet to be aligned with the wing chord. This was done to facilitate obtaining an analytic solution. In obtaining a numerical solution, there is little advantage in aligning the trailing vortex sheet with a vehicle axis such as the chord line. More correctly, the trailing vortex sheet should be aligned with the freestream. This is done easily in the numerical solution by setting u1 equal to the unit vector in the direction of the freestream. Although it is intuitively more appealing to align the trailing vortex sheet with the freestream, in reality, this makes very little difference in the nal result. For typical wings, aligning the trailing vortex sheet with the chord line rather than the freestream produces errors in the resulting forces and moments of less than 1%. Still, because the method allows the trailing vortex sheet to be aligned easily with the freestream, this should always be done. When a system of lifting surfaces is synthesized using N horseshoe vortices,in a manner similar to that shown in Fig. 1, Eq. (3) can be used to determine the resultant velocity induced at any point in space, if the strength of each horseshoe vortex is known. However, these strengths are not known a priori. To compute the strengths of the N vortices, we must have a system of N equations relating these N strengthsto some known propertiesof the wing. In what has commonly been referred to as the numerical lifting-line method,14 these N equations are provided by forcing a Neumann condition, which speci es zero normal velocity at the three-quarterchord of the wing section midway between the trailing legs of each horseshoe vortex. This method works remarkably well for planar swept wings with no camber. However, not surprisingly, this method does not work well for cambered wings or for wings including de ected aps and/or control surfaces. In reality, this numerical lifting-line method is simply the vortex lattice method16,17 applied using only a single lattice element, in the chordwise direction, for each spanwise subdivision of the wing. Applying the Neumann condition at only one point in the chordwise direction is clearly not adequate for wing sections with camber or ap de ection. This method gives a result that depends only on the position and slope of the camber line at the three-quarterchord. The predicted performance is completely independent of camber line shape at any other chordwise location. This is clearly not realistic. For a more pragmatic approach, we turn to the general threedimensional vortex lifting law,6 F= q (V !) d

r1 + r 2

r1 + r2 ( r1 + r 2 )(1 cos h ) = 2 2 = 2 2 r 1 r 2 (1 cos2 h ) r1 r2 (1 + cos h )

r 1 + r2 r1 r2 (r1 r2 + r1 r2 )

and Eq. (1) can be more conveniently written as C (r 1 + r 2 )( r1 r2 ) V = 4p r1 r2 (r1 r2 + r1 r2 ) (2)

Using Prandtls hypothesis, we assume that each spanwise wing section has a section lift equivalentto that acting on a similar section of an in nite wing with the same localangleof attack.Thus, applying the vortex lifting law to a differential segment of the lifting line, we have dF = q C V d` (4)

Notice that, unlike the result from Eq. (1), the induced velocity computed from Eq. (2) is not singular when the angle from r1 to r2 is zero. It is, however, still singular when this angle is p . When we use Eq. (2) for the nite bound segment and the two semi-in nite trailing segments shown in Fig. 2, the velocity vector

If ow over a nite lifting surface is synthesizedfrom a uniform ow combined with horseshoe vortices placed along the quarter-chord line, from Eq. (3), the local velocityinduced at a control point placed anywhere along the bound segment of horseshoe vortex j is

V j = V1

i =1

C i vi j c i




where vi j is the dimensionless induced velocity ri 2 j ri 2 j u1 ri 2 j c i 4p vi j c i 4p u1 ri 2 j

where v1 V1 , V1

c i

d`i , d Ai


ri 1 j + ri 2 j

C i c i V1

r i1 j ri 2 j ri 1 j ri 2 j + ri 1 j ri 2 j u1 ri 1 j r i1 j r i1 j u 1 r i 1 j u1 ri 2 j

ri 1 j ri 2 j

i 6= j

and, from Eqs. (5) and (9), the local angle of attack written in terms of the dimensionless variables is given by v1 v1

+ +

a , i = j

= tan

N j =1 N j =1

v ji G j uni v ji G j uai


ri 2 j ri 2 j u1 ri 2 j u1 ri 1 j r i1 j r i1 j u 1 r i 1 j


At this point, c i could be any characteristiclength associatedwith the wing section aligned with horseshoevortex i . This characteristic length is simply used to nondimensionalizeEq. (6) and has no effect on the induced velocity. The choice of characteristic length will be addressed later. The bound vortex segment is excluded from Eq. (6), when i = j , because a straight vortex segmentinduces no downwash along its own length. From Eqs. (4) and (5), the aerodynamicforce acting on a spanwise differential section of the lifting surface located at control point i is given by

Equation (11) can be written for N different control points, one associated with each of the N horseshoe vortices used to synthesize the lifting surface or system of lifting surfaces. This provides a system of N nonlinearequationsrelatingthe N unknown dimensionless vortex strengths G i to known properties of the wing. At angles of attack below stall, this system of nonlinear equations surrenders quickly to Newtons method. To apply Newtons method, the system of equations is written in the vector form: ( G) = R where
N i ( G)


dFi = q C


j =1

c j

v ji





j =1

v ji G j

G i C `i ( a i , d i )


When we allow for the possibilityof ap de ection, the local section lift coef cient for the airfoil section located at control point i is a function of local angle of attack and local ap de ection, C `i = C `i ( a i , d i ) The local angle of attack at control point i is a


We wish to nd the vector of dimensionless vortex strengths G that makes all components of the residual vector R go to zero. Thus, we want the change in the residual vector to be R. We start with an initial estimate for the G vector and iteratively re ne the estimate by applying the Newton corrector equation

= tan

Vi uni Vi uai

[J ]D G = R
(9) where [J ] is the N by N matrix of partial derivatives 2 wi ( v j i j wi j Ji j =
i i)


where uai and uni are, respectively,the unit vectors in the chordwise direction and the direction normal to the chord, both in the plane of the local airfoil section as shown in Fig. 3. If the relation implied by Eq. (8) is known at each section of the wing, the magnitude of the aerodynamic force acting on a spanwise differential section of the wing located at control point i can be written as j d Fi j =
1 q 2

Gi v ni ( v ji uai ) 2 + v ni Gi , j =i , j 6= i

@C `i v ai ( v ji uni ) @a
i 2 v ai

@G j

2 j wi j +

V1 C `i ( a i , d i ) d Ai


Setting the magnitudeof the force from Eq. (7) equal to that obtained from Eq. (10) and rearranging, we can write

@C `i v ai ( v ji uni )
i 2 v ai

2wi ( v ji j wi j


v ni ( v j i uai ) 2 + v ni

(16) v ji G j


j =1

G i C `i (a i , d i ) = 0

(11) wi v1

j =1 N

v ji G j


v ni and


j =1

v j i G j uni


v ai


j =1

v ji G j uai


Fig. 3 Unit vectors describing the orientation of the local airfoil section.

Using Eq. (16) in Eq. (15), we compute the correction vector D G. This correction vector is used to obtain an improved estimate for the dimensionless vortex strength vector G according to G =G +X D G (20)



This process is repeated until the magnitude of the largest residual is less than some convergence criteria. For angles of attack below stall, this method converges very rapidly using almost any initial estimate for G and a relaxation factor X of unity. At angles of attack beyond stall, the method must be highly under relaxed and is very sensitive to the initial estimate for G. For the fastest possible convergence of Newtons method, we require an accurate initial estimate for the dimensionless vortex strength vector. For this purpose, a linearized version of Eq. (11) is useful. For a straight lifting surface of in nite aspect ratio at small angles of attack, the downwash is zero, the section lift is a linear functionof angle of attack,and all nonlinearterms in Eq. (11) vanish. For a lifting surface of high aspect ratio with no sweep or dihedral, at small angles of attack, we can still ignore the nonlinear terms and compute an approximate dimensionlessvortex strength vector from this linear system. At small angles of attack, the local section lift coef cient can be approximated as C `i ( a i , d i ) = C `a i ( a

The aerodynamic moment generated about the center of gravity is


M =q
i =1


C i V1

j =1

C iC j vji c j

d ` i + d Mi


If we assume a constant section moment coef cient C mi over each spanwise increment, then d Mi = 1 q V 2 Cm i 2 1
s2 s = s1

c2 ds usi


where usi is the local spanwise unit vector shown in Fig. 3, usi = uai uni When we use Eq. (28) in Eq. (27) and nondimensionalize M = 1 2 q V 1 Ar L r 2 C mi d Ai
s2 s = s1 N N


L 0i

+ e id i)


Using the small angle approximation for both the geometric angle of attack and the induced angle of attack, after applying Eq. (12) to Eq. (21), we have

i =1


G i v1 d Ai Ar L r

j =1

G i G j v ji

C `i = C `a i v1 uni +

j =1

v j i uni G j a

L 0i

+ e id


c2 ds usi


Applying Eq. (22) to Eq. (11) and ignoring second-order terms, we obtain the linear system

2j v1


G i C `a i

j =1

v ji uni G j = C `a i ( v1 uni a

L 0i

+ e id i)

To this point, the local characteristic length c i has not been dened. It could be any characteristiclength associated with the spanwise incrementof the liftingsurfacethatis associatedwith horseshoe vortex i . From Eq. (30), we see that the natural choice for this local characteristic length is the integral of the chord length squared, with respect to the spanwise coordinate, divided by the incremental area. If we also assume a linear variation in chord length over each spanwise increment, we have

Equation (23) gives good results, at small angles of attack, for a single lifting surface of high aspect ratio with no sweep or dihedral. For larger angles of attack, highly swept wings, or for interacting systems of lifting surfaces, the nonlinear system given by Eq. (11) should be used. However, Eq. (23) provides a reasonable initial estimate for the dimensionless vortex strength vector, to be used with Newtons method for obtaining a solution to this nonlinear system.

d Ai =
s = s1

c ds =

ci 1 + ci 2 si 2 si 1 2


and c i 1 d Ai

c2 ds =
s = s1

Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

Once the vortex strengths have been determined, the total aerodynamic force vector can be determined from Eq. (7). If the lifting surface or surfacesare synthesizedfrom a large number of horseshoe vortices, each covering a small spanwise increment of one lifting surface, we can approximate the aerodynamic force as being constant over each spanwise increment. Then, from Eq. (7), the total aerodynamic force is given by

2 2 2 ci 1 + ci1 ci 2 + ci 2 ci 1 + ci 2 3


When we use these de nitions in Eq. (30), the dimensionless aerodynamic moment about the c.g. is M = 1 q V1 2 Ar L r 2 C mi c i usi

i =1


G i v1

j =1

G i G j v ji

F =q
i =1

C i V1

j =1

C iC j v ji c j

d `i


d Ai Ar L r


where d `i is the spatialvector along the bound segment of horseshoe vortex i from node 1 to node 2, in the direction of segment vorticity. When we nondimensionalize Eq. (24), the total nondimensional aerodynamic force is F =2 1 2 q V 1 Ar 2

i =1

G i v1

j =1

G i G j v ji

d Ai Ar


where d A i is the planform area of segment i ,


d Ai =
s = s1

c ds


Once the N dimensionlessvortex strengths G i are known, Eqs. (25) and (33) are used to evaluate the aerodynamic forces and moments. Like panel methods, lifting-line theory provides only a potential ow solution. Thus, the forces and moments computed from this method do not include viscous effects, so that the parasitic drag is unobtainable.In addition to this restriction,that also applies to panel methods, lifting-line theory imposes an additional restriction that does not apply to panel methods.For lifting surfaces with low aspect ratio, Prandtls hypothesis breaks down, and the usual relationship between local section lift and local section angle of attack no longer applies. It has long been established that lifting-line theory gives good agreement with experimental data for lifting surfaces of aspect ratio greater than about four.2 For lifting surfaces of lower aspect ratio, panel methods or CFD solutions should be used.



Fig. 4 Lifting-line grid with cosine clustering and 20 elements per semispan.

Grid Generation and Control Points

Each lifting surface must, of course, be divided into spanwise elements, in a manner similar to that shown symbolically in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, the wing is divided into elements of equal spanwise increment. However, this is not the most ef cient way in which to grid a lifting surface. Because vorticity is shed from a lifting surface more rapidly in the region near the tips, the nodal points should be clustered more tightly in this region for best computational ef ciency. The authors have found conventionalcosine clustering to be quite ef cient. For straight lifting surfaces,clusteringis only needed near the tips and the cosine distribution can be applied across the entire span. However, for a lifting surface with sweep and/or dihedral, there is a step change in the slope of the quarter chord at the root. This step change causes the downwash to change very rapidly in the region near the root. Thus, in general, the authors recommend applying cosine clustering independentlyover each semispan of each lifting surface, as shown in Fig. 4. This clusters the nodes more tightly at both the tip and the root. This clustering is based on the change of variables, s / b = [1 cos( u ) ]/ 4 (34)

Fig. 5

Section lift distribution for three elliptic wings.

Over each semispan, u varies from zero to p as s varies from zero to b / 2. Distributing the nodes uniformly in u will provide the desired clustering in s . If the total number of horseshoe elements desired on each semispan is n , the spanwise nodal coordinates are computed from, si / b = 1 [1 cos( i p / n ) ], 4 0 i n (35)
Fig. 6 Section induced drag distribution for three elliptic wings.

where the bound segment of horseshoe vortex i extends from node i to node i 1 on a left semispan and from node i 1 to node i on a right semispan. The authors have found that using this nodal distribution with about 40 horseshoe elements per semispan gives the best compromise between speed and accuracy. Figure 4 shows a system of lifting surfaces overlaid with a grid of this type using 20 elements per semispan. Because singularities occur at the junctures of adjacent boundvortex segments, for maximum accuracy and computational ef ciency, the location of control points must be critically assessed. At rst thought, it would seem most reasonable to place control points on the bound segment of each vortex, midway between the two trailing legs. However, the authors have found that this does not give the best numerical accuracy. A signi cant improvementin accuracy,for a given number of elements, can be achieved by placing the control points midway in u rather than midway in s . Thus, the spanwise control point coordinates are computed from si / b = 1 {1 cos[( i p / n ) ( p / 2n )]}, 4 1 i n (36)

This same solution gives the local section induced drag f di

1 q 2 2 V1 2 cC ` 1

4 Ra p Ra + C `a

[1 (2s / b) 2 ] 2


This distributionplaces control points very near the spatial midpoint of each bound vortex segment, over most of the wing. However, near the root and the tip, these control points are signi cantly offset from the spatial midpoint.

For straight elliptic wings with no geometric twist and no aerodynamic twist, Prandtls classical lifting-line theory gives a very simple and well-known closed-form solution. From this solution, the section lift distribution in the spanwise direction is given by f`
1 q 2

V1 2 cC `1

4 Ra 1 [1 (2s / b) 2 ] 2 p Ra + C `a


As a rst-order test, the numerical method presented here should agree with Eqs. (37) and (38), at small angles of attack, for a straight elliptic wing with no geometric or aerodynamic twist. Figure 5 shows a comparison between the section lift distribution predicted by Eq. (37) and that predicted by the present numerical method for three straight elliptic wings of different aspect ratio. Figure 6 compares the induced drag distribution predicted by Eq. (38) to that predicted from the present method for the same three elliptic wings. A similar comparison for tapered wings shows very similar results. The numerical results shown in Figs. 5 and 6 were all generated using 40 horseshoe elements per semispan for wings having a NACA 2412 airfoil section. Similar comparisons were made for other straight wings having varying amounts of camber, taper, and washout. Camber was varied from 0 to 8%, taper ratio was varied from 0.1 to 1.0, and washout was varied from 0 to 5 deg. In all cases, the numerical solution using 40 horseshoe elements per semispan agreed with the classical lifting-line solution to within two-tenths of 1% for the induced drag and to within ve-hundredths of 1% for the lift. Thus, for all practical purposes, results obtained from this numerical lifting-line method are identical to those obtained from the classical lifting-line solution for a single lifting surface with no sweep or dihedral. Because, for straight wings of aspect ratios greater than about four, the classicalsolution is known to adequately predict the effects of aspect ratio, camber, and planform shape, the same can be said for the present numerical solution. Unlike the analytical solution to Prandtls classical lifting-line theory, the present numerical method can be applied to wings with



sweep and/or dihedral. To examine how well the present method predicts the effects of sweep and dihedral, results obtained from this method were compared with resultsobtainedfrom a numerical panel method and from an inviscid CFD solution.The results predictedfor the effects of sweep were also compared with limited experimental data. For the numericalpanel method comparison,the commercialcode PMARC 18,19 was selected.This code was developedat NASA Ames Research Center and is one of the most ef cient numerical panel codes available. PMARC uses at quadrilateral panels with uniform source and doublet distributions on each panel. This code also accounts for the effects of wake rollup, using an unsteady wake development approach. The commercial code WIND,20 developed by the NPARC Alliance, was chosen for the inviscid CFD comparison. This code uses a node-centered nite volume approach to solve the Euler equations on a structured grid. The available fth-order upwind-biased discretization scheme was used to reduce the effects of numerical viscosity. For all three numerical methods the grid size was repeatedly rened until the solutionwas no longersigni cantly affectedby further grid re nement. By this procedure, an optimum grid for each of the three methods was selected as that which gave the best combination of accuracy and computationalspeed. With this method of grid resolution, the numerical lifting-line method required 40 section elements per semispan. Grid-resolved solutions for PMARC required 4500 panels per semispan. The selected grid was partitioned to give 45 segments along the semispan and 90 around the circumference, with panelsclusterednear the leadingedge, the trailing edge, and the wingtips. For WIND, a two-block H H type mesh with 1.25 106 grid points per semispan gave the best compromise between accuracy and computational ef ciency. The computational domain for the WIND solutions extended approximately 30 chords from the wing in all directions, with grid points clustered near the wing and the trailing-tip vortices. When these resolved grids were used for the three methods, the computationaltime required to obtain a solution from PMARC was about 2 104 times that required using the presentnumericallifting-linemethod. The WIND solutionsrequired approximately 2 106 times as long as the lifting-line solutions. A comparison between results obtained from these three numerical methods and previously published experimental data is shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The solid lines and lled symbols correspond to a straight wing of aspect ratio 6.57, with experimental data obtained from McAlister and Takahashi.21 The dashed lines and open symbols are for a 45-deg swept wing of aspect ratio 5.0, having experimental data reported by Weber and Brebner.22 Both wings have symmetrical airfoil sections with no geometric twist and constant chord throughoutthe span. The straight wing has a thicknessof 15% and the swept wing has a thickness of 12%.

Fig. 8 Comparison between the induced drag coef cient predicted by the numerical lifting-line method, PMARC, and WIND with that obtained from experimental data, for a straight wing and a wing with 45 deg of sweep.

Fig. 7 Comparison between the lift coef cient predicted by the numerical lifting-line method, PMARC, and WIND with that obtained from experimental data, for a straight wing and a wing with 45 deg of sweep.

From the results shown in Fig. 7, we see that the lift coef cient predicted by all three methods is in good agreement with experimental observations for both wings. From Fig. 8 we see that, for the straight wing, the induced drag predicted by both the numerical lifting-line method and by PMARC is in good agreement with experimental data, whereas WIND gives an induced drag that is somewhat higher. The predictions for induced drag on the swept wing are not nearly as good. For this wing, the induced drag predicted by the panel code is about 40% less than that observed experimentally. However, both the numerical lifting-line method and the CFD solution give induced drag values that are about 25% above the experimental values. Still, the values of induced drag predicted by the numerical lifting-line method are as good as or better than those predicted by the other two methods, even for this highly swept wing. Furthermore, the induced drag on a highly swept wing, as predicted by the present method, appears to be somewhat conservative, whereas the panel code predicts an induced drag that is too low. Though none of the numerical methods tested seemed to do very well at predicting the effects of sweep on induced drag, all three of the methods appeared to do a good job of predicting the effects of sweep on lift. To obtain the numerical lifting-linesolutionsshown in Figs. 7 and 8, we have used the linear relationship between a two-dimensional section lift coef cient and a section angle of attack that is predicted by thin airfoil theory. Because the downwash and induced angle of attack are obtained from the solution to the nonlinear system given by Eq. (11), we have no reason to expect that the lift coef cient predicted for the complete wing should be a linear function of geometric angle of attack. However, the results in Fig. 7 show that this relationship is, in fact, very nearly linear for both wings. The result predicted for the straight wing is almost exactly linear, as is also predicted by the classical lifting-line solution. Even for the highly swept wing, the deviation from linearity is quite small. Both the panel code and the experimental data con rm this result. The overpredictionof induced drag by the CFD code for both the straight wing and the swept wing is likely due to numerical viscosity and is expected. However, the reason that the numerical lifting-line method overpredictsinduced drag for the swept wing, but not for the straight wing, may be less obvious. The foundation of lifting-line theory requires the bound vorticity to follow the chordwise aerodynamic center of the wing. The numerical lifting-line solution shown in Fig. 8 was obtained by assuming that the lifting-line follows the wing quarter chord, which is the theoretical aerodynamic center from thin airfoil theory. With this assumption, the discontinuity in the slope of the quarter chord at the spanwise midpoint of a highly swept wing produces a rather strong singularity (see, for example, Cheng and Meng23 ). This results in the prediction of strong downwash and large induced drag in the region near this singularity. In reality, the experimental results of Weber and Brebner22 show that,



Fig. 9 Deviation of the aerodynamic center from the quarter chord in the region near the spanwise midpoint of a highly swept wing.

Fig. 11 Pressure forces and shed vorticity for a system of lifting surfaces as predicted by the numerical lifting-line method.

Fig. 10 Comparison between the rolling moment coef cient predicted by the numerical lifting-line method, PMARC, and WIND for wings with 10 and 20 deg of dihedral.

near the spanwise midpoint of a highly swept wing, the aerodynamic center moves considerably aft of the wing quarter chord, as shown in Fig. 9. This removes the discontinuity in slope at the spanwise midpoint of the lifting line and signi cantly reduces the predicted induced drag. Unfortunately, there is currently no simple means to predict the true chordwise aerodynamic center of a highly swept wing in the region near the spanwise midpoint. Thus, the present method cannot easily be corrected to remove this error. The accuracy of the present numerical lifting-line method for predictingdihedral effectswas also tested by comparing this method with both PMARC and WIND. Figure 10 shows the variation in rolling moment coef cient with sideslip angle for two nonplanar rectangularwings having differentdihedral,as predictedby all three methods. Both wings have symmetric NACA 0015 airfoil sections with no sweep or twist and an aspect ratio of 6.57. The solid line and lled symbols correspond to a wing with 20 deg dihedral, whereas the dashedline and open symbolsare for a wing with 10 deg dihedral. From Fig. 10, we see that all three methods agree very closely in their predictions for the wing with 10 deg dihedral. For this wing the agreement between the lifting-line method and the panel code is within 2%, and the CFD solutionagrees with the lifting-linesolution to within 7%. The three methods do, however, diverge somewhat in their predictionsfor the wing with 20-deg dihedral. This divergence becomes more pronounced at very large sideslip angles. For the wing with 20-deg dihedral at sideslip angles in the range of 12 deg, the panel code predicts a rolling moment coef cient that is about 9% above that predicted by the lifting-line method, whereas the CFD solution predicts a result that is nearly 10% below the lifting-line solution. The present numerical method could be used to predict the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a system of lifting surfaces with arbitrary position and orientation. Each lifting surface would be synthesized by distributing horseshoe vortices on a grid structured similarly to that shown in Fig. 4. Because all of the horseshoe vortices used to synthesize the complete system of lifting surfaces

are combined and forced to satisfy Eq. (11) as a single system of coupled equations, the interactions between lifting surfaces are directly accounted for. An example of such interactionscan be seen in Fig. 11. The lifting surfaces shown in Fig. 11 all have symmetric airfoil sectionsand are orientedto give a zero geometricangle of attack. The only direct production of lift in this con guration comes from a de ection of the ailerons. The de ected ailerons produce lift and vorticity that in turn induce lift and vorticity on all other surfaces.In Fig. 11 the arrows indicate the magnitude and direction of the local section force, and the streamwise lines at the trailing edge of each lifting surface indicate the magnitude of the local shed vorticity. As can be seen from Fig. 11, the lifting surface interactions predicted by the present method are at least qualitatively correct. However, further study is needed to determine the quantitativeaccuracy of the predicted lifting surface interactions. The present numerical method contains no inherent requirement for a linear relationshipbetween section lift and section angle of attack. Thus, the method could conceivably be applied, with caution, to account approximately for the effects of stall. The lifting-line method requires a known relationship for the section lift coef cient as a function of section angle of attack. Because such relationships must be obtained experimentally beyond stall, the present method would predict stall by using a semi-empirical correction to an otherwise potential ow solution. For this reason, the method should be used with extreme caution for angles of attack beyond stall. However, the method may be able to predict the onset of stall. Further study is needed to determine to what extent the method can be used at angles of attack near or beyond stall.

The insight of Ludwig Prandtl (1875 1953) was nothing short of astonishing.This was never more dramatically demonstratedthan in the developmentof his classicallifting-linetheory, during the period from 1911 1918. The utility of this simple and elegant theory is so great that it is still widely used today. Furthermore, with a few minor alterations and the use of a modern computer, the model proposed by Prandtl can be used to predict the inviscid forces and moments acting on lifting surfaces of aspect ratio greater than about four with an accuracy as good as that obtained from modern panel codes or CFD, but at a small fraction of the computational cost.

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1 Prandtl, L.,



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