Berserker Guide Torchlight II
Berserker Guide Torchlight II
Berserker Guide Torchlight II
You will note I sugg est you max out more skills than you have skill points for. Looks like you will have to make some hard choices. Here is a tip, the 15 point passives are not up for debate, the rest are. If I were you, I d listen to all the 15 point passives I mention, save Rage Retaliation. This build is kind of fun in that because it is so passive heavy, your choices in actives are what define you. Skills Passive Skills Executioner: Increased chance to execute and charge bonus for executing. Can you say infinite charge ? (15 Skill Points) Blood Hunger: Max it if you want to survive on elite. If you aren t playing elite then it can be lower, MUCH lower. (15 Skill Points) Rampage: This is the same as the Tankzerker build, but even more important for y ou. Attack speed cast speed and move speed are always appreciated. (15 Skill Poi nts) Rage Retaliation: Max it for fun. I like this passive on a dual wield Berserker because your dps should be high and it passively deals damage to enemies around you. That means you don t have to click a button. It s not necessary but I think it could be a nice asset. (Optional 15 Skill Points) Cold Steel Mastery: It s up to you if the 2% physical damage per rank is worth it to you. That s 30% at max. It ll probably be worth it to me, I ll just have to give up an active skill. (15 Skill Points if you give up one Active Skill) Shred Armor: It destroys enemy armor and gives you armor temporarily. This is a means to survive as well as get your 1-handed weapons' damage up. (15 Skill Poin ts) Red Wolf: Deals damage to nearby enemies when you crit, which you will be doing a lot. I'll probably max this too. (15 Skill Points) Frenzy Mastery: As much as you need to have frenzy lasting you a whole fight. I d probably go somewhere from 5-7 into this. Active Skills Storm Claw: This will greatly help your dps and it ll look awesome to see your att acks constantly spreading lightning to nearby foes. (15 Skill Points) Howl: Same as the Tankzerker build. It s a great debuff that you need even more no w that you are squishy. (15 Skill Points) Chain Snare: Interesting. Pulls enemies into you, stuns them, and at higher rank can shatter shields. If you think you can survive it, such as when you're at ma x charge, this could be useful for quick enemies that try to keep distance from you. Shadowbind: Same as the Icezerker build but different. Since you will be focusin g one enemy at a time normally, this is a good way to make an impromptu AOE whil e focusing a single target. Could be useful on bosses and at max I think it ll giv e you a lot of damage.
Battle Rage: This is very important on dual wielding Berserkers. Unlike Tankzerk ers you want to focus more on killing enemies fast, since your survival is just not as good, and this does offer damage mitigating at tier 1. (15 Skill Points) Battle Standard: Invest some points into this if you want to live long on elite, otherwise it s passable. (1+ Skill Points) Raze: Same as Tankzerker build. This looks to be a powerful spell. (15 Skill Poi nts) Ice shield:With one point it has a 44% chance to give you 10% charge and as you are a melee fighter, I don t see why anyone wouldn't put 1 point into this. (1 Ski ll Point) Ravage: This could be a a skill to max. It stacks armor reduction and it s an AOE. (15 Skill Points) Rupture: This one is up to you, looks strong. It has a 50% stun chance at rank 1 and deals an AOE of physical damage. Shadow Burst: Up to you if you want to use it for life steal and shield break ch ance. I personally will always put a few points into this on ANY of my Berserker s. I like the low level mana cost - life returned ratio. Storm Hatchet: Consider this as a way to gain charge from a distance. As you tie r it up it shoots three instead of one, which means three times the charge gaine d in a hit. This could be a great way to get your frenzy on before a fight start s. Eviscerate: It s ok looking Cleaves and deals damage over time I dunno guys, definit ely not my go to skill but its range gets large later in the game. Could be fun. With high cast speed and DoT s on your weapons this could get strong. As you can see you have a LOT of options in actives. That s what makes Dual Wield Zerkers fun. They have many different flavors to them. Stat Core Strength, dexterity and focus are key. I d do a 1/2/2 (str/dex/foc) build. Sacrifi ce some focus for strength or vitality when you need to armor, but remember that at level 100 you will be able to use all armor. At higher levels stop pumping d exterity as you will have almost permanent frenzy-mode (100% crit chance from ch arge bar) and start pumping strength. At around 30% crit chance I d do a 4/1/2 bui ld (str/dex/foc) This is another way Dualzerkers are so different than Tankzerke rs, who don t worry about dealing damage except through DoT s and Raze. Item Core The best item affix you can find is +% critical strike damage. This is because i n TL2 you will find this in high amounts. You don t find +5% critical damage, you tend to find +25% and up of critical strike damage on a single weapon. This is h ow you make one handed weapons go crazy. The second most valuable affix you can get though is +% damage or +% physical da mage. Dual wield melee weapons of your choice. If you pick fast weapons like claws try to enchant them and socket them with Damage over Time. You want to get +crit ch
ance, attack speed, dodge and execute. In that order. +health will probably be g reat as well. Spell Scrolls Find Dual Wield Mastery and Martial Weapon Expertise for damage. Find Elemental Protection since you will lack a shield and vitality. Heal Self as your fourth s pell scroll. Dervish is great if your attack speed is lacking. Pet should have h eal all and 3 summons, or anything that debuffs monsters. If putting Martial Wea pon Expertise and Dual Wield Mastery scrolls on your pet stacks the damage bonus of the ones on yourself, do that instead.