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UK Home Office: FLR (O) Guide

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Version 04/2007


If you are planning to apply for an extension of stay in the United Kingdom (UK) in one of the categories for
which you must use form FLR(O), please read these guidance notes before making your application.
Our telephone services


Tel: 0870 606 7766 Tel: 0870 241 0645

Monday to Thursday: 9.00 - 4.45 Monday to Thursday: 9.00 - 4.45

Friday: 9.00 - 4.30 Friday: 9.00 - 4.30

For general information and appointments at our For application forms only
public enquiry offices

Our Public Enquiry Offices (for premium service applications)


Public Enquiry Office Public Enquiry Office Public Enquiry Office Public Enquiry Office
Lunar House Dominion Court Festival Court Reliance House
40 Wellesley Road 41 Station Road 200 Brand Street 20 Water Street
Croydon Solihull Govan Liverpool
CR9 2BY Birmingham Glasgow G51 1DH L2 8XU
B91 3RT
Monday to Thursday:
Monday to Friday: Monday to Friday: 8.30 - 4.30 Monday to Friday
8.00 - 4.00 9.00 - 4.00 Friday: 8.30 - 4.00 8.30 - 4.00
Tel: 0870 606 7766 Tel: 0870 606 7766 Tel: 0870 606 7766 Tel: 0870 606 7766
(appointments only) (appointments only) (appointments only) (appointments only)

Our website address


Guidance Notes
1 FOR WHICH APPLICATIONS MUST YOU USE FORM dependants of exempt members of HM Forces
FLR(O)? other purposes/reasons not covered by the other appli-
cation forms
This form must be used if you are applying for an exten-
sion of stay in any of the following categories: You and any dependants included in the application
must be in the UK to apply.
overseas qualified nurse or midwife Please note that "employment not requiring a work per-
postgraduate doctor or dentist mit" does not include employment as a sole representa-
au pair tive. Applications for an extension of stay for that pur-
UK ancestry pose must be made on form BUS.
employment not requiring a work permit
writer, composer or artist The "other purposes/reasons" category does not include
private medical treatment
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2 QUALIFYING FOR AN EXTENSION OF STAY IN dependants. If dependants apply separately, they
THESE CATEGORIES must pay the specified fee.

To qualify for an extension of stay in the categories for Children aged 18 or over cannot be included; they
which you must use form FLR(O), you must meet the must each apply individually and pay the specified fee,
requirements set out in the following parts of the as must any children under 18 if there is some reason
Immigration Rules: preventing them from being included in your applica-
Part 2 - visitor, private medical treatment
Part 3 - overseas qualified nurse or midwife, We will not refund the fee if we refuse the application
postgraduate doctor or dentist or if you withdraw it.
Part 4 - au pair
For information about methods of payment, please
Part 5 - employment not requiring a work permit*, UK see the payment details guidance on page 2 of the
ancestry form.
Part 6 - writer, composer or artist
For more information about the current fees, please
Part 7 - dependants of exempt members of HM Forces go to our website.
The full Immigration Rules are on our website. You can
also seek information about the relevant rules by calling
0870 606 7766.
You must apply before the end of your authorised stay
*Please note that the reference to level 4 competence in the UK.
in spoken English in Note 5 of FLR(O) should read level
We will return your application if it is invalid. This will
With the exceptions set out below, you and your partner delay your case and could result in the loss of appeal
and/or children under 18 if they are applying as your rights if your authorised stay has run out by the time
dependants. you make a valid application.

Unless otherwise stated, the word “partner” in these For your application to be valid, you must
guidance notes means a spouse, civil partner, unmarried
or same sex partner. pay the specified fee
make it on the current version of form FLR(O)
Visitor, au pair and private medical treatment. The immi-
gration rules for these categories do not allow for depen- provide all the photographs of yourself and any depen-
dants included in the application as specified in the
dants. If you include any dependants in an application in form
these particular categories, their applications will be
refused. provide all documents specified in the form
complete all sections of the form as required
Postgraduate doctor or dentist and dependants of
exempt members of HM Forces. The immigration rules sign and date the declaration in the form.
for these categories only allow a spouse or civil partner
and children under 18. Unmarried or same sex partners 7 COMPLETING THE FORM
are not provided for in the rules, so they will be refused if
you include such a partner in your application. Please note the following guidance and information
when you complete the form.
Any dependants who are not allowed in these particular
categories should apply separately in their own right and Use a black pen to complete the form - and capital
pay the specified fee. letters for names, addresses and similar details.

4 THE FEE Complete all sections as directed in section 3, includ-

ing the Personal History section.
You have to pay to apply on form FLR(O). The specified
fees for applications are £395 for postal applications or Payment details Follow the guidance provided on
£595 for the premium service at one of our Public page 2 of the form when completing the payment
Enquiry Offices. If you do not pay the specified fee, the details.
application will be invalid and will be returned to you.
Section 1 This is where you give your own details.
There is only one fee for each application form. You may Leave a space between each name or part of the
include your partner and/or children under the age of 18 address(es) required in this section (do the same
in your application if they are applying for an extension of where names and addresses are required in other sec-
stay as your dependants - but see part 3 above about the tions).
categories in which you should not include some or any
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Sections 1 and 2 It’s essential that you provide the pho- issued the original (for example, a copy of a savings book
tographs of yourself and any dependants included in the certified by the building society or bank), or by a notary.
application. If you don’t, the application will be invalid. The reasons for providing a certified copy rather than the
Use one staple or paper clip in each person’s case to original document must be explained in a covering letter.
attach them within the spaces provided. Do not use glue Generally speaking, it is unlikely that we will be able to
or any other sticky adhesive. See part 8 below for more grant your application without seeing the original docu-
guidance on photographs. ments.

If there is any difference between the personal details 10 APPLYING BY POST - THE ADDRESS
given in these sections and those contained in your
and/or your dependant(s) passport(s) or travel docu- If you are applying by post, the address to which you
ment(s), we will always use those given in the passport(s) must send an application on form FLR(O) is:
or travel document(s) when granting leave to remain.
Border and Immigration Agency
All sections If you are at present unable to provide any of Leave to Remain - FLR(O)
PO Box 495
the information or details requested in these sections, Durham
please explain the reasons in a letter with the application DH99 1WR
form. If you need help with any of the questions, you can
seek advice by telephoning 0870 606 7766. Posting it to any other address will delay it. This address
is only to be used when sending your application. Please
Section 6 This section lists the documents and photo- use the address given in part 13 for any other correspon-
graphs which you have to provide. If you can’t provide dence about your application.
any of the documents specified in the application form,
please explain why in a letter with the form and say when If you use Recorded or Special Delivery, this will help us
you will be able to provide them. See part 9 below for to record the receipt of your application. Please make
more guidance on documents. sure that you keep the Recorded or Special Delivery
Ensure that your passport or other travel document and
those of any dependants included in the application are We will return your passport(s) and other documents by
signed as required. Recorded Delivery. If you would like them to be returned
by Special Delivery, you must provide a prepaid Special
Section 7 Sign and date the declaration. If you don’t, the Delivery envelope big enough for the documents to be
application will be invalid. returned.
You must provide the following photographs: We offer a same-day service to people who apply in per-
son at our Public Enquiry Offices (PEOs). The premium
Two identical passport-size photographs of yourself with rate of £595 has to be paid for this service, which is
your name written on the back of each photograph.
available only for applications which are straightforward
Two identical passport-size photographs of any depen- and do not require further enquiries.
dants included in the application with their names writ-
ten on the back of each photograph. Appointments. To apply in person, you must make an
appointment in advance with one of the PEOs. Make an
The photographs should be in colour, recent (within the appointment only when you have completed the correct
last month), and approximately 45 millimetres high and form, and have all the documents and photographs.
35 millimetres wide, the size of a passport photo.
If you attend a PEO without making a prior appointment,
Each photograph must show the individual’s full face your application will not be accepted there. PEO appoint-
clearly against a light background. Sunglasses are not ments are limited to a certain number each day. If you
acceptable. Nor is any head covering unless this has to cannot book one before your authorised stay in the UK is
be worn for religious or cultural reasons. But if the cover- due to run out, you should make your application by post,
ing conceals the face, this will not be acceptable. otherwise you may be here unlawfully.
If the application(s) is/are successful, the photographs The addresses, telephone number and opening times of
provided will be reproduced in the UK Residence the PEOs are given on the front page of these guidance
Permit(s) in your passport or travel document and those notes.
of any dependants included in the application.
For up-to-date information about the PEO opening times
9 DOCUMENTS and services please check their pages on our website or
phone their number.
Documents provided with the application must be origi-
n a l s. 12 DECISION TIMES
Exceptionally, a certified copy may be acceptable. The Our current published service standards for deciding
copy must be certified by the body or authority which charged applications are:
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Applications made by post: decide 70% of applications 16 CHOOSING AN IMMIGRATION ADVISER
within 4 weeks (20 working days) and 90% within 14
weeks (70 working days). If you engage an immigration adviser, take care in choos-
ing one. The Office of the Immigration Services
Applications made in person: decide 98% within 24 Commissioner (OISC) regulates immigration advisers.
The OISC website at www.oisc.gov.uk contains a list of
Applications which take longer to decide are those which authorised advisers. It also has links to websites for solic-
are not straightforward and/or which require further itors, barristers and legal executives. If you have a com-
enquires. These include applications by people who have plaint about an immigration adviser or need other
remained here unlawfully after the expiry of their leave. information, the OISC contact details are:

As we can’t tell in advance how long it will take to decide Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
particular cases, our general advice to applicants is not 5th Floor,
to make any non-urgent travel arrangements until their Counting House
passport(s) or travel document(s) are returned to them. 53 Tooley Street

If you need to contact us after you have applied, please Telephone: 0845 000 0046
do so as instructed below.
Alternatively the Law Society, which regulates solicitors
To send us more information about your application, in England and Wales, can help you find a solicitor. You
write to the following address (not the one to which you can contact them on 0870 606 6575 or visit their web-
posted your application): site at: www.lawsociety.org.uk

Border and Immigration Agency If you wish to complain about a solicitor you can contact
Initial Consideration Unit - FLR(O) the Law Society’s Consumer Complaints Service helpline
Lunar House on 0845 608 6565 or write to them at:
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon The Law Society
CR9 2BY Victoria Court
8 Dormer Place
and give the following details in your letter: Leamington Spa
the applicant’s full name, date of birth and nationality CV32 5AE
any Recorded or Special Delivery number 17 COMPLAINTS ABOUT OUR SERVICE
the date on which the application was posted or made
in person If you need advice on how to make a complaint about
our service, please call 0870 241 6523 or visit our web-
the Home Office reference number if you have one. site.
If you need your passport because you have to travel You may complain in writing to:
urgently and unexpectedly, call 0870 606 7766 and pro-
vide the personal and other details listed immediately BIA Customer Focus Team
above. PO Box 1384
Your application will be treated as withdrawn if your CR9 3YJ
passport is returned for travel abroad before your appli-
cation can be decided. Or by email to: bia.cu@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk


You can obtain application forms from our Application We will treat all information provided by you in confi-
Forms Unit on 0870 241 0645 or from our website. dence but may disclose it to other government depart-
ments, agencies, local authorities, the police, foreign
15 OTHER TELEPHONE ENQUIRIES governments and other bodies for immigration purposes
or to enable them to perform their functions.
For enquiries other than obtaining an application form
call 0870 606 7766. We may also use the information provided by you for
training purposes.
We also have the following freephone textphone number:
0800 38 98 28 9. The information in the Payment Details page will be
known to the private contractor engaged by the Home
Office to process application payments.

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