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Structural and Dielectrical Study of PZT/PVDF Film Composites

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 79

The crystalline structure analysis and dielectrical properties of piezoelectric PVDF and PZT/PVDF film composites are
reported with different volume fraction(0.15,0.3,0.45,0.6,0.75) of PZT prepared by solvent casting method and subjected to
poling procedures . Unpoled neat PVDF film shows both and - phases of the crystalline structures of polymer PVDF. After
poling with a high field predominant changes in the intensity of X-ray reflections occur in - phase toward reorientation of
crystal planes in favor of - phase. Dielectric constant increases significantly for film composites that are thermally poled or
corona charged than for unpoled composites because of the polarization process. Inclusion of PZT in PVDF matrix raises the
dielectric constant significantly due to the dielectric nature of PZT, though their dependence with frequency seem to decline at
high PZT volume fraction. Dielectric loss (tan) appear to increase roughly an order of magnitude with the inclusion of PZT in
comparison with neat PVDF for the same range of frequency. Mathematical models of dielectric constants () (Furukawa and
Yamada models) for a binary continuous PVDF matrix and dispersed PZT particles (spherical and ellipsoidal phase) show high
values for (3 times) at high volume fraction of PZT than calculated values with spherical . Close agreement with the
measured ones with ellipsoidal dispersions is reported.
Keywords: PZT/PVDF film composites, Crystal structure and Dielectric constants
Piezoelectric polymers are increasingly considered as favorable materials for a variety of electrical applications[1]. One
of the most important of the piezoelectric polymer is ( PVDF )[2, 3].PVDF is a semi-crystalline polymer with an
approximately half crystalline and half amorphous structure. Moreover, PVDF has four known crystalline structures,
referred to as , , and o phases, or forms II, I, III, and IV
respectively [3, 5]. When such polymeric materials are
manufactured as composites or blends, they have good mechanical rigidity and piezoelectricity [6].
Lead Zirconate Titanate ceramic (PZT) in the composition Pb(Ti
465 . 0
535 . 0
has extremely strong piezoelectric,
pyroelectric properties and high dielectric constants [7, 8].
Polymer composites are advantages over other materials for their high performance, low cost and simple manufacturing
principle. The manufacturing process, molding and properties are greatly influenced by the type of filler used and the
type of polymer (thermoplastic or thermoset)[9].
Marcus, Roh and Varadan. [10, 11] reported the dependence of poled or unpoled PVDF forms on the degree of
orientation and manufacturing methods.
Venkaragavaraj et al. [12] prepared the composites of PZT with various polymers (PVDF, PVC, PVA, EP) by different
method and volume fraction of PZT studied their dielectrical constants as a function of temperature and reported good
flexibility and stability with time.
Sinha and Pillai [13] prepared PZT (90%) with PMMA, PS, PVC, and PVDF composites by solution method. They
observed high dielectric constant (
=71) for PZT/PVDF composite.
Fedosov and Sergeeva [14] studied polarization uniformity in corona poled samples P(VDF-TFE) 95:5 copolymer and
measured dielectric constant value (95).
Crystalline structure analysis and dielectric properties for PVDF andPZT/PVDF film composites ,unpoled and poled
samples,with comparision to mathematical models for dielectrical constants for two different grain shapes are
2.1 Raw Materials
Structural and dielectrical study of PZT/PVDF
Film Composites

Ikram A. Al Ajaj
, Farah T.Noori
, Nabeel N. Ramoo

Physics Department, Science College, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Physics Department, College of education, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 80

Polyvinyldene fluoride(PVDF) polymer employed was taken from molded pipe (Gorge Fisher Company). The polymer
was grinded to powder of size 60-90 m. Lead Zirconate Titanate PZT material was a rod shape which crushed to
powder of size 60-90 m.
2.2 Preparation Method
The samples of neat PVDF and binary system samples of PZT/PVDF composite were prepared with different PZT
volume fractions by solvent cast method from suitable solvent solution are as cited in Table(1). PVDF powder was
weighted by using a digital balance (Sartorius)of accuracy 0.1 mg and then dissolved in Dimethyelformamide (DMF)
solvent [15].The slurry of composite was cast into disk mold with 5cm in diameter fixed on a glass plate. Castings were
dried in cubical furnace type Memmert D06062 by raising the temperature to 60
C for 6 hours to remove the residual
solvent solution.Thesamples of neat PVDF with thickness 80 m and the composite samples of PZT/PVDF with
thickness about 100 m. Density measurement for samples according to geometrical principlecarried out to
Archimedes method and Rule of Mixtures reveals that film composites lie between the PZT and PVDF densities and
increase with PZT volume fractions.Density measurements of neat PVDF polymer and PZT ceramic and their
composites as shown in Table 1.
Table (1) PZT / PVDF film composites and their densities
PZT /PVDF Composites PZT volume fractions
Composite Density
Density (g/cm
) by Rule
of Mixtures
A 0.00/1.00 1.76 1.76
B 0.15/0.85 2.9 2.7
C 0.30/0.70 4.4 4
D 0.45/0.55 5.09 4.9
E 0.60/0.40 6.7 6.2
F 0.75/0.25 7.32 7.1
G 1.00/0.00 7.82 7.82

2.3 X-Ray Fluorescence Test
XRF spectra for above films were taken using SEMENS type LC 200 Kompensograph X-T spectrometer with LiF (100)
analyzer crystal, 2d=0.403nm, and molybdenum (Mo) target operated at 30kV and 17mA. The characteristic line for
the elements at angles: Pb(L) 2 =33.93
, Zr (K) 2 = 22.5
, and Ti (K) 2 =86.03
were scanned by scintillation

2.4 Optical Microscopic Test
Microstructural features were observed by using Olympus optical microscope at a magnification of 100X on surfaces of
PZT/PVDF film composite. Photomicrographs were shot by using 35mm Olympuscamera.
2.5 X-Ray Diffraction Test
Vertical powder diffractometer type PW1050 was used. Spectra were obtained by using Ni filtered Cuk radiation with
=0.15418 nm operated at 40kV and 20mA.

2.6 Poling of samples
2.6.1 Thermal poling
Thermal poling was conducted by heating the film sample in an appropriate media under the application of electric
field for a given duration. Samples were prepared for thermal poling by evaporating aluminum electrodes on both sides
to eliminate any possibility of an air gap between the sample and the two copper electrodes.
Neat PVDF and PZT/PVDF film composites were fitted between the two copper electrodes, immersed in the oil bath
heated to specified temperature (105
C) and subjected to dc high electric field (6.5kV). The field was maintained at the
film for 24h well after the film had cooled to room temperature.
2.6.2 Corona Charging
The corona apparatus had variable driven roll-electrodes made of stainless steel. The upper electrode was coated with a
dielectric layer of silicone rubber and was supplied by alternating high voltage generator. The lower metallic electrode
was grounded. Film specimens were subjected to the poling treatment at room temperature by corona charging from a
point about 1cm apart from the surface of the film; at a voltage of 20kV and duration time of 15 min.

2.7 Dielectric Measurements
Capacitance and dissipation factor tan in the frequency range from 40 Hz-110MHz at room temperature were also
measured by using LCR meter type Agilent 42942A terminal Adapter.
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 81

3.1 XRF Analysis
Table( 2) shows elemental composition of PZT/ PVDF films composites with different volume fraction of PZT.

Table (2) Elemental composition of PZT/PVDF films composites with different vol.% of PZT
0.75 PZT 60 21.0 18.5
0.6 PZT 60 20.7 19.1
0.45 PZT 60 19.8 19.3
0.3 PZT 60 22.5 17.1
0.15 PZT 60 21.0 19

The values in Table (2) clearly indicate constant composition for each volume fraction of PZT in the PZT /PVDF films

3.2 Micro- Structural Features
Optical micrographs of unpoled PZT/PVDF film composites with0.15, and 0.75 PZT volume fractions are shown in
Fig.1. The micro structure in Fig.(1.a) shows the ceramic particles are randomly distributed over the continuous
polymer matrix. The presence of PZT may change the morphology of PVDF and the polar phase increases andthis
structure is masked by the increased PZT content shown in Fig.(1.b). Also the micro structure shows rough surface is
observed due to granulation of PZT powder which at higher volume fraction of PZT (0.75).

a b
Fig. 1 Optical micrograph of PZT/PVDF films composite with: (a) 0.15%PZT volume fraction, (b) 0.75%PZT volume
3.3 Crystalline Structure Analysis
3.3.1 Neat PVDF
X-Ray spectra obtained from 80 m PVDF films before poling and after thermal poling and corona charging are shown
in Fig.(2.a, b, c) respectively. The unpoled neat PVDF film shows both forms and - phases as indicated by the
identification of the peaks in the Fig.(2.a) which agree with published researchers by Davis et al, Tashio and Takans
respectively [16, 17]. The spectrum of neat PVDF indicates that this polymer is semi-crystalline in nature. After poling
with a field of 6.5kV/mm at temperature 105
C for 24h, the X-ray spectrum shows changes in phases as shown in
Fig.(2.b). The predominant changes occur in the -phase reflections (100) and (020) peaks and the overlapping (210)
(040) peakwith decreasing in intensity. Overlapping peaks in the -phase (110) (200) around 2 = 20.5
increase in
intensity and (020) (310) around 2 =39
. This shows that poling has induced changes in the intensity of X-Ray
reflections toward reorientation of crystal planes in favor of - phase.
As with corona charging of 20 kV at room temperature pronounced more increase in intensity of (110) (200) peak is
observed at the same peak position 2 = 20.5
as shown in Fig.(2.c). This indicates that more chains of phase has
oriented due to the corona charging suggesting that two poling procedures are satisfactory for conducting phase
changes in the PVDF structure[18 ].
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 82

Figure 2 X-ray spectra for Neat PVDF (a)Unpoled (b) Themal poling(c ) Corona charging
3.3.2 PZT and PVDF/PZT Films Composites
X-ray spectra recorded at room temperature for PZT and for allthe unpoled PZT/PVDF films composites are shown in
Figs ( 3-10).
The XRD spectra of PZT with (100), (110), (111), (002), (201), (112), (211), and (102) planes, identified by the
consultation of powder diffraction file [card no. 33 784]. These results agree with the results reported by other
researches [19, 20]. It can be noted that the crystal structure of PZT ceramic is tetragonal system (a
=4.036, c
) with chemical structure Pb (Zr
52 . 0
48 . 0
The spectra of all composites, show that the PZT peaks match those shown in Fig.3 and no shift is observed for any of
the PZT peaks. This confirms that the PZT structure remains the same in the composites and not affected by the
presence of PVDF. The general features of the spectra in Figs (4-7) are the decreasing in peak intensities of and
phases ofPVDF with increasing PZT volume fractions. The particular pronounced feature, is the appearance of the
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 83

(110)(200) peaks of the phase of PVDF around 2=20.5
for 0.15 PZT volume fraction in PZT-PVDF film
composite despite the sample is unpoled and this peak fade away with higher PZT volume fraction.

Fig. 3 X-ray spectra of PZT powder



International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 84

3.4 Dielectric Relaxation
The relaxation effect of frequency on dielectric constant and dielectric loss for neat PVDF film and PZT/PVDF film
composites are described in the following sections.
3.4.1 Neat PVDF
The frequency dependence of the dielectric constant and dielectric loss at room temperature at 1.E+02- 1.E+07 Hz for
neat PVDF film with different poling conditions are given in Fig. 9 and Fig.10 respectively.
Two features are observed, firstly, the dielectric constant shows appreciable increase with poling procedures and it is
nearly stable along the frequency up to 1MHz. For instance at thermal poling and field of 6.5 kV the increase of
dielectric constant is due to the amount of polar - phase present in the crystalline PVDF; whereas the high
when corona charging by a field of 20 kV.
A consequence of the transformation to the oriented polar - phase could be due to the arrangement of dipoles with
electric field direction.
Secondly, from Fig. (10) high dielectric loss is observed at low frequency (1KHz) and high frequency (beyond 1MHz),
whereas minimum dielectric loss is observed at 50KHz. High loss at low frequency results from the interfacial
polarization which increases with the alignment of crystalline regions with direction of poling field, whereas the loss at
high frequency is due to the crystal region wall vibration which results from vibration of CH-CF dipoles of amorphous
region in crystal region [13].

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 85

3.4.2 PZT/PVDF Films Composites
The frequency dependence of dielectric constant and loss at room temperature for unpoled PZT/PVDF film composites
are shown in Fig. (11) and Fig.(12) respectively.
It is observed that both dielectric constant and loss increase with high PZT volume fraction due to high dielectric
constant value of PZT ceramic [23].Different from neat PVDF, PZT/PVDF composites show decline in dielectric
constant at higher frequencies especially for the high PZT volume fractions caused by the domains of PZT.
The dielectric loss for PZT/PVDF films composites show similar behavior to neat PVDF, however, PZT/PVDF films
composites, higher loss results about 10 times for neat PVDF was observed due to domain-wall motion of PZT in
composite whose natural frequency coincides with the frequency of the applied field [22].

Fig.11 Frequency dependence of dielectric constant of unpoled neat PVDF nd PZT/PVDF film composites

3.5 Dependence of Dielectric Constant on PZT Volume Faraction
It is observed that poling of PVDF or PZT/PVDF films causes an appreciable increase in the dielectric constant. It is
also noticed that values of dielectric constant of PZT, PVDF, and PZT/PVDF film composites are nearly in line with
the results published by many references [21, 13].
Dependence of dielectric constant on PZT volume fraction for unpoled and poled neat PVDF, PZT/PVDF film
composites are shown in Fig.(13).The dielectric constant increased markedly with increasing PZT volume fraction
before and after polarization.
However, for the unpoled films, PVDF might have formed an insulating layer over the grains of PZT at low volume
fraction of PZT in PZT/PVDF films composites, andthereby blocking the contribution coming from PZT. This is why
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 86

the dielectricconstant for these samples before polarization are lower. High dielectric constant have been obtained at
high PZT volume fraction, since the PZT powder used was in tetragonal phase as identified by XRD and the dielectric
constant of this phase is highest. Therefore the high dielectric constant of the binary system PZT/PVDF of high volume
fraction of PZT is due to high dielectric constant value of PZT ceramic [22].

Fig. 13 Dielectric constant of unpoled and poled PZT/PVDF film composites as a function of PZT volume fractions at

3.6 Mathematical Models of Dielectric Constants
3.6.1 Furukawa Mathematical Model
Furukawa et al [24] has considered two phases system, which is composed of continuous phase (polymer) and a
piezoelectric spherical phase (PZT).
The dielectric constants were calculated by using the (Furukawa mathematical model phase) for comparing
theoretical with experimental results of dielectric constants for PZT/PVDF film composites equation (1) [24].
is the volume fraction of spherical particles.
and are the dielectric constant of the two phases.
The dependence of the dielectric constant on PZT volume fraction is shown in Fig.(14). It is observed that the
experimental values of dielectric constant for PZT/PVDF film composites areabout3 times larger than calculated values
at higher volume fraction of PZT. This suggests that the Furukawa model which treats spherical dispersions does not
apply to this case since the domains of PZT particles are anisotropic [24].

Fig.14. Calculated and experimental dielectric constants of poled PZT/PVDF film composites as a function of PZT
volume fraction
3.6.2 Yamada mathematical model
Yamada et al [25 ] has considered a binary system consists of continuous phase (polymer) of the dielectric constant
and the ellipsoidal particles (PZT) of the dielectric constant
The calculated values of dielectric constants of PZT/PVDF film composites with different PZT volume fraction with
Yamada mathematical model is given by equation ( 2).


e e + e
e e

) 1 ( ) (
) (
1 2 1
1 2
q n
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com
Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 87

q is the volume fraction for the ellipsoidal particles.
n is the parameter attributed to the shape of the ellipsoidal particles.
The dependence of the dielectric constant on PZT volume fraction is shown in Fig.(15).It is observed that the
experimentalvalues ofdielectric constants for PZT/PVDF film composites are comparatively less than calculated values.
The deviation in experimental values from the calculated ones may be due to pores present in PZT/PVDF film
composites [25].
The parameter n in equ.(2) was taken in accordance with the consideration by Yamada mathematical model
calculation of dielectric constant. A value of n =8 instead of 8.5 taken by Yamada et al. [25] was found to better fit
with the experimental values, indicating that the shape of the particles are nearly identical [26].
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
PZT Vol. Fraction

Exp. Unpload
Exp. Poled
Exp. Corona
Cal. Unpoled
Cal. Poled
Cal. Corona

Fig. 15 Calculated and experimental dielectric constants of unpoled and poled PZT/PVDF film composites as a
function of PZT volume factions
1-Poling procedures whether thermal or corona proved to induce changes in the structure of PVDF towards - phase
manifested by monitoring the intensity of X- ray reflections.
2- The dielectric constant of the composite films seem to be influenced by PZT ceramic powder rather than PVDF
polymer in addition tothe status of the films being poled.
3- In contrast to neat PVDF, PZT/PVDF films composites show decline in dielectric constant at high frequency for
high PZT volume fractions. Dielectric loss is also influenced by the presence of PZT in the composites and increase it
to about 10 times that of neat PVDF.
4- The mathematical models devised to simulate the experimental dielectric constants appear to be in reasonable
agreement of the ellipsoidal phase model. Slight deviation due to porespresent in the PZT/PVDF film. The
experimental dielectric constants appear to be larger 3 times than calculated values of the spherical phase model for
High volume fraction of PZT. Deviations is thought to be due to anisotropic nature of PZT particles.
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Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013 Page 88

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