fS : 7365 - I985
Indian Stundard
( First Revision )
Spillways Including
BDC 54
of Gujarat,
University of Roorkee ( WRDTC ), Roorkee Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Irrigation Department, Pradesh, Hyderabad Government of Andhra
Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute, Nasik SHBI K. A. GRAMPUR~IIIT ( Alternate ) Irrigation Department, Government of KarnaCHIEF ENGINEER ( PWD ) taka, Mysore SUPERINTENDING ENQINBER ( DESIQNB ) ( Alternate ) Irrigation & Power Research Institute, Amritsar CHIEF EN~INEER/R-CUM-DII~ECTOR DAM Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, CHIEF ENGINEER, TIIEIN Chandigarh DESIGN ( SPILLWAYS & DIRECTOR
POWER CHIEF %ANT ) ( Ah7,2Qt8 )
This pnblicati~?%. protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the oubliher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 7365- 1985
( Continued from page 1 ) Members SHRI M. L. DAS Representing
Irrigation & Power Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubaneshwar Irrigation & Waterways Directorate, Government SI~RI B. DASS of West Bengal, Calcutta Central Water and Power Research Station, D~REGTOR Pune SHRX R. M. KEATSURIA ( Alternate ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR ( CMDD-I ) National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd, KUXABI E. DIVATIA New Delhi Consulting Engineering Services ( India ) Pvt DR K. K. FRAMJI Ltd, New Delhi PROF HARI KRISENA ( Alternate ) Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta DR JAUDISH NARAIN Management Board, Nangal Bhakra Beas SHRI S. P. JAIN Township SHRI J, C. BASUR ( Alternate ) Jaiprakash Associates Pvt Ltd, New Delhi SHRI D. G. KADKADE SHRI A. B. ODAE ( Alternate ) Irrigation Department, Government of Haryana, SH~I~H. K. KROSLA Chandigarh SHRI M. L. GUPTA ( Alternate ) Irrigation Department, Government of Gujarat, SlIRI M. U. PUROHIT Gandhinagar SHRI N. B. DESAI (Alternate ) Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd, Bangalore SHRI M.S. RAMX RAO Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay SHRI D. M. SAVC-R SJIRI M. V. S. IYENGAR (Alternate ) SUPEILINTENDING EEGINEER ( MD ) Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay Srrnr V. N. PENDSE ( Alternate I ) KUMARI PRATIXA NAIDU ( Alternate II ) Institute, Research Engineering Gujarat SHRI C. D. THATTE Vadodara SHRI B. K. RAO ( Alternate ) Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar DR R. S. VARSBN~Y Pradesh, Lucknow Director General, ISI ( Ex-ojicio Member ) SHRI G. RAXA~, Director ( Civ Engg ) Secretary SHRI K. K. SHARMA Joint Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1
- 1985
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
0.1 This Standards Spillways approved
Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Institution on 31 December 1985, after the draft finalized by $_lae Including Energy Dissipators Sectional Committee had been by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 This Indian Standard was first published in 1974. Since then more energy dissipators at the toe of spillway have been designed and more experience has been gained and hence to reflect the latest practice the standard has been revised. 0.3 Energy dissipator at the toe of spillway of a hydraulic structure is necessary to minimize erosion of strata on the downstream side of the structure. For this purpose there are different types of energy dissipators in vogue, such as hydraulic jump, bucket, impact, jet diffusion, interacting jets, hollow jet and multiple ski-jump. In our country, generally bucket type energy dissipators are being used for energy dissipation in medium and high dams. type energy dissipator depends on
a) b)
interaction of two rollers formed, one in the bucket, rolling anticlockwise ( if the flow is from the left to the right ) and the other -downstream of the bucket, rolling. clockwise; or interaction of the jet of water, shooting out from the bucket with the surrounding air and its impact on the channel downstream. type energy dissipators type energy can be either: dissipator; or dissipator. lip, bed
Bucket a)
roller bucket
b) trajectory
type energy 3
two types of roller buckets are adopted and importance of the structure: and on the basis
roller bucket. bucket type energy dissipator is preferred when: sequent depth
4 b)
tailwater depth is high ( greater than 1.1 times preferably 1.2 -times sequent depth ), and river bed rock is sound. Trajectory bucket type energy dissipator is generally
depth is much lower than the sequent depth thus preventing formation of the jump;
b) by locating at higher level it may be used in case of higher water depths also, if economy permits; and c) bed of the river channel
NOTE 1 success. Slotted trajectory
is composed
been tried
of sound rock.
in some cases with
NOTE 2 - Sometimes, pairs of trajectory type energy dissipators are so oriented that their jets impinge against each other before they fall into downstream pool below.
0.6 In preparing this standard, due weightage and foreign practices in this field.
2.1 Solid Roller Bucket - An upturn solid bucket ( see Fig. 1A ) used when the tailwater depth is much in excess of sequent depth and in which dissipation of considerable portion of energy occurs as a result of formation of two complementary elliptical rollers, one in bucket proper, called the surface roller, which is anticlockwise ( if the flow is to the right ) and the other downstream of the bucket, called the ground roller, which is clockwise.
fS : 7365 - 1985
2.2 Slotted Roller Bucket - An upturned bucket with teeth Fig. IB and 12 ) used when the tailwater depth is much in sequent depth and in which the dissipation of energy occurs spreading of jet passing through bucket slots in addition to the of two complementary rollers as in the solid bucket. in it ( see excess of by lateral formation
2.3 Trajectory Bucket - An upturn solid bucket ( see Fig. IC ) used when the tailwater depth is insufficient for the formation of the hydraulic jump, the bed of the river channel downstream comprises sound rock and is capable of withstanding, without excessive scour, the impact of the high velocity jet. The flow coming down the spillway is thrown away from toe ofthe dam to a considerable distance downstream as a free discharging upturned jet which falls into the channel directly, thereby avoiding excessive scour immediately downstream of the spillway. There is hardly any energy dissipation within the bucket itself. The device is used mainly to increase the distance from the structure to the place where high velocity jet hits the channel bed, thus avoiding the danger of excessive scour immediately downstream of the spillway. Due to the throw of the jet in the shape of a trajectory, energy dissipation takes place by: a) internal friction within the jet, between the jet and surrounding and bed. air, b) the interaction c) the diffusion d) the impact 3. SYMBOLS 3.1 The symbols a
critical depth in m; d, depth of scour below tailwater level in m; d, D, = horizontal distance from spillway crest axis to the point
= =
maximum dl = ds = sequent
probable depth;
d3 = height
above bucket
d4 = tailwater level minus bucket lip elevation Fl - Froude number of jet entering bucket
V&% = l/gdl ; 5
fs : 7365 - 1985
FD = discharge
g =
in m/s%; invert in m;
hb = height
of roller
HI = reservoir
Hs H3 -
pool elevation pool elevation pool elevation pool elevation head ofjet intensity on the bucket in m3/s; in m;
minus bucket minus bucket minus tailwater minus bucket lip in m; of bucket
in m; in m;
in m; in m; on bucket;
H4 Hs H, P
= = = =
q = discharge
Q =
width in ma/s/m;
R = radius of bucket
sd =
of the
of perper-
T max =
T min = minimum tailwater depth, above bucket formance of slotted roller bucket in m; 2- 8 v, = vt = tailwater actual theoretical sweep out depth in m; of
of flow entering
difference between the lip level and tailwater, sign taken as positive for tailwater below the lip level and negative for tailwater above the lip level in m; specific weight bucket of water in t/ms; and in degree. 1.
Y = + = 3.1.1
:7365 - 1985
Tyfle -
are commonly
IS : 7365- 1985 In the case of solid roller bucket the ground roller is more pronounced and picks up material from downstream bend and carried it towards the bucket where it is partly deposited and partly carried away downstream by the residual jet from the lip. The deposition in roller bucket is more likely when the spillway spans are not operated equally, setting up horizontal eddies downstream of the bucket. The picked up material which is drawn into the bucket can cause abrasive damage to the bucket by churning action. In the case of slotted roller bucket a part of the flow passes through the slots, spreads laterally and is lifted away from the channel Thus the bottom by a short apron at the downstream end of the bucket. flow is dispersed and distributed over a greater area resulting in a less violent ground roller. The height of boil is also reduced in case of slotted roller bucket. The slotted bucket -provides a self-cleaning action to reduce abrasion in the bucket. In general the slotted roller bucket is a improvement over the solid roller bucket for the range of tailwater depths under which it can operate without sweepout or diving. However, it is necessary that specific model experiments should be conducted to verify pressure on the teeth so as to avoid cavitation conditions. In case of hydraulic structures in boulder stages slotted roller buckets need not be provided. Heavy boulders rolling down the spillway face can cause heavy damage to the dents thereby making them ineffective and on the contrary, increasing the chances of damage by impact, cavitation and erosion. 4.1.2 Drawal of Bed Materials - A major problem with the solid roller bucket would be the damage due to churning action, caused to the bucket because of the downstream bed material brought into the bucket by the pronounced ground roller, Even in a slotted roller bucket downstream material might get drawn due to unequal operation of gates. The channel bed immediately downstream of the bucket shall be set at 1 to 1.5 m below the lip level to minimize the possibility of this condition. Where the invert of the bucket is required to be set below the channel general bed level the channel should be dressed down in one level to about 1 to 1.5 m below the lip level in about 15 m length downstream and then a recovery slope of about 3 ( horizontal ) to 1 ( vertical ) should be given to meet the general bed level as shown in Fig. 2. Careful model studies should be done to check this tendency. If possible, even provision of solid apron or cement concrete blocks may be considered tq avoid trapping of river bed material in the bucket as it may cause heavy erosion on the spillway face, bucket and side training wall.
IS : 7365 - 1985 4.13 In the case where the bucket invert is substantially higher than the general channel bed level and the channel bed is erodible, the cascading flow over the lip for small discharges may cause deep scour very close to the bucket lip. A concrete apron of about 15 m width minimum or more if required and parallel to the end sill may be provided downstream as shown in Fig. 3 to minimize the possible scour in the bed near the bucket lip. The apron should be keyed into good rock.
FIG. 3
4.1.4 Precautions in Operation - It is necessary to operate all gates equally ( under partial operation condition ) to achieve performance of the bucket. Unsymmetrical operation of gates of only a few gates at a time may set up horizontal eddies in downstream which may bring debris into the bucket. All inside and just beyond the bucket should be removed after and before the bucket is put to use. Divide walls to separate flows would be necessary if unequal spillway operations can not be avoided. Also when the invert levels of the buckets in adjacent bays are provided at different elevations, divide walls may be required depending upon the flow conditions. Model studies may 9
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be conducted for such cases. The divide walls shall be designed for unequal operation condition of the spillway spans and also for differential pressure due to adjoining gates closed on one side and all gates open on the other side. 4.2 Hydraulic Design of Solid Roller Bucket 42.1 General - For effective energy dissipation in a solid roller bucket both the surface or dissipating roller and the ground or stabilizing roller should be well formed. Otherwise, hydraulic phenomenon of sweep out or heavy submergence occurs depending upon which of the rollers is inhibited. 4.2.2 Design Criteria - The principal features solid roller bucket consists of determining: a) the bucket invert elevation, b) the radius of the bucket, and c) the slope of the bucket lip or the bucket lip angle. Bucket invert elevation - Normally the invert level of a roller bucket is so fixed that the difference in the design maximum tailwater level and the invert level ( ds ) is between 1.1 to 1.4 times the sequent depth ( dz ). Thus d3 = l-l to 1.4 times da. The design charts given in Fig. 4 and 5 and sample calculations given in Appendix A may be used to determine the bucket invert elevation and probable roller and surge height for the expected range of spillway discharges. Satisfactory energy dissipation is obtained when the roller height ( hb ) is between 75 and 90 percent of the If the aforesaid two criteria are satisfied, then the tailwater depth ( ds). surge height ( h, ) measured above the invert level is 105 to 130 percent of the tailwater d3, that is, h,/ds = 1.05 to l-3. When the invert elevation arrived at to get the h,/d, ratio between 0.75 and 0.90, is considerably below the channel bed level, substantial excavation would be involved for dressing downstream channel bed down to 1-O to l-5 m below the endsill level in minimum 15.0 m length or more in the downstream depending upon the discharge intensity and the head. It would therefore be preferable if the invert can be brought near to the channel bed level with the hb/da ratio still remaining within the prescribed limits, and d3 being about 1.2 to l-4 times dz. The charts are applicable for the ranges of variables shown in Fig. 4 and 5. The channel bed elevationis believed to have negligible effect on roller and surge heights.
of hydraulic
: 1 to 167 : 1
45 [The curves may also be used for other lip angles ( SM ) ] 068 to 093
FIG. 5
- 1985
discharge parameter ( F,, ) of the design curves in Fig. 4 and 5, 4
4 g H13=
of the incoming
jet as follows:
The full range of a spillway discharge should be investigated. When hb is less than 0.2 d3 in the case of falling tailwater and 0.3 d3 in the case of rising tailwater, free jet condition may be expected ( Fig. 4 ). Radius of bucket - The values given inFig. 4 show the ranges of HI/R for which good roller action can be expected. The maximum values of HI/R recommended in Fig. 4 indicate commencement of a pulsating surge downstream of the bucket or commencement of a sloping channel type jump apparently uninfluenced by the presence of the bucket. The mir;imum values of HI/R may indicate commencement of eddies in the bucket region and also results in increase of bucket cost. The bucket, therefore, should not be too deep to set up vortices within the bucket nor too shallow to allow eddies being formed at the junction of the overflow with the upstream end of the bucket circle. The decrease in radius within the range of good roller action increases scour; the rate of increase, however, diminiThe bucket radius should be shes with higher value of Froude number. chosen to fall within the~recommended ranges consistent with economical and structural considerations. There are different formulae for calculating the radius of the bucket. One such formula which has been found to be widely applicable is given below. When the bucket lip angle is 45, this formula may be used for calculating the bucket radius: -
10-3 +
x lO-3F,
1.4 x
parameter lo9
Table 1 shows the radius of the bucket as actually provided and as calculated by the formula given above for various existing spillways. Following other formulae are also often used: 1) R = = Bucket 0.305 x radius in metre lop 14
: 7365
- 1985
where p = 2) JF,
vt + 6.4 H + 4.88 3.6 H + 19.5 = o-09 % + 1.96 of jet entering bucket bucket, in metre. bucket. and
where Fl = dl = 3) F1 = where F1 =
of flow entering
13.0 Rl4 -
of jet entering
A sample calculation is given in Appendix A. It should, however, be seen that the value of radius worked out should satisfy the specified range of HI/R in Fig. 4. Also it should not be less than the minimum allowable radius worked out as in 4.362.1. Bucket Ii a) Shape and width - A flat topped lip tends to lower the jet after it leaves the lip and the size and strength of the ground roller would reduce. This is not desirable from the point of view of prevention of erosion near the lip. Therefore, a downstream slope of 1 in 10 or slightly steeper than that may be given to the top of lip. The width of the lip should not be more than one tenth of the radius of the bucket. However, the minimum width may be kept as one metre ( Fig. 6A ). In order to avoid the tendency of the downstream debris riding over the downstream face of the lip, the downstream face may be kept vertical in about 1 .O m depth fromtop of the lip. A key may be provided below the bucket endsill to protect
z . .
2 0,
5; 8
ET ---
Lip Elevation
AT 8
FIG. 6
fS : 7365 - $985 the scour. The depth of scour predicted by the bucket against Fig. 18 in absence of model studies. In order to protect the edges of the lip, steel plates and angles may be fixed at the edges of the . lip ( see Fig. 6B ). will be b) Lip angle - A -45 bucket lip angle with the horizontal generally satisfactory for most cases where the discharge parameter lies between 30 and 80. But in other cases a smaller lip angle up to 35 would be economical and needs less depth of tailwater for roller action to begin but may be adopted if found satisfactory as a result of model tests. c) Lip height - The height of the lip from the invert level depends on the radius of the bucket and the lip angle. Thelip level should be kept slightly higher than the bed level downstream so as to avoid entry of bed material in the bucket. If possible, the height of the bucket lip above the invert level may be kept approximately equal to one-sixth of the maximum tailwater depth. Reference to 4.1.2 should be made in this connection. The pressures on the solid roller bucket equal to the hydrostatic head measured as the difference vation and the elevation of the point, in the bucket. would be nearly in tailwater ele-
4.2.3 Model Studies - The design criteria given in to will evolve a more or less satisfactory design of solid roller bucket. However, confirmatory model tests are desirable when any one of the following conditions exists: a) c) e) sustained velocities operation per metre entering near limiting the bucket conditions exceeds 20 m/s, of spillway, cause and like would problems is expected, 45 ms/s, b) discharge width of bucket exceed
d) eddies appear
to be possible
4.2.4 Protoope Examples - A few typical examples of solid roller bucket prototype dimensions for some installations are given in Appendix B. These may be used for guidance in the design. 4.3 Hydraulic Design of Slotted Roller Bucket
4.3.1 General - In the slotted roller bucket, a part of the flow passes through the slots, spreads laterally and is lifted away from the channel bottom by a short apron at the downstream end of the bucket. Thus the flow is dispersed and distributed over a greater area providing less violent 17
IS t 7365 - 1985
flow concentrations compared to those in a solid roller bucket. The velocity distribution just downstream of the bucket is more akin to that in a natural stream, that is, higher velocities at the surface and lower velocities at the bottom. While designin g a slotted roller bucket, for high head spillway exceeding the total head (HI) of 50 m or so, specific care should be taken especially for design of the teeth, to ensure that the teeth will perform cavitation free. Specific model tests should therefore be conducted to verify pressures on the teeth and the bucket invert should accordingly be fixed at such an elevation as to restrict the subatmospheric pressures to the permissible magnitude. The provisions of 4.1.2 and 4.1.4 would also apply in case of the slotted roller bucket. 4.3.2 Design Criteria - The principal features of hydraulic the slotted roller bucket consists of determining in sequence: a) bucket b) c) bucket bucket radius; invert elevation; and teeth spacing to and shall dimensions be followed and in lip angle; design of
d) bucket profile
4.3i2.1 Bucket radius - Determine Q ( the spillway routed discharge ( obtained by flood routing calculations ) and calculate g the routed Calculate tt, the theoretical velocity discharge per metre of bucket width. of flow entering bucket, using the formula Ut = J 2g ff,. find ua, the actual velocity of flow entering the bucket. Find dl = 4 ua flow Using La Fig. 7
* Compute
number flows.
from F, Fig.
for maximum
intermediate parameter
F1 to find bucket
-from which minimum dl + va212g allowable bucket radius may be computed. R (used) and F1 to Bucket invert elevation - Figure 9 with dl + ua2/2%? radius from which minimum tailwater depth, Tmln may be computed.
find K!:T
maxitnum tailwater depth Imax* Repeat the step in Fig. 10 to compute Set such bucket invert elevation for which the tailwater elevations are between tailwater depth limits determined by Trnin and Trnax allowing channel. For best possible retrogression in the bed of the downstream
7365 - 1985
performance set such bucket invert elevation for which tailwater depth is nearer Imln. Check setting and determine factor of safety against sweep out by computing tailwater sweep out depth, T,, from Fig. II. Check the setting for the entire range of discharge.
IN m,
\ \
,f -_ . qf _
1 o-
IO E 5 2 m =4 O-
IO -
roIO -
0.1 I
1.0 entering bucket for steep slopes 08
of velocity
: 1 to 06 : 1
FIG. 7
IS : 7365 - 1985
R -2 d., t L*_.aj2g
FIG. 8
DESIGN OF SLOTTED ROLLER BUCKET MINIMUM ALLDWABLE BUCKET RADIUS the bucket lip angle in accordance in the case of slotted roller bucket. Bucket and tooth dimensions, teeth sjacing and dimensions and jwojile of short apron - Use Fig. 12A and 12B to obtain tooth size, spacing, bucket dimensions and dimensions and profile of short apron. Occurrence of negative pressures on bucket teeth should be checked on model and possible cavitation damage should be kept in view. If necessary the clear spacing between the teeth can be reduced consistant with minimum working space considerations to reduce subatmospheric pressures on the teeth.
- 1985
0 0.1
0.7 0.8
BED APPROX 0.05 R BELOW LIP 0.7 0.5 0*6 0.3 0.4 0.2 BED SLOPES UP FROM APRON
channel bed elevation 0.05 R below apron lip or lower, use approx 0.05 R below lip. channel bed elevation higher than 0.05 R below apron lip, use sloping up from apron.
IS :7365 - 1985
FIG. 1 I
IS : 7365 - 1985 A sample calculation given in Appendix ful in designing a slotted roller bucket. C may prove help-
4.3.3 Model Studies - In the case of slotted roller bucket also, hydraulic model studies shall be done to confirm the design under conditions given in 4.2.3 and 4.3.1. It shall be ensured that the teeth perform cavitation free. 4.3.4 Protoo$e Examples - A few typical examples of slotted roller bucket prototype dimensions for some installations are given in Appendix D. These may be used as a guide in the design. 5. HYDRAULIC
5.1 General -
When the tailwater depth is insufficient for the formation of the hydraulic jump and the bed of the channel downstream comprises sound rock which is capable of withstanding the impact of the high velocity jet, the provision of a trajectory bucket is considered more suitable as provision of conventional hydraulic jump type apron or a roller bucket involves considerable excavation in hard strata forming the bed. It is also necessary to have sufficient straight reach in the downstream of a skijump bucket. The flow coming down the spillway is thrown away in air from the toe of the structure to a considerable distance as a free discharging upturned jet which falls on the channel bed d/s. The hard bed can tolerate the spray from the jet and erosion by the plunging jet would not be a significant problem for the safety of the structure. Thus, although there is very little energy dissipation within the bucket itself, possible channel bed erosion close to the downstream toe of the dam is minimized. In the trajectory bucket, only part of the energy is dissipated through interaction of the jet with the surrounding air. The remaining energy is imparted to the channel bed below. The channel bed should consist of sound, hard strata and should be free from laminations, joints and weak pockets to withstand the impact of jet. The design of the trajectory bucket presupposes the formation of large craters or scour holes at the zone of impact of the jet during the initial years of operation and, therefore, the design shall be restricted to sites where generally sound rock is available in the river bed. Special care shall be taken to cancrete weak pockets in the bed located in a length of about 15 m d/s of the bucket. 5.2 Design Criteria - The principal jectory bucket consist of determining: features of hydraulic design of tra-
bucket shape, bucket invert elevation, radius or principal geometrical parameters of the bucket, lip elevation and exit angle, trajectory length, and estimation of scour downstream of the spillway. 24
IS:7365.1985 The procedure given in 5.2.1 trajectory bucket. to 5.2.6 shall be followed in designing the
5.2.1 Bucket Shape-The performance of the trajectory buckets is judged by the trajectory height~and the length of throw in the flip action, Generally a circular shape is preformed from practical consideration. Hence, the design criteria for a circular trajectory bucket has been discussed in this standard.
5.2.2 Bucket Invert Elevation - The fixation of bucket invert elevation depends on the site and tail water conditions. For a clear flip action, the lip shall have to be kept above the maximum tailwater level. When the bucket is placed near the natural bed level it will not only be economical but also there will be a beneficial ground roller just below the endsill which would help in piling up material against the endsill. Under these conditions there is less possibility of erosion immediately downstream of the bucket. Therefore with the considerations of economy and beneficial ground roller action, an attempt should be made to fix the bucket invert as close the ground level as possible, In such cases the bucket invert is decided so as to provide a minimum concrete cover of 1.5 m over the bed rock. Also beyond certain submergence, the lip may turn the skiaction into roller
of Slotted
FIG. 12
\ \ \ \
ment slopes if the geological conditions are not favourable. Alsothe from the water jet may spoil the nearby electrical installations,
action, Fig. 13 gives the submergence ( d4 ) at which ski action would turn in roller action. The tailwater interference inthe performance of the trajectory bucket will change the flow conditions and may result in heavy subatmospheric pressures at the lip. A submergence of more than 70 percent of the depth required for formation of hydraulic jump may adversely affect The safe maximum submerproper performance of the trajectory bucket. gence may be assumed to be equal to the critical depth ( do ) over the lip elevation. Sometimes the trajectory buckets are located at higher level on the spillway glacis to facilitate the construction of power house at the toe of spillway and also from high level trajectory buckets it is necessary to consider the effect of scour downstream which may cause the sliding of abutsprays
*L = (TWL
FIG. 13
SUBMERGENCE Hydraulic forces acting on a trajectory bucket are of interest in the structural design of the bucket. Theoretical studies, and model and prototype data indicate that bottom pressures change continuously throughout the bucket and are a function of the entering velocity and depth of flow, radius of curvature of the bucket and angle of deflection of the flow. The concept of centrifugal force gives an indication of the effects of independent variables. The centrifugal force together with the corresponding water depth in the bucket would indicate the pressure on the bucket. The equation in terms applicable to trajectory bucket pressures can be written as:
where P Yua g = bucket pressure in t/ma, = weight of water in t/ms, = actual velocity of flow entering bucket = acceleration due to gravity in m/s*, R = radius of bucket in m, and dl = depth of flow entering bucket in m.
in m/s, Figure 14 presents maximum theoretical bucket pressures for velocities of 10 to 45 m/s and radius/depth ratios of 4 to 10. Actual pressures vary considerably over the bucket. However, the curves shown in Fig. 14 shall be used to estimate the hydraulic load per square metre of the bucket surface. The design of training walls adjacent to the bucket should also allow for these pressures. For actual variation of pressure along bucket profile and along the retaining walls model studies are necessary.
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- 1985
5.2.3 Radius of Bucket - The pressure distribution on the bucket and the trajectory length are affected by the radius. To maintain the concentric flow and to avoid the tendency for the water to spring away from the bucket, the radius has to be substantially large so that the streamline distribution of the flow is not altered by the floor pressure. The radius of the bucket (R) should not be less than 3 times the maximum depth of flow (d,) entering the bucket to avoid separation tendencies in the bucket. Another criterion for the radius of bucket obtained by experience and satisfactorily used for several designs is that the radius can be taken to be equal to 0.6 to 0.8 times the geometric mean of the depth over the spillway and the total fall between upstream reservoir pool elevation and the jet surface on the bucket, R = (0.6 to O-8) dH*Hs. These guide rules shall be used for preliminary design. The higher value of 0.8 should preferably be used for preliminary design. A closer estimate of the radius to-be actually used shall, however, be made by model tests by finding the actual pressure conditions existing and avoiding hurdling conditions on the bucket. 5.2.4 Lip Elevation and Lip Angle - The lip angle affects the horizontal throw distance. The factors affecting the horizontal throw distance also include the initial velocity of the jet and the difference in elevation between the lip and the tailwater. Normally adopted lip ang!e is between 30 and 40, as greater the exit angle within this range greater will be the distance of throw, but the jet impinges on the tailwater at a steeper angle which results in deeper scour, the final choice depending upon the minimum throw permissible under the loca.1 rock conditions. For submerged lips the lower lip angle of 3G may be adopted to minimize subatmospheric pressures on the lip. The lip shall be made flat in case tailwater level is lower than the lip level. However, if the tailwater level is higher than the bucket lip level, the lip shall slope-downstream about 1 in 10. In .some cases necessity of aeration may ~arise which may be finalized after model studies. 5.2.5 Trajectory Length The following expression may be used for calculating the throw distance: X = Sin 2 4 + 2 cos + d Sins d + Y/Hv HV where X E= horizontal throw distance from bucket lip to the centre point of impact with tailwater in m; Y = difference between the lip level and tailwater level, sign taken as positive for tailwater below the lip level and negative for tailwater level above the lip level in m; 29 Vertical distance of throw above lated from the following formula: C.Z= where a =
va =
9 = s = Figure 15 presents throw distance curve for lip angles of 0 to 45 based on the expression in This shall be used for judging the point of impact of the jet The actual throw distance may be less than indicated depending uwn spillway energy loss, air entrainment in the jet, etc. 5.2.6 buckets are the discharge intensity, height of fall, water level, lip angle, mode of operation of spillway, degree of homogeneity of rock, type of rock time factor involved in the process of scour, etc. An evaluation of the extent of scour has to consider the combined effect of all these factors which is very difficult in practice. However, restricting the analysis to the correlation of the scour depth with the two dominant factors, namely, discharge intensity (q) and the total head (HJ, the depth of scour (d,) can be worked out by the following equation:
vertical distance from the lip level to the highest point centre of jet in m, actual velocity of flow entering the bucket in m/s, bucket lip angle with the horizontal in degrees, and acceleration due to gravity in miss.
Estimation of Erosion at the Point of Impact The factors governing scour below trajectory
d8 = m ( q H4 )05
where ds = depth of scour in metre, ( 0.36 for minimum
m =I constant
scour ) spillway
q = H4 =
( 0.54 for probable scour under sustained operation ) ( 0.65 for ultimate scour ), discharge intensity per metre, and reservoir pool elevation-bucket endsill elevation in m.
NOTE 1 - Ultimate scour means the final stabilized scour. NOTE 2 - Probable scour means the scour which may reasonably be expected in any individual case of sustained spillway operation. NOTE 3 -- h4inimum scour means the minimum scour in any case.
0 0.6
X H,,
FIG. 15
Another for guidance:
DISTANCE Figure 16 presents scour depth curve for minimum excepted scour, probable scour under sustained spillway operation and uhimate scour based on the expression ~given in This shall be used for estimating the scour depth ( dS ). During construction stages, the temporary spill levels are at much lower elevation than the final crest level thus reducing the height of fall. Therefore, the trajectory will have a shorter range and may, in certain circumstances lead to overfall conditions causing scour closer to the bucket. In order to protect the endsills from undermmmg a cut-off may be provided and the excavated trench should immediately be backfilled with 31
concrete, flush with the original ground level. The provision of a concrete apron of about 10 to 15 m length downstream may also be considered to prevent the scour near the bucket lip where the condition of rock is such that it is likely to be eroded.
d,=0~65(qH,)05LTI~~TE SCOUR
30 , a t t z 2
50 60 80 100 200
500 700
FIG. 16
bucket shall be model tested to 5.2.7 Model Studies - The trajectory ensure satisfactory hydraulic performance of the bucket which is judged by the trajectory height and the throw distance and also the depth and extent of scour. Also it shall be ensured that subatmospheric pressures do not exist on the bucket profile and on the bucket lip. 32
IS : 7365 - 1985 5.3 Prototype Examples - Appendix E gives a few typical examples of trajectory bucket prototype dimensions for some installations, These may be used as a guide in the design. 6. TRAINING AND DIVIDE WALLS
6;l With the provision of a solid or slotted roller bucket or trajectory bucket at the toe of the spillway, the design of the end training walls and intermediate divide walls on the spillway in respect of their lengths, top levels, foundation levels, etc, assume importance. 6.1.1 Where the model studies are not carried out the height length and foundation of training wall in the case where a roller bucket has been adopted may be worked out as follows. Height of training wall - In the bucket portion the top of the wall may be kept higher by 1.5 m above the maximum water level in the bucket or as required according to the earth dam profile adjacent to it. The height of the wall in the surge portion should rise at least to an elevation h, + l-5 m, where h, is the maximum surge height. The surge height may be worked out as shown in Appendix A. The distance of surge (Cc,) can be obtained from Fig. 18. The wall can be given a trapezoidal shape for economy as indicated in Fig. 17. The top of the wall beyond the surge portion should be kept at least l-5 m above the maximum tailwater level or higher, if required, according to the earth dam profile adjoining to the wall depending upon the layout of the dam. The following empirical relationship has been found to be generally suitable in working out the free board and may be adopted for preliminary designs ( later to be confirmed by hydraulic model studies and detailed calculations ) 4F. B. ( in metres ) = O-030 5 ( V, + D, ) where V, = actual velocity of flow entering the bucket in m/set, and Ds = subcritical depth of flow in bucket including the boil height, etc, in metre. Length of training wall - The length ofthe training wall may generally be fixed as per the following criteria:
The wall should be extended downstream beyond the surge portion by about 3 m or as dictated by the downstream toe of the envelope of the earth dam, powerhouse, etc. the toe of the envelope is resting on erodible alluvium bed the training wall should be extended beyond the toe at least by 15.0. the bed strata are erodible the wall should be extended yond the location of the deepest scour by about 5.0 m. 33 be-
b) If
Cl If
---t: ..
q H3 -
20 000
g I r z u*
FIG. 18
tS : 7365 - i985
A splay wall connecting the bank may be provided, if required, at the end of the training wall to avoid erosion behind the wall. In some installations the spillway flow is required to be separated from an adjoining structure like an earth dam toe, power house tail channel, canal or any other structure. In such cases the optimum lengths and top levels shall be decided on the basis of the water and scour profiles obtained from the model studies. In some cases intermediate divide walls are also provided to separate the flow from adjoining buckets at different elevations. Their top levels and lengths shall also be decided on the basis of model studies. Foundation of the training wall - The wall should be founded about 2.0 m, lower than the maximum scour level as worked out from Fig. 18 if competent foundation rock is not available above the scour level. In order that foundation rocks may not get exposed and undermined, it is necessary to provide the foundation of the wall either down to the scour levels observed on the model or to a higher level if competent foundation rocks are available at that level. In the latter case, a concrete lining of about 1 *O to I.5 m thickness should be provided below the foundation level of the wall down to the anticipated scour level if the wall has been extended beyond the bucket. For the spillways where the model studies are carried out, the scour enovelope should be adopted for the purpose of founding the wall or protective lining below it. In cases where model studies are not conducted and where a roller bucket is provided, the maximum probable scour depth (d,) and the distance (D,) from the spillway crest axis and the maximum probable distance of the surge (Sd) from spillway crest axis ( Fig, 17 ) may be calculated with the use of the curves given in Fig.. 18 and a sample calculations given in Appendix A. The graph shown in Fig. 18 indicates probable parameters and may be adopted for guidance only. 6.1.2 In case of a trajectory bucket, the training wall should normally be extended by about 10 metres beyond the endsill as per requirement to overcome the formation of returnflow eddies, etc, and thereby avoiding the entry of the downstream bed material into the bucket in the event of one or two of the end crest gates not getting opened. It may be preferable to flare the training walls beyond the lip so as to provide aeration to the ski-jump trajectory. It has also been observed in the case of the prototype trajectory bucket that the normal depth of the air-water mixture would be as high as 2.5 times the normal depth of clear water. As it is not possible to represent the air-entrainment in the hydraulic model test it is advisable to provide the freeboard of the wall considering the following empirical relation which is found to be generally suitable for preliminary design ( later to be confirmed by hydraulic model studies and detailed calculations ). Freeboard = 0.61 + O-037 1 v, dp ( in m )
where ug T actual velocity of flow entrybucket bucket. in m/set,
7365 - 1985
The foundation of the training wall and/or lining below it may taken down to the scour level worked out as indicated in 5.2.6. 7. REGULATION
7.1 All the spans of a spillway having a roller bucket at the toe have to be operated equally and simultaneously. In case of trajectory bucket this condition is not necessary unless objectionable flow conditions and return eddies are formed downstream of the bucket. 8. RETROGRESSION OF DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL
or trajectory bucket is primarily based on the tailwater rating curve observed or assumed. Leviation of these tailwater rating curves and their accuracy shall be thoroughly checked before finalizing the designs. Allowance shall also be made for the retrogression of the downstream channel bed and consequent lowering of the tailwater levels. Consequently a 10 percent variation in tailwater depth may be taken into account in design calculations. The actual observations of tailwater levels downstream of the spillway shall be taken every year and shall be compared with the tailwater rating curve adopted for the design to evaluate the percentage retrogression in the tailwater level.
to make bucket starting from tangential point on spillway face to bucket lip in granite stones or to provide an overlay with special wear-resistant material.
9.2 In order to avoid the danger of loose material downstream of the roller bucket being picked up and carried into the bucket and consequent possible abrasion damage to the bucket it is desirable to clear an area up to about 50 to 100 m downstream of bucket of all loose material every year before monsoon. It is also desirable to inspect every year the spillway to assess the damage to bucket surface, bucket teeth lip, training walls and erosion downstream. Damage to any surface shall be immediately repaired. Weak pockets of river bed downstream which might have been eroded should be filled with concrete. Damage to the foundations of bucket lip, training walls, etc, shall also be immediately repaired.
f$ : 7365 - 1985
Discharge Reservoir Tailwater Spillway per metre elevation crest invert elevation elevation pool elevation m pool elevation m pool elevation Tailwater elevation 116.74 Crest elevation width of spillway
(q) =
= = = =
55.30 ms/s
1280.2 99.67 116.74 79.25 m m m m invert elevation
pool elevation
Bucket Compute, H1 = Reservoir = = 128.02 48.77 128.02 minus bucket -- 79.25
= Reservoir
= in- 11.28
Hz = Reservoir
= = ds = = = & * -H;
128.02 -- 99.67 28.35 m Tailwater 99.67 20.42 20.42 m elevation Bucket invert elevation -- 79.25
x ( 48.77
Say 52.00
4 g HP
X 10s = 52 and $1
= 0.42
hb = O-315 read ---HI :. hb = 0.315 x H, = 9.315 x 48.77 = 15.36 m :. 15.36 hb E __ -20x ds - 0.752 2 is between
Good energy dissipation is obtained when -$0.75 and O-90. Now, vt = J 2 gH,
11*28mandHs=28*35m 0.95
x vt
d, = +
_ =
[ d~--+--8x-~------~2 (455)
4 . . . -=da
= Good 1.1 and 1.4. Setting From of bucket Fig. 5 for, 4 q? H,3P read --K HI energy
is therefore
103 =
52 and
= = =
0.53 0.53 25.85 x 48.77 m of spillway flows. roller and surge. minus tail water elevation elevation 99.67 of bucket
pool elevation
= 28.35 m
qH, = 55.30
Fig. 18 for
=I 1 564.99 1 565
= 27.7 m and D, =
Determine maximum probable scour depth distance from the spillway crest axis.
NOTE - As the discharge per metre width tory tests are desirable ( see i.2.3 ).
of bucket exceeds
DIMENSIONS Head ButFrom ket MaxiRamum dius Reser- R BucTail ket Water Lip Depth AnFor gle Maxiwith mum Ho- Disrip charge ontal 4
BUCKET Country
(1) 9
ii) iii) iv)
Banas Damanganga Dharoi Kadana Yeldari
Gujarat p+,) ( India) Gujarat ( India ) Gujarat ( India ) Maharashtra &li;a) a shtra ( India USA USA USA USA USA USA )
ms/ s 6 655
ms/s/m 40.4 115.37 74.0 84.5 53.6
degree 35
m 16.8 24.0 18.3 26.5 19.2
22 048 16 230
31 064 10 478
40 45 40 35
9 911
65.5 90.4 89.6 72.6 56.3 46.5 56.4 84.3 122.2
Buggs Islands Centre Hill Clark Hill Davis Grand Coulee Head Gate Rock Sterwarts Ferry USA Wolf Greek USA Sakuma Japan
21 12 29 5 28 5
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
x c
Total discharge, Q = 1 815 ms/s Width of bucket, = 4167 m Maximum reservoir pool level - el 464.5 m Crest level of spillway - el 454.9 m Maximum tailwater level = el 446.0 m H = Maximum depth of overflow over the spillway = 464.5 - 454.9 = 9.6 m Hs = Maximum reservoir pool level maximum tailwater level = 464.5 - 446.0 = 18.5 m Ut = +f 2 g x H, = From Fig. 7 for
H= 9.6 m and Hs = 4 2 x 9.81 x 18.5 == 19.05 m/s
18.5 m
-_ 998
vg = 0.98 x 19.03 = 18.67 m/s 18.67s V2 -= = 17.77 m 2 x 9.81 2g 9 = discharge per metre width of bucket I 815.0 = = 43.56 ms/s/m 41.67 d,+-=$$= F1 = -$k= vet& 2.f
2g 42
fS : 7365 - 1963
R = 0.53
= = 0.53 10.65 x
dl +Ufa ?c >
20.10 m 10.67 m
R used = R used dl +A
= 0.53 R dl+* ?z
0.53 and
5.9 x 2.33 =
= =
= 0.125
Length of short apron = = Investigate entire range of discharge.
= 0.5 x
Head From Maximum Reser-
Bucket Radius R BucTail ket Lip Water Angle Depth with for MaxiHorizontal mum Dis4 chagre
Pool Elevation to Bucket Invert HI (6) m 42.50 45.4 32.5 35-97 82.2 48.82 68.93 48.2 33.5 33.22 40.58 37.00 43.74 31.30 (7) m 12.00 15.24 10.67 12.19 21.0 16.5 17.6 12.19 12.0 9.14 6.00 13.0 9.14 9.0
Ichari Jawahar Sagar
Jayak Wadi Poochnmpad Hasdeo Bango Rajghat Bansagar Angostura Manheri Itiadoh Karanjawan Pench Ujjani Majalgaon
(3) India India India India India India India USA India India India India India India
(4) ms/s 10 600 21 238 18 151 45 310 21 660 33 892.9 43 380 7 844 5 000 196.7 1 620-O 12 000 18 010 15 040
(51 ms/s/m 160-O 95.2 43.4 59.2 108.3 99.10 106.92 95.5 78-l 7.02 21.24 50.63 29.92 62.92
(8) degree 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 52 45 45 45 45 45
28.10 22.6 18.0 12.19 12.3 21.6 20.35 17.87
IS : 7365 - 1985
Bucket Lip Angle with Horizontal 4
Maximum Discharge
MaxiHead Bucket From mum Radius DisPool E/eR charge vation to Per m Bucket Invert of Bucket HI Width 4 (6) (7)
Banas Gandhi Sagar Girna Hirakud Maithan Mandira Panchet Hill Rangpartap Sagar Rihand Salandi Sukhi Tilaiya Ukai Vaitarna Radhanagari Bhatsai Dimbhe Surya
ms/s 6 909 15 705 8 750 33 626 15 971 8 496 17 840 21 238 11 805 5 239 5 912 3 851 35 963 5 663 1 180 3 737 3 348 3 180 45
India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India
ms/s/ m 42.7 53.9 41.3 64.8 85.7 42.7 81.8 61-l 55.7 29.3 44.0 24.7 97.6 27.9 28.4 47.9 46.5 44.2
m 36.3 32.4 32.3 39.7 38.1 19.8 34.1 31.4 78.3 34.1 24-8 29.0 47.9 70.7 29.5 85.6 66.5 48.2
m 21.95 30.48 15.24 15.24 IO.67 7.62 18.29 16.76 3.29 13.72 13.70 6.1 27.43 24.38 15.0 18.3 17.0 13.5
(8) degree 35 30 35 40 43 NA 43 40 30 30 40 30 40 35 40 40 38 45
IS:2365 - 1985
Maximum Discharge
19. 20. 2 1. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
Srirama Sagar Anchor Ark port Chilhowee Conowingo Hartwell Pineflat Safe Harbor Dnieprostroy Bort Chastang Genissiat LAigle Maregos
ms/s India USA USA USA USA USA usI\ USA Russia France France France France France
45 310 382 824 6 513 24 919
ms/s/m 59-4 18-O 32.0 80.4 36.3 90.6 125.4 34-o 31-o 90 8 146-8 179-8 124-7 26.9 70.0 249.9 NA 50.2
55.7 46
3 1-O Parabolic
-NA 21.6 27.9 49-l 113.4 17-8 NA 114.9 71-O 64.0 89.9 77.1 71.1 112.8 90.8 91.4 110-O
15 999 11 185 27 467 23 645 1 195 3 987 2 690 3 987 1 393 714 13 998 NA 1 226 2 152
St. Etiernna France Centales Castelodo Bode Pictoe Clereland Kamishiiba Portugal Portugal British Columbia Japan
SL No.
HEAD (m)
d 8 H13@ (5) 411 653 49.6 837 311 588 4574 5758 5048 6751
Banas ( Gujarat ) Yeldari ( Maharashtra Siddeswar ( Maharashtra Kadana ) )
(4) 404 53.6 266 118 42.7 76 1 843 655 90.44 8960
(7) 8662 to 2286 677 5.33 1164 965 92 1158 8.53 1149 945 to 20,77 to 1600 to 2911 to 193 to 27.58 to 3444 to 25.45 to 3444 to 2819
21.95 2134 1514 21.34 1829 12 15.14 1219 15.24 15.24
10.06 10.36 701 1981 9.75 12.19 1514 11.28 15.24 14.32
( Gujarat )
Linganamakki ( Karnataka ) Panam ( Gujarat ) Wolf Creek, Kenbucky ( USA) Bugg? Island, Virgmia ( USA) Centrehill, (USA) Charkhill, (USA) Fennessee Georgia
( Continued )
BUCKETS (5) 54.6 1165 7938 3021 1232 811 917 9116 297 308 17,7 405 135 6802
) -
xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi)
Greensboro, Carolina (USA) Headgate rock, Arizona ( USA ) Stewarts Ferry, Tennessee ( USA ) Sakuma (Japan ) Grand Coulee, Washington ( USA ) Pennforest, Pennsylvania ( USA ) Murdock ( USA ) ) ) (AP) Malaprabha ( Karnataka Vaitarna ( Maharashtra Rihand ( UP ) Nagarjunasagar Gandhisagar ( Rajasthan ) Hirakund ( Orissa ) Guayabo ( Central America )
2 to 6 2 to 5 2 to 5 5 to 6 6 to 7 2 to 5 2 to 5 2 to 5 3 to 6 3 to 6 6 to 7 2 to 6 2 to 5 2 to5
518 12 19 1219 1923 1524 518 152 1829 2438 18.29 21.34 304 150 10.95
1250 1250 1981 1615 1341 0.91 1920 1207 1293 1349 1240 197 15.23
0219 0.480 0.388 0163 0119 01285 0.238 0.47 0345 0239 0.197 5 0.538 0387 020
45 45 45 45 45 45 37 47 35 30 34 30 40 59O tf: : w f g g
17.15 25.3 37.3 118.5 128.4 404 6.4 3886 724 777 107.9 567 39.4 546
1273 46.48 5642 1223 5633 27439 46.48 6913 5577 557 92 53.52 1041 1199
1829 to 2234 808 to 2019 128 to 320 777 to 1943 1210 to 2417 1326 to 26.52 4.69 to 5.49 945 to 2834
xviii) xix)
xxi) xxii) xxiii) xxiv)
792 to 1969
1036 to 2743