Bulletin 5 30 13
Bulletin 5 30 13
Bulletin 5 30 13
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MOTTO: Inspire with our Hearts, Lead with Humility, Soar with Pride.
**Tue, Jun 4:
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**Wed, Jun 5:
-1st & 2nd Period Semester Exams- M/S & H/S -Field Trip: STEM students (4) to Eastpoint Estuary, 7:55am-5:00pm- Montgomery st nd -1 & 2 Grades Aw ards Ceremony in multipurpose bldg., 8:30-9:30am rd th -3 & 4 Grades Aw ards Ceremony in multipurpose bldg., 9:30-10:30am -Bloodworths KG Class sprinkler party between 600 & multipurpose bldg., 10:30am-??? -Youth Boys Basketball League Practice /Ages 8-13 in H/S gym, 3-5:30pm- Sweatt Mark Your Calendars
Baccalaureate Service for Graduates: KG & 5 Grade Awards Ceremony: M/S Award Ceremony:
June 5, 1st & 2nd gr. @ 8:30am, multipurpose bldg. 3rd & 4th gr. @ 9:30am, multipurpose bldg. Early Release Days: June 5-7, Release @ 12:30 (semester exam days)
1-4 Grade Awards Ceremony: Graduation:
TEACHER/STAFF Info **2013-14 Health Insurance Enrollment: All full-time benefit receiving employees will need to be present at one of the meetings below to complete an election form. Coverage will be effective July 1, 2013. June 3- FCS library @ 2:15pm June 4- FCS library @ 8:30am & 2:45pm; Learning Center/Administrative Office Board Room @ 2:00pm AFLAC Representatives will also be available at the above meetings. Staff: Today, May 30, Jean Christie with AXA will be on campus in the library, 12:30-4:00pm
FACULTY MEETINGS- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each Month SCHOOL BASED LEADERSHIP MEETINGS- 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each Month FCS STAFF BIRTHDAYS 5/27-June 2
Barbara Bloodworth (5/27)
Miscellaneous **Does Your Child With High-Functioning Autism Struggle With Anxiety? Anxiety is one of the biggest challenges faced by children with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and Aspergers Disorder. Your child can conquer his or her fears and participate more fully in home, school, and community life with this innovative program for children 8-14 years old. About the Face Your Fears Group: Face Your Fears Program is an affordable 14-week program. This group is for high-functioning children who are verbally fluent, have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum, and also have difficulties managing their anxiety. This group focuses on helping children and their parents identify their worries, develop coping strategies, and practice facing their Fears with guidance and support from group facilitators. Parent participation is vital for sustaining strategies, therefore parent and child participation are required. Participants will work in a large group for part of each session and then divide into child and parent groups. For more information or to take advantage of this opportunity, contact: The Psychology Clinic at Florida State University, 850-644-3006 or guthrie@psy.fsu.edu **Franklin Co. Dental Clinic: The new Dental Clinic in the Carrabelle Health Dept building is now offering comprehensive
dental exams to patients 6 months to 20 years of age. For appointment or more info, please call 697-4121.
**Parent Survey For Students with IEPs: Parents of children with disabilities & current IEP in grades preschool to 12, Is your school supporting your involvement in your childs education? You may participate in a survey being offered by the Florida Dept. of Education. The responses to the survey provide important information for planning & monitoring improvement activities. Complete the survey online at www.esesurvey.com from 2/1/13 to 6/30/13 6.30.13
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SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HOMELESS YOUTH AVAILABLE: The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is a federally funded information and technical assistance center at SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). NCHE hosts the Homeless Education Listserv to help administrators, educators, advocates, and service providers share information and ideas on meeting the educational needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness. The ideas on this listserv do not reflect the views of NCHE, SERVE, or UNCG. The application for 2013 LeTendre scholars is posted. Applications must be received by June 14, 2013 at 5 pm Eastern. The application can be downloaded by visiting:
FYI Parents - Student Documents & Forms Online: Parent documents of interest may be found at www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm . Documents include but are not limited to: Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, FC Academy Handbook, Athletic Handbook, Parent's Right to Know, School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement Plans, Student Records Manual, Supplemental Education Services (Tutoring), School Public Accountability Reports and the District Title I -5 Year Plan. All documents will be made available in Spanish upon request. Call 670-2810 x 4108 or email jmalone@franklin.k12.fl.us indef.
MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP: Established in 2000 for parents of students with disabilities to choose the best educational
settingpublic or privatefor their child.
Who is eligible?
Students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Accommodation Pla n (for more than 6 months) and meet the following requirements: The student spent the prior school year in attendance at a Florida public school during the preceding October and February FTE surveys in Pre-K through grade 12, or The student spent the prior school year in attendance at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind during the preceding October and February FTE surveys in kindergarten through 12, or The student received specialized instructional services under th e Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program during the previous school year, or The student is a dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces who transfers to Florida from out of state due to a parents permanent change of station orders
GED classes are being offered again at Franklin County School on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays from 4-8:00pm. The next GED Test will be given July 8 & 9, 2013 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test or for classes, contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status. **The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.
**PARENTS Register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.
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