Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects On Materials: Nasa Space Vehicle Design Criteria
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects On Materials: Nasa Space Vehicle Design Criteria
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects On Materials: Nasa Space Vehicle Design Criteria
NASA SP-8053
NASA experience has indicated a need for uniform criteria for the design of space vehicles. Accordingly, criteria are being developed in the following areas of technology: Environment Structures Guidance and Control Chemical Propulsion Individual components of this work will be issued as separate monographs as soon as they are completed. A list of all previously issued monographs in this series can be found at the end of this document. These monographs are to be regarded as guides to design and not as NASA requirements, except as may be specified in formal project specifications. It is expected, however, that the criteria sections of these documents, revised as experience may indicate to be desirable, eventually will become uniform design requirements for NASA space vehicles. This monograph was prepared under the cognizance of the Langley Research Center. The Task Manager was T. L. Coleman. The authors were H. Shulman of Teledyne Isotopes and W. S. Ginell of McDonnell Douglas Corporation. A number of other individuals assisted in developing the material and reviewing the drafts. In particular, the significant contributions made by J. W. Allen of General Dynamics Corporation, C. P. Berry of McDonnell Douglas Corporation, C. E. Dixon of Aerojet-General Corporation, J. E. Drennan and D. J. Hamman of Battelle Memorial Institute, W. R. Ekern of Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, J. W. Haffner of North American Rockwell Corporation, J. J. Lombard0 of NASA Lewis Research Center, J. L. Modisette of NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, J. Moteff of General Electric Company, A. Reetz, Jr., of the NASA Office of Advanced Research and Technology, and G. D. Sands of NASA Langley Research Center are hereby acknowledged. June 1970
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2.3 3.
Spacecraft Radiation Environments 2.1 .l External Sources . . . . 2.1.2 Internal Sources . . . . . . Effects of Radiation on Materials 2.2.1 Metals, Alloys, and Metal-to-Metal 2.2.2 Polymers . . . . . . . Thermosetting Plastics Thermoplastics . Adhesives . . . Elastomers . . . 2.2.3 Ceramics, Graphite, and Glasses . 2.2.4 Thermal-Con t rol Coatings Tests . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . Bonds
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3.3 4.
Spacecraft Radiation Environments Effects of Radiation on Materials . 3.2.1 Mechanical Properties . . . 3.2.2 Thermophysical Properties . Tests . . . , . . . . . . . PRACTICES . .
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. . . . Spacecraft Radiation Environments . . . . . Effects of Radiation on Materials 4.2.1 Metals, Alloys, and Metal-to-Metal Bonds
Polymers . . . . . . . Thermosetting Plastics Thermoplastics . Adhesives . . , Elastomers . . . Ceramics, Graphite, and Glasses Thermal-Control Coatings .
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.21 .22 . 22 . 22 . 22 . 23 . 23 . 24
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. . 25 . . 35
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This monograph does not include coverage of radiation effects produced during exposure of structural materials to the high-fluence, high-temperature environment characteristic of the interior of a space-qualified nuclear reactor. Sources of external radiation include geomagnetically trapped radiation belts, solar flares, solar wind, solar electromagnetic radiation, galactic cosmic radiation, and aurora1 radiation. Types of external radiation that can constitute a threat to the integrity of spacecraft include energetic electrons, alpha particles, protons, and photons. Typical onboard sources of radiation include nuclear reactors for propulsion and electrical power, and radioisotope-fueled power sources. Reactor radiations of importance to design are neutrons, gamma rays, and beta particles, depending upon the
isotope. Bremsstrahlung radiation (X-radiation), which is more penetrating than the electrons that produce it, is emitted when energetic charged particles interact with spacecraft materials and are decelerated. Parameters that determine the severity of the effects of radiation on spacecraft structural materials include mission profile (which defines the radiation environment), the presence of an onboard radiation source, the local conditions of pressure and temperature, and the sensitivity of critical material properties to radiation. To assessthe radiation problem for a specific spacecraft, several steps are followed: 1. The external radiation environment to which the vehicle will be subjected is predicted for each.mission. This includes type and energy spectrum of each radiation, dose rate, and fluence as functions of time into the mission and location of the vehicle. The internal radiation environment is defined by the nature of the internal source (nuclear reactor or isotope), and the materials and geometry of internal radiation absorbers and scatterers. Components of the external radiation penetrating the vehicle skin also will contribute to the internal environment definition. In both cases,emission of secondary radiation must be accounted for. 2. Representative materials for each structural application are checked to determine the effect of the predicted radiation environment on their critical properties; materials that will perform their function when exposed to the anticipated radiation environment are then tabulated with the radiation effect of concern shown for each material. 3. After the best material for each function has been selected, the complete design is analyzed to determine that all subsystems perform as required in the predicted environment. Testing to supply required information may be necessary at any of these steps. The structure often acts as the primary radiation shield for more sensitive components of the spacecraft system, such as electronic systems and man. Where appropriate, the optimum procedure is to use materials that will provide both the desired structural properties and the required radiation protection. Protection against space radiation is the subject of another monograph (NASA SP-8054). Models of the external radiation environment are presented in other monographs in the Environment series (see page 43).
Interactions between radiation and matter can be grouped into two broad classes: (1) those concerning radiochemistry (i.e., ionization and free radical production) and (2) atomic displacement collisions in ordered solids. Theoretical calculations of the magnitudes of these interactions are somewhat imperfect; uncertainties arise from the inability of investigators to determine accurately the damage mechanism and the influence of material impurities and environmental conditions on the radiation effects.
Literature on engineering tests of radiation effects on the properties of structural materials is extensive, but these tests seldom duplicate the exact materials used in spacecraft or the actual conditions of the space environment. In some circumstances, these differences can be critical.
In general, the mechanical properties of structural metals or ceramics will not be significantly degraded following exposure to fluences of < 1017 /cm2 protons (E > 1 MeV)*, < 1017/cm2 neutrons (E > 1 keV), or < 1Or8 /cm2 electrons (E > 1 MeV). It is expected, therefore, that space radiation will not constitute a significant hazard because such fluences can be accumulated only on extremely long missions (hundreds of years).
Polymeric substances, however, are considerably more sensitive to radiation and significant effects are to be expected. In the case of all three categories of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers), nuclear-reactor and radioisotope-power radiations are of more immediate concern than space radiation because of the high radiation-dose rates associated with these internal sources.
The major components and general characteristics of the space-radiation environment are listed in table I in the Appendix. Of those listed, only the trapped radiation in the inner Van Allen belt can be considered constant, and then only in the absence of high-altitude nuclear-weapon bursts. The intensity and spectral characteristics of the remaining sources are functions of the solar activity and the location in the solar system. For space vehicles within the magnetic field of a planet, the radiation environment will be a function of orbital parameters such as altitude and inclination. For example, the NIMBUS weather satellite, with an altitude of 600 nmi (nmi = 1.852 km) and an inclination of 80 deg, was exposed to an annual fluence of 2 x 10 electrons/cm2 (E > 1 MeV) and 7 x 10 protons/cm2 (E > 4 MeV).
2.1.2 Internal
a nuclear reactor designed for energy spectra of neutrons and both the reactor and its shield by these sources can usually be
The most significant onboard source of radiation is propulsion or for auxiliary power. The intensities and gamma rays emitted by a reactor depend on design of (ref 1). For specific designs, the radiation field emitted calculated to within a factor of 10.
The radiation environment adjacent to radioisotope-fueled power generators has been carefully studied for several usable isotopes. Graphical data for determining dose levels outside of typical shields used for enclosures of radioisotope heat sources are given in reference 2. Table II in the Appendix lists examples of the type and magnitude of the radiation environment which can be expected at specific positions surrounding two typical internal nuclear-powered sources: (1) the SNAP-8 power reactor and (2) the SNAP-19 radioisotope thermoelectric generator. The radiation-intensity levels at the stated positions are approximate values indicating the magnitude of the hazard. The fast neutron flux and calculated gamma dose rates in the vicinity of a propulsiontype nuclear reactor are shown in figures 1 and 2 as functions of polar angle (ref. 3). It can be seen that the calculated dose rates depend upon the assumptions made in the derivation of the computational program.
10: Y E
0 -2 5 GZ i! ; 2 10': 23 tr b
I n
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Monte Carlo using sources from NAGS Monte Carlo distributions I using from
101; 101;
40 40
Figure 1. - Fast neutron flux (E > 0.3 MeV) at 10 ft (3.05 m) from center of fliaht-tvne fliaht-tvoe nuclear reactor asa function of polar angle,a (pdint kernel and Monte Carlo).
Monte Carlo using sources from NAGS Monte Carlo distributions using from DAFT I 100 I I 120
60 angle,
Figure 2. - Gamma-raydoserate at 10 ft (3.05 m) from center of flight-type nuclear reactor asa function of polar angle(point kernel and Monte Carlo).
specify the rate of linear energy transfer (LET). The LET, which is expressed in units of keV absorbed per micron of track, is a measure of the local intensity of ionization along the track of an ionizing particle. The value increases with the square of the charge on the particle and decreases as its velocity increases. Determination of the radiation energy at a particular point in the spacecraft requires consideration of secondary sources, as well as the processes of attenuation and scattering by intervening and adjacent materials. Common secondary sources include (1) bremsstrahlung, which are high-energy X-rays, emitted as a result of the deceleration of energetic-charged particles; (2) the gamma rays and X-rays emitted during neutron capture and inelastic scattering of neutrons; and (3) massive particles (e.g., alphas) which result from some nuclear reactions in materials. Transport of gamma rays and neutrons through absorbers can be described by the product of an attenuation factor (absorption and scattering out of the beam) and a buildup factor (scattering from the surrounding medium into the point of observation) (ref. 1). Buildup factors are complex functions of radiation energy, materials, and geometrical configuration. Exact, hand-calculated solutions to the problem of radiation transport through complex geometries are not generally attempted because of the availability of rapid, more precise techniques involving Monte Carlo computerized calculations.
Radiation Tramport.
2.2.1 Metals,
and Metal-to-Metal
The principal effect of radiation on metals and alloys is the creation of lattice vacancies and interstitial atoms in an otherwise perfect crystal. This results in an overall dilation that decreases the density of the material. In metals that were neutron-irradiated at ambient temperature, the measured decrease in density was much smaller than that predicted by theory (ref. 7). However, in specimens irradiated and measured at cryogenic temperatures (below 30K), closer agreement between experiment and theory was obtained. Contrary to theoretical analyses that predicted large modifications to elastic properties, tests have shown that the elastic moduli of metals are not appreciably affected by neutrons below a fluence of 1017 n/cm*. Plastic properties of metals are markedly affected by radiation. The properties affected include yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation, reduction in area, creep, rupture stress, fatigue stress, hardness, impact strength, and ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. In general, metals exhibit reduced plasticity and ductility and increased hardness following irradiation. As a possible explanation of the foregoing observations, it has been suggested that because plasticity is associated largely with the motion of dislocations, any mechanism that impedes this motion can produce the class of effects observed in irradiated metals.
The means by which displacements interact with dislocations is not clearly understood, but several plausible models have been proposed. In pure metals, the most likely mechanism appears to be the formation of clusters of interstitials or vacancies which impede the motion and slip of dislocations. This is analogous to the action of clusters of impurity atoms in alloys. Vacancies also enhance the diffusion of minor component atoms in alloys and promote a form of precipitation hardening. Tests conducted to determine the effects of neutron irradiation properties of metals and alloys have shown that temperature of temperature, fluence, energy spectrum, and material properties degree of cold work, prior heat treatment and quenching, and grain variables. Engineering data on property changes of reactor-irradiated are presented in references 8 to 11. on the mechanical exposure, time at (i.e., composition, size) are important structural metals
The principal effects of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of metals are summarized in table III in the Appendix; table IV shows some typical test results for tensile and elongation properties; and table V lists results of tests which show the effects of neutron irradiation on fatigue, hardness, and reduction in area. The transition from brittle-to-ductile fracture occurs at higher temperatures as a result of neutron irradiation. For example, the transition temperature was increased by 25K for A212B steel irradiated at 353K with 5 x 1018 neutrons/cm (E > 1 keV); after a fluence of 5 x lOI n/cm2, the transition temperature was increased by 56K (ref. 12). The creep-rate and stress-rupture properties are generally affected by neutron irradiation. The direction and magnitude of changes in these properties depend on the particular metal and such factors as fluence, test and irradiation time, and temperature (refs. 13 and 14). Neutron irradiation produces significant quantities of helium and hydrogen in beryllium, with the result that the metal decreases in density. After exposure in a reactor to 102 n/cm2 at 973K, the density decrease amounted to about 1 percent. The slight decrease in the thermal conductivity of beryllium, which was irradiated and mcasurcd at cryogenic temperatures and at a fluence of lOi n/cm2, was observed to anncal out at a temperature of approximately 250K (ref. 15). Kelativcly little information is available on the effects of radiation on metal-to-metal wcldcd bonds. For welds irradiated at cryogenic temperatures, inconsistent results have hccn obtained. For example, irradiation increases the weld-joint tensile strength of Iypc 30 I stainless steel from 255 to 266 ksi (1 ksi x 6.895 MN/m2); however, after
Type 2014 T6 aluminum had been irradiated at 63K, followed by testing at 37K, a slight decrease in tensile strength of the weld was observed. Both of these tests were conducted after exposure to a neutron fluence of 2 x 1017 n/cm2 (E >0.33 MeV) (ref. 16). The degree to which changes in mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated metals can be predicted is summarized in table VI in the Appendix. The wide uncertainties reflect the general state of the art with respect to the entire class of materials under this heading. The changes in some properties of many specific metals and alloys are predictable to much greater accuracies (often within a factor of 2 to 3).
2.2.2 Polymers
Polymeric substances exhibit a wide variety of radiation effects. The formation of new chemical bonds after irradiation usually results in irreversible effects. Generally, these are manifested as changes in appearance, chemical and physical states, and mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. However, not all properties of a polymer are affected to the same degree by radiation. The radiation stability of a polymer is dependent upon the chemical structure of the material because radiation-induced excitation is not coupled to the entire chemical system, but is often localized at a specific bond. The addition of energy-absorbing aromatic rings to the chemical structure significantly increases the radiation stability of some polymers by aiding in the redistribution of the excitation energy throughout the material. Conversely, those polymers with highly aliphatic structures (e.g., ethers and alcohols) are the least resistant to radiation. Irradiated polymers generally undergo two types of reactions: cross linking and chain scission. The cross-linking process results in formation of chemical bonds between two adjacent polymer molecules. This reaction increases the molecular weight of the polymer until the material is eventually bound into an insoluble three-dimensional network. Chain scission, or fracture of polymer molecules, decreases the molecular weight and increases solubility. Both reactions can significantly alter the physical properties of a polymer. However, the degree and direction of change are not the same for all polymers. In general, chain scission results in a decrease in Youngs modulus, reduced yield stress for plastic flow, increased elongation, decreased hardness, and decreased elasticity. It sometimes causes embrittlement and release of gas. Release ofhydrogen gas can cause a large increase in the thermal conductivity of low-density thermal insulators such as organic foams and corkboards. An exposure of 5 x lo7 rad (carbon) (C) could double
the thermal conductivity of corkboard (ref. 17). Pressure buildup caused by hydrogen (several psi) could be sufficient to cause rupture of insulation bonding or the vapor barrier in an organic cryogenic insulator. Cross linking generally increases Youngs modulus, impedes viscous flow, decreases elongation, increases hardness, and leads to embrittlement.
The presence of oxygen during irradiation usually plays a prominent role in determining the degree to which any polymer will be permanently modified. Although details of the oxygen mechanisms have not been completely elucidated, it is clear that oxygen enters into the reactions that take place after the initial production of free radicals. Thus, the thickness of the sample and the radiation dose rate are important factors affecting the course of oxygen-sensitive reactions.
Inorganic filler-additives, such as asbestos or silica, can have two ameliorative irradiated polymers. These materials may act as efficient excitation-energy may also serve to add structural strength to the degraded polymeric matrix
The quantity of existing engineering data on mechanical properties of irradiated polymers is vast. Fundamental and comprehensive reviews of available data are contained in references 18 to 20; the relative radiation resistance of some organic materials is given in figure 3.
Thermosets are polymeric materials which have been cross linked into essentially infinite three-dimensional networks by the application of heat. These network polymers are insoluble and infusible. They are used primarily as molding powders and as binders for laminates. Table VII in the Appendix lists representative samplings of the effects of ionizing radiation on this class of materials.
2.2 .? .2 Thermoplastics Thermoplastic materials are polymers that can be softened by heat. This class includes hydrocarbon thermoplastics (e.g., polyethylene), polyamides (e.g., nylon), oxygen-containing thermoplastics (e.g., Mylar, polymethyl methacrylate, cellulosics), . and the halogen-containing thermoplastics (e.g., polyvinyl chloride, Kel-F, Teflon). A summary of typical effects in representative materials and doses for significant alterations of properties, is presented in table WI1 in the Appendix.
materials usable
(3) lo7
filled filled
Polyvinyl Polyvinylidene
formal chloride
fluoride 20)
Figure 3. - Relative radiation resistance of organic materials based upon changes in physical properties.
Because of their organic base, adhesives are fairly susceptible to radiation damage. Neutron, gamma, and beta radiation cause similar damage for equivalent absorbed doses. The effects of radiation on adhesives have been determined by measurement of changes in lap shear strength, tensile strength, and by peel and fatigue tests following irradiation. Unfortunately, most tests have not been conducted under dynamic load conditions. Generally, adhesives developed for high-temperature applications are the most radiation resistant (refs. 19 and 21). These include the epoxy-, nylon-, and vinyl-phenolics, all of which retain as much as 60 percent of initial bond strengths to log rad (C). However, there are apparently no published data on the simultaneous effects of radiation and high temperatures on adhesives. The addition of fillers to adhesives usually improves their overall radiation stability. In some cases, however, this is done at a sacrifice of shear strength. In a study to determine the comparative effectiveness of various additives on the radiation resistance of an epoxy adhesive, it was shown that antirads (substances having a capacity for absorbing and dissipating excitation energy) or scintillators gave little improvement (ref. 22). Elastomers
Of the polymeric materials, elastomers are among the most .sensitive to radiation damage. Their properties in tension or compression depend strongly on the configuration of long-chain molecules. Therefore, polymer cross-linking and chain-scission reactions induced by radiation have a profound effect on these mechanical properties. Studies have shown that damage to elastomers is caused by chain scission, cross linking, and chemical reaction with environmental agents, especially oxygen. The radiation damage is temperature-dependent and greater in air than in vacuum. Moreover, the type and degree of damage is often sensitive to the application of either static or dynamic loading during irradiation. Variations in the compounding and curing of a particular elastomer can change significantly its resistance to radiation. Organic chemical additives (antirads) are effective in inhibiting radiation damage in elastomers. Phenyl compounds are the most widely used antirads because energy dissipation is more efficient in aromatic groups than in other chemical species. A compilation of representative studies of the effects of radiation on elastomers is shown in table IX in the Appendix. The materials are listed in the table in ascending
order of resistance to radiation. This ordering is qualitative and specific for a particular property (degradation of tensile strength under gamma radiation). Ultraviolet (uv) irradiation of elastomers in air generally results in chain scission and subsequent evaporation of volatile, low molecular-weight byproducts. The resistance of elastomers to degradation by uv in air is roughly comparable to their resistance to the effects of gamma radiation (ref. 23).
and Glasses
In general, the mechanical properties of ceramics are not appreciably changed by exposure to ionizing radiation doses of less than 1 O9 rad (ceramic) or by neutron fluences of less than 1Or9 n/cm2. The relative radiation resistance of some inorganic materials is given in figure 4 (ref. 20). At higher exposure levels, effects resulting from lattice displacement and gas formation become important. The latter effect is particularly important in boron- or beryllium-containing ceramics owing to the formation of gaseous helium following exposure to thermal neutrons. Large changes in the thermal conductivity of ceramics have been observed at neutron fluences of 10 to lOi n/cm2.
I Utility
materials usable
Neutron 10'8
fluence, 10'9
Figure 4. - Relative radiation resistance of inorganic materials, based upon changes in physical properties.
Radiation effects in ceramics are comprehensively reviewed in references 20 and 24. Table X in the Appendix contains a summary of the salient effects in four technologically important materials. Graphite has been studied extensively with respect to neutron radiation effects because this material finds extensive use as a moderator in nuclear-reactor systems. The following table shows how certain properties of graphite are affected by neutron irradiation. Property Mechanical strength Mechanical hardness Thermal conductivity Stored energy, or enthalpy Chemical (particularly oxygen) reactivity Dimensional stability How affected Increases Increases Decreases substantially Increases
The irradiation tests demonstrated that effects become significant at high neutron fluence levels > 1019 n!cm2 (E > 1 keV). Experimental results and theoretical discussions are reported in references 24 to 29. In the area of glasses,various allotropes of the silica system and fused silica have been extensively investigated. At a fluence of about 1.5 x 10 n/cm2 (E > 1 keV) it has been found that quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, and fused silica all approach a limiting density of 2.20 g/cm 3. This common phase is completely disordered and optically isotropic (refs. 30 to 32). The low-temperature thermal conductivity of neutron-irradiated fused silica increases as the density increases and reaches a limiting value of about twice the initial value after exposure to 6 x 1019 n/cm2 (ref 33). Changes in mechanical properties (such as Youngs modulus, shear modulus, and compressibility) of neutron and gamma-irradiated glasses are generally negligible to slight (less than 5 percent) (refs. 34 and 35). In the case of thermal-neutron irradiated borosilicate glass, the production of helium gas results in cracking and, ultimately, in the disintegration of the glass (ref. 36).
The darkening and loss of transparency of glass following exposure to ionizing radiation is a well-documented phenomenon (refs. 7 and 24). The addition of small amounts (2 percent) of CeO, to glass substantially suppresses the discoloration processes (ref. 37).
2.2.4 Thermal-Control
The optical properties (emittance, absorptance, reflectance) of the exposed surface of a spacecraft are critical to proper temperature control of the entire system. The effects of radiation on the surface optical properties are hence of concern in all aspects of spacecraft reliability. The effect of ion bombardment on the optical properties of metals (Ti, Cu, Al) is negligible (ref. 38). Results have indicated that a proton fluence of 10 21 /cm2 (E = 1 keV) in aluminum can increase the spectral absorptance/total-hemisphericalemittance ratio (a/e) by a factor of 2 in the visible portion of the spectrum. This fluence is equivalent to approximately 30 years in space, assuming continuous maximum solar activity. Radiation stability of coatings is determined by the chemical and mechanical stability of the matrix, and is influenced by additives such as pigments and plasticizers, and by the type of surface on which the coating is applied. A class of heteraromatic polymers (pyrones) has been shown to retain its original tensile properties after a 1 O1 O-rad (C) irradiation with 2 MeV electrons (ref. 39), and this material has been suggested for use as a coating-material matrix. Highly pigmented coatings are generally more radiation resistant than those containing lesser amounts of pigments. Extensive work has been done to determine the synergistic effects of uv radiation, particulate radiation, and vacuum environment on the physical properties of both organic and inorganic thermal-control coatings (ref. 40). Tests performed on ZnO pigments indicate that they are quite stable under uv exposure and have a low solar absorptance (ref. 41). Specially prepared organic coatings have also been tested under uv radiation and vacuum conditions (ref. 42). A comprehensive compilation of the types of coatings and their response to the space environment can be found in references 19 and 42.
2.3 Tests
Specialized facilities are required to determine the effects of both the primary (external and internal) and secondary radiation environment components on spacecraft structural materials.
Accelerated neutron testing can be performed at one of several operational test reactors; for example, the NASA Plum Brook Reactor (ref. 43). Control of such environmental conditions as temperature and pressure during testing can be provided at most reactor facilities (ref. 44). In mechanical-properties testing, the postirradiation measurements on radioactive samples include remote handling and measurements in hot cells, a procedure which requires good planning and careful experimental design. In all cases of accelerated testing, fluence and dose-rate effects must be taken into consideration. Ionization effects can be studied by exposing materials to gamma-ray sources (cobalt-60 or cesium-137) or by exposure to a charged-particle accelerator beam (ref. 45). In most of the radioisotope facilities, it is a reasonably simple matter to control atmosphere, pressure, and temperature in the vicinity of specimens. On the other hand, ingenuity is required to achieve cryogenic temperatures for samples exposed to the output of low-energy (1 MeV or less) particle accelerators. For low-energy protons, a common vacuum is used for the accelerator drift tube and the cryostat, and samples are placed in intimate thermal contact with the cryostat coldfinger. Reference 45 describes the capabilities of the available particle accelerators which include betatrons, fixed-frequency cyclotrons, frequency-modulated cyclotrons, linear accelerators, potential-drop machines, and synchrotrons. Accelerated testing can be performed at these facilities. Gamm.a-radiation dosimetry is generally accurate and repeatable to better than 20 percent. A reactors neutron fluence can be estimated with comparable precision, and for the practical purposes of materials testing, the accuracies (20 percent) provided by foil- or pellet-activation techniques are quite adequate. Gamma spectra can be determined quite accurately for an uncharacterized source by means of germanium (Li-drifted) PIN detectors. The actual neutron-energy spectrum of a given nuclear reactor is difficult to determine. Most sources have been characterized but the accuracy with which the spectrum is known will vary, depending upon the time history of the reactor, the experiment geometry, and the measurement techniques used. In particle accelerators, the total beam current and energy can be measured with a satisfactorily high degree of accuracy (less than 1 percent error), but determination of the beam profile may be somewhat less accurate.
Space vehicles shall be designed to limit the degradation of the pertinent properties of structural materials by radiation to a value consistent with the overall reliability requirements. The total radiation environment shall be defined for the anticipated space-vehicle mission. The effects of the radiation environment on mechanical and thermophysical properties shall be determined for each class of materials considered for use in structural elements of the space vehicle or for use in space-vehicle components intended to serve a structural function. It shall be shown by analysis or test, or by a suitable combination of both, that the radiation environment expected to be encountered by the space vehicle will not sufficiently degrade the mechanical and/or thermophysical properties of materials to cause or precipitate a failure of any structural element or structural function.
3.1 Spacecraft
The radiation environment shall be identified from reliable and current information. Both natural and onboard sources of radiation shall be considered. All radiation shall be defined in terms of type, intensity, energy spectrum, temporal variation, and spatial distribution. Radiations to be included are neutrons, protons and heavier ions, electrons, and photons (gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet rays). Definition of the space vehicles radiation environment shall include the ambient temperature, and the composition and pressure of the local atmosphere. All pertinent mission phases shall be investigated, taking into consideration uncertainties resulting from limited knowledge of the environments.
on Materials
Materials for which the effects of radiation shall be determined shall include, but not be limited to, all metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics, graphite, glasses, and thermal-control coatings considered for use in the space vehicle. 32.1 Mechanical Properties
Analysis of structural parts shall, as a minimum, account for radiation-induced modifications to tensile-yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, shear strength, ductility; ductile-to-brittle transition temperature, fatigue strength, fracture toughness, hardness, creep, stress rupture, burst strength, impact resistance, and compressive strength, as applicable. The analysis shall be based on data showing the nature and magnitude of modifications to these properties for materials either identical or similar to those being analyzed. The radiations and other environmental conditions such as
temperature and the pressure and composition of ambient gases shall be as nearly identical to those expected to be encountered as is practicable. Degradation of these properties beyond levels which would impair the structural or. functional integrity of the spacecraft shall not be permitted. 3.2.2 Thermophysical Properties
Analysis of insulating materials shall, as a minimum, account for radiation-induced modifications to thermal conductivity. Analysis of heat-shield and ablative materials shall, as a minimum, account for radiation-induced modifications to specific heat, thermal conductivity, stored energy, heat of fusion, and heat of sublimation. Analysis of thermal-control surfaces and coatings shall, as a minimum, account for changes in optical absorptance, reflectance, and emittance resulting from exposure to radiation. The analyses shall be based on data showing the nature and magnitude of modifications to these properties for materials either identical or similar to those being analyzed, under radiations as nearly identical to those expected to be encountered as is practicable, and under identical or similar environmental conditions such as temperature and the pressure and composition of ambient gases.Degradation of these properties beyond levels which would impair the functional integrity of the spacecraft shall not be permitted.
3.3 Tests
When available test results do not allow the degradation of material properties to be determined analytically (i.e., by analogy, comparison, or interpolation), tests of the material or materials being considered shall be performed in radiation facilities that simulate, as nearly as practical, the conditions of the projected environment. Changes in appropriate material properties shall be measured, and an analysis of these changes shall be made to determine the suitability of the material or materials for use in the spacecraft.
Three basic steps that should be .followed to assessthe effects of radiation on the properties of candidate structural materials are as follows: 1. .Predict an external and internal radiation environment for each mission, taking uncertainties into consideration. 2. Examine each material function and identify materials that possessthe required design properties when exposed to the anticipated radiation environment.
3. Analyze the complete design to determine that each subsystem will perform its required function when exposed to the predicted environment. It is essential that the first two steps be taken in the early stages of any program.
4.1 Spacecraft
The type, fluence, dose rate, energy spectrum, temporal variation, and spatial distribution of nuclear radiation at points of interest inside and outside the spacecraft should be determined for the duration of the mission. Uncertainties in these predictions (e.g., frequency and intensity of solar flares) should be explicitly detailed and conservatively estimated for worst-case conditions. For onboard sources, such as nuclear auxiliary power generators or propulsion reactors, the environment should be defined when the fueled generator is mated with the spacecraft structure. For external sources, the definition of the environment should include all radiations striking the space vehicle after liftoff. Definition of the environment consists of two parts: (1) identification of external and internal radiation sources and (2) determination of the environment in the vicinity of the part or material. External and internal radiation should be defined from a knowledge of the mission trajectory. The most current information available on temporal and spatial variations in magnetically trapped radiations and solar corpuscular radiations should be used in the definition of the external-source environment. (Space radiation is the subject of a planned NASA monograph.) Reference 46 provides several exercises in the calculation of external-source radiation for extended space missions. Internal-source information (including data on spectrum and flux) should be obtained from the manufacturers of the nuclear-propulsion and nuclear-power-supply systems. The radiation environment in the vicinity of a structural component is a function of the space-vehicle configuration. When computing the local environment, the role of other parts and materials in attenuation of radiation and as secondary sources of gamma and X-radiation should be assessed. For many purposes (e.g., determining whether external charged particles will penetrate the skin of the spacecraft), hand computations should be used to estimate the magnitude of the problem. For protons and heavier ions, attenuation should be computed by the Bethe-Bloch formula and by using range-energy tables such as those given in reference 47; electron ranges in several materials have been computed (refs. 48 and 49) for energies up to 10 MeV. For an
analytical treatment of more complicated calculations, geometries, machine computation may be necessary. subject of another planned NASA monograph.)
Secondary photons (bremsstrahlung) produced during interaction of electrons with materials can be an important process. The ratio of radiation loss to ionization loss increases with electron energy and with the atomic number of the material. An estimate of the magnitude of the effect can be made with some degree of reliability (ref. 50). As a zero-order approximation, mass-absorption coefficient tables should be used to compute gamma-ray and X-ray attenuation in simple geometries. When estimating dose at a point of interest in an environment that includes neutrons, consideration should be given to inelastic fast-neutron scattering in the surrounding media and to capture of thermal neutrons. Both of these processes generate X-rays and gamma rays (ref. 1).
on Materials
Candidate materials for each structural function should be rated for relative radiation hardness. The preliminary evaluation should include: 1. Tabulation each part. of the minimum acceptable engineering properties of interest for
materials acceptable
Review of the existing compilations of radiation effects in various materials a determination of the radiation level at which the engineering properties below minimum acceptable values. Elimination from consideration evidence of failure at the predicted those materials for level of exposure. which there
and fall
is clear
If the material does not meet the required radiation-hardness level, alternate designs should be considered. The use of local shielding should be avoided but may be justified only in circumstances where other considerations require the use of a particular material and design. When there is doubt because existing data are inadequate, appropriate tests should be conducted. Experimental testing is at present the only really adcquatc rccommcndcd practice.
4.2.1 Metals,
and Metal-to-Metal
When assessing radiation damage to the mechanical properties.of metals used in space vehicles, it is usually unnecessary to consider the effects of space radiation for the reason that, in a one-year mission, a spacecraft might be exposed to a fluence of only about IO* protons/cm* (E > 1 MeV); 1 017 protons/cm* are required for detectable damage. Although energetic electrons can also cause displacement damage, the fluence for most trajectories is well below lo* electrons/cm* (E > I MeV), the level at which changes in mechanical properties are detectable. An onboard nuclear reactor is the one radiation source most hazardous to spacecraft structural materials. Property changes should be considered for any structural member that will be subjected to a fast-neutron (E > 1 keV) fluence greater than lOi n/cm. Properties of concern may include, but are not limited to, tensile-yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, ductile-to-brittle transition temperature, shear strength, ductility, dimensional stability, creep-rupture, fracture toughness, fatigue strength, and hardness. Because absorption of neutron and gamma radiation can cause temperature increases in structural members, heating effects should be computed (ref. 1). Realistic heat-loss mechanisms for the various components of the system should be assumed. Boron-rich alloys or other materials with high thermal-neutron absorption cross sections should receive special attention and consideration. Reference 8, a fairly recent compilation, should be consulted as a starting point for a literature search on the properties of irradiated metals. It is recommended that the original documentation, rather than secondary sources, be consulted if possible. The files of the Radiation Effects Information Center (REIC), Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, should be reviewed as a source of comprehensive information. In a survey of the literature for applicable data, it is important to note any differences between the referenced materials or test conditions and those of concern. Unless the effects of these differences on the radiation susceptibility can be demonstrated analytically or by reference to previous experimental data, tests should be conducted. Such differences might include, but not be limited to, degree of cold work, grain size, and impurity content. The effects of temperature and pressure should always be taken into consideration.
4.2.2 Polymers
Polymers are the structural materials most seriously affected by nuclear radiation. The role of temperature, pressure, and composition of the projected environment should be taken into account when acceptability of polymers in a radiation environment of more
than IO5 rad (material) has been determined by analysis (i.e., through use of published data). When the predicted dose is within a factor of 10 of the failure dose for a polymeric material, and the linear energy transfer of the radiation used to generate test data is different from that anticipated, acceptability of the material must be well substantiated. This guideline should also be observed with respect to extrapolations between diverse dose rates. Relevant material parameters can include density, viscosity, tensile strength, elongation, Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, compressibility, adhesive strength, impact strength, and thermal conductivity. References 18 and 5 1 are complementary sources of information on radiation effects in polymers. Reference 18 encompasses a fundamental treatment of the radiochemistry of these materials; reference 5 1 consists of a later comprehensive compilation of test results and references. Thermosetting Plastics
Published literature should be used to verify acceptability of thermosetting plastics for doses up to lo7 rad (C). For anticipated doses in excess of I O7 rad (C), the use of plastics containing mineral fillers should be considered. Thermoplastics
The effects of radiation on the properties of fluorine-containing thermoplastic polymers vary considerably, depending upon pressure, temperature, and atmospheric composition. Generally, these thermoplastics should be regarded as unacceptable for use at doses in excess of 5 x lo4 rad (C); other thermoplastic materials should be regarded as safe for use to lo6 rad (C). When demonstrating their acceptability to levels above lo6 rad (C), the relevance of fillers, ambient atmosphere,.and temperature should be assessed in the contexts of cited tests and intended use. Adhesives
Preference should be given to adhesives designed for high-temperature application if they have suitable properties under the design conditions. Adhesives may be verified as acceptable to doses of less than 5 x lo7 rad (C) by reference to published test results. Elastomers
Since the range of radiation resistance within the class of elastomers is wide, from 10 to 5 x 10 rad (C), caution should be exercised in the selection of a material to perform satisfactorily at anticipated exposures equal to those indicated. Improvement
in the radiation resistance of an elastomer by the addition of antirads should be accepted only when there are test data for the specific elastomer (with antirads), and test conditions are sufficiently similar to anticipated conditions to generate no serious question of the validity of extrapolation.
and Glasses
References 24 and 25 contain fairly complete tabulations of radiation effects in ceramics, graphite, and glasses. More comprehensivL references to original data on specific materials can be obtained from the REIC. Ceramic properties appreciably affected by neutron irradiation include density, elastic modulus, compressive strength, mechanical integrity, and thermal conductivity. Fast-neutron (E > 1 keV) effects are significant at levels near 5 x 1Or8 n/cm. Compounds containing beryllium or boron can be adversely affected by thermal-neutron fluences as low as 10 n/cm *. The effects of gamma rays or charged particles should always be taken into consideration when the dose exceeds lo6 rad (material). The principal structural properties of graphite that may be significantly modified by radiation include density, thermal conductivity, and stored energy. Changes in these properties should be accounted for when fast-neutron (E > 1 keV) fluences are in excess of 1019 n/cm*. Structural properties of glass are usually unaffected by fast-neutron (E > 1 keV) fluences less than 1019 n/cm*. When the glass is to be used as a viewing port, darkening of the glass by ionizing radiation usually limits its usefulness. Under such circumstances, it is advisable to specify radiation-resistant glass (e.g., cerium-doped) (ref. 37). For anticipated dose levels in excess of 10 rad (glass), experimental qualification procedures should be required.
4.2.4 Thermal-Control
When thermal-control coatings are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, as well as to the more energetic electromagnetic and particulate radiations, it is necessary to verify their acceptability. Attention should be directed toward the combined effects of electron irradiation, proton irradiation, hard vacuum, temperature, and electromagnetic irradiation. To determine the qualification of a specific coating for any spacecraft mission, effects of the environment on the cohesive and adhesive properties (to a given substrate) of the coating should be considered, along with the effects on optical reflectance, absorptance, and emittance. Some specialized information is available in
4.3 Tests
When no reliable information on the effects of radiation on the structural materials of interest exists in the published literature, tests simulating the radiation environment should be conducted to obtain the necessary information. In such cases, the relevance of environmental and material factors that might contribute to changes in important properties must be carefully assessed before the testing is initiated. A careful theoretical estimate of the nature of anticipated results should be part of the test planning. The relationship between observed changes and total radiation exposure over a broad range of values (at least one order of magnitude) about the point of interest should be determined. When accelerated tests are conducted, it is good practice to assess rate effects by subjecting specimens to a range of dose rates at constant fluence. In general, the simulation of ionizing effects of protons by electrons or gamma rays, or vice versa, should not be practiced. Simulation of electron-ionization effects by an equivalent absorbed dose from gamma rays is usually acceptable, providing the average quantum energies are comparable. Attention should be given to possible synergistic effects, especially during accelerated tests. Effects resulting from simultaneous exposure to two or more components of the radiation environment (e.g., protons and electrons, ultraviolet radiation and protons) should be evaluated. Unless the effects of electronic excitation are clearly negligible (e.g., in metals), when testing in a nuclear reactor it is good practice to separate the effects of gamma rays from those due to neutrons. This is accomplished by preferential shielding of one or the other components (lead for gamma rays and hydrogenous substances for neutrons). Although dosimetry services are usually provided by test facilities, it should be ascertained that the method of recording the absorbed dose, fluence, and spectrum is sufficiently detailed to permit expression of the results as functions of these parameters. Sample mounting during exposure should simulate the conditions of temperature, ambient atmospheric conditions, and mechanical loading, under which the part under investigation will function in the spacecraft. Whenever feasible, measurement of propcrtics of interest should be performed during irradiation or at least within minutes following its cessation.
Flux (particles/cmsec) 2
Peculiar characteristics Least significant qeference 52
restricts hazard to surface effects Spectrum is very See footnoteC Energy and num54
Protons (95%)
ber of particles released per event varies; IO8 particles/cm for medium flare
Solar electromagnetic
erratic 1200 w a
Trapped radiations 1. Inner belt Protons and electrons Energy of protons Protons: 5x IO5 (E >I MeV); Electrons: 2x lo7 (E >0.5 2. Outer belt Protons and electrons Virtually less than all protons 1 MeV Protons: (E >I0 Electrons: keV): IO9 MeV) Flux varies with 57,58
(Ep) < 30 MeV (90%) Energy of electrons (E,) <5 MeV (90%)
magnetic latitude; electron populations of both belts subject perturbations to high-altitude nuclear outer-belt protons bursts; are to due
(3 to 7 earth radii)
5.2 x lo7 evsE (E in MeV) Aurora Electrons and protons E, between 2 and 20 keV; Ep between 80 and 800 keV 10 (electrons) during aurora1 storms; < 1 O7 protons
59 65 and and
ai bAU
= 0.1 X
SNAP-8 (reactor)
Neutrons Gammas
Modified Fission
1.5 x lo5 n/cm2-set (E>O.l MeV) 1.5 rad (C)/set 1.5 x IO3 (E>lO keV) n/cm*-set
Degraded spontaneous fission (9%) (U,n) reaction (91%) Monoenergetic, 0.75 MeV
5 x 1o-6
Mechanical property
How affected
Percent elongation Brittle-to-ductile fracturetransition temperature Weld-joint Creep rate Stress-rupture life tensile strength
Decreases, then increases, with neutron fluence For constant strain, cycles-tofailure decreases Increases
conditions Exposure temperature, OK 373 16 323 323 538 553 77 1013 16
Total elongation percent
Test temperature, OK RTb 16 RTb RTb RTb RTb 77 293 16 Yield strength 1000 psi! Unirradiated 2 7 45 40 38 158-162 196 80 111 130 130 243 243 Irradiated 2 43 49 44 57 178 212 89 112 132 170 254 300
Material AI-1099
Ultimate tensile strength 1000 psia Irradiated 12 49 71 50 78 196 212 158 185 183 217 274 221 Unirradiated 46 61 26 21 33
Reference 60 61 62 62 63 64
Al-2024 AI-6061 410ss lnconel718 lnconel Hastelloy Hastelloy Ti pure Ti pure Ti-6AIL4V Ti-6AI-4V 718 C C
12 to 21 1 10 39 31 31 7.6 7.6
6 x 10 9 x 10 9
64 65 12
1 x 10 Ix 10
1 x 10 1 x lOI
Neutron Material Magnesium Test Cycles-to-failure under fatigue of 5000 psia stress fluence (E >I0 Kev) 1Ol9 n/cm2
Exposure temperature, OK 353 Results Unirrcdiated sample failed after 9 x 10 cycles; irradiated samples failed after 5 x 10 cycles Unirradiated samples failed after about 20 cycles; irradiated samples 8 cycles failed after Reference 66
7 x 1o19
and contraction of thin-walled specimens between rigid concentric total strain lure nickel Hardness mandrels; was 4% 1.7 x 1020
273OK, hardness increased from 100 kg/m2 to 175 kg/m2 damage annealed completely at 973K samples: sample:
in area
1.1 x 1020
x 1020
Irradiated 42.6%
psi X 34 MN/m2
Z 300
One order of magnitude (typically lOI to 109) One order of magnitude (typically 106 to 107)
Two orders of magnitude (typically 107 to IO) Insufficient (estimate data lOI to IO*)
2 1%
(Cl Slight
Effects reduction
Tensile impact
and strength
JO 18 71 72
aromatic agents; to 80% of original cured aliphatic agents when with curing
50% to 80%
original when
cured with aromatic agents; <IO% of original, when cured with aliphatics Phenolformaldehyde with asbestos filler Polyurethane foam sandwich construction Ultimate strength; compressive strength flexural flatwise IO9 No changes observed Tensile strength 3.9 x log 25% reduction
71 72
Material Polyethylene
comments dose
In normal polyethylene, this constitutes threshold for detectable changes in tensile properties; high-density polyethylene (more crystalline than ordinary polyethylene) suffers damage after about 4 x 10s rad (Cl About 50% degradation; material becomes rubberlike and then very brittle; carbon black filler enhances resistance to radiation damage Onset of loss of strength
74 75
9 x lo7
75 74
25% lo4
76 (also
25% reduction in ultimate tensile strength; absence of oxygen in atmosphere enhances stability to about a factor-of-10 larger dose; low temperature also improves . stability (by two orders of magnitude) Decreases about 25%
Tensile Elongation
5x 5x
10" lo6
Decreases about lo%, very sensitive to air, presence of plasticisers tends to cause more rapid degradation
Material Polystyrene
Decrease by only 5% to 10%; high-impact polystyrene, which contains modifiers, is far more susceptible to damage; marked losses in elongation and impact strength after IO7 rad (C); little difference between air and vacuum exposures Threshold of damage
78 18
8.6 x IO
4.7 x IO6
Polypropylene Impact strength
reduction by
Less than 50% of original; material becomes progressively more weak and brittle
Cellulose acetate
25% reduction; cellulosics are among the least stable polymers in a radiation environment Threshold detectable for decrease
Polymethyl methacrylate
Notch-impact strength
(also ref. 15, ch. 6)
25% Elastomer
Thermal conductivity
Mechanical integrity
Cracking: powdering by 1 O* Decreases about 1% by 6 x IO* Decreases to less than % initial value Decreases of initial 3 x lo6 Decreases
Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity
and disinte-
Blizard, E. P., ed.: Shielding. Vol. III - Reactor Handbook, Second ed., Part B. Interscience Pub. Co. (New York), 1962. E. D.: Handbook of Shielding Requirements and Radiation Arnold, Characteristics of Isotopic Power Sources for Terrestrial, Marine, and Space Applications. Rept. ORNL-3576, Oak Ridge National Lab., Apr. 1964. Anon.: Synthesis of Calculational Methods for the Design and Analysis of Radiation Shields for Nuclear Rocket Systems. Rept. WANL PR-(LL)-010, Vol. I, Westinghouse Astronuclear Lab., June 1967. Dienes, G. J.; and Vineyard, G. H.: Radiation Effects in Solids. Interscience Pub. Co. (New York), 1957. Keefer, D.; and Sosin, A.: Electron Irradiation Hardening of Aluminum. Acta Metallurgica, vol. 12, no. 9, Sept. 1964, pp. 969-978. Rossin, A. D.: Significance of Neutron Spectrum on Radiation Effects Studies. Special Technical Publication 34 1, Radiation Effects and Neutron Dosimetry, ASTM, 1963, pp. 115-132. Billington, D. S.; and Crawford, J. H.: Radiation Damage in Solids. Princeton Univ. Press, 196 1. Kangilaski, M.: The Effects of Neutron Radiation on Structural Materials. REIC Rept. 45, Battelle Memorial Inst., 1967. Anon.: Effects of Radiation on Structural Metals. Special Technical Publication 426, ASTM, 1967. .
10. Smith, E. T.: NERVA Materials Irradiation Program, Comprehensive Presentation of Material Property Data. Rept. FZK-342, General Dynamics Corp., Apr. 1968. 11. Younger, C. L.; and Haley, F. A.: Effect of Nuclear Radiation at Cryogenic Temperatures on the Tensile Properties of Titanium and Titanium Base Alloys. NASA TN D-5542, 1969.
Wilson, J. C.; and Berggren, R. G.: Effects of Irradiation on the Structural Materials in Nuclear Power Reactors. Paper 1978, Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, (Vienna), Vol. V, 1958, p. 431. Makin, M. J.; and Minter, F. J.: Irradiation Hardening Metallurgica, vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1960, pp. 69 l-699. in Copper and Nickel. Acta
Martin, W. R.; and Weir, J. R.: Post-Irradiation Creep and Stress Rupture Hastelloy N. Nuclear Applications, vol. 3, no. 2, Apr. 1967, pp. 167-171.
Dienes, G. J.; and Damask, A. C.: An Estimate of the Effects of Radiation on the Thermal Conductivity of Beryllium. J. Nut. Materials, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1961, pp. 16-20. Watson, J. F.; et al.: A Study of the Effects of Nuclear Radiation on High Strength Aerospace Vehicle Materials at the Boiling Point of Hydrogen (-423F). ERR AN-085, Sept. 1961. (Available from DDC as AD 273223.) McMillan, W. D.; et al.: Evaluation of Cryogenic Composites for Use in Nuclear Radiation Environment. Dynamics Corp., Apr. 1968. Bolt, R. 0.; and Carroll, Press, 1963. J. G.: Radiation Insulation Materials and Rept. FZK-327, General
Rittenhouse, J. B.; and Singletary, J. B., eds.: Space Materials Handbook. AFML-TR-68-205, third ed. Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., July 1968. Hanks, C. L.; and Hamman, D. J.: The Effect of Radiation Insulating Materials. REIC Rept. 46, Battelle Memorial Inst., 1969. Arlook, R. S.; and Harvey, D. B.: Effect of Nuclear Adhesive Bonds. WADC-TR-56-467, Aug. 1956. Mixer, R. Y.: The Effect of Nuclear Radiation Plastics. Bi-monthly Progress Rept. 2, SRI Project Oct. 1957. Hertz, R. M.; et al.: Research on Elastomeric Aerospace Sealants. Rept. NSL 62-35-1, Northrop Radiation
on Electrical
on Structural
Wullaert, R. A.; et al.: Effects of Radiation on Ceramic Materials. Ch. 6 of Effects of Radiation on Materials and Components, J. F. Kircher and R. E. Bowman, eds., Reinhold Publishing (New York), 1964. Mayer, J. T.: Summary of Radiation NASA TN D-44 14, 1968. Effects on Thermionic Insulator Materials.
Bridge, H.; et al.: Effect of High-Flux Fast-Neutron Irradiation Properties of Graphite. Vol. II - Carbon, 1964, p. 83. Reynolds, W. N.: The Mechanical 11, no. 110, 1965, pp. 357-368. Properties of Reactor Graphite.
on the Physical
Sato, S.; and Miyazono, S.: Studies of Elastic Modulus of Irradiated an Ultra-Sonic Pulse Method. Vol. II - Carbon, 1964, p. 103. Perks, A. J.; and Simmons, J. H. W.: Radiation-Induced Vol. I - Carbon, 1964, p. 441.
Creep in Graphite.
Wittles, M.; and Sherrill, F. A.: Radiation Damage in SiOZ Structures. vol. 93, no. 5, Mar. 1, 1954, pp. 1117-l 118.
Phys. Rev.,
3 1. Primak, W.; and Edwards, E.: Radiation-Induced Dilatations Phys. Rev., vol. 128, no. 6, Dec. 15, 1962, pp. 2580-2588. 32. Klemens, P. G.: Density Changes in Neutron no. 1, Jan. 1956, pp. 938-941. Irradiated Quartz.
in Vitreous
Cohen, A. F.: Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity in Neutron Vitreous Silica. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 29, no. 3, Mar. 1958, pp. 591-593. Strakna, R. E.; et al.: Effect of Fast-Neutron Temperature Dependence of the Elastic Moduli 34, no. 5, May 1963, pp. 1439-1444.
Mayer, G.; and Gigon, J.: Effets Des Neutrons Rapides Sur Quelques Constantes Physiques Du Quartz Cristallin Et De La Silica Vitreuse. Journal de Physique et le Radium, vol. 18, no. 2, Feb. 1957, p. 109. Mylonas, C.; and Truell, R.: Radiation Glass and Energy of Reacting Neutrons. pp. 1252-l 260. Effects from (n, a) Reactions in Boron J. Appl. Phys., vol. 29, no. 8, Aug. 1958,
Kreidl, N. J.; and Hensler, J. R.: Gamma Radiation Opt. Sot. Am., vol. 47, no. 1, Jan. 1957, pp. 73-75.
Glass. J.
Anon.: Handbook of Optical Properties of Thermal Control Rept. A-847882, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., June 1947. G. F.: Polyimidazopyrrolones,
A New Route
to Ladder
Sci., pt. B., vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1965, pp. 977-978. Spacecraft IV, Space
Zerlaut, G. A.; et al.: Ultraviolet Irradiation in Vacuum of White Coatings. Symposium on Thermal Radiation of Solids, Session Environmental Effects, San Francisco, Mar. 1964, NASA SP-55, 1965.
4 1. McKellar, L. A.: Solar Radiation-Induced Type Pigments. LMSC Rept. M-50-65-1, 1965. 42.
Damage to Optical Properties of ZnO Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Mar. 26,
Hormann, H. H.: Improved Organic Coatings for Temperature Control in a Space Environment. Rept. ASD-TDR-62-917, Wright-Patterson AFB, Feb. 1963. Davis, A. B.; et al.: Final Hazards Summary Report, NASA Plum Brook Facility. Parts I, II, and III, NASA Lewis Research Center, Dec. 1959. Hamman, D. J.; and Veazie, W.: Survey of Irradiation Part I, Battelle Memorial Inst., Sept. 15, 1963. Facilities. REIC Reactor
Rept. 31,
Hamman, D. J.; and Veazie, W.: Survey of Particle Accelerators. REIC Rept. 3 1, Part II, Sept. 15, 1963; and REIC Rept. 3 1, Part II, First Revision, Battelle Memorial Inst., Sept. 15, 1964. Savage, C. T.: Estimates of Corpuscular Radiation Dose Rates for Typical Arrow Satellites. Rept. 67206, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Aug. 1967. Bethe, H.; Experimental Black
and Ashkin, J.: Passage of Radiation Through Matter. Vol. I of Nuclear Physics, E. Segre, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1953. Losses and Ranges of
Berger, M. J.; and Seltzer, S. M.: Tables of Energy Electrons and Positrons. NASA SP-30 12, 1964. Spencer, L. V.: Energy Dissipation Bureau of Standards, 1959. by Fast Electrons.
1, National
Burrell, M. 0.; Wright, J. J.; and Watts, J. W., Jr.: Calculation of Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rates. Protection Against Space Radiation, A. Reetz, Jr., and K. OBrien, eds., NASA SP-169, 1968, p. 529. King, R. W.; Broadway, N. Radiation on Elastomeric and Battelle Memorial Inst., Sept. J. Broadway and S. Palinchak, S.: The Effects of Nuclear J.; and Palinchak, Plastic Components and Materials. REIC Rept. 2 1, 1, 1961. (Also Addendum to REIC Rept. 21, by N. Aug. 31, 1964.)
Evans, D. E.; Pitts, D. E.; and Kraus, G. L.: Venus and Mars Nominal Natural Environment for Advanced Manned Planetary Mission Programs. Second ed., NASA SP-3016, 1967. Brown, R. P.: Natural Space Radiation Effects to Sensitive Space System Components and Materials. Vol. I of Space Radiation Environment, Rept. D2-90037-1, The Boeing Co., 1963. Modisette, S. L.; Vinson, T. M.; and Hardy, A. C.: Model Solar Environments for Manned Spacecraft Design. NASA TN D-2746, 1965. Anon. : * Solar (Environment), Electromagnetic Radiation. NASA SP-8005, 1965. NASA Space Vehicle Proton
Design Criteria
Livingston, W. A., Jr.: Outer Space Environment Vehicle Simulation. Rept. MRL-TDR-62-40, Cornell 1962. Models of I - Vette, A. B.; and Lucer, A. IV - King,
the Trapped Radiation Environment. NASA SP-3024, 1966. Vol. J. I.: Inner Zone Protons and Electrons. Vol. II - Vette, J. I.; Lucero, Wright, J. A.: Inner and Outer Zone Electrons. Vol. III - Vette, J. I.; B.; and Wright, J. A.: Electrons at Synchronous Altitudes. Vol. J. H.: Low Energy Protons. in the Earths Magnetic Field. D. Reide
McCormac, B. M., ed.: Radiation Trapped Pub. Co. (Dordrecht, Holland), 1966. Hess, W. N.: The Radiation (Waltham, Mass.), 1968.
Joseph, J. W.: Mechanical Properties of Irradiated 60-285, DuPont Savannah River, Apr. 2 1, 1960.
Schwanbeck, Temperatures.
C. A.: Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials Final Report, NASA CR-5488 1, 1965. J. H.: ETR AEC, 1961. Damage Surveillance
at Cryogenic
Sutton, C. R.; and Leerer, D. 0.: How Irradiation Affects Structural Materials. Iron Age, vol. 174, no, 8, Aug. 19, 1954, pp. 128-131; and vol. 174, no. 9, Aug. 26, 1954, pp. 97-100. Claudson, T. T.: The Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Elevated Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Base and Refractory Metal Alloys. SA-374, Battelle Northwest Lab., Mar. 28, 1966. Temperature Rept. BNWL
Lombardo, J. J.; Dixon, C. E.; and Begley, J. A.: Cryogenic Radiation Effects on NERVA Structural Materials. Special Technical Report 426, Effects of Radiation on Structural Metals, ASTM, 1967, pp. 625-652. Pravdyuk, N. F.; et al.: The Influence of Neutron Irradiation on the Internal Friction Measurements in Properties of Reactor Materials and the Effects of Radiation Damage. Butterworth (London) 196 1, pp. 293-30 1. Reynolds, M. G.: Strain-Cycle Phenomena Publication 380, Flow and Fracture Environments, ASTM, 1965, pp. 323-336. in Thin-Wall of Metals Tubing. Special Technical and Alloys in Nuclear
Gusev, E. V.; et al.: Effect of Reactor Irradiation on the Stress-Rupture Strength of Austentic Steels and Heat Resistant Materials Based on Iron and Nickel. Paper no. 339a, Proc. Third UN International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva), 1964. Bernet, A. L.: Effects of Cold Work and Neutron Irradiation on the Tensile Properties of Zircaloy 2. Rept. HW-74955, Hanford Works, AEC, Apr. 1963. Sisman, 0.; and Bopp, C. D.: ORNL-928, Oak Ridge National Radiation Stability Lab., June 195 1. of Irradiated Polymers. Rept.
Colichman, E. L.; and Strong, J. D.: Effects of Gamma Radiation Plastics. Modern Plastics, vol. 35, no. 10, Oct. 1957, p. 180. Mixer, R. Y.; and Parkinson, D. B.: Nuclear Plastics and Adhesives. Rept. WADC-TR-56-534,
on Epoxy
Tomashot, R. C.; and Harvey, D. G.: Nuclear Radiation Radome Materials. WADC-TR-56-296, Sept. 1956. Meikle, J. B.; and Graham, B.: Electrons Produce Electronics, vol. 29, no. 5, May 1956, pp. 146-149.
of Reinforced
High Temperature
and Physical Changes in Gamma Harrington, R.; and Giverson, R.: Chemical Irradiated Plastics. Modern Plastics, vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 1958, p. 199. Stability of Plastics Bopp, C. D.; and Sisman, 0.: Radiation Rept. ORNL-1373, Oak Ridge National Lab., July 23, 1953. and Elastomers.
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SP-800 1 SP-8002 SP-8003 SP-8004 SP-8005 SP-8006 SP-8007 SP-8008 SP-8009 SP-80 10 SP-80 11 SP-80 12 SP-80 13 SP-80 14 SP-8015 SP-80 16 SP-80 17 SP-80 18 SP-80 19 SP-8020 SP-802 1 SP-8022 SP-8023 SP-8024 SP-8025 SP-8026
(Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Environment) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Environment) (Environment) (Structures) (Environment) (Structures) (Guidance and Control) (Guidance and Control) (Environment) (Guidance and Control) (Structures) (Environment) (Environment) (Structures) (Environment) (Guidance and Control) (Chemical Propulsion) (Guidance and Control)
Buffeting During Atmospheric Ascent, May 1964 Revised November 1970 Flight-Loads Measurements During Launch and Exit, December 1964 Flutter, Buzz, and Divergence, July 1964 Panel Flutter, May 1965 Solar Electromagnetic Radiation, June 1965 Local Steady Aerodynamic Loads During Launch and Exit, May 1965 Buckling of Thin-Walled Circular Cylinders, September 1965 - Revised August 1968 Prelaunch Ground Wind Loads, November 1965 Propellant Slosh Loads, August 1968 Models of Mars Atmosphere (1967), May 1968 Models of Venus Atmosphere (1968), December 1968 Natural Vibration Modal Analysis, September 1968 Meteoroid Environment Model - 1969 [Near Earth to Lunar Surface] , March 1969 Entry Thermal Protection, August 1968 Guidance and Navigation for Entry Vehicles, November 1968 Effects of Structural Flexibility on Spacecraft Control Systems, April 1969 Magnetic Fields - Earth and Extraterrestrial, March 1969 Spacecraft Magnetic Torques, March 1969 Buckling of Thin-Walled Truncated Cones, September 1968 Mars Surface Models [ 19681, May 1969 Models of Earths Atmosphere (120 to 1000 km), May 1969 Staging Loads, February 1969 Lunar Surface Models, May 1969 Spacecraft Gravitational Torques, May 1969 Solid Rocket Motor Metal Cases, April 1970
Star Trackers,
July 1970
SP-8027 SP-8028 SP-8029 SP-8030 SP-803 1 SP-8032 SP-8033 SP-8034 SP-8035 SP-8036 SP-8037 SP-8038 SP-8040 SP-8042 SP-8043 SP-8044 SP-8046 SP-8047 SP-8050 SP-8053 SP-8054 SP-805 5 SP-8056 SP-8057 SP-8060 SP-806 1
(Guidance and Control) (Guidance and Control) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Guidance and Control) (Guidance and Control) (Structures) (Guidance and Control) (Environment) (Environment) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Guidance and Control) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures) (Structures)
Spacecraft Radiation Torques, October 1969 Entry Vehicle Control, November 1969 Aerodynamic and Rocket-Exhaust Heating During Launch and Ascent, May 1969 Transient Loads From Thrust Excitation, February 1969 Slosh Suppression, May 1969 Buckling of Thin-Walled Doubly Curved Shells, August 1969 Spacecraft Earth Horizon Sensors, December 1969 Spacecraft MassExpulsion Torques, December 1969 Wind Loads During Ascent, June 1970 Effects of Structural Flexibility on Launch Vehicle Control Systems, February 1970 Assessment and Control of Spacecraft Magnetic Fields, September 1970 Meteoroid Environment Model - 1970 (Interplanetary and Planetary), October 1970 Fracture Control of Metallic Pressure Vessels, May 1970 Meteoroid Damage Assessment, May 1970 Design Development Testing, May 1970 Qualification Testing, May 1970 Landing Impact Attenuation for Non-SurfacePlaning Landers, April 1970 Spacecraft Sun Sensors, June 1970 Structural Vibration Prediction, June 1970 Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects on Materials, June 1970 Space Radiation Protection, June 1970 Prevention of Coupled Structure-Propulsion Instability (Pogo), October 1970 Flight Separation Mechanisms, October 1970 Structural Design Criteria Applicable to a Space Shuttle, November 1970 Compartment Venting, November 1970 Interaction With Umbilicals and Launch Stand, August 1970