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The Electromagnetic Field Theory Ii Wave Polarization: Dr. A. Bhattacharya

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Dr. A. Bhattacharya
Pol ar i zat i on
Pol ar i zat i on
The orientation of the Electric and the Magnetic field
vectors define the polarization of the propagating wave
The polarization of the propagating wave are not strictly
important in terms of the propagation of radiation in free
When radiation strikes the ground the response of the
surface material can be different for different orientation
of the vectors
Need a convention to describe the direction in which
the field vectors point
Pol ar i zat i on
Pol ar i zat i on
Note that the perpendicular polarized wave is horizontal
to the Earths surface
In RS it is therefore more often called horizontal
Not strictly correct, parallel polarization is similarly
referred to as vertical polarization
The plane of polarization is that in which the Electric
field vector oscillates sinusoidally
Pol ar i zat i on
difference Phase
Pol ar i zat i on
The plot shows two components of the Electric field as
functions of time at a given position in space to illustrate
the significance of the phase difference
Pol ar i zat i on
Pure circular polarization only occurs when the two
components have the same amplitude and the phase
difference between them is 90
In the most general case the approaching wave would
be an ellipse
There will be left-elliptical polarization and right-
elliptical polarization depending on the sign of the phase
angle between the components
Circular (phase= 90) and linear polarization (phase= 0)
are special cases. Their relative amplitudes will
determine the orientation of the actual field vector
Pol ar i zat i on
0 =
h v
a a / = Slope
h v
a a / = Slope
Pol ar i zat i on
Two properties of the ellipse relate directly to the
polarization state of the radiation
Ellipticity or Eccentricity () which describes how
different it is from a circle or a straight line
Tilt ( ) or inclination with respect to the horizontal
This shows the explicit relationships between
properties of the wave and those of the
polarization ellipse

( ) , ,
v h
a a
( ) ,
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
Another way of expressing the Electric field is by using
the parameters of polarization ellipse
A Amplitude
Absolute phase
corresponding to jR resulting
from propagation path
Jones vector
The exponential factor in time is
dropped since it applies to all
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
j e
= = =

0 if 90
We can absorb the sign into
correspond to left elliptical
sin j +
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
We can transform the vector so that it applies to more
general case of the inclined ellipse by rotating the axes
clockwise by the inclination angle
The Electric field vector in
the most general case
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
Some common
Jones vectors
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
Circular polarization as a basis vector system
We have considered a travelling wave as a combination
of horizontal and vertical components
It is possible to choose right circularly polarized and
left circularly polarized fields components as the
The unit vectors and are unit vectors rotate
around the unit circle in their respective directions
carrying the relevant field magnitude with them
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
Purely left circular polarization wave will have E
The horizontal and vertical field have the same
amplitude and the vertical component leads
has a positive phase angle of 90
The magnitudes are assumed to be unity and E
have the same dependence on time and position as its
two components
which can be removed as a common factor
Since and are unit vectors
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
In a similar manner a right circularly polarized wave will
have its unit vector
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
In matrix form :
This indicates how the linear fields can be computed
from the circular components
The circular components in terms of the linear
Pol ar i zat i on (Jones Vec t or )
A horizontal polarized wave is made up of right and left
circularly polarized waves starting in phase (and contra-
A vertical polarized wave is made up of the two contra-
rotating starting in anti-phase
The j is a time phase term common to both components
advancing them by 90
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Stokes parameters provide a very convenient means to
describe the power density relationships in an EM wave
in radar
For a single frequency signal (monochromatic) Stokes
parameters are defined as
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
The amplitude squared or intensity of the actual
field vector. It is directly proportional to the power
density being carried by the wave
This indicates whether the wave is more
horizontally than vertically polarized
& S
Indicate the ellipticity of the waves
If we have linear polarization and S
If S
=0 and the polarization ellipse will aligned
vertically or horizontally
It will be circular if the magnitudes of the vertical and
horizontal components are also equal
0 =
90 =
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Complex phasor
Representation in
terms of principle
angles of the
polarization ellipse
Relative phase
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
The Stokes vector can be represented in different forms
represented as:
Coherency vector
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quest i on ?
Is the absolute phase ( ) or ( ) preserved in Stokes
vector representation of waves ?

Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )

Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
In Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing the
wave is transmitted in a narrowband
The transmitted and received waves are narrowband
about the central frequency
The wave may still be interpreted as a plane wave is
said to be quasi-monochromatic

Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )

Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
The components and of the real vector is
Mean frequency
Mean wave vector
Slowly varying in comparison
with the periodic term
E ) (E 9
)) ( cos( ) ( ) , (
)) ( cos( ) ( ) , (
t z k t t a t z E
t z k t t a t z E
y y y
x x x

+ =
+ =

) ( ), ( ), ( ), ( t t t a t a
y x y x

) exp( t j
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
The receiving antenna measures the target scattered
narrowband wave during an interval of time (Azimuth
integration time)
The wave then behaves in the time interval like a
monochromatic wave with mean frequency
The Jones vector or the Stokes vector can be used to
characterize the polarization of the monochromatic wave
that is said to be a completely polarized wave
( )
constant Assumed and
time coherence Target

) ( ), ( ), ( ), ( t t t a t a
y x y x

Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )

Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
For a longer time interval the Electric field
components and the phases are time varying
Wave is partially polarized
In this case the parameters that characterizes the
polarization wave should be time averaged
The correlation between the time Electric field
components is necessary to characterize partially
polarized waves Coherency matrix measurement
y x
a a ,
y x

conditions ergodic
and ty stationari sense - wide signal of condition the Under
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
A partially polarized wave can also be related to the
elements of the coherency matrix
There is a one-to-one correspondence between the
coherency matrix and the Stokes vector
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Radar energy backscattered from landscape will often
be polarized
If the scattering is from random scattering media or
time-varying scatterers the wave will be either partially
polarized or completely unpolarized
For a totally unpolarized wave the two amplitudes
fluctuates randomly without any relationship between
them Amplitude variation is uncorrelated
The relative phase between the components would be
totally random
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Quasi -monoc hr omat i c and Par t i al l y pol ar i zed waves
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Poi nc ar e Spher e Repr esent at i on
A very interesting
geometric representation of
the Stokes parameters and
the state of polarization of a
wave emerges from
Equation of a sphere in the
coordinate space
3 2 1
, , s s s
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Poi nc ar e Spher e Repr esent at i on
The sphere has radius of and its surface is the locus
of all possible polarization states.
The polarization of a wave can be described by the
amplitudes of its two orthogonal components and
and their relative phase
The polarization of a wave can alternatively be also
described by the angles of the polarization ellipse and
and the wave intensity

Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Poi nc ar e Spher e Repr esent at i on
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Poi nc ar e Spher e Repr esent at i on
Pol ar i zat i on (St okes Vec t or )
Poi nc ar e Spher e Repr esent at i on
For partially polarized wave the point lies inside the
The origin represents the case of unpolarized radiation

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