Handout Orthopedic Nursing Scoliosis
Handout Orthopedic Nursing Scoliosis
Handout Orthopedic Nursing Scoliosis
Spinal Fusion
Myelography uses X-ray
imaging and an injected dye to Recovery at Home
define bony and soft-tissue
structures affecting the nerve root Arrange for transportation home that will
allow the pt. to ride in a leaning back or lying
CT (computed tomography) may down position
also be arranged; CT provides
details about the bones Pt. may do as much for himself as you can
and soft tissues not seen on as long as you maintain a balanced position
regular X-rays of your spine
Arrange for some help with washing, Initially, pt should only participate in walking
dressing, and household activities, such as
cleaning, laundry, and shopping, for a few Later, swim or use an exercise bike or treadmill to
days after your return home improve pt’s general physical condition
Do not drive a car for a period of time after Avoiding Problems after Surgery
Warning signs of possible blood clots include the
Nursing Considerations: following:
1. Immediate complications
urinary retention • Swelling in the calf, ankle or foot
temporary decreased or absent intestinal • Tenderness or redness, which may extend
function above or below the knee
2. Major complications • Pain in the calf
Heart attack
Stroke *a blood clot may travel through the blood stream
Infection & Blood clots- first few weeks after and may settle in your lungs (Pulmonary embolism)
surgery Symptoms:
Recurrent disk herniations sudden chest pain and shortness of breath
or coughing
nerve damage can result in pain and
prolonged recovery time
Infection following spine surgery occurs very rarely
Rehabilitation Warning signs of infection include:
Pain medication will be given regularly, or
PCA • Redness, tenderness, and swelling around
the wound edges
The fused spine must be kept in proper
alignment • Drainage from the wound
• Pain or tenderness
Turn frequently using a "log rolling"
technique-move the entire body as a unit, • Shaking chills
avoiding twisting of the spine. • Elevated temperature, usually above 100°F
if taken with an oral thermometer
Discharged from the hospital with a back
brace or cast.
After Recovery
Weight reduction Program