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Berlin, Ira - Reseña, Ira Berlin Many Thousands Gone

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Ira Berlin. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass.

: Harvard University Press, 1998. x + 497 pp. $16.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-674-00211-1. Reviewed by Sally E. Hadden (Department of History and College of Law, Florida State University) Published on H-South (May, 2001) The 1960s and 1970s were an amazing era in slavery studies. Building upon the work of Frank Tannenbaum, Kenneth Stampp, and others, a new generation of scholars stepped forward and crafted new, intriguing works that have since formed the core readings for many a seminar on American slavery. The central works of this canon are Winthrop Jordans White Over Black (1968), Philip Curtins The Atlantic Slave Trade (1969), John Blassingames The Slave Community (1972 and 1979), Peter Woods Black Majority (1974), Eugene Genoveses Roll, Jordan, Roll (1974), Edmund Morgans American Slavery, American Freedom (1975), and Herbert Gutmans The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom (1976). In the past twenty-ve years historians of slavery have largely written books and articles that t within the debates framed by or paradigms used by these historians when describing American slavery. Whether you connected slavery to European racism, greed, Anglo-American paternalism or patriarchy, focused on the centrality of slave labor, religion, family or community, considered the importance of the slave trade and African contributions to African(-American) life in America, or compared one slave society with another, one or more of these books would serve as a touchstone and point of departure for your work. And for quite some time weve needed a new perspective that would clarify our thinking on the subject of colonial slavery while taking in the richness of the scholarship written on early American slavery for the past two decades. But putting together a synthesis of a burgeoning eld while offering up a new interpretive perspective is a tall order. In his most recent book, Ira Berlin has delivered the synoptic, yet forward-moving, study of colonial slavery that scholars have needed for the past thirty years. Berlins structure is one that, at rst glance, seems designed more to confuse than edify. He di1 vides his book into three sections, based upon a threegeneration framework: charter generations (the rst arrivals and their children), plantation generations (growers of the great staple crops), and revolutionary generations (those alive in the late eighteenth century). This tripartite temporal division is then crossed by four geographically distinct regions: the Chesapeake, North, Lowcountry, and Lower Mississippi Valley. Yet each of the twelve segments of this book is interconnected with and dependent upon the others, and in reading it, you hear no jarring discordant note when shifting, for example, from the North, to the Mississippi, and then to the North again (ch. 7, 8, and 9). Indeed, an initial concern that the book will be a twelve-layer cake rather than an integrated whole is unfounded. This is a tribute to Berlins uid writing style, which sweeps up the reader in a strong narrative and moves steadily toward its conclusion, weaving together the strands from each chapter in a masterly fashion. It is Berlins gift that he can craft so elegant a work from the disparate stories with which he began. Shifting his story from general to specic and then back again from the creoles of the Atlantic rim with their polyglot abilities to the world of Anthony Johnson, sold into slavery in the 1620s at Jamestown Berlin employs small vignettes to illustrate the larger picture he constructs. The book uses statistics and some numbers to give ne detail, but the few tables are saved for an appendix at the end (covering the slave and free populations of North America and the black population of major cities prior to 1810). The ow of Berlins story is never interrupted by a graph or chart, and thus the book will appear more accessible to the lay reader. Small wonder that the book received the OAH Rudwick Prize or the Southerns Owsley Award. The graceful writing style made this book one of ve nalists for the National Book Critics Circle Award in nonction; in past years winners of this award have been journalists and memoirists more

H-Net Reviews

often than historians, since the judges search not just stance, the Lower Mississippi Valley might commence for accuracy but for smooth presentation and the well as a slave society, then transform into a society with chosen word that will enchant non-specialist readers. slaves in the second quarter of the eighteenth century, and end as a slave society once more by the end of the colonial period (ch.4, 8, and 12). Almost as soon as Berlin introduces the generations concept, he aligns it with another, more subtle, Each geographic regions evolution in terms of interpretive tool one that I believe historians of colo- slavery was driven by the nature of production, and nial slavery will still be employing fty years hence. was aected by the democratic revolutions of the late Borrowing from studies of slavery in antiquity, Berlin eighteenth century, most notably Americas indepenappropriates the dual concept of societies with slaves dence but also the Caribbean freedom revolt of San and slave societies. While slavery in a society with Domingue/Haiti. The idea of slavery varying between slaves might appear supercially milder, because the these two states (society with slavery/slave society) line between slave and free might seem more easily permits greater exibility in how we describe colonial crossed, slaveholders in such a society could still use slavery, yet also provides a secure structure for inextreme brutality towards their slaves because they cluding what, until now, had been geographic regions were not central to their businesses. Other types of with slavery that seemed to defy typical descriptions. labor remained available and were used, such as indentured servants or the laboring poor, in the society If the standard linear progressive model of slavery with slaves. made normative the shift from small-scale to largeIn a slave society, however, slaves were the cen- scale slave populations working in protable staple ter of economic production, and the master-slave crops, then slavery in the North which ultimately relationship provided the model for all social rela- never grew into large populations and gradually distions; slaveowners sat atop the economic and social appeared in the wake of the Revolution must always pyramid and jealously controlled most other aspects be cast as an exception. But Berlins model forces us of the slave society they ran (p.8). Historians have to consider slavery in the North and in the Lower limned the picture by which American communities Mississippi Valley (another poor t with the old linwith slaves became slave societies, which generally ear model) not as exceptions, but as alternative excoincided with the discovery of some product that amples of development in which slavery followed noncould readily be sold for high prots: sugar, rice, to- linear, or even circular, progressions. Instead of usbacco, or, much later, cotton. This would trigger ing South Carolina and Virginia as the baselines for the massive inux of slaves, such that African peo- comparison against which all other slave societies (or ples became the dominant form of labor, while at the societies with slaves) must be measured, Berlin oers same time other types of labor would decline and us a useful theory that explains the evolution, or in through it all, slaveholders would tighten the laws of some cases, devolution (ch.4), of slavery for all parts slavery such that any escape to freedom (legally or of North America. illegally) would become much less likely. Meanwhile, One acid test for the vitality and clarity of a book slaveholders could gain a stranglehold upon the local is to take a it into the classroom and try teaching it political process and use their economic and politito others. I did that last year with Many Thousands cal muscle to create racial ideologies justifying their Gone, teaching it in a class on slavery to graduate stuslaves status. The seizure of power by slaveholders dents. By the semesters end, they were acquainted would mark the critical event that could transform with parts of the vast literature of slavery, and in the society with slaves into a slave society (p.9-10). the course of reading for their own research papers, Where Berlin builds upon the society with they had tackled many more works on the subject slaves/slave society dichotomy and makes it his own individually. When polled, without dissent, their fais when he convincingly suggests that in America, this vorite reading of the semester was Berlins book. The process was not one directional: all areas with slavery words they used in their evaluations defy the conneed not progress ineably from a society with slaves ventional wisdom that you cant assign long readings to a slave society. A slave society could become a so- and still have students like them: clear, asserts a ciety with slaves once again, and indeed, a few places theory and then proves it,detailed without getting went through this conversion more than once. For in- swamped in detail,a good read, and probably best 2

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of all, a book I will give my Dad for Christmas. Copyright (c) 2001 by H-Net, all rights reserved. Perhaps no higher commendation than that may be This work may be copied for non-prot educational found in any book review this year, and Ira Berlins use if proper credit is given to the author and the Many Thousands Gone well deserves it. list. For other permission, please contact H-Net@HNet.MSU.EDU. If there is additional discussion of this review, you may access it through the list discussion logs at: http://h-net.msu.edu/cgi-bin/logbrowse.pl. Citation: Sally E. Hadden. Review of Berlin, Ira, Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. H-South, H-Net Reviews. May, 2001. URL: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=5107 Copyright 2001 by H-Net, all rights reserved. H-Net permits the redistribution and reprinting of this work for nonprot, educational purposes, with full and accurate attribution to the author, web location, date of publication, originating list, and H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online. For any other proposed use, contact the Reviews editorial sta at hbooks@mail.h-net.msu.edu.

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