This document contains a letter from an organization called "Intercessors For A Righteous Nation" encouraging prosperity through prayer and scripture. It provides several short prayers focusing on themes of God as a giver of prosperity, trusting in God over material wealth, and being blessed to be a blessing to others. The prayers reference bible verses on topics like tithing, God providing for needs, being protected from enemies, and having surplus through diligent work. The overall message is that by praying these scriptures, one can access God's blessings of prosperity while avoiding misusing wealth and remaining faithful stewards.
This document contains a letter from an organization called "Intercessors For A Righteous Nation" encouraging prosperity through prayer and scripture. It provides several short prayers focusing on themes of God as a giver of prosperity, trusting in God over material wealth, and being blessed to be a blessing to others. The prayers reference bible verses on topics like tithing, God providing for needs, being protected from enemies, and having surplus through diligent work. The overall message is that by praying these scriptures, one can access God's blessings of prosperity while avoiding misusing wealth and remaining faithful stewards.
This document contains a letter from an organization called "Intercessors For A Righteous Nation" encouraging prosperity through prayer and scripture. It provides several short prayers focusing on themes of God as a giver of prosperity, trusting in God over material wealth, and being blessed to be a blessing to others. The prayers reference bible verses on topics like tithing, God providing for needs, being protected from enemies, and having surplus through diligent work. The overall message is that by praying these scriptures, one can access God's blessings of prosperity while avoiding misusing wealth and remaining faithful stewards.
This document contains a letter from an organization called "Intercessors For A Righteous Nation" encouraging prosperity through prayer and scripture. It provides several short prayers focusing on themes of God as a giver of prosperity, trusting in God over material wealth, and being blessed to be a blessing to others. The prayers reference bible verses on topics like tithing, God providing for needs, being protected from enemies, and having surplus through diligent work. The overall message is that by praying these scriptures, one can access God's blessings of prosperity while avoiding misusing wealth and remaining faithful stewards.
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"Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read;
AO OAE OF 1HESE SHALL FAIL..." Isaiah 34:16 K1V INTERCESSORS FOR A RIGHTEOUS NATION Intercessors For A Righteous Aation Ann Kramer, Founder and President 'Thus savs the Lord, In an acceptable and favorable time I have heard and answered vou, and in a dav of salvation I have helped vou. and I will preserve vou and give vou for a covenant to the people to raise up and establish the land [from its present state of ruin] and to apportion and cause them to inherit the desolate [moral wastes of heathenism, their] heritages, saving to those who are bound, Come forth, and to those who are in [spiritual] darkness, Show vourselves [come into the light of the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS].` Isaiah 49:8-9. Dear Intercessor: God is a GIVER. He loves to bless His children. Since the beginning oI time, He has been looking Ior a people He could trust, upon whom He could lavish His blessings. However, every time He has poured out prosperity, we have been quick to Iorget Who made us to prosper. We have always begun to trust more in the giIt than the Giver. God has called the believers oI every nation to be a light to the nations and bring salvation to the ends oI the earth. (Isaiah 49:6). Obviously, in order to Iacilitate this mission, it is going to take large amounts oI Iinances. God is desiring to bring Iorth a generation in this hour that will, '.lav our gold in the dust, considering it of little worth, and make the Almightv our gold and precious silver treasure.` (Job 22:24-25). When the Lord Iinds a generation that He can bless without that blessing destroying them, we will see the divine destinies oI nations begin to be IulIilled, and we will be released to take the gospel oI the kingdom to the ends oI the earth. Matthew 13:44 tells us that when we see the treasure in the Iield, in our JOY we will sell all to possess the Iield. God is revealing His loveliness in such a powerIul way in this hour that it will outshine every earthly treasure. We are living in the day when the Lord is releasing a BRIDAL LOVE upon his Body. Everything that this world has to oIIer will pale in comparison to His revealed glory and majesty. Scripture Prayers Ior Prosperity was compiled in this spirit. Our motivation Ior prosperity cannot be to consume His blessings upon ourselves, but to realize, even as Abraham did, that we are blessed so that we can BE a blessing. It is important to pray these scriptures over ourselves and over the nations Ior ONE PURPOSEto see the kingdoms oI this world become the kingdoms oI our God and oI His Christ! (Revelation11:15). 2 SCRIPTURE PRAYERS FOR PROSPERITY Father, I come to you today repenting Ior any misuse oI the blessings that You have placed in my hands. Please Iorgive any area where I have been an unIaithIul steward. I stand as a priest over all oI my ancestors and remit any and all sins that would have perpetuated curses oI poverty or debt in my Iamily. Do not lay those sins to their charge. I now apply the cruciIied Ilesh and blood oI Jesus, Who became a curse Ior me, and I declare an end to all related curses. I declare that Irom this day Iorward, ALL that I have belongs to You, Father. Thank You, Father, that as I speak Your Word over my Iinances today, Your angelic warriors are hearkening to the sound oI my voice to perIorm that which I speak. (Psalm 103:20). Thank You, Father, that You have put Your words in my mouth, and You are alert and active, watching over Your Word to PERFORM it. (Jeremiah 1:9, 12). Thank You, Father, Ior Your Word, which promises that WHATEVER I ask Ior in prayer, believing, it is granted to me. ThereIore, I receive as my PRESENT POSSESSION the things, which I am praying today over my Iinances, being FULLY ASSURED that as I am praying YOUR WORD, I am praying YOUR WILL. (Mark 11:24; I John 5:14-15). Thank You, Father, that as I speak Your Word over my Iinances, it is like a FIRE consuming ALL oI those areas in my liIe that are inconsistent with Your principles concerning Iinances which cannot endure the test oI Your Word. I call Iorth the HAMMER oI Your Word to break in pieces the rock oI MOST STUBBORN RESISTANCE. (Jeremiah 23:29). Thank You, Father, that as I speak Your Word over my Iinances, it shall not return to You void without producing any eIIectuselessbut it is accomplishing that which YOU please and purpose, and it is PROSPERING in the thing Ior which it is sent. (Isaiah 55:11). Thank You, Father, that because I bring ALL oI my tithesthe whole tenth oI my incomeinto Your storehouse, there is FOOD in Your house. You are opening the windows oI heaven and pouring me out such a bountiIul blessing, that there is not room enough to receive it. You are rebuking the devourer Ior my sake. You will not destroy the Iruits oI my ground, neither shall my vine drop its Iruit beIore the time in the Iield. All nations shall call me happy and blessed. (Malachi 3:10-12). Thank You, Father, that because my eyes wait Ior You expectantly, You are giving me my Iood in due season. You are opening Your hand to satisIy me with Iavor. (Psalm 145:15-16). Thank You, Father, that You are saving me. You are sending PROSPERITY, and You are giving me SUCCESS. (Psalm 118:25). 3 Father, I declare that because I believe in and rely on YOUNOT Irail, weak human Ileshand because YOU are my HOPE and CONFIDENCE, I am like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river. I shall not see and Iear when heat comes, but my leaI is green. I am not anxious or careIul in the year oI drought, nor do I cease Irom yielding Iruit. (Jeremiah 17:5-8). Thank You, Father, that You are teaching me to PROFIT. You are leading me by the way that I should go. ThereIore, I declare that because I hearken to Your commandments, my PEACE and PROSPERITY are like a Ilowing river. My righteousness is like the abundant waves oI the sea. (Isaiah 48:17-18). Thank You, Father, that because my house belongs to YOU, You are encamping about it as a guard or garrison, so that NONE shall march back and Iorth, and NO OPPRESSOR or DEMANDING COLLECTOR shall again over-run me, Ior NOW Your eyes are upon me. (Zechariah 9:8). Father, I declare that I am BEAUTIFUL and PROSPEROUS in Your sight. You think oI me as a crown oI glory and honoran exceedingly beautiIul royal diademin Your hand. (Isaiah 61:3). Father, I declare that I am called Your priest. People speak oI me as Your minister. I am eating the WEALTH oI nations, and the glory once that oI my captorsthe devil and all oI his hordes is MINE. For my Iormer shame I have a two-Iold recompense. Instead oI dishonor and reproach, I am rejoicing in my portion. I possess DOUBLE what I have IorIeited. Everlasting joy is mine. Because oI Your everlasting covenant with me, my oIIspring shall be known among the nations, and my descendants among the peoples. ALL who see them in their PROSPERITY will recognize and acknowledge that THEY are the people whom the Lord has blessed. (Isaiah 61:6-9). Father, I declare that because I listen diligently to Your voice, being watchIul to do all oI Your commandments, ALL oI these blessings are coming upon me and overtaking me. I am blessed in the city, I am blessed in the Iield. Blessed is the Iruit oI my body, the Iruit oI my ground, the Iruit oI my beasts, the increase oI my cattle and the young oI my Ilock. Blessed is my basket and kneading trough. I am blessed when I come in and when I go out. You are causing my enemies who rise up against me to be deIeated beIore my Iace. When they come out against me one way, they Ilee beIore me seven ways. You are commanding the blessing upon me in my storehouse, and in ALL that I undertake. You are blessing me in the land, which You have given me. You are establishing me as HOLY unto YOURSELF. All the people oI the earth see that I am called by Your Name, and they are aIraid oI me. You are making me to have a SURPLUS oI PROSPERITY through the Iruit oI my BODY, the Iruit oI my LIVESTOCK and the Iruit oI my LAND. You are opening to me Your GOOD TREASURY, the heavens, to give rain on my land in its season, and You are blessing ALL the work oI my hands. I am LENDING to many nations, BUT I am NOT BORROWING. You are making me the HEAD and NOT the TAIL. I am ABOVE ONLY and NOT BENEATH. (Deuteronomy 28:1-13). 4 Father, I make it my ambition and deIinitely endeavor to live quietly and peaceIully, minding my own aIIairs, and working with my own hands, so that I may bear myselI becomingly, be correct and honorable and command the respect oI the outside world, being SELF-SUPPORTING, dependent on NOBODY and having need oI NOTHING. Because I am DILIGENT, You are making me RICH. Because I am BLESSED by YOU, I am TRULY RICH, and You add NO SORROW with it, NEITHER does TOILING INCREASE it. ThereIore, I do not WEARY myselI to be RICH. WHATEVER I DOWHATEVER MY TASK, I work at it heartily as something done Ior YOU and NOT Ior MEN. I do ALL Ior Your honor and gloryNOT Ior the sake oI accumulating RICHES. (I Thessalonians 4:11-12, Proverbs 10:4b, Proverbs 10:22, Proverbs 23:4a; I Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:23). Thank You, Father, that You are NOT blessing me with abundant increase so that I can consume it upon my own sensual pleasures and abandon myselI to soIt, prodigal living and the pleasures oI selI-indulgence and selI-gratiIication, but You are blessing me so that I can BE a BLESSING, dispensing good to OTHERS. ThereIore, I declare that I am contributing to the needs oI Your people, sharing in the necessities oI the saints, and pursuing the practice oI hospitality. (James 4:3; James 5:5; Genesis 12:2; Romans 12:13). Thank You, Father, that BY YOUR GRACE, You are making my character and moral disposition FREE Irom the LOVE oI MONEYincluding GREED, AVARICE, LUST and CRAVING Ior EARTHLY POSSESSIONS. You are making me to be satisIied with my PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES and with WHAT I HAVE. I rest in the assurance that You will not in any way Iail me, give me up, nor leave me WITHOUT SUPPORT. You will not in any degree leave me helpless, nor will You Iorsake me, let me down, or relax Your hold on me. (Hebrews 13:5). Father, I declare that I eat in PLENTY, I am SATISFIED, and I praise Your Name, because You have dealt WONDROUSLY with me. In Your Son, JESUS, I am ENRICHED in EVERY RESPECT. (Joel 2:26; I Corinthians 1:5). Father, I declare that because I have sown generously in order Ior BLESSING to come to SOMEONE ELSE, I will also REAP GENEROUSLY and WITH BLESSINGS. (II Corinthians 9:6). Thank You, Father, that You take pleasure in and prize me because I am a cheerIul, joyous, prompt-to-do-it, wholehearted giver. (II Corinthians 9:7). Father, I declare that I am BLESSED because I have a bountiIul eye toward the poor. (Proverbs 22:9). Thank, You, Father, that You are able to make ALL GRACEevery Iavor and earthly blessing come to me IN ABUNDANCE, so that I may ALWAYS and under ALL circumstances and WHATEVER the need, be SELF-SUFFICIENTenough to require NO AID or SUPPORT and Iurnished IN ABUNDANCE Ior every good work and charitable donation. (II Corinthians 9:8). 5 Father, I declare that because I FEAR You, PROSPERITY and WELFARE are in my house. It is WELL with me because I lend and deal generously. Because I have distributed Ireely and have given to the poor and needy, my righteousness endures Iorever and my horn shall be exalted in honor. (Psalm 112:3, 5, 9). Thank You, Father, that You are providing me seed to sow and bread to eat. You are MULTIPLYING my RESOURCES Ior SOWING, and increasing the Iruits oI my righteousness. ThereIore, I declare that I am ENRICHED in ALL THINGS and in EVERY WAY, so that I can be GENEROUS. Because oI my generosity, the saints are supplied with that which is lacking, and they overIlow in many cries oI thanksgiving to YOU. (II Corinthians 9:10-12). Father, I declare that FIRST and FOREMOST I have given MYSELF to YOU, and THEN to YOUR SERVANTS by Your design and will. ThereIore, I disregard my OWN personal interests, and I give as much as I possibly can, putting myselI at the disposal oI the saints to be directed by Your will. I not only abound and excel in everythingin FAITH, in EXPRESSING MYSELF, in KNOWLEDGE, in ALL ZEAL and my LOVE Ior the SAINTS, but I also ABOUND and EXCEL in the GRACIOUS WORK oI ALMSGIVING. (II Corinthians 8:7). Father, I declare that I am coming progressively to be acquainted with and to recognize more strongly and clearly the GRACE oI the Lord Jesus ChristHis kindness, HIS gracious GENEROSITY, His undeserved Iavor and spiritual blessing; in that though He was so VERY RICH, yet Ior MY SAKE He became so VERY POOR, in order that BY HIS POVERTY I might become ENRICHED and ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED. ThereIore, it is my STRONG DESIRE to contribute to the relieI oI the saints, and my enthusiastic readiness in DESIRING to contribute is EQUALLED by my COMPLETION oI it according to my ability and means. (II Corinthians 8:9-11). Thank You, Father, that YOUR GRACE is enabling me to learn how to be CONTENT satisIied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquietedin WHATEVER state I am. ThereIore, I declare that I know how to be ABASED and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy PLENTY and live in ABUNDANCE. I have learned in ANY and ALL circumstances, the secret oI Iacing every situation, whether well-Ied or going hungry, having suIIiciency and enough to spare, or going without and being in want. I have strength Ior ALL things in Your Son, Jesus, Who empowers me. I am ready Ior ANYTHING and equal to ANYTHING through JESUS, Who inIuses inner strength into me. I am SELF- SUFFICIENT in CHRIST'S SUFFICIENCY. (Philippians 4:11-13). Father, I declare that I am PROSPERING in EVERY WAY and my body is keeping well to the degree that my SOUL is keeping well and prospering. I do not desire prosperity BEYOND my CHARACTER LEVEL (soul prosperity) to handle it, lest when I have eaten and am Iull, and have built a goodly house and lived in it, and when my herds and Ilocks multiply, and my silver and gold are multiplied, my mind and heart would be liIted up, and I would Iorget You, saying that MY power and the might oI MY hand has gotten me this wealth. But, I desire that You would only prosper me to the degree oI my INTEGRITY to be a FAITHFUL STEWARD, so that in my prosperity, I would earnestly remember YOU, Ior it is YOU Who gives me power to get 6 wealth in order to ESTABLISH Your COVENANT with me. (III John 2; Deuteronomy 8:12-14, 17-18). Father, You have said in Your Word that GODLINESS accompanied with contentment is great and abundant GAINNOT that great and abundant GAIN is GODLINESS. Never allow me to be deceived into thinking that just because I am prospering I must be godly, or that because You are blessing me, I must be in the center oI Your will. Grant me the grace to set my aIIections and ambitions on acquiring GODLINESS with contentmentNOT on acquiring great and abundant GAIN. (I Timothy 6:6). Thank You, Father, that You are bringing me into a GOOD LANDa land in which I shall eat Iood WITHOUT SHORTAGE and LACK NOTHING. (Deuteronomy 8:7a, 9a). Father, I declare that I am not allowing the cares and anxieties oI the world, the distractions oI the age, the PLEASURE, DELIGHT, FALSE GLAMOUR and DECEITFULNESS oI RICHES, and the CRAVING and PASSIONATE DESIRE Ior OTHER THINGS to creep in and choke and suIIocate the Word, so that it becomes Iruitless in my liIe, but I am ALLOWING the seed oI the Word which You speak to my heart to Iall on GOOD SOIL. I am RECEIVING, ACCEPTING and WELCOMING it. Your Word is bearing Iruit ONE HUNDRED FOLD in my liIe. (Mark 4:19-20). Father, Your Word says that unless I FORSAKE, RENOUNCE, SURRENDER CLAIM, GIVE UP and SAY GOODBYE to ALL that I have, I CANNOT be Your disciple. So, Father, I give up ALL RIGHTS to call ANYTHING mine. EVERYTHING I HAVE and AM belongs to You. Father, I relinquish Iully to You the decision oI what and how much You give back to me, asking Ior the GRACE to be a FAITHFUL STEWARD over that which You entrust to me. (Luke 14:33). Father, iI, Ior YOUR sake or the sake oI the GOSPEL, it requires that I give up and leave house, brothers, sisters, mother, Iather, children or lands, I would consider it a very great honor. My DELIGHT is to DO YOUR WILL, regardless oI the personal cost involved, because YOU are the PRICELESS TREASURE that is buried in the Iield. IN MY JOY I choose to sell ALL that I have (that is, I give up MY control over and MY ownership oI ALL that I haveNOT oIIering SACRIFICES that You are not requiring oI me, but OBEYING the prompting oI what YOU SPEAK to my heart to yield to You Ior the sake oI accomplishing Your will). Father, YOU are TRUE RICHES, and there is NO PRICE TOO GREAT Ior such a TREASURE. I lean on Your good promise that Ior EVERYTHING I give up, I will receive a HUNDRED TIMES AS MUCH in THIS liIe, with persecutions, and in the liIe TO COME. (Mark 10:29-30; Matthew 13:44; I Samuel 15:22; Luke 16:11). Father, You have said in Your Word that NO man can serve two masters, Ior either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. I CANNOT serve YOU and MAMMON(that is, DECEITFUL RICHES, MONEY, or POSSESSIONS), nor can I put my trust in ANYTHING or ANYONE apart Irom YOU, Ior You have said, 'He that trusts in and is confident in his own riches shall fall.` 7 ThereIore, I choose this day Who I will serve. As Ior me, and my house, we will SERVE YOU, Father. I REFUSE to be ANXIOUS, WORRIED or PERPETUALLY UNEASY about my liIe what I will eat or what I will drinkor about my bodywhat I will put onIor LIFE is GREATER than FOOD and the BODY is Iar above and MORE EXCELLENT than CLOTHING. II You clothe the grass oI the Iield, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the Iurnace, will You not MUCH MORE SURELY clothe ME? ThereIore, I WILL NOT WORRY or BE ANXIOUS, saying, 'What am I going to eat?, or 'What am I going have to drink?, or 'What am I going to wear?, Ior the Gentiles WISH FOR, CRAVE and DILIGENTLY SEEK aIter ALL THESE THINGS. You, Father, know WELL that I need them all. But I choose to seek FIRST YOUR KINGDOM and YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, and THEN ALL THESE THINGS taken together will be given to me BESIDES. I will not worry or be anxious Ior TOMORROW, Ior tomorrow will have worries and anxieties oI it`s own. SuIIicient Ior each day is it`s own trouble. (Matthew 6:24-34; Proverbs 11:28; Joshua 24:15). Thank You, Father, that You are equipping me with EVERYTHING GOOD that I may CARRY OUT YOUR WILL. (Hebrews 13:21). Father, I declare that I do not Iorget or neglect to do kindness and good, or to be GENEROUS and distribute and contribute to the needy oI the church, Ior such sacriIices are WELL-PLEASING to You. (Hebrews 13:16). Father, I declare that because I am a GIVER, giIts will be given to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into my bag. The measure that I have dealt out when I have conIerred beneIits on OTHERS is the measure that will be measured back to ME. (Luke 6:38). Thank You, Father, that You are CAUSING me to go PROSPEROUSLY on my way oI OBEDIENCE and SERVICE. (Genesis 24:56; Psalm 91:11). Father, I declare that because Your Word does not depart out oI my mouth, but I meditate on it day and night, observing to do ALL that is written in it (by the power oI YOUR GRACE at work within me), You are making my way PROSPEROUS, I am dealing WISELY and having GOOD SUCCESS. (Joshua 1:8; Philippians 2:13). Father, I declare that because I keep Your charge, walk in Your ways and obey Your voice, ALL that I do is WISE, and I am PROSPERING in ALL that I do and wherever I turn. (I Kings 2:3). Father, I declare that I am acquainting myselI with Youagreeing with You and showing myselI to be conIormed to YOUR will. ThereIore, I am at peace, and PROSPERITY and GREAT GOOD are coming to me. I am receiving instruction Irom Your mouth and laying up Your words in my heart. I am returning to You, Almighty One, and SUBMITTING and HUMBLING myselI beIore You. ThereIore, I am being BUILT UP. I am putting away unrighteousness Iar Irom my house. I am laying my GOLDmy MATERIAL POSSESSIONS and ALL that I TREASUREin the dust, considering them oI LITTLE WORTH, and I am making YOU, the Almighty One, MY GOLD, and PRECIOUS SILVER TREASURE. I delight in YOU, Almighty 8 One, and liIt my Iace to YOU. ThereIore, when I make my prayer to You, You hear me. When I decide and decree a thing, You are establishing it Ior me. The light oI Your Iavor is shining upon all oI my ways. When my circumstances make me low, I am able to say, 'There is a liIting up, because I have humbled myselI beIore You. You will even deliver the ones Ior whom I intercede who are not innocent. Yes, they will be delivered through the cleanness oI MY hands. (Job 22:21-30). Father, I declare that I am blessed, happy, Iortunate PROSPEROUS and enviable because I walk uprightly, and I do not live in the counsel oI the ungodly, Iollowing their advice, their plans or their purposes, nor do I stand submissive and inactive in the path where sinners walk, nor do I sit down to relax and rest where the scornIul and the mockers gather. But, my DELIGHT and DESIRE are in Your Word, and on Your Word do I mediate, ponder and study day and night. I am like a tree Iirmly planted and tended by the streams oI water, ready to bring Iorth my Iruit in its season. My leaI also does not Iade or wither, and EVERYTHING I do PROSPERS and comes to maturity. (Psalm 1:1-3). Thank You, Father, that You take PLEASURE in my PROSPERITY. ThereIore, I declare that I do not allow myselI to be seized with alarm and struck with Iear, Ior it is YOUR GOOD PLEASURE to give me the kingdom. (Psalm 35:27b; Luke 12:32). Father, I declare that I have made YOU my strength, stronghold and tower. I do NOT put my trust and conIidence in the ABUNDANCE oI MY RICHES, seeking reIuge and security Ior myselI through wickedness. I do not continue to lay up and HOARD POSSESSIONS Ior MYSELF, but I am RICH in my RELATION to YOU. I am like a green olive tree in Your house. I put my trust and conIidence in YOUR LOVINGKINDESS and MERCY Iorever. (Psalm 52:7-8; Luke 12:21). Father, I declare that when my RICHES INCREASE, I do NOT set my HEART on THEM, Ior iI my heart is set on THEM, I am already receiving my consolationthe solace and sense oI strengthening and cheer that come Irom EARTHLY PROSPERITYand I have taken and enjoyed my comIort IN FULL, having NOTHING leIt to be awarded to me. But, because my heart is set on YOU, Father, I give away to EVERYONE who begs oI me, who is in want oI necessities, and oI him who takes away my goods Irom me, I do not demand or require them back again. I lend expecting and hoping Ior nothing in return, but I consider nothing as lost and despair oI no one. ThereIore, my reward is great, rich, strong, intense and abundant. I give donations to the poor out oI that which I possess, providing myselI with a purse that does not grow old. I am Iilling that purse with an UNFAILING and INEXHAUSTIBLE TREASURE in the HEAVENS, where no thieI comes near and no moth destroys, and because my TREASURE is in HEAVEN, that is where my HEART is also. ThereIore, I aim at and seek the RICH, ETERNAL TREASURES that are ABOVE, where Christ is seated at Your right hand. I set my mind and keep it set on what is ABOVEthe higher thingsNOT on things that are on the earth, Ior as Iar as this world is concerned, I have DIED, and my NEW, REAL LIFE is hid with Christ in YOU. I guard myselI and keep Iree Irom ALL COVETOUSNESSthe immoderate desire Ior WEALTH, and the greedy longing to have MORE, Ior my LIFE does NOT consist and is not derived Irom possessing OVERFLOWING ABUNDANCE, or that which is over and 9 above my NEEDS, but my TRUE LIFE is in knowing and becoming acquainted with YOU, the only true and real God, and in knowing Your Son, Jesus, Whom you sent. (Psalm 62:10; Luke 6:24, 30, 35; Colossians 3:1-3; Luke 12:15; John 17:3). Father, I declare that I rejoice in the way oI Your testimonies as much as in ALL RICHES. Your ordinances I desire MORE than GOLD, even than MUCH FINE GOLD. I would rather choose the GOOD NAME, which You have given me than GREAT RICHES, and I would rather have Your LOVING FAVOR than SILVER or GOLD. My greatest desire, Father, is that You would make known to me the WEALTH oI Your GLORY, the IMMEASURABLE, LIMITLESS, and SURPASSING RICHES oI Your GRACE toward me, and the UNENDING, BOUNDLESS, FATHOMLESS, INCALCULABLE and EXHAUSTLESS RICHES oI JESUS CHRIST. (Psalm 119:14; Psalm 19:9-10; Proverbs 22:1; Romans 9:23; Ephesians 2:7; Ephesians 3:8). Father, I declare that I PROSPER because I love Your Holy City, Jerusalem, and pray Ior it`s peace. (Psalm 122:6). Father, I declare that because I honor You with my capital and suIIiciency Irom RIGHTEOUS LABORS, and with the FIRST FRUITS oI ALL oI my income, my storage places are Iilled with PLENTY, and my vats are overIlowing with new wine. (Proverbs 3:9-10). Father, I declare that because I am righteous, You will not allow me to Iamish. I am leaving an inheritance oI moral stability and goodness to my children`s children, and the WEALTH oI the sinner Iinds its way eventually into my hands, Ior whom it is laid up. (Proverbs 10:3; Proverbs 13:22). Father, I declare that I WILL NOT earn WEALTH in haste, or unjustly, or Irom the production oI things Ior vain or detrimental use, Ior such riches DWINDLE AWAY, BUT because I gather LITTLE by LITTLE, my riches are increasing. (Proverbs 13:11). Thank You, Father, Ior Your promise that You would reward my HUMILITY and FEAR oI You with RICHES, HONOR and LIFE. (Proverbs 22:4). Father, I declare that through skillIul and godly WISDOM my HOUSE(my LIFE, my HOME and my FAMILY)is BUILT, and by UNDERSTANDING it is ESTABLISHED on a sound and good Ioundation, and by KNOWLEDGE are the chambers oI its every area Iilled with ALL PRECIOUS and PLEASANT RICHES. (Proverbs 24:3-4). Father, I declare that because I DO NOT COVER my transgressions I am PROSPERING. Because I CONFESS and FORSAKE my sins, I am obtaining MERCY. (Proverbs 28:13). Father, I declare that because I am FAITHFUL, I am abounding with BLESSINGS. Because I put my trust in YOU, I am ENRICHED and BLESSED. Because I am calling upon You in Iaith, You are GENEROUSLY BESTOWING Your RICHES upon me. (Proverbs 28:20a; 25b Romans 10:12). 1 Father, I cannot eat or Iind ENJOYMENT in my labor apart Irom YOU. Even iI You give me RICHES, POSSESSIONS, and HONOR, so that I lack NOTHING Ior my soul oI ALL that I might DESIRE, and yet You do NOT give me, as a GIFT oI Your GRACE, the POWER or CAPACITY to ENJOY it, it would ALL be Ior NOTHING. But I thank You, that because I PLEASE you, I can REJOICE in my toil, Ior You are giving me WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and JOY, and You are giving the SINNER the work oI gathering and heaping up, so that he may GIVE to ME. (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26; 5:18-19; 6:2). Father, I declare that because I am WILLING and OBEDIENT, I am eating the good oI the land. (Isaiah 1:19). Thank You, Father, that even though You have given me SKILL and WISDOM, I do not boast in THAT, and even though You have given me STRENGTH and POWER, I do not boast in THAT, and even though You have given me EARTHLY WEALTH and TEMPORAL SATISFACTIONS, I do not boast in THAT, but I glory and boast in THIS: that I UNDERSTAND and KNOW YOU personally. I boast and proudly rejoice in YOU. (Jeremiah 9:23-24; I Corinthians 1:31). Thank You, Father, that You are giving me the TREASURES oI darkness and HIDDEN RICHES oI SECRET PLACES that I may know that it is You, the Lord God oI Israel, Who calls me by my name. (Isaiah 45:3). Thank You, Father, that You have called me, You have brought me, and You are making my way PROSPEROUS. (Isaiah 48:15). Thank You, Father, that You are LIBERALLY SUPPLYINGIilling to the FULLmy EVERY NEED according to YOUR RICHES in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). Father, my heart is braced, comIorted, cheered and encouraged as I am knit together in love to Your people, so that I may come to have ALL the abounding WEALTH and BLESSINGS oI assured conviction oI understanding, and that I may become progressively more intimately acquainted with, and may know more deIinitely and accurately and thoroughly Your mystic secret, which is JESUS. In HIM ALL the TREASURES oI WISDOM, and ALL the RICHES oI spiritual KNOWLEDGE and ENLIGHTENMENT are stored up and lie hidden. ThereIore, I declare that whatever Iormer things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as one combined LOSS Ior Christ's sake. Furthermore, I count EVERYTHING as LOSS compared to the POSSESSION oI the PRICELESS PRIVILEGEthe OVERWHELMING PRECIOUSNESS, the SURPASSING WORTH and SUPREME ADVANTAGEoI knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, and oI progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, oI perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more Iully and clearly. For HIS sake, I have LOST EVERYTHING and CONSIDER it ALL mere RUBBISH, in order that I may win Him. (Colossians 2:2-3; Philippians 3:7-8). Father, I brought NOTHING into the world, and obviously I cannot take ANYTHING out oI the world. II' I have FOOD and CLOTHING, with these I will be CONTENT and SATISFIED, 1 because those who crave to be RICH Iall into temptation and a snare, and into many Ioolish, useless, godless and hurtIul desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction and miserable perishing, because the LOVE oI MONEY is a root oI ALL EVILS. It is through THIS CRAVING that some have been led astray, and have WANDERED Irom the FAITH and pierced themselves through with many acute MENTAL PANGS. BUT as Ior ME, I FLEE Irom ALL oI these things. I aim at and pursue RIGHTEOUSNESS, FAITH, LOVE, STEADFASTNESS, PATIENCE and GENTLEHEARTEDNESS. I Iight the good Iight oI FAITH. I lay hold oI the eternal liIe to which I was summoned, and I conIess the good conIession oI Iaith beIore many witnesses. I am not proud, arrogant and contemptuous oI others, nor do I set my hopes on UNCERTAIN RICHES, but on YOU, Father, Who RICHLY and CEASELESSLY PROVIDES me with EVERYTHING Ior my ENJOYMENT. I do GOOD, I am RICH in GOOD WORKS, and I am LIBERAL and GENEROUS-HEARTED, ready to SHARE with OTHERS. ThereIore, I am laying up Ior myselI the RICHES that endure FOREVERa good Ioundation Ior the FUTURE, so that I may grasp that which is LIFE INDEED. (I Timothy 6:7-12; I Timothy 6:17-19). Father, I preIer to share the oppression, suIIer the hardships, and bear the shame oI Your people rather than to have the Ileeting enjoyment oI a sinIul liIe. I consider the contempt, abuse and shame borne Ior Your Son, Jesus, to be GREATER WEALTH than ALL the TREASURES oI this world, because I am looking FORWARD and AWAY to the REWARD that is to come. (Hebrews 11:25-26). Father, I declare that because I am NOT LUKEWARM, but AGLOW and BURNING with the SPIRIT, I will still realize my DESPERATE NEED oI YOU, when I have PROSPERED and GROWN WEALTHY. I desire to purchase Irom You GOLD (Your divine nature) reIined and tested by Iire, that I may be TRULY WEALTHY, and WHITE CLOTHES (holiness) to keep the shame oI my nudity Irom being seen and EYESALVE that my SPIRITUAL EYES may see You clearly. (Revelation 3:16-18; Romans 12:11). Father, You have said in Your Word that You utter Your VOICE and bring Iorth the wind Irom out oI Your storehouses and treasuries. It is these scriptures Irom which the term, 'windIall blessing came. Your Word also tells me that angels hearken to the VOICE oI Your Word. So, Father, by Your authority, I put a VOICE to Your Word and commission angels to release the wind Irom out oI Your storehouses and treasuriesnot only Ior me and my descendants, but Ior the Body oI Christ to bring about Your end-time purposes in the earth. Kingdom oI God, COME! Will oI God, BE DONE! In the mighty Name oI Jesus! AMEN! (Psalm 135:7; Jeremiah 51:16; Psalm 103:20; Matthew 6:10). NOTE: When constructing a building, a scaIIold is oIten needed to aid in the process oI completion. However, when the building is Iinished, the scaIIold is no longer needed. These scripture prayers are merely a scaIIold. They are not the building itselI. They are designed to assist us in building the Word oI God into our hearts, and teach us how to pray the Word in any given situation. The more the Word oI God is deposited within us, the more spontaneous our prayers will become, as the Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance speciIic scriptures which apply to the area upon which we are Iocusing. Once we have the mentality oI praying the Word, we will Iind that as we are reading the Word, many other scriptures will begin to 'come alive Ior the purpose oI prayer. COPYRIGHT 1989. Revised 2003. All scriptural quotes and prayers are taken Irom the AmpliIied Bible (Zondervan), unless otherwise notated. All emphasis is added by the author. Feel Iree to make copies as long as it is not Ior the purpose oI resale 1